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Columbia University School of Social Work
1255 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, New York 10027
(212) 851-2391
Director, Social Intervention Group (SIG), Columbia University School of Social Work
Professor, Columbia University School of Social Work
Director, Columbia University Global Health Research Center of Central Asia (GHRCCA)
Director, HIV Intervention Science Training Program (HISTP) for Racial Ethnic Minority HIV
Investigators (NIMH funded grant)
Co-Director, Columbia University Jordan Social Work Education for Excellence Program
2010 – present Visiting Faculty at University of Malaya UM Medical Centre.
2011 – present Chair: Professor, The Willma and Albert Musher Professor of Social Work
2015-present: Fellow. New York Academy of Medicine
Research Associate, Center for Social Policy and Practice in the Work Place, Columbia University
School of Social Work
Research Associate, Social Intervention Group, Columbia University School of Social Work
Research Scholar, Social Intervention Group, Columbia University School of Social Work
Co-Director, Social Intervention Group, Columbia University School of Social Work
Lecturer, Columbia University School of Social Work
Assistant Professor, Columbia University School of Social Work
Associate Professor, Columbia University School of Social Work
Director, Training Program on Intervention and Prevention Research on HIV and Drug Abuse,
Columbia University School of Social Work (Funded by NIDA)
Visiting Faculty, Harvard University School of Medicine
B.S.W., Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
M.S.W., Hebrew University School of Social Work, Jerusalem, Israel
Ph.D. DSW Columbia University School of Social Work, New York
1991 - 1996
Investigator, Reducing AIDS and Relapse among Female Offenders, National Institute on Drug
Abuse ($1,615,858)
1991 - 1997
Investigator, Preventing HIV Transmission in Urban Populations, National Institute of Mental
Health ($2,239,661)
1994 - 1995
Investigator, Motivating Detoxified Alcohol Users to Enter Aftercare Treatment, National Institute
on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism ($340,970)
1994 - 1999
Investigator, Skills and Self-Help to Reduce HIV Infection and Drug Use in Women, National
Institute on Drug Abuse ($2,413,348)
1995 - 1996
Principal Investigator, Female Condoms and Knowledge of Reproductive Anatomy, National
Institute of Mental Health ($42,500)
1995 - 2000
Co-Principal Investigator, Enhanced Referral and Social Support in Detoxified Women, National
Institute on Drug Abuse ($2,758,694)
1997 - 2000
Principal Investigator, Partner Abuse: Minority Women on Methadone, National Institute on Drug
Abuse ($1,337,755)
1997 - 2001
Principal Investigator, HIV Prevention with Minority Women and Male Sex Partners, National
Institute of Mental Health ($2,191,244)
Principal Investigator, Partner Abuse Among South Asian Immigrant Women, Soros Foundation
1999 - 2003
Principal Investigator, Partner Abuse: Men on Methadone, National Institute on Drug Abuse
1999 - 2003
Co-Investigator, Serodiscordant Couples: Medical Care Adherence and Risk Behaviors, National
Institute of Mental Health ($513,651)
Principal Investigator, Partner Abuse and HIV among Women Receiving Emergency Care,
National Institute of Mental Health ($2,001,137)
2001 - 2002
Principal Investigator, The Advancement of Research and Treatment on the Co-Occurring
Problems of Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence, The Moore Foundation ($15,000)
Principal Investigator, Preventing HIV and Other STDs Among Drug-involved Women, National
Institute on Drug Abuse ($2,012,500)
2002 - 2003
Principal Investigator, Partner Violence and Drug Abuse Among Women on Methadone, The
Moore Foundation ($15,000)
2002 - 2005
Co-Investigator, Patterns of Service Utilization among Men on Methadone, National Institute on
Drug Abuse
2002 - 2006
Investigator, Gender Scripts and Sexuality among Men and Women in South Africa, National
Institute of Mental Health ($2,000,000)
2002 - 2010
Principal Investigator, Eban: HIV/STD Risk Reduction for African American Couples, National
Institute of Mental Health ($8,329,357)
2003 - 2004
Principal Investigator, HIV Intervention Research Among Drug Involved Couples in Kazakhstan,
National Institute of Mental Health ($74,779)
2003 - 2005
Co-Investigator, Fathering Dynamics, IPV, and Drug Use among Methadone-Using Fathers,
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Co-Investigator, The HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies (PI: Dr. Anke Erhardt,
Columbia University)
2004 - 2005
Principal Investigator, Project Renaissance Pilot Trial, National Institute of Mental Health
2004 - 2010
Principal Investigator: HIV/STI Prevention for Drug-Involved Couples, National Institute on Drug
Abuse ($4,444,146)
2005 - 2006
Principal Investigator, Marketplace Pilot Project with Migrant Market Workers,
2005 - 2009
Co-Investigator, HIV among Homeless Women (PI: Dr. Carol Caton, CU Mailman School of Public
Health), National Institute on Drug Abuse ($2,000,000)
2005 - 2010
Co-Investigator, The Center on Homelessness and Services Research (P30) (PI: Dr. Carol Caton,
CU Mailman School of Public Health), National Institute of Mental Health
2006 - 2007
Principal Investigator, Project Renaissance, Moore Foundation ($12,000)
2006 - 2007
Co-Investigator, Translating Proven Interventions for Underserved and Emergent High-Risk
Populations, Center for Disease Control
2006 - 2009
Co-Investigator, Novel HIV Prevention for African American Methamphetamine-Involved Male
Couples (PI: Dr. Elwin Wu), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ($450,000)
2006 - 2011
Co-Investigator, Service Use, ATI Program Outcomes and Pro-Social Change (PI: Dr. Elwin Wu),
National Institute on Drug Abuse ($1,449,000)
2007 - 2009
Principal Investigator, Columbia University Global Health Research Center of Central Asia, Moore
Foundation ($50,000)
2007 - 2009
Principal Investigator, Columbia University Global Health Research Center of Central Asia,
ISERP, Columbia University ($75,000)
2007 - 2010
Co-Investigator, HIV/STI Prevention among Alcohol-Abusing Women in Mongolia (PI: Dr. Susan
