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Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Service Manual V. 1.0-EN (03.13) Valid for marLED® E HW 00 and SW 00 or higher Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Contents 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Product Liability and Warranty ............................................................... 5 General Information ............................................................................. 5 Warranty ............................................................................................ 5 User’s Inspection ................................................................................. 5 Hotline ............................................................................................... 6 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Introduction ........................................................................................ 7 Notice for Service Technicians ............................................................... 7 Light Models ....................................................................................... 7 Light Combinations .............................................................................. 8 Applicable Documents .......................................................................... 8 2.4.1 KLS Martin surgiCam® digital, surgiCam® HD ......................................................... 8 2.5 2.6 2.7 Symbols Used in this Service Manual ...................................................... 8 Symbols Used on the Product ................................................................ 9 Terms and abbreviations ....................................................................... 9 3 3.1 Safety Notices ................................................................................... 10 General Information ........................................................................... 10 4 4.1 Circuit Diagrams ................................................................................ 13 Cable Colors...................................................................................... 13 4.1.1 Light Engine Wiring Diagram .......................................................................... 13 4.2 4.3 Circuit Diagram for Handle with surgiCam® digital ...................................... 14 Tracking Arm Circuit Diagrams ............................................................ 15 4.3.1 Circuit Diagram for 3-Pole Tracking Arm with backLite Option ............................. 15 4.3.2 Circuit Diagram for 5-Pole Tracking Arm with Wall-Mounted Control Panel and backLite Option ............................................................................................ 16 4.3.3 Circuit Diagram for 9-Pole Tracking Arm with Wall-Mounted Control Panel and Camera Option ............................................................................................ 17 4.3.4 Wiring Diagram 9-pin Cantilever Arm HD Wall Box with optional Camera .............. 18 4.4 Ceiling Tube Wiring Diagrams .............................................................. 19 4.4.1 Wiring Diagram for Rectifier for Ceiling Tube max. 27 VAC / 26–36 VDC with ZSV Switch ........................................................................................................ 19 4.5 Wiring diagrams power module SMPS 36/9 ............................................ 20 4.5.1 Available versions of the power module ........................................................... 20 4.5.2 Wiring diagram without ZSV switch ................................................................. 20 4.5.3 Wiring diagram with integrated ZSV switch ...................................................... 22 4.5.4 Function of the integrated ZSV switch (optional) ............................................... 23 4.5.5 Voltage adjustment ...................................................................................... 23 4.5.6 Installation on a support plate........................................................................ 24 4.5.7 Mounting rail installation ............................................................................... 24 4.6 Cable Connection CAN and RS232 ........................................................ 25 2 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.6.1 CAN Bus and Addresses ................................................................................ 25 4.6.2 CAN Bus Terminating Resistor RA .................................................................... 25 4.6.3 RS232 via COM Interface .............................................................................. 27 4.6.4 Pin Configuration X2 (CAN, RS232) ................................................................. 28 4.7 4.8 Voltage Measurement using the Service Plug ......................................... 29 Wiring Diagram for Operating Foil ........................................................ 30 5 5.1 Troubleshooting ................................................................................. 31 Error Image with Information on possible Causes and Corrective Actions ... 31 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Replacement of components ................................................................ 32 Setup of the Control Electronics with Microfuse ...................................... 33 Display of the operating foil ................................................................. 34 Components of the Lamp Body ............................................................ 35 Removing the Light Engine .................................................................. 36 Inserting the Light Engine ................................................................... 37 Opening the casing ............................................................................ 39 Replacing the Control Electronics ......................................................... 40 Replacing the operating foil ................................................................. 40 System Overview ............................................................................... 42 6.9.1 Light Engine Versions ................................................................................... 43 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 Light Engine Pin assignment ................................................................ 43 Plug Connections on Control Electronics and Light Engine ........................ 44 Light Engine Locations ........................................................................ 45 Plug Connections on the Control Electronics ........................................... 46 6.13.1 Connections for Supply Voltage and Light Engines............................................. 49 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 Connection for D-Sub Plug .................................................................. 50 Installation and Connection of the additional Camera Board ..................... 51 Measuring the Input Voltage on the Control Electronics ........................... 52 Configuration of the marLED® E via DIP Switch ...................................... 53 Interface adapter marLED® E............................................................... 54 Software Update ................................................................................ 55 6.19.1 Installing the C2Prog programming software on the PC ...................................... 55 6.19.2 Connecting the interface adapter .................................................................... 55 6.19.3 Programming............................................................................................... 56 6.20 6.21 Replacing the Cardan Suspension ......................................................... 59 Closing the casing .............................................................................. 63 7 7.1 7.2 Change History .................................................................................. 65 Overview of Software Changes ............................................................ 65 Overview of Hardware Changes ........................................................... 67 8 Serial Number Structure ..................................................................... 68 V 1.0 3 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 9 9.1 9.2 Technical Data marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 ................................................. 69 Technical Data marLED® E9 / E9i ........................................................ 69 Technical Data marLED® E15 .............................................................. 70 10 10.1 Technical Safety Check and Intensive Maintenance ................................. 72 Information regarding the Technical Safety Check and Intensive Maintenance ..................................................................................... 72 Inspection Protocol for Intensive Maintenance including Technical Safety Check .............................................................................................. 74 Test Instructions for Intensive Maintenance ........................................... 76 Inspection Protocol–Technical Safety Check ........................................... 90 Test Instructions for Safety Check (SC)................................................. 91 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 11 Guidelines and Manufacturer’s Declaration on Electromagnetic Compatibility ..................................................................................... 94 12 12.1 12.2 Spare Parts ....................................................................................... 98 List of tools ....................................................................................... 98 List of spare parts .............................................................................. 98 4 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 1 Product Liability and Warranty 1.1 General Information We thank you for having decided to buy a KLS Martin product. This product carries the CE-mark, which means that it satisfies the essential requirements laid down in the EC Directive concerning medical devices. We are the manufacturer of this product: Gebrüder Martin GmbH & Co. KG A company of the KLS Martin Group Ludwigstaler Str. 132 · D-78532 Tuttlingen · Germany Postfach 60 · D-78501 Tuttlingen · Germany Tel. +49 7461 706-0 · Fax +49 7461 706-193 [email protected] · www.klsmartin.com 1.2 Warranty Our Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale effective at the time shall apply. Agreements diverging from these Standard Terms and Conditions do not restrict the legal rights of the buyer. Any warranty exceeding the above provisions shall require a contractual form and shall exclude component-related vandalism, software updates and consumables. Important Notices The product may only be repaired by Gebrüder Martin or a qualified person or firm expressly authorized by Gebrüder Martin to perform such work. If the repair is carried out by a person or firm specially authorized by Gebrüder Martin, the operator of the product is required to obtain from the repairer a certificate with details about the nature and scope of the repair work done. This certificate must show the date of the repair and the details of the person or firm carrying out the work and must be signed. In all cases where a party other than the product manufacturer performed the work, repaired products must be additionally marked with the repairer’s ID label. Improper interventions or alterations performed by third parties during the period of limitation shall void any and all warranty claims. Unauthorized actions performed on the product shall invalidate any liability claims against Gebrüder Martin. 1.3 User’s Inspection Immediately upon receipt, the goods must be checked for completeness and potential damage in transit. Notice of any such damage must be given immediately. V 1.0 5 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 1.4 • • Hotline Should you have any technical questions, please do not hesitate to turn to our Martin Service Center Tel: +49 7461 706-343 Fax: +49 7461 706-408 E-mail: [email protected] Should you have any questions concerning maintenance contracts or training courses, please contact our Technical Service Manager: Tel: +49 7461 706-332 E-mail: [email protected] NOTICE Serial number To answer your technical questions as efficiently as possible, our service technicians require the serial number of the product. Therefore, please have this number at hand when contacting our hotline. It is part of the information provided on the rating plate on the cardan joint (see section 8 “Serial Number Structure”, page 68). 6 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 2 Introduction 2.1 Notice for Service Technicians • To keep the lights as well as their mounting / suspension systems in a perfect technical condition, it is essential for you as a service technician to perform your work with utmost precision and expertise. This service manual is intended to support you in performing your highly responsible work. • While participation in a service training course authorizes technicians to perform mounting and service work, it does not confer any authorization for providing user advice! Regarding the latter, KLS Martin offers special product training. 