Download Period 6 World War I Causes Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism

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Period 6
World War I
Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism, Alliances
Immediate cause: Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
The War (1914-1918)
Trench warfare, new weaponry (machine gun, submarine, tank)
Soldiers from colonies fought (India, Australia)
Arabs unite against Ottomans (Lawrence of Arabia)
Russia withdrawals due to Russian Revolution/ US enters
Treaty of Versailles
Austria Hungary separated, Germany needed to pay reparations, League of Nations
Wilson calls for self-determination inspires decolonization movements
Women in west get the right to vote
Ottoman empire gone
Ataturk overthrows sultan and becomes first president
Mandate system in place in the Middle East
France in Syria and Lebanon
Britain in Palestine, Jordan and Iraq
Between the Wars
Boom in the 1920’s/ Worldwide depression in the 1930’s
Reorganized governments:
Fascism in Italy (Mussolini) and Germany (rise of Hitler)
Japan becomes an aggressor
Invades Manchuria in 1931
Invades China in 1937 (Rape of Nanking)
Appeasement and continued aggression in the lead up to WWII
World War II
Policy of appeasement towards German aggression
Japan the aggressor in Asia (Manchuria and China)
Hitler invades Poland (1939)
Axis and Allies
Hitler and Stalin had a non-aggression pact
Hitler breaks pact and invades the Soviet Union
Comparison with Napoleon
Effects of World War II
Staggering loss of life (over 50 million)
Soviet Union loses 20 million civilian and soldiers
Holocaust revealed
State of Israel created 1947
UN replaces League of Nation and headquarters moved to US
New tactics in war (fire bombings Tokyo/Dresden, atomic bombs)
Nuclear age begins
Colonies get independence (From 1945-1980, 90 countries get independence)
US and Soviet Union emerge as superpowers and the Cold War begins
Russian, Mexican, Chinese Revolutions all enact land redistribution
Russian Revolution
Bolsheviks led by Lenin’s call for Peace, Land, and Bread!
USSR eventually established
Different versions of communism
Marx used the industrial workers in his revolution
Lenin believed that professionals should lead the revolution
Mao in China used the peasants in his revolution
Lenin’s New Economic Policy (communism with a little capitalism like Deng in China)
Lenin dies and Stalin takes over
5 year plan (call to industrialize)
Collectivization (took over farm land)
Hitler and Stalin comparison
Both used camps, leaders of totalitarian states, Stalin used collectivization and Hitler
did not
Cold War (US versus USSR)
Capitalism versus Communism (Iron curtain speech by Churchill)
Berlin Wall (1961)
Marshall Plan (US) versus Comecon (USSR)
NATO versus Warsaw Pact
Truman doctrine versus Brezhnev doctrine
Space (Sputnik, race to the moon)
Korean War (1950-53)
UN fight with China
US containment versus Ho Chi Minh
1975 Vietnam becomes a united communist nation
Comparison between USSR in Afghanistan and US in Vietnam
Defeat of USSR/eventually Taliban win out
Egypt (Nasser) and India (Nehru) played both sides during the Cold War
Cold War in Latin America
Cuba Revolution (1959)
Fidel Castro
Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis
Che Guevara
Argentine Marxist who called for socialist revolutions throughout Latin America and the
Congo in Africa
Protested capitalism and neo-Colonialism
Guerilla warfare in Nicaragua and El Salvador
Socialist Salvador Allende overthrown in 1974 by Augusto Pinochet with help from US
Cold War in Africa
Socialist Lumumba assassinated and replaced by Mobutu
End of the Cold War
Communist Yugoslavia shrugged off USSR just like France did to the US
Communist governments fall in Poland (Solidarity), Czechoslovakia (Velvet Revolution), and
Berlin Wall comes down (1989)
Reagan versus Gorbachev
USSR policy of perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost (openness)
Democracy in USSR today (Putin, Medvedev)
Chinese Revolution of 1911 (end of Qing dynasty)
Led by Sun Yat-sen (promoted nationalism, more equality, land redistribution)
Successor to Sun Yat-sen was Chiang Kai-shek (nationalist)
Communism comes to China
Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek fight both Japan and communists in China
