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Centerfor Basic Researchin the SocialSciences
Harvard University
34 Kirkland Street
Cambridge,MA 02138
Tel: 617-496-6219
Fax: 617-496-1636
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RobertWood JohnsonFoundationScholarin HealthPolicy Research,HarvardUniversity (August2004July 2006)
AssistantProfessorof Sociology,BowdoinCollege,Brunswick,Maine (July 2003-)
Acting AssociateDirector, PrincetonUniversity Centerfor the Studyof Religion, PrincetonNJ
(September2002-June 2003)
Princeton University
Ph.D. Sociology.Awarded2002
Dissertation: "Seekingthe Heart:the First GenerationPracticesTheravadaBuddhismin
Committee: RobertWuthnow(chair), PaulDiMaggio, SaraCurran,Miguel Centeno,
Donald Swearer
M.A. with Distinction, Sociology.2000
Fields of Study:Religion, Genderand Sexuality,EconomicDevelopmentin SouthAsia
B.A. with High Honors,Phi BetaKappa.1997
Majors: Sociology& AnthropologyandReligion.
Heartwood; The First Generation of Theravada Buddhism in America. Chicago: The University of
Chicago Press (2005).
Forthcoming (2004). "Gendered Religious Organizations: The Case of Theravada Buddhism in America."
Gender and Society. 18(6), December.
Forthcoming. "Religion and the NonProfit Sector." With Robert Wuthnow. Handbook of NonProfits.
Edited by Walter Powell and Richard Steinberg. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Forthcoming (2005). "Religions of Immigrants in the Mid-Atlantic States." Religion in the Middle
Atlantic States; Fount of Diversity. Edited by Randall Balmer and Mark Silk. AltaMira Press.
Cadge c. v. .Page 1
2004. "Buddhists and Buddhism in the United States: The Scope of Influence." With Robert Wuthnow.
Journalfor the Scientific Study ofReligion. 43(3): 361-378.
2004. "Yoga and Rebirth in America: Asian Religions are Here to Stay." With Courtney Bender.
Contexts; Understanding People in Their Social Worlds. 3(1): 45-51.
2004. "Reconciling Congregations Bridging Gay and Straight Communities." Gay Religion. Edited by
Edward R. Gray and Scott Thumma. AltaMira Press.
2004. "Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Buddhist Practitioners." Gay Religion. Edited by Edward R. Gray and
Scott Thumma. AltaMira Press.
2004. "Boys and Girls' Educational Opportunities in Thailand: The Effects of Siblings, Migration, and
Accessibility of Schools." With Sara Curran, Chang Chung, and Anchalee Varangrat. Research in
Sociology of Education 14: 59-102.
2002. "Vital Conflicts: The Mainline ProtestantDenominations Debate Homosexuality." The Hand of
God: Faith Based Activism and the Public Role of Mainline Protestantism. Edited by Robert Wuthnow
and John Evans. Berkeley: University of California Press.
2002. "Talking about Homosexuality: The Views of Mainline ProtestantClergy." With Laura R. Olson.
Journalfor the Scientific Study of Religion. 41(1): 153-167.
2002. "Conceptualizing Your Community-Based Learning Project: Decision Points for the Initial Stages
of Project Design." With Marion Carter, Estella Rivero, and SaraCurran. Teaching Sociology. 30 (April):
2001. 'vrhe Role of Religion in Public Conflicts Overthe Arts in the PhiladelphiaArea, 1965-1997."
With PaulDiMaggio, Lynn Robinson,andBrian Steensland.Crossroads:Art andReligion in American
Life. Edited by Alberta Arthurs & GlennWallach.New York: The New Press.
Forthcoming.Book Reviewof God in Chinatown:Religionand Survivalin New York's Evolving
ImmigrantCommunityby KennethJ. Guest.ContemporarySociology.
2003. "Homosexualityandthe Natural, Socialand BehavioralSciences."BackgroundPaperfor the
EvangelicalLutheranChurchin America's NationalSexualityStudy.
2003. Entries about"CharitableChoice,""HomosexualReeducationPrograms,""AmericanFriends
ServiceCommittee,"and "Mainline ProtestantPro-GayGroups."EncyclopediaofAmericanReligion and
Politics. Edited by Paul A. Djupe andLauraR. Olson.New York: Factson File.