2.2 Light Models The lights are available in the following variants: • marLED® E9 (max. illuminance of 120.000 lx) • marLED® E9i (max. illuminance of 160.000 lx) • marLED® E15 (max. illuminance of 160.000 lx) • Options: — surgiCam® camera system (this product comes with its own user manual) — wall operation (wall-mounting control panel) — RS232 Com interface for integrated OR systems — backLite on tracking arm provides diffuse, indirect background light at the end of the respective tracking arm, emitted in an upward direction. The light is automatically switched on and off through a photoelectric sensor. For switching threshold details, see marLED® / marLux® Mounting Instructions. — emergency power (ASPS) changeover module — Fully cardanic suspension — LC (Low Ceiling) cardanic suspension for low rooms — Handle support for sterile disposable covers — sensoGrip multifunction handle unit for sterilizable handles — • sensoGrip multifunction handle unit for sterile disposable covers Available mounting / installation options: — ceiling-mounting: single lights, light combinations — wall-mounting(marLED® E9 / E9i) with separate power supply on external mounting plate — mobile version (stand version): marLED® E9 / E9i V 1.0 7 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 2.3 Light Combinations The lights can be mounted either individually (as single lights) or in combinations of two, three or four lights (optionally in conjunction with TFT monitor or separate camera). Each light is controlled via a separate control panel. 2.4 Applicable Documents For various types of service work it is required to be familiar with all the information from the installation manuals and other service manuals in addition to the information provided in this document. If a setting or installation step is described e.g. in the installation manual marLED® it will not be explained again in this document. 2.4.1 KLS Martin surgiCam® digital, surgiCam® HD The systems surgiCam® digital and surgiCam® HD are imaging systems for documentation, for initial training and advanced training. Both of these high-performance camera systems can be installed either in the lamp body or on a separate camera arm. Every camera system of KLS Martin is delivered with separate instructions for use. Servicing steps on the camera systems are described in the respective service manuals. The image is displayed on the optional flat screen system med TFT by KLS Martin. 2.5 Symbols Used in this Service Manual Throughout this manual, important information (such as general or safety-related notices) is marked with the following symbols and signal words: WARNING Life hazard or danger of severe injuries! Non-observance could lead to death or severe bodily injuries! CAUTION Danger of minor injuries! Non-observance involves some risk of bodily injury! NOTICE Risk of property damage Non-observance may lead to property damage (loss of time, loss of data, machinery defects, etc.)! 8 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 2.6 Symbols Used on the Product Symbol Explanation CE-mark Protection class: I (acc. to IEC 60601-1) Observe safety-related information concerning this product Observe Operating Instructions! Warning: Dangerous electric voltage! 2.7 Terms and abbreviations Abbreviation Explanation backLite Brightness regulation 5 % for endoscopic background illumination Cardanic suspension Universal joint as part of the light arm - semi-cardanic suspension Single suspension bracket, rotatable in two axes - fully cardanic suspension Double suspension bracket with cardan joint, rotatable in three axes - LC cardanic suspension Low-ceiling cardanic system: simplified suspension bracket, rotatable in two axes, for use in low rooms Light Engine LED illumination unit Power module Power supply unit sensoGrip Multifunction handle unit (optional) sensoTouch Wall-mounting control panel with display as status indicator surgiCam® Camera system in surgiCam® digital “SD” or surgiCam® HD version SC Safety check SPS Safety power supply (mains) ASPS Additional safety power supply (battery) boost Large light field with maximum illuminance V 1.0 9 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 3 Safety Notices 3.1 General Information The KLS Martin operating lights are quality products designed and manufactured in compliance with recognized technical rules and current standards. The lights left the factory in a perfectly safe working condition. For your own safety • Carefully read the safety instructions relating to servicing work (which includes light system installation). • For your own safety, be sure to observe and follow the instructions provided! • Specifically, heed the safety instructions provided in the sections describing the mounting procedures! • The components of the light system may only be used for their intended purpose–i.e. mounting / installing the operating lights! Service work • Any service work must be performed: — by qualified persons specially authorized by Gebrüder Martin to perform such tasks — in accordance with the instructions provided in this manual — competently and with utmost precision — in compliance with relevant technical, safety and accident-prevention regulations • The parts to be mounted must be checked for defects and potential damage in transit immediately upon receipt of the goods. • Safety check and test report • As part of the installation work, all safety-related parts must be checked in accordance with the specified Safety Check (SC) procedures. • Document the results of the check in the corresponding Test Report. For the test instructions (safety check) and the test report form, please refer to the end of this document. Maintenance We recommend checking all functions of the light, the spring / tracking arms, the ceiling tube and the power supply unit (PSU) for proper working order at regular intervals. Every 24 months, a Safety Check (SC) must be performed by an authorized person! A detailed description of the procedure as well as the appropriate Test Report form can be found in section 10 ”Technical Safety Check and Intensive Maintenance”, page 72. 10 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 WARNING Life-threatening electric shock! • During the entire service work the electrical supply lines must not be energized. They must be properly locked out / tagged out! • In the building installation a separator (such as a circuit breaker) must be provided which allows all-phase and simultaneous separation of the circuits of the lamp (mains power 100–240 V) from the grid. The switch or circuit breaker used must comply with IEC 328 (VDE 0630) requirements regarding creepage distances and clearances or must be UL-listed. • Be sure to trip the building-side circuit breaker before performing any servicing work on the light (or multi-light setup)! • Never touch any component inside the light head! The mains connecting wires must be protected against accidental loosening or fracture at the terminal. WARNING Defective lights pose a life hazard! • Defective lights can pose a life or health hazard for users and patients alike! • Therefore, never put defective lights into operation! WARNING Danger of damage or injury due to high weight! As the components of the light (or multi-light setup) are heavy, they can cause damage or injuries in case they crash down. Therefore, use a lifting device as a support when removing or installing light or suspension components and work with an assistant, never alone! V 1.0 11 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 WARNING Danger of damage or injury due to high spring forces! The components of a multi-light setup are heavy! Spring arms from which the load (light head or light-head components) has been removed may snap upwards with great force and high speed, thereby causing severe injuries! Therefore, be sure to tie down the spring arm before removing any load! WARNING Danger of damage or injury due to defective service aids! Verify that the mounting and service aids used–such as ladders, mounting scaffolds and lift frames–comply with valid safety standards! 12 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4 Circuit Diagrams 4.1 Cable Colors In the wiring diagrams below, international color coding according to IEC 757 is used to indicate cable colors: Code Color BK Black BU Blue BN Brown GD Gold GN Green GNYE Green-Yellow GY Grey OG Orange PK Pink RD Red SR Silver TQ Turquoise VT Violet WH White YE Yellow 4.1.1 V 1.0 Light Engine Wiring Diagram 13 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.2 Circuit Diagram for Handle with surgiCam® digital Connection in sensoGrip to control electronics: A Control electronics B SensoGrip (handle assembly) 1 D-Sub socket, 25-pole 2 D-Sub plug, 25-pole 7 Control electronics 3 Buttons (break contacts) 8 centriXbeam® deep-cavity light 4 Laser (option only available without camera) 9 Disconnection of the supply voltage for Schiederwerk electronic ballast 5 Slip-ring 6 Camera handle 14 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.3 Tracking Arm Circuit Diagrams 4.3.1 Circuit Diagram for 3-Pole Tracking Arm with backLite Option A Tracking arm B Spring arm 1 Plug for connection to ceiling tube 4 Socket, tracking arm side 2 Slip ring 5 Socket, light head side 3 Plug 6 backLite connection option NOTICE When using a combination of lights, please note the different color marks on the connectors. Tracking arm 1: red Tracking arm 3: blue Tracking arm 2: yellow Tracking arm 4: green V 1.0 15 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.3.2 Circuit Diagram for 5-Pole Tracking Arm with Wall-Mounted Control Panel and backLite Option A Tracking arm B Spring arm 1 Plug for connection to ceiling tube 4 Socket, tracking arm side 2 Slip ring 5 Socket, light head side 3 Plug 6 backLite connection option 7 Socket, 5-pole (DIN 41524, soldering side) Ceiling tube < 400 mm -> DIN socket (7) soldered directly to cable Ceiling tube > 400 mm -> DIN socket (7) soldered directly to cable, plus 5-pole extension cable (plug / socket) In multi-light setups, all CAN connecting cables (CAN+ WH, CAN- BN) are parallel-soldered to DIN socket (7). NOTICE When using a combination of lights, please note the different color marks on the connectors. Tracking arm 1: red Tracking arm 3: blue Tracking arm 2: yellow Tracking arm 4: green 16 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.3.3 Circuit Diagram for 9-Pole Tracking Arm with Wall-Mounted Control Panel and Camera Option A Tracking arm B Spring arm 1 Plug for connection to ceiling tube 4 Socket, tracking arm side 2 Slip ring 5 Socket, light head side 3 Plug 6 backLite connection option 7 Socket, 5-pole (DIN 41524, soldering side) 8 Socket, 8-pole (DIN 45326, soldering side) Ceiling tube < 400 mm -> DIN socket (7) soldered directly to cable Ceiling tube > 400 mm -> DIN socket (7) soldered directly to cable, plus 5-pole extension cable (plug / socket) In multi-light setups, all CAN connecting cables (CAN+ WH, CAN- BN) are parallel-soldered to DIN socket (7). NOTICE When using a combination of lights, please note the different color marks on the connectors. Tracking arm 1: red Tracking arm 3: blue Tracking arm 2: yellow Tracking arm 4: green V 1.0 17 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.3.4 Wiring Diagram 9-pin Cantilever Arm HD Wall Box with optional Camera A Tracking arm B Spring arm 1 Plug for connection to ceiling tube 4 Socket to cantilever arm 9-pin HD 2 Slip ring 9-pole HD 5 Socket to lamp body 9-pin HD 3 Plug 9-pole HD 6 DIN socket 5-pin rear view 7 3x coaxial socket for Y-Pb-Pr signal Color coding for plug connections: Cantilever 1:red, 2:yellow, 3:blue, 4:green Ceiling tube < 400 mm -> DIN socket (6) soldered directly to cable Ceiling tube > 400 mm -> DIN socket (6) soldered directly to cable, plus 5-pole extension cable (plug / socket) In multi-light setups, all CAN connecting cables (CAN+ WH, CAN- BN) are parallel-soldered to DIN socket (6). NOTICE When using a combination of lights, please note the different color marks on the connectors. Tracking arm 1: red Tracking arm 3: blue Tracking arm 2: yellow Tracking arm 4: green 18 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.4 Ceiling Tube Wiring Diagrams 4.4.1 Wiring Diagram for Rectifier for Ceiling Tube max. 27 VAC / 26–36 VDC with ZSV Switch 1 Clamps 4 LED display with canopy (optional) LED 1 = green; LED 2 = red 5 Terminal unit or color-coded connectors to operating lamp Light 1: red Light 2: yellow Light 3: blue Light 4: green 6 Potential-free relay contact max. 1 A for activating the control LED grid / battery supply 2 Rectification 3 Switch In case of multiple lights the AC connection is bridged on the terminal block! Assignment of connections on the clamps (1) for lights 1 to 3: Fuse rating marLED®: Clamp a b c d e f Light 1 Light 2 Light 3 Value Light 1 1 2 43 44 37 38 F4 F6 F8 10 A Light 2 3 4 45 46 39 40 F5 F7 F9 10 A Light 3 5 6 47 48 41 42 V 1.0 19 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.5 Wiring diagrams power module SMPS 36/9 4.5.1 Available versions of the power module Device type Standard grid IT grid Item no. for ceiling installations: 89-420-31-04 Item no. for ceiling installations: 89-420-33-04 Item no. for separate installations:89-420-61-04 Item no. for separate installations: 89-420-63-04 Item no. for ceiling installations: 89-420-30-04 Item no. for ceiling installations: 89-420-32-04 Item no. for separate installations: 89-420-60-04 Item no. for separate installations: 89-420-62-04 without