Witte), National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism ($442,750)
2007 - 2012
Principal Investigator, HIV Intervention Science Training Program for Underserved Investigators,
National Institutes on Mental Health ($810,000)
2007 - 2012
Co-Investigator, Using Multimedia Technologies to Disseminate an HIV Prevention Intervention
(PI: Dr. Susan Witte), National Institute on Mental Health ($385,727)
2008 - 2009
Co-Investigator, Shield Central Asia (PI: Dr. Anne Malin), National Institute on Drug Abuse
2008 - 2013
Principal Investigator, Couples-Based HIV/STI Prevention for Injecting Drug Users in Kazakhstan,
National Institute on Drug Abuse ($3,669,936)
2008 - 2013
Principal Investigator, Multimedia HIV/STI Prevention for Drug-Involved Female Offenders,
National Institute on Drug Abuse ($3,300,000)
2009 - 2010
Principal Investigator, HIV and Drug Abuse among Fishermen in Malaysia, University of Malaysia
2009 - 2013
Principal Investigator, HIV/STI Risks Among Migrant Workers in Kazakhstan, National Institute of
Mental Health ($2,395,405)
2010 - 2015
Co-Investigator, Implementation of Prevention, Care and Treatment Programs for Individuals with
HIV/AIDS in the Central Asian Republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and
Uzbekistan under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), Center for Disease
Control and Prevention ($353,275)
2010 - 2015
Co-Investigator, Strengthening the Capacity of the Republican AIDS Center to Implement HIV
Programs in the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
(PEPFAR), Center for Disease Control and Prevention ($567,525)
2011 - 2013
Co-Investigator, Evaluating a microfinance intervention for High Risk Women in Mongolia,
National Institute of Mental Health ($724,500, over two years)
2011 - 2013
Co-Investigator, A Computerized Service Tool to Address Partner Violence among Female
Offenders, National Institute on Drug Abuse ($994,759, over two years)
2011 - 2016
Co-Investigator; Couple-based HIV/STI Prevention for Drug-involved African American Men who
have Sex with Men ($363,489)
2007 - 2012
Principal Investigator; HIV Intervention Science Training Program for Underrepresented New
Investigators National Institute of Mental Health ($218,473)
2012 - 2017
Principal Investigator, HIV Dissemination Science Training Program for Underrepresented
Investigators, National Institute of Mental Health ($1,347,210)
2012 - 2017
Principal Investigator, Couple HIV Prevention for Drug-Involved Male Offenders: An Effectiveness
Trial, National Institute on Drug Abuse ($ 3,996,800)
2014 - 2019
Principal Investigator, Evaluating a Microfinance Intervention for High Risk Women in Kazakhstan
National Institute of Mental Health ($3,757,539)
2014 - 2019
Principal Investigator, Training Program on HIV and Substance Use in the Criminal Justice
System National Institute on Drug Abuse ($2,298,220)
2014 - 2019
Principal Investigator, A Multimedia HIV/STI Intervention for Black Drug-Involved Women on
Probation National Institute on Drug Abuse ($4,842,442.75)
2014 - 2019
Co-Investigator, Peer-Led Healthy Lifestyle Program in Supportive Housing, National Institute of
Mental Health ($3,354,903)
2015 - 2021
Principal Investigator. Improving HIV service deliver for people who inject drugs in Kazakhstan:
NIDA ($5, 367, 725)
1. El-Bassel, N., Kresojevich, R., & Schwazbach, L. (1985). The Montague Day Treatment Program: Students
and families. (Monograph), New York: Columbia University School of Social Work.
2. El-Bassel, N., & Schilling, R.F. (1991). Drug use and sexual behavior of indigent African-American men.
Public Health Reports, 106(5), 586-590. PMID 1910196
3. Schilling, R.F., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., & Schinke, S.P. (1991). Correlates of drug use, sexual behavior,
and attitudes toward safer sex among African-American and Hispanic women in methadone maintenance.
Journal of Drug Issues, 21, 685-698.
4. Schilling, R.F., El-Bassel, N., Leeper, M. A., & Freeman, L. (1991). Acceptance of the female condom by
Latin- and African-American women. American Journal of Public Health, 81(10), 1345-1346. PMID
5. Schilling, R.F., El-Bassel, N., Schinke, S.P., Gordon, K., & Nichols, S. (1991). Building skills of recovering
women drug users to reduce heterosexual AIDS transmission. Public Health Reports, 106(3), 297-304. PMID
6. Schilling, R.F., El-Bassel, N., Schinke, S.P., Nichols, S., Botvin, G.J., & Orlandi, M.A. (1991). Sexual
behavior, attitudes towards safer sex, and gender among a cohort of 244 recovering I.V. drug users.
International Journal of the Addictions, 26(8), 859-877. PMID 1960004
7. El-Bassel, N., & Schilling, R.F. (1992). 15-month follow-up of women methadone patients taught skills to
reduce heterosexual HIV transmission. Public Health Reports, 107(5), 500-504. PMID: 1410230
8. Icard, L., Schilling, R.F., El-Bassel, N., & Young, D. (1992). Preventing AIDS among black gay men and
black gay and heterosexual male intravenous drug users. Social Work, 37(5), 440-445. PMID 1411710
9. Schilling, R.F., El-Bassel, N., & Gilbert, L. (1992). Drug use and AIDS risks in a soup kitchen population.
Social Work, 37(4), 353-358. PMID 1641692
10. Schilling, R. F., El-Bassel, N., Serrano, Y., & Wallace, B. (1992). AIDS prevention strategies for ethnicracial minority substance users. Journal of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 6(2) 81-90.
11. El-Bassel, N., Schilling, R.F., & Turnbull, J., & Su, K.H. (1993). Correlates of alcohol use among methadone
patients. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 17(3),681-686. PMID 8333601
12. Schilling, R.F., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., & Glassman, M. (1993). Predictors of changes in sexual behavior
among women on methadone. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 19(4), 409-422. PMID 8273763
13. El-Bassel, N., & Schilling, R.F. (1994). Social support and sexual risk taking among women on methadone.
AIDS Education and Prevention, 6(6), 506-513. PMID: 7702961
14. Schilling, R.F., & El-Bassel, N. (1994). (Reply to letter by C. Brewer commenting on Correlates of Alcohol
Use among Methadone Patients.) Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 18, 767-768.
