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Chapter 13
* 7 provinces unite > win independence from Spain
* 16th and 17th century
* Forms a republic > diff. from other European nations
* States General was the central govt.
* Each province contained authority
* Holland most powerful
* Distrust monarchy as form of govt.
* Will allow House of Orange control in military situations
* Fought with England & Spain
* Very tolerant nation (lived together peacefully)
* Urban prosperity
* Dutch farming was a model
* Profitable overseas trade
* Dutch East India Company
* Replaced Portugal in controlling spice trade in Asia
*Decline in 18th century
* No strong stadtholder to create unified political
* Britain surpasses the Dutch on the seas
* Fishing industry declines
* Domestic industries stagnant
* Disunity of the provinces
* What saves them from being insignificant?
* Financial dominance
* Banks financed European trade
*Developed out of a need for revenue
*What were they?
*England – parliamentary monarchy – a limited
monarchy where the monarch is subject to the
law and the consent of parliament
* Parliament meets when summoned
*France – political absolutism –strong
centralized monarchies, where the royal
power is dominant
* 1603 > takes throne > inherits debt and a divided Church
* Strong believer in divine right of kings > not interested in
meeting with Parliament much
* Must consult Parliament before receiving revenue
* Levied new custom duties > impositions
* Rebuffs Puritans and maintains Anglican episcopacy?, causing
religious dissenters to leave England for North America
* System of church govt. where bishops are the chief clerics
* Puritans believed only in America could they worship freely
* James’s Court was center of scandal and corruption with his
favorite duke (lover?) of Buckingham
* Doubts about James I commitment to Protestants
* Makes peace with Spain
* Tries to relax penal laws against Catholics
* Hesitant to support German Protestants in Thirty Years’ War
I, James, am neither a god nor an angel, but a man like any other. Therefore I act like a man and
confess to loving those dear to me more than other men. You may be sure that I love the Earl of
Buckingham more than anyone else, and more than you who are here assembled. I wish to speak
in my own behalf and not to have it thought to be a defect, for Jesus Christ did the same, and
therefore I cannot be blamed. Christ had John, and I have George.
Supposedly James I died with Bucky at his side.
*England goes to war with Spain again
* Parliament would not adequately finance it
* Charles I does what his father did
*Parliament would only give Charles
funds if he agreed to the Petition of
* stating that no forced loans or taxations could
happen without the consent of Parliament
*Further disputes causes Charles to
dissolve Parliament
*Makes peace with Spain & France
* Catholic sentiment?
* Wants religious conformity in England &
*Scottish rebellion against his attempt to put in
the English Episcopal system leads to the reinstallment of Parliament
* Parliament redresses long list of grievances
* Charles I > made > dissolves Parliament again
* Scots win battles in 1640 > Charles reconvenes
* Members of Parliament
* Merchants & landowners in Parliament distrusted his financial
* Puritans resented religious policies
* Made their own policies
* One was Charles could not dissolve them w/out their consent
* Puritans divided between moderates and extremes vs. religious
* Charles wanted to raise an army > opponents in Parliament said
he can’t be trusted
* Charles invades Parliament
* Opponents escape
* Parliament passes Militia Ordinance
* Both raise their own armies
* Cavaliers vs. Roundheads
* Led parliamentary army in civil war
* Parliament wins civil war and in response
executes Charles I and abolishes the monarchy,
the House of Lords, and the Anglican Church
* Creates Puritan Republic
* Ran basically a military dictatorship, which
brutally conquered Catholic countries Scotland
and Ireland
* Disbands Parliament (House of Commons) >
becomes “Lord Protector”
* Put in Puritan prohibitions against drunkenness,
theatre going, and dancing
* Dies in 1660 > English ready to have monarchy and
Anglican Church restored
* Charles II becomes king
* England
returns to hereditary monarch, parliament
summoned at will, and Anglican church ran by bishops
and prayer book
* Had secret Catholic sympathies
* Made
secret pact with Louis XIV to convert when the time
was right
* Issues Declaration of Indulgence
* Suspends
laws against Roman Catholics & non-Anglican
Parliament threatens not to fund war with the Dutch
Charles rescinds the act
* Parliament issues Test Act
* Civil
& military officials of the crown swear to doctrine of
* Problem > no honest Catholic would do so
* Popish