ZSV with ZSV 4.5.2 Wiring diagram without ZSV switch SMPS without ZSV A1.1 for standard grid (A1.2 for IT Grid) 20 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 1 2 Power module SMPS 36/9 S3 U L (-N) 100–240 VAC 50–60 Hz Input current 3.5–1 A Output Power Max. 290 VA (28–36 VDC) Rotary potentiometer (adjustment) to set the output voltage 28–36 VDC F11 only for IT grids (ungrounded power supply) Plug: Plug type: Fuse rating: X1 Input 100–240 VAC, 50–60 Hz F1 / F11 X3 Output 28 - 36 VDC T5 AH250V Connection data for clamps X1 X3 Conductor cross-section flexible max. 2,5 mm 16 mm Conductor cross-section with conducter sleeve max. 2,5 mm 16 mm For IT grids (Power supply: Insulated, health protection: KLS Martin power module provides grounding (French Terre) with fuses (F1 and F11) for both cable cores (L1, L2). In case of standard grids with grounded zero conductor, the power modules (A1.1) must be used with secured phase (only F1 for L). V 1.0 21 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.5.3 Wiring diagram with integrated ZSV switch SMPS with ZSV A1.3 for standard grid (A1.4 for IT Grid) 1 2 Power module SMPS 36/9 S3 U L (-N) 100–240 VAC 50–60 Hz Input current 3.5–1 A Output Power Max. 290 VA (28–36 VDC) Rotary potentiometer (adjustment) to set the ouput voltage 28–36 VDC F11 only for IT grids (ungrounded power supply) Plug: Plug type: Fuse rating: X1 Input 100–240 VAC, 50–60 Hz F1 / F11 F4 / F5 X2 Input Battery 28–36 VDC T5 AH250V T10 AH250V X3 Output 28–36 VDC X4 Potential-free relay contact max. 1 A for activating the control LED grid / battery supply X5 ZSV-LED AC (GN) / DC (RD) in the canopy Connection data for clamps X1 / X4 X2 / X3 Conductor cross-section flexible max. 2,5 mm 16 mm Conductor cross-section with conducter sleeve max. 2,5 mm 16 mm For IT grids (Power supply: Insulated, health protection: KLS Martin power module (A1.4) provides grounding (French Terre) with fuses (F1 and F11) for both cable cores (L1, L2). In case of standard grids with grounded zero conductor, the power modules (A1.3) must be used with secured phase (only F1 for L). 22 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.5.4 Function of the integrated ZSV switch (optional) If a mains voltage of > 85 VAC is available and the power supply unit has reached its output voltage (28–36 VDC), bipolar switching (+ and -) is used from the battery to the power supply output. If the power supply unit is turned off or if the input or output voltage of the power supply unit drop below the operating limits, the load is supplied via the battery (X2). Activation of mains voltage > 85 VAC is also indicated by an internal, green “AC OK” LED on the top of the power supply unit. The supplied, 2-coloured LED can be connected as a status indicator to the connection X5 (“LED AC/DC”). 4.5.5 Voltage adjustment As a factory default, the pre-set voltage is indicated on the label (5). Adjust output voltage (28–36 VDC) on the potentiometer (6) using a non-conducting screw driver. The most important factor for the proper functioning of the lights is the correct voltage on the contact block (see section 9 “Technical Data marLED® E9 / E9i / E15”, page 69). V 1.0 23 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.5.6 Fig. 4-1: Installation on a support plate Mounting dimensions power module without mounting plate The power module is mounted to the ceiling tube with three screws (1) and the support plate (2), where it is screwed on with countersunk screws M4x 8mm DIN 7991 (3). 4.5.7 Fig. 4-2: Mounting rail installation Mounting dimensions power module on optional mounting rail adapter (4) NOTICE Possible damage to the power module by excessive screwing! If too long screws are used to screw the support plate or the mounting rail adapter to the power module, the electronics of the module can be damaged! Maximum length of engagement into the power module is 6mm! 24 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 For installation of the power supply on a mounting rail, the support plate is replaced by the mounting rail adapter (4) of the accessory / grounding kit. The mounting rail adapter is screwed to the bottom of the SMPS with two of the three countersunk screws M4 x 8mm DIN 7991 (5) which were used earlier to screw the support plate to the SMPS (see location (3) in Fig. 4-1). 4.6 Cable Connection CAN and RS232 4.6.1 CAN Bus and Addresses The CAN bus signal requires 3 leads: CAN+, CAN- and reference level. It interconnects processor-controlled circuit boards featuring a CAN bus connector. Each of the processors connected can, in principle, give commands to one of the others and execute their commands. The address that is set on the DIP switch SW6 within the lamp body corresponds to the number by which the light can be controlled on the wall box. A camera-ready light has the address 0 in a light combination. The remaining lights get sequential numbers (1, 2, 3). 4.6.2 CAN Bus Terminating Resistor RA The CAN bus must be fitted with a terminating resistor at both ends. In KLS Martin lights, each printed board with CAN bus features a terminating resistor that can be enabled or disabled and is switched on for all devices whose address is “0” (i.e. remains disabled for all other boards). NOTICE Even if one single light is operated individually, its terminating resistor must be set, as any combined electronics use an internal CAN-Bus and rely on the correct functioning of the communication. Internal resistance in the CAN-Bus must be 40 Ω–120 Ω • Measure in current-free state. CAUTION Possible malfunctions in case of incorrect setting of the terminating resistor! If too many or too few terminating resistors are set, unforeseen malfunction can occur. Every wall box is delivered with a RS232 cable that can be used for serial activation of the lights. The wall box can control multiple lights. A connection cable (15 m) is led from each ceiling tube (1) to the wall box (3). V 1.0 25 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Fig. 4-3: Wall box, connected via two ceiling tubes (1) 1 Ceiling tube 2 RS232 cable 3 Wall box 4 Connection cable 15 m 5 Receptacle Connection of the shielding (GND) The receptacle of the cable shielding (GND) is connected to the flat plug shown on the right of the illustration which is welded to the mounting plate for the surface-mount version and to the rear of the casing for all other versions. If multiple lights are connected, their shieldings (GND) will be combined in parallel in a new receptacle (5). Multiple ceiling tubes If multiple cables from different ceiling tubes are connected, the CAN signal cables (YE, GN) are each connected in parallel. Exactly one pair of the supply lines (GN, BN) is connected, all others are insulated using shrink tubing and remain unused. Thus up to four light systems can be controlled in parallel. In this case, note that the CAN-Bus addresses of all lights used must be different. NOTICE Non-observance may lead to system failure! The supply lines (GN, BN) of different ceiling tubes must under no circumstances be connected in parallel, as in this case the power supply units may conflict with each other and be destroyed! 26 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.6.3 RS232 via COM Interface Separate COM interface The COM interface with RS232 serves as interface and can be mounted to the top-hat rail on the ceiling tube using an angle bracket or can be mounted externally. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Arm System with Light(s) CAN-Bus RS232 Plug RS232 Cable 2m COM Interface RS232 Connection 1 2 3 4 5 6 Arm System with Light(s) CAN-Bus RS232 Plug RS232 Cable 2m Wall Box with COM Interface RS232 Connection NOTICE All lights must be wired with 5-pin lines. COM interface in the wall box V 1.0 27 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.6.4 Pin Configuration X2 (CAN, RS232) Illustration X2 Pin Color Signal / Connect ion Pin 7 GN RS 232 GND 5 6 WH RS 232 RX 2 5 BN RS 232 TX 3 - YE The yellow wire of the RS232 cable is not used. 4 BN Supply GND 3 GN Supply +24 V 2 GY CAN Lo 1 YE CAN Hi RS232 Plug The JST connector and the terminal block of X2 are wired on the board in parallel (indicated by white lines in the illustration above). The pins 4 and 5 of the JST connector are guided in parallel to pin 4 of the terminal block. If the plug must be cut from the cable, the cables are connected in the terminal block. T G 28 Tx GND BN GN 3 5 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.7 Voltage Measurement using the Service Plug Voltage measurement requires a special “service connector”. This plug bridges certain functions (including safety functions such as voltage disconnection upon removal of the sensoGrip handle), thus making voltage measurement possible. Fig. 4-4: Service connector: order number and side view Filter glass assembly D-Sub socket, 25-pole Jumpers on service connector 1 Buttons Fig. 4-5: Service connector pin assignment V 1.0 29 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.8 Wiring Diagram for Operating Foil 1 Raster 1,0 mm 2 Key on / off 3 Bi-color ED 30 green (on top) red (on bottom) V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 5 Troubleshooting 5.1 Error Image with Information on possible Causes and Corrective Actions Problem: No control (e. g. brightness control) on wall box possible Corrective action: • Switch off power supply to light (reset). • Check CAN-Bus to wall box (internal resistance 40 Ω–120 Ω). • Update of wall box / control electronics software or replacement of wall box and control electronics. Problem: The light cannot be switched on Cause: • In case of reinstallation: Polarity of supply voltage is incorrect. Corrective action: • Connect supply voltage correctly. Problem: The light permanently switches on and off Cause: • The operating light is probably supplied with alternating current (AC). Corrective action: • Install a bridge rectifier with capacitor. (Note: The AC voltage must be < 25 V.) Problem: The LED on the control panel is off even though the voltage supply is activated, the display is on and the light cannot be switched on. Cause: • The sensoGrip is not plugged in correctly. • The micro switch is defective or has no contact. Corrective action: • Remove sensoGrip and mount correctly again. • Replace defective micro switch in the sensoGrip. V 1.0 31 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Problem: Light in the light combination is not working properly / partial malfunction of the Light Engines Cause: • Two or more lights may have identical CAN-Bus addresses. Test: • In this case, every light works properly when it is disconnected from the CAN-Bus. Corrective action: • Set correct addresses on the DIP switch SW 6 on the control electronics (see section 6.17 “Configuration of the marLED® E via DIP Switch”, page 53). Problem: Wall box not working Cause: • The wall box is supplied via the main light. If it is disconnected from the power supply, the control components are switched off. Corrective action: • 6 Install a central main switch for all lights. Replacement of components WARNING Danger of electrocution! The lamp is operated at 100–240 VAC! For all work on the lamp, turn off the customer-side power supply and secure it against reactivation. 32 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.1 Setup of the Control Electronics with Microfuse The microfuses are located on locations (9) and (11). 1 2 3 4 5 Connection LE E9 Field A Connection LE E15 Field A –x– Connection for operating foil Handle Connection V 1.0 6 7 8 9 10 –x– Connection LE E15 Field B Connection LE E9 Field B Microfuse 1 Slave Cable terminal for power supply See section 6.13.1 “Connections”, page 49 for the configuration. 11 12 13 14 15 Microfuse 2 Master DIP Switch Programming Interface Connection LE E15 Field C Connection LE E9 Field C 33 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.2 Display of the operating foil 1 ON / OFF switch 2 LED External error Display green: On — Undervoltage (supply voltage) Display dark: Off — Overtemperature Display orange: Programming mode Display red: There can be one of the following errors • LED branches — Power despite device being switched off — Interruption — Short-circuit — Overvoltage (maybe interruption or defective LED) 3/9 • • Internal error — Watchdog Reset — Software Reset — Flash CRC — RAM Test — EEProm faulty — internal stack error — internal communications error (Master <=> Slave) Light field size The size (diameter) of the circular light field can be adjusted. The left button (3) must be used to decrease the diameter, the right button (9) is for increasing it. The currently set diameter is indicated by LEDs located between the two buttons. 4/8 5,6,7 Illuminance Operating the left button (4) reduces the illuminance, operating the right button (8) increases it. The current illumination level is indicated by LEDs located between the two buttons: The left LED (5) indicates the “backLite” mode (5%), whereas the right LED (7) indicates “boost” mode. Values between 30% and 100%–as represented by the three LEDs (6) in the middle–are intended for normal operation. To activate the “backLite” mode (5%), the left button (4) must be operated again after selecting the minimum illumination level, whereas for “boost” mode the right button (8) must be operated again after selecting the maximum illumination level. “Boost” operating mode: Large light field with maximum illuminance for large surgical sites. All light engines are activated with maximum brightness. All LEDs of the “light field size” and “illuminance” indicators (3–9) are activated as well. 34 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.3 Components of the Lamp Body 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 V 1.0 Lamp cover Rubber gasket Handle Bearing block Control electronics Lower casing Handle assembly Light Engine 35 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.4 Removing the Light Engine WARNING Danger of electrocution! The lamp is operated at 100–240 VAC! For all work on the lamp, turn off the customer-side power supply and secure it against reactivation. For removal, the assembly-disassembly tool is required (see section 12.1 “List of tools”, page 98). 