2002. "Sex, Sexuality,and GenderSyllabus."With SaraCurran.The Sociology ofGender:Syllabi &
Other InstructionalMaterials.Edited by Amy Blackstoneand BetsyLucal. WashingtonDC: American
2001. "Forging Links BetweenDisciplinesandArea Studies."With AngeliqueHaugerud.Items& Issues.
Social ScienceResearchCouncil. 2:1-2.p. 8-10.
2000."The Social SciencesandArea Studies:the SocialScienceResearchCouncil's International
PredissertationFellowshipProgram(1991-2000)."With AngeliqueHaugerud.A Reportto the Ford
1999. Book Review of SpeakingOut: Women'sEconomicEmpowermentin SouthAsia. Ethnic Studies
Report. 16 (2): 264-269.
Cadge c.v. .Page 2
SelectedFellowshios and A wards
RobertWood JohnsonScholarin HealthPolicy Research,HarvardUniversity
YoungerScholarin AmericanReligion, Centerfor the Studyof Religion & American
Culture,Indiana University
ResearchAward, Societyfor the Scientific Studyof Religion (with CourtneyBender)
SummerStipend,Louisville Institute
PrincetonSocietyof Fellows of the WoodrowWilson FoundationGraduatePrize
ResearchAward, Societyfor the Scientific Studyof Religion
Fund Grant,AmericanSociologicalAssociation.
Marvin BresslerGraduateStudentTeachingAward, SociologyDepartment,Princeton
BestGraduateStudentPaperPrize,MidwestAmericanAcademyof Religion.
University Centerfor HumanValuesGraduatePrizeFellowship,PrincetonUniversity
Centerfor the Studyof ReligionDissertationResearchAward, Princeton
Wilson FellowshipProgramSummerStipend,PrincetonUniversity
Fulbright lIE Fellowship, Sri Lanka
Centerfor the Studyof AmericanReligionGraduateResearchGrant, Princeton
Rotary FoundationGundakerScholarship
JoelDeanSeniorThesisField ResearchGrant,SwarthmoreCollege
"Thai Buddhismin America." Boisi Centerfor Religion in AmericanPublic Life. November2004.
(Invited Presentation)
"LessonsLearned?CongregationsTalking aboutHomosexuality."Societyfor the Scientific Studyof
Religion. October2004.
"Thai BuddhistTemplesin America: InstitutionallyIsomorphic?"EasternSociologicalSociety.February
"Monks andMeditators:The History of TheravadaBuddhismin America." WellesleyCollege.
November2003. (Invited Lecture)
"GenderedReligiousOrganizations:The Caseof TheravadaBuddhismin America." Societyfor the
Scientific Studyof Religion. October2003.
"Thai Buddhismin America: A HistoricalandContemporaryOverview." With SidhornSangdhanoo.
American SociologicalAssociationSectionon InternationalMigration Roundtable.August2003.
Cadge c.v. .Page 3
"Race, CulturalCapital,and EducationalAttainment:How Do Asian-AmericansDiffer?" With David
Karenand Tom Vartanian.American SociologicalAssociationSociologyof EducationRefereed
"A Global Sangha?The TransnationalNature of Buddhismin America." Anna I. MorganLecturesin
Religion Series.RutgersUniversity Departmentof Religion. March2003. (Invited Lecture)
"Heartwood." PrincetonUniversity BuddhistStudiesWorkshop.December2002. (Invited Presentation)
"Visions of a Moral Life." Paperpresentedat the retirementcelebrationof Donald Swearerand Jerry
Frost. SwarthmoreCollegeDepartmentof Religion. November2002. (Invited Lecture)
"Thai BuddhistTemplesin America: A MappingandHistory." Societyfor the Scientific Studyof
Religion. October2002.
"Taking Refugein the Buddha:AscribedandAchievedBuddhistIdentities."AmericanSociological
Association.Religion in ComparativePerspectiveSession.August2002.
"Refuge in the Dharma:Buddhismin Daily Life in the United States."EasternSociologicalAssociation.
"American Buddhists?The ReligiousIdentitiesof TheravadaBuddhistPractitionersin the United States."
American Academyof Religion. November2001.
"Taking Refugein the Dharma:Buddhismin Daily Life." Societyfor the Scientific Studyof Religion.