15. Schilling, R.F., El-Bassel, N., Ivanoff, A., Gilbert, L., Su, K.H., & Safyer, S. (1994). Sexual risk behavior of
incarcerated drug-using women. Public Health Reports, 109(4), 539-547. PMID 8041854
16. El-Bassel, N., Ivanoff, A., Schilling, R.F., Gilbert, L., Borne, D., & Chen, D. R. (1995). Preventing
HIV/AIDS in drug-abusing incarcerated women through skills building and social support enhancement:
Preliminary outcomes. Social Work Research, 19, 131-141. PMID: 10172402
17. El-Bassel, N., Ivanoff, A., Schilling, R.F., Gilbert, L., & Safyer, S. (1995). Correlates of problem drinking
among drug-using incarcerated women. Addictive Behaviors, 20(3), 359-369. PMID 7653317
18. Icard, L., Schilling, R.F., & El-Bassel, N. (1995). Reducing HIV infection among African Americans by
targeting the African American family. Social Work Research, 19, 153-163. PMID 10144838
19. Schilling, R.F., El-Bassel, N., Hadden, B., & Gilbert, L. (1995). Skills-training groups to reduce HIV
transmission and drug use among methadone patients. Social Work, 40, 91-101. PMID 7863377
20. El-Bassel, N. (1996). Correlates of return to work after an onset of short-term disability among female union
members. Employee Assistance Quarterly, 12(1), 47-72.
21. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Schilling, R.F., Ivanoff, A., Borne, D., & Safyer, S.F. (1996). Correlates of crack
abuse among incarcerated women: Psychological trauma, social support and coping behavior. American
Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 22, 41-56. PMID 8651144
22. El-Bassel, N., & Schilling, R.F. (1997). Assessing the utility of the Drug Abuse Screening Test in the
workplace. Research on Social Work Practice, 7, 99-114.
23. El-Bassel, N., Schilling, R.F., Irwin, K., Faruque, S., Gilbert, L., Chu, K.T., Serrano, Y., & Edlin, B.R.
(1997). Sex trading and psychological distress among women recruited from the streets of Harlem. American
Journal of Public Health, 87, 66-70. PMID 9065229
24. El-Bassel, N., Ivanoff, A., Schilling, R.F., Borne, D., & Gilbert, L. (1997). Skills-building and social support
enhancement to reduce HIV risk among women in jail. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 24(2), 205-223.
25. Gilbert, L, El-Bassel, N., & Schilling, R.F. (1997). Childhood abuse as a risk for partner abuse among women
in methadone maintenance. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 23, 581-595. PMID 9366975
26. Hanson, M., Steward, V., Lundwall, L., Higgins, M., & El-Bassel, N. (1997). Correlates of aftercare
attendance by socially disadvantaged alcoholics. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 15(2), 15-29.
27. Schilling, R.F., Ivanoff, A., El-Bassel, N. & Soffa, F. (1997). Research on HIV-related behavior in
transitional correctional settings. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 24(2), 256-277.
28. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (El-Bassel, Co-PI) (1997). Methodological overview of the NIMH
Multisite HIV Prevention Trial for populations at risk for HIV. AIDS, 11, s1-s11.
29. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (El-Bassel, Co-PI) (1997). Screening, recruitment and predicting
retention of participants in a multisite HIV prevention trial. AIDS, 11, s13-s19.
30. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (El-Bassel, Co-PI) (1997). Demographic and behavioral
predictors of sexual risk in a Multisite HIV prevention trial. AIDS, 11, s21- s27.
31. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (El-Bassel, Co-PI) (1997). Conceptual basis and procedures for
intervention in a multisite HIV prevention trial. AIDS, 11, s29-s35.
32. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (El-Bassel, Co-PI) (1997). Endpoints and other measures in a
multisite HIV prevention trial: Rational and psychometric properties. AIDS, 11, s37-s47.
33. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (El-Bassel, Co-PI) (1997). Quality control and quality assurance
in HIV prevention research: Model from a multisite HIV prevention trial. AIDS, 11, s49- s53.
34. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (El-Bassel, Co-PI) (1997). Definition of adverse reactions in
clinical trials of a behavioral intervention. AIDS, 11, s55-s57. PMID: 9475712
35. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (El-Bassel, Co-PI) (1997). Collecting sexually transmitted disease
clinic chart data in multisite studies. AIDS, 11, s59-s63. PMID: 9475713
36. El-Bassel, N., Cooper, D., & Chen, D.R. (1998). Social support and social networks among women on
methadone. Social Service Review, 72, 379-401. PMID 9924528
37. El-Bassel, N, Guterman, N., Bargal, D., & Su, K.H. (1998). Main and buffering effects of emotional support
on job- and health related strains: A national survey of Israeli social workers. Employee Assistance Quarterly,
13(3), 1-18.
38. El-Bassel, N., Krishnan, S., Schilling, R. F., Witte, S., & Gilbert, L. (1998). Acceptability of the female
condom among STD clinic patients. AIDS Education and Prevention, 10(5), 465-480. PMID 9799941
39. El-Bassel, N., Krishnan, S., Witte, S., Schilling, R.F., Catan, V., & Poulin, S. (1998). Correlates of intention
to use the female condom among women taking methadone. Women’s Health Issues, 8(2), 112-122. PMID:
40. El-Bassel, N., Schilling, R.F., Ivanoff, A., Chen, D.R., Bidassie, B., & Hanson, M. (1998). Stages of change
among incarcerated drug using women. Addictive Behavior, 23(3), 384-394. PMID 9668936
41. El-Bassel, N., Schilling, R.F., Ivanoff, A., Chen, D.R., & Hanson, M. (1998). Assessing the World Health
Organization's alcohol use disorder identification test among incarcerated women. Journal of Offender
Rehabilitation, 26(3/4), 71-89.
42. El-Bassel, N. & Witte, S. (1998). Defining effective HIV prevention strategies for sex workers. AIDS Patient
Care and STDs, 12(8), 599-603.
43. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (El-Bassel, Co-PI). (1998). The NIMH Multisite HIV
Prevention Trial: Reducing sexual risk behavior. Science, 280, 1889-1894. PMID: 9632382
44. El-Bassel, N., Cooper, D., Chen, D.R., Schilling, R.F., & Su, K.H. (1998). Personal social networks and HIV
status among women on methadone. AIDS Care, 10(6), 735-749. PMID: 9924528
45. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Krishnan, S., Gaeta, T., Schilling, R.F., & Witte, S. (1999). Partner abuse and
sexual risk behavior among women receiving care from emergency departments. Violence and Victims, 13(4),
1-17. PMID: 10328445
46. Schilling, R. F., Bidassie, B., & El-Bassel, N. (1999). Detecting cocaine and opiates in urine: Comparing
three commercial assays. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 31(3) 305-313. PMID 10533978
47. Witte, S., El-Bassel, N., Krishnan, S., Schilling, R. F., & Bidassie, B. (1999). Correlates of condom coupon
redemption among urban sexually transmitted disease clinic patients. Women’s Health Issues, 9(1), 56-64.
