Download Havisha Garimella 10/18/11 1st period Research Question How can

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Havisha Garimella
1st period
Research Question
How can gold nanoparticles enhance and effect the target delivery of drugs to tumors when
bonded to tumor necrosis factor alpha?
If the gold nanoparticle is attached to the tumor-killing agent, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF),
then high doses of it can be used for delivery because the nanoparticle acts like a shield,
preventing the leakage of TNF into the bloodstream.
Background and history of the Issue
Brian tumors are one of the number one killing diseases for kids. The problem we have with our
tumor therapy is that the drug administered, TNF, is dangerously toxic, limiting the drug delivery
for tumor cells. Recent breakthroughs in the nanotechnology field have introduced gold
nanoparticles. The gold nanoparticle, opening up a path for nanomedicine, is being studied right
now to see if it can be used for various cancer detection and delivery methods. Studies range
from using gold nanoparticles to detect pancreatic cancer, to using gold nanoparticles to cure
breast cancer using a novel solution. Recent experiments have found that a gold nanoparticle,
when attached to the tumor necrosis factor alpha, can deliver medicine to the tumor, without
hurting the surrounding tissue. Also, the gold nanoparticle acts like a shield, preventing the drug
from being released into the bloodstream. The main concern is that TNF is highly toxic, and if
released into the bloodstream, it can injure one’s health. The effectiveness of these particles for
tumor drug-delivery is still being studied.
Brain tumors are the leading cause of death from cancer in children. Studying how gold
nanoparticles can be used to deliver drugs to tumors is very important because is it key to
prevent the damage of normal tissue and prevent drug resistance. With the tumor therapy system
we have now, we are unable to accurately deliver the drug, making success often rare.
Furthermore, the lack of precision causes the drug to be sometimes delivered in the wrong areas,
causing healthy tissue to become harmed. Children diagnosed with malignant brain tumors have
only a 60 percent survival rate. Of those who do survive, they are diagnosed with disabilities and
serious, long-term health problems due to the intensive brain surgeries and treatment. It is
important to minimize the potential for failure and risk by first fixing the drug-delivery technique
we have now.
Basis of Hypothesis
I primarily focused my hypothesis on the delivery aspect of the gold nanoparticles because many
discoveries have already been made establishing the fact that gold can be used to detect cancer.
Unlike other cancers, like breast cancer, where it is an obstacle to detect the cancer, brain cancer
can be detected easily. I found out the more complex area was the drug-delivery facet of brain
cancer, which compelled me to dig into this subject area. Moreover, brain cancer is a lifethreatening disease for children, which made me even more eager to research a way to treat the
cancer. Additionally, the literature I have found supported binding gold nanoparticles with TNF.
However, I have found more literature supporting the idea of using gold nanoparticles for cancer
in general. It is a bit more difficult to find literature for specifically using these particles with
TNF as is it more exclusive.
Operational Definitions
Enhance: This, as stated in my research question, means minimizing the amount of
damaged tissue, and increasing precision of the drug to the tumor.
Affect: This, as stated in my research question, will be measured in the reduction of
healthy tissue that is harmed, and the increase of accuracy when carrying the drug to the
Gold nanoparticles: sub-micrometre-sized particles of gold in a fluid
Drug-delivery: the method in which the medicine is brought to the tumor
Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha: the tumor-killing agent; the drug
Descriptors Used for Literature Search
Gold nanoparticles and tumor
drug delivery of tumors with gold nanoparticles
Brain cancer drug-delivery
Gold nanoparticles