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Name: ______________________________
Date: _______________________
Class: __________________
S6E4 Weather and Climate - Chapter 16
Section 1: What is Weather?
A. Weather is the state of the ____________________________________ at a specific time & place.
a. Includes conditions such as _______________________________, ______________,
_________________________________, & ________________________________________________.
b. The ____________ evaporates _________________ into the __________________________________
forming clouds and returning water to Earth as ______________ or ______________; the sun also
_____________ the air.
c. Temperature is a measure of __________________________ movement
i. The sun’s ___________________ causes air molecules to move ___________________;
temperatures are ______________________ and it feels ____________________.
ii. When less of the sun’s energy reaches air molecules, they move ____________________ and it
feels _______________________.
d. Wind is air __________________________________________________________________.
i. As the sun heats air, it _______________________, becomes less _________________, rises,
and has ___________________ atmospheric pressure.
ii. Cooler air is __________________ and sinks, causing ______________ atmospheric pressure,
iii. Air moves from ____________ pressure areas to ___________ pressure areas, causing wind.
e. Humidity is the ______________________________________________________________________.
i. Warmer air can hold _____________ water vapor, making it more __________________.
ii. Relative humidity is
iii. When air cools, it can’t hold as much ___________________________________, so the water
vapor __________________________ to liquid or forms ________________________________.
iv. _________________________________ is the temp. at which air is saturated and
_____________________________________________ forms.
B. Clouds form as _______________ air is forced __________________________ and cools. Then water vapor
condenses into tiny ________________________ that remain suspended in the air.
a. The shape and height of clouds vary with ______________________________,
___________________________, and the water vapor in the atmosphere.
b. Shapes of clouds:
i. _________________________ - smooth, even sheets or layers at low altitudes.
ii. _________________________ - puffy, white, often with flat bases
iii. _________________________ - high, thin, white, feathery, made of ice crystals
c. Height of clouds:
i. _______________ - high elevation
ii. _______________ - middle elevation
iii. _______________ - low elevation
C. Precipitation is _________________________________________________________________________
a. When water droplets in clouds combine & grow large enough, precipitation falls to Earth
b. Air _____________________________ determines if it will be rain, sleet, snow or hail.
Section 2: Weather Patterns
A. Because air & water vapor move in the atmosphere, _______________________ constantly changes.
a. An air mass is
b. Stormy weather is associated with _____________ pressure areas.
c. Fair weather is associated with ______________ pressure areas.
d. Air pressure is measured by a _________________________________.
B. A front is ________________________________________________________________________________
a. ________________, _________________________________, & _________________________
happen at frontal boundaries.
b. _______________________________ - where cold air moves under _________________________.
c. _______________________________ - where warm air moves over _________________________.
d. ____________________________________________ - involves 3 air masses of different temps.
e. ____________________________________________ - air masses & their boundaries stop
advancing (moving forward)
C. Severe weather
a. _______________________________ happen along warm, moist masses & at frontal boundaries.
i. Warm, moist air is forced quickly upward, where it cools and _______________________.
ii. Strong updrafts of warm air & sinking, rain-cooled air cause strong __________________.
b. Lightning
i. Movement of air inside a storm causes parts of the cloud to become __________________.
ii. Current flows between the regions of opposite electrical charge, forming a
c. Thunder - lightning ________________________ the air, causing it to expand quickly & then
contract, forming sound waves
d. _________________________ - a violent, whirling wind that moves in a narrow path over land,
scale is determined by The Fujita Scale (p.475)
e. _________________________ - a large, swirling, low pressure system that forms over tropical
oceans, the Beaufort Wind Speed Scale is used to determine the intensity of the winds (p.483)
f. _________________________ - a winter storm with strong winds, cold temps, and low visibility,
lasting more than _______________________.
D. Severe Weather Safety
a. A National Weather Service _______________ means conditions are favorable for severe weather
to develop.
b. A _____________________ means that severe weather conditions already exist (have been sighted)