Download Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Standardized Triage Screening Tool

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Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)
Standardized Triage Screening Tool - Version 11
The following information should be obtained from patients who present for care in an emergency department or
primary health care setting (e.g. university health clinics, family practice office or walk-in clinic) or to assist in
responses for EHS Communications Centre and 811.
If the presenting symptoms include:
o sudden onset of fever AND one of the following:
o malaise (weakness)
o myalgia (muscle pain)
o headache
o conjunctival injection (red eyes)
o pharyngitis (sore throat)
o abdominal pain (stomach pain)
o vomiting
o diarrhea, with or without blood
o unexplained bleeding/hemorrhage
o erythematous maculopapular rash on trunk (rash)
Note: If the patient presents with sudden onset of fever, please ask about all listed symptoms.
Ask Question 1:
Question 1:
Have you travelled outside of Canada in the past 21 days?
If the answer is YES, ask Question 2. If answer is NO, triage as per norm.
Question 2:
Has your travel been to or through the following countries in
West/Central Africa?
o Sierra Leone
o Guinea
o Liberia
If the patient answers YES to Questions 1 & 2, in clinical settings, place the patient in a single room immediately,
with a closed door, and implement contact/droplet precautions (gloves, gown, mask & eye protection/face shield).
Immediate notification by phone to the local Medical Officer of Health (MOH) is required. During business hours the
local MOH is contacted through the local public health office ( and after hours phone 902-473-2222 and ask for the MOH on-call. The MOH will coordinate
further assessment and decisions regarding patient assessment and disposition.
V11 Dec 4, 2014
National Case Definition: Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)
For surveillance purposes, a person with EVD-compatible symptoms is defined as an individual presenting with fever of ≥38.6
degrees Celsius AND at least one of the following additional symptoms/signs:
• malaise
• diarrhea that can be bloody
• myalgia
• bleeding not related to injury (e.g., petechiae,
ecchymosis, epistaxis)
• severe headache
• unexplained hemorrhage
• conjunctival injection
• erythematous maculopapular rash on the trunk
• pharyngitis
abdominal pain
Person Under investigation (PUI): A person with EVD-compatible symptoms (as defined above) not attributed to another
medical condition AND at least one of the following epidemiologic risk factors within the 21 days before the onset of symptoms:
Residence in or travel to an area where EVD transmission is active
Healthcare workers (HCWs) / personnel wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and adhering to appropriate
infection prevention and control precautions with no safety breaches, who directly or indirectly care for EVD patients (e.g.
direct patient care or contact with environment or fomites of a case)
Other patients and visitors who spent time in a healthcare facility where EVD patients are being treated without high-risk
exposures, as defined below
Household members of an EVD patient without high-risk exposures, as defined below
Laboratory worker processing body fluids of probable or confirmed EVD cases with appropriate PPE and standard
biosafety precautions and no safety breaches
Direct exposure to human remains (e.g. through participation in funeral or burial rites) in the geographic area where the
outbreak is occurring with appropriate PPE and no safety breaches
Direct unprotected contact with bats or primates from EVD-affected country
Probable Case: A person with EVD-compatible symptoms (as defined above) not attributed to another medical condition AND at
least one of the following high-risk exposures within the 21 days before the onset of symptoms:
Percutaneous or mucous membrane exposure or direct skin contact with body fluids of a confirmed or probable case of
Sexual contact with a probable or confirmed EVD case OR
Laboratory worker processing body fluids of probable or confirmed EVD cases without appropriate PPE or standard
biosafety precautions OR
Healthcare worker (HCW) not wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and /or not adhering to appropriate infection
prevention and control precautions, who directly or indirectly cared for a probable or confirmed case of EVD (e.g. direct
patient care or contact with environment or fomites of a case) OR
Direct exposure to human remains (e.g. through participation in funeral or burial rites) in the geographic area where the
outbreak is occurring without appropriate PPE
Confirmed Case: A person with laboratory confirmation of EVD infection using at least one of the methods below:
Isolation and identification of virus from an appropriate clinical specimen (e.g., blood, serum, tissue, urine specimens
or throat secretions) OR
Detection of virus-specific RNA by reverse-transcriptase PCR from an appropriate clinical specimen (e.g., blood,
serum, tissue) using two independent targets or two independent samples OR
Demonstration of virus antigen in tissue (e.g., skin, liver or spleen) by immunohistochemical or immunofluorescent
techniques AND another test (e.g., PCR) OR
Demonstration of specific IgM AND IgG antibody by EIA, immunofluorescent assay or Western Blot OR
Demonstration of a fourfold rise in IgG serum antibody by EIA, immunofluorescent assay or Western Blot from serial
As of August 17, 2014, EVD transmission is active in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria. Refer to the World Health Organization’s Ebola
Virus Disease (EVD) website for updated information on affected areas:
Healthcare workers: defined as individuals who provide health care or support services, such as nurses, physicians, dentists, nurse practitioners,
paramedics, some emergency first responders, allied health professionals, unregulated healthcare providers, clinical instructors and students,
volunteers and housekeeping staff; have varying degrees of responsibility related to the health care they provide, depending on their level of
education and their specific job/responsibilities.
Infectious Diseases Society of America. Guidelines for Evaluation of US Patients Suspected of Having Ebola Virus Disease, accessed August 7,