Plot > basically a lie that the king was going to be
assassinated and his brother James would take throne
* Dies 1685 > leaves James II in shaky terms with Parliament
* James II – repeals the Test Act, puts Catholics in
positions of power, and issues another
Declaration of Indulgence permitting religious
* Parliament afraid of a Catholic heir to the
throne invite William of Orange to invade
* James flees to France - William and Mary (James
eldest Protestant daughter) succeed to the
throne in the bloodless Glorious Revolution
* England becomes a limited monarchy and
permits worship of all Protestants, but not
Catholics (The Toleration Act of 1689)
* Start of parliamentary democracy
* Act of Settlement puts King George I on the
*Sir Robert Walpole dominated English
politics from 1721 till 1742 based on his
royal support, ability to handle the
House of Commons and control over
government patronage
* promoted peace at home and abroad
* spread trade from North America to India
* builds the military, especially the navy making
Britain a world power
*The results of Walpole is England
becomes a military power with both
religious and political liberty
* Takes over country upon death of Cardinal Mazarin in 1661
* Rebellion by nobility > the Fronde > affects Louis XIV’s
approach to leadership
* Was an absolute monarch, but often conferred with
councils and the regional judicial bodies call the
* Later curtails parlements power, but is supported by some of
them anyways
* Parlement of Paris > most powerful > curtails its power too
* Absolutism
* Kings or Queens ruling absolutely over large territories with
relatively fixed boundaries
* Henry IV & Cardinal Richelieu paved the way for absolutism
of Louis XIV
* Reduced power of nobility
* Louis & advisors > masters
at propaganda & image
* Huge palace that was built
for Louis XIV and housed
thousands of important
nobles, royal officials and
* “feather pillow” tactic?
* Louis XIV nicknamed Sun King
* Why?
* Ruled by Divine Right
* Palace becomes a symbol of
his power
* Govt. moved from Paris to
quiet countryside of Versailles
* Good for Louis why?
* Prior to construction it was a hunting lodge under Louis XIII
* In today’s standards it would have cost $2 billion to build
* Treaty of Versailles ending WWI was signed in the Hall of Mirrors
* The Garden is 1,976 acres > 200,000 trees > 50 fountains > 210,000 flowers
* When it was built it could accommodate 5,000 people
* The palace is one of the largest palaces in the world. It has more than 700
rooms, 2000 windows, 1250 fireplaces, 67 staircases
* The paintings, tapestries, sculptures and furniture of this fabulous palace
have been executed by the best Italian and French artists of the earlier
* During the reign of Louis-Philippe the chateau (palace) was converted into a
museum in 1830
* All together the site is 19,262 acres > larger than the island of Manhattan
* The Chapel took 28 years to complete > it had to be perfect for Louis XIV >
it was designed to be a symbol of Catholic Church
* Vast network of bureaucrats ran the country
* Chief advisors > Jean-Baptiste Colbert > finance minister
* Controlled exports > Limited imports
* Regulations set for guilds > control products being made
* Made sure French products were above all else > fine quality
* France making money but Louis spending too much
* Palace of Versailles > half of revenue
* Funding of many wars
* Lavish lifestyle
* Duke of Orleans > in charge for Louis XV
* John Law & Mississippi Bubble > major financial fiasco
* Brought disgrace on govt.
* Not only power hungry but land hungry as well
* Wanted to expand France’s borders
* War of Devolution and the Second Dutch War
* Fought in the Netherlands
* Failure > no land gained in the end > money resources lost
* War of Spanish Succession
* Spain & France combine?
* Other European monarchies saw this as a threat
* Grand Alliance > England, Netherlands, Portugal, Prussia & HRE
* Louis forced to make peace > Treaty of Utrecht 1713
* Balance of power maintained
* Political unity according to Louis required Religious unity
* Suppression of the Jansenists – religious order that came from the
Roman Catholic Church opposed to the teachings of the Jesuits – during
Louis’s reign, both he and the Popes banned Jansenism and forced its
followers underground
* Revocation of the Edict of Nantes – Huguenots were banned from
certain professions, had churches and schools closed, ministers exiles
and Protestant children baptized by Catholic priests
* France becomes symbol of religious repression
* Economically > less advanced than the west
* Economy agrarian
* Trade > very limited > only grain traded to west
* Politically > weak
* War caused loyalty shifts
* 3 powers
* Habsburg Empire
* Prussia
* Russia
* Poland >
* failure to est. central govt.
