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Contact Us
Department of Anthropology
MSC01-1040, Anthropology 1
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
(505) 277-4524
(505) 277-0874
[email protected]
Undergraduate Degree Program
Graduate/Doctorate Degree Program
Carla Sarracino
Erika Gerety
[email protected]
[email protected]
(505) 277-0194
(505) 277-2732
Department Advisor
For graduate advisement questions specific to your
For undergraduate advisement questions specific to
subfield interest contact the following graduate
your sub-field interest contact the following
faculty advisors:
undergraduate faculty advisors:
Jim Boone
Frances M. Hayashida
[email protected]
[email protected]
(505) 990-4514
Evolutionary Anthropology
Evolutionary Anthropology
Keith Hunley
Martin Muller
[email protected]
[email protected]
(505) 990-4519
Erin Debenport
Les Field
[email protected]
[email protected]
(505) 990-8213
(505) 277-5205
Programs - Undergraduate Overview
The Department of Anthropology offers an undergraduate program. Use the following
information below to access information about the undergraduate degree program and how to
Carla Sarracino
(505) 277-0194
[email protected]
Department Advisor
For undergraduate advisement
questions specific to your sub-field
interest contact the following
undergraduate faculty advisors:
Jim Boone
(505) 990-4514
Evolutionary Anthropology
Keith Hunley
[email protected]
(505) 990-4519
Erin Debeport
[email protected]
(505) 990-8213
Major Study Requirements (36 credits)
There are four undergraduate concentrations in
Anthropology: Archaeology, Ethnology,
Evolutionary Anthropology, or General. Students
must select one of these concentrations as their
focus. Each concentration is explained in detail in
this handbook. Students can receive either a
Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree or a Bachelor of
Science (BS) degree. Both degrees require 36 total
credit hours and a minimum of 18 upper division
credits (300-400 level).
Students wishing to receive a BS degree must
concentrate in either Archaeology or Evolutionary
Anthropology, requires 3 or more credit hours of a
field school or Technical lab. Also must take 6 hours
of mathematics (as specified under Arts and
Sciences Group requirements), and must minor in
astrophysics, biochemistry, biology, chemistry,
computer science, earth and planetary science,
geography, mathematics, psychology or physics.
A minor in anthropology requires a total of 21 hours, including Anthropology 101 and at least
one of the following core curriculum sequences: 120/122L or 220 and 320; 130 and 330 or 310;
150 and 350; or 160 and 360. The minor requires a minimum of 9 hours of upper division
courses. The 9 hours can include no more than 3 hours of field courses. Though students can
choose to focus on a single concentration, the Anthropology minor does not have a
concentration. BS students who minor in Anthropology are required to take the Archaeology or
Evolutionary Anthropology core sequence.
All students interested in majoring or minoring in anthropology are urged to consult with one of
the department undergraduate advisors as early in their academic careers as possible.
Programs - Undergraduate Admission
Anthropology undergraduate program, apply to UNM admission online or download the
application. This is the 1st step for entering into the Anthropology program. Once admitted to
UNM please see Department advisor for all information on the program.
Online Application
The application will be processed by UNM Admissions. If you apply online, an application fee
will be required and can be paid with Visa/Mastercard or by electronic check. Apply Online >>
Download Application
The application will be processed by UNM Admissions. If you download the application, you
will need to have Adobe Acrobat and will be required to mail the application to UNM
Admission. Download Application for mailing >>
Programs - Undergraduate Curriculum
Course Requirements for an Anthropology Degree
You must choose to concentrate in one of the three subfields of anthropology or in General
Anthropology. The subfields are Archaeology, Ethnology, and Evolutionary Anthropology.
Each concentration has slightly different requirements, but common to all is:
two of the core curriculum sequences listed below
an additional 200-400 class from the third subfield
upper level courses in your chosen subfield (if you choose one of the three subfields)
additional electives to achieve 36 hours
For instance, suppose you chose to concentrate in Evolutionary Anthropology. In this example,
you would have to complete:
150, 151L, 350, and 351L (or another approved lab course)
160, 161L 360 and 462
A second core sequence in Archaeology (120/122L, or 220 and 320), or Ethnology (130
and 330 or 310).
An additional 200-400 class from the third core. If you chose, for example, Archaeology
as your second core, you would then need to complete a 200-400 level course in
Two 300-400 level electives in Evolutionary Anthropology
Anthropology electives (any concentration) to make a total of 36 credits
18-20 of the 36 credits must be upper division
This sequence would result in a BA degree in Anthropology with an Evolutionary Anthropology
concentration. Students wishing to receive a BS degree must concentrate in either Archaeology
or Evolutionary Anthropology, must take 6 hours of mathematics (as specified under Arts and
Sciences Group requirements), and must minor in astrophysics, biochemistry, biology,
chemistry, computer science, earth and planetary science, geography, mathematics, psychology
or physics.
Please see Undergraduate Handbook for requirements in each concentration. Go back to
programs, undergraduate, click on Handbook.
*C-, Credit/No Credit is unacceptable and will not count for the Anthropology Major or
Programs - Undergraduate Honors
Honors Program
Each year, several qualified anthropology majors are admitted to the Departmental Honors
Program. The Honors Program provides intensive and personal instruction related to research in
a one of the three subfields. Honors student can apply to will receive $250 dollars to support
their research. For those who intend to pursue graduate or professional study, the Honors
Program provides extra guidance, and it normally leads to cum laude at graduation.
