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Chapter 5 Worksheet 3 Name: ________________________________
Circle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer 1) A cloud that forms liquid droplets has a relative humidity of 100 percent with respect to the liquid droplets. If temperature is <0°C and ice crystals form in this cloud, the relative humidity will be ________ with respect to the ice crystals. a. 100 percent b. less that 100 percent c. more than 100 percent d. 0 percent 2) The important difference between liquid droplets and ice crystals in a supercooled cloud is that ice crystals: a. are more pure. b. are colder. c. grow much more rapidly. d. are smaller. e. increase the water vapor content of the cloud. 3) The Bergeron process causes cloud droplets to grow because: a. water freezes instantly when its temperature reaches 0°C. b. freezing nuclei are much more common in the atmosphere than other condensation nuclei. c. larger drops fall and collect smaller droplets in the cloud. d. the saturation vapor pressure is lower near ice crystals than it is near supercooled droplets. 4) The growth of a cloud droplet into a rain drop large enough to fall to Earth in a warm cloud is accomplished primarily through: a. hygroscopic action. b. condensation of water vapor. c. supercooling of water. d. evaporation of water in the cloud. e. collision and coalescence. 5) Most of the precipitation that falls in the middle latitudes is formed by: a. the Bergeron process. b. collision‐coalescence. c. spontaneous freezing of water droplets in the absence of condensation nuclei. d. condensation of water vapor. 6) The formation of raindrops by collision and coalescence of smaller cloud droplets is strongly influenced by: a. solar radiation. b. dew point temperature of the cloud. c. electrical charges on the droplets. d. presence of dust. e. number of droplets in the cloud. 7) Graupel is: a. hail stones that have been shattered into pieces. b. "soft hail" produced by rime. c. rain that evaporates before it hits the ground. d. a special instrument used to measure snow water equivalent. 8) Rain that evaporates before it hits the ground, forming characteristic streaks below clouds, is known as: a. virga. b. graupel. c. uncinus. d. fractus. 9) Under what conditions does light and fluffy snow form? a. warm air and low humidity b. warm air and high humidity c. cold air and low humidity d. cold air and no humidity 10) How does drizzle differ from rain? a. It is warmer. b. It has a smaller diameter. c. It is evaporating before it hits the ground. d. It forms at higher altitudes. 11) Freezing rain (ice storm) or sleet occurs when: a. upper air is warm and surface air is cold. b. both surface and upper air are cold. c. both surface and upper air are warm. d. upper air is cold and surface air is warm. 12) Hail is most commonly associated with: a. cumulonimbus clouds. b. cirrus clouds. c. nimbostratus clouds. d. altostratus clouds. e. cirrocumulus clouds. 13) The necessary conditions for hail formation include strong upward vertical motion and: a. raindrops larger than 5 mm. b. warm temperatures at high levels in the cloud. c. large numbers of supercooled droplets. d. large numbers of particulates. 14) The growth of a hailstone usually involves everything EXCEPT: a. spontaneous freezing of large water droplets. b. being carried several times into the frozen region of the cloud by updrafts. c. ice pellets encountering supercooled water droplets. d. the development of alternating layers of clear and cloudy ice. 15) The weather forecast is calling for blizzard conditions. What kind of conditions can you expect at a minimum? a. visibility of 1/2 mile or better b. heavy snowfall of at least 3 inches per hour, but with calm winds c. winds of at least 50 mph for a minimum of 3 hours d. winds of at least 35 mph for a minimum of 3 hours 16) Under which of the following conditions would a heavy snowfall warning be issued? a. snowfall of ten inches in 24 hours b. snowfall of four inches in one hour c. snowfall of four inches in 12 hours d. all of the above 17) When supercooled droplets freeze directly to very cold surfaces and create fine, needle‐like ice crystals, the result is: a. rime. b. graupel. c. virga. d. uncinus. 18) Snowfall depths can be difficult to measure because: a. snow usually melts too quickly once it reaches the surface. b. there is no automated instrument capable of measuring snowfall. c. wind causes snow to vary in depth across the surface. d. it is difficult to locate instruments far enough away from buildings. 19) The process of releasing silver iodide into the atmosphere to stimulate rainfall is called: a. artificial droplet supplementation. b. precipitation harvesting. c. rain enhancement. d. cloud seeding. 20) The process of cloud seeding is based on the theory that: a. silver iodide crystals act as freezing nuclei and enhance the Bergeron process. b. silver iodide crystals make droplets heavier than usual so that they fall to the ground. c. warm clouds will produce more rain if droplets are encouraged to freeze inside the cloud. d. it is impossible to add too many freezing nuclei; the more you add, the more rain will fall. 21) The primary motivation for hail suppression experiments is: a. to generate more rain and less hail in order to supplement the water supply. b. to protect endangered species living in hail‐prone areas. c. to reduce loss of human life in severe hail storms. d. to prevent or lessen damage to crops and property. Circle “T” if the statement is true or “F” if the statement is false T F 22) Sleet is produced only when all the air above the ground is below freezing. T F 23) Freezing rain and sleet are both the same form of precipitation.
T F 24) Freezing rain falls as a liquid and freezes once its on the ground.
T F 25) Sleet is essentially rain that freezes before reaching the surface.
T F 26) Large hailstones hit the ground with speeds exceeding 100 mph.
T F 27) The largest hailstone ever recorded in the United States weighed over 5 pounds. T F 28) When a 'trace of precipitation' has been reported, it means that less than 0.25 inches of rain has fallen. T F 29) Accurate measurement of precipitation is limited by the effects of the wind. T F 30) A tipping‐bucket gauge makes use of a spring balance.
T F 31) A standard rain gauge magnifies rainfall ten times.
T F 32) It is difficult to distinguish between cloud droplets and raindrops on a radar image, because the radar wavelengths are reflected by both of them. T F 33) Cloud seeding can sometimes be used to disperse fog.
T F 34) Successful dispersal of fog by seeding is limited to supercooled fog.
T F 35) Under some conditions, flying a helicopter just above a fog deck can help to disperse the fog.
T F 36) Studies have shown no statistical significance in attempts to suppress hail via cloud seeding.
T F 37) Frost tends to form when the surface dew point temperature is below freezing. T F 38) Frost prevention by air mixing requires that a temperature inversion be present in the air layer near the ground. Answer the following questions 39) What measurement does radar provide concerning clouds and precipitation? 40) Frost is an example of ________. 41) Explain how a raindrop forms through the Bergeron process.