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Attendance Accommodation Policy
Southwestern University
Southwestern University policy allows faculty to set their own attendance policy for each class. The
Center for Academic Success acknowledges the importance of attendance in the learning process for
higher education. In an effort to more closely reflect the spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act,
Section 504, and to acknowledge that some students have disabilities of an episodic nature or
disabilities that might make it difficult for a student to meet the attendance policy set forth by faculty,
the Center for Academic Success has established the following procedure for consideration when
attendance accommodations are requested.
This accommodation would provide relief from physical attendance in class (within reason). The student
is still responsible for any work due or material covered in class during the absence(s). Neither extension
of deadlines for assignments nor arrangements for making up missed quizzes or exams are included in
this accommodation. These must be negotiated with faculty individually. Faculty will handle these issues
on a case-by-case basis as deemed appropriate.
This accommodation does not provide for a specific number of absences; rather, it provides flexibility in
the attendance policy of the individual faculty member. For example, this flexibility may mean that a
faculty member is willing to:
 offer additional absences with additional (make-up) work,
 meet with the student one-on-one to cover the material missed,
 allow a student to make up classes by attending other sections of the same class,
 extend the actual number of absences allowed.
In situations where the student’s condition warrants an absence accommodation but the nature or
structure of the class does not allow for this to occur, the student may work with the Assistant Director
for Academic Success (AD) to determine options.
1. The student must have a disability that may impact attendance by its very nature. This includes
chronic conditions, episodic conditions or the symptoms, treatment or side effects of a
debilitating psychological condition. In general, learning disabilities and attention disorders will
not be considered for attendance accommodations. Documentation that addresses the
functional limitation of a student’s ability to attend class, work, or other recurring functions
must be on file at the Center for Academic Success (CAS). The AD in the CAS will evaluate the
documentation to determine if the condition warrants a request for an attendance
2. Students seeking consideration for leniency in attendance are strongly encouraged to request
this accommodation at the beginning of each semester for which it is needed, preferably within
the first two weeks of classes. Requests made after the last day to drop without record (starting
the 6th week of classes) will not be considered. This request must be made to the AD. This
accommodation is not retroactive and will not remove absences already accrued if requested
later in the semester. If a condition presents itself during the course of a semester that fits the
requirements of this policy, the AD will work with the student and faculty on a case-by-case
basis to determine the best course of action.
3. Faculty will be notified of the request by the AD and pertinent information about the condition,
documentation, and student’s situation will be shared.
4. Faculty members are responsible for determining whether or not flexibility regarding
attendance is an option in their classes. Faculty members may contact the AD to consult on
options for flexibility. The faculty member and student should then discuss the plan for moving
forward. The AD does not need to be involved in the process unless the student or faculty
member requests it. Students and faculty are encouraged to use the Flexibility with Course
Attendance/Deadlines Agreement form to ensure clear communication of responsibilities and
5. If granted the accommodation, the student is responsible for contacting faculty directly when
they will accrue a disability-related absence.
6. Faculty may contact CAS if the student exceeds reasonable absences, even with leniency
provided by an accommodation. Faculty may handle these situations on a case-by-case basis,
and CAS/AD can support efforts to assist the student in determining options.
Some examples of disabilities that are episodic in nature or issues related to disabilities that might
impact attendance are below. This list is not comprehensive and only serves as an example:
 Autoimmune disorders with flare-ups such as rheumatoid arthritis, Chron’s disease, lupus, and
multiple sclerosis
 Genetic conditions such as sickle cell disease and cystic fibrosis
 Developmental or neurological issues such as traumatic brain injury
 Psychiatric conditions or their treatment. For example, a change in medication for a psychiatric
condition and/or medication that causes physical illness/debilitating side effects
 Any disorder that requires treatment or infusions at a medical facility on a recurring basis