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towards universal learning paradigms
Włodzisław Duch
Norbert Jankowski, Krzysztof Grąbczewski & Co
Department of Informatics,
Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland
Google: W. Duch
ICONIP’09, Bangkok
Nicolaus Copernicus: born in 1472
• Problems with Computational intelligence (CI)
What can we learn?
Why solid foundations are needed.
First attempt: similarity based framework for metalearning.
Heterogeneous systems.
Hard boole’an problems and how to solve them.
Projection and transformation-based learning with some
visualization to see how it works.
• More components to build algorithms.
• Real meta-learning, or algorithms on demand.
What is Computational Intelligence?
The Field of Interest of the Society shall be the theory, design, application, and
development of biologically and linguistically motivated computational
paradigms emphasizing neural networks, connectionist systems, genetic
algorithms, evolutionary programming, fuzzy systems, and hybrid intelligent
systems in which these paradigms are contained.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) was established in 1956!
AI Magazine 2005, Alan Mackworth:
In AI's youth, we worked hard to establish our paradigm by vigorously attacking
and excluding apparent pretenders to the throne of intelligence, pretenders
such as pattern recognition, behaviorism, neural networks, and even probability
theory. Now that we are established, such ideological purity is no longer a
concern. We are more catholic, focusing on problems, not on hammers. Given
that we do have a comprehensive toolbox, issues of architecture and
integration emerge as central.
CI definition
Computational Intelligence. An International Journal (1984)
+ 10 other journals with “Computational Intelligence”,
D. Poole, A. Mackworth & R. Goebel,
Computational Intelligence - A Logical Approach.
(OUP 1998), GOFAI book, logic and reasoning.
CI should:
• be problem-oriented, not method oriented;
• cover all that CI community is doing now, and is likely to do in future;
• include AI – they also think they are CI ...
CI: science of solving (effectively) non-algorithmizable
Problem-oriented definition, firmly anchored in computer sci/engineering.
AI: focused problems requiring higher-level cognition, the rest of CI is more
focused on problems related to perception/action/control.
The future of computational intelligence ...
Wisdom in computers?
What can we learn?
Good part of Computational Intelligence is about learning.
What can we learn? Everything?
Neural networks are universal approximators and evolutionary algorithms
solve global optimization problems – so everything can be learned?
Not sufficient! Almost any expansion has universal approximation property.
Duda, Hart & Stork, Ch. 9, No Free Lunch + Ugly Duckling Theorems:
• Uniformly averaged over all target functions the expected error for all
learning algorithms [predictions by economists] is the same.
• Averaged over all target functions no learning algorithm yields
generalization error that is superior to any other.
• There is no problem-independent or “best” set of features.
“Experience with a broad range of techniques is the best insurance for solving
arbitrary new classification problems.”
In practice: try as many models as you can, rely on your experience and
intuition. There is no free lunch, but do we have to cook ourselves?
What is there to learn?
Brains ... what is in EEG? What happens in the brain?
Industry: what happens?
Genetics, proteins ...
Data mining packages
GhostMiner, data mining tools from our lab + Fujitsu:
• Separate the process of model building (hackers) and knowledge discovery,
from model use (lamers) => GM Developer & Analyzer
• No free lunch => provide different type of tools for knowledge discovery:
decision tree, neural, neurofuzzy, similarity-based, SVM, committees, tools
for visualization of data.
• Support the process of knowledge discovery/model building and evaluating,
organizing it into projects.
• Many other interesting DM packages of this sort exists:
Weka, Yale, Orange, Knime ...
168 packages on list!
• We are building Intemi, completely new tools.
GhostMiner Philosophy
GhostMiner, data mining tools from our lab + Fujitsu:
• Separate the process of model building (hackers) and
knowledge discovery, from model use (lamers) =>
GhostMiner Developer & GhostMiner Analyzer
• There is no free lunch – provide different type of tools for
knowledge discovery: decision tree, neural, neurofuzzy,
similarity-based, SVM, committees.
• Provide tools for visualization of data.
• Support the process of knowledge discovery/model building
and evaluating, organizing it into projects.
• We are building completely new tools !
Surprise! Almost nothing can be learned using such tools!
Easy problems
• Approximately linearly separable problems in the
original feature space: linear discrimination is
sufficient (always worth trying!).
