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State cancer registry laws and requirements
State Cancer Registry
Alabama Statewide Cancer Registry
Alabama Department of Public Health
Phone: (334) 206-5557
Fax: (334) 206-3757
General information on who is to report to the registry
General information on which cancers are to be reported to the registry
All healthcare facilities and/or providers diagnosing or providing treatment to cancer patients shall report complete abstracts on each case of confirmed cancer on a monthly
basis in the prescribed format within 180 days of admission or diagnosis.
Rules of the Alabama
Alabama Revised State Board of Health Healthcare providers (specifically physicians) diagnosing or providing treatment to cancer patients each year must report each confirmed case of cancer not previously
Statute § 22-13
Chapter 420-7-3
reported by a healthcare facility.
7 AAC 27.011. Reporting of cancer and brain tumors
Alaska Cancer Registry
Alaska Department of Health and Social
Phone: (907) 269-2020
Fax: (907) 561-1896
(b) The following must be provided for each form of in-situ and invasive cancer, with the exception of basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin and in-situ carcinoma of the cervix uteri, and must be
provided for each brain-related tumor, whether malignant or benign, occurring in the brain, the meninges, the spinal cord, the cauda equina, a cranial nerve, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, the craniopharyngeal
duct, or any other part of the central nervous system:
7 AAC 27.011. Reporting of cancer and brain tumors
(1) information about the patient, including as a minimum, name, date of birth, sex, race, ethnicity, community of residence, date of diagnosis, primary site, and name of attending or admitting health care provider;
Alaska Statutes
Sec. 18.05.042
Alaska Administrative (a) A hospital, physician, surgeon, or other health care facility or health care provider diagnosing, screening, or providing treatment for a cancer patient in this state shall
Code 7 AAC 27.011
report the information specified in (b) of this section to the division, within six months of the date of diagnosis, screening, or treatment.
(2) pathological data characterizing the cancer, including the cancer site, stage of disease, and type of treatment.
Physicians must report cancer cases in the following two instances:
1. If the ACR receives a pathology report of a cancer case not already reported by a hospital or cancer clinic, the ACR will send the physician a partially completed report
form. The physician is required to verify and correct (if necessary) the accuracy of the report form, complete any blanks, and send the form back to the ACR within 30 days.
Arizona Cancer Registry
Arizona Department of Health Services
Phone: (602) 542-7320
Fax: (602) 542-7362
Arizona Revised
Statute §36-133
Arkansas Central Cancer Registry
Arkansas Department of Health
Phone: (501) 661-2463
Email: [email protected]
Ark. Code Ann. §§
20-15-201 - 205
2. Physicians are required to initiate a report within 30 days of diagnosis for cancer cases meeting all the following criteria:
Arizona Administrative -Not seen in an Arizona hospital;
Code Title 9, Chapter -Not seen in a cancer clinic (one that sees >100 cases per year);
-Not confirmed by a pathology lab licensed in Arizona.
A reportable case is defined as: any malignant neoplasm (solid or hematopoietic); carcinoma in situ; or benign tumor of the central nervous system and pineal and pituitary glands.
Each hospital or medical facility providing screening, diagnostic or therapeutic services, physicians, including surgeons and all other health care practitioners or their
designees shall report information concerning each cancer case.
Newly diagnosed in situ and invasive neoplasm’s of the human body, not including squamous and basal cell carcinoma of the skin and in situ of the cervix.
Cancer reporting facility means a hospital or other facility which treats or diagnoses cancer and is also one of the following:
(A) A facility currently licensed as a health facility under the provisions of Chapter 2, commencing with Section 1250, of Division 2 of the Health and Safety Code;
California Cancer Registry
California Department of Public Health
Phone: (916) 779-0300
Fax: (916) 779-0264
(B) A surgical clinic licensed under Chapter 1, Section 1204, of Division 2 of the Health and Safety Code;
California Health
and Safety Code, Cal. Admin. Code tit.
Section 103885
17, § 2593
(C) A facility covered by the provisions of Section 1206, except for subsection (f), of the Health and Safety Code which, while not licensed as a clinic, is operated for the
predominant purpose of diagnosing or treating cancer or where a minimum of 100 or more cancer cases are diagnosed or treated in a year.
All malignant neoplasms, regardless of the tissue of origin, including malignant lymphoma, Hodgkins disease, and leukemia, but excluding basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.
Colorado Central Cancer Registry
Colorado Department of Public Health and
Phone: (303) 692-2540
Email: [email protected]
Colorado Revised
Statutes, Section
6 CCR 1009-3
6 CCR 1009-3
III. Reporting Required.
Information concerning all Colorado patients diagnosed and/or treated as having cancer by every Colorado hospital, diagnostic and/or treatment clinic, pathology laboratory
and diagnosing physician who does not refer cancer patient to any other facility for diagnosis and/or treatment shall be reportable to the Colorado Department of Public
Health and Environment. These reports shall be made in a standard format, designated by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, shall include the
name and address of the patient, medical history, environmental factors, date and method of diagnosis, primary site, stage of disease, tissue diagnosis, laboratory data,
methods of treatment and physician names and shall be submitted no later than six months from diagnosis date.
All malignant tumors, except basal and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin.
Connecticut Tumor Registry
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Phone: (860) 509-7163
Fax: (860) 509-7161
Chapter 368, Sec.
All hospitals and private pathology laboratories in Connecticut are required by law to report cancer cases to the registry.
All hospitals, laboratories, physicians and other health care providers are required by state law to report all newly diagnosed and/or treated cancer cases.
DC Code § 7-300
DC Cancer Registry collectes data from acute care hospitals, labs, and other reporting agencies mandated under existing law. The Department of Health has also entered
into reciprocal exchange agreements for cancer information with its neighboring states - in order to capture all occurrences of cancer among DC residents.
The registry tracks all types of malignant cancers, and certain benign tumors, and publishes annual reports on the incidence and mortality of cancer in the District.
