Download Mrs. Bruce 7th Grade Homeroom/6th

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Mrs. Bruce
7th Grade Homeroom/6th-8th Social Studies and Literature/Reading
Room 15
[email protected]
Grading Policy: Religion
Service Hours……………………………..25%
Mass Participation……………………10%
Extra Credit………………………………3%
Grading Policy: Social Studies
I only see each grade level twice a week, for
30 minutes per class for Reading. Therefore,
it is imperative that students are reading
their 30 minutes a night for AR as well as
keeping up with our class novels. I try to
connect our novels with what we are learning
in Social Studies or other content areas,
when possible, as this is the direction our new
Common Core Standards are outlined for the
*Behavior, Work Habits, Art and Music are all
also graded separately. Please visit Gradelink
for specific grade weight breakdowns in
these subject areas.
Extra Credit…………………………….3%
Grading Policy: Reading
Accelerated Reader….………..25%
Extra Credit……………………………..3%
Behavior/Work Habits
Students can receive up to 10pts. weekly
towards their behavior grade. Each mark on
the clipboard reduces their point total by one
point for the category they were marked in,
behavior or work habits. If a student
receives an infraction for three marks that
week, they receive a zero for that week in
the given category, work habits or behavior.
If students should receive a star on the
clipboard they will receive one point extra
credit in that category, work habits or
behavior for that week! 
Interactive Notebooks/Tests
I use interactive notebooks for all subjects.
At the end of some of our novels and Social
Everything we do in class is completed in our
Studies units we have an extension menu
notebooks. I use Cornell Note taking for all
project that students choose the way to show
Social Studies classes; therefore it is
their understanding of the novel or
important that students have their
civilization. Students are given a menu of
notebooks, a red pen and blue or black pen
projects to choose from. Students will also
each class period.
have other small projects throughout their
Since we complete all of our hard work and
efforts into this work of art it is counted the
same as a test grade for each unit. This also
helps those students who are not the best
test takers, however are hard workers! 
learning where much of it is in class, however
may need to be finished at home. Projects
will be accepted up to one week late from the
due date for half credit. Absolutely no
After each unit I give a rubric (checklist if
you will) that names each assignment and
points possible. The students are to grade
themselves on this rubric and use it as a
checklist that they have all their assignments
completed. This is also a good tool to use as a
study guide before each test. Everything we
have done for this unit is in the notebook. I
Classroom Expectations
Respect everyone and everything
2. Come to class each day prepared with
all supplies and materials.
3. Be an active learner…Participate!
4. Follow directions
5. Have fun while in a safe learning
then collect the notebooks on the day of the
test and I grade it with my score next to
theirs. Students are expected to make up
Parental Responsibilities
any and all missing or incomplete assignments
in their notebooks when they are absent. We
have a master class notebook for each
subject that students are always welcome to
Notebooks are considered major assignments
Review student planner each night and
sign at the end of each week.
2. Continuously check Gradelink to
monitor academic progress.
3. Maintain an open dialogue with your
being it counts as a test grade and will be
son/daughter about his/her grades
marked down 50% of their grade if turned in
and upcoming assignments.
late. Students will have one week from the
date is was due to turn it in, after that week
it is considered a zero, as we are already on
to the next unit.
4. Contact teacher if you need
clarification or have questions.
Late Work
Students who are absent will have one extra
day for every day that they are absent in
which to make up work missed, with no point
learning about Medieval Europe. I will give
plenty of notice for this field trip, which
usually takes place in May. At that time I will
ask for parent chaperones.
deduction. Late classwork/homework will be
accepted for 50% credit, up to one day late.
Projects and Notebook Checks will be
Social Studies Goals for 6th-8th Grade
accepted up to one week from the due date,
for half credit. There are no exceptions.
*If you know your child will be absent ahead
of time pleas make arrangements to get all
work that they will miss.
Daily homework should not exceed 2 hours, as
Analyze the relationships
between social, political,
historical perspective,
geography, and economic events
Explain how present day history
is a result of those who lived in
other times and places
Understand historical events
from multiple perspectives
through the use of primary and
secondary sources
stated in the parent/student handbook.
Homework will usually consist of Reading for
AR as well as their class novel, Religion and
Social Studies. Students are given 30 minutes
6th Grade Ancient World History Curriculum
Early Humans
Ancient Hebrews
Ancient Greece
Ancient India
Birthdays are celebrated at the end of the
Classical Greece
month for all of the students who celebrate a
a week on their computer/library day, for
SSR and AR time. It is also always on the
May Do list for students if they should finish
their work early.
Student Birthdays
birthday in that particular month. An email
will come home notifying the parents of the
celebration date as well as what to send if you
choose to participate.
Field Trips
We typically only do one field trip for 7th
grade at the end of the school year to
Medieval Times. This is a celebration of all
we’ve learned in Medieval World History and
usually ties in just in time when we are
7th Grade Medieval World History
Seventh grade social studies cover a
lot of curriculum. Therefore, some
units are much longer and some much
shorter than others. All units cover
the social, cultural, and technological
changes that took place in Europe,
Africa and Asia during A.D. 500-1789.
Fall of Rome
Medieval Africa
The Americas
Medieval Europe
Medieval Japan
The Renaissance
Scientific Revolution
Middle Ages of China
8th Grade U.S. History Curriculum
Brief review of the American
Declaration of Independence
United States Constitution
Early National Period
Manifest Destiny
Civil War
7th Grade Science
Mr. Tirambulo
Tests…………………… 45%
Quizzes………………. 15%
Projects……………… 20%
Home/classwork... 20%
Extra Credit………. 2%
Content Covered
The Study of Living Things
The Nature of Life Science
Characteristics of Living Things
Characteristics of Cells
Organization of Living Things
Cell Energy
Cell Cycle
Structure and Function of Plants and
 Photosynthesis (Plants)
Invertebrates (Animals)
 Vertebrates
Human Body
Heredity and Genes
 -Meiosis
Earth and Life History
 Relative and Absolute Date
 Life on Earth
 Evolution of Living things
Science Fair 1st Semester Project
Evolution 2nd Semester Project
Details to come in the near future.