*Most Polish monarchs were foreigners and tools
for foreign powers
* Monarchy was elected
*Had a central legislative body called the Sejm
or diet
* Single member (bribed) could use a liberum veto
which requires the body to disband
* Problem with giving nobles too much power
*Poland disappears from map in 18th century as
a result
* 1648 Austrian Hapsburgs held on to title of Holy Roman Emperor, but the title
depended on help from many other German states and principalities
* The territories, some outside of Germany, were so geographically and culturally
diverse that there was no common ground to unite them politically
* Despite internal difficulties the empire increases under Leopold I, Joseph I, and
Charles VI
* Pragmatic Sanction –> Charles VI no male heir > afraid Austria Hapsburgs will fall
to surrounding powers
* This instrument would provide the legal basis for a single line of inheritance within the
Hapsburg dynasty putting his daughter Maria Theresa in charge
* Frederick II of Prussia invades Hapsburg Empire and puts Maria at risk in1740
* Father left Maria a weak military
* Rule of Frederick William, the Great Elector
* Raised taxes through force to build an army
* Junkers (Yoon-kers), the German noble
landlords in return for obedience to Frederick
could enforce serfdom
* Prussia valued as an ally b/c of strong army
* Frederick William’s successors
* Frederick I, helps Hapsburgs in War of
Spanish Succession and becomes King of
* Frederick William I – most successful Prussian
leader – made the strongest army in Europe
the symbol of power and unity, while staying
out of war
* Frederick II or Great – did not have wisdom
of his father and invaded Silesia starting long
Austrian-Prussian rivalry
* Fighting for control of Germany
*Russia emerges as a European
power in the 17th Century
* No warm water ports for trade
* Major problem
* Romanov Dynasty (1613 to 1917)
* Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible)
* Time of Troubles
* Violent tyranny
* Nobles elect Tsar after Ivan’s
* Michael Romanov (1st Romanov)
* Successors
Aleksei and Theodore II
Brought stability and centralized govt.
Still weak though
* Came to power at age ten and believed that the power of the
tsar must be secure from the jealousy and greed of the , boyars,
the old nobility and the strelsy, the guards of the Moscow
* publicly executed rebellious strelsy and repressed and humiliated the
* Wanted to increase Russian military power, so he drafted an army
of 300,000 soldiers
* Built a navy on the Baltic Sea and went to war with the Ottomans
* The Great Northern War – Peter defeats the Swedes and takes
control of Estonia, Livonia, parts of Finland
* St. Petersburg – built a capital in honor of himself with places
forcibly built by the boyars that resembled small versions of
* Peter’s son, Aleksei, with Charles VI of Hapsburg attempts a
conspiracy against Peter and is sentenced to death / dies in
prison under mysterious circumstances
Looking at Sophia (Peter’s Step Sister) may result in nightmares
Ruled as regent prior to Peter
* Peter realized he was faced with a
lot of opposition so he brings the
nobility and the Russian Orthodox
Church closer to the tsar
* Table of Ranks – made a person’s
social position and privileges more
important than lineage
* Abolishes the patriarch and puts in
its place the Holy Synod, which
consisted of several bishops
headed by a layman called the
procurator general
* 1725 – Peter dies and leaves no
successor as Russia becomes
* Europeans fought with Ottomans over control of the Mediterranean,
Balkans, and Black Sea
* Largest Muslim empire during it’s time
* Fall of Roman Empire > it was the largest political entity governing very
diverse group of people > 18th Century power receding
* Religious toleration seen more here than anywhere else in Europe
Still some religious discrimination – dhimmis – non-Islamic persons in the Empire could
worship, but couldn’t rise in power, had to pay a poll tax, could not serve in the military and
were prevented from wearing certain colors
Devshirme – Christian boys recruited and raised as Muslims and put into the military as
infantry troops known as Janissaries / they were basically well treated slaves
Sultans governed their empire through millets (units) – officially
recognized religious communities
Ulama > Islamic Scholars advised sultans (Ottoman Ruler)
Islamic law protected here > the Sharia
* The Ottomans attempt to expand their empire into Europe, but
* The power of the main political figure, after the Sultan, the
vizier grows and splits up the empire
* Europe passes the Ottomans in learning, science, and military
* Ottomans suffer military losses to the united European states and
Russia and in consequence lose land and revenue
* Europe sees the Ottoman Empire as one in decline and Islam as an
inferior religion