Florida Statute
395 Florida
Statute 408.07
Rule 64D-3
Florida Statue
381.0031 Florida Florida Administrative
Statute 483
Code Chapter 64D-3
All facilities licensed under FL statute 395 and each freestanding radiation therapy center under statue 408.07;
All ambulatory surgical centers as specified by Rule 64D-3.006;
Any licensed practitioner in the state of Florida that practices medicine, osteopathic, chiropractic medicine, naturopathy or veterinary medicine are required to report under
Chapter 381; or
Any laboratory licensed under chapter FL statute 483 that diagnoses or suspects the existence of a cancer.
Florida statute requires all malignant cancers reportable with the following exceptions:
1. In situ carcinoma of the cervix (CIS), intraepithelial neoplasia grade III of the cervix (CIN III) and intraepithelial neoplasia of the prostate (PIN III) are not reportable.
2. Basal and squamous cell carcinoma of non-genital skin sites are not reportable regardless of extent of disease at the time of diagnosis or the date of first contact with the reporting facility.
3. Reportable on or after diagnosis date of 01/01/2001 are Intraepithelial neoplasia Grade III of vulva (VIN III), vagina (VAIN III) and anus (AIN III) and Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS).
4. All patients with an active, benign or borderline brain or central nervous system (CNS) tumor, diagnosed on or after 01/01/2004, whether being treated or not are reportable.
Delaware Cancer Registry
Delaware Division of Public Health
Phone: (302) 995-8605
Fax: (302) 995-8250
District of Columbia Cancer Registry
District of Columbia Department of Health
Phone: (202) 442-5925
District of Columbia Fax: (202) 442-9432
Florida Cancer Data System
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of Miami School of Medicine
Phone: (305) 243-4600
Fax: (305) 243-4871
Admin Code Title 16,
All health care providers in the state of Georgia are required to report specific information on cancer in their patient population to the Georgia Comprehensive Cancer
Registry. This includes all facilities providing diagnostic evaluations and/or treatment for cancer patients, including but not limited to:
Georgia Comprehensive Cancer Registry
Georgia Department of Human Resources
Phone: (404) 657-1943
Fax: (404) 657-7517
Outpatient surgical facilities
Radiation therapy facilities
Medical oncology facilities
Physicians and Physician's Offices
O.C.G.A § 31-12-2
In addition, reporting agreements are maintained with neighboring states so that Georgia residents who are diagnosed or treated in facilities out of state can be identified.
§324-21 Sources of information protected.
(a) Any person, public or private medical facility, or social or educational agency, may provide information, interviews, reports, statements, memoranda, biological
specimens, or other data or relevant material relating to individuals with cancer or pre-cancerous conditions to the Hawaii Tumor Registry. This information may be used in
the course of any cancer research study approved by the cancer commission of the Hawaii Medical Association and the appropriate federally authorized human subjects
protection board.
Hawaii Tumor Registry
Hawaii State Department of Health
Phone: (808) 586-9750
Fax: (808) 587-0024
Hawaii Revised
Statutes §324-21
(b) Hospitals, skilled nursing homes, intermediate care homes, free-standing radiation oncology facilities, and other treatment or pathology facilities shall submit a report of
any person admitted with or diagnosed as having cancer to the Hawaii Tumor Registry or participating hospital registry according to a format approved by the cancer
commission of the Hawaii Medical Association. Physicians who diagnose or treat a patient for cancer shall also submit a report to the Hawaii Tumor Registry or participating
hospital registry unless the patient has previously been admitted or treated at a hospital, skilled nursing home, intermediate care home, or free-standing radiation oncology
facility for that particular cancer. The Hawaii Tumor Registry staff or their representative or hospital-based registry staff may assist the hospitals, institutions, treatment or
pathology facilities, and physician offices in the preparation of the reports.
“Reportable cancers” are those cancers included in the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program.
Last Updated - December 2012
State cancer registry laws and requirements
16.02.10 - 020
01. Physician. A licensed physician who diagnoses, treats, or cares for a person with a reportable
disease or condition must make a report of such disease or condition to the Department or Health District as described in these rules. The physician is also responsible for
reporting diseases and conditions diagnosed or treated by physician assistants, nurse practitioners, or others under the physician’s supervision.
Cancer Data Registry of Idaho
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Phone: (208) 338-5100
Fax: (208) 344-0180
Illinois State Cancer Registry
Illinois Department of Public Health
Phone: (217) 785-1873
Fax: (217) 524-1770
02. Hospital or Health Care Facility Administrator. The hospital or health care facility
administrator must report all persons who are diagnosed, treated, or receive care for a reportable disease or condition in his facility unless the attending physician has
reported the disease or condition.
IDAPA 16- Title 02Chapter 10
Illinois Health and
Registry Act
03. Laboratory Director. The laboratory director must report to the Department or Health District the
identification of, or laboratory findings suggestive of, the presence of the organisms, diseases, or conditions listed in Section 050 of these rules.
Section 840.100 Entities Required to Submit Information
a) The Department requires the following facilities to report patient cancer incident information:
1) Hospitals;
2) Hospital-affiliated and free standing or independent laboratories;
3) Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Centers;
4) Independent Radiation Therapy Centers;
5) Independent and reference pathology laboratories;
6) Nursing homes;
7) Physicians' offices; and
8) Other Illinois facilities diagnosing and treating cancer.
Illinois Adminstrative
Code Title 77, Chapter b) The Department requests, but does not require, the following facilities to report cancer incidence information concerning present or past residents of Illinois:
1, Subchapter P, Part 1) Hospitals, clinical laboratories, ambulatory surgical treatment centers or clinics maintained by the federal government or agencies within the United States; and
840, Subpart B
2) Hospitals, clinical laboratories, ambulatory surgical treatment centers or clinics maintained by other states within the United States.
IDAPA 16.02.10
06. Cancers. Cancers that are designated reportable include the following as described in Section 57-1703, Idaho Code:
a. In-situ or malignant neoplasms, but excluding basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin unless occurring on a mucous membrane and excluding in-situ neoplasms of the cervix.
b. Benign tumors of the brain, meninges, pineal gland, or pituitary gland. (4-2-08)
410 IAC 21-1-2 General requirements.
(a) All physicians, dentists, hospitals and medical laboratories shall report all confirmed cases of cancer occurring in Indiana residents who have been diagnosed or treated
in Indiana, to the state board cancer registry.
