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2015 Int'l Conference on Intelligent Computing, Electronics Systems and Information Technology (ICESIT-15) Aug. 25-26, 2015 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Applying Dynamic Weight on Theta Star Path-finding
Algorithm in 2D Grid Map
Le Tran Huu Phuc, and Lee Ki Dong
Dijkstra (DA) was introduced to the public by Edsger
Dijkstra. By giving a start (source) cell, DA is able to find a
shortest path to every cell in the map [1]. DS is a type of pathfinding algorithm that applies the comparison condition to
find the path. However, the high cost of computation time is a
big problem of Dijkstra.
A* is a generic search algorithm which is expanded from
Dijkstra by applying a heuristic value. A* explores and exams
the cell with the best optimal value and add it on the list. But
the path found by this search process looks unnatural. The
found path seems to be made by the drunken people [4]. The
formula of A* is formula (1)
where G is the distance from the start cell to the current
cell and H is the estimated distance from the current cell to
the goal cell.
Theta* was developed by Alex Nash in 2007. This algorithm
is a post-smoothing process of the A* algorithm [5]. With the
shorter path length, Theta* performs even faster on the
process of finding path comparing to other variants of A*
such as: AP Theta*, A* PS and FD* [4]. The problem of
Theta* is that computation time is more than A* but the path
is not guarantee to be the optimal one [19].
Weighted A* is a variant of A* algorithm [5]. In this
algorithm, a new parameter called weight will be added to
A*’s F formula (2)
where G and H is the same as A*, and W is a weight value
The weight value will determine the performance of the
algorithm. When the applied weight is less than 1, then
algorithm concentrates on finding a best optimal path. If
weight value equals 0, A* performs like Dijkstra [4]. And
applying the weight value is greater than 1 makes the
algorithm run faster [19].
HPA* stands for hierarchical path-finding A* algorithm
[15], [16]. This method reduces the complexity of the map by
dividing the map into the smaller abstract map. These abstract
maps are link together into local clusters. At each abstract
map, the path-finding algorithm processes to find the optimal
path. Then small clusters are grouped together to become
some big clusters until the whole map is formed back. Botea proved that HPA* showed to be up to 10 times faster but
the increasing in path-length is within 1% [15]. But HPA* is
similar to A*, that means the path is not an any-angle path [4].
Abstract--The trade-off between path length and time
consuming in the process of path-finding is an interesting research
field. Theta* is a path smoothing algorithm which finds a close-tooptimal path with natural look – an any-angle path. [4] But this
algorithm cost a quite amount of time in comparison to the original
A*. In this article, we introduce an implementation way to reduce the
computation time of Theta*. Moreover, we also apply dynamic
weight and hierarchical method to Theta* algorithm. And from our
experiments’ result, the theory of dynamic weight and hierarchical
method can help the Theta* to perform better in finding path-length
and running faster. With this fact, in future we can perform deeper
analysis on how dynamic and hierarchical method can affect to
Index Terms-- Dynamic weight, HPA*, path-finding algorithm,
Path-finding algorithm is a process of finding a path
between two given points in a graph environment. This
research topic is used in many fields such as: robotic, game
design and network. In the past, path-finding algorithm had to
deal with two problems: finding a path between two cells in a
graph and the optimal shortest path. In the modern day, there
is one more adding problem: find a path within the shortest
time. There are several path-finding algorithms have been
introduced recently [1], [6], [7], [8], [9]. For example, DeepFirst search, Breadth-First search, Best-First search, Dijkstra,
A Star and the most recent path-finding algorithm - Theta Star
[9], [10], [11], [12]. All these path-finding algorithms have
their own advantages and disadvantages. While some of the
algorithms focus on finding the optimal path, others focus on
finding a path in the fastest way. There are many ways to
reduce the computation time such as applying some different
database structures: stack, queue, list and etc [6], [7], [8], [9].
In this paper, we apply a dynamic weight method combining
with hierarchical model on the most recent path-finding
algorithm – Theta* [3]. And by applying a dynamic weight
method on Theta*, we decrease the computation time of the
process and keep the increasing of path-length to be small.
