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) ) ) ) MANAGEMENT'OF''INVASIVE' CERVICAL'RESORPTION'WITH' BIODENTINE:'A'CASE'REPORT' ) ) ) ABSTRACT' ) Invasive)cervical)resorption)is)entirely)an)uncommon)entity)in)dental) community) that) is) not) well) understood.) Accurate) diagnosis) of) the) situation) and) immediate) treatment) execution) are) prerequisites) for) long) term) retention) of) the) tooth.) Treatment) procedure) includes) elimination)of)the)resorptive)tissue)followed)by)restoring)the)defect) with)a)suitable)biocompatible)material.)The)necessity)of)endodontic) treatment)depends)on)whether)the)defect)had)invaded)the)root)canal) or) not.) This) case) report) elaborates) the) surgical) management) of) a) class)IV)invasive)cervical)resorption)in)the)central)incisor)followed)by) restoration)of)the)defect)with)biodentine.) ) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' )' JERIN,)Jose*) ' SHOBA,)K*) KEYWORDS' NITHYA,)Tomy**) ) SHEENA,)P*) SHIBU,)Aman*) Invasive)cervical)resorption.)Biodentine.) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Department)of)Conservative)Dentistry)and)Endodontics,)Government)Dental)College,)Kottayam,)Kerala)State,)India*) Department)of)Pedodontics)and)Preventive)Dentistry,)Kannur)Dental)College,)Kannur,)Kerala)State,)India**) Correspondence:)[email protected])(JERIN)J))|)Received)07)Jan)2015)Received'in'revised'form)14)Jan)2015)Accepted)17)Jan)2015) ) 661 INTRODUCTION closest$ alternatives$ in$ treatment$ of$ teethwith$ Root$resorption$refers$to$the$process$of$ resorptive$defects.10$This$case$report$describes$ the$ destruction$ of$ cementum$ and/or$ dentine$ the$surgical$ management$ of$a$ class$ 4$ invasive$ through$ physiological$ or$ pathological$ activity$ cervical$resorptive$defect$with$biodentine. ! of$ dentoclasts.1$ Even$ thoughphysiologic$ root$ CASE,REPORT resorption$ is$ inevitable,$ the$ pathological$ resorptionmay$ lead$ to$ tooth$ loss.$ Depending$ ! on$ the$ location$ of$ resorption,$ root$ resorption$ reportedto$ the$ Department$ of$ Conservative$ can$ be$ classi<ied$into$ two$ types:$ $ internal$ and$ Dentistry$ and$ Endodontics$ with$ pain,$ mild$ external$ resorption.$ $ The$ term$ Invasive$ discoloration$ and$ bleeding$ from$ her$ right$ cervical$resorption$denotes$an$aggressive$form$ upper$ front$ tooth.$ She$ had$ noticedmild$ of$external$ tooth$resorptionand$can$be$de<ined$ discoloration$of$11,$ bleeding$ and$ a$swelling$ in$ as$ a$ localized$ resorption$ that$ initiates$ at$ the$ the$palatal$aspect$of$11$and$21$for$the$past$few$ zone$ of$ connective$ tissue$ attachmenton$ months. theroot$surface.2#5 $ $ Orthodontic$treatment,$trauma,$surgical$ cleft$ lip$ repair$ 9$ years$ back$ and$ repeated$ and$periodontal$procedures,$internal$bleaching$ orthodontic$ treatment.$ During$ the$ clinical$ etc.$ include$ predisposing$ factors$ for$ invasive$ examination,$ mild$ discoloration$ of$ 11$ can$ be$ cervical$ resorption. 6#9 Successful$ outcome$ noticed$ at$ cervical$ region.