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Thermal Auricular Therapy
Professional code of ethics for Thermal Auricular therapists
You should not treat a patient if they are undergoing treatment with another
You should be professional to other fellow therapists
Be aware of professional responsibilities when dealing with the general public
You should carry out your treatment and business with professionalism and
never bring the profession in to disrupt
You should always abide by Government legislation such as the British code
of Advertising Practice - Therefore make no claims that Thai foot massage
can cure or relieve /prevent disorders.
During conversation never ask any unprofessional questions or discuss other
Professional code of practice
You are not to Diagnose – only describe areas of the treatment that are out of
You are to refer clients to their GP where necessary and to gain full approval
before the start of treatment where necessary
Carry out a full consultation and update record cards after each treatment
To be aware of any contra-indications to the treatment
Always put the client at ease and never make them feel uncomfortable or
You should always be covered by Public Liabilities Insurance
Keep up with your continual professional development and have knowledge of
complimentary therapies in general.
All treatments and treatment area are to be hygienic at all times.
Do not incorporate any other therapies into the treatment without consent of
the client (e.g. reiki)
Uphold the honour of the profession, e.g. when working on members of the
opposite sex.
Respect client confidentiality at all times
A good relationship with your client is dependent on trust and their confidence in
your standard and expertise.
A knowledgeable therapist who cares and is enthusiastic about the industry will help
instil confidence into the client.
Your personal appearance must be immaculate. The therapist’s appearance and
manner form the immediate visual impression which can help the client to gain
confidence or be concerned of your professionalism.
In order to run your business efficiently, it is essential that records are kept for all
clients. This can be done electronically or by using a system of treatment cards.
Please remember you need to follow legislation with regards to the Data Protection
Act when storing personal information. You should record the clients name, address
and telephone number, details of the consultation, the treatment and your
recommendations as to how frequently the treatments should be given. If you prefer
to use record cards you need to ensure that these are kept in a lockable cabinet to
ensure privacy and to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Tel. No:
First name(s):
Date of Birth:
Doctor’s name:
General State of Health:
Recent illness/operation:
Current medication:
Skin history/treatment:
Recommended home care:
Stress levels:
Outcome of treatment
Doctor’s Address:
Basic skin type:
Skin tone
Skin colour
Muscle tone
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Previous Treatments:
Patch tests taken:
Date of consultation
Details of the client’s lifestyle also should be recorded so that you can gain a full
picture with regards to their health. The following should be recorded:
Sleep patterns
Leisure activities
Exercise taken
Energy levels
Liquid intake / water intake
State of health
Smoke / Drink / Drugs
Stress levels 1-10
Relaxation techniques – time allocated
Hobbies and interests
Client consent
It is important to obtain consent to the treatment before commencement of the
treatment. This is a legal requirement and your insurance would be null and void
without it. If the client is under 16, there should be written evidence of consent from
the parent. A parent or guardian should be present during the treatment .
A healing crisis can occur during or after the treatment. It often occurs in clients that
have more toxins and impurities in their system. It is the body’s own way of dealing
with the release of the toxins collectively.
Itchy skin
Increased urination
Running from the eyes and ears
Increased secretion from the nose
Increased in the elimination of toxins from excretory organs
Flu-like symptoms
If a healing crisis occurs STOP the treatment. It is important for you to
explain that a healing crisis can occur. Get your client to relax in a safe
and comfortable place and offer them a glass of water. You should
discuss how to proceed with further treatments.
Do not be afraid to refer you client for medical attention.
First impressions matter! It can be the decision to book or cancel an appointment
depending on the look of the establishment. You should ensure that the working
area is appropriate and any prior consultations or client questions are carried out in
Good organisation and an efficient service should be apparent to the client as this
will instil confidence in the client.
Work area preparation:
Clean all surfaces with disinfectant or other products such as barbicides.
Prepare all your equipment and materials in advance and make sure they are
placed in a position that will prevent injury to you or your client.
Create or select the client’s treatment card
Place all clients clothing and items away from the area of treatment, but they
should be placed in a safe place.
Make sure water is on hand in case your client is thirsty or they experience a
Client preparation:
Make the client feel comfortable
Offer the client a drink
Check the temperature and lighting of the room to see if your client is happy
Carry out a verbal consultation and document the findings on the consultation
 Establish if there are any contra-indications
 Ask the client to get into a comfortable position that is in easy reach for you to
work on their lower leg and foot area.
 Cleanse the feet
Check visually for any contra-indications
What is Hopi Ear Candling?
Hopi ear candling, also known as Thermo Auricular Therapy, is an ancient form of
therapy practised by many people around the world. Its name is taken from the Hopi
Indians of North Arizona, however this is a controversial topic as history of the Hopi
tribe actually refuse that this is the case as there is no evidence documented to
support this statement. The term Hopi means 'peaceful people'. It has also been
believed that candles have been used on the Chinese as well as Tibetan Monks.
