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Name: ______________________________ Flt: _______
Date: ___________
Bellwork - Aerospace Science 2 Chapter 1, Lesson 1: Principles of Flight
A. Multiple Choice
1. What does the difference in air pressure above and below the wing depend on?
a. wing shape
b. wing weight
c. wing material
d. wind conditions
c. type of aircraft
d. aircraft landings
2. What do aerodynamic characteristics affect?
a. speed
b. motion
3. According to Newton’s second law of motion, an object’s acceleration is proportional to the sum of all
forces exerted on it. How can you write this law?
a. force(f) = mass(m) + acceleration(a) or F=m+a
b. force(f) = acceleration(a) / mass(m) or F=a/m
c. force(f) = mass(m) x acceleration(a) or F=ma
d. force(f) = acceleration(a) – mass(m) or F=a–m
4. What do you need for an object to fly?
a. an engine
b. gasoline
c. wings
d. a force to lift it
5. What types of force can an airfoil exert?
a. either a descending force or a force that pushes
b. either an ascending force or a force that pulls
c. either a force that pushes or pulls depending on
d. either a lifting force, or a force that pushes or pulls
6. Which edge of an airfoil cuts through the air ahead?
a. chord
b. camber
c. leading
d. trailing
7. What did aircraft designers use to test models of new aircraft?
a. airfoils
b. wind tunnels
c. chords
d. cambers
8. How many wing shapes did the Wright brothers test in designing their successful 1902 glider?
a. 2
b. 20
c. 100
d. 200
c. France
d. United States
9. Where did flight by balloon first occur?
a. China
b. Japan
10. What do you consider to determine relative wind?
a. movement of air above the plane
b. movement of air below the plane
c. movement of air at a distance from the plane
d. movement of air close to the plane
11. What laws are fundamental to our understanding of flight today?
a. Quest’s laws of airlift
b. Newton’s laws of motion
c. Paine’s laws of force
d. Wright’s laws of flight
Name: ______________________________ Flt: _______
Date: ___________
12. What is sometimes called the law of inertia?
a. Newton’s first law of motion
b. Newton’s second law of motion
c. Newton’s third law of motion
d. Bernoulli’s principle
13. When does an airplane take off and fly?
when the air traffic controller gives the okay and the pilot turns on the engine
when the outside force moves the aircraft fast enough to provide enough lifting force
when the engine is at full throttle and provides enough power for flight to occur
when all system checks are completed and the aircraft’s wings are in proper position
14. Why does the higher speed of the relative wind allow a plane to take off on a shorter runway?
a. air pressure above the wing decreases
b. air pressure above the wing increases
c. lifting force decreases
d. relative wind blows in the same direction as the plane
15. Suppose you first attached a bottle rocket to a toy boat and lit the fuse. Which would accelerate more
rapidly: a small boat or a heavy boat?
a. small toy boat
b. heavy toy boat
c. both would accelerate at the same pace
d. neither would accelerate
16. What does Newton’s third law state?
a. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
b. For every reaction there is a natural occurring action.
c. For every force there is pressure.
d. For every action there is an
undetermined reaction.
17. If one body applies a force to a second body, then the second body applies an equal force in the opposite
direction to the first body. What does this describe?
a. Newton’s second law of motion
b. the theory behind jet propulsion
c. Bernoulli’s principle
d. the theory behind airfoils
18. What mechanism was used to aid a human being in successfully flying?
a. hot-air balloon
b. kite
c. glider
d. propeller-driven airplane
19. Daniel Bernoulli was a ___________.
a. mechanic
b. pilot
c. physicist
d. mathematician
20. According to Bernoulli’s principle, when air flows over the curved upper surface of a wing, it ___________.
a. slows down
b. lifts
c. speeds up
d. drags
c. air movement
d. wind tunnel
21. What is not an aspect of relative wind?
a. speed
b. direction
22. How can you vary the angle at which the relative wind hits your plane?
a. by manipulating the controls
b. by taking off slowly
c. by pointing the aircraft precisely in the same
direction it is moving
d. by slowing down
Name: ______________________________ Flt: _______
Date: ___________
23. What changes the angle of attack on a plane’s wings?
a. knot
b. pitch
c. relative wind
d. air pressure
24. What does changing the angle of attack result in?
a. altering relative wind
b. altering the amount of lift a wing produces
c. altering the speed at which the plane flies
d. altering maneuverability
25. Why is the critical angle of attack especially dangerous when an aircraft is close to the ground?
a. It is the point at which an aircraft stalls.
b. It is the point at which an aircraft may land.
c. It is the point at which an aircraft needs lift.
d. It is the point at which an aircraft needs speed.
B. Short Answer
1. How do Newton’s laws help you understand how planes move through the air?
2. What effect does changing the angle of attack have on a plane’s wings?
C. Matching
_____ Built the first hot-air balloon
_____ Used wind tunnels
_____ Formulated important laws of motion
_____ Formulated an important principle regarding air pressure
a. Chuck Yeager
b. Daniel Bernoulli
c. Wright brothers
d. Sir Isaac Newton
e. Montgolfier brothers
Name: ______________________________ Flt: _______
Date: ___________
D. Fill-in-the-Blank
1. It took centuries of experimenting, of trying and failing, before people understood how things fly. They
slowly had to develop a ____________ of flight.
2. Relative wind has both a ____________and a ___________.
3. By changing the ________ ________ ________of an airplane, you change the amount of lift a wing
4. The critical angle of attack is somewhere around ________ degrees in most aircraft.
E. True or False
1. While riding in a car, you would slam into the windshield if you weren’t wearing your seatbelt. This is
sometimes called the law of inertia.
a. True
b. False
2. In general, when an aircraft is in flight, the relative wind blows in nearly the exact opposite direction to the
plane’s direction.
a. True
b. False
3. Chinese Emperor Gao Yang forced prisoners to attach themselves to balloons and leap from a high tower.
a. True
b. False
F. List or Describe
1. List the elements of an airfoil.
2. Describe why an aircraft would simply stand still on the ground without some outside force moving it.