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The answer is option 4: he died of a cardiac arrest
Below follows the AH Chart of the day of the event on 23 November 2002 :
In the AH Chart the Sun-Uranus conjunctie on the 5th House Cusp catches the eye:
• the Sun , natural significator of the heart , life itself and Ruler of the 6 th
House of illness is conjunct Uranus Ruler of the 12th House of 'undoing'.
As such it symbolises the heart (5th House is related to the heart) that
seaces to function
Sun/Uranus trine the Ascendant : the cardiac arrest damaging his health
Additional factors this person died are:
◦ Neptune, Ruler of the 1st square Mercury, Ruler of the 4th (endings)
◦ Neptune trine Venus, Ruler of the 8th House of death
◦ Venus, Ruler of the 8th , conjunct the Eq. Ascendant
◦ Jupiter classic Ruler of the Ascendant conjunct Saturn (death)
◦ the Floating Mc in the 12th
12 Astrologers participated in this Test. 7 Astrologers found the correct answer.
Below follow their answers in order of receipt.
Irmgard Dering (USA)
uses the Age Harmonic Technique
Ruler of 6th House (health) Leo (heart) Ruler Sun conjunct Uranus co-ruler
of the 12th (sorrow, grief). Traditional Ruler of 12th also in the 6 th opposite
Vx (destiny)
Floating Mc in Pisces (sorrow) 12th with wide conjunction to AH Ascendant
progressive Mars conjunct AH Vx in 12th opposing AH Saturn. Progressive
Saturn conjunct AH Pluto
transit Venus Lord of AH 8th (went direct a day before he died) in
Scorpio (death)
Erika Eilert-Hein (Germany)
uses the Age Harmonic Technique
the emphasis is on the 6th House (health). Ruler of the AC (Jupiter) is conjunct
Saturn (Ruler of the 12th House) in Leo (heart) opposite the Vx in the 12th
House (losses)
Venus (8th House) and Mercury (4th House, end of life) inconjunct and in
Virgo (Sign of health). The Sun (5th House, the house of Leo) conjunct
Christine Kaspers (the Netherlands)
uses Vedic Astrology
He was in a Saturn/Saturn/Mercury/Rahu Dasha.
Since we don't know the exact time he died,the 5th Dashalord was Jupiter
or Saturn again.
The 1st Dashalord Saturn is lord of the 1st , so can give everything and has
to do with the body in the 1st . Saturn is also Karaka for death and Karaka
for time. Especially the boundaries/limits of time.
Saturn is also lord of the 2nd , a Marakahouse. Sitting In the 8th House of
death and aspecting the 2nd . Also aspecting the Moon, lord of the 7th , a
Marakahouse. Aspecting the Moon in the 5th House, which rules the heart.
Saturn is also aspecting Venus , lord of the 5th and doing this as lord of the
1st (body) and lord of the 2nd (Marakahouse).
In transit Saturn is that day in Gemini, aspecting itself as lord of the 1 st and
2nd the 3rd , but also the 12th House = the 12th of the 1st = loss of body and
your life. Also aspecting Jupiter, lord of the 12 th .
The 2nd Dashalord Saturn does the same as the 1st Dashalord.
The 3rd Dashalord Is Mercury.
Mercury is in the 12th of loss of life. And conjunct the lord of the 12 th
(Jupiter). In transit Mercury is that day in Scorpio (sign of death) and
aspecting the Moon in the 5th. The 5th is heart and the Moon is lord of the
7th, a Marakahouse. The 4th Dashalord is Rahu, karaka for death and often
acting like Saturn, see above. Rahu also often acts like his dispositor, which
is Mars. Mars is in the 12th of loss of life and conjunct the lord of the 12th.
Mars is the dispositor of the Sun, the heart, and the Sun is lord of the 8th of
Mars is in transit in Libra, aspecting the 1st and aspecting Rahu and the
Moon in the 5th (heart) as lord of the 7th (Marakahouse).
Irene Knudsen (Germany)
uses the Age Harmonic Technique
Jupiter, Ruler of the Ascendant conjunct Saturn
both in the health House in Leo
Sun, Ruler of the 6 th House of health and dispositor of Jupiter
Saturn conjunct Uranus on the 5th cusp (the House ruling the heart) trine
the Ascendant (body)
Vertex in the 12th opposite Jupiter/Saturn : a fateful event
Michèle Modena (France) found the answer in a second attempt
uses the Age Harmonic Technique
. the Moon at the highest point in the Chart , Ruler of the 5 th (heart)
square the Ascendant
. right on the 5th House Cusp is Uranus, Ruler of the 12th and the Sun, Ruler
of the heart and the 6th House of illness
. Venus Ruler of the 8th and 3rd (circulation) conjunct the Eq. Ascendant and
trine Neptune, modern Ruler of the 1st
. Jupiter Classic Ruler of the 1st conjunct Saturn, significator of death and Ruler
of the 12th
. Saturn opposite Vx: a struck of fate
S.L. Narasimhan (India)
uses the KCIL method
After adjusting the Ascendant in order to conform the Ascendant
co-ruling planets to 1,7 and 10, the time of birth fixed as 11 29 25 with Moon
as SSL of Ascendant.
Dasa running on the date of event Sat-Sat-Mercury-Rahu-Jupiter.
Dasa Lord is the source at 1 and 7 and significator of 1-8-2-7 .
Similarly Antara , Prana and Sooksma are signficators of 1-2-7-8 and Badka.
Sun , Moon transits also confirm the same. Saturn is transiting in the
significator Mercury and whose star lord has direct link with 8th SSL.
Progressed Ascendant and Moon position also confirm that the event is
Death of the Native due to Cardiac arrest.
. Christy (USA)
uses the Age Harmonic Technique
closest aspect is the zero degree conjunction between L12 Saturn and
L1 Jupiter (within one minute of arc!) in the 6th House
L1 Neptune square L4 Mercury at zero degrees
Sun Ruler of the 6th lord is conjunct the cusp of the 12th of the 6th House
and also conjunct the Ruler of the 12th AH House
the 6th lord Sun is conjunct 12th lord Uranus, indicating a sudden event
involving loss
Sun in hard aspect to Uranus is associated with trauma and heart attacks
Well done, everybody!!
A new Test will be posted to the website round and about April 1st