Students who successfully complete the honors program will graduate Cum laude, magna
cum laude, or summa cum laude. The specific degree honor will be determined by the research
advisor and undergraduate advisor based on grades and accomplishments in the honors program.
Program Requirements
Overall grade point average of 3.2
Apply with Anthropology Department during the junior year (provide unofficial
Consultation and approval with appropriate faculty (mentor) for directed research project
Signature of Mentor and honors director
Course work in addition to 36 hours for major*
a. Anth 498 (3crs), offered fall semester only.
b. Anth 497 (3crs), individual research under guidance of faculty advisor
Deposition of copy of honors paper with the department office.
*In these 6 hours, students must receive two A's, OR an A and a B.
Please see Handbook for more information about the program.
An Undergraduate Award in Archaeology
Awarded Annually by the
Department of Anthropology
University of New Mexico
The Barbara MacCaulley Scholarship is a cash award of approximately $500 given each year to
two outstanding UNM undergraduates in archaeology with preference given to female students.
Applicant must (1) be a full-time student entering their senior year with an anticipated graduation
during December or May, (2) be a declared major in anthropology with a concentration in
archaeology, (3) have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and (4) have a high motivation to pursue
Archaeology as a career.
Application Process:
1. Application letter that explains interests, previous studies, goals in archaeology, and
financial need.
2. Unofficial transcript (from LoboWeb) with previous and current academic classes.
3. Two letters of recommendation from professors familiar with the student’s work, at least
one of which must be from a member of the anthropology faculty Letters of
recommendation can be emailed directly to Carla Sarracino ([email protected]) or submitted
in a sealed envelope with the other application materials.
For application form please email using the address below
Please Mail, email or Drop Off All Application Materials To:
Carla Sarracino
Anthropology Department
1 University of New Mexico
MSC01 1040
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone (505) 277-0194 E-mail: [email protected]
An Undergraduate Award in Archaeology
Awarded Annually by the
Maxwell Museum and the Department of Anthropology
University of New Mexico
The Krisztina Kosse Scholarship is a cash award of $500 given each year to an outstanding
UNM Undergraduate in Archaeology.
Applicant must (1) be a senior/junior concentrator in archaeology, and (2) have at least an Aaverage in anthropology courses. Preference will be given to students who have a special
interest or focus on Old World complex societies.
This scholarship is for anticipated graduation fall/spring.
To apply, please submit the following materials:
1. Application letter that explains interests, previous studies, goals in archaeology, and
financial need.
2. Unofficial transcript (from LoboWeb) with previous and current academic classes.
3. Two letters of recommendation from professors familiar with the student’s work, at least
one of which must be from a member of the anthropology faculty. Letters of
recommendation can be emailed directly to Carla Sarracino ([email protected]) or submitted
in a sealed envelope with the other application materials.
For application form please email address below
Please Mail, email or Drop Off All Application Materials To:
Carla Sarracino
Anthropology Department
1 University of New Mexico
MSC01 1040
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone (505) 277-0194 E-mail: [email protected]
The Anthropology Department announces the establishment a scholarship of $500 to be awarded
to an undergraduate indigenous students majoring in Anthropology. This scholarship will be
awarded to one student in the fall and spring of the academic school year. The scholarships can
go towards tuition or student incidentals. The money can also be used towards summer tuition
including archaeological field schools.
1. Must have at least a sophomore status (30 credit hours).
2. Must have a declared major in Anthropology.
3. Must be a member of a Native American Tribe
4. Complete the attached form.
5. Application letter that describes how your status as an indigenous person has shaped your
interest in studying Anthropology.
6. Unofficial transcript must include past and current academic classes. (on Lobo Web)
7. 2 letters of support; address to the Undergraduate Committee.
For application form please email address below
Please Mail, email or Drop Off All Application Materials To:
Carla Sarracino
Department of Anthropology
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Drop Off at the Anthropology Building #11
Room 240, Office 243C
Phone: (505) 277-0194 E-mail [email protected]
Dr. John Campbell, past Chairman of the Department of Anthropology, has established a
research scholarship for Anthropology undergraduates. The funding is designated to support: A)
travel for participating in professional meetings; B) formal presentations; or C) research projects.
This award is offered every fall and spring to two undergraduate Anthropology students in the
amount of $250.00 each.
1. An upper division student with a major in Anthropology.
2. Attending a professional meeting, or presenting a poster or giving a formal presentation,
or undertaking a research project in Anthropology.
Application Precedures: (Address letters of interest to Undergraduate Committee)
1. A letter of interest that states your area of concentration and includes a description of the
research that you will be presenting or completing. Please also include:
 the meeting (s) you are attending, and the location and dates of the meeting
 title and the nature of a presentation (poster or talk), and the location and date of
the presentation
 title of the research project, location and dates
2. One letter of support from a faculty member who is familiar with the nature of the
research you are doing or will be presenting.
3. Unofficial transcripts. (Print off Lobo Web)
For application form please email address below
Please Mail, email or Drop Off All Application Materials To:
Carla Sarracino
Anthropology Department
1 University of New Mexico
MSC01 1040
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone (505) 277-0194 E-mail [email protected]