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Maritime Physics Curriculum
Unit: Skills and Processes
Fill in with what Gina has for other classes!!
Unit I: One Dimensional Motion
Goal: The student will demonstrate the ability to define, describe, calculate and differentiate
among position, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration.
Objectives – The student will be able to:
Identity and define vocabulary for the different parts of a boat
Define and identify position, origin, and frame of reference for the motion of an object.
Define and differentiate between scalar and vector
Define longitude and latitude and identify how they correlate to a map
Create a motion diagram of a boat located in the ocean using longitude and latitude as
tools in order to describe the position, origin and frame of reference.
Define and calculate displacement of a boat traveling on water in order to determine if it
is speeding up, slowing down or remaining constant, using a motion diagram.
Describe the role of a navigator for ships to include career statistics such as salary,
educational background and employment opportunities, etc.
Identify how Global Positioning Systems work
Calculate their position at sea based on the concept of triangulation
Identify and convert measurements of boats speed and compare and contrast this to land
Define and calculate speed for a ship at sea
Define and calculate velocity for a ship at sea, demonstrated by position vs time graphs in
order to determine if there is a change in velocity or if it is constant.
m. Define and calculate acceleration for a ship at sea, demonstrated by velocity vs time
graphs in order to determine if there is a change in acceleration or if it is constant (
Unit II: Force, Two-Dimensional Motion and Gravity
Goal 1: The student will demonstrate the ability to state and apply Newton’s three laws of
Objectives – The student will be able to:
a. Define and apply Newton’s 1st law of motion to explain how a ship is steered
(changes direction) and how items or people are affected by the movement of the boat
or to explain the role of an anchor and how it works.
b. Define and apply Newton’s 2nd law of motion to include calculations with F=ma and
derivatives of the formula (a=F/m and m = F/a) for the processes necessary to
operating the ship
c. Define and apply Newton’s 3rd law of motion for the processes necessary to operate a
ship (hoisting the sails, by creating a force diagram and explaining how things move
through unbalanced forces.
d. Define and apply the concept of “torque” to explain how pulleys and lever allow for
transportation of large items onto and off ships or for use in the fishing industry.
e. Explain how drag (friction) works on a boat
Goal 2: The student will demonstrate the ability to describe the path of a projectile using motion
equations and vector components.
Objectives – The student will be able to:
a. Define and identify a projectile
b. Analyze the motion of an ammunition projectile from a war ship or the firing of a
harpoon gun by diagraming its velocity and acceleration both vertically and horizontally.
c. Apply motion equations to projectile problems (war ammunition, firing harpoon gun,
casting a fishing line, dropping anchor, etc) and explain how these calculations can be
used to accurately hit targets.
Goal 3: The student will demonstrate the ability to analyze and explain uniform circular motion
Objectives – The student will be able to:
a. Identify and define uniform circular motion
b. Explain how centripetal force results from an accelerated frame of reference
c. Explain and diagram how centripetal force works with water skiing or for a boat turning.
Goal 4: The student will demonstrate the ability to describe the law of universal gravitation
Objectives – The student will be able to:
a. Define the law of gravitation
b. Apply the law of gravitation to explain how the ocean tides occur
Unit III: Energy and Momentum
Goal 1: The student will demonstrate the ability to apply the concepts of momentum, impulse,
conservation and system to describe and numerically solve simple collision and explosion
Objectives – The student will be able to:
a. Define momentum
b. State the law of conservation of momentum
c. Apply and calculate momentum to the movement of a boat through water
d. Define impulse
e. Apply and calculate the impulse of a boat to explain why it is safer to come to a
gradual rather than a short stop.
f. Distinguish between elastic and inelastic collisions and explosions based upon history
of boat crashes and/or military ammunition and analyze how this information has
been used to improve safety technology.
g. Analyze a system to determine if the forces are internal or external in regards to a
Goal 2: The student will demonstrate the ability to explain the relationships between work and
Objectives – The student will be able to:
a. Define potential and kinetic energy
b. Define energy in terms of work
c. Calculate and apply the concept of “work” to a boat engine to explain how the boat
moves through the water
d. Differentiate between power and work
e. Calculate and apply the concept of “power” to a boat engine to analyze how one might
choose a boat engine.
f. Identify the role and career path of a 2nd engineer or oiler of ship
Goal 3: The student will demonstrate the ability to discuss how energy in a system is transferred
from one form to another or from one object to another, and use the conservation of energy solve
simple problems
Objectives – The student will be able to:
a. Define the law of conservation of energy
b. Identify the different forms of energy for a system (ship) and explain how the forms of
energy are converted to perform tasks
c. Define and calculate the mechanical energy of a system (ship)
Unit IV: Electricity and Magnetism
Goal 1: The student will demonstrate the ability to identify kinds of electric charges, analyze
interactions between two charged objects and describe electric fields.
Objectives – The student will be able to:
a. Identify the two kinds of electric charges and describe the interaction of like and unlike
b. Explain how friction, conduction, induction and discharge dictate the net charge of a
system through gain or loss of electrons.
c. Differentiate between conducting and insulating materials by analyzing the function of
different materials or mechanisms on a ship.
d. Diagram the field of a magnet with the assistance of a compass.
e. Apply coulomb’s law to explain how compasses work
Goal 2: The student will demonstrate the ability to describe the characteristics of simple series
and parallel circuits in terms of voltage, current and resistance.
Objectives – The students will be able to:
a. Use Ohm’s law to calculate circuit variables and to explain how voltage, current and
resistance relate.
b. Identify the purpose of a resistor and possible safety hazards of a malfunctioning
resistor (specific to a ship)
c. Identify and diagram the characteristics of a simple circuit and diagram
d. Identify and diagram the characteristics of a parallel circuit
e. Define electrical power as the product of voltage and current (P=VI) and apply this to
simple circuits.
f. Differentiate between direct and alternating current and identify the appropriate uses
for each.
g. Identify the purposes and appropriate uses of a voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter, and
h. Identify Safety devices and their appropriate uses for a circuit and possible
consequences of not using these safety devices.
Goal 3: The student will demonstrate the ability to describe how the behavior of magnets
interact with electricity to explain how electromagnetism works.
Objectives – The student will be able to:
a. Explain and diagram how a motor works
b. Demonstrate knowledge of how a electromagnetism works by creating a simplified motor
c. Explain and diagram how a generator works
d. Compare and contrast the function and mechanisms of motors to generators
Unit V: Waves
Goal 1: The student will demonstrate the ability to describe common forms of waves in terms of
basic wave characteristics and discuss the transportation and transformation of wave energy
Objectives – The student will be able to
a. Differentiate between transverse and longitudinal waves and determine which term to
use to describe different “types” of oceanic waves.
b. Diagram and analyze oceanic waves by describing the amplitude, wavelength,
frequency and solving for the wave equation ( v=fλ)
c. Analyze how a surfer uses the energy of the waves for his/her sport
Goal 2: The student will demonstrate the ability to explain wave behavior
Objectives – The student will be able to:
a. Analyze and explain how the sport of surfing works to determine efficient techniques
b. Analyze how waves affect ships through diagrams and explanation
c. Compare and contrast how a ship is affected by deep ocean waves versus shallow
surface waves
 Adapted from the Howard County Physics curriculum.