$ A$ swelling$ of$ 1cm$ depends$ on$ early$ diagnosis,$ limiting$ and$ diameter$had$also$ been$noticed$on$the$palatal$ restoring$ the$ resorptive$ lesion.$ Various$ aspect$ of$ 11$ with$ in<lammed$ gingiva$ and$ materials$ can$ be$ used$ for$ restoring$ the$ profuse$ bleeding.$ Probing$on$the$ cervical$ area$ resorptive$ defects.$ Biodentine$ is$ a$ novel$ of$ 11$ revealed$ a$ sharp$ subgingival$ defect$ on$ bioactive$ and$biocompatible$ material$ that$ has$ the$palatal$aspect. great$ improvement$ compared$ to$ the$ other$ $ calcium$ silicate$ dental$ materials.$ The$ percussion$ test$ and$ negative$ to$ thermal$ and$ compressive$ strength,$ elasticity$ modulus$ and$ electric$ pulp$ tests.$ Radiographic$ examination$ micro$ hardness$ are$ comparable$ with$ that$ of$ revealed$ 11$ with$ an$ asymmetric$ irregular$ natural$ dentine.$ The$ material$ is$ stable,$ less$ radiolucent$ area$ extending$ from$ the$ cervical$ soluble,$ nonGresorbableand$ easy$ to$ prepare$ third$ to$ middle$ third$ of$ the$ root$ which$ is$ in$ and$ place,$ needs$ much$ less$ time$ for$ setting.$ continuous$ with$pulp$space.$Vertical$ bone$loss$ Due$ to$ its$ improved$ material$ properties,$ can$be$ located$on$the$mesial$ and$distal$ aspect$ Biodentine$ has$ a$ distinct$ advantage$ over$ its$ of$ 11.$ Periapical$ aspect$ of$21$ shows$ irregular$ A$ 3 0 G y e a r$ G o l d$ f e m a l e$ p a t i e n t$ Review$of$the$dental$ history$ revealed$a$ Both$ 11$ and$ 21$ responded$ positive$ to$ JRD+#+Journal+of+Research+in+Dentistry,+Tubarão,+v.+3,+n.+2,+mar/apr.+2015 662 radiolucency$ with$ destruction$ of$ lamina$ dura$ 21.$ The$ root$ canals$ were$ irrigated$ with$2.5%$ (Figure$1).$ Considering$ both$ radiographic$ and$ NaOCl$ during$ cleaning$ and$ shaping.$ $ Calcium$ clinical$ <indings,$ the$ diagnosis$ was$ class$ IV$ hydroxide$dressing$had$given$and$access$cavity$ invasive$cervical$resorption$on$11. was$temporarily$sealed.$Patient$recalled$for$the$ surgical$repair$on$the$next$week. Figure+1.+Resorptive+defect. Figure+2.+WL+determination. $ With$the$patient’s$consent,$conventional$ root$canal$treatmentupto$cleaning$and$shaping$ , followed$ by$ surgical$ repair$ of$ resorbed$ root$ palatal$ <lapextending$ from$ distal$ aspect$ of$ 14$ and$ obturation$ was$ planned.$ Both$ 11$ and$ 21$ to$ distal$ aspect$ of$ 23$ was$ raised$ after$ giving$ e n d o d o n t i c a l l y$ a c c e s s e d$ u n d e r$ l o c a l$ sulcular$incision.$ Perforating$defect$ on$11$was$ anaesthesia$ and$ working$ length$ determined$ visualized.$ To$ visualize$ the$ complete$ using$ electronic$ apex$ locatorwhich$ was$ extensions$ of$ the$ defect$ on$ the$ apical$ region,$ con<irmed$by$ radiographic$ method$(Figure$2).$ bone$removed$from$ the$apical$aspect$of$defect$ After$working$length$determination,$root$canal$ using$ high$speed$high$torque$ hand$piece$ with$ cleaning$ and$ shaping$ of$ both11$ and$ 21$ had$ 7/8$round$bur.$ Then$lesion$was$ treated$with$a$ done.