• Simple topological deformation of decision borders
is sufficient – linear separation is then possible in
extended/transformed spaces.
This is frequently sufficient for pattern recognition
• RBF/MLP networks with one hidden layer also solve such problems easily,
but convergence/generalization for anything more complex than XOR is
SVM adds new features to “flatten” the decision border:
X  ( x1 , x2 ,... xn ); zi  X   K  X ( i ) , X 
achieving larger margins/separability in the X+Z space.
What DM packages do?
Hundreds of components ... transforming, visualizing ...
Visual “knowledge flow” to
link components, or script
languages (XML) to define
complex experiments.
Rapid Miner 3.4, type and # components
Data preprocessing
Learning methods
Metaoptimization schemes
Performance validation
Visualization, presentation, plugin extensions ... ~ 5.7 billion models!
Are we really
so good?
Almost nothing can
be learned using
such tools!
Why solid foundations are needed
Hundreds of components ... billions of combinations ...
Our treasure box is full! We can publish forever!
Still specialized transformations are missing.
What would we really like to have?
Press the button and wait for the truth!
Computer power is with us, meta-learning should
replace us in find all interesting data models =
sequences of transformations/procedures.
Many considerations: optimal cost solutions, various costs of using feature
subsets; models that are simple & easy to understand; various representation
of knowledge: crisp, fuzzy or prototype rules, visualization, confidence in
predictions ...
let there be
Is there a more practical way?
Principles: information compression
Neural information processing in perception and cognition:
information compression, or algorithmic complexity.
In computing: minimum length (message, description) encoding.
Wolff (2006): all cognition and computation as compression!
Analysis and production of natural language, fuzzy pattern recognition,
probabilistic reasoning and unsupervised inductive learning.
Talks about multiple alignment, unification and search, but
so far only models for sequential data and 1D alignment.
Information compression: encoding new information in
terms of old has been used to define the measure of
syntactic and semantic information (Duch, Jankowski 1994);
based on the size of the minimal graph representing a given
data structure or knowledge-base specification, thus it goes
beyond alignment.
Graphs of consistent concepts
Brains learn new
concepts in terms
of old; use large
semantic network
and add new
concepts linking
them to the known.
concepts by
activation and
selecting those that
are consistent with
already active
Making things easy: principles
Similarity-based framework
• more general than feature-based description,
• no need for vector spaces (structured objects),
• more general than fuzzy approach (F-rules are reduced to P-rules),
• includes nearest neighbor algorithms, MLPs, RBFs, separable function
networks, SVMs, kernel methods and many others!
Similarity-Based Methods (SBMs) are organized in a framework:
p(Ci|X;M) posterior classification probability or y(X;M) approximators,
models M are parameterized in increasingly sophisticated way.
A systematic search (greedy, beam, evolutionary) in the space of all SBM
models is used to select optimal combination of parameters and procedures,
opening different types of optimization channels, trying to discover appropriate
bias for a given problem.
Results: several candidate models are created, even very limited version gives
best results in 7 out of 12 Stalog problems.
SBM framework components
Pre-processing: objects O => features X, or (diss)similarities D(O,O’).
Calculation of similarity between features d(xi,yi) and objects D(X,Y).
Reference (or prototype) vector R selection/creation/optimization.
Weighted influence of reference vectors G(D(Ri,X)), i=1..k.
Functions/procedures to estimate p(C|X;M) or y(X;M).
Cost functions E[DT;M] and model selection/validation procedures.
Optimization procedures for the whole model Ma.
Search control procedures to create more complex models Ma+1.
Creation of ensembles of (local, competent) models.
• M={X(O), d(.,.), D(.,.), k, G(D), {R}, {pi(R)}, E[.], K(.), S(.,.)}, where:
• S(Ci,Cj) is a matrix evaluating similarity of the classes;
a vector of observed probabilities pi(X) instead of hard labels.
The kNN model p(Ci|X;kNN) = p(Ci|X;k,D(.),{DT});
the RBF model: p(Ci|X;RBF) = p(Ci|X;D(.),G(D),{R}),
MLP, SVM and many other models may all be “re-discovered”.
