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1. Greek Mythology Project
2. Poetry 1
3. Poetry 2
4. Poetry 3
5. Short Stories
6. Short Story Paper
7. Notes Turned In
Final course grade__________%
All off-lines must be completed and notes must be turned in
before a grade can be assigned.
Myers 13-14
Greek Mythology Offline
Objective: For this activity, you will be researching stories revolving around Greek Gods, Goddesses, &
Greek Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes were a major part of Grecian life. Greek mythology still
influences the world today; brands such as: Nike, Adidas, Gemini, Helios, and Pandora are all
examples of this fact. There are over 100 different Gods and Demi-gods. The chart below covers
the 13 main Greek Gods & Goddesses. For this activity, you will research one of
Gods/Goddesses below, then choose one of the three project options and complete it.
For research, go to the websites below:
(Interactive stories)
(Interactive stories)
 (Information on Greek Gods)
(Information on Greek Gods)
Greek God
Daughter of Zeus, married
to Hephaestus
Goddess of love. In love with Ares.
Son of Zeus, is twin brother
of Artemis
Son of Zeus, brother of
Daughter of Zeus, twin
sister of Apollo
Daughter of Zeus
Sister of Zeus, mother of
Son of Zeus
God of the sun, music, poetry, healing.
Brother of Zeus &
Son of Hera & Zeus,
married to Aphrodite
Zeus’ wife
Son of Zeus
Brother of Zeus & Hades
Father of all Fathers
God of war. In love with Aphrodite.
Goddess of the hunt, wild animals. She is the
protector of maidens, virgins.
Goddess of wisdom & arts
Goddess of fertility, grain, & harvest
God of wine, parties
God of underworld
God of fire & forge, “ugly” husband that
Aphrodite can’t love
Goddess of marriage, women, & childbirth
God of flying, thieves, travelers, messenger of
the Gods
God of the sea
God of light, lightening, thunder, the sky, &
the ruler of Mt. Olympus
Myers 13-14
Greek Mythology Offline
Objective: For this activity, you will be researching stories revolving around Greek Gods, Goddesses, &
After you have done research on one God/Goddess, please complete ONE of the activities
Be Creative
Be Linear
Be an Orator
Create a product to sell to others that uses
Focus on ONE Greek icon/hero and
Research a god/goddess/hero and create
inspiration from a Greek icon/hero. For
research him/her. Write a 3-5 page
a 3-5 minute speech (note cards are ok)
example: Nike was the goddess of victory
research paper on one Greek
giving info about them. Present
and rewards. Today, Nike is a brand
icon/hero. This includes further
information in PowerPoint format to
(shoes, apparel) that is sold worldwide.
research that you would do. (See
1. Do research on your icon/hero
character analysis final paper
2. Brainstorm a product concept
handout for format details)
Your PowerPoint should include:
3. Create a poster/PowerPoint that sells
10-15 slides, at least one picture on
your product. Your project should
each slide, and no more than 20 words
include: name of the product, a picture of
per slide.
the product, a 4-5 sentence summary of
how the product works, one paragraph
explaining why this product goes with the
name/why people would buy your product
Myers 13-14
Objective: Define concepts, analyze concepts against other poets’ works, create reflective poem using
key concepts and skills
Ever wondered how some authors can write hundreds of pages? Writers like J.R.R
Tolkien (Lord of the Rings) and Rowling (Harry Potter) wrote thousands of pages to tell their
stories, but what if authors such as the ones mentioned above were limited to tell their stories in
just a few words? Do you think they could do it? This unit will seek to explore the following. By
the unit’s end, you should be able to answer: How does a poet convey such a complex thought
in such a concise manner? (How does a poet say so much in so few words?)
1. The first step to solving this question is in defining the following terms. These terms are
aspects that poets use to convey meanings. You can use to help you.
Two have been done for you:
Connotative vs.
Figurative vs. Literal
A feeling conveyed by the words used in a piece of writing. Ex: to make
a poem feel sad an author might use the following words to establish the
tone: lonely, sullen, cold, grey, silence.
An author’s choice of writing techniques to say or express an idea. Ex: a
poet who uses no punctuation, an author who makes lists of adjectives.
Myers 13-14
2. Now you are ready to find these concepts within published poetry. Former Poet Laureate Bill
Collins has compiled 180 poems that revolve around students’ school experiences.
Go to the Library of Congress Poetry website:
Click on link “List of all 180 Poems” at the top of the page
Feel free to read a few; ultimately, choose 3 to work with
Break down each poem and give examples for each concept from each poem in the chart:
Myers 13-14
2a. Analyze how these poems are different and the same. List examples:
2b. How does each poem do the job of conveying meaning? Is the length of each poem is
sufficient enough to get the point across? What could be changed?
3. Create: For the final step of this activity, you will turn the book or movie of your choosing
into a poem. Your work should reflect on condensing a lengthy piece into a concise piece using
the concepts we have studied. You must use at least FIVE of the concepts you studied. The
poem needs to have a title and be written neatly in ink or typed. The poem must be 20+ lines
long. Your final should underline or note the five concepts you have used. Use the space below
for rough draft practice:
Myers 13-14
Objective: analyze concepts against other poets’ works, compare/contrast, creation of analysis poetry
Go to and find “The Most Popular Poets” section (Right hand side, half
way down). Browse through them and then choose two poems from that section to answers the
following in a compare/contrast model:
1. Title of first poem/author_____________________________________
2. Title of second poem/author___________________________________
3. Compare/Contrast: How is the form of the poems similar and different (do they rhyme, is
one shorter than the other, spelling, grammar, length of poem, etc.)