(b) Any health care provider reporting to a public or private cancer registry on September 1, 1985 shall make available to the state cancer registry, all data as required under
410 IAC 21-1-3 (hospitals) or 410 IAC 21-1-4 (physicians, dentists and medical laboratories) upon the effective date of 410 IAC 21-1.
(c) The state board shall assure state cancer registry computer compatibility for any health care provider who on or before the effective date of 410 IAC 21-1 elects to
transmit the required data by way of a computerized mechanism.
(d) Any health care provider who, after the effective date of 410 IAC 21-1, establishes a computerized mechanism for the purpose of transmitting abstracted data sets via
computer link up, tape transfer, or direct interface, shall be responsible for assuring system compatibility with the state board cancer registry.
(e) Any health care provider who elects to transfer abstracted data sets to the state cancer registry in paper form, shall utilize an abstract form designed or approved by the
state board pursuant to IC 5-15-5.1-5.
(f) All manually prepared data sets shall be mailed or delivered by the health care provider to the state cancer registry.
Indiana State Cancer Registry
Indiana State Department of Health
Phone: (317) 233-7158
Fax: (317) 233-7722
State Health Registry of Iowa
The University of Iowa
Phone: (319) 335-8609
Kansas Cancer Registry
University of Kansas Medical Center
Phone: (913) 588-4722
Fax: (913) 588-7384
Kentucky Cancer Registry
University of Kentucky
Phone: (859) 219-0773
Fax: (859) 219-0557
IC 16-38-2 Title 410, Article 21,
Rule 1 of the Indiana
Administrative Code
(g) All health care providers not reporting to a public or private cancer registry on September 1, 1985, shall begin submitting data on cases diagnosed on or after January 1,
1987 to the state cancer registry as set out in 410 IAC 21-1-3 (hospitals) or 410 IAC 21-1-4 (physicians, dentists and medical laboratories), no later than six (6) months
following the date of such diagnosis.
(h) Reports of confirmed cases of malignant disease shall be submitted to the state cancer registry within six (6) months.
Iowa Administrative
Cancer patient data are collected from hospitals, pathology laboratories, cancer treatment centers, and Iowa death certificates. The State Health Registry (SHRI) also
Code 641- 1.3 (139A), collects data from targeted physicians that send their pathology specimens to out-of-state laboratories. Data are collected by 21 field representatives who are responsible for 641—1.1(139A)
casefinding in their coverage areas.
“Reportable cancers” means those cancers included in the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program.
28-70-2. Reporting requirements.
(d) The reports specified in this regulation shall not be required for the following types of cancer:
Kansas Administrative 28-70-2. Reporting requirements.
Kansas Statute 65- Regulation 28-70-1
(a) Each administrator of a hospital, an ambulatory surgery center, a radiology oncology center, or a pathology laboratory shall, within six months of the date of diagnosis,
1, 168-174
through 28-70-3
report to the registry each case of cancer diagnosed or treated, unless exempted under subsection (d) of this regulation.
(1) Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, unless located on a lip of the face or in the genital area, or unless spread beyond local tissues at the time of diagnosis;
(2) basal cell carcinoma of the skin, unless located on a lip of the face or in the genital areas, or unless spread beyond local tissues at the time of diagnosis; and
(3) carcinoma in situ of the uterine cervix.
214.556 Kentucky Cancer Registry
(2) Each licensed health facility which provides diagnostic services, or diagnostic services and treatment, or treatment to cancer patients shall report to the Kentucky Cancer
Registry, through the cancer patient data management system and in a format prescribed by the Kentucky Cancer Registry, each case of cancer seen at that health facility.
Failure to comply may be cause for assessment of an administrative fine for the health facility, the same as for violation of KRS 216B.250.'s_Manual.pdf
KRS 214.556
§ 18-204.(b) (1) Each hospital which has care of a patient with cancer or a central nervous system tumor, each freestanding laboratory, freestanding ambulatory care
facility, or therapeutic radiological center which has care of or has diagnosed cancer or a central nervous system tumor for a nonhospitalized patient, and each physician
who has care of or has diagnosed cancer or a central nervous system tumor for a nonhospitalized patient not otherwise reported shall:
Maryland Cancer Registry
Maryland Department of Health and Mental
Phone: (410) 767-4055
Fax: (410) 333-5218
(i) 1. Submit a cancer report to the Secretary, on the form that the Secretary
provides or in a computerized file;
2. Make available to the Secretary, or an agent of the Secretary, at the facility
the information necessary to compile a cancer report; or
3. Enter into an agreement with a hospital or other facility or agency that agrees to report to the Maryland Cancer Registry to act as the reporting source for a cancer or
central nervous system tumor patient who has been referred to or from that facility, or reported to that agency with regard to cancer or central nervous system tumor
screening, diagnosis, or treatment; and
Maryland HealthGeneral Articles
Code of Maryland
§§ 18-203 and 18- Regulations (COMAR) (ii) Effective July 1, 1993, submit a cancer report in a computerized file on a quarterly basis to the Secretary, or an agent of the Secretary, for all patients initially diagnosed,
treated, or admitted to a facility for cancer or a central nervous system tumor during that calendar quarter.
301.020: Persons, Facilities, and Agencies Required to Report Information
Every health care facility shall report to the Cancer Registry every case of malignant disease and benign brainrelated tumor disease diagnosed, evaluated, treated, medically
supported or palliated at that health care facility.