They were first used to cleanse the aura around the body and had a spiritual
meaning. They have also been documented in healing ceremonies, meditation and
Ear candles were used traditionally by Shamen healers. Ancient wall paintings (such
as those found within the caves of the Grand Canyon) show the importance of
earcandling in initiation rituals and healing ceremonies of the tribe.
Hopi Tower mural Grand Canyon
Hopi candling is a very gentle therapy and its popularity is growing as more people
become aware of its positive benefits.
The process of Hopi candling involves a specially designed hollow candle being
inserted just inside the ear canal. The candle is then lit and the suction that is formed
draws the impurities from within the ear. This process is known as the chimney
effect. The rising air gives the ear drum a gentle massage and also helps to regulate
ear pressure. A small amount of ear wax is also removed during the treatment.
How Hopi Ear Candles work
The earcandling treatment is a relaxing one and the patient need only concern
themself with lying fairly still in a comfortable position whilst the hopi ear candle is
gently inserted into their ear.
When lit, the ear candles have a slight sucking action often referred to as the
chimney principle, drawing any impurities to the surface where they can be gently
removed. The rising air inside the ear sets up a vibration which gently massages the
eardrum. This can help to regulate the pressures involved inside the ear.
The flow of air within the ear candle creates a circulation of concentrated vapour.
This is soothing, calming and protects the irritated areas. Most impurities or deposits
are carried away through the candle "chimney", although some of them can be found
in the lower section of the candle after removal from the ear, or some wax could
even work its way up to the surface 24-48 hours after.
Anatomy of the Ear
How do we hear?
When something makes a noise, it sends vibrations, or sound waves, through the
air, temperature also effects the speed of hearing the warmer the temperature the
faster sound travels.
The human eardrum is a stretched membrane, which acts like the cover of a drum.
When the sound waves hit your eardrum, it vibrates and the brain interprets these
vibrations as sound.
After the vibrations hit your eardrum, a chain reaction is set off. Your eardrum, which
is smaller and thinner than the nail of your small finger, sends the vibrations to the
three smallest bones in your body. First the hammer, then the anvil, and finally, the
stirrup. The stirrup passes those vibrations along a coiled area in the inner ear called
the cochlea.
It is here in the cochlea that there are thousands of hair-like nerve endings, cilia.
When the Cochlea vibrates, the cilia move. Your brain is sent these messages
through the auditory nerve.
Your brain interprets this information and identifies what you are hearing.
Neurologists don't yet fully understand how we process raw sound data once it
enters the cerebral cortex in the brain.
Did you know?
Your ears aren't just good for helping you hear. They help you keep your
balance as well. Near the top of the cochlea are three loops called the
semi-circular canals. These canals are full of fluid that moves when you
move your head. It pushes up against the cilia and sends messages to
your brain that tells it how your body is moving. Ever feel dizzy after
spinning around? Well, that’s because the fluid in your ears spun as well.
That makes the cilia move in all different directions and confused your
Children have more sensitive ears than adults. They can hear a larger
variety of sounds.
Dolphins have the best sense of hearing amongst all the animals. They
are able to hear 14 times better than humans.
Too much fluid putting pressure on your eardrums causes earaches. They
are often a result of infection, allergies, or a virus.
The outer ear
The outer ear is the part that you can see and touch. Sound waves pass through the
ear canal and come in contact with the ear drum, the sound waves vibrate the ear
drum . The eardrum has an inner lining of mucous membranes that secrete a waxy
sebum to prevent dirt, insects and other micro-organisms from entering the ear
Conditions of the outer ear
Ottis externa – skin the ear canal is weepy and inflamed usually caused by
scratching to ease conditions such as eczema. This is a bacterial infection.
Excessive wax – can be severe and affect hearing
The middle ear
Next you come to the middle ear. It is here that the eustachian tube is present this
links the ears to the nose and throat. The tube stays closed but does open when
pressure is unbalanced such as during a flight or yawning this causes a popping
action to the ear.
This area also contains three of the smallest bones in the body. They are Incus,
Malleus and Stapes.
Sounds enters the eardrum and passes the ossicles, the handle of the malleus
moves with the incus. The incus joins the malleus and the malleus joins with the
stapes. The head of the stapes joins to the incus and pushes on the cochlea of the
inner ear.
Conditions to the middle ear
Glue ear – caused by viral and bacterial infection the Eustachian tube becomes
blocked and air is prevented from reaching the middle ear which in turn fills with a
gloppy glue substance. This condition is usually attributed with young children.
Damage ossicles – this is usually caused by serious head injuries.
Perforated eardrum – this is when a hole appears in the ear drum which needs to be
repaired with surgery if the hole is large. This can be caused by infectious,
excessive noise or a head injury.