"Leading, Cooking,andPraying: Thai BuddhistWomenin the United States."Midwest American
Academyof Religion. April 2001.
"Congregations:a safeplace for difficult dialogue?"Presenterand PanelMemberat AspenInstitute
Conference:The Public Role of Mainline Protestantism:Is the "quiet voice" loud enough?March2001.
(Invited Lecture)
"Talking aboutHomosexuality:The Views of Mainline ProtestantClergy." With LauraR. Olson. Society
for the Scientific Studyof ReligionMeeting. October2000.
"The Mainline DenominationsDebateHomosexuality."American SociologicalAssociation,Religion and
"ChangingEducationalOpportunitiesin Thailand:The Effects of Gender,Siblings,and Village
Location." With SaraCurranandAnchaleeVarangrat.American SociologicalAssociationInternational
Migration ReferredRoundtable.August2000.
"Public Art Conflicts in Philadelphia:1960-1998."With Lynn Robinsonand Brian Steensland.Social
Theory,Politics, andthe Arts Conference.October1998.
September 2003-June 2004. Bowdoin College. "Introduction to Sociology," "Religion
A Sociological Approach," "Research Methods," and "Gender and Sexuality."
in American Life:
Spring 2003. Princeton University Teaching Intern / Adjunct Professor. Lutheran Theological Seminary at
Philadelphia. "The Church and Sexuality in the 21 slCentury."
1998-2003. Writing Tutor, Princeton University Writing Center.
Cadge c.v. .Page 4
2000-2002.Founderand Organizerof TIPS (TeachingInitiative for PrincetonSociologyGraduate
Students).Createda forum in the sociologydepartmentwheregraduatestudentsobtaintrainingand
supportin teaching.Organizedyearly orientationfor [lIst time teachingassistantsand monthly teaching
workshops.Fundedby the PrincetonDepartmentof Sociologyand the AmericanSociological
2000. SelectedParticipant,American SociologicalAssociationWorkshopon the Scholarshipof Teaching
2000. TeachingAssistant,PrincetonUniversity. "Gender,Sex,and Sexuality" with SaraCurran.
1999. TeachingAssistant,PrincetonUniversity. "Genderand Developmentin the Americas" with Patricia
1994-1997.Writing Associate,SwarthmoreCollegeWriting Center.
Consultant: Annie E. Casey Foundation Faith Dialogue (2003), Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Sexuality Study (2003), Ford Foundation (2000).
Association Memberships: American Sociological Association (Sociology of Religion Section Best Paper
Selection Committee 2004, Chair 2005; Sociology of Religion Nominating Committee 2005), American
Academy of Religion, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (Travel A wards Committee 2003),
Sociologists for Women in Society, Association for Asian Studies
Reviewer: American Sociological Review, American Joumal of Preventative Medicine, Gender and
Society, Joumal of Contemporary Religion, Joumal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Nonprofit and
Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Review of Religious Research, Social Problems, Templeton Foundation
Spiritual Transformation Scientific ResearchProgram, Contemporary Sociology
SessionOrganizer: Eastern Sociological Association Meetings 2005 (two sessions),2002 (two sessions);
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion 2002 (two sessions).
Invited Participant. Lived Religion Workshop. The Boisi Center, Boston College. June 2002.
Invited Respondent. Church Rebuilding ResearchProject. Lutheran Theological Seminary. January 2002.
Thai, intermediatereadingand speaking
French,basicreadingand speaking
RobertWuthnow,GerhardR. Andlinger '52 Professorof Sociology,PrincetonUniversity
([email protected])
Paul DiMaggio, Professorof Sociology,PrincetonUniversity ([email protected])
SaraCurran,AssistantProfessorof Sociology,PrincetonUniversity ([email protected])
Miguel Centeno,Professorof Sociology,PrincetonUniversity ([email protected])
Don Swearer,DistinguishedVisiting Professorof BuddhistStudiesand Director of the Centerfor the Study
of World Religions,HarvardUniversity ([email protected])
Cadgec.v. .Page 5
StanleyKatz, Lecturerwith rank of Professorin Public and InternationalAffairs and Director of the Princeton
University Centerfor Arts and Cultural Policy Studies([email protected])
R. StephenWarner,Professorof Sociology,Universityoflllinois at Chicago,([email protected])
Cadge c. v. .Page 6
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