Every health care provider shall report to the cancer registry every case of malignant disease and benign brainrelated tumor disease diagnosed, evaluated, treated,
medically supported or palliated by that health care provider which has not been previously diagnosed, evaluated or treated at a health care facility. All health care facilities
and health care providers who provide diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, medical support or palliative services to patients with malignant disease or benign brain-related
tumor disease shall report to the Cancer Registry any further demographic, diagnostic, or treatment information requested by the Cancer Registry concerning any person
now or formerly receiving services, diagnosed as having or having had a malignant disease, or benign brain-related tumor disease. Additionally, the Cancer Registry shall
have physical access to all records which would identify cases of malignant disease or benign brain-related tumor disease or would establish characteristics of the malignant
disease or benign brain-related tumor disease, treatment of the malignant disease or benign brain-related tumor disease, or medical status of any identified malignant
disease or benign brain-related tumor disease patient.
301.025: Report Form
Each report of a case of malignant disease and benign brain-related tumor disease required to be reported by
105 CMR 301.010 together with all accompanying information required to be reported by 105 CMR 301.015 and 301.017, that is reported by a hospital or laboratory shall be
reported in an electronic format approved by the Department. Health care providers shall report either in an electronic format approved by the Department or on a report
form approved by the Department.
Massachusetts Cancer Registry
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Phone: (617) 624-5600
Fax: (617) 624-5695
General Laws
Chapter 111,
Section 111B
105 CMR 301.000
301.030: Time for Reporting
All information required to be reported by 105 CMR 301.010, 301.015, and 301.017 shall be delivered to the
Department of Public Health Cancer Registry within 180 days of the date of diagnosis, or date of first contact when provide diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, medical support Each case of malignant disease and benign brain-related tumor disease diagnosed, evaluated, treated, medically supported or palliated within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is required to be reported to the
or palliative services occurred elsewhere, of the case of malignant disease and benign brain-related tumor disease which is the subject of the reported information.
Department of Public Health Cancer Registry together with information specified in 105 CMR 301.015 and in accordance with the current procedure manual as specified in 105 CMR 301.017.
Last Updated - December 2012
State cancer registry laws and requirements
The administrative rules on cancer reporting provide the definition of a reportable cancer. All cases satisfying this definition are reportable.
The residence of the patient is not a factor.
Michigan Cancer Surveillance Program
Michigan Department of Community Health
Phone: (517) 335-8702
Fax: (517) 335-9964
Reports of diagnosed cancers are required of a facility diagnosing and/or treating a cancer patient. All hospitals, clinical laboratories, physician offices, dentists and clinic
directors who have knowledge of a case of cancer shall report the case to the Michigan Department of Community Health.
Compiled Laws,
Act 368 of 1978,
Section 333.2619
Information on reportable cases MUST be submitted to the Michigan Cancer Surveillance
Program within six months or 180 days from the initial date of diagnosis.
"Cancer" means all diagnoses with a behavior code of "2" (carcinoma in situ) or "3" (malignant
primary site) as listed in the most recently amended International Classification of Diseases for
Oncology, excluding basal, epithelial, papillary and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin, but
including carcinomas of the skin prepuce, clitoris, vulva, labia, penis and scrotum.
§144.68 Records and Reports Required.
Subdivision 1.Person practicing healing arts. Every person licensed to practice the healing arts in any form, upon request of the commissioner of health, shall prepare and
forward to the commissioner, in the manner and at such times as the commissioner designates, a detailed record of each case of cancer treated or seen by the person
Subd. 2.Hospitals and similar institutions. Every hospital, medical clinic, medical laboratory, or other institution for the hospitalization, clinical or laboratory diagnosis, or care
of human beings, upon request of the commissioner of health, shall prepare and forward to the commissioner, in the manner and at the times designated by the
commissioner, a detailed record of each case of cancer.
Minnesota Cancer Surveillance System
Minnesota Department of Health
Phone: (651) 201-5900
Fax: (651) 201-5926
Minnesota Statute Administrative Rules,
Chapter 4607
Mississippi Cancer Registry
University of Mississippi Medical Center
Phone: (601) 815-5482
Fax: (601) 815-5483
Cancer Registry
Subd. 3.Reporting without liability. The furnishing of the information required under subdivisions 1 and 2 shall not subject the person, hospital, medical clinic, medical
laboratory, or other institution furnishing the information, to any action for damages or other relief.
Under the authorizing legislation, clinical laboratories, hospitals, physician’s offices, cancer treatment centers, and other health care providers are required to report
diagnostic and treatment information on cancer cases they diagnose or treat to the Mississippi Cancer Registry.
The regulations established by the Mississippi State Department of Health require quarterly reporting. However, the MCR is requesting facilities to report monthly.
192.653. 1. The administrator or designated representative of hospitals, pathology laboratories, physician offices, ambulatory surgical centers, residential care facilities or
assisted living facilities, intermediate care facilities or skilled nursing facilities, and free-standing cancer clinics and treatment centers shall report to the department of health
and senior services every case of malignant neoplasm as required pursuant to section 192.650. Physicians' offices shall be exempt from reporting cases that are directly
referred to or have been previously admitted to any other facility which is required by this subsection to report malignant neoplasms.
2. The attending physician or other health care provider responsible for a patient's diagnosis or treatment for a malignant neoplasm shall provide, in writing, to the
administrator or the administrator's designated representative, the information required pursuant to section 192.650.
Missouri Cancer Registry
University of Missouri--Columbia
Phone: (573) 882-7775
Fax: (573) 884-9655
Missouri Revised
3. Reports filed with the director may be submitted through a data system designated by the person or organization filing the report.
Statutes 192.650,
192.653, 192.655, 19 CSR 70-21.010, 20- 4. If a facility described in subsection 1 of this section is currently submitting reports of cases to the department of health and senior services through a centralized reporting
system, duplicate reporting shall not be required.
50-15-703. Duty to report tumors.
The following persons or entities shall report to the department on forms provided by the department all medical and personal information as specified in rules of the
department and laboratory results pertaining to the treatment and condition of a person with a reportable tumor:
Montana Central Tumor Registry
Department of Public Health & Human Services
MCA Tumor
Phone: (406) 444-6786
Fax: (406) 444-6557
Registry Law
ARM Tumor Registry
(1) a hospital that provides medical services relating to the tumor;
(2) a clinical laboratory, as defined in 50-5-101, that is not owned or operated by a hospital and that provides laboratory services relating to the tumor; and
(3) a health care practitioner or health care facility, not covered by subsection (1) or (2), providing medical services relating to the tumor.
