Download Latest Health Target results - Hutt Valley District Health Board

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Latest Health Target results show Hutt Valley DHB treating cancers faster than ever before
Hutt Valley DHB has made an 11% increase in the Faster Cancer Treatments Health Target. Quarter
Two results released today show that Hutt Valley patients who have a high suspicion of cancer are
being seen faster than ever before.
Hutt Valley District Health Board Chief Executive Dr Ashley Bloomfield is impressed with the latest
results. “It’s really important to me that people in the Hutt Valley get access to the care they need
quickly. We’re working alongside Capital & Coast District Health Board to ensure patients in this
district see the specialists they need quickly, and as close to home as possible,” says Dr Bloomfield.
The number of Hutt Valley people receiving treatment for cancers is increasing each year: 571
people received cancer services in 2011/12 and this increased to 755 in 2014/15. This represents a
more than 30% increase in Hutt Valley people receiving cancer treatment at Wellington Regional
Hospital over the period.
“These results also help to demystify some recent media that suggested we were trying to reduce
oncology admissions.
“Because oncology services are provided by a limited number of hospitals, we need to ensure that
the services we get from other DHBs are being charged back to Hutt Valley DHB correctly and
appropriately. We are also doing some work to understand why the Hutt Valley population has a
cancer incidence of slightly below the national average, but an above average hospitalisation rate.
We think some of this care could be provided in the Hutt, so we are looking at how this could
Hutt Valley DHB is committed to our population receiving the care that they need, when they need
it. The latest target results show we are on track to achieve this.
Media contact: Izzi Brown, Communications Manager, Hutt Valley DHB. 027 469 8880
Hutt Valley DHB | Private Bag 31907, Lower Hutt 5010 | 04 566 6999