36 • Raise the lever (2) of the assemblydisassembly tool (3). • Place the assembly-disassembly tool (3) onto the cover glass (4) of the Light Engine so that the handle (1) faces away from the center of the casing. • Lower the lever (2) to cause the assemblydisassembly tool (3) to adhere by suction to the glass lid of the Light Engine. • Slowly pull the handle (1) towards the center of the casing (A) until a gap (5) opens between the Light Engine and the casing. • Then pull the handle (1) in the direction of (B) until the Light Engine detaches from the casing. • Take Light Engine out of the lamp body on the assembly-disassembly tool without pulling on the cable. • Raise the lever (2) and remove the assembly-disassembly tool (3) from the Light Engine. V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 NOTICE Risk of damage to cables! • Do not pull on the cables! • Remove the plug connections only by handling the connector casings! • Use the unplugging tool (Item no. 08-670-50-04) to remove the plug connections. • Turn around the Light Engine (6) and unplug the cable with appropriate tools (7). Now a new Light Engine can be installed (see section 6.5 “”, page 37). 6.5 Inserting the Light Engine • V 1.0 Plug the cable into the socket (2) of the Light Engine (1). 37 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 The gating (3) is used to correctly align the Light Engines (1) in the lamp body. • Find gating (3) of the Light Engine (1). The arrow indicates the gating (3). Note For easy attachment, a silicone-based releasing agent can be used. • Slightly dampen a cloth and wipe the opening of the lamp casing. The illustration shows the correct orientation of the Light Engines (1) as seen from below (not visible from the outside). Using the assembly-disassembly tool, insert the Light Engine (1) in a way that the gating (3) points towards the lamp body in the direction of the red dot (4). • Push the glass cover into the opening in direction (5) until it snaps into place. • Check the seal of the glass lid for correct fit. The Light Engine (1) is fully assembled. 38 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.6 Opening the casing WARNING Danger of electrocution! The lamp is operated at 100–240 VAC! For all work on the lamp, turn off the customer-side power supply and secure it against reactivation. NOTICE Risk of property damage due to falling parts! The lamp must not be opened as long as it is fixed to the suspension system! The lamp must be taken down first (see installation manual marLED marLux, chapter 9 “Lamp Installation / TFT Suspensions”). • Remove all three Light Engines (see section Kapitel 6.5 “”, page 37). The lamp body screws (1) are now accessible. • V 1.0 Unscrew lamp body screws (1). 39 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 • Unscrew center screws (2). • Turn the lamp body with the bottom of the lamp body facing down. • Remove the lamp cover. The control electronics are now accessible. 6.7 Replacing the Control Electronics WARNING Danger of electrocution! The lamp is operated at 100–240 VAC! For all work on the lamp, turn off the customer-side power supply and secure it against reactivation. • Create access to control electronics (see section 6.6 “”, page 39). • Remove all plug connections (see section 6.11 “Plug Connections on Control Electronics and Light Engine”, page 44). • Replace control electronics (see section 6.6 “”, page 39). • Re-establish all plug connections (see section 6.11 “Plug Connections on Control Electronics and Light Engine”, page 44). 6.8 Replacing the operating foil WARNING Danger of electrocution! In case of damage or incorrect installation of the electrical components (e.g. cables, connectors, components), the suspension arm system may be energized. In this case there is danger of electrocution! • 40 Ensure that no bare wires protrude from the terminals. V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 • Open lamp casing (see section 6.6 “”, page 39). The connection (1) for the operating foil is located at the upper corner of the board. Pin 1 (4) is located on the left side. • Carefully pull out the latch (2). • Pull the flat ribbon cable (3) out of the socket (1). In the next step the operating foil is destroyed! V 1.0 • Press a flat screwdriver (6) through the gap (5) against the operating foil (7). • Press out the operating foil (7), remove and discard it. • Carefully remove any residual adhesive from the casing. • Push the flat ribbon cable of the new operating foil through the gap in the casing and attach the operating foil. 41 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.9 System Overview The following illustration shows the control electronics with the foil control panel and the Light Engines. 1 Central handle 2 Narrow light field 3 marLED® E15 only 42 4 Narrow light field 5 Wide light field 6 Control electronics 7 Control panel V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.9.1 Light Engine Versions The Light Engine for a narrow light field has a surface with slight texture. narrow light field The Light Engine for a wide light field has a stronger texture. wide light field 6.10 Fig. 6-1: V 1.0 Light Engine Pin assignment Pin assignment at X1 43 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.11 Plug Connections on Control Electronics and Light Engine For a better overview, the 4-pin socket housing are labeled according to the cable colors above. Cable harness of the Light Engine for marLED® E9 1 XPH-12 socket housing 2 3x 4-pin socket housing Cable harness of the Light Engine for marLED® E15 1 XPH-20 socket housing 44 2 5x 4-pin socket housing V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.12 Light Engine Locations Also see section 6.11 “Plug Connections on Control Electronics and Light Engine”, page 44. marLED®E9 marLED®E9i marLED®E15 to HW 02 marLED®E15 from HW 03 Light Engine Location narrow light field wide light field V 1.0 Assignment of the Light Engines to the colors of the socket housings according to chapter 6.11, page 44. BK Black GN Green YE Yellow GY Gray 45 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 RD 6.13 • 46 Red Plug Connections on the Control Electronics When connecting the plug connections, pay attention to the location of pin 1 on the plugs X8, X9, X10, X13, X15 and X16! V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 marLED E9 marLED E15 Connections X13, X15, X16. Connections X8, X9, X10. Checking the individual Light Engines Checking the individual Light Engines The following voltages apply in case of an LED current of 350 mA for all Light Engines in Boost Mode. The following voltages apply in case of an LED current of 350 mA for all Light Engines in Boost Mode. White LEDs White LEDs On each of X13, X15, X16 between On each of X8, X9, X10 Pin 1 and Pin 2 8.7 V–11.4 V Pin 1 and Pin 2 8.7 V–11.4 V Pin 5 and Pin 6 8.7 V–11.4 V Pin 5 and Pin 6 8.7 V–11.4 V Pin 9 and Pin 10 8.7 V–11.4 V Pin 9 and Pin 10 8.7 V–11.4 V All white LEDs Channel M0 between Pin 13 and Pin 14 8.7 V–11.4 V X13 Pin 1 and X16 Pin 2 Pin 17 and Pin 18 8.7 V–11.4 V 26.1 V–34.2 V All white LEDs Channel S0 between All white LEDs Channel M0 between X13 Pin 6 and X16 Pin 7 X8 Pin1 and X10 Pin2 26.1 V–34.2 V 43.5 V–57.0 V All white LEDs Channel S1 between All white LEDs Channel S0 between X13 Pin 9 and X16 Pin 10 X8 Pin5 and X10 Pin10 26.1 V–34.2 V 43.5 V–57.0 V All white LEDs Channel S1 between X8 Pin17 and X10 Pin18 43.5 V–57.0 V Red LEDs Red LEDs On each of X13, X15, X16 between On each of X8, X9, X10 Pin 3 and Pin 4 2.0 V–3.0 V Pin 3 and Pin 4 Pin 7 and Pin 8 2.0 V–3.0 V Pin 7 and Pin 8 2.0 V–3.0 V Pin 11 and Pin 12 2.0 V–3.0 V Pin 11 and Pin 12 2.0 V–3.0 V All red LEDs Channel M0 between Pin 15 and Pin 16 2.0 V–3.0 V X13 Pin 3 and X16 Pin 4 Pin 19 and Pin 20 2.0 V–3.0 V 6.0 V–9.0 V 2.0 V–3.0 V All red LEDs Channel S0 between All red LEDs Channel M0 between X13 Pin 7 and X16 Pin 8 X8 Pin 3 and X10 Pin 4 6.0 V–9.0 V 10.0 V–15.0 V All red LEDs Channel S10 between All red LEDs Channel S0 between X13 Pin 11 and X16 Pin 12 X8 Pin 7 and X10 Pin 12 6.0 V–9.0 V 12.0 V–18.0 V All red LEDs Channel S1 between X8 Pin 19 and X10 Pin 20 V 1.0 8.0 V–12.0 V 47 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 48 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.13.1 Connections for Supply Voltage and Light Engines Pin Color Signal / connection 1 WH CAN_HIGH 2 BN CAN_LOW 3 BU GND, CAN_GND 4 RD +24–36 VDC supply (with GND 24–36 TRMS) Connections clamps of the control electronics Connection for Light Engine of marLED® E15 Connection for Light Engine of marLED® E9 V 1.0 49 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.14 Connection for D-Sub Plug Cable set “Standard” Cable set “Camera” Connection (1) on the control electronics 50 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.15 V 1.0 Installation and Connection of the additional Camera Board • Connect plug (1) to the socket (4) on the board. • Attach board by inserting the pins (2) into the openings (3). • Connect plug (5) with socket (6). 51 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.16 1 2 3 4 5 6 Measuring the Input Voltage on the Control Electronics Connection LE E9 Connection LE E15 -xConnection for operating foil Handle Connection -x- 7 8 9 10 11 12 Connection LE E15 Connection LE E9 Microfuse 1 Main connection Microfuse 2 DIP Switch 13 14 15 16 17 18 Programming Interface Connection LE E15 Connection LE E9 GND* Master IN* Slave IN* *The input voltage (lamp) 28–36 VDC of Master and Slave can be measured here 52 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.17 Configuration of the marLED® E via DIP Switch NOTICE Avoid malfunctions! The DIP switch positions must be adopted when replacing the control electronics! DIP switches 3 to 8 must be set to OFF. The light can be configured via a DIP switch on the circuit board. DIP switches for CAN addresses (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) and configuration: DIP switch positions SW 6 Upper DIP switch position means ON = 1. Lower DIP switch position means OFF = 0. The DIP switch positions must be adopted when replacing the control electronics! Configuration of the CAN-Bus addresses The address (0 to 3) for the CAN-Bus is set via DIP switch. For the control electronics of the light, these are switches DIP 1 and DIP 2 of SW 6: SW 6 (control electronics) DIP 1 DIP 2 CAN-Bus address 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 3 DIP 3–DIP 6 are not used. For the correct synchronization of several lights, the CAN-Bus address must also be set correctly without the wall box. Configuration of the Camera Option Switch 7 = ON: If camera is available Configuration between lamp type marLED® E15 and marLED® E9 Switch 8 = ON: Controls are configured for lamp type marLED E15®. Switch 8 = OFF: Controls are configured for lamp type marLED® E9. V 1.0 53 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.18 Interface adapter marLED® E (# 08-653-05-04) 1 Connection marLED® E9+15 2 Connection marLED® E3 3 Reset key 4 Connection to X11 5 Slave 6 Program 7 RSR232 connection to PC 8 Run 9 Master 10 PWR = Power (Power supply OK) 11 Rx = Receive 12 Tx = Transmit (Send) 13 Pro. = Selector switch 6 for program Fig. 6-2: Interface Adapters NOTICE Improper use of the interface adapter may destroy it and damage the lamp. The interface adapter (Art. No.: 08-653-05-04) marLED® E is designed exclusively for the marLED® E Series (E3 / E9 / E9i / E15). Use with the following products is expressly prohibited: • Control electronics marLux® • Master control panel marLux® • marLED® RS-232 interface card • Control electronics surgiCam® 54 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 6.19 Software Update WARNING Danger of electrocution! The marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 is supplied with mains voltage. Avoid contact with mains voltage! NOTICE Follow the instructions below to update individual components. 6.19.1 Installing the C2Prog programming software on the PC NOTICE Installation of the C2Prog programming software requires the latest Java software to be installed on your PC. The software package contains the files • setup.exe Complete installer for C2Prog • targets.custom.xml Parameter file for C2Prog; must be copied manually into the proper location Installation steps: • Run setup.exe. The program will guide you through the necessary installation steps. • The program directory defaults to C:\Programs\C2Prog. This can be accepted or changed. • Copy the file targets.custom.xml into the \targets\ subdirectory of the program directory. With the default program directory, this will be C:\Programs\C2Prog\targets. Thus the program C2Prog is installed in the program directory and can be launched from there. 