1) Malignant and in-situ cancers except basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.
2) Benign tumors of the brain, CNS, pituitary, and pineal gland.
3) Carcinoid tumors.
1-004 Hospital Reporting Requirements:
The following are the reporting requirements for hospitals within the State of Nebraska.
1-004.01 Each hospital within the State of Nebraska that initially diagnoses more than 50 cancer cases in a calendar year must:
1. Submit the data specified in 186 NAC 1-003 Attachment 1;
2. Submit data on disk or in encrypted electronic form in a manner specified by the Department;
3. Report data on an ongoing monthly basis, within six months from the date of initial diagnosis;
4. Report supplemental and follow-up data on previously reported cases on the next reporting period following receipt of the data.
1-004.02 Each hospital within the State of Nebraska that initially diagnoses less than 50 cancer cases in a calendar year will make available:
1. The data specified in Attachment 1, in the manner prescribed in 186 NAC 1-004.01, or
2. A list of the names of patients diagnosed with cancer, corresponding medical record numbers, and medical records which document the diagnosis and treatment of
cancer; or
Nebraska Cancer Registry
Nebraska Department of Health and Human
Phone: (402) 471-2180
[email protected]
Nebraska Health and
Human Services
Nebraska Cancer Regulation and
Registry Statutes Licensure 186 NAC 1
Nevada Central Cancer Registry
Nevada Department of Health and Human
Phone: (702) 822-5240
Fax: (702) 944-2365
Nevada Revised
Statutes (NRS)
New Hampshire
New Hampshire State Cancer Registry
Department of Health and Human Services
Phone: (603) 271-7812
Fax: (603) 271-7623
Chronic Disease
New Hampshire
Assessment, and Adminstrative Rule
Control Act
Chapter He-P 300
The NHSCR currently collects reports from hospital registrars in all the large hospitals in NH. Hospitals with fewer than 105 cases per year generally do not have their own
cancer registry and NHSCR staff helps these hospitals with some of their reporting duties. NHSCR also receives case report from physician practices, free standing radiation
oncology centers, out-of-state pathology laboratories and other sources. In addition, the NHSCR receives case reports for NH residents who are diagnosed outside the state,
based on inter-state data exchange agreements.
The NHSCR collects incidence data on all cancer cases diagnosed or treated in New Hampshire.
New Jersey
New Jersey State Cancer Registry
New Jersey Department of Health and Senior
Phone: (609) 588-3500
Fax: (609) 588-3638
New Jersey State New Jersey
Cancer Registry Administrative Code
Physicians, ambulatory care centers and radiation treatment facilities are required to report all non-hospitalized cancer cases to the NJSCR. All cases must be reported
within six months of diagnosis. A separate case report form must be completed for each primary.
1-005 Health Practitioner Reporting:
Health practitioners within the state must produce and make available to the Department or its authorized representative, upon the request of the Department or its
authorized representative, and upon presentation of proper identification by the Department’s representative, data from each medical record of cancer or benign brainrelated tumor under the health practitioner’s custody or control. The data must be submitted as set out in 186 NAC 1-004.01 and 1-004.02.
Nevada Administrative
Codes (NAC) 457.045- This statute mandates the reporting of cancer in the State of Nevada, requiring hospitals, pathology laboratories, free-standing cancer clinics, long-term care facilities,
ambulatory surgery centers and physicians to report cancer cases diagnosed and treated in Nevada to the Statewide Cancer Registry.
Every cancer diagnosed in Nebraska is reported to the NCR, except for pre-cancerous cell types, benign polyps, basal and non-invasive or local squamous cell cancers of the skin, and most benign tumors.
However, since January 1, 2004, benign brain and other central nervous system cancers are now reportable to the NCR.
The number of cases included are those reported as having invasive cancer, except for urinary bladder cancer, which includes cases diagnosed with in situ cancer. Both melanomas of the skin and non-epithelial
skin cancers exclude basal and squamous cancers.
All primary invasive and in situ neoplasms are reportable to the NJSCR, except cervical cancer in situ diagnosed after 1995 and certain carcinomas of the skin. Benign and borderline intracranial and Central
Nervous System tumors are also collected effective with cases diagnosed on and after January 1, 2004. Notifiable Conditions:
D. Reporting requirements - health care professionals: Every health care professional treating any person having or suspected of having any notifiable condition shall report
the condition within the time and in the manner set out in the list of notifiable conditions.
New Mexico
New York
The New Mexico Tumor Registry
University of New Mexico
Phone: 505-272-5541
Fax: 505-272-3750
New York State Cancer Registry
New York State Department of Health
Phone: (518) 474-2255
Fax: (518) 473-6789
New Mexico
Administrative Code: E. Reporting requirements - laboratories: All laboratories performing diagnostic tests for any notifiable condition shall report all positive findings within the time and in the
Title 7; Chapter 4; Part manner set out in the list. Reports shall include the name of the reporting laboratory, the patient’s name, date of birth/age, and address, the date of clinical diagnosis, if
known, and the physician or hospital requesting the test.
N.Y. Pub. Health
Law § 2401 -2403
All malignant neoplasms and in situ neoplasms and all intracranial neoplasms, regardless of the tissue of origin.
- Each form of malignant cancer, EXCEPT basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma originating in skin of non-mucoepidermoid sites
- Each form of in situ cancer, EXCEPT for carcinoma in situ of the cervix uteri, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 (CIN III), and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, grade 3 (PIN III)
- Benign, borderline/uncertain behavior, and malignant PRIMARY tumors originating in any of the following sites:
- Meninges
- Brain
- Spinal cord, cranial nerves, and other parts of CNS (central nervous system)
As mandated by the Public Health Law, all NYS licensed health care providers and practitioners diagnosing or treating cancer patients, all licensed facilities at which patients
- Pituitary and pineal glands and the craniopharyngeal duct
are treated (e.g., hospitals, radiation centers), all laboratories holding permits to conduct pathology testing (whether independent or hospital-based), and all managed care
- Each form of lymphoma, leukemia, and other malignant blood conditions — i.e. chronic myeloproliferative diseases, including polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia, and myelodysplastic syndromes
organizations are required to report cancer cases to the New York State Department of Health Cancer Registry. The New York State Cancer Registry (NYSCR) collects the including refractory anemia
demographic, diagnostic, and treatment information on patients diagnosed and/or treated in New York State and checks the provider and practitioner cancer case reports for - Serous and mucinous tumors of borderline/uncertain behavior originating in the ovaries
quality and completeness. The data are then used to produce New York State cancer statistics.