$Cleaning$and$shaping$had$done$up$to$ISO$ 90%$ TCA$ after$ protective$ application$ of$ Under$ local$ anaesthesia,a$ fullGthickness$ K$<ile$size$70$and$MAF$ was$ 50$for$both$11$and$ JRD+#+Journal+of+Research+in+Dentistry,+Tubarão,+v.+3,+n.+2,+mar/apr.+2015 663 glycerol$ to$ adjacent$ soft$ tissues$ before$ the$ curettage$of$the$lesion. $ Granulomatous$ tissue$ was$ removed$ from$ the$ resorptive$ site$ ef<iciently$ using$ curette$(Figure$3).$After$the$chemo$mechanical$ debridement,$ repair$ of$ the$ defect$ was$ done$ with$biodentine$ (Figure$ 4).$ Flap$ was$ replaced$ and$ sutured.$ Tooth$ was$ obturated$ with$ gutta$ Figure+5.+1st+year+clinical+review. percha$ using$ cold$ lateral$ condensation$ technique.$ Patient$ was$ recalled$ and$ reviewed$ at$1st,$2nd$and$6th$month$and$1st$year$(Figure$5).$ Radiographic$ review$ had$done$after$ 6th$ month$ and$ 1st$ year$ (Figure$ 6).$ Now$ patient$ is$ asymptomatic. Figure+3.+Perforating+defect+after+Jlap+reJlection+and+curettage. Figure+6.+Review+after+one+year. DISCUSSION ! An$ Invasive$ Cervical$ Resorption$ is$ an$ aggressive$pathological$lesion$characterized$by$ its$ cervical$ location.$ Though$ exact$ etiology$ is$ FIgure+4.+Repairing+defect+with+biodentine+during+procedure. unknown,$ orthodontic$ treatment,$ trauma,$ surgical$ and$ periodontal$ procedures,$ internal$ bleaching$ etc.$ can$ be$ the$ predisposing$ JRD+#+Journal+of+Research+in+Dentistry,+Tubarão,+v.+3,+n.+2,+mar/apr.+2015 664 factors6#9.$ In$ the$ case$ presented$ incomplete$ bothClass$ 3$ and$ Class$ 4$ cases,$ both$ the$ nonG orthodontic$ treatment$ that$ patient$ had$ surgical$ and$ surgical$ approaches$ will$ be$ undergonemay$be$the$etiological$factor. necessary.$Re<lecting$a$fullGthickness$periosteal$ $ Earlier$ the$ diagnosis,$ more$ predictable$ <lap$ or$ orthodontical$ extrusion$ of$ the$ tooth$ will$ be$the$treatment$ outcome.$ Because$of$the$ allows$ complete$ access$ into$ the$ lesion.11The$ nature$ of$ the$ lesion,$ it$ can$ be$ misdiagnosed$ treatment$ protocol$ also$ included$ topical$ and$ incorrectly$ treated.$ Heithersay$ had$ application$ of$ a$ 90%aqueous$ solution$ of$ developed$ a$ clinical$ classi<ication$ as$ a$ trichloroacetic$acid$for$coagulation$necrosis$ of$ guideline$for$diagnosing$and$treating$the$cases$ the$ resorptive$ tissue$ before$ curetting$ it.12$ of$invasive$cervical$resorption.9 $ $ In$ the$ case$ presented,$ differential$ cervical$ resorption$ included$ extraction$ of$ the$ diagnoses$included$internal$resorption$and$sub$ tooth$ followed$ by$ an$ implantplacement$ or$ gingival$ caries.$ Internal$ resorption$ was$ intentional$replantation. excluded$ by$ the$ nonGcentric$ nature$ of$ the$ $ defect$ in$ the$ root$ canal$ as$ the$ angle$ of$ composite,$ amalgam$ and$ mineral$ trioxide$ exposure$ changed$ and$sub$gingival$ caries$ was$ aggregate$ (MTA)$ can$ be$ used$ to$ restore$ the$ excluded$ by$ the$hard$base$ of$the$ defect.11$ The$ resorption. 8,+ severity$of$external$resorption$was$determined$ cannot$ be$ expected$ with$ composite$ resin$ or$ by$ its$ radiographic$ appearance.