Download Phases of the treatment plan….cont

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Intra oral examination1. Soft tissue examination
2 . Hard tissue examination
Examination of soft tissues
 Mucosa
 Gingiva
 Frenal
 Floor of the mouth
 Tonsils
 Duct orifices
Manifestations of systemic
Gingiva 
Frenal attachments
Maxillary labial frenum at times can be thick and
may cause midline diastema
Blanch test can be used for confirmation
Short lingual frenum can cause ankyloglossia
Floor of the mouth
Important structures seen are submandibular
gland and duct, sublingual gland and duct
Color changes are seen in hyperkeratotic
changes, inflammatory conditions, retention
Enlargement of floor of mouth usually occurs
due to cystic lesions, cellulitis
Size and degree of inflammation if present
should be examined
Duct orifices
Parotid gland – Stenson’s duct – opens in to
vestibule apposite to second maxillary
permanent molar
Submandibular gland- Wharton’s duct-lateral to
lingual frenum
Sublingual gland- Rivinus duct- opens in to floor
of the oral cavity
Oral hygiene appraisal
Gingival enlargement /recession
Periodontal pocket
Bleeding on probing
Hard and soft palate
Palatal depth
Presence of swelling
Mucosal ulcerations
Examination of hard tissues
No of teeth
Type of teeth
Type of dentition
Dental caries with pulpal involvement
Mobility of teeth
( physiological/pathological)
Grade of mobility
Angle’s classification
Class 1
Class 11
Class 111
Canine relationship
Deciduous occlusion
Flush terminal plane
Mesial step
distal step
Fracture teeth
Type of fracture
Provisional diagnosis
A general diagnosis based on the clinical
impression without doing any laboratory
Radiographic investigation
Hematological investigationsBacteriological culture and sensitivity test
Vitality tests
Study models
Radiographs are of two types-
1) intraoral
Intra oral periapical
2) extraoral
Intraoral radiographs
Intraoral Periapical radiographs Indications1)status of periapical region in deciduous and
young permanent teeth
2)evaluation of pulp and endodontic treatment
3)detection of developmental anomalies
4) to determine pathology involving primary
5)evaluation of status of periodontal ligament
Bitewing radiographDetection of inter proximal caries
with respect to depth and with relation to pulp
Observation of boundaries of pulp chamber and
height of pulp horn
Location of retained primary roots
Observation of relationship of apposing tooth
Observation of location and position of
permanent tooth bud and its relationship to
primary root
Occlusal radiograph
Occlusal radiograph
Evaluation of entire maxillary or mandibular arch
evaluation of cortical plate expansion
location of maxillary sinus or sub mandibular
salivary gland calculi
Extra oral films
Ortho pantomographs –
Visualization of both maxilla and mandible is
possible in one film
Useful in dental age evaluation
 eruption status of the teeth
Identification of location of the lesion in the jaws
Establishment of skeletal and dental anomalies
 Evaluation of orthodontic treatment results
Useful in the study of skeletal, dental and soft
tissue structures in craniofacial region
Hematological investigations-
RBC count
Hemoglobin determination
Hemocrit count
Bleeding disorders-
Platelet count
Bleeding time
Clotting time. ...>Prothrombin time
Torniquet test
 Associated
with infections-
White cell count (WBC).
Differential count
Bacteriological culture and sensitivity test
Wound, abscess or surgical lesion cultures
Caries activity tests
Root canal cultures
Fresh moist preparations and smears
Vitality tests
Study models
Investigation findings
Positive and negative findings of various
investigations should be mentioned
Differential diagnosis
“The process of listing out two or more diseases
having similar signs and symptoms out of which
only one could be attributed to patient’s
Final diagnosis-
“a confirmed diagnosis based on all available
Treatment planning
 It
is a complex process, like solving
 Abuzzal. Good and provisional treatment
 planning is very essential for providing an
 effective , and efficient treatment with
 minimum energy ,time and cost.
Treatment planning
 Objective
of planning treatment:
a. Insures the most effective treatment
for the individual patient.
b. Insures the most effective sequences
of treatment provided . i.e., preventive
or, therapeutic.
Treatment planning….cont
C. Allows the dentist to follow objectives in
each phase of the treatment.
d. Allows periodic reevaluation of treatment
progress and the necessary revision of the
treatment plan.
Treatment planning….cont
c. It Increases patient confidence in the
d. It minimize , energy , time , and cost.
Phases of the treatment plan
Phase (1):
* Emergency care through ,control
of chief complaint.
* Medical consultation…, if the patient
having any medical problem, which
may require the refer of the patient
to the specialists. Dental consultation.
Phases of the treatment plan….cont
* Introduction….The patient introduced
to the Dentistry , it is include management
of child’s behavioral problems.
* collecting all necessary information ( by
History, Examination, investigations and
Phases of the treatment plan….cont
phase ( 2)
* preventive therapy….include,
- oral hygiene, diet consoling, prophylaxis,
fluoride and fissure sealants appl.
phase (3)
* surgical & corective phase…. includes
* Excavation and temporary filling.
* Extraction of hopeless teeth.
Phases of treatment plan…cont.
* corrective therapy, includes
restoration,. amalgam, G.I, and
composite ,st .steel .crown, sp.
maintainer ,any advanced
periodontal therapy and endodontic treatment.
Phases of the treatment plan…cont
Phase ( 4).
- Rehabilitating phase….this
involve full mouth rehabilitation
i.e, final occlusal adjustment,
polishing of the restoration, oral
habit appliances, re-evaluation of
the oral health, and referral for orthodontic treatment.
Phases of the treatment plan
Phase ( 5) .
- Recall phase.
-Establishment of recall visits
or intervals.