For more information, visit:
Last Updated - December 2012
State cancer registry laws and requirements
The CCR shall monitor the reporting of health care facilities and providers on a quarterly basis. If a health care facility or provider has failed to report at least 90 percent of its
cases within six months of diagnosis, the registry shall notify the facility or provider in writing of that fact within 30 days and the facility or provider shall be given another 30
days, or up to 60 days for good cause shown, to fulfill its reporting requirement.
North Dakota
North Carolina Central Cancer Registry
North Carolina Department of Health and
Human Services
Phone: (919) 715-4555
Fax: (919) 733-8485
North Dakota Cancer Registry
North Dakota Department of Health
Phone: (701) 328-2306
Fax: (701) 328-2036
Ohio Cancer Incidence Surveillance System
Ohio Department of Health
Phone: (614) 752-2689
Fax: (614) 644-1909
Ohio Rev. Code
Ann. § 3701.261
to -.264
Oklahoma Central Cancer Registry
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Phone: (405) 271-4072
Fax: (405) 271-6315
Oklahoma Statute Chapter 567 OSBDH The Oklahoma Central Cancer Registry is the central database of information on all cancers diagnosed or treated in Oklahoma since January 1, 1997. All healthcare and
63 OS 1-551
Rules and Regulations health service providers are required to report specific information on every cancer case.
Oregon State Cancer Registry
Oregon Department of Human Services
Phone: (971) 673-0986
Fax: (971) 673-0996
Or. Rev. Stat. §
All cases of cancer diagnosed on or after January 1, 1996, must be reported to the Oregon State Cancer Registry (OSCaR). Completeness in reporting requires the
participation of many reporting sources including hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, physicians/practitioners, and other cancer treatment centers.
Pennsylvania Cancer Registry
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Phone: (717) 783-2548
Fax: (717) 772-3258
Act 224 of 1980,
the Pennsylvania
Cancer Control,
Prevention and
Research Act
Reporting to the PCR is mandated by the Pennsylvania Cancer Control, Prevention, and Research Act of 1980 and the Pennsylvania Department of Health's regulations
concerning Reporting of Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases. Cancer data are reported by hospitals, clinics, laboratories, radiation facilities, cancer centers,
surgical centers, doctor's offices, death certificates and through data exchange when Pennsylvania residents are diagnosed or treated in other states.
PCR 2010 Reportable List
North Carolina
North Carolina
General Statute
Chapter 130A Article 7
North Carolina
Administrative Code If a facility or provider is out of compliance for two consecutive quarters and is not demonstrating progress toward becoming compliant then the State Health Director shall
Title 10A - Chapter 47 direct the registry to collect the data and shall direct the facility or provider to reimburse the registry for all actual costs expended in order to obtain the data up to $100 per
SubChapter B
case abstracted.
N.D.C.C. Section
Administrative Rule
Chapter 33-06-02
The North Dakota Statewide Cancer Registry collects information about new cancer cases, cancer treatment and cancer deaths. All hospital, laboratories, physicians and
other health care providers are required by state law to report all newly diagnosed or treated cancer patients. Data is used to monitor cancer trends, promote research,
increase survival, guide policy planning and respond to cancer concerns.
Cancer, all malignant and in situ carcinomas; in addition, all benign cancers of the central nervous system, pituitary gland, pineal gland, and craniopharyngeal duct. Carcinoma in situ of the cervix is not collected.
Basal or squamous cell carcinoma is not collected unless diagnosed in
the labia, clitoris, vulva, prepuce, penis, or scrotum.
Ohio Admin. Code
3701:4-1 to -3
The Ohio Cancer Incidence Surveillance System (OCISS) collects and analyzes cancer incidence data on all Ohio residents. Cancer incidence is defined as newlydiagnosed cases of cancer. All Ohio providers of medical care are required, by law, to report to OCISS all cancers diagnosed and/or treated in Ohio.
Any primary malignant neoplasm, with the exception of basal and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin and carcinoma in-situ of the cervix, diagnosed and/or treated in any person in Ohio on or after Jan. 1, 1992, as
well as cases of benign and borderline intracranial and central nervous system (CNS) tumors diagnosed on or after Jan. 1, 2004.
All types of cancer will be considered as reportable disease. This will include all skin cancers and the following precancerous and in situ cases:
Administrative Rules
Title 28, Part III,
Chapter 27
Communicable and
Diseases, Section
Moderate or greater cervical dysplasia and carcinoma in situ of the cervix uteri.
Carcinoma in situ of the female breast.
Nonmalignant central nervous system tumors.
§1.4 "Health care facility and/or health care provider" means hospitals, freestanding ambulatory surgical centers and radiotherapy facilities, health maintenance
organizations, independent clinical laboratories providing histopathology, licensed pursuant to Chapters 23-17, 23-16.2 or 27-41 of the General Laws of Rhode Island, as
amended, and furthermore includes such other health care facilities not listed above and health care providers (such asphysicians, dentists) licensed in accordance with
statutory provisions of this state, who may make a diagnosis of cancer or benign neoplasm of the brain or central nervous system or provide treatment for cancer or benign
neoplasm of the brain or central nervous system independent of the health care facilities listed above.