4. Then, Go to each author’s biography (to the left of the poem) and read about his/her life.
How do you think the time period or how he/she grew up influenced the poem?
5. Which author can you identify more with? Why?
6. Respond to the poem. Your response can be in in any medium you choose: a letter, a
short answer, a poem, etc. In your response, you should at minimum clearly state:
1. How you feel about what the poet said
2. How you/someone you know might relate to the poem
*bonus: write a response to both authors and receive 10 points of extra credit
*bonus: use two vocab. words from the Classroom Word Wall 2 points per word.
Myers 13-14
Objective: Apply literary vocabulary & techniques to create one poem of your own.
1. Brainstorm Ideas
Or think about a topic you would like to write about.
Example- war, peace, friendship, a person, love, school, holidays, etc.
2. Free Write
Take 5-10 minutes to jot down some ideas on a piece of paper for the subject
you’re interested. You can write whatever comes to mind. (Free Write= Your
pencil continuously moving for 5-10 minutes.)
3. Write the Poem
Look over your free write. Using the information you have written down,
compose an eight to twelve line poem. You may use a rhyme scheme or
free/blank verse.
4. In your poem, you must use at least THREE literary elements below:
1. Personification-give an idea, animal, or innate object human traits
ex: The floor swallowed his footsteps. A floor cannot swallow, but a human can.
2. Metaphor-compares two things
ex: I am a busy bee.
3. Simile- compares two things, uses like, as, than
ex: I am like a busy bee.
4. Alliteration-repetition of consonant sounds in ONE line (at least 3)
ex: Fickle Fuddle words conFuse me.
5. Assonance-repetition of vowel sounds in ONE line (at least 3)
ex: seeming of a demon that is dreaming
Feel free to practice your free write in the lines below. Your formal poem must be typed.
Myers 13-14
Short Stories
Objective: Demonstrate and apply knowledge of short story elements, identify specific content to support
comprehension and analysis, articulate author’s purpose and make authentic/real life connections
There are 5 elements used to create a story, otherwise known as the PLOT. The following
activities will have you dissect the elements into categories. By the unit’s end, you should be
able to answer: How does an author convey ideas through the elements of a short story?
A plot is composed of five elements: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and
Exposition is the first part of a plot. In an exposition, characters are introduced,
the setting (time and place) is given, and the opening problem or conflict of a
story is presented.
Rising Action is made of the events and actions that complicate the plot and lead
the characters to the climax.
Climax is the high point or turning point of the action in a story. It is an event or
action that changes the course of a story and cannot be reversed.
Falling Action is made of the events that result from the action of the climax. The
events in the falling action lead to the resolution.
Resolution reveals the final outcome of all the actions and events that have
occurred in a story.
Read one of the following short stories and respond to the prompts/answer the questions that
follow. You will be able to find these stories online by doing a basic Google search:
1. The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
2. Gift of the Magi by O. Henry
2. The Sniper by Liam O’Flaherty
1. Write a brief description of each of the five elements of plot using your chosen short story.
Rising Action_________________________________________________________________
Falling Action__________________________________________________________________
Myers 13-14
climax, brainstorm a new ending to the story you just read. Use the “Brainstorming” section
below to jot down some ideas. When you are ready, write your ending into the last section.
Remember, your story must end differently from the original story.
Falling Action Brainstorming Section
Resolution Brainstorming Section
Rewritten Falling Action & Resolution (If needed, use back of this sheet)
Myers 13-14
Short Story Paper
Objective: Demonstrate and apply knowledge what you’ve read into a clearly written paper format
Your Paper Must be typed, have size 12 font, be in Times New Roman or Arial,
have 1” margins, and no spelling/grammar mistakes.
Directions: Choose any character from a story you’ve read. Pick three important
characteristics you want to focus on in your paper. Each body paragraph should focus
on one of the three characteristics, have a topic sentence, supporting sentence
sentences, and a concluding sentence.
Paragraph 1: IntroductionSentence 1:
Give a quote from the story. It should be one that’s important
or helps give us some insight into the important themes of
the story.
Sentence 2-5:
Describe what you think the quote means, or why it’s
Sentence 6:
State the Story you read, the author’s name, and what paper
will talk about.
Paragraph 2: BodySentences 6+:
Paragraph 3: BodySentences 6+:
Paragraph 4: BodySentences 6+:
Give background information about the author’s biography. If
you can find additional information on the story (when it was
written, where it was written) that would be preferred.
Summarize the story from beginning to end. Make sure to list
the main characters, too. It’s ok if it takes more than 6
Choose one character and explain why they were an
important part of the story. Pick out key scenes where they
were important.
Paragraph 5: ConclusionSentences 6+:
This is an opinion paragraph. Tell your audience if you
did/did not like the story. Give details/examples to back up
your point.
Myers 13-14
Short Story Paper Outline for Your Rough Draft
Title: __________________________________________ Author: ________________
Para Sentence # &
Notes/Information I want to add to my paper
Sentence 1:
Sentence 2-5:
Describing the Quote
Sentence 6:
Story, author, & purpose
Sentence 1-6+:
Background information
about author, story, etc.
Sentence 1-6+:
Summary of story &
main characters
Sentence 1-6:
Pick 1 character
Sentence 1-6
Summary of paper
Myers 13-14