Long March of communists led by Mao Zedong
Mao emerges as leader and proclaims The People’s Republic of China in 1949
Mao Zedong
o Lenin and Marx used the industrial workers while Mao used the peasants
o Used the Soviet Union as a model- both Mao and Stalin used collectivization
o 1950’s Great Leap Forward (village based industrialization)
o Failed as many died (30 million)
o 1960’s Cultural Revolution (policy to erase all classes, erase western influence)
Deng Xiaoping
o Introduces some capitalism into Chinese economy
o Tiananmen Square
Women seem to have more rights in communist revolutions/countries
Indian National Congress 1885 and Muslim League 1906
Gandhi- nonviolent leader for Indian independence
Inspired Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
India independence 1947
Partition of India
Jinnah advocated for a Muslim state- Pakistan
South Africa free in 1910 but apartheid system in place
Nelson Mandela of South Africa good comparison with Kenyatta and
Nkrumah as political prisoners who emerge as political leaders
UN support independence of Libya and Tunisia
Algerians fought for independence from France in 1962
o Large migrations of Algerians to France
1957- Ghana first sub Saharan colony to gain independence
o Kwame Nkrumah
Angola gains independence from Portugal
Congo gains independence from Belgium
Zimbabwe the last to gain independence in 1980
Colonial boundaries a cause for violence
o Rwanda gains independence in 1962
o Genocide in Rwanda in 1994
Southeast Asia
Vietnam (1975 independence complete) and Indonesia (1965)
Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam an educated enlightened political leader that sought
independence like Kwame Nkrumah and Gandhi
Ho Chi Minh used guerilla warfare and the military to gain independence like
Simon Bolivar of Latin America
Middle East
Gained independence in 1922 but established a republic in the 1950’s
Nasser of Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal
Ottoman Empire broken up (Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Arabia)
o Balfour Declaration/ Zionist movement
o 1948- UN declares Israel as a nation
o Religious differences (comparison to India/Pakistan)
 Conflict/Violence
 1948 Arab-Israeli War
 1967- Six Day War
 PLO- Arafat
 Hamas and Hezbollah
Iranian Revolution
o Shah modernized and westernized Iran (land and education reform and
women’s rights had increased)
 Islamic fundamentalists were angered
o 1979- Shah was ousted by Ayatollah Khomeini (theocracy)
o Iran/Iraq War
o Comparison: Women gained rights in China after the revolution while women
lost rights in the Iranian revolution
Latin America
o Economies of Latin America dependent on exports to industrialized nations
(coffee, sugar, fruit, oil)
o Revolution of 1910 (Zapata and Poncho Villa)
 Created a constitution based on land reform
 One party politics (PRI) from 1917 until 2000 election
o Socialist president Hugo Chavez nationalizes industries
Brazil and Chile among fastest growing economies today
Development of technologies at an unprecedented pace
o Communication, transportation, military
 Power
o Oil (OPEC) and Nuclear Energy (Chernobyl)
 Science
o Freud, Einstein, Big Bang, Quantum mechanics
 Medicine
o Polio vaccine, antibiotics and transplants combine to give this period in history the
highest life expectancy
Population growth
o In this century, the population has doubled
o Green revolution provided more food with chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides
 Has led to environmental protests (Ex. Greenpeace)
o China and India develop child policies
Gap between the rich and poor continues to widen
Spanish influenza, HIV/AIDS and Poverty diseases (malaria, cholera)
Disney, Rock n Roll, McDonalds, Coca Cola, Nike, Starbucks
Shell, Exxon
International Organizations
o Humanitarian (Red Cross/Red Crescent, World Health Organization)
o Economic (World Bank, World Trade Organization)
o Political (United Nations, EU, NAFTA, OPEC)
o Cultural (FIFA, International Olympic Committee)
Cultural diffusion
o Reggae music, Bollywood
Human Rights Movements
o Civil Rights Movement in America, end of apartheid in South Africa
o Armenian, Holocaust, Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfur
o Black Hand, IRA, Al Qaeda