Rhode Island
South Carolina
Rhode Island Cancer Control Program
Rhode Island Department of Health
Phone: (401) 222-1172
Fax: (401) 222-3551
South Carolina Central Cancer Registry
Department of Health & Environmental Control
Phone: (803) 898-3300
Rules and Regulations
Pertaining to the
RIGL Chapter 23- Rhode Island cancer
§3.1 Health care facilities and/or health care providers as defined in §1.4 of these Regulations, shall be responsible to report to the Rhode Island Cancer Registry and the
organization and/or agency approved by the Director, each case of malignant disease diagnosed and/or confirmed within the health care facility and/or by the health care
provider on and after 1 October 1986, and each case of benign neoplasm of the brain or central nervous system diagnosed and/or confirmed within the health care facility
and/or by the health care provider on and after 1 January 1998, including all pathology specimens removed elsewhere but found to be positive for malignant disease or
benign neoplasm of the brain or central nervous system upon initial reading or upon consultative reading at the health care facility and/or by the health care provider.
South Carolina
Code Title 44,
Chapter 35
§44-35-30. Reporting requirements; applicable regulations.
(A) A provider who diagnoses and/or treats cancer patients and does not report to a regional cancer registry shall report specific case information to the registry in
accordance with regulations promulgated by the Department of Health and Environmental Control. These regulations shall include, but are not limited to, the reportable case
All cancers diagnosed on or after January 1, 1996 among SC residents. Basal and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin are not reported. Basal and squamous cell carcinomas of the genital sites are reported.
listing, data elements to be collected, the content and design of forms and reports required by this section, the procedures for disclosure of information gathered by the
registry, and other matters necessary to the administration of this section.
Carcinoma in situ cancers of the cervix are not reported.
Cancers at all sites and all stages of the disease and which are listed in the current amended "International Classification of Diseases for Oncology" (ICD-0), published by the World Health Organization. Excluded
are basal epithelial, papillary and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin but included are all carcinomas of the vulva, labia, penis and scrotum. Also excluded are all in situ carcinomas of the cervix uteri.
All in situ and malignant neoplasms are considered reportable to the South Dakota Cancer Registry. The database includes all cases of carcinoma, sarcoma, melanoma, lymphoma, and leukemia diagnosed by
histology / cytology, radiology, laboratory testing, clinical observation, autopsy, and certifier on death certificate.
Also reportable are benign tumors of the brain, central nervous system, meninges, pineal gland, or pituitary gland.
South Dakota
South Dakota Cancer Registry
South Dakota Department of Health
Phone: (605) 773-3737
Fax: (605) 773-5509
SDCL 1-43-11
through 1-43-18
ARSD 44:22
44:22:02:01. Entities required to provide report.
Any hospital, physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or nurse midwife, pathology laboratory, or free-standing radiology center that detects, diagnoses, or treats a
cancer case in South Dakota shall submit the information needed on a cancer case to the department or its representative as required by §§ 1-43-11 to 1-43-17, inclusive.
Basal and squamous cell carcinomas of non-mucoepidermoid sites of the skin are not reportable.
Invasive cancer of the cervix is reportable, but in situ cervix cases are not.
1200-07-02-.04 Participation in the program.
(1) All hospitals, laboratories, facilities and health care practitioners shall report data concerning Tennessee patients who are diagnosed and/or treated for cancer.
Tennessee Cancer Registry
Tennessee Department of Health
Phone: (615) 253-5937
Fax: (615) 532-7904
(2) Health care practitioners are not required to report data on cancer patients who are directly referred to or have been previously admitted to a hospital or a facility for
cancer diagnosis or treatment.
T.C.A. 68-1-1001
Tennessee Code
Chapter 1200-07-02
(3) All hospitals, laboratories, facilities and health care practitioners shall designate one (1) staff member to be responsible for reporting the cancer data and shall notify the
department of the name, title, work address, work telephone number, and e-mail address (if available) of the designated staff member.
Any newly diagnosed in-situ or invasive cancer as defined by the TCR Policies and Procedures Manual is considered a reportable diagnosis. If a patient subsequently develops a new primary cancer, it shall be
reported separately.
§91.3. Who Reports and Access to Records.
(a) Each health care facility, clinical laboratory or health care practitioner shall report to the department, by methods specified in §§91.4 - 91.7 of this title (relating to Cancer
Registry), required data from each medical record pertaining to a case of cancer in its custody or under its control except for cases to which subsection (d) of this section
would apply.
(b) A health care facility or clinical laboratory providing screening, diagnostic or therapeutic services to patients with cancer shall grant the department or its authorized
representative access to but not removal of all medical records which would identify cases of cancer, establish characteristics or treatment of cancer, or determine the
medical status of any identified cancer patient.
(c) A health care practitioner providing diagnostic or treatment services to patients with cancer shall grant the department or its authorized representative access to but not
removal of all medical records which would identify cases of cancer, establish characteristics or treatment of cancer, or determine the medical status of any identified cancer
patient except for cases to which subsection (d) of this section would apply.
Texas Cancer Registry
Texas Department of State Health Services
Phone: (512) 458-7523
Fax: (512) 458-7681
Texas Cancer
Reporting Act
Texas Cancer
Reporting Rules
(d) The department may not require a health care practitioner to furnish data or provide
access to records if:
(1) the data or records pertain to cases reported by a health care facility providing screening, diagnostic, or therapeutic services to cancer patients that involve patients
referred directly to or previously admitted to the facility; and
(2) the facility reported the same data the practitioner would be required to report.
All neoplasms with a behavior code of two or three in the most current edition of the International Classification on Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O) of the World Health Organization with the exception of those
designated by the branch as non-reportable in the Cancer Reporting Handbook; and all benign and borderline intracranial and central nervous system neoplasms as required by the national program of cancer
R384-100-5. Agencies or Individuals Required to Report Cases.
(1) All hospitals, radiation therapy centers, pathology laboratories licensed to provide services in the state, nursing homes, and other facilities and health care providers
involved in the diagnosis or treatment of cancer patients shall report or provide information related to a cancer or reportable benign tumor to the Registry.
Utah Cancer Registry
University of Utah
Phone: (801) 581-8407
Fax: (801) 581-4560
Utah Code Title
26 Chapter 5
Section 3
Cancer Reporting
Rule, R384-100
(2) Procedures for reporting:
(a) Hospital employed registrars shall report hospital cases.