Deep First Search (DFS) and Breadth First Search (BrFS)
are two earliest versions of finding path algorithms. Both of
these algorithms focus on finding a path based on the
structure of database: stack, queue, list and etc. But they still
have a lot of weaknesses on finding a path and costing a lot of
Le Tran Huu Phuc and Lee Ki Dong, are with Yeungnam University,
South Korea
In the update vertex algorithm from basic Theta*, Nash only considers about the neighbor cell with the shorter
2015 Int'l Conference on Intelligent Computing, Electronics Systems and Information Technology (ICESIT-15) Aug. 25-26, 2015 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
path from the current cell [4]. But in reality, this comparing
condition will eliminate some possible solutions. He doesn’t
consider about the equal value, as in fig. 1. In the 4 directions
expansion case, we call A is a current cell. Cell B and C are
the north and south cells of A. D is the destination cell. If we
only consider about the shorter path, we will eliminate either
one of the path A-B-D or A-C-D, as in fig. 2. In the 8
directions expansion case, the same problem happens, as in
fig. 3.
when the process faces a problem Unlike A*, in Theta*,
for each loop, the computer has to check the light of sight
between the expanding cell with the parent of the current cell
[4]. This step will add more time to find the solution.
Moreover, all these previous researches about Weighted A*
[1], [3], [4], [18] and [19], a simple weight value is applied
from the beginning of the search to the end of the search. The
weight is not dynamic in different map environments. If we
apply a high value of weight on the complexity area, the
process might fail due to some hypothesis introduced by Wilt [18].
Fig. 1 – update vertex algorithm from Nash
Fig. 2 - Expansion in four directions
Fig. 3 - Expansion in eight directions
In order to solve these mentioned problems, we add an
equal condition into the comparing condition in Theta*. And
we called this algorithm compared Theta*. Moreover, we
applied dynamic weight values on Theta* with a purpose to
decrease a computation time cost and also keep a small
amount of increasing on path-length. To apply a dynamic
weight value, we used HPA* method to divide the map into 2
smaller areas – area contain start cell and area contain
destination cell, and each area is applied a specific weight
value. The formula of our dynamic weight is described in the
formula (3)
where G and H is as same as A* in formula (1) and W is a
weight value, which is either 0.5 or 2.
We called this algorithm Dynamic Weight 2 Theta* because
we apply two different weight values: 0.5 and 2.0. 0.5 is
applied for the area which is contains the destination cell, and
2.0 is applied for the area which is contains the start cell.
Moreover, the algorithm called “Author Theta*” is an
algorithm that bases on Nash’s Theta*’s pseudo code [4].
This algorithm is our base for comparing these Compared
Theta* and Dynamic Weight 2 Theta*’ performance.
In this paper, we create an application that user can pick a
map containing obstacle cells, a start cell and goal cell. The
app is written in Java and tested on Intel Core 2 with 2GB
Ram. In the app, we create a class in Java called Node, which
have some properties: x, y represents the longitude and
latitude position of the cell in the grid map, color to present
the status of the map such as: obstacle, goal, start, and path.
All of the cell will be combined into a square 2D map size n.
The red cells are in the map represent the obstacles cells. The
blue cell is the goal – destination cell while green one is the
start cell as in fig. 4. The cell has an arrow with the word goal
2015 Int'l Conference on Intelligent Computing, Electronics Systems and Information Technology (ICESIT-15) Aug. 25-26, 2015 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
cell is a destination cell. The cell has an arrow with the word
start cell is a start cell. These cells with white color are the
free cells that can be passed through. And the rest cells in the
map are these obstacles that can’t be passed.
case 4 is the 50x50 cells map. All these sizes of map will have
20% of blocks, which means 20% of these cells are not
passable. At each case, we collect three pieces of information:
the processed nodes – the number of nodes that the pathfinding processes calculated, the computation time of the
process from the beginning of the process to the end of the
process, and the path-length of the solution path, which is
count by the sum of each path cell’s Euclidean distance to
their parents.
In our experiment, we compare 3 different algorithms:
Author Theta*, Compared Theta* and Dynamic Weight 2
Theta* in different sizes of map: case 1 is the 20x20 cells map,
case 2 is the 30x30 cells map, case 3 is the 40x40 cells and
Fig. 4 - Example of Map
Fig. 5 – Case 1 map size 20x20 with 20% blocks
Fig. 6 - Case 2 map size 30x30 with 20% blocks
2015 Int'l Conference on Intelligent Computing, Electronics Systems and Information Technology (ICESIT-15) Aug. 25-26, 2015 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Fig. 7 - Case 3 map size 40x40 with 20% blocks
Fig. 8 - Case 4 map size 50x50 with 20% blocks
If we add a weight value which is greater than one into the
calculation of F value the run time will be faster but the path
is not optimal because of the increasing in its path-length.
