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This exercise covers material in d’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths, pp. 42-62
The answer-blanks with a slash require both Greek and Roman names for the god or goddess.
1. Whom does Zeus send into the Underworld to retrieve Persephone? _________________
2. Who sees Artemis bathing? ___________________________
3. Who kills the dragon Python? __________________________
4. Who guides Orion when he is blinded? ____________________________________
5. On what mountain is the oracle at Delphi? _________________________________
6. With what do the gods vote in Hermes’ murder trial? __________________________
7. Who causes a famine on earth when her daughter is kidnapped? __________________
8. What is another name for a priestess at an oracle? _________________________
9. What animals pull the chariot of Artemis? ______________________________
10. Who whips the wicked people in the underworld? ___________________________
11. On what can Orion walk? _______________________
12. Who is the god of light and music? ___________________/______________________
13. Into what does Artemis change Actaeon? ____________________
14. Which god lives by his wits? ______________________________
15. How many children does Niobe have? ______________
16. What musical instrument does Hermes invent? _________________________
17. What does Orion become after he dies? ________________________________
18. What does Hermes wear on his feet? _______________________________________
19. Into what is Niobe transformed? __________________________________________
20. Who are the two giant sons of Poseidon that Gaea hoped would overthrow Zeus?
________________________ and _________________________
21. What is Rhadamanthus’ job in the underworld? _________________________
Copyright 2007 American Classical League
May be reproduced for classroom use
REVIEW #3 (continued)
22. Who kills Otus? _________________________________
23. What does Persephone eat in the underworld? ______________________________
24. Who is Orion’s father? _____________________________
25. What does the story of Persephone explain? _____________________________
26. Who kills Ephialtes? _____________________________
27. What is put under the tongues of dead people? ___________________________
28. What heals Orion’s eyes? ___________________________
29. Who is the god of the underworld? ____________________/_____________________
30. Whose cattle does Hermes steal? _________________________
31. Who is Hades’ queen? ______________________________
32. Who is jealous of the attention that Artemis gives to Orion? ______________________
33. Who is Persephone’s mother? _____________________________
34. Who kills Niobe’s seven sons? ___________________________
35. What creature does Apollo send to attack Orion? ___________________________
36. Who is the original owner of the oracle at Delphi? ____________________________
37. Who is Hermes’ mother? ___________________________
38. Who tells Demeter about disappearing pigs and a screaming girl?
39. What is the name of the river in the Underworld? ________________________
40. Who is the goddess of the moon and the hunt?
41. What does Hermes wear on his head? _____________________________________
42. What animals kill Actaeon? ________________________________
43. What island does Orion rid of wild animals? __________________________________
44. Who leads souls to the underworld? ____________________________
Copyright 2007 American Classical League
May be reproduced for classroom use
REVIEW #3 (continued)
45. Who kills Niobe’s seven daughters? ____________________________
46. Who is the ferryman in the underworld? ___________________________
47. Which goddesses do Otus and Ephialtes want to marry?
________________________ and _________________________
48. Who guards the entrance to the underworld? _____________________________
49. Who kidnaps Persephone? _____________________________
50. How many children does Leto have? ___________
51. Who is the goddess of the harvest and growing things?
52. The water in the spring of __________________________ helps people forget life on earth.
53. Into what is Ares put during the fight between Otus, Ephialtes, and the Olympians?
54. Where do heroes go in the underworld? _________________________________
55. Who wins the oracle at Delphi after a fight with the dragon Python? ________________
56. Who decrees that Hades must let Persephone visit her mother? ____________________
57. What does Apollo give Hermes in exchange for the lyre? __________________________
and _________________________________
58. What gift does Demeter give to mankind through Triptolemus? ___________________
59. What does Artemis have in common with Orion? ______________________________
60. Who is the herald (messenger) of the gods? ______________________/_______________________
Copyright 2007 American Classical League
May be reproduced for classroom use
Teacher’s Key
1. Hermes
2. Actaeon
3. Apollo
4. Cyclops boy
5. Parnassus
6. pebbles
7. Demeter
8. sibyl
9. hinds (deer, stags)
10. Erinyes
11. water
12. Apollo / Apollo
13. deer
14. Hermes
15. fourteen
16. lyre
17. constellation
18. winged sandals
19. crying rock
20. Otus and Ephialtes
21. judge
22. Ephialtes (his brother)
23. pomegranate
24. Poseidon
25. seasons
26. Otus (his brother)
27. coin
28. the sun
29. Hades / Pluto
30. Apollo’s
31. Persephone
32. Apollo
33. Demeter
34. Apollo
35. scorpion
36. Mother Earth
37. Maia
38. swineherd’s brother, Triptolemus
39. Styx
40. Artemis / Diana
41. winged hat
42. his own dogs
43. Chios
44. Hermes
45. Artemis
46. Charon
47. Artemis and Hera
Demeter / Ceres
bronze jar
Elysian Fields
cows and a magic wand
how to plant, sow, reap and store grain
Hermes / Mercury
Copyright 2007 American Classical League
May be reproduced for classroom use