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Dr. Domingo Martín
Dr. Martín graduated in Biology from the
University of Southern California (1970 - 1974),
in Medicine from the University of the Basque Country (1975-1982), in Dentistry
from the same University (1982-1984) and
as an Orthodontist from the University of
Valencia (1984-1987) Having completed his
orthodontic studies, he took a two-year post-graduate course,
obtaining the Orthodontics and Functional Occlusion Diploma
from the Roth-Williams Foundation in San Francisco, California
(1987-1989). He is also a Member of the Angle Society of
Europe. He has been running a private orthodontic practice in
San Sebastián ever since.
Dr. Elisabetta Grendene
Dr. Grendene graduated in Dentistry from
the University of Verona in 1999/2000.
She completed the orthodontic postgraduate
program at the University of Milan in 2006.
She collaborates with the Dental Institute and the department of Maxillofacial surgery at Policlinico G.B. Rossi,
director Prof. Pier Francesco Nocini. She runs her private
practice in Verona, Italy. Dr. Grendene is a member of Sido
(Italian Society of orthodontics), World Federation of Orthodontists and Roth Foundation.She is a tutor in the 2-year Roth-Williams clinical orthodontic program held by Dr. Renato Cocconi.
Dr. Renato Cocconi
Dr. Cocconi attended the 3 years postgraduate
program at the Department of Orthodontics
of the University of Milan where he obtained
his master degree in 1993. He spent 2, 1/2
years in the United States where he worked in
L.F. Andrews’ office in San Diego and attended the 2 years Roth Williams postgraduate
course in Burlingame (CA) in 1991-1993. He has
cooperated with Terry Tanaka at the USC facial pain. He is
currently clinical professor at the Department of Orthodontics of the University of Milan and his private practice is in
Parma where he lives. He is responsible of the Roth Williams
group in Italy and he has lectured to the main European and
American Orthodontic Societies. He is member of the EOS,
AAO, SIDO and active member of the Angle Society of Europe.
Dr. Guido Ranieri
Dr. Ranieri earned his degree in Dentistry
from the University of Bari. He completed the
Master program in Orthodontics at the Stomatology Department of Bari University in year 2001
and got his postgraduate education in Orthodontics at the University “Cattolica” of Rome.
Dr. Ranieri attended the “Two-Year clinical
orthodontic program” from the Roth-Williams foundation
in 2004-2005 and attenden the 2-years “Orthodontic and
Orthognatic surgery: concept in excellence”, held by Dr. Arnett, Tanaka, Hatcher, Shendel, Cocconi and Raffaini. He is
an instructor at the Face courses held in Italy. Dr. Ranieri is a full member of SIDO (Italian society of orthodontics)
Dr. Marc Geserick
Dr. Geserick finished dental school in 2000
followed by clinical trainee ships at the University of Oklahoma, USA, the University
of Peradenija, Sri Lanka and the Tsurumi
University in Japan. He did his postgraduate studies in Basel and Los Angeles.
Dr. Geserick owns a private practice in Ulm,
Germany. Dr. Geserick has written several articles and has
lectures internationally.
Dr. Andrea Compri
Dr. Compri graduated in Medicin in 1986 and
earned his postgraduate certification in Odontology in 1991. He attended the master program
“New Epget Edgewise Tweed technique” in 1989,
the “Tweed course” and the “Charles Tweed
International foundation for orthodontic research” in Tucson in 1990. Dr. Compri attended
the Excellence in orthodontics program from the Roth-Williams
foundation. He is a member of IBO (Italian Board of Orthodontic)
and works at the Department of Maxillo-Facial surgery at Ospedale Civile Maggiore in Verona, Italy.
Dr. Stefano Troiani
Dr. Troiani earned his degree in Dentistry at
University “La Sapienza” in Rome. He received his diploma of specialist in orthodontics at
the Royal Dental College, Århus, Denmark. Dr.
Troiani trained for 2 years at the Roth-Williams
postgraduate Course in Italy with Dr. Cocconi.
Dr. Troiani owns an orthodontic practice in
Denmark and Germany and he is an consulting orthodontist
at the maxillo-facial surgical department of Odense University
Hospital (Denmark). Dr. Troiani has lectured at several international courses.
Dr. Morten G. Laursen
DDS. Certified Specialist in Orthodontics.
Dr. Laursen received his postgraduate degree
in Orthodontics from the Department of Orthodontics, Aarhus University, Denmark, where he
currently is clinical assistant professor. He has
a private orthodontic office in Aarhus and is
associated to the public orthodontic service in
Silkeborg, Denmark. Dr. Laursen has lectured in international
orthodontic courses since 2006
Dr. Claudia Aichinger
Dr. Aichinger holds a dental and medical
degree from the university of Innsbruck,
Austria and received her orthodontic education
in the Lawrence F. Andrews Foundation from
1990-1993. She attended the 2 years Roth
Williams postgraduate course in Burlingame
(CA) from 1995-1997. Dr. Aichinger is in private
practice in Vienna, Austria. She is a member of the Angle
Society of Europe, the European Board of Orthodontics,
the Austrian Board of Orthodontics, and the International
College of Dentists
Gianluca Della Tana
Founding member of the Italian Academy of
Orthodontics Technique (AIOT). Specialized on
the gnathological Tooth set up for Positioner in
2001 in the United States at the laboratories
AAO of Racine (Wisconsin) and Interamerica
Lab in San Rafael (California). Specialized for
the construction of OBI MAGO (San Sebastian,
Spain, in May 2007). Technical Instructor since 1989 in the
courses for Orthodontists (RWC Courses) with Dr. Roth, Dr.