6.19.2 Connecting the interface adapter WARNING Danger of electrocution! The lamp is operated at 100–240 VAC! Switch off the lamp and then unplug it, or reliably deenergize it and secure it against reactivation. V 1.0 55 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 NOTICE Without an interface adapter connected, malfunction may result! Always link the connecting cable (5) with the interface adapter attached (6) to the lamp. NOTICE Risk of damage to property Non-compliance may lead to property damage (loss of time, loss of data, machinery defects, etc.)! 6.19.3 Programming Two different DSPs (Digital Signal Processors) are installed on the circuit board of the marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 which must be programmed with different programs. The DSPs are discriminated as Master and Slave. The programming is done via the same connection and the programming software C2Prog. Setup and connection • Turn off supply voltage of the marLED® E9 / E9i / E15. • Connect RS232 interface (3) of the computer via interface adapter to the marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 at connection X7 (1, 2). 56 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Configuration on the programming adapter 4 5 6 7 Slave Program Master Run • Set the right switch (5) to “Program”. • Use the left switch to select Master (6) or Slave (4) DSP. • Turn on power supply and switch on the marLED® E9 / E9i / E15. The programming mode is activated only during power up. Programming instructions Master • Use the left switch to select Master (6) DSP. Use of the C2Prog PC software • Start the C2Prog.exe program. • For the update of the Master DSP, under “File” select the *.ehx file to be programmed. • Make the settings shown below under “Programming Configuration”. • Select the interface (2) under “Port”. • Click the button “Program” (3). Program update Master DSP starts. V 1.0 57 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 • After successful update of the Master DSP close the window by clicking “OK”. Programming instructions Slave NOTICE The program update for the Slave DSP can be performed directly after the program update of the Master without reset. • Use the left switch to select Slave (4) DSP. • For the update of the Slave DSP, under “File” select the *.ehx file to be programmed. • Make the settings shown below under “Programming Configuration”. • Select the interface (2) under “Port”. • Click the button “Program”. Program update Slave DSP starts. 58 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 • After successful update of the Master DSP close the window by clicking “OK”. • Unplug programming adapter and activate Power ON / OFF on the lamp. • Perform functional check by switching on the lamp again. 6.20 Replacing the Cardan Suspension This chapter describes the required steps to replace the cardan suspension, for example in cases where there is not enough room height for the installed comfort version. WARNING Danger of injury by spring arm snapping upwards! If not secured, the spring arm will snap upwards when removing the lamp body! • Before disassembly of the lamp body parts, secure the spring arm on the bottom. V 1.0 59 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 1 2 3 • Brake screw Bearing block Securing segment with screw Open lamp casing (see section 6.6 “”, page 39). Fig. 6-1: Attachment of cardan joint 4 Cardan joint • Note down the connection locations of the cables that are led through the cardan joint. • Remove cables and cable fastening (cable tie and holding clamps where required). Fig. 6-2: Attachment of cardan joint 3 Securing segment with screw • Unscrew brake screw (3). • Remove securing segment (2). Fig. 6-3: Attachment of cardan joint 60 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 2 4 5 Bearing block Cardan joint Connection cable • The cardan joint (4) can now be freely removed from the bearing block (2). The remaining brake screws remain screwed on. • Remove connection cable (5) and pull out of the bearing block (2) towards the back. Fig. 6-4: Removing old cardan joint 2 4 5 • Bearing block Cardan joint Connection cable Lubricate cardan pin of the new cardan joint (4) and insert it into the bearing block (2) with the connection cables (5) first. Fig. 6-5: Inserting new cardan joint 6 7 • Holding clamps Cable tie Reattach cables, cable tie (7) and holding clamps (6) according to your own notes. Fig. 6-6: Reattaching the cables V 1.0 61 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 3 • Securing segment with screw Attach securing segment with screw (3) and tighten with a screwdriver. Fig. 6-7: Attaching securing element 8 • Protective ground wire Tighten protective ground wire (8) with a screwdriver. Fig. 6-8: Attaching protective ground wire 9 • Vise Fix cardan joint in bearing seat using the vise (9). Fig. 6-9: Fixing the cardan joint 62 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 1 Fig. 6-10: Fig. 6-11: 6.21 Brake screw • Lubricate and insert brake screw (1) and screw on using a screwdriver. • Check connection locations of the cables, cables and cable fastening against your notes. Inserting lubricated brake screw Checking the assembly Closing the casing • Turn the lamp body with the bottom of the lamp body facing down. • Check all plug connections: — Cables must not be clamped. — The gasket must sit closely in all locations. • Put on the lamp cover. • Turn lamp body on the lamp cover. V 1.0 63 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 64 • Screw in center screws (2). • Turn the flaps in a way that the screws can be easily accessed with the screwdriver. • Screw in screws on the lamp casing (1). • Attach all Light Engines (see section 6.5 “”, page 37). V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 7 Change History NOTICE Hardware / software (HW / SW) statuses You can learn the HW / SW version of the marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 lamp from the serial number (see section 8 “Serial Number Structure”, page 68). 7.1 Overview of Software Changes Lamp type marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Version conc. Date HW / SWstatus Description of change all all = April 2012 SW 00 Introduction of the new E9, E15 operating light with firmware on the control electronics version 00-00-32 all all April 2012 SW 01 Update of the software on the control electronics from 000032 to 00-00-33 (Mob., Wall, Ceiling) Reduction of the light intensity in Boost Mode. The ratio of light distribution between narrow light field and wide light field was changed from 1:1 to 4:5. Introduction of the marLED® RS232 COM interface board with software version 0-2-70 all all May 2012 SW 02 Update of the software on the control electronics from 000033 to 00-00-35 • LED currents can be calibrated to up to 400 mA • Increase of the light intensity in Boost Mode. The ratio of light distribution between narrow light field and wide light field was reverted from 4:5 to 1:1. all all May 2012 SW 03 Update of the software on the control electronics from 000035 to 00-00-36 Via DIP switch 8 on the control electronics, it is possible to choose between the controls for E9 and E15. The light field distribution will change accordingly. DIP switch 8 = on: Controls are configured for E15. DIP switch 8 = off: Controls are configured for E9. all all June 2012 SW 04 Update of the software on the control electronics from 00-00-36 to 00-00-37 The new software prevents unintentional, temporary switching off of the lamp when adjustments are made using the multipurpose handle (SensoGrip). V 1.0 65 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Lamp type marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Version conc. Date HW / SWstatus Description of change marLED® RS232 COM interface board Introduction of the RS232 COM interface board with software version 0-2-70 E9, E15 with SurgiCam and interface all Oct. 2012 SW 05 Update of the software on the marLED® RS232 COM interface board from 0-2-70 to 0-3-06 Activation of the camera controls when using the wall box. This software version also includes the software for the communication of the marLED® E9 / E15. This means that there is now only software version for the marLED® RS232 COM interface board. Update of the software on the additional board of the camera from 00-00-28 to 00-00-29 Irregular zoom speed of the camera fixed. See change note: 41 12 02 15. all with wall box, COM interface Nov. 2012 SW 06 Update of the software on the marLED® RS232 COM interface board from 0-3-06 to 0-3-10 This software version also includes the software for the communication of the marLED® E9 / E15. This means that there is now only one software version for the marLED® RS232 COM interface board. See change notes 43 12 02 18. all Dec. 2012 SW 07 Update of the software on the control electronics from 00-00-37 to 00-00-38 In this version, the internal pull-up resistors on the switch signals were deactivated. This fixes the problem that the lamp changes its settings in activated mode without activation of the multi-purpose handle (SensoGrip). 66 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 7.2 Overview of Hardware Changes Lamp type marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Version conc. Date HW / SWstatus Description of change all all = April 2012 HW 00 Introduction of the new marLED® E9 / E15 operating light all all with S Aug. 2012 cardan joint HW 01 Change of bearing block and cardan joint (only for semi cardan joint first) E15 Ceiling Sep. 2012 HW 02 Introduction of an additional filter plate for the additional camera board The filter board is attached between the connection plug of the camera rotation motor and the connection plug of the additional camera board. It is used to improve current feed to the camera rotation motor. This ensures that the motor rotates evenly and powerfully. See change note: 38 12 04 14. E15 C all Oct. 2012 HW 03 Changed Engine setup on the marLED® E15 (Mob., Wall, Ceiling) The lateral bearing shaft in the bearing block of the lamp body is secured with a plate in addition to the brake screw. The plate sits on the groove of the lateral bearing shaft and is screwed together at the bearing block. The bearing shaft is additionally grounded with a PE line. In order to improve the shadiness values, the Light Engines were adjusted to the positioning of the marLED® E9. E9, E15 all all Oct. 2012 HW 04 Change of the material for the handle fixation for the sterilizable handle on the handle unit. The plastic molded part has been changed to a turned / machined part. See change note: 39 12 02 22. E9, E15 all all Nov. 2012 HW 05 Improvement of the upper and lower lamp casings The screw domes for fixing the upper and lower part are reinforced with a ribbing. The two outer screw domes that are arranged on the wings of the lamp body on top of the marLED® E15 are longer so that the holding clamps must no longer be shimmed. The manufacturing process was improved in order to achieve even higher stability. The embossment for the foil keyboard is deeper. See change note: 46 12 02 04. E9, E15 all, without camera, cameraready all Dec. 2012 HW 06 Change of the material of the handle fixation for the sterilizable handle on the handle unit. The plastic molded part or the turned aluminum part, respectively, is changed to a turned / machined part made of “POM” plastic. See change note: 47 12 02 37. V 1.0 67 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 8 Serial Number Structure The serial number can be found on the type plate that is attached to the cardan joint (in case of a full cardan joint, left in the illustration) or on the lamp body (in case of an LC cardan joint, centrally in the illustration). It looks as follows: m E_9 A3B 00 00 11 C | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Installation type: C = ceiling, W = wall | | | | | Year of manufacture: = 2011 | | | | Software version | | | Hardware version | | | | Specification key combining electrical, optical and mechanical parameters | 9999 Consecutive number per year of manufacture * Typ E9, E9i or E15 KLS Martin marLED® operating light * Each year of manufacture starts with “0001” again. Should you have any questions or need to file a complaint, please indicate your light’s complete serial number. 68 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 9 Technical Data marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 9.1 Technical Data marLED® E9 / E9i marLED® E9 Input voltage of power supply unit: 100–240 VAC, 50–60 Hz Output voltage of power supply unit: (28–36 VDC adjustable) Supply voltage on contact block Power rating of power supply unit marLED® E9i min. 24 VDC, max. 30 VDC Input: 340 VA, Output: 290 VA continuous operation Power consumption on 220–240 VAC Boost: max. 102 VA Power consumption on 100–130 VAC Boost: 80 VA Power consumption on 24VAC Boost: 45 W narrow light field, brightness level 8: 35 W Power consumption camera 8 VA / 5 W Light sources High-performance LEDs, clustered in 9 Light Engines Service life of the LEDs 40.000 h Max. light intensity Ec 120.000 lx 160.000 lx Total irradiation power at max. light intensity ca. 375 W/m² ca. 469 W/m² Photometric radiation equivalent 320 lm / W 320 lm / W Light field diameter D10, small–large 16–23 cm 16–23 cm Light field diameter D50 10 cm 9,5 cm Color temperature 4,300 K Color rendering index (CRI) 95 Shadow dilution with one mask* 46 % 63 % Shadow dilution with two masks* 44 % 48 % Shadow dilution in standard tube * 99 % 99 % Shadow dilution in standard tube with one mask * 45 % 50 % Shadow dilution in standard tube with two masks * 44 % 45 % Dimmability 30–100 % (backLite 5 %) Operation Sterile when using sensoGrip (optional) Non-sterile when using control panel Illumination depth L1+L2 at 20 % 330 + 500 mm 330 + 500 mm at 60 % 180 + 230 mm 180 + 230 mm V 1.0 69 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 marLED® E9 Protection class marLED® E9i I acc. to IEC 60601-1 Ambient conditions - Storage temperature -10 °C up to +50 °C at 20–90 % humidity (non-condensing) - Operating temperature 5 °C up to +40 °C at 30–80 % humidity (non-condensing) - Air pressure min. - Max. operating height min. 700–1,060 hPa 4000 m above sea level * Shadow dilution relative to Ec max. All values were determined in accordance with IEC 60601-2-41. Subject to technical and design changes. Photometric values are subject to a measuring tolerance of 5%. 