Meta-learning in SBM scheme
k-NN 67.5/76.6%
67.5/76.6 %
Canberra 89.9/90.7 %
+k opt; 67.5/76.6 %
+ si =(0,0,1,0,1,1);
71.6/64.4 %
+d(x,y) + si=(1,0,1,0.6,0.9,1);
Canberra 74.6/72.9 %
sel. or opt k;
+d(x,y) + selection;
Canberra 89.9/90.7 %
Start from kNN, k=1, all data & features, Euclidean distance, end with a model
that is a novel combination of procedures and parameterizations.
Linear discrimination
In the feature space X find direction W that separates data into
g(X)= WX > q, with fixed W, defines a half-space.
g(X)< 1
Frequently a single hyperplane (projection on a line) is sufficient to separate
data, if not find a better space (usually more features).
Maximization of margin
Among all discriminating hyperplanes there is one defined by support vectors
that is clearly better.
LDA in larger space
Suppose that strongly non-linear borders are needed.
Use LDA, just add some new dimensions!
Add to input Xi2, and products XiXj, as new features.
Example: 2D => 5D case {X1, X2, X12, X22, X1X2}
But the number of such tensor products grows exponentially.
Fig. 4.1
Hasti et al.
Gaussian kernels
Gaussian kernels work quite well, giving for Gaussian mixtures close to
optimal Bayesian errors. Solution requires continuous deformation of
decision borders and is therefore rather easy.
4-deg. polynomial kernel is slightly worse then a Gaussian kernel, C=1.
In the kernel space decision borders are flat!
Neural networks: thyroid screening
Garavan Institute, Sydney,
15 binary, 6 continuous
Training: 93+191+3488
Validate: 73+177+3178
Determine important
clinical factors
Calculate prob. of
each diagnosis.
Poor results of SBL or SVM … see summary at this address
Selecting Support Vectors
Active learning: if contribution to the parameter change is
negligible remove the vector from training set.
Wij  -
E  W 
= -   Yk - M k  X; W  
M k  X; W 
k 1
If the difference  W  X     Yk - M k  X; W 
k 1
is sufficiently small the pattern X will have negligible influence on the
training process and may be removed from the training.
Conclusion: select vectors with eW(X)>emin, for training.
2 problems: possible oscillations and strong influence of outliers.
Solution: adjust emin dynamically to avoid oscillations;
remove also vectors with eW(X)>1-emin =emax
SVNT algorithm
Initialize the network parameters W,
set De=0.01, emin=0, set SV=T (training set).
Until no improvement is found in the last Nlast iterations do:
• Optimize network parameters for Nopt steps on SV data.
• Run feedforward step on SV to determine overall accuracy and
errors, make new SV={X | e(X) [emin,1-emin]}.
• If the accuracy increases:
compare current network with the previous best one,
choose the better one as the current best.
• increase emin=emin+De and make forward step selecting SVs
• If the number of support vectors |SV| increases:
decrease emin=emin-De;
decrease De = De/1.2 to avoid large changes
SVNT XOR solution
Satellite image data
Multi-spectral values of pixels in the 3x3 neighborhoods in section 82x100 of
an image taken by the Landsat Multi-Spectral Scanner; intensities = 0-255,
training has 4435 samples, test 2000 samples.
Central pixel in each neighborhood is red soil (1072), cotton crop (479), grey
soil (961), damp grey soil (415), soil with vegetation stubble (470), and very
damp grey soil (1038 training samples).
Strong overlaps between some classes.
System and parameters
Train accuracy Test accuracy
SVNT MLP, 36 nodes, a=0.5
SVM Gaussian kernel (optimized)
RBF, Statlog result
MLP, Statlog result
C4.5 tree
Satellite image data – MDS outputs
Hypothyroid data
2 years real medical screening tests for thyroid diseases, 3772 cases with 93
primary hypothyroid and 191 compensated hypothyroid, the remaining 3488
cases are healthy; 3428 test, similar class distribution.
21 attributes (15 binary, 6 continuous) are given, but only two of the binary
attributes (on thyroxine, and thyroid surgery) contain useful information,
therefore the number of attributes has been reduced to 8.
% train % test
C-MLP2LN rules
MLP+SCG, 4 neurons
SVM Minkovsky opt kernel
MLP+SCG, 4 neur, 67 SV
MLP+SCG, 4 neur, 45 SV
MLP+SCG, 12 neur.