Otosclerosis – This is often hereditary and is more common in women than men.
The stapes grow abnormally affecting sound vibrations passing through it causing
deafness over a number of years. However an operation can save the patients
The inner ear
The inner ear is concerned with the function of balance and hearing. There are two
main areas within the inner ear which is the cochlea and the semicircular canals.
There is both fluid and cilia hair projections within the cochlea and when sound
travels it penetrates the fluid which causes movement to the hairs which send a
message to the auditory nerve which moves from the cochlea to the brain. The hair
have the ability to pick up different frequencies of sound. The semi-circular canals
are also effect balance and are connected to the brain through the vestibular nerve.
Conditions of the inner ear
Rhinitis – Inflammation of mucous membrane that lines the nasal cavity. There are
varying degrees of the condition and can have the symptoms of blocked nose, facial
pain, sneezing and discharge of mucous.
Sinusitis – Inflammation of the membrane lining of the facial sinuses usually caused
by a bacterial infection. This condition often has symptoms such as facial pain,
blocked nose and loss of smell.
Tinnitus – A ringing to the ears can also sound like buzzing, hissing or whistling
sound. Often occurs due to stress, loss of hearing, head injury, damage to ciliated
tissue in the ear and can also be linked to other conditions such as diabetes.
Meniere’s disease – Increased pressure to the fluid in the ear, this can cause
dizziness and headaches, nausea and vomiting. Reducing salt intake can help the
Presbycusis – hearing loss due to the degeneration of the ciliated lining within the
ear associated with old age.
Vertigo – Feeling of dizziness and spinning causing a loss of balance. Caused by
disease of the inner ear, also attributed to some brain disorders.
Ear wax – cerumen
The ceruminous gland produces cerumen also known as ear wax. It is made up of
fatty acids which slow down the growth of bacteria and fungi. The ear wax also
protects the ear from other microbes entering the ear. The ear wax is moved along
to the outside ear by movement of the temporalmandibular joint which is located
close to the ear. If there is an excess of ear wax it can lead to discomfort, earache,
inflammation, vertigo and even lead to temporally deafness. One of the solutions is
syringing the ear by placing warm water to release the wax however this can
damage the ear so it comes with risks attached.
Contra indications for Hopi Ear Candling
Although anyone can be treated with Hopi Ear Candles there are cases where Hopi
should not be used. These are called contra-indications.
The contra-indications for Hopi Ear candling are 
Infection of the ear
High or low blood pressure
Circulatory disorder
A recent neck or head injury
Inflammation of the ear
Surgery on the ear within the last 3 months
Perforation of the ear drum
Epilepsy as many candles contain sage as an ingredient this is also the case
for pregnancy
Lack of ear drum
Children unless written consent from parent is given
Auricular cysts
Nervous system dysfunctions
Infectious skin diseases
Grommets, drains or ventilation tubes fitted
Known allergy to candle wax
Providing your clients have none of these existing conditions Hopi Ear Candling will
be a perfectly safe treatment for you to carry out. The number of Hopi treatments
that your clients may be need to help a problem depends on a number of factors.
The age of the person, the length of time they have had the condition and what
condition the person is suffering from. The older the person and the longer they have
had the condition the more treatments that will be needed before there is a
noticeable improvement, and some conditions are much more treatable than others,
therefore fewer treatments are needed for positive results to be achieved.
The guidelines that can be followed with regard to the number of Hopi treatments a
person can have to achieve positive results may vary depending on their condition.
For example for a cold or congested nose, it is safe to have treatments once a day
for the first 2 days and then 3 or 4 more over the next 10 days. Long term problems,
such as hearing loss or tinnitus, Hopi treatments can be given 3 times in the first
week, twice in the second week and once in the third week. A Hopi treatment once a
month can be beneficial for preventing problems. However with any condition you
should consult the clients GP.
Contra-actions that may occur as a result of the treatment
Allergy to the ear candle (wax)
Redness to the area
Benefits of Hopi ear candles
Hopi Ear Candling has many positive benefits and can help with a variety of
conditions of the ear.
These include 
Breathing easier
Drys moisture
Loosens ear wax
Deafness related to age
Easing of earwax
After flying
Helps aid relaxation
Glue Ear
Hayfever and rhinitus
Excessive ear wax
General hearing loss
Tension headaches
Travel sickness
Meniere's disease
Promotes a sense of wellbeing
Though there is no actual evidence that Hopi ear candles work there is an
overwhelming increase in the treatment and clients identify an improvement or
benefit from the treatment.
Other benefits of ear candling?
The ear candling has the ability to:
Ease tinnitus
Eases compacted ear wax by warming the ear wax
Drains the nasal passages
Opens the airways therefore can help reduce snoring
Eases neuralgia
Increases circulation and therefore eases and reduces tension
Eases sinus problems