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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
DC/2015/01236 DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION: CONVERSION OF GRANARY TO ANCILLARY DOMESTIC ACCOMMODATION ADDRESS: BERTH CRWYN, LLAN-PILL LANE LLANSOY Case Officer: Kate Young Registered: 11/12/15 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 In 2002 planning permission was granted for the conversion of this set of farm buildings into residential use. As part of that scheme part of the granary was to be used for garaging and storage. The current scheme seeks the conversion of the granary, with a lean too extension at the rear, into two bedroomed, ancillary accommodation. A bat survey has revealed the presence of bat using the granary as a summer roost and therefore a bat roost building including a “hot box” is attached to the side of the building in the form of a lean to extension. In 2013 a planning application was received for the conversion of the granary into residential accommodation this included a free standing bat loft constructed of stone work and timber cladding this was considered unacceptable and subsequently withdrawn. 2.0 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY DC/2013/00374 Conversion of Granary to Residential use. Withdrawn DC/2014/00119 Renovation and extension to farm house Approved 3.0 LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN POLICIES Strategic Policies S13 S17 Landscape, Green Infrastructure and the natural environment Place making and design Development Management Policies EP1 Amenity and Environmental Protection H6 Extensions to Rural Dwellings DES1 General Design Considerations H4 Conversion, Rehabilitation of Buildings in the open Countryside to Residential Use LC5 Protection and Enhancement of Landscape Character NE1 Nature Conservation and Development 4.0 REPRESENTATIONS Consultation Responses Community Council – Approve GGAT – No objection but recommend a condition ensuring that a photographic record is made. NRW (18/11/15) Natural Resources Wales (NRW) objects to the development, as submitted, because there is a lack of information in relation to Bats, a European Protected Species. Specifically the applicant has not demonstrated the proposal will have sufficient mitigation measures for bats. Reasons We have reviewed the “Berth Grwyn Bat Survey Report” prepared by IES Consulting and dated August 2014. We note from the report that the surveys showed that the barn is used by small numbers of common pipistrelles, lesser horseshoe bats and Myotids. The report suggests that the building is used as a night roost, but the surveys undertaken (i.e. dusk and dawn) would be unlikely to show the true extent of this use. Notwithstanding this, we note the report has included some bat mitigation measures, however, we advise further information (and clarity) is sought from the applicant, prior to determination of this application, in order to assess the proposal. The survey report includes only brief statements to bat mitigation, such as a hot box and a light sampling area, however, these are not indicated on any of the submitted plans. In contrast we note other plans have been included in the survey report that show a dedicated bat house. There is as a result a lack of clarity as to what is being provided. NRW 21/12/15 Further to our response letter dated 18 November 2015 in which we objected to the above proposal due to lack of information in relation to Bats, a European Protected Species, additional information has been received. Having considered this additional information Natural Resources Wales removes its objection subject to conditions being attached to any consent your Authority is minded to grant. There is now sufficient information to determine no likely detriment to the maintenance of favourable conservation status of the bat species present on site, provided subject to conditions being imposed. There is a need for a European Protected Species licence application. MCC Biodiversity Based on the current objective survey and assessment available, we have enough ecological The granary building proposed for development was identified as a roost for three different species. Myotid sp, Lesser Horseshoe and Common pipistrelle. The numbers recorded for each species in both surveys were low <5. Appropriate mitigation will need to be provided. An updated report and mitigation drawings were received on the 3rd of December 2015 following an objection from NRW. This update has been approved by NRW and their objection removed they consider that providing the mitigation measures shown in the drawings (and modified as requested) are implemented then the proposals will not be a detriment to the maintenance of the favourable conservation status of bats present. The development will need to be subject to a licence from Natural Resources Wales before work can commence at the site. As a licence is required, the Local Planning Authority will need to consider the ‘Three Tests’ for EPS. Please see our internal guidance note for information. An updated report and mitigation drawings were received on the 3rd of December 2015 following an objection from NRW. This update has been approved by NRW and their objection removed they consider that providing the mitigation measures shown in the drawings (and modified as requested) are implemented then the proposals will not be a detriment to the maintenance of the favourable conservation status of bats present. The development will need to be subject to a licence from Natural Resources Wales before work can commence at the site. As a licence is required, the Local Planning Authority will need to consider the ‘Three Tests’ for EPS. Neighbour Consultation Responses None 5.0 EVALUATION 5.1 Principle of Development This application seeks the conversion of a stone building within the residential curtilage of the property, into ancillary residential accommodation. There are no specific policies in the LDP relating to ancillary accommodation therefore it can be considered against Policy H6 Extensions to Rural Dwellings and Policy H4 the conversion of buildings in the open countryside to residential use. Policy H6 states that to protect the character of the countryside extensions to dwellings outside village boundaries should be modest and respect the appearance of the existing dwelling. In this case the application is seeking a small lean-to extension which does respect the character of the stone granary and the main converted dwelling. The principle of converting this building to ancillary accommodation is acceptable on general policy grounds. 