9.2 Technical Data marLED® E15 marLED® E15 Input voltage of power supply unit: 100–240 VAC, 50–60 Hz Output voltage of power supply unit: (28–36 VDC adjustable) Supply voltage on contact block Power rating of power supply unit min. 24 VDC, max. 30 VDC Input: 340 VA, Output: 290 VA continuous operation Power consumption on 220–240 VAC Boost: max. 126 VA Power consumption on 100–130 VAC Boost: max. 90 VA Power consumption on 24VAC Boost: 64 W narrow light field, brightness level 8: 49 W Power consumption camera Light sources 8 VA / 5 W High-performance LEDs, clustered in 15 Light Engines Service life of the LEDs 40.000 h Max. light intensity Ec 160.000 lx Total irradiation power at max. light intensity ca. 469 W/m² Photometric radiation equivalent 320 lm/W Light field diameter D10, small–large 17,5–26 cm Light field diameter D50 11 cm Color temperature Color rendering index (CRI) 4.300 K 95 Shadow dilution with one mask* 63 % Shadow dilution with two masks* 51 % Shadow dilution in standard tube * 81 % Shadow dilution in standard tube with one mask * 45 % Shadow dilution in standard tube with two masks * 37 % 70 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 marLED® E15 Dimmability 30–100 % (backLite 5 %) Operation Sterile when using sensoGrip (optional) Non-sterile when using control panel Illumination depth L1+L2 at 20 % 330 + 450 mm at 60 % 150 + 220 mm Protection class I acc. to IEC 60601-1 Ambient conditions - Storage temperature - Operating temperature - Air pressure min. - Max. operating height * -10 °C up to +50 °C at 20–90 % humidity (noncondensing) 5 °C up to +40 °C at 30–80 % humidity (non-condensing) min. 700–1,060 hPa 4000 m above sea level Shadow dilution relative to Ec max. All values were determined in accordance with IEC 60601-2-41. Subject to technical and design changes. Photometric values are subject to a measuring tolerance of 5%. V 1.0 71 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 10 Technical Safety Check and Intensive Maintenance 10.1 Information regarding the Technical Safety Check and Intensive Maintenance After all type work on an operating light, such as repair work, but at least every 24 months, a technical safety check must be performed by an authorized person. NOTICE We recommend intensive maintenance every 24 months instead of the obligatory technical safety inspection. • Technical safety checks or maintenance work may be performed only by persons who, by virtue of their training, knowledge and experience gained from practical activities are able to properly perform such safety checks and who are not obliged to adhere to instructions by superiors with regard to such control activities. • Only employees of the Gebrüder Martin Service Center or specially trained and therefore authorized persons have such knowledge, abilities and meet the respective requirements! • The basis for the inspection protocol is the standard EN 60601-2-41 “Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of surgical luminaires and luminaires for diagnosis” and DIN VDE 0751-1 “Recurrent test and test after repair of medical electrical equipment”. • A protocol sheet must be filled in for each lamp or lamp body. — This means that in case of an operating room with a combination marLED® E9 / E9i / E15, two sheets must be filled in. On the first sheet, marLED® E9, double, ceiling is underlined. On the second sheet, marLED® E15, double, ceiling must be underlined. — Under “Additions” everything that is an addition or deviates from the standards (special solutions) should be noted. An example of an addition would be: surgiCam® digital on the lamp body or separate arm (incl. serial number), flat screen, etc. — The room or theatre no. as well as the serial no. must always be indicated. • Prepare three copies of each inspection protocol, where — the original remains with the customer / operator, — one copy is intended for the service personnel and — one copy must be sent to the Martin Service Center. 72 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 WARNING Touching live parts can lead to life-threatening electric shock! • Therefore, fully disconnect the operating light (combination) in the building and secure against unintentional startup for all work on the operating light that do not necessarily require the lamp to be in operation. • Also deactivate the emergency power supply for the light (combination)! WARNING Danger of death or serious bodily injury! If there are safety-related defects on the operating light, it must be put out of operation and be secured against unauthorized use by appropriate measures (e. g. removing the input fuses, marking with warning signs)! • Immediately inform customer and the Martin Service Center! V 1.0 73 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 10.2 Inspection Protocol for Intensive Maintenance including Technical Safety Check Inspection Protocol for Intensive Maintenance including Technical Safety Check Underline as appropriate: marLED® E9 / E9i / E15, TFT, surgiCam® digital one / two / three / four lights, ceiling, wall, mobile Extras: Room / OR No.: Serial No.: Customer: Company: 1. Checking the wall / ceiling assembly for stability OK. Not OK N/A a) Checking the wall / ceiling assembly –Heavy-duty anchor torque ( Nm) –Intermediate ceiling assembly torque ( Nm) b) Checking ceiling tube alignment c) Checking the insulating rings, washers and spring lock washers d) Bolted connections of ceiling tube ( Nm) e) Electric lines, connections and circuit boards 2. Checking potential equalization / protective conductor (PE) resistance N/A Light: internal resistance between PE main terminal (max. 0.3 Ω) and: (See first-measured value recorded in Handover Report) 3. Checking the suspension arm system Ω OK Not OK N/A a) Checking and securing the fixing screws b) Checking the safety sleeve c) Checking the locking screw d) Checking the nose segment e) Checking the brake setscrews f) Checking the spring arm setting g) Checking the type plate and the warning signs h) Checking the sliding contacts / plug contacts in the cantilever 74 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4. Checking the light head OK Not OK N/A a) Checking for damage b) Checking electrical connections and plug connections c) Installing new software SW _____________ d) Checking the Light Engines and ground glass e) Checking the lamp casing and back plate f) Checking the Light Engines 5. Checking the light functions OK Not OK N / A a) Checking the emergency power switch of KLS Martin b) Functional check according to Instructions for Use c) Checking the light field d) Checking the light intensity Specified: min.–max. Actual: e) Checking the lamp voltage at nominal load on the contact block Specified: Actual: 28–36 VDC No defects found. The operating light can be kept in operation The operating light may still be operated despite certain deficiencies The defects found require immediate attention before the operating light is used again, as otherwise patients, users or third parties may be at risk. Test equipment used (ID no.): Comment: Date / signaturet: Operator / customer V 1.0 Inspector / technician 75 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 10.3 Test Instructions for Intensive Maintenance The required checks, whose results must be documented in the Test Report as part of the Safety Check, have been subdivided into four sections: • Checking the wall / ceiling assembly for stability • Checking potential equalization / protective conductor (PE) resistance • Checking the suspension arm system • Checking the light functions NOTICE If a test instruction is followed by the symbol (ticked box) shown below, you must document the test results in the appropriate section of the Test Report: • √ (plus torque) 1.) Checking the Wall / Ceiling Assembly for Stability Tools required: torque wrench, extension, attachments / bits 17 / 19 / 23, spirit level a) Checking the wall / ceiling assembly • Check all heavy-duty anchors and fixing nuts of the ceiling anchor plate (and of the intermediate ceiling assembly if applicable) for secure fixation, taking due account of the specifications below. Heavy-duty anchor torques Fig. 10-1: Checking the torques of the heavy-duty anchors • Heavy-duty anchor 10 / 20 Tightening torque (MP) = 50 Nm (used for round ceiling anchor plates) • Heavy-duty anchor 12 / 25: Tightening torque (MP) = 80 Nm (used for square ceiling anchor plates) 76 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 WARNING Life hazard or danger of severe injuries! If the torques indicated above cannot be reached for one or more heavy-duty anchors, reinstall the ceiling anchor plate by taking suitable measures (e.g. enlarge mounting holes or move plate, drilling new holes for plate installation)! • √ (plus torque) Intermediate ceiling assembly torque Fig. 10-2 1 Ceiling anchor plate 2 M16 nut 3 Intermediate plate Checking the torques on the intermediate ceiling construction • Check all M16 fixing nuts of the ceiling anchor plate and the intermediate plate (if applicable) for proper tightening, using a torque of 65 Nm. • √ NOTICE Torque checks on intermediate ceiling assembly! If the torques of the heavy-duty anchors and the intermediate ceiling assembly have been documented in the Handover Report, the technician may check them again if considered necessary. V 1.0 77 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 b) Checking ceiling tube alignment • Check the correct (vertical) alignment of the ceiling tube using a water level. • √ c) Checking the insulating rings, washers and spring lock washers • Check if insulation rings (1), washers (2) and spring rings (3) are present on all screw connections on the ceiling tube. • √ Fig. 10-3: 78 1 Insulating rings 2 Washers 3 Spring lock washer 4 M12 nuts Checking the ceiling tube screw connections V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 d) Checking the bolted connections on the ceiling tube • Check all fixing nuts (4) for secure fixation on the ceiling-tube bolts (tightening torque: 45 Nm). Fig. 10-4 • Checking the torques of the bolted connections of the ceiling tube √ NOTICE To check the torques with which the nuts are tightened, the bolted connections must first be relieved from the lever action of the suspension arms and light head(s). • Rotate the tracking arm(s) (4) to the position shown in figure a), then check the torques of the two nuts (1) and tighten the nuts with a torque of 45 Nm if necessary! • Rotate the tracking arm(s) (4) to the position shown in figure b), then check the torques of the two nuts (2) and tighten the nuts with a torque of 45 Nm if necessary! • Rotate the tracking arm(s) (4) to the position shown in figure c), then check the torques of the two nuts (3) and tighten the nuts with a torque of 45 Nm if necessary! e) Checking the electric lines, connections and boards • Check all screwed and clipped connections of the electrical components (mains connection, ASPS changeover assembly, etc.) for proper working condition and stability. Also, check all electric lines and boards for proper working order. • √ V 1.0 79 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 2. Checking Potential Equalization / Protective Conductor (PE) Resistance Tool required: measuring instrument (e.g. Bender Unimet 300 ST) NOTICE Limits! • The measured value must be at least 0.2 A! • The no-load voltage shall not exceed 24 V but may not be less than 4 V, either! • Use an appropriate testing device when performing the measurement: — open circuit voltage 24 V max — Testing current at least 200 mA at 500 mOhm • If the testing current is direct current, the measurement has to be performed twice with both polarities. a) Mobile light Rimax = 0.3 Ω Fig. 10-5 1 Power supply cable 2 PE terminal 3 Measuring instrument 4 Measuring leads Resistance measurement on mobile lights Check of the protective ground wire Between the protective ground contact on the power supply (2) unit and all accessible metal (M) parts of the light which are connected to the protective ground wire, the resistance is determined using at least 200 mA of measurement current. 0.3 Ohm is the maximum value. During this test the moveable power cable (1) should be moved repeatedly on its full length! 