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June 14, 2011
Dear AP World History Student,
I am thrilled you have decided to take on the challenge of a college-level course which I am sure
you will find exciting and enlightening.
This year we will be covering 10,000 years of human history in less than 9 months. The pace of
this course will be fast, and will require you to do independent work. Because of the amount of
material that we need to cover before the AP test in May it is helpful to get a head start on the
work this summer.
Attached is the three-part assignment. This assignment is required, and all components are due
on the first day of class. If you have any difficulties obtaining one of the books please call the
school for assistance.
Also, I would love to get to know a bit about you before the year begins. Please email me at
[email protected] with the following information:
1. Your Name
2. Your Art Major
3. Where you live
4. Why you are taking this AP World course
5. Your reading assignment choice for this course
6. Anything else interesting you think I should know
If you have any questions please feel free to email me. See you in the fall!
Best Wishes,
Mrs. Shattuck
AP World History
Summer Assignment 2011
Mrs. Shattuck
Materials you will need to complete the assignments:
The Textbook: Traditions and Encounters, 4th Edition by Bentley and Ziegler
o Pick this up from Mrs. Shattuck before school gets out, or at the office over the summer.
Your choice of either: History of the World in Six Glasses, by Tom Standage, or Guns, Germs, and
Steel, by Jared Diamond
o Both can be found at any major book store, or online. Please contact me or the school if
you have difficulty getting one of these for any reason.
Internet access
o Home, or the library works well too!
Part I: Textbook Readings- Read Chapters 1-6 in Bentley.
a. For each chapter:
1. complete Cornell notes (see sample and directions attached)
2. email the summary section of your notes to [email protected]
3. take the online multiple choice and essay quizzes--have the results sent to
[email protected]
-link to website:
(or google “traditions and encounters 4th edition”)
b. Fill out the PERSIA Chart (attached) for each of the civilizations as you go along. This will be collected
in the first class.
Part II: Reading Assignments- Choose one of the following books to read and complete the
accompanying assignment.
Choice #1: Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond
Required chapters:
Prologue: Yali’s Question
Ch. 1 Up to the Starting Line
Ch. 2 A Natural Experiment of History
Ch. 4 Farmer Power
Ch. 9 Zebras, Unhappy Marriages, and the Anna Karenina Principle
Ch. 10 Spacious Skies and Tilted Axes
Ch. 11 Lethal Gift of Livestock
Ch. 12 Blueprints and Borrowed Letters
Ch. 13 Necessity’s Mother
Ch. 14 From Egalitarianism to Kleptocracy
Epilogue: The Future of Human History as a Science
Assignment: Throughout the AP World course, we will be focusing on the “big ideas”, concepts and
trends of history versus minute details and occurrences. To get you into this mindset, the assignment
for this book is to create a written and illustrated summary for each of the required chapters of Guns,
Germs, and Steel.
A. “Big Idea” Journal:
 For each chapter, summarize and illustrate the “big idea” focusing on the most important
information. One page per chapter is sufficient. Don’t get bogged down in the details or science
(unless that is what interests you). One way to practice the main idea is to verbally describe the
chapter to someone after you have read it.
 To illustrate the chapter, you may use your own artwork, or a collage method using cutouts or
computer printouts.
 Depending on the chapter and your interpretation you may focus more on the written or the visual.
That’s fine; focus on what best represents and describes the main ideas.
B. Post-Reading Reflection:
 After reading answer the following questions:
1. What question is Jared Diamond trying to answer?
2. What is his thesis?
3. Is he successful in supporting his thesis? Why or why not? Are particular chapters stronger or
more problematic than others?
4. Do you agree with his theory? Why or why not?
5. What would be Jared Diamond’s definition of World History? Explain
6. Is Guns, Germs, and Steel the best name for this book? Why? If not, what would you call it?
7. Would you recommend this book? To whom? Why or why not?
8. Any other thoughts, comments, questions?
C. Online Wiki Discussion
 Each week go on our class wiki page at
 Post at least three meaningful contributions to the discussion
Choice #2: A History of the World in Six Glasses by Tom Standage
Note: The choice of this book as a summer reading assignment in no way endorses these beverages.
This book merely offers a unique and interesting way of studying economic history.
