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Mesopotamia Jeopardy
Test Questions
Q $100
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Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Mesopotamian
Mesopotamia is located between
what two rivers?
$100 Answer from Mesopotamian
The Tigris and the Euphrates
$200 Question from Mesopotamian
When the Tigris and the Euphrates
would flood, a fine soil would be left
behind. What is this fine mixture of soil
and tiny rocks called?
$200 Answer from Mesopotamian
$300 Question from Mesopotamian
Mesopotamia is located in what
larger, arc shaped region of fertile
$300 Answer from Mesopotamian
The Fertile Crescent
$400 Question from Mesopotamian
In order to keep cities from flooding,
Mesopotamians learned to use ________,
or the ways of supplying water to land
through the use of canals, ditches, and
$400 Answer from Mesopotamian
$500 Question from Mesopotamian
Because of the surplus of food that
came as a result of the invention of
farming, people were able to have jobs
like crafters, government workers, and
religious leaders. This idea is called
____ __ ____.
$500 Answer from Mesopotamian
Division of Labor.
$100 Question from Ancient Sumer
What is the difference between rural areas
and urban areas?
$100 Answer from Ancient Sumer
Rural areas can be described as farmland
or countryside while urban areas are
city – like.
$200 Question from Ancient Sumer
The Sumerians practiced a belief
in more than one God. What is this
$200 Answer from Ancient Sumer
$300 Question from Ancient Sumer
The division of society by rank or
class is called ________.
$300 Answer from Ancient Sumer
Social Hierarchy
$400 Question from Ancient Sumer
An _________ is a land with
different territories and peoples
under a single ruler.
$400 Answer from Ancient Sumer
$500 Question from Ancient Sumer
A _________ consisted of a city
and all the countryside around
it. They also had their own military,
government, land, name, and laws.
$500 Answer from Ancient Sumer
City - State
$100 Question from Achievements
Mesopotamians created the first
writing system. This writing
system is called what?
$100 Answer from Achievements
$200 Question from Achievements
They wrote using clay tablets
for “paper” and ________ for
$200 Answer from Achievements
Styluses made from reeds from
the riverbanks.
$300 Question from Achievements
Their writing consisted of
picture symbols, or ________.
$300 Answer from Achievements
$400 Question from Achievements
Without the Mesopotamian invention
of the ______, we may not have cars,
bicycles, or even trains.
$400 Answer from Achievements
$500 Question from Achievements
What number was the Sumerian number
System based on?
$500 Answer from Achievements
The number 60.
$100 Question from Test Questions
The word Mesopotamia means…
$100 Answer from Test Questions
“Land between the rivers”
$200 Question from Test Questions
If Hammurabi wrote his code in
approximately 1800 BC, how many
years ago did he write it?
$200 Answer from Test Questions
Approximately 3800 years ago.
$300 Question from Test Questions
A writer from ancient
times is known as a what?
$300 Answer from Test Questions
A scribe.
$400 Question from Test Questions
The Sumerians built large,
pyramid shaped temples in order
to worship their gods. These temples
were called…
$400 Answer from Test Questions
$500 Question from Test Questions
Why did Mesopotamians build walls
around their city-states?
$500 Answer from Test Questions
For protection.
$100 Question from Potpourri
This emperor created the first code of
laws in history.
$100 Answer from Potpourri
Hammurabi created the first code
of laws in history.
$200 Question from Potpourri
These men performed religious
$200 Answer from Potpourri
$300 Question from Potpourri
Finish this law :
“If a man put out the eye of another
man, his __________________.”
$300 Answer from Potpourri
“eye shall be put out.”
$400 Question from Potpourri
Which crime brought a greater
penalty? Injuring a poor man or
injuring a wealthy man?
$400 Answer from Potpourri
Injuring a wealthy man brought
a greater penalty.
$500 Question from Potpourri
These were probably Sumer’s most
famous works of art. They were
stone cylinders engraved with design that
could be rolled across to leave behind an
imprint. They were mostly used to show
ownership of items.
$500 Answer from Potpourri
Cylinder seals.
Final Jeopardy
Give me three things the invention of
farming caused.
Final Jeopardy Answer
Answers will vary.