Cascade correlation
SVM Gaussian kernel
Hypothyroid data
Heterogeneous systems
Problems requiring different scales (multiresolution).
2-class problems, two situations:
C1 inside the sphere, C2 outside.
MLP: at least N+1 hyperplanes, O(N2) parameters.
RBF: 1 Gaussian, O(N) parameters.
C1 in the corner defined by (1,1 ... 1) hyperplane, C2 outside.
MLP: 1 hyperplane, O(N) parameters.
RBF: many Gaussians, O(N2) parameters, poor approx.
Combination: needs both hyperplane and hypersphere!
Logical rule: IF x1>0 & x2>0 THEN C1 Else C2
is not represented properly neither by MLP nor RBF!
Different types of functions in one model, first step beyond inspirations from
single neurons => heterogeneous models.
Heterogeneous everything
Homogenous systems: one type of “building blocks”, same type of
decision borders, ex: neural networks, SVMs, decision trees, kNNs
Committees combine many models together, but lead to complex
models that are difficult to understand.
Ockham razor: simpler systems are better.
Discovering simplest class structures, inductive bias of the data,
requires Heterogeneous Adaptive Systems (HAS).
HAS examples:
NN with different types of neuron transfer functions.
k-NN with different distance functions for each prototype.
Decision Trees with different types of test criteria.
1. Start from large networks, use regularization to prune.
2. Construct network adding nodes selected from a candidate pool.
3. Use very flexible functions, force them to specialize.
Taxonomy of NN activation functions
Taxonomy of NN output functions
Perceptron: implements logical rule x>q for x with Gaussian uncertainty.
Taxonomy - TF
HAS decision trees
Decision trees select the best feature/threshold value for univariate
and multivariate trees:
X i  qk or T  X; W,qk   Wi X i  qk
Decision borders: hyperplanes.
Introducing tests based on La Minkovsky metric.
T  X; R,q R   X - R a   X i - Ri
1/ a
 qR
For L2 spherical decision border are produced.
For L∞ rectangular border are produced.
Many choices, for example Fisher Linear Discrimination decision trees.
For large databases first clusterize data to get candidate references R.
SSV HAS DT example
SSV HAS tree in GhostMiner 3.0, Wisconsin breast cancer (UCI)
699 cases, 9 features (cell parameters, 1..10)
Classes: benign 458 (65.5%) & malignant 241 (34.5%).
Single rule gives simplest known description of this data:
IF ||X-R303|| < 20.27 then malignant
else benign coming most often in 10xCV
97.4% accuracy; good prototype for malignant case!
Gives simple thresholds, that’s what MDs like the most!
Best 10CV around
SSV without distances:
C 4.5 gives
97.5±1.8% (Naïve Bayes + kernel, or SVM)
Several simple rules of similar accuracy but different specificity or
sensitivity may be created using HAS DT.
Need to select or weight features and select good prototypes.
How much can we learn?
Linearly separable or almost separable problems are relatively
simple – deform or add dimensions to make data separable.
How to define “slightly non-separable”?
There is only separable and the vast realm of the rest.
Neurons learning complex logic
Boole’an functions are difficult to learn, n bits but 2n nodes =>
combinatorial complexity; similarity is not useful, for parity all neighbors
are from the wrong class. MLP networks have difficulty to learn functions
that are highly non-separable.
Ex. of 2-4D
Neural logic
can solve it
counting; find
a good point
of view.
Projection on W=(111 ... 111) gives clusters with 0, 1, 2 ... n bits;
solution requires abstract imagination + easy categorization.
Easy and difficult problems
Linear separation: good goal if simple topological
deformation of decision borders is sufficient.
Linear separation of such data is possible in higher dimensional spaces;
this is frequently the case in pattern recognition problems.
RBF/MLP networks with one hidden layer solve such problems.
Difficult problems: disjoint clusters, complex logic.
Continuous deformation is not sufficient; networks with localized functions
need exponentially large number of nodes.
Boolean functions: for n bits there are K=2n binary vectors that can be
represented as vertices of n-dimensional hypercube.
Each Boolean function is identified by K bits.