$ As$ lesion$ was$ with$glass$ionomer$cement$but$may$occur$with$ an$ asymmetrical$ radiolucency$ invading$ pulp$ MTA.15Novel$ calcium$ silicate–based$ materials$ space$ with$ irregular$ margins$ extending$ from$ have$ been$ developed$ to$ improve$ some$ the$cervical$ region$to$ middle$ third$of$ the$root$ drawbacks$of$MTA$such$as$its$dif<icult$handling$ of$ 11$ (<ig.$ 1)$ it$ can$ be$ grouped$ under$ property$and$long$setting$time.10$ Biodentine$is$ Heithersay’s$ class$ 4$ lesions.The$ entire$ one$ such$ material$ claimed$ to$ be$ used$ as$ a$ elimination$ of$ the$ resorptive$ tissue$ and$ dentine$ restorative$ material$ in$ addition$ to$ restoration$ of$ the$ defect$ were$ the$ aims$ of$ endodontic$indications$similar$to$those$of$MTA$ treatment.$ Treatment$ plan$ usually$ depend$ on$ which$include$perforation$repair$ and$repair$of$ the$severity$and$location$of$the$defect,$whether$ the$ resorptive$ defects.10$ This$ novel$ calcium$ it$ had$ perforated$ the$ root$ canal$ and$ the$ silicate$ material$ developed$ to$ overcome$ the$ restorability$of$the$tooth.12 demerits$of$MTA$ like$dif<iculty$in$handling$the$ $ material$and$long$setting$time.10 Since$ the$resorptive$ defect$ includes$the$ Alternate$ treatment$ options$ for$ class$ 4$ Glass$ ionomer,$ lightGcured$ resin$ 14 Periodontal$ reattachment$ root$canal$in$class$3$class$4$lesions,$endodontic$ $ treatment$ must$ be$ considered. 5,+ located$on$the$palatal$aspect$on$probing.$ Since$ 13$ For$ In$ the$ case$ presented,$ the$ defect$ was$ JRD+#+Journal+of+Research+in+Dentistry,+Tubarão,+v.+3,+n.+2,+mar/apr.+2015 665 the$ diagnosis$ was$ Heithersay’s$ class$ 4$ lesion,$ protocol$ can$ lead$ to$ successful$ outcome$ and$ we$ planned$ for$ a$ combination$ of$ surgical$ long$ term$ retention$ of$ tooth.$ Biodentine$ approach$and$endodontic$treatment$and$as$the$ cement$as$a$sealing$material$is$a$new$approach$ defect$was$on$the$palatal$aspect$we$opted$for$a$ for$ treating$ the$ external$ cervical$ resorption.$$ full$ thickness$ palatal$ periosteal$ <lap.$ Even$ though$ this$ case$ report$ denotes$ a$ $ Advantages$ for$ considering$ such$ a$ <lap$ successful$outcome,$ further$ studies$have$to$be$ design$ include$ better$ access$ into$ the$ lesion,$ conducted$and$evaluated$to$prove$ef<iciency$of$ esthetics,$ and$ less$ resorption.$ Disadvantages$ the$ biodentine$ as$ sealing$ material$ in$ treating$ include$ dif<iculty$ in$ re<lecting$ the$ <lap$ and$ the$ external$ cervical$ resorption,$ before$ delayed$healing.$ $My$ selection$ was$ Biodentine$ drawing$any$conclusion. because$it$has$a$better$consistency$after$mixing$ and$ faster$ setting$ when$ compared$ to$ MTA$ REFERENCES which$ allows$ easier$ placement$ in$ areas$ of$ 1.+Ikhar+A,+Thakur+ N,+ Patel+A,+ Bhede+ R,+Patil+ P,+Gupta+S.+ defect.$ It$ is$ bioactive,$ biocompatible,$ and$ non$ Management+ of+ external+ invasive+ cervical+ resorption+ resorbable$ and$ having$ suf<icient$ amount$ 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