5.2 Compliance with Policy H4 The proposal involves very little alteration to the existing building. The existing stone structure will be used and the roof replaced with a slate roof which is considered acceptable in this rural location. A small lean-to will be provided at the rear and a lean-to bat house will be provided to the side. The existing window and door openings will be utilised although some additional windows and roof lights will be added. Generally the overall character of the original building will be maintained. The building is within a group of buildings already converted to residential use and is not visually prominent within the wider landscape. The general form, bulk and general design of the proposal does respect the rural character and design of the building, the existing building is structurally sound. The annex would not have a separate residential curtilage and a condition will be imposed ensuring that the annex is not used as a separate residential dwelling due to limited privacy and lack of private amenity space. The proposal does accord with the objectives of Policy H4 of the LDP 5.3 Visual Impact The granary is within an existing group of farm buildings which have already been converted into residential use. The two lean-to extensions proposed by this application both face out from the courtyard however they are small and in keeping with the rural appearance of the building. They will not be visually prominent with the wider landscape. An extensive area of hardstanding already exists on site which provides car parking. The conversion of this building would have very little impact on the landscape character of the area as the building already exists, is within a group of buildings and very few physical alterations are being made, The application does accord with Policy LC5 and DES1 of the LDP 5.4 Residential Amenity The holiday lets will be run in from the existing buildings on site. There is a courtyard between the proposed holiday let and the main dwelling. There are no other residential properties close enough to be affected by this proposal 5.5 Biodiversity The granary building proposed for development was identified as a roost for three different species. Myotid sp, Lesser Horseshoe and Common pipistrelle bats. The numbers recorded for each species in both surveys were low. The applicants are proposing mitigation in the form of a lean-to bat building complete with “hot Box” Both NRW and MCC ecologists are satisfied that such mitigation is sufficient and that the proposals will not be a detriment to the maintenance of the favourable conservation status of bats present. A bat licence will be required from NRW before work can start on site the Local Planning Authority will need to consider the ‘Three Tests’ for EPS. 6.0 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Conditions: 1. Standard 5 year 2. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans 3. The scheme being implemented in accordance with the mitigation measures/ recommendations described/ illustrated in the above report and drawings, secured through planning conditions and/ or a Section 106 agreement; 4. A copy of the licence issued by Natural Resources Wales pursuant to Regulation 53 of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 authorizing the specified activity / development to go ahead; or b) a statement in writing from the scheme ecologist to confirm that the specified activity / development will not require a licence based on legislative and ecological justification. Reason: To safeguard species of conservation concern in accordance with the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010. 5. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of section 4.0 (Evaluation and Recommendations) and Appendix A of the document titled ‘Bat Survey Report, Berth Grwyn’, reviewed November 2015 produced by IES Consulting. REASON - To safeguard species protected under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended) and the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). 6. No development shall take place including any demolition, ground works, site clearance until a protected species (bats) method statement for works has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The content of the method statement shall include, as a minimum the: a) purpose and objectives for the proposed works; b) timetable for implementation, demonstrating that works are aligned with the proposed phasing of construction; c) measures to avoid killing and injuring bats during works d) persons responsible for implementing the works; e) initial aftercare and long-term maintenance (where relevant); Reason - To safeguard species protected under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended) and the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). 7. Notwithstanding the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no lighting or lighting fixtures shall be installed on the building or in the curtilage until an appropriate lighting plan which includes lighting type and specification, protecting roosting and foraging/commuting habitat for bats has been agreed in writing with the LPA. Reason: To safeguard roosting and / or foraging / commuting habitat of Species of Conservation Concern in accordance with LDP policies NE1 and EP3. 8. The building shall be used for ancillary accommodation residential dwelling. 9. A photographic record. only and not as a separate