BoolF(Bi) = 0 or 1 for i=1..K, leads to the 2K Boolean functions.
Ex: n=2 functions, vectors {00,01,10,11},
Boolean functions {0000, 0001 ... 1111}, ex. 0001 = AND, 0110 = OR,
each function is identified by number from 0 to 15 = 2K-1.
Boolean functions
n=2, 16 functions, 12 separable, 4 not separable.
n=3, 256 f, 104 separable (41%), 152 not separable.
n=4, 64K=65536, only 1880 separable (3%)
n=5, 4G, but << 1% separable ... bad news!
Existing methods may learn some non-separable functions,
but most functions cannot be learned !
Example: n-bit parity problem; many papers in top journals.
No off-the-shelf systems are able to solve such problems.
For all parity problems SVM is below base rate!
Such problems are solved only by special neural architectures or special
classifiers – if the type of function is known.
But parity is still trivial ... solved by
 n 
y  cos    bi 
 i 1 
What NN components really do?
Vector mappings from the input space to hidden space(s) and to the output
space + adapt parameters to improve cost functions.
Hidden-Output mapping done by MLPs:
T = {Xi} training data, N-dimensional.
H = {hj(T)}
X image in the hidden space, j =1 .. NH-dim.
... more transformations in hidden layers
Y = {yk(H )}
X image in the output space, k =1 .. NC-dim.
ANN goal:
data image H in the last hidden space should be linearly separable; internal
representations will determine network generalization.
But we never look at these representations!
What happens inside?
Many types of internal representations may look identical
from outside, but generalization depends on them.
• Classify different types of internal representations.
• Take permutational invariance into account: equivalent
internal representations may be obtained by re-numbering
hidden nodes.
Good internal representations should form compact clusters
in the internal space.
Check if the representations form separable clusters.
Discover poor representations and stop training.
Analyze adaptive capacity of networks.
Learning trajectories
• Take weights Wi from iterations i =1..K;
PCA on Wi covariance matrix usually captures 95-98% variance,
so error function in 2D shows realistic learning trajectories.
M. Kordos
& W. Duch
Instead of local minima only large flat valleys are seen – why no local minima?
Data far from decision borders has almost no influence, the main reduction of
MSE is achieved by increasing ||W||, sharpening sigmoidal functions.
Is RBF solution with 2 hidden Gaussians nodes possible?
Typical architecture: 2 input – 2 Gaussians – 1 linear output, ML training
50% errors, but there is perfect separation - not a linear separation!
This “network knows the answer”, but cannot say it ...
Single Gaussian output node may solve the problem.
Output weights provide reference hyperplanes (red and green lines),
not the separating hyperplanes like in case of MLP.
Abstract imagination
Transformation of data to a space where clustering is easy.
Intuitive answers, as propositional rules may be difficult to formulate.
Here fuzzy XOR (stimuli color/size/shape are not identical) has been
transformed by two groups of neurons that react to similarity.
Network-based intuition: they know the answer, but cannot say it ...
If image of the data forms non-separable clusters in the inner (hidden)
space network outputs will be often wrong.
3-bit parity
For RBF parity problems are difficult; 8 nodes solution:
1) Output activity;
2) reduced output,
summing activity of 4
3) Hidden 8D space
activity, near ends of
coordinate versors.
4) Parallel coordinate
8 nodes solution has zero generalization, 50% errors in L1O.
3-bit parity in 2D and 3D
Output is mixed, errors are at base level (50%), but in the
hidden space ...
Conclusion: separability in the hidden space is perhaps too much to
desire ... inspection of clusters is sufficient for perfect classification;
add second Gaussian layer to capture this activity;
train second RBF on the data (stacking), reducing number of clusters.
Goal of learning
If simple topological deformation of decision borders is sufficient linear
separation is possible in higher dimensional spaces, “flattening” nonlinear decision borders.
This is frequently the case in pattern recognition problems.
RBF/MLP networks with one hidden layer solve the problem.
For complex logic this is not sufficient; networks with localized functions need
exponentially large number of nodes.
Such situations arise in AI reasoning problems, real perception, object
recognition, text analysis, bioinformatics ...
Linear separation is too difficult, set an easier goal.