A. Answer the following questions for each topic:
Part 1-Beer:
1. According to Standage, how did the Fertile Crescent get its name?
2. How is beer production an example of plant domestication?
3. What effect did storing grain have on hunter-gatherer societies?
4. How was beer used by the Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations?
5. How did farming pave the way for the emergence of civilization?
Part 2-Wine:
6. What did drinking wine symbolize in ancient Greece?
7. What role did wine play at the symposium?
8. What did drinking wine symbolize in ancient Rome?
9. What was a convivium and how did it reflect social status?
10. Why do Christians drink wine and Muslims do not?
Part 3-Spirits:
11. From which advanced civilization did Europeans get the “science” of making spirits?
12. In what way was the “discovery” and use of distillation important to the rebirth of science in
Europe? (How was distillation seen and which infant science did it go hand in hand with, thus leading to
further work/discovery? Also look at what sort of texts had to be translated and what that might have
led to…)
13. How did spirits advance/accelerate colonialism?
14. In the 18th century, how did spirits help Britain become a more superior navy than France?
15. How did spirits help build America? (From getting the colonies off the ground to establishing our
independence to the consolidation of power by the Federal government)
16. What were the negative effects/uses of spirits?
Part 4-Coffee:
17. Who did Europeans get coffee from and how did it spread to Europe?
18. What was the significance of people switching from alcohol to coffee?
19. Describe coffee’s effect on the global balance of power (in terms of commerce).
20. How did coffee play a pivotal role in the scientific revolution?
21. How did coffee play a role in the “financial revolution”?
22. How did coffee play a role in the French Revolution?
Part 5-Tea:
23. “if the sun never set on the British Empire, then it was always _____________ somewhere.”
24. What were the health benefits of tea?
25. Which conquering people established the largest contiguous land empire in history?
26. Compare and contrast Europe with China in terms of balance of trade, civilizations, etc.
27. How did the relationship between the government of Britain and the British East India Company
change over time?
Part 6-Coca Cola:
28. What was America’s unique contribution to manufacturing?
29. Why is the 20th century referred to as “the American century”?
30. How did Coca Cola become an American icon?
31. What was meant by Cola-Colonization?
32. Is Coca Cola an appropriate symbol of globalizations? Why or Why not?
33. What evidence does Standage use to support his thesis that water has emerged as the beverage of
the future?
34. Do you agree with his thesis? Explain.
B. Book Review
 See attached directions
C. Online Wiki Discussion
 Each week go on our class wiki page at
 Post at least three meaningful contributions to the discussion
Part III: World Map Assignment- Label (or number) the world map with the land and water features
listed below in the color indicated in parenthesis. Two maps have been provided. You may label
everything on a single map or use both. Memorize the locations for a map quiz.
Continents (Red)
1. North America
2. South America
3. Australia
4. Europe
5. Antarctica
6. Asia
7. Africa
Oceans and Seas (Blue)
1. Atlantic Ocean
2. Pacific Ocean
3. Indian Ocean
4. Arctic Ocean
5. North Sea
6. Baltic Sea
7. English Channel
8. Norwegian Sea
9. Barents Sea
10. Mediterranean Sea
11. Adriatic Sea
12. Aegean Sea
13. Black Sea
14. Caspian Sea
15. Great Lakes
16. Red Sea
17. Persian Gulf
18. Arabian Sea
19. Bay of Bengal
20. South China Sea
21. East China Sea
22. Yellow Sea
23. Sea of Japan
Rivers (Green)
1. Nile River
2. Amazon River
3. Mississippi River
4. Rio Grande
5. Indus River
6. Ganges River
7. Danube River
8. Yangtze River
9. Yellow River
10. Tigris River
11. Euphrates River
Mountain Ranges and Deserts (Brown or Black)
1. Alaska Range
2. Rocky Mountains
3. Appalachian Mountains
4. Andes Mountains
5. Alps
6. Atlas Mountains
7. Ural Mountains
8. Hindu Kush
9. Himalaya Mountains
10. Atacama Desert
11. Sahara Desert
12. Gobi Desert
13. Kalahari Desert
14. Namib Desert
15. Syrian Desert
16. Great Sandy Desert
Please Draw (Lightly) and Label the Following
1. Arctic Circle
2. Equator
3. Tropic of Cancer
4. Tropic of Capricorn
5. Antarctic Circle
6. Prime Meridian
7. International Date Line