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Electrostatic Force
For centuries, humans observed “strange” force
Force is far too strong to be gravity
Example: Rub amber with fur → it attracts straw
Gravity between amber and straw is too weak to feel
Amber and straw must have something
Other than mass...
Which causes a noticeable force between them
This “stuff” is called electric charge
Charge is measured in “Coulombs” (C)
Electric Charge
Electrostatic force can be attractive or repulsive
Humans named these “positive” and “negative”
There must be 2 types of charge which interact differently
So the amber has positive charge...
And the straw has negative charge
Opposite charges attract; like charges repel
This was the limit of our understanding for
thousands of years
More experiments → understanding electricity in 1800's
Coulomb's Law
After much experimenting:
F = Force
q1 q 2
q = charge
d = distance
k = 9 x 109 N m2 / C2
This is an “inverse-square law”
Just like gravity! (except it can also be repulsive)
Charge and Atoms
Today we know that matter is made up of atoms
Charge is always “attached” to a particle
Positively charged nuclei with negatively charged e–
Positive charge → protons in nucleus
Can never have a charge smaller than 1.6 x 10-19 C
Charge can never be created or destroyed
It is conserved, just like energy!
The universe is electrically neutral overall... far as we can tell!
Conductors and Insulators
Most electrons are “bound” to the nucleus
Strength of this binding varies greatly
Some electrons are relatively easy to remove from the nucleus
i.e. They orbit around the nucleus
Materials with lots of “free” electrons which move easily
Most metals are good conductors
Materials with few free electrons (rubber, glass, plastic)
Polarization of Charge
How do “bound electrons” respond to electric fields?
Shape of the electron cloud is affected
Atom is said to be “polarized”
Energy is stored inside the atom's electric field
Too much polarization → electron separates from nucleus
Charging Objects
How can we transfer charge to an object?
Put objects made of different materials in physical contact
If one attracts e– better than the other → it picks them up
Bring a charged object near an uncharged one
Cut uncharged object in half
Electric Field
How can particles exert force without touching?
“Action-at-a-distance” → just like gravity
Solution: The “electric field”
exerts force
exerts force
Electric Field
Electric charge affects the space around it
If another charge comes into this “field”, it feels a force
Electric Potential – “Voltage”
Charge affects space (via the electric field)
Need to measure the effect at a given point in space
Electric potential (or “voltage”)
Describes the overall effect of nearby charge
Measured in Volts (V)
Point A has a large
positive voltage
Point B has a large
negative voltage
Storing Electric Energy
Must separate + and – charges
Like stretching an imaginary rubber band
Place 2 different substances in contact with acid
+ charges move toward one object...
– charges move to the other
2 metal plates with a gap between them
Place + charge on one plate and – charge on the other
Good for releasing energy quickly → e.g. camera flash bulb
Releasing Electric Energy – Current
Allow + and – charges to come back together by
making an electric “circuit”
Electric current
Let the imaginary rubber band “snap”
The flow of charge from one location to another
Units: Coulombs / second (C/s) OR Amperes (A)
Currents occur when there is a “voltage drop”
Difference in voltage between one location and another
Often due to a battery, capacitor, or generator
KE of moving charges can be used → electronic devices
Resistance and Ohm's Law
Device that converts current to another form of energy
Defined by “Ohm's Law”:
Units: Measured in Ohms (Ω)
Voltage drop
Power in Electric Circuits
Electric power:
Energy used
Power =
Units: Measured in Watts (W) or horsepower (hp)
Depends on the electric current and the resistance
10 – 500 W
1,000 – 10,000 W
About 1000 W on average