Linear separation: projection on 2 half-lines in the kernel space:
line y=WX, with y<0 for class – and y>0 for class +.
Simplest extension: separation into k-intervals, or k-separability.
For parity: find direction W with minimum # of intervals, y=W.X
3D case
3-bit functions: X=[b1b2b3], from [0,0,0] to [1,1,1]
f(b1,b2,b3) and f(b1,b2,b3) are symmetric (color change)
8 cube vertices, 28=256 Boolean functions.
0 to 8 red vertices: 1, 8, 28, 56, 70, 56, 28, 8, 1 functions.
For arbitrary direction W index projection W.X gives:
k=1 in 2 cases, all 8 vectors in 1 cluster (all black or all white)
k=2 in 14 cases, 8 vectors in 2 clusters (linearly separable)
k=3 in 42 cases, clusters B R B or W R W
k=4 in 70 cases, clusters R W R W or W R W R
Symmetrically, k=5-8 for 70, 42, 14, 2.
Most logical functions have 4 or 5-separable projections.
Learning = find best projection for each function.
Number of k=1 to 4-separable functions is: 2, 102, 126 and 26
126 of all functions may be learned using 3-separability.
4D case
4-bit functions: X=[b1b2b3b4], from [0,0,0,0] to [1,1,1,1]
16 cube vertices, 216=65636=64K functions.
Random initialization of a single perceptron has 39.2% chance of creating 8
or 9 clusters for the 4-bit data.
Learning optimal directions W finds:
k=1 in 2 cases, all 16 vectors in 1 cluster (all black or all white)
k=2 in 2.9% cases (or 1880), 16 vectors in 2 clusters (linearly sep)
k=3 in 22% of all cases, clusters B R B or W R W
k=4 in 45% of all cases, clusters R W R W or W R W R
k=5 in 29% of all cases.
Hypothesis: for n-bits highest k=n+1 ?
For 5-bits there are 32 vertices and already 232=4G=4.3.109 functions.
Most are 5-separable, less than 1% is linearly separable!
Biological justification
• Cortical columns may learn to respond to stimuli with complex logic
resonating in different way.
The second column will learn without problems that such different
reactions have the same meaning: inputs xi and training targets yj. are
same => Hebbian learning DWij ~ xi yj => identical weights.
Effect: same line y=W.X projection, but inhibition turns off one
perceptron when the other is active.
Simplest solution: oscillators based on combination of two neurons
s(W.X-b) – s(W.X-b’) give localized projections!
We have used them in MLP2LN architecture for extraction of logical rules
from data.
• Note: k-sep. learning is not a multistep output neuron, targets are not
known, same class vectors may appear in different intervals!
We need to learn how to find intervals and how to assign them to
classes; new algorithms are needed to learn it!
Network solution
Can one learn a simplest model for arbitrary Boolean function?
2-separable (linearly separable) problems are easy;
non separable problems may be broken into k-separable, k>2.
Blue: sigmoidal neurons
with threshold, brown –
linear neurons.
Neural architecture for
k=4 intervals, or
4-separable problems.
k-sep learning
Try to find lowest k with good solution:
• Assume k=2 (linear separability), try to find a good solution;
MSE error criterion
E  W,q     y  X; W  - C  X  
• if k=2 is not sufficient, try k=3; two possibilities are C+,C-,C+ and
C-, C+, C- this requires only one interval for the middle class;
• if k<4 is not sufficient, try k=4; two possibilities are C+, C-, C+, C- and C-, C+,
C-, C+ this requires one closed and one open interval.
Network solution  to minimization of specific cost function.
E  W, 1 , 2     y  X; W  - C  X    1  1 - C  X   y  X; W 
-2  C  X  y  X; W 
First term = MSE, second penalty for “impure” clusters, third term = reward for
the large clusters.
QPC Projection Pursuit
What is needed to learn data with complex logic?
• cluster non-local areas in the X space, use W.X
• capture local clusters after transformation, use G(W.X-q)
SVMs fail because the number of directions W that should be
considered grows exponentially with the size of the problem n.
What will solve it? Projected clusters!
1. A class of constructive neural network solution with G(W.X-q) functions
combining non-local/local projections, with special training algorithms.
2. Maximize the leave-one-out error after projection: take some localized
function G, count in a soft way cases from the same class as Xk.
