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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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Context Clues__________________________
Choose one option from each row below.
Read All About It!
Look it up
Select 10 words from
“Warrior Don’t Cry” and
create a fill in the blank
context clues quiz for
another student to answer.
When they finish grade their
paper. Turn in the graded
Create a newspaper article
about “Warriors Don’t Cry.”
Be sure to include 5
vocabulary words in your
article. Provide context clues
to help your readers
understand their meanings.
Use an informational
text about civils
rights and find 5
words you do not
know. Write down the
sentence the word is
in, and then guess its
Comedic Relief
Shakespeare’s Language
Create 10 made up
words. Write a sentence
for each of the words.
Make sure that your
sentences provide clue
on what each word
means. Give your paper
to another student and
have them guess the
meanings of your
Lights, Camera, Action
Write a skit about how
using context clues can
help while reading.
Create a comic strip about a
character that has to use
context clue to understand
the meaning of a word.
Create an advertisement
for a made up product or
sporting event, using at
least five made up words
while providing details
within the sentences to
determine the meaning of
the words.
It’s time to decipher
Shakespearean English
using context clues!
Read a passage from
Shakespeare’s “As You
Like It” and use context
clues to figure out the
meaning to unfamiliar
Write and perform a
song on why it is
important to use context
clues while reading.