(b) Registrars employed by radiation therapy centers shall report center cases.
(c) Pending implementation of electronic reporting by pathology laboratories, pathology laboratories shall allow the Registry to identify reportable cases and extract the
required information during routine visits to pathology laboratories.
(d) If a health care provider diagnoses a reportable case but does not send a tissue specimen to a pathology laboratory or arrange for treatment of the case at a hospital or
radiation therapy center, then the health care provider must report the case to the Registry.
(e) If the Registry has not received complete information on a reportable case from routine reporting sources (hospitals, radiation therapy centers, pathology laboratories),
the Registry may contact health care providers and require them to complete a report form.
Last Updated - December 2012
All in-situ (with the exception of in-situ cervical cancers) or malignant neoplasms
diagnosed by histology, radiology, laboratory testing, clinical observation, autopsy or suggestible by cytology, but excluding basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin unless occurring in the genital sites
such as the vagina, clitoris, vulva, prepuce, penis and scrotum.
State cancer registry laws and requirements
Vermont Cancer Registry
Vermont Department of Health
Phone: (802) 865-7749
Fax: (802) 651-4157
Virginia Cancer Registry
Virginia Department of Health
Phone: (804) 864-7866
Fax: (804) 864-7870
All cancers with a behavior code of “2” (in situ) or “3” (malignant) in the latest edition of the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O) must be reported. However, the following skin cancers, as
Vermont Statute:
A health care facility or health care provider diagnosing or providing treatment to cancer patients must report each case of cancer to the Director of the VCR within 120 days coded in ICD-0, are excluded from reporting: 8000-8004 Neoplasms, malignant, NOS of the skin (C44.0-C44.9); 8010-8045 Epithelial carcinomas of the skin (C44.0-C44.9); 8050-8082 Papillary and squamous cell
Title 18, Chapter 4 Cancer Registry Rules of admission or diagnosis as prescribed by these regulations.
carcinomas of the skin (C44.0-C44.9); 8090-8110 Basal cell carcinomas of any site except genital sites.
Code of Virginia
Regulations for
Disease Reporting
and Control
12 VAC 5-90-170. Those Required to Report.
Any person in charge of a medical care facility, clinic, or independent pathology laboratory which diagnoses or treats cancer patients is required to report. Physicians are
required to reportcases of cancer in those instances when it has been determined that a medical care facility, clinic, or in-state pathology laboratory has not reported. Any
person making such report shall be immune from liability as provided by § 32.1-38 of the Code of Virginia.
All carcinomas, sarcomas, melanomas, leukemias, and lymphomas excluding localized basal and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin, except for lesions of the mucous membranes, and benign brain and central
nervous system tumors shall be reported to the Virginia Cancer Registry in the department. Carcinoma in situ of the cervix is not reportable.
WAC 246-102-020. Who must report.
(1) Reporting entities that diagnose, or provide first course treatment to a patient with a cancer case or potentially reportable cancer case shall report the cancer case to the
state cancer registry.
Washington State Cancer Registry
Washington State Department of Health
Phone: (360) 236-3624
Fax: (360) 586-2714
West Virginia
West Virginia Cancer Registry
West Virginia Department of Health and Human
West Virginia
Phone: (304) 558-6421
Fax: (304) 558-4463
Code §16-5A-2a.
Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System
Wisconsin Department of Health and Family
Phone: (608) 266-8926
Fax: (608) 264-9881
Wyoming Cancer Surveillance Program
Wyoming Department of Health
Phone: (307) 777-3477
Fax: (307) 777-3419
RCW 70.54.230
246-102 WAC
(2) If a health care provider refers patients to a health care facility with cancer registry staffing for diagnostic or first course treatment services, then the health care facility is
(a) any malignant neoplasm with the exception of basal and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin other than genital areas;
responsible for reporting the case to the state cancer registry.
(b) basal and squamous cell carcinoma of the external genital organs (vulva, labia, clitoris, prepuce, penis, anus);
(3) For purposes of this section "health care facility with cancer registry staffing" means those health care facilities with in-house cancer registries or contracted registry staff (c) any cancer in situ (non-invasive) except cancer in situ of the uterine cervix; (d) any benign (non-malignant) intracranial or central nervous system tumor, and
(e) certain hematopoietic conditions identified as pre-malignant.
§64-68-4. Reporting.
4.3.a. Any health care facility diagnosing or treating cancer patients within the state of West Virginia shall submit the required information on all reportable cases of cancer
served by that facility to the West Virginia Cancer Registry within six months of diagnosis.
4.3.b. Reports shall be submitted monthly via electronic information transfer or paper copy of case abstracts, in a manner or on forms acceptable to the West Virginia Cancer
All tumors with malignant cell types and carcinoma in situ are reportable except basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin and carcinoma in situ of the cervix.
The Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System (WCRS) collects cancer incidence data on Wisconsin residents newly diagnosed with pre-invasive and invasive cancers. In
compliance with state law, hospitals, physicians, and clinics report cancer cases to the WCRS, in the Division of Public Health, Wisconsin Department of Health Services. In
fulfilling the state mandate, WCRS specifies that cancer case submission be based on the "Neoplasm Record/Report" in electronic format. Hospitals are asked to report
cases within six months of initial diagnosis or first admission following a diagnosis elsewhere. Clinics and physicians are expected to report cases within three months of
initial diagnosis or contact. All tumors with malignant cell types are reportable except basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin and in situ cervical cancer.
Statute 255.04
Wyoming statute
For more information, visit
All tumors with malignant cell types are reportable except basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin.
Healthcare providers including, but not limited to, hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, laboratories, radiation therapy facilities, oncology facilities and physician offices are
required to report cancer cases to the Wyoming Cancer Surveillance Program. Hospitals need to abstract and/or report inpatient and outpatient cancer cases.
Tumor Registry Rules
and Regulations
For additional information, visit
American Academy of Dermatology
Correspondence:PO Box 4014
Schaumburg, Illinois 60168
For more information:
Last Updated - December 2012