PMID 9949697
48. Witte, S., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wada, T., & Schilling, R.F. (1999). Acceptability of the female condom
among sex workers in New York City. International Journal of STD’s and AIDS, 10, 162-168. PMID
49. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wada, T., & Schilling, R.F. (2000). Drug abuse and partner violence among
women in methadone treatment. Journal of Family Violence, 15(3), 209-225.
50. El-Bassel, N., Schilling, R.F., Gilbert, L., Irwin, K., Faruque, S., & Edlin, B. R. (2000). Sex trading and
psychological distress in a street-based sample of low-income urban men. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs,
32(3), 259-267. PMID 11061676
51. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Rajah, V., Foleno, A., & Frye, V. (2000). Fear and violence: Raising the HIV
stakes. AIDS Education & Prevention, 12(2), 154-170. PMID: 10833040
52. Gilbert, L., El-Bassel, N., Schilling, R.F., & Wada, T. (2000). Partner violence and sexual HIV risk behavior
among women in methadone treatment. AIDS and Behavior, 4(3), 261-269.
53. Gilbert, L., El-Bassel, N., Rajah, V., Fontdevila, J., Foleno, A., & Frye, V. (2000). The converging epidemics
of drug use, HIV, HCV, and Partner Violence: A Conundrum for Methadone Maintenance Treatment. The
Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, 67(5-6), 452-468. PMID 11064497
54. Schilling, R.F., Fernando, D., Fontdevila, J., & El-Bassel, N. (2000). HIV risk reduction among injection
drug users: Explaining the lack of anticipated outcomes in a community-level controlled comparison study.
Evaluation and Program Planning, 23, 201-313.
55. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Rajah, V., & Frey, V. (2001). Social support among women in methadone
treatment who experience partner violence: Isolation and male controlling behavior. Violence Against
Women, 7(3), 246-274.
56. El-Bassel, N., Witte, S. Wada, T., Gilbert, L., & Wallace, J. (2001). Correlates of partner violence among
female street-based sex workers: Substance abuse, history of childhood abuse and HIV risks. AIDS Patient
Care and STDs, 15(1), 41-51. PMID: 11177587
57. Gilbert, L., El-Bassel, N., Rajah, V., Foleno, A., & Frye, V. (2001). Linking drug-related activities with
experiences of partner violence: A focus group study of women in methadone treatment. Violence and
Victims, 16(5), 517-536. PMID 11688927
58. El-Bassel, N., Fontdevila, J., Gilbert, L., Voisin, D., Richman, B., & Pitchell, P. (2001). HIV risks of men in
methadone maintenance treatment programs who abuse their intimate partners: A forgotten issue. Journal of
Substance Abuse, 13, 1-15. PMID 11547622
59. El-Bassel, N., Simoni, J.M., Cooper, D.K., Gilbert, L., & Schilling, R.F. (2001). Sex trading and
psychological distress among women on methadone. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 15(3), 177-184.
PMID: 11061676
60. El-Bassel, N. & Witte, S. (2001). Drug use and physical and sexual abuse of street sex workers in New York
City. Research for Sex Work, 4, 31-32.
61. Frye, V., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Rajah, V., & Christie, N. (2001). Intimate partner sexual abuse among
women on methadone. Violence and Victims, 16(5), 553-564. PMID 11688929
62. Sormanti, M., Pereira, L., El-Bassel, N., Witte, S., & Gilbert, L. (2001). The role of community consultants in
designing an HIV prevention intervention. AIDS Education and Prevention, 13(4), 311-328. PMID 11565591
63. El-Bassel, N., Witte, S., Gilbert, L., Sormanti, M., Moreno, C., Pereira, L., & Elam, E. (2001). HIV
prevention for intimate couples: A relationship-based model. Families, Systems and Health, 19(4), 379-395.
64. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (El-Bassel, Co P.I., New York site). (2001). Socialcognitive theory mediators of behavior change in the NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial. Health
Psychology, 20(5), 369-379.
65. Schiff, M., El-Bassel, N., Engstrom, M., & Gilbert, L. (2002). Psychological distress and intimate physical
and sexual abuse among women in methadone maintenance treatment programs. Social Service Review,
76(2), 302-320. PMID 16399927
66. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (El-Bassel, Co-P.I., New York site). (2002). Childhood
sexual abuse and risk behaviors among men at high risk for HIV infection. American Journal of Public
Health, 92(2), 214-219.
67. Schilling, R.F., El-Bassel, N., Blansfield-Finch, J., Roman, R., Hanson, M., & LeMaster, G. (2002).
Motivational Interviewing to encourage self-help participation following alcohol detoxification. Social Work
Practice, 12(6), 711-730.
68. Moreno, C. L., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert L., & Wada T. (2002). Correlates of poverty and partner abuse among
women on methadone. Violence Against Women, 8, 455-475.
69. El-Bassel N. (2003). Small group skills training increases condom use. (Commentary). Evidence Based
Health Care, 6(3), 99-100.
70. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., & Rajah, V. (2003). The relationship between drug abuse and sexual performance
among women on methadone: Heightening the risk of sexual intimate violence and HIV. Addictive
Behaviors, 28(8), 1385-1403. PMID: 14512062
71. El-Bassel N., Gilbert L., Witte S., Wu E., Gaeta T., Schilling R., & Wada T. (2003). Intimate partner violence
and substance abuse among minority women receiving care from an inner-city emergency department.
Women’s Health Issues, 13(1), 16-22. PMID: 12598055
72. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., & Wu, E. (2003). The intersecting public health problems of HIV and intimate
partner violence among women on methadone: Implications for HIV prevention intervention. In Strategies to
improve the replicability, sustainability, and durability of HIV prevention interventions for drug users.
Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse.
73. El-Bassel, N., Witte, S.S., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., Chang, M., Hill, J., & Steinglass, P. (2003). The efficacy of a
relationship-based HIV/STD prevention program for heterosexual couples. American Journal of Public
Health, 93(6), 963-969. PMID: 12773363
74. Fernando, D., Schilling , R., Fontdevila, J., & El-Bassel, N. (2003). Predictors of sharing drugs among
injection drug users in the South Bronx: Implications for HIV Transmission. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs,
35(2), 227-236. PMID 12924745
75. Schiff, M., Witte, S.S., & El-Bassel, N. (2003). Client satisfaction and perceived helping aspects of an
HIV/AIDS preventive intervention for urban couples. Research on Social Work Practice, 13(4), 468-492.