 
Q  W     A  G  W   X - Xk   - A  G  W   X - Xk  
X 
Xk C
Xk C
Grouping and separation; projection may be done directly to 1 or 2D for
visualization, or higher D for dimensionality reduction, if W has d columns.
Parity n=9
Simple gradient learning; quality index shown below.
Learning hard functions
Training almost perfect for parity, with linear growth in the number of
vectors for k-sep. solution created by the constructive neural algorithm.
Real data
On simple data results are similar as from SVM (because they are almost
optimal), but models are much simpler.
Linear separability
QPC visualization of Leukemia microarray data.
Approximate separability
QPC visualization of Heart dataset: overlapping clusters, information in the
data is insufficient for perfect classification.
Interval transformation
QCP visualization: parity data: k-separability is much easier to achieve than
full linear separability.
QPC visualization of Monks artificial symbolic dataset,
=> two logical rules are needed.
Complex distribution
QPC visualization of concentric rings in 2D with strong noise in remaining 2D;
nearest neighbor or combinations of ellipsoidal densities.
Transformation-based framework
Extend SBM adding fine granulation of methods and relations between them
to enable meta-learning by search in the model space.
Learn to compose various transformations (neural layers), for example:
Matching pursuit network for signal decomposition, QPC index.
PCA network, with each node computing principal component.
LDA network, each node computes LDA direction (including FDA).
ICA network, nodes computing independent components.
KL, or Kullback-Leibler network with orthogonal or non-orthogonal
components; max. of mutual information is a special case
• c2 and other statistical tests for dependency to aggregate features.
• Factor analysis network, computing common and unique factors.
• Matching pursuit network for signal decomposition.
Evolving Transformation Systems (Goldfarb 1990-2009), unified paradigm for
inductive learning and structural representations.
Example: aRPM
Almost Random Projection Machine (with Hebbian learning):
generate random combinations of inputs (line projection) z(X)=W.X,
find and isolate pure cluster h(X)=G(z(X));
estimate relevance of h(X), ex. MI(h(X),C), leave only good nodes;
continue until each vector activates minimum k nodes.
Count how many nodes vote for each class and plot.
Learning from others …
Learn to transfer interesting features created by different systems.
Ex. prototypes, combinations of features with thresholds …
See our talk with Tomasz Maszczyk on Universal Learning Machines.
Example of features generated:
B1: Binary – unrestricted projections;
B2: Binary – restricted by other binary features; complexes b1 ᴧ b2 … ᴧ bk
B3: Binary – restricted by distance
 bi  0   r1   r1- , r1   r2   r2- , r2  ...
R1: Line – original real features ri; non-linear thresholds for “contrast
enhancement“ s(ri-bi); intervals (k-sep).
R4: Line – restricted by distance, original feature; thresholds; intervals (k-sep);
more general 1D patterns.
P1: Prototypes: general q-separability, weighted distance functions or
specialized kernels.
M1: Motifs, based on correlations between elements rather than input values.
B1 Features
B1 Features
F8 < 0.5
F8 ≥ 0.5 ᴧ F9 ≥ 0.5
F7 ≥ 7520.5
F7 < 7520.5 ᴧ F4 < 12
F13 < 4.5 ᴧ F12 < 0.5
F13 ≥ 4.5 ᴧ F3 ≥ 3.5
F2 < 123.5
F2 ≥ 143.5
F2 < 2.5
F2 ≥ 4.5
F17 < 0.00605
F17 ≥ 0.00605 ᴧ F21 < 0.06472
Example of B1 features taken from segments of decision trees.
These features used in various learning systems greatly simplify their models and
increase their accuracy.
SSV (#Leafs)
84.9±5.6 (203)
84.9±3.9 (4)
B1(2) + P1(3)
B1(2) + R1(1) + P1(3)
87.8±8.7 (31)
88.0±7.4 (4)
82.1±6.7 (101)
76.8±9.6 (6)
Data + R1(3)
Data + R1(3)
Data + B1(2)
77.0±4.9 (361)
73.6±3.4 (4)
Data + R1(3) + P1(4)
Data + B1(2)
96.6±1.6 (46)
95.2±1.5 (8)
Data + R1(1) + P1(4)
94.1±0.6 (918)
99.7±0.5 (12)
Data + B1(2)
Data + B1(2)
Data + B1(2)
Meta-learning means different things for different people.