And if we add a weight value which is smaller than one into
the calculation of F value the run time will be slower but the
path is closer-to-optimal because of the increasing in accuracy.
We found that when we apply the equal condition and the
dynamic weight value is either 2 or 0.5, the trade off is
positive, as in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4. The
path-length does not increase a lot while the run-time is
considered shorter, as in fig. 9 and fig. 10. Although the
increasing trend of trade-off rate is unstable, but there is a
positive point that applying dynamic weight value still
reduces the run-time of the algorithm and sometimes make
the solution path is closer to be optimal one, as in Table 5.
The reason when a dynamic weight Theta* fail is similar to
the fail of weighted A* because the relationship between h(n)
– the estimate cost of getting from cell n to goal and d*(n) –
the number of cells between goal and cell n is weak [18]. And
by applying an equal condition on expanding neighbor cell
process, we give the algorithm more option to find the
optimal path. Before this article, there is no research on that
applying dynamic weight on Theta*. The explanation for the
fact that there is a trade-off between the path-length and the
computation time is stated in previous researches [4], [9] and
[18]. The weight value 0.5 is picked because any value <1
doesn’t affect to the optimal path. It just increases the number
of number expansion cells [13]. Value 0f 0.5 is in the middle
range of 0 and 1 so the increase in expanding cells is not too
big but not so small. On the other hand, value of 2 is picked
for weight value >1 because this number is average range
between 1 and infinite, which means decrease in expanding
cells is not too big but not so small [19]. Because of these
reasons, weight value 0.5 and 2.0 makes the collected data
becomes average.
2015 Int'l Conference on Intelligent Computing, Electronics Systems and Information Technology (ICESIT-15) Aug. 25-26, 2015 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Author Theta*
Fig. 9 - Path-length comparison between 3 algorithms
Fig. 10 - Run-time comparison between 3 algorithms
2015 Int'l Conference on Intelligent Computing, Electronics Systems and Information Technology (ICESIT-15) Aug. 25-26, 2015 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Fig. 11 – Processed cells comparison between 3 algorithms
[12] Robin, “Breadth First Search,” Available online at: (April 13th, 2015 15:00pm)
[13] Chamero, J., “Dijkstra’s Algorithm As a Dynamic Programming
Strategy,” Available online at
(April 13th, 2015 15:00pm)
[14] Cui, X., Shi, H., “A*-based Pathfinding in Modern Computer Games,”
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol.
11, No. 1. (2011)
[15] Botea, A., Muller M., “Near Optimal Hierarchical Path- Finding,”
Journal of Game Development, Volume 1. (2004)
[16] Jansen, R. M., Buro M., “HPA* Enhancements,” AAAI Conference
on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment. (2007)
[17] Hansen, A. E., Zhou R., “Anytime Heuristic Search,” Journal of
Artificial Intelligent Research 28. (2007)
[18] Wilt, C., Ruml, W., “When does Weighted A* Fail?” Proceeding of
the Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS-12). (2012)
[19] Nash, A., “Any-Angle Path Planning,” Doctor of Philosophy Thesis
(Computer Science). The Faculty of the USC Graduate School
University of Southern California. (2012)
Nowadays, there are many developed path-finding
algorithms. The A* is one of the most used one in many fields.
Until now, there are many version of A* such as IDA*, D*,
LPA* and Theta*. In the Theta* algorithm, the solution path
is more natural, faster but less optimal than weighted h-values
version of Theta*. In our experiment, we found a method to
increase the performance by applying the dynamic weights,
hierarchical method and equal condition. As the result of our
experiment, we find that our modification way make the pathfinding process run faster but sometimes more optimal than
Theta*. Applying Dynamic Weight with hierarchical method
make improvement on the solution path and computation cost
comparing to the Nash’s Theta* Algorithm. In future
work, we will apply dynamic weight on different map areas
based on its complexity based on the idea of Wilt in his
article [18].
Le Tran Huu Phuc (Hochiminh City, Vietnam.
06/21/29189). In 2009 He studied a bachelor degree in
University of Missouri – St.Louis, in USA. His major
was Management in Information System. From 2014 to
now, he is currently a graduate student in the master
program in Yeungnam University, South Korea. His
major is Computer Engineering. His major research field
is in Artificial Intelligent.
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