80 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Measurement of leakage current: Only for mobile lights with power supply cable connection As the mobile lights are protection class 1, the leakage current must only be measured after a protective ground test has been passed. The manufacturer recommends differential / direct measurement or the alternative measurement according to DIN EN 62353:2008-8. The mains switch (2) of the light is connected to the leakage current testing device. This automatically supplies the light with mains voltage during the measurement. The light may therefore light up automatically during the test. max. leakage current • Direct / differential measurement Alternative measurement 0.5 mA 1 mA If the measured leakage current exceeds the max. leakage current, the light must not be put into operation. V 1.0 81 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 b) Fixed lights Rimax = 0.3 Ω Fig. 10-6 1 Mains connection 2 Main protective conductor terminal 3 Measuring instrument 4 Measuring leads 5 Externally accessible connector Resistance measurement on non-detachable lights NOTICE The external protective conductor may only be used for measurement if the ceiling terminal is no longer accessible after installation (e.g. in the case of ventilated ceilings). However, this requires that both the point 5 and the resistance between points 2 and 5 were documented in the initial test report (Handover Report) at the time of installation. This information (“firstmeasured values”) can then be used as a reference basis for all subsequent measurements. • If applicable, measure the resistance between the main protective conductor terminal (2) and the nearest protective conductor terminal (5). • Document the location of the external protective conductor (5) and enter the value measured between this point and the main protective conductor terminal (2) in the Test Report form. • Following installation of the light(s), measure the resistance between point 2 and point 5 and all metallic parts of the light and enter the highest value obtained in the Test Report form. • √ 82 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 3.) Checking the Suspension Arm System Tools / aids required: caliper gauge, flat-tip screwdriver, cross-tip screwdriver, hexagon socket wrench, contact spray, grease (e.g. Molycote MOS 2), Loctite sealant a) Checking and securing the fixing screws Fig. 10-7 • Ceiling-tube and tracking-arm fixing screws Check all fixing screws for correct insertion and fixation (i.e. the six screws with which the tracking arm is mounted on the ceiling tube and the two screws with which the spring arm is fitted to the tracking arm). WARNING Danger of damage or injury by crashing-down arm system! As the tracking and spring arms are very heavy, they could easily fall down once the fixing screws have been loosened or removed! • Therefore, work with an assistant when removing or installing light or suspension components and / or use a lifting device! • Replace missing screws and secure all screws with Loctite screw-locking varnish one after the other. • √ V 1.0 83 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 b) Checking the safety sleeve • Check safety sleeve (1) and fixing screw (5) for presence. Replace if necessary. • √ 1 Safety sleeve 2 Nose segment 3 Locking screw, M4x5 oval head screw without washer (acc. to DIN 7985) Fig. 10-8: Fig. 10-9: 84 4 Spring arm socket 5 Cross recessed head screw 6 Light arm neck 7 Light arm neck grooves 1 Spring arm sliding sleeve 2 Locking screw (2x) 3 Brake setscrew 4 Mounting hole AC2000 AC 2000LC and Onda Space LC V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 c) Checking the locking screw • Check locking screws (3 or 2) for presence, correct length and snug seat: — AC2000: M4x5 oval head screw acc. to DIN 7985, without washer • √ d) Checking the nose segment Fig. 10-10 • AC2000 nose segment (until June 2006) AC1400 / AC2000 (from June 2006) Verify that the engaging part of the securing nose segment has a minimum thickness of 1.5 mm in the case of AC1400 / AC2000 spring arms. Replace nose segment if necessary. Fig. 10-11 AC3000 nose segment Onda Space CAUTION Danger of injury or material damage! The AC3000 and Onda Space (OSP) spring arms usually have through-cabling and lack a redundant locking screw. In this case, it is only possible to check the securing nose segment when working with an assistant capable of holding the suspended load or the spring arm neck in the given position! • Verify that the engaging part of the nose segment has a minimum thickness of 1.5 mm (AC3000) or 3.5 mm (Onda Space). Replace nose segment if necessary. • Grease the nose segment (e.g. with Molycote MOS 2). • √ V 1.0 85 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 e) Checking the brake setscrews • Check the brake setscrews for correct adjustment in the tracking and light arms. • If necessary, tighten the screws to such an extent that the arms and the light heads can be easily manipulated without moving of their own accord. • √ Fig. 10-12 Brake setscrew positions in a typical arm system f) Checking the spring arm setting • Check the spring tension and height stop of the spring arm(s) for correct setting. • √ g) Checking the rating plate (ID label) and warning labels • Check the ID label(s) for presence and legibility. • For lights with pilot laser, check the warning labels for presence and legibility. • √ 86 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 h) Checking the sliding / plug-in contacts of the tracking arms Fig. 10-13 1, 2 PE (GNYE) 3 +VDC (RD) 4 -VDC (BU) 5 CAN+ (WH) 6 CAN– (BN) 7 Video Y, shield 8 Video Y, signal (WH) 9 Video C, shield 10 Video C, signal (BN) Contact block, 9-pole, for operating light with wall control panel and camera or TFT • Apply some contact spray to the contact springs inside the slip-ring contact block while rotating the tracking arm 360 degrees. • Check the cables at the plug-in contacts. • √ V 1.0 87 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 4.) Inspection of the lamp body a) Checking for damage • Check the lamp body for damage / cracks. • √ b) Checking the connections and the plug contacts • Check all plug connections and cable connections on the boards (see 6.13.1 “Connections for Supply Voltage and Light Engine”, page 49 for the control electronics. They may have to be fixed using cable ties. • √ c) Installing current software • Observe section 6.19 “”, page 55. The new software version must now be noted on the protocol and the control board. • √ d) Checking the Light Engines and ground glass • Check the Light Engines and the inside of the ground glass for soiling and damage. Aggressive cleaning agents must not be used for cleaning purposes. • √ e) Checking the lamp casing and back plate • Check the lamp casing and the rear plate for soiling, damage and damage to paintwork. Aggressive cleaning agents must not be used for cleaning purposes. • √ 5.) Inspection of the light functions Tools: Instructions for Use, voltmeter True-RMS voltmeter, luxmeter, measuring range 0.1 to 199 900 lx a) Checking the emergency power switch of KLS Martin from mains to battery • Check the correct function of the emergency power switch (if applicable), for example by tripping the circuit breaker of the respective light (combination) in the building or by removing the fuse holder on the series terminal of the ceiling tube. • √ 88 V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 b) Functional check according to Instructions for Use • Perform a functional check of all operating functions of the light (combination). For this purpose, also observe the Instructions for Use for the respective light type and the Instructions for Use for auxiliary equipment (e. g. monitors, camera). • √ c) Checking the light field • Align the lamp body horizontally and check if the lamp produces a round light field when holding it one meter away from the ground. • √ d) Checking the light intensity • Measure the light intensity with the smallest light field and without dimming at a distance of one meter to the ground. Nominal value ranges of the light intensity Model marLED® E9 marLED® E15 Ec 100–120 klx 135 to 160 klx • Note down the determined value in the inspection protocol. • √ e) Checking the lamp voltage at nominal load on the contact block The supply voltage that is measured on the contact block (at maximum brightness setting) must be at least 26 VDC and must not exceed 36 VDC. • √ V 1.0 89 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 10.4 Inspection Protocol–Technical Safety Check Inspection Protocol–Technical Safety Check Underline as appropriate: marLED® E9 / E9i / E15, TFT, surgiCam® digital single, double, triple, quadruple, ceiling, wall, mobile Extras: Room / OR No.: Serial No.: Customer: Company: 1. Checking the wall / ceiling assembly and the suspension system OK Not OK N / A a) Checking the wall / ceiling assembly for stability b) Checking the suspension system for potential damage c) Checking the suspension system for proper functioning 2. Checking potential equalization / protective conductor (PE) resistance N/A Light: internal resistance between PE main terminal (max. 0.3 Ω) and: (See first-measured value recorded in Handover Report) 3. Checking the light head OK Ohms Not OK N / A a) Checking the rating plate and warning labels b) Function test according to Operating Instructions c) Checking the filter glass assembly d) Checking the light field Specified: e) Checking the lamp voltage at nominal load on the contact block Specified: Min.–Max. Actual: Actual: 26–36 VDC Test equipment used (ID no.): Comment: Date / signature: Operator / customer 90 Inspector / technician V 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 10.5 Test Instructions for Safety Check (SC) 1.) Checking the Wall / Ceiling Assembly and the Suspension System a) Checking the wall / ceiling assembly for stability • Check the wall / ceiling assembly for stability by performing an adequate shake test on the tracking arm, covering the entire swiveling range of the operating light. b) Checking the suspension for potential damage • Check the tracking and spring arms for proper working condition, paying particular attention to deformation, fissures / cracks and varnish defects. c) Checking the suspension system for proper functioning • Verify that the light head can be easily positioned without particular effort, remaining nonetheless securely suspended in any chosen position. If necessary, adjust the brake setscrews and the height stop (see appropriate Mounting Instructions for a detailed description of the procedure). 2.) Checking Potential Equalization / Protective Conductor (PE) Resistance Tool required: measuring instrument (e.g. Bender Unimet 300 ST) NOTICE • The measured value must be at least 0.2 A! • The no-load voltage shall not exceed 24 V but may not be less than 4 V, either! a) Mobile light Rimax = 0.3 Ω Fig. 10-14 V. 1.0 1 Power supply cable 2 PE terminal 3 Measuring instrument 4 Measuring leads Resistance measurement on mobile lights 91 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 b) Fixed lights Rimax = 0.3 Ω Fig. 10-15 1 Mains connection 2 Main protective conductor terminal 3 Measuring instrument 4 Measuring leads 5 Externally accessible connector Resistance measurement on non-detachable lights NOTICE The external protective conductor may only be used for measurement if the ceiling terminal is no longer accessible after installation (e.g. in the case of ventilated ceilings). However, this requires that both the point 5 and the resistance between points 2 and 5 were documented in the initial test report (Handover Report) at the time of installation. This information (“firstmeasured values”) can then be used as a reference basis for all subsequent measurements. • If applicable, measure the resistance between the main protective conductor terminal (2) and the nearest protective conductor terminal (5). • Document the location of the external protective conductor (5) and enter the value measured between this point and the main protective conductor terminal (2) in the Test Report form. • Following installation of the light(s), measure the resistance between point 2 and point 5 and all metallic parts of the light and enter the highest value obtained in the Test Report form. • √ 92 V. 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 3.) Checking the Light Head a) Checking the rating plate and warning labels • Check the rating plate(s) for presence and legibility. The information on the type plates and particularly the labelling for information on the nominal value for the device fuses must be clearly visible. • Check the lights with pilot laser for presence and legibility of the required warning labels. • √ b) Performing function test according to Operating Instructions • Check all operating functions of the light(s) for proper working order. Be sure to observe the instructions provided in the appropriate Operating Instructions (relating to the given type of light and–where applicable–optional equipment such as monitor or camera). • √ c) Checking the light field • Level the light head and verify that the light produces a circular luminous field on the target surface from a distance of one meter. • √ d) Checking the illumination intensity Measure the illuminance at a distance of one meter between the light and the target surface, using the smallest light field and no dimming. • Specified range of illuminance values Maximum light intensity marLED® E9 marLED® E9i marLED® E15 Ec 100–120 klx 135–160 klx 135–160 klx • Note down the determined value in the inspection protocol. • √ e) Checking the lamp voltage at nominal load on the contact block The supply voltage that is measured on the contact block (at maximum brightness setting) must be at least 26 VDC and must not exceed 36 VDC. • √ V. 1.0 93 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 11 Guidelines and Manufacturer’s Declaration on Electromagnetic Compatibility CAUTION Risk of injury due to use of unapproved devices and equipment! • Ensure that all devices present in the operating environment and / or other equipment have medical approval. • Check that the devices have the CE label and that a valid declaration of conformity is available. • Devices and equipment that do not meet the limits for electromagnetic emissions must have a special label. Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration according to IEC 60601-1-2, clause a) 3) Table 201: Electromagnetic emission The device is intended for operation in a electromagnetic environment as indicated below. The user must ensure that it is operated in such an environment. Emission test Compliance level Electromagnetic environment–Guidance RF emissions according to EN 55011 Group 1 The device uses electromagnetic energy exclusively for the performance of its internal functions. This may cause interference in nearby electronic equipment. RF emissions according to EN 55011 Class B The limits of this class are kept only in standby mode (without RF current activation)! Harmonic emissions according to IEC 61000-3-2 Class C Voltage fluctuations / flicker emissions according to IEC 61000-3-3 94 Complies The device is suitable for use in all establishments, including domestic establishments and those directly connected to the public lowvoltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes. V. 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration according to IEC 60601-1-2, clause a) 3) Table 201: Electromagnetic emission The device is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment as specified below. The user should assure that it is used in such an environment. Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electrostatic discharge (ESD) according to IEC 61000-4-2 ±6 kV contact discharge ±6 kV contact discharge ±8 kV air discharge ±8 kV air discharge Fast electrical transients / bursts according to IEC 61000-4-4 ±2 kV for mains power lines ±2 kV for mains power lines ±1 kV for input and output lines ±1 kV for input and output lines ±1 kV differentialmode voltage ±1 kV differentialmode voltage ±2 kV common-mode voltage ±2 kV common-mode voltage <5% UT (>95% dip in UT) for ½ period 5% UT (>95% dip in UT) for ½ period 40% UT (60% dip in UT) for 5 periods 40% UT (60% dip in UT) for 5 periods 70% UT (30% dip in UT) for 25 periods 70% UT (30% dip in UT) for 25 periods <5% UT (>95% dip in UT) for 5 seconds <5% UT (>95% dip in UT) for 5 seconds Surge according to IEC 61000-4-5 Voltage dips, short power interruptions and supply voltage fluctuations according to IEC 61000-4-11 Power frequency (50 / 60 Hz) magnetic field according to IEC 61000-4-8 3 A/m 3 A/m Electromagnetic environment–Guidance Floors should be wood, concrete or ceramic tile. If floors are covered with synthetic material, the relative humidity should be at least 30%. Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment. Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment. Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment. If the user requires continued operation during mains power interruptions, it is recommended to power the device from an uninterruptible power supply. Power-frequency magnetic fields should be at levels characteristic of a typical location in a typical commercial or hospital environment. Note: UT is the a. c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level. V. 1.0 95 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration according to IEC 60601-1-2, clause b) Table 204: Electromagnetic immunity The device is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment as specified below. The user should assure that it is used in such an environment. Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment–Guidance Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used no closer to any part of the device (including cables) than the recommended separation distance calculated from the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter. Recommended separation distance: d = 0.35 P Conducted RF according to IEC 61000-4-6 3 Veff 150 kHz to 80 MHz Radiated RF according to IEC 61000-4-3 3 V/m 80 MHz to 2.5 GHz 10 Veff 150 kHz to 80 MHz 10 V/m 80 MHz to 2,5 GHz d = 0.35 P for 80 MHz to 800 MHz d = 0.70 P for 800 MHz to 2,5 GHz where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer and d is the recommended separation distance in meters (m). Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as determined by an electromagnetic site surveya, should be less than the compliance level in each frequency range.b Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked with the following symbol. Note 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies. Note 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people. a Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular / cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio stations and AM and FM radio and TV stations, cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the device is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level specified above, the device should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the device. b 96 Over the frequency range of 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m. V. 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF telecommunications equipment and the KLS Martin marLED® according to IEC 60601-1-2 clause b), Table 206 The device is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled. The user can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF telecommunications equipment (transmitters) and the device as recommended below, depending on the maximum output power of the communications equipment. Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter (in m) Rated maximum output P of transmitter in watts 150 kHz to 80 MHz 80 MHz to 800 MHz 800 MHz to 2,5 GHz d = 0.35 P d = 0.35 P d = 0.70 P 0,01 0,04 0,04 0,08 0,1 0,11 0,11 0,22 1 0,35 0,35 0,70 10 1,11 1,11 2,21 100 3,50 3,50 7,0 For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance d in meters (m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer. Note 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies. Note 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people. V. 1.0 97 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 12 Spare Parts 12.1 List of tools Item no. Name Illustration marLED® E3 / E9 / E9i / E15 08-653-04-04 Assembly-disassembly tool for Light Engine 08-653-05-04 Interface adapter marLED® E 08-670-50-04 Unplugging tool 12.2 List of spare parts Item no. 08-653-12-04 08-653-13-04 08-653-60-04 98 Name Illustration Light Engine–narrow light field BIN A1 (A) Light Engine–narrow light field BIN A2 (B) Light Engine–wide light field BIN A1 (A) V. 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Item no. 08-653-61-04 08-653-30-04 08-653-31-04 08-653-32-04 Name Illustration Light Engine–wide light field BIN A2 (B) Control electronics marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Additional camera board SD / HD Cable harness D-Sub standard Cable harness D-Sub 08-653-33-04 surgiCam SH / HD incl. pin tool 08-653-34-04 08-653-35-04 08-653-36-04 V. 1.0 Handle Operating foil marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Bearing block for marLED® E9 / E9i 99 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Item no. 08-653-37-04 08-675-11-04 Name Illustration Bearing block for marLED® E15 Brake screw for bearing block 08-653-38-04 Cover cap 08-684-07-04 Cover cap cardan Light Engine cable set for 08-653-39-04 marLED® E9 / E9i 3 pieces Light Engine cable set for 08-653-40-04 marLED® E15 3 pieces Upper part of lamp casing 08-653-41-04 for marLED® E9 / E9i incl. assembly kit Lower part for lamp casing for marLED® E9 / E9i incl. 08-653-42-04 assembly kit, operating foil and rubber gasket. Without bearing block! 100 V. 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Item no. Name Illustration Upper part for lamp casing 08-653-43-04 for marLED® E15 incl. assembly kit Lower part for lamp casing for marLED® E15 incl. 08-653-44-04 assembly kit, operating foil and rubber gasket. Without bearing block! 08-653-45-04 08-653-46-04 08-653-47-04 08-653-48-04 Lamp casing rubber gasket for marLED® E9 / E9i Lamp casing rubber gasket for marLED® E15 LC cardan for marLED® E9 / E9i 3-pin LC cardan for marLED® E9 / E9i 5-pin LC cardan 08-653-49-04 marLED® E9 / E9i 9-pin SD / HD 08-653-50-04 V. 1.0 LC cardan for marLED® E15 3-pin 101 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Item no. 08-653-51-04 08-653-52-04 08-653-53-04 08-653-54-04 Name Illustration LC cardan for marLED® E15 5-pin LC cardan for marLED® E15 9-pin SD / HD Full cardan joint marLED® E9 / E9i 3--pin Full cardan joint marLED® E9 / E9i 5--pin Full cardan joint for 08-653-55-04 marLED® E9 / E9i 9--pin SD / HD 08-653-56-04 08-653-57-04 102 Full cardan joint for marLED® E15 3--pin Full cardan joint for marLED® E15 5--pin V. 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Item no. Name Illustration Full cardan joint for 08-653-58-04 marLED® E15 9--pin SD / HD Assembly kit for lamp body 08-653-59-04 casing 10-part set 08-656-33-04 Sterile handle adapter 89-940-02-04 Handle for sterile covers 08-669-22-04 Wall bearing 08-653-60-04 Cantilever wall 08-661-41-04 Mobile spring arm 3-pin 08-653-62-04 Mobile stand pipe with handle 3-pin V. 1.0 103 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Item no. Name 08-653-63-04 Mobile stand pipe with handle battery 08-653-64-04 Stand base complete with castors 08-653-65-04 Stand base battery with castors 08-653-66-04 Castor set 4 pcs. 08-661-50-04 Spring arm marLED® E9 / E9i 3-pin ceiling 08-661-49-04 Spring arm marLED® E9 / E9i 5-pin ceiling 08-661-48-04 Spring arm marLED® E9 / E9i SD / HD ceiling 08-661-56-04 Spring arm marLED® E15 3pin ceiling 08-661-55-04 Spring arm marLED® E15 5pin ceiling 08-661-54-04 Spring arm marLED® E15 HD ceiling 08-661-47-04 Spring arm marLED® E9 / E9i 3-pin LC 08-661-46-04 Spring arm marLED® E9 / E9i 5-pin LC 104 Illustration without illustration V. 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Item no. Name 08-661-45-04 Spring arm marLED® E9 / E9i SD / HD 9-pin LC 08-661-53-04 Spring arm marLED® E15 3pin LC 08-661-52-04 08-661-51-04 08-674-05-04 Spring arm marLED® E15 5pin LC Spring arm marLED® E15 SD / HD 9-pin LC Securing segment / brake screw AC2000 08-674-04-04 Securing sleeve 08-674-03-04 AC2000 cover left right 08-674-02-04 08-674-01-04 08-674-06-04 V. 1.0 Illustration Joint cover front to lamp body Joint cover rear to support arm Joint cover rear to support arm LC 105 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 Item no. 08-674-27-04 08-674-07-04 Name Illustration AC2000 LC and mobile joint without illustration cover tube AC2000 LC and mobile side cover Spacer washer for the 08-674-27-04 bearing bush at the AC 2000 08-674-26-04 08-674-09-04 08-674-10-04 08-674-11-04 08-674-22-04 08-674-23-04 08-674-24-04 106 Cable 3-pin AC 2000 mobile without illustration Cable 3-pin AC 2000 ceiling without illustration marLUX-LED Cable 5-pin AC 2000 ceiling marLUX-LED Cable 9-pin AC 2000 ceiling marLUX-LED Cable 3-pin AC 2000 LC-D marLUX-LED Cable 5-pin AC 2000 LC-D marLUX-LED Cable 9-pin AC 2000 LC-D marLUX-LED without illustration without illustration without illustration without illustration without illustration V. 1.0 Service Manual Operating Lights marLED® E9 / E9i / E15 V. 1.0 107 KLS Martin Group Karl Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG 78570 Mühlheim · Germany Tel. +49 74 63 838-0 [email protected] KLS Martin France SARL 68000 Colmar · France Tel. +33 3 89 21 66 01 [email protected] Nippon Martin K.K. Osaka 541-0046 · Japan Tel. +81 6 62 28 90 75 [email protected] Gebrüder Martin GmbH & Co. KG Representative Office · Russia 121471 Moscow Tel. +7 (499) 792-76-19 [email protected] KLS Martin GmbH + Co. KG 79224 Umkirch · Germany Tel. +49 76 65 98 02-0 [email protected] Martin Italia S.r.l. 20059 Vimercate (MB) · Italy Tel. +39 039 605 67 31 [email protected] KLS Martin L.P. Jacksonville, Fl 32246 · USA Office phone +1 904 641 77 46 [email protected] Gebrüder Martin GmbH & Co. KG Representative Office · China 201203 Shanghai Tel. +86 21 2898 6611 [email protected] Stuckenbrock Medizintechnik GmbH 78532 Tuttlingen · Germany Tel. +49 74 61 16 58 80 [email protected] Martin Nederland/Marned B.V. 1270 AG Huizen · The Netherlands Tel. +31 35 523 45 38 [email protected] Rudolf Buck GmbH 78570 Mühlheim · Germany Tel. +49 74 63 99 516-30 [email protected] KLS Martin UK Ltd. Reading RG1 3EU · United Kingdom Tel. +44 (0) 1189 000 570 [email protected] Gebrüder Martin GmbH & Co. KG Representative Office Dubai · United Arab Emirates Tel. +971 4 454 1655 [email protected] Gebrüder Martin GmbH & Co. KG A company of the KLS Martin Group KLS Martin Platz 1 · 78532 Tuttlingen · Germany Postfach 60 · 78501 Tuttlingen · Germany Tel. +49 7461 706-0 · Fax 706-193 [email protected] · www.klsmartin.com Date of Release: 03.13 · 90-610-62-10 · Printed in Germany · Copyright by Gebrüder Martin GmbH & Co. KG · Alle Rechte vorbehalten · Technische Änderungen vorbehalten · We reserve the right to make alterations · Cambios técnicos reservados · Sous réserve de modifications techniques · Ci riserviamo il diritto di modifiche tecniche · Revision Number: V. 1.0