76. Wu, E., El-Bassel, N., Witte, S. S., Gilbert, L., & Chang, M. (2003). Intimate partner violence and HIV risk
among urban minority women in primary health care settings. AIDS and Behavior, 7(3), 291-301. PMID
77. Yoshioka, M.R., Gilbert, L., & El-Bassel, N. (2003). Social support and disclosure of abuse: A comparison of
African American, Hispanic, and South Asian battered women. Journal of Family Violence, 18(3), 171-180.
78. Schilling R.F., Fontdevila J., Fernando D., El-Bassel N., & Monterroso E. (2004). Proximity to needle
exchange programs and HIV-related risk behavior among injection drug users in Harlem. Evaluation and
Program Planning, 27(1), 25-33.
79. Sormanti, M., Wu, E., & El-Bassel, N. (2004). Considering HIV risk and intimate partner violence among
older women of color: A descriptive analysis. Women and Health, 39(1), 45-63. PMID 15002882
80. Wu E., El-Bassel N., Gilbert L., Piff J., & Sanders G. (2004). Sociodemographic disparities in supplemental
service utilization among male methadone patients. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 26,197-202.
PMID 15063913
81. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Frye, V., Wu, E., Go, H., Hill, J., & Richman, B. (2004). Physical and sexual
intimate partner violence among women in methadone maintenance treatment. Psychology of Addictive
Behaviors, 18(2), 180-183. PMID: 15238060
82. Schilling, R.F., Mares, A.S., & El-Bassel, N. (2004). Women in detoxification: Loss of guardianship of their
children. Children and Youth Services Review, 26(5), 463-480.
83. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Golder, S., Wu, E., Chang, M., Fontdevila, J., & Sanders, G. (2004).
Deconstructing the relationship between intimate partner violence and sexual HIV risk among drug-involved
men and their female partners. AIDS and Behavior, 8(4), 429-439. PMID: 15690116
84. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., Go, H., & Hill, J. (2005). The temporal relationship between drug use and
intimate partner violence among women on methadone: Implications for HIV prevention intervention.
American Journal of Public Health, 95(3), 465-470. PMID: 15727978
85. El-Bassel, N., Witte, S.S., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., Chang, M., Hill, J., & Steinglass, P. (2005). Long-term effects
of an HIV/STI sexual risk reduction intervention for heterosexual couples. AIDS and Behavior, 9(1), 1-13.
PMID: 15812609
86. Witte, S., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., Chang, M., & Steingless, P. (2004). Recruitment of minority
women and their main sexual partners in an HIV/STI prevention trial. Journal of Women’s Health, 13(10),
1137-1147. PMID 15650347
87. Fontdevila, J., El-Bassel, N., & Gilbert, L. (2005). Accounting for HIV risk among men on methadone. Sex
Roles, 52(9/10), 609-624.
88. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., Go, H., & Hill, J. (2005). Relationship between drug use and intimate
partner violence among women on methadone. American Journal of Public Health, 95(9). PMID 15727978
89. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., Go, H., & Hill, J. (2005). HIV and intimate partner violence among women
on methadone. Social Science and Medicine, 61(1), 171-183. PMID: 15847970
90. Bellamy, S.L. for the NIMH Multisite HIV/STD Prevention Trial for African American Couples Study
Group. (2005). A dynamic block-randomization algorithm for group-randomized clinical trials when the
composition of blocking factors is not known in advance. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 26(4), 469-479.
PMID 16054579
91. Wu, E., El-Bassel, N., Witte, S., Gilbert, L., Chang, M., & Morse, P. (2005). Enrollment of minority women
and their main sexual partners in an HIV/STI prevention trial. AIDS Education and Prevention, 17(1), 41-52.
PMID 15843109
92. Remien, R., Stirratt, M., Dolezal, C., Dognin, J., Wagner, G., Carballo-Dieguez, A., El-Bassel, N., & Jung, T.
(2005). Couple-focused support to improve HIV medication adherence: A randomized controlled trial. AIDS,
19(8), 807-814. PMID 15867495
93. Gilbert, L., El-Bassel, N., Manuel, J., Wu, E., Go, H., Golder, S., Seewald, R., & Sanders, G. (2006). An
integrated relapse prevention and relationship safety intervention for women on methadone: Testing effects
on intimate partner violence and substance use. Violence and Victims, 12(3), 657-679. PMID 17022356
94. Witte, S.S., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., Chang, M., & Hill, J. (2006). Promoting female condom use to
hetersexual couples: Findings from a randomized clinical trial. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive
Health, 38(3), 148-154. PMID 16963388
95. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., & Chang, M. (2006). A social network profile and HIV risk among men on
methadone: Do social networks matter? Journal of Urban Health, 83(4), 602-613. PMID: 16755389
96. Remien,R., Stirratt, M., Dognin, J., Day , E., & El-Bassel, N. (2006). Moving from theory to research to
practice. Implementing an effective dyadic intervention to improve antiretroviral adherence for clinic
patients. JAIDS, 1(43), S69-S78. PMID 17133206
97. Wu, E., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., & Morse, P. (2006). Dyadic HIV status and psychological distress among
women on methadone. Women’s Health Issues, 16(8), 113-121. PMID 16765287
98. Gilbert, L., El-Bassel, N., Manuel, J., Wu, E., Golder, H., Seewald, R., & Sanders, G. (2006). An integrated
relapse prevention and relationship safety intervention. Violence and Victims, 21(5), 657-672.
99. Witte, S., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Chang, M., & Wu, E. (2006). Promoting female condom use to
heterosexual couples: findings from a randomized clinical trial. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive
Health, 28(3), 148-154. PMID 16963388
100. Hadeed, L., & El-Bassel, N. (2006). Social support among Afro-Trinidadian women experiencing intimate
partner violence. Violence Against Women Interpersonal Violence, 12(8), 740-760. PMID 16861331
101. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., Chang, M., Gomaz C., Vincour, D., & Spevack, T. (2007). Intimate
partner violence prevalence and HIV risk among women receiving care in emergency departments:
Implications for IPV and HIV screening. Emergency Medicine Journal, 24(4), 225-259. PMID: 17384378
102. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., Chang, M., & Fontdevila, J. (2007). Perpetration of intimate partner
violence among men in methadone treatment programs in New York City. American Journal of Public
Health, 97(7), 1230-1232. PMID: 17538056
103. Moreno, C. & El-Bassel, N. (2007). Dominican and Puerto Rican women in partnerships and their sexual
risk behaviors. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 29(3), 336-348.