Williams and Dr.Cocconi.
Medical University of Graz
University Dental School, Medical University of Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 12, 8036 Graz
Fax: 0043 316 231123 4490
Clemens Keil, [email protected]
University of Lubljana
Mr Jura Stok
University of Lubljana
Medical faculty Department of Orthodontics
Hrvatski trg 6, 1000 Lubljana
[email protected]
University of Zagreb
Lada Prislic, [email protected]
School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb
Gunduliceva 5, HR-10000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 48 02 123
Fax: +385 1 48 30 804
Slavica Alpeza Stanicic
Alpex d.o.o.
Alpeza d.o.o.
Ormco for Croatia and Slovenia
tel: +385 1 46 46 537
fax: +385 1 46 13 484
mob: +385 91 46 13 484
University of Lubljana
Medical University of Graz
University of Zagreb
continuing ORTHODONTIC education
9-10 march 2013 Lubljana
Domingo Martin – Stefano Troiani
Presentation of the course
Introduction to the Face-Roth philosophy of treatment
Dear colleagues!
It is our great pleasure to invite you to “FACE University ALPE ADRIA continuing
ORTHODONTIC education”. This programme is specially designed for orthodontists
and postgraduate students of orthodontics. The two year programme is organized by
the Medical University of Graz, University of Zagreb and University of Lubljana
The course will be given by worldly renowned lecturers and speakers Dr. Domingo
Martin, Dr. Renato Cocconi, Dr. Marc Geserick and Dr. Stefano Troiani. Practical
and theoretical aspects will be covered.
The objectives of the course are to learn the fundamentals of the Roth Williams
philosophy, to apply the obtained knowledge in our day-to-day practice and to help us
obtain our treatment goals which are the following:
Dental and facial aesthetics
Functional occlusion and TMJ health
Periodontal health
Resolved patient’s chief complaint.
Thorough and accurate diagnostic records, detailed study and a comprehensive
treatment plan can also yield shorter treatment times, better results and improved
stability. The FACE treatment philosophy trains orthodontists how to implement this
distinguished treatment process.
To be able to obtain our goals the lecturers will instruct us on how to use specific
instruments such as articulators and splints. Clinical demonstrations will be held and
students of the course will be instructed in the appropriate use of instruments.
The FACE University ALPE ADRIA continuing ORTHODONTIC education programme
includes 8 sessions, each session lasts 2 days. Between the sessions students are
asked to do some additional work which will be shared with all the participants in the
succeeding session.
17-18 may 2013 Zagreb
Stefano Troiani – Gianluca della Tana
Orthodontic records
Basic biomechanic of tooth movement
Introduction to straight wire
Brackets placement and indirect bonding
13-14 september 2013 Graz
Stefano Troiani – Marc Geserick – Guido Ranieri
Stefano Troiani – Elisabetta Grendene
Stefano Troiani – Andrea Compri
pPostgraduate student* p
Registration fees:
Early Bird Deadline
First payment paid by:
December 1, 2012
2.000€ p
Postgraduate student1.700€ p
Extended Deadline
February 1, 2013
2.200 € p
1.900 € p
*For student registration, a letter of confirmation from the applicant’s head of department must be submitted with the registration form.
Cancellation policy: Full refund deducted by an administration fee of 30 € before Dec 15, 2012. No refund after February 1st 2013
- substitute can be announced.
Stefano Troiani – Claudia Aichinger
Stefano Troiani – Morten Laursen
Interdisciplinary treatment
Orthodontics and orthognathic surgery
Conclusion of the course
Payment : The total amount of 2000/1700 € (early bird registration) and 2200/1900 € (extanded deadline) can be paid by
following instalments:
December 1
800/700 €
800/700 € 1400/1100 €
400/300 €
800/ 800 €
Total fee has to be paid before course starts in March 2013.
Registration fee covers educational programme, lunch, coffee breaks as well as credit points given by the Medical Chamber of
Austria, Slovenia and Croatia.
Use of TADS
Biomechanics: space closure
Biomechanics: vertical control
Biomechanics: transversal control
13-14 september 2014 Name:…………………………………First name:……………………………………………
Biomechanics: choice of archwire
Biomechanics: asymmetries
Biomechanics: deep bite
Biomechanics: impacted canines
16-17 may 2014 Advanced Deadline: February 1, 2013
I am registering as: (please check one)
Interceptive treatment
21-22 march 2014 Early Bird Deadline: December 1, 2012
Diagnosis and treatment planning
Biomechanics and appliance selection
31 january – 1 february 2014 Zagreb
Please send email/fax to your local course secretariat
Telephone:……………………………………………………… Fax:…………………………
The temporomandibular joint
Co/Cr relation, articulator mounting
15-16 november 2013 FACE University ALPE ADRIA continuing ORTHODONTIC education
March 2013 – September 2014
Transportation and accommodation are not included. Participants are kindly asked to make their own hotel reservations.
Course secretariat and contact:
Renato Cocconi – Marc Geserick – Stefano Troiani
Clemens Keil, [email protected]
University Dental School, Medical University of Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 12, 8036 Graz
Fax: 0043 316 231123 4490
Bank account: BIC: RZSTAT2G
IBAN: AT71 3800 0000 0874 6141
Account number: 874 6141
Bank identification code (BLZ) 38000
Jura Stok [email protected]
University of Ljubljana Medical Faculty
Vrazov trg 002, 1000 Lubljana
Bank account:
IBAN: SI56011006030708380
Lada Prislic, [email protected]
School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb
Gunduliceva 5, HR-10000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 48 02 123
Fax: +385 1 48 30 804
Bank account:
IBAN: HR742360000-1101325385