Some will call “meta” any learning of many models (ex. Weka), ranking
them, arcing, boosting, bagging, or creating an ensemble in many ways
 optimization of parameters to integrate models.
Stacking: learn new models on errors of the previous ones.
Landmarking: characterize many datasets and remember which method
worked the best on each dataset.
Compare new dataset to the reference ones; define various measures (not
easy) and use similarity-based methods.
Regression models created for each algorithm on parameters that describe
data to predict their expected accuracy.
Goal: rank potentially useful algorithms.
Rather limited success …
Real meta-learning!
Meta-learning: learning how to learn, replace experts who search for best
models making a lot of experiments.
Search space of models is too large to explore it exhaustively, design system
architecture to support knowledge-based search.
Abstract view, uniform I/O, uniform results management.
Directed acyclic graphs (DAG) of boxes representing scheme
placeholders and particular models, interconnected through I/O.
Configuration level for meta-schemes, expanded at runtime level.
An exercise in software engineering for data mining!
Intemi, Intelligent Miner
Meta-schemes: templates with placeholders.
May be nested; the role decided by the input/output types.
Machine learning generators based on meta-schemes.
Granulation level allows to create novel methods.
Complexity control: Length + log(time)
A unified meta-parameters description, defining the range of sensible
values and the type of the parameter changes.
Advanced meta-learning
• Extracting meta-rules, describing interesting search directions.
• Finding the correlations occurring among different items in
most accurate results, identifying different machine (algorithmic)
structures with similar behavior in an area of the model space.
Depositing the knowledge they gain in a reusable meta-knowledge
repository (for meta-learning experience exchange between different
A uniform representation of the meta-knowledge, extending expert
knowledge, adjusting the prior knowledge according to performed tests.
Finding new successful complex structures and converting them into
meta-schemes (which we call meta abstraction) by replacing proper
substructures by placeholders.
Beyond transformations & feature spaces: actively search for info.
Intemi software (N. Jankowski and K. Grąbczewski) incorporating these
ideas and more is coming “soon” ...
Abstract view of a machine
Scheme machine
Scheme machine is a machine with a function of a machine
container or machine group, runs all the submachine processes.
Transform & Classify
Empty Transform & Classify configuration.
Run transform & classify
Filled Transform & Classify configuration at run time.
Meta-learning architecture
Inside meta-parameter search a repeater machine composed of
distribution and test schemes are placed.
Run-time view of a repeater machine.
Generating machines
Search process is controlled by a variant of approximated Levin’s
complexity: estimation of program complexity combined with time. Simpler
machines are evaluated first, machines that work too long (approximations
may be wrong) are put into quarantine.
Pre-compute what you can
and use “machine unification” to get substantial savings!
Machines generated
54 machines for this scheme.
Complexities on vowel data
Simple machines on vowel data
Left: final ranking, gray bar=accuracy, small bars: memory, time & total
complexity, middle numbers = process id (models in previous table).
Complex machines on vowel data
Left: final ranking, gray bar=accuracy, small bars: memory, time & total
complexity, middle numbers = process id (models in previous table).
Thyroid example
32-51: ParamSearch [SVMClassifier [KernelProvider]]
28-30: kNN; 31 NBC
• Challenging data cannot be handled with existing DM tools.
• Similarity-based framework enables meta-learning as search in the model
space, heterogeneous systems add fine granularity.
No off-shelf classifiers are able to learn difficult Boolean functions.
Visualization of hidden neuron’s shows that frequently perfect but nonseparable solutions are found despite base-rate outputs.
Linear separability is not the best goal of learning, other targets that allow
for easy handling of final non-linearities should be defined.
k-separability defines complexity classes for non-separable data.
Transformation-based learning shows the need for component-based
approach to DM, discovery of simplest models.
Meta-learning replaces data miners automatically creating new optimal
learning methods on demand.
Is this the final word in data mining? Future will tell.
Work like a horse
but never loose your enthusiasm!
Google: W. Duch => Papers & presentations;
KIS: => On-line publications.
Book: Meta-learning in Computational Intelligence (2010).