104. Gilbert, L., El-Bassel, N., Wu, E., & Chang, M (2007). Intimate partner violence and HIV risks: a
longitudinal study of men on methadone. Journal of Urban Health, 84(5), 667-680. PMID: 17701458
105. Witte, S., El-Bassel., N, Gilbert, L., Wu, E., & Chang, M. (2007). Predictors of discordant reports of sexual
and HIV/sexually transmitted infection risk behaviors among heterosexual couples. Sexually Transmitted
Diseases, 34(5), 302-308. PMID: 17016237
106. Hadeed, L., & El-Bassel, N. (2007). Typologies of abusive behavior among Afro-Trinidadian women.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 22(5), 479-497. PMID: 17429019
107. Moreno, C.L., El-Bassel, N. & Morrill, A.C. (2007). Heterosexual women of color and HIV risk: Sexual
risk for HIV among Latina and African American women. Women and Health, 45(3), 1-15. PMID:
108. Tross, S., Campbell, A.N., Cohen, L.R., Calsyn, D., Pavlicova, M., Miele, G.M., Hu, M.C., Haynes, L.,
Nugent, N., Gan, W., Hatch-Maillette, M., Mandler, R., McLaughlin, P., El-Bassel, N., Crits-Christoph, P.,
Nunes, E.V. (2008). Effectiveness of HIV/STD sexual risk reduction groups for women in substance abuse
treatment programs: results of NIDA Clinical Trials Network Trial. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome, 48(5), 581-589. PMID 18645513
109. Epperson, M., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Orellana, R., & Chang, M. (2008). Criminal justice involvement
and associated HIV risk among men on methadone. AIDS and Behavior, 12(1), 51-57. PMID: 17705034
110. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (El-Bassel, PI, New York site). (2008). Eban HIV/STD
Risk Reduction Intervention: Conceptual Basis and Procedures. JAIDS, 49, 15-27. PMID: 18724186
111. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (El-Bassel, PI, New York site). (2008). Eban Health
Promotion Intervention: Conceptual Basis and Procedures. JAIDS, 49, 28-34. PMID: 18724187
112. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (El-Bassel, PI, New York site). (2008). Project Eban: An
HIV/STD Intervention for African Americans with Mixed HIV Status. JAIDS, 49, 3-14. PMID: 18724188
113. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (El-Bassel, PI, New York site). (2008). HIV/STD RiskReduction: Strategies for Enhancing the Utility of Behavioral and Biological Outcome Measures for African
American Couples. JAIDS, 49, 35-41. PMID: 18724189
114. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (El-Bassel, PI, New York site). (2008). Formative Study
to Develop the EBAN Treatment and Comparison Group. JAIDS, 49, 42-51. PMID: 18724190
115. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (El-Bassel, PI, New York site). (2008). Designing an
Audio Computer Assisted Self Interview (ACASI ) System in a Multisite Trial. JAIDS, 49, 52-58. PMID:
116. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (El-Bassel, PI, New York site). (2008). The role of
community advisory boards (CABs) in Project Eban, an NIMH HIV multisite study with African American
couples with mixed HIV status. JAIDS, 49, 68-74. PMID: 18724193
117. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (El-Bassel, PI, New York site). (2008). Project Eban:
Theoretical Framework for Supervision of Facilitators in a Multisite Study: Goals, Process, and Outcomes.
JAIDS, 49, 59-67. PMID: 18724192
118. El-Bassel, N. (2008). Social work intervention research. Social Work Encyclopedia.
119. Panchanadeswaran, S., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., & Chang, M. (2008). An examination of the
perceived social support levels of women in methadone maintenance treatment programs who experience
various forms of intimate partner violence. Women’s Health Issues, 18(1), 35-43. PMID: 18215763
120. Epperson, M.W., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Orellana, E.R., & Chang, M. (2008). Increased HIV risk
associated with criminal justice involvement among men on methadone. AIDS and Behavior, 12(1), 51-57.
PMID: 17705034
121. El-Bassel, N., Witte, S., & Gilbert, L. (2008). HIV/AIDS risk reduction with couples: Implications for
reducing health disparities in HIV Prevention.
122. El-Bassel, N., Caldeira N., Ruglass, L., & Gilbert, L. (2009). Addressing the unique needs of African
American women in HIV prevention. American Journal of Public Health, 99(6), 996-1001. PMID: 19372518
123. Epperson, M.W., Platais, I., Valera, P., Barbieri, R., Gilbert, L., & El-Bassel, N. (2009). Fear, trust, and
negotiating safety: HIV risk contexts for Black women defendants. Affilia Journal of Women and Social
Work, 24(3), 257-271. PMID: 20445827
124. Chandler, R., Denis, M., El-Bassel, N., Schwartz, R., & Field, G. (2009). Ensuring safety, implementation
and scientific integrity of experiments: Lessons for criminal justice drug-abuse treatment studies (CJ-DATS).
Journal of Experimental Criminology, 5, 323-344.
125. Engstrom, M., Shibusawa, T., El-Bassel, N., & Gilbert, L. (2009). Age and HIV risk among women in
methadone treatment. AIDS and Behavior. PMID: 19936912
126. Gilbert, L., El-Bassel, N., Terlikbayeva, A., & Rozental, Y. (2010). Couple-based HIV prevention for
injecting drug users in Kazakhstan: A pilot intervention study. International Journal on Intervention, 38(2),
162-76. PMID: 20391062
127. Witte, S.S., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., & Chang, M. (2010). Lack of awareness of partner HIV/STI
risk among heterosexual couples. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 42(1), 49-55. PMID:
128. Epperson, M.W., Khan, M.R., El-Bassel, N., Wu, E., & Gilbert, L. (2010). A longitudinal study of
personal and partner incarceration and HIV risk among drug-involved couples. AIDS and Behavior. PMID:
129. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (El-Bassel, PI, New York site). (2010) Prevalence of
child and adult sexual abuse among African American couples. AIDS and Behavior. PMID: 20499150
130. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (El-Bassel, PI, New York site). (2010). Substance abuse
and sexual behavior among African American couples. AIDS and Behavior. PMID: 20499152
131. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (El-Bassel, PI, New York site). (2010). Concordance of
shared sexual behaviors among African American couples. AIDS and Behavior. PMID: 20499151
132. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (El-Bassel, PI, New York site). (2010). Risk behaviors
among African American couples. AIDS and Behavior. PMID: 20499153
133. Epperson, M.W., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Chang, M. (2010). Examining the effect of arrest and
incarceration on subsequent sexual HIV risk in a longitudinal study of men in drug treatment. Journal of
Urban Health, 87(2), 324-36. PMID: 20143270
134. Epperson, M.W., Khan, M., Miller, D., Perron, B., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L. (2010). Assessing criminal
justice involvement as a unique indicator of HIV risk among drug-involved women in New York City.
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 38(4), 375-83. PMID: 20356702
135. Wu, E., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., and O’Connor, M.K. (2010). Traditional Male Ideology and Service Use
Among Drug-Involved Men who Perpetrate Intimate Partner Violence: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of
Interpersonal Violence. PMID: 20502899
136. El-Bassel, N., Terlikbayeva, A., Pinkham, S. (2010). HIV and Women who use drugs: double risk, double
neglect. A call to multi-level gender-focused HIV prevention strategies. The Lancet, 376(9738), 312-313.
PMID 20650519
137. El-Bassel, N. Jemmott, J.B., Wingood, G.M., Pequegnat, W., Landis, J.R., Bellamy, S.L. (2010) NIMH
Multisite Eban HIV/STD Prevention Intervention for African American HIV Serodiscordant Couples: A
Cluster Randomized Trial. Archives of Internal Medicine, 170(17), 1594-1601. PMID: 20625011
138. Wu, E., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Sarfo, B., and Seewald, R. (2010). Criminal Justice Involvement and
Service Need among Men on Methadone who Have Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of
Criminal Justice, 38(4), 835-840. PMID: 20657804
139. Wu, E., El-Bassel, E., Gilbert, L., Chang, M., and Sanders, G. (2010). Effects of Receiving Additional OffSite Services on Abstinence from Illicit Drug Use Among Men on Methadone: A Longitudinal Study.
Evaluation and Program Planning, 33(4), 403-409. PMID: 20034671
140. Wu, E., El-Bassel, N., McVinney, L.D., Fontaine, Y.-M., and Hess, L. (2010). Adaptation of a CoupleBased HIV Intervention for Methamphetamine-Involved African American Men who have Sex with Men.
Open AIDS Journal, 4, 123-131. PMID: 20657720
141. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Witte, S., Wu, E., Hunt, T., Remien, R. (2010). Couple-Based HIV Prevention in
the United States: Advantages, Gaps, and Future Directions. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndromes, 55(Supplement 2), S98-S101. PMID: 21406997
142. Witte, S. S., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wu, E. , and Chang, M. (2010). Lack of Awareness of Partner STD
Risk Among Heterosexual Couples. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 42(1), 49-55. PMID
143. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Vinocur, D., Chang, M., & Wu, E. (2011) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and
HIV risks among poor inner city women receiving care in an Emergency Department: Implications for
inquiry and referral. American Journal of Public Health, 101(1), 120-127. PMID: 21088271
144. Gearing, R. E., El-Bassel, N., Ghesquiere, A., Baldwin, S., Gillies, J., & Ngeow, E. (2011). Major
ingredients of fidelity in psychosocial intervention assessment: A scientific guide to improving quality of
intervention research implementation. Clinical Psychology Review, 31(1), 79-88. PMID: 21130938
145. Engstrom, M., Shibusawa, T., El-Bassel, N., & Gilbert, L. (2011). Age and HIV sexual risk among women
in methadone treatment. AIDS and Behavior, 15(1), 103-113. PMID: 19936912
146. Epperson, M. W., Khan, M. R., El-Bassel, N., Wu, E., Gilbert, L. (2011). A Longitudinal Study of
Incarceration and HIV Risk Among Methadone Maintained Men and Their Primary Female Partners AIDS
and Behavior, 15(2), 347-355. DOI: 10.1007/s10461-009-9660-9, PMID: 20063053
147. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Witte, S., Wu, E., & Chang, M. (2011). Intimate Partner Violence and HIV
among drug-involved women: Contexts linking these two epidemics - challenges and implications for
prevention and treatment. Substance Use and Misuse, 46(2-3), 295-306. PMID: 21303249
148. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Terlikbayeva, A., West, B., Bearman, P., Wu, E., Zhussopov, B., Platais, I.,
Brisson, A. (2011). Mobility and HIV risks among migrant market vendors in Kazakhstan: Implications for
HIV Prevention. American Journal of Public Health.,171(8):728-36. PMID: 21518939
149. El-Bassel, N. Jemmott, J.B., Wingood, G.M., Pequegnat, W., Landis, J.R., Bellamy, S.L. (2011) NIMH
Multisite Eban Health Promotion for African American HIV Serodiscordant Couples: A Cluster Randomized
Trial. Archives of Internal Medicine. 170(17),1594-1601. PMID: 20625011
150. Beyrer, C., Baral, S., Kerrigan, D., El-Bassel, N., Bekker, L., Celentano, D. (2011) Expanding the
space: Inclusion of most-at-risk populations in HIV prevention, treatment, and care services. Journal of
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. (2011) Aug. 57 Suppl. 2:S96-9. PMID: 21857306.
151. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., Witte, S., Chang, M., Hill, J., Remien, R. (2011). Couple-based HIV
prevention for low-income drug users from New York City: A randomized controlled trial to reduce dual
risks. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. 2011 Oct 1;58(2):198-206. PMID: 21725249
152. Wu, E, El-Bassel, N., McVinney, L., Hess, L., Remien, R., Charania, M., Mansergh, G. (2011). Feasibility
of Couple-Based HIV/STI Preventive Intervention for Methamphetamine-Involved Black Men who have Sex
with Men. AIDS and Behavior. Nov;15(8):1745-54. PMID : 21766193
153. Wu, E., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., O’Connor, M.K., and Seewald, R. (2011). Traditional Male Ideology
and Service System Involvement Among Drug-Involved Men who Perpetrate Intimate Partner Violence: A
Longitudinal Study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26(8), 1646-1663. PMID 20501899
154. Wu, E., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Hess, L., Lee, H.-M., and Rowell, T.L. (2012 ). Prior Incarceration and
Barriers to Receipt of Services Among Entrants to Alternative to Incarceration Programs: A Gender-Based
Disparity. Journal of Urban Health PMID 22407545
155. Engstrom, M., El-Bassel, N., & Gilbert, L. (2012). Childhood sexual abuse, intimate partner violence, and
psychological distress among women in methadone treatment: How do force and family relationship matter?
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment PMID 2244420
156. Gilbert, L., El-Bassel, N., Chang, M., Wu, E., Roy, L. (2012). Substance use and partner violence among
Urban women seeking emergency Care. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. Vol. PP PMID: 22023020
157. Khan, M., Epperson, M, Gilbert, L., Goddrd, D., Hunt, T., El-Bassel, N. ( 2012). The promise of media
technology for STI/HIV prevention: Frameworks for understanding Improved Facilitator Delivery for
Participants Learning. AIDS and Behaviors PMID 22223296
158. Wechberg, W. Colin, C. Nabila El-Bassel, Hopkins, J., Zulie, W. (2012) Current Interventions to Reduce
Risk Behaviors and Crack Cocaine Use among HIV-Infected Individuals. Current AIDS Report. Volume 9,
Issue 2. PMID 22872433
159. El-Bassel, N, Weschberg., Shawn. S (2012) Couple-based behavioral HIV intervention: placing HIV riskreduction responsibility and agency on the dyad, Family. Current AIDS Opinion.
160. Alkhasawneh I., Ismayilova L., Olimat H El-Bassel N, (2012). Social and behavioral HIV/AIDS research
in Jordan: systematic review . Vol.18, issue 5, pp 487-494. PMID 22764436
161. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Terlikvayeva, A., Wu, E., Beyrer, C., Shaw, S., Hunt, T., Ma, X., Chan
Ismayilova, L.,Tukeyev, M., Zhussupov, B., & Rozental, Y. (2013). HIV among injection drug users and
intimate partners in Almaty, Kazakhstan. AIDS & Behavior. PMID: 23612942
162. Gilbert, L., El-Bassel, N., Chang, M., Shaw, S., Wu, E., Roy, L. (2013). Risk and protective factors for
drug use and partner violence among women in emergency care. Journal of Community Psychology. 41 (5),
163. Ismayilova L., El-Bassel N. (2013). Intimate partner physical and sexual violence and pregnancy outcomes
in the three former Soviet Union countries: Azerbaijan, Moldova, and Ukraine. Violence Against Women.
Vol. 28, 2521-2556.
164. Ismayilova L., Olimat H. Alkhasawneh I., Shaw S., El-Bassel N., (2013). Depressive symptoms among
Jordanian youth: results of a national survey. Community Mental Health Journal. Vol. 49 Issue 1, p133-140,
PMID 22820930
165. Alkhasawneh, I., Ismayilova, L., El-Bassel, N, Olimat, H. (2013). Gender differences and factors
associated with HIV knowledge among youth in Jordan. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal. Issue 2,
Vol. 13, pp 232
166. Ismayilova L., Lee HN, Shaw S., El-Bassel N., Gilbert L., Terlikbayeva A., Rozental Y. (2013). Mental
Health and Migration: Depression, Alcohol Abuse, and Access to Health Care among Central Asian
Migrants. Journal of Urban Health. PMID 24186359
167. El-Bassel, N., Strathdee, S., El Sadr., W (2013). HIV and people who use drugs in Central Asia confronting
the perfect storm. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 132s-pp 52-5 PMID 23953656
168. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Terlikvayeva, A., Wu, E., Beyrer, C., Shaw, S., Hunt, T., Ma, X., Chang, M.
Ismayilova, L.,Tukeyev, M., Zhussupov, B., & Rozental, Y. (2013). HIV among injection drug users and
their intimate partners in Almaty, Kazakhstan. AIDS & Behavior. PMID: 2361294
169. Gilbert, L., Primbetova, S., Nikitin, D., Hunt, T., Terlikbayeva, A., Momenhalibaf, Ruziev, M. and ElBassel, N. (2013). Redressing the epidemics of opioid overdose and HIV among people who inject drugs in
Central Asia: The need for a syndemic approach. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 132s-pp 47-5 PMID
170. Schluger, N., El-Bassel, N., Hermosila, S., Terlikbayeva, A., Darisheva, M., Aifah, A., Galea, S. (2013).
Tuberculosis, drug and HIV infection in Central Asia: an urgent need for attention. Drug and Alcohol
Dependence. 132s-pp 32-3 PMID 23928052
171. West, B. Choo, M. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wu. E. Kamarulzman (2013). Safe Havens and rough waters:
Networks, place, and the navigation of risk among injection drug-using Malaysian fishermen. International
Journal of Drug Policy PMID 24332971
172. Telikebayeva, A., Zhussupov, B., Primbetova, S., Gilbert, L., Atabekov. A., Giyasova, G., Ruziev, M.,
Soliev, A., Sleiv, D., El-Bassel, N. Access to HIV counseling and testing among people who inject drugs in
Central Asia: Strategies for improving access and linkages to treatment and care ( 2013) . Drug and Alcohol
Dependence. 132s 61-64 PMID 23916319
173. Boltaev, A., El-Bassel, N., Derybina, A., Terlikbaev, A., Gilbert, L., Hunt,T., Primbetova, S., Strathdee, S.
(2013). Scaling up HIV prevention efforts targeting people who inject drugs in Central Asia: A review of key
challenges and ways forward. 132s, pp 41-47 PMID 24103128
174. Remien RH1, Mellins CA, Robbins RN, Kelsey R, Rowe J, Warne P, Chowdhury J, Lalkhen N, Hoppe L,
Abrams EJ, El-Bassel N, Witte S, Stein DJ. (2013) Masivukeni: development of a multimedia based
antiretroviral therapy adherence intervention for counselors and patients in South Africa. AIDS and Behavior,
03/2013, 3.49 Impact Factor. PMID 23468079
175. Brooke S. West , Martin Choi, Nabila El-Bassel, Louisa Gilbertc, Elwin Wu, Adeeba Kamarulzamanb..
Safe havens and rough waters: Networks, place, and the navigation of risk among injection drug-using
Malaysian fishermen ( 2013) , International Journal of Drug Policy Volume 25, Issue 3, May 2014, Pages
176. Schluger, N. W., El-Bassel, N., Hermosilla, S., Terlikbayeva, A., Darisheva, M., Aifah, A., & Galea, S.
(2013). Tuberculosis, drug use and HIV infection in Central Asia: An urgent need for attention. Drug and
alcohol dependence, 132, S32-S36.
177. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Telikebayeva, A., Beyrer , C., Wu, E., Shaw, S. (2014). HIV Risk Among
injecting and non-injecting female partners of men who inject drugs in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Implications for
HIV Prevention, Research, and Policy. International Journal of Drug Policy. PMID 24556208
178. Shaw, S. and El-Bassel, N. (2014). The influence of religion of HIV risks. AIDS and Behaviors. PMID
179. El-Bassel, N., Shaw, S A., Dasgupta, A, Strathdee, S. (2014). Drug use as a driver of HIV risks reemerging and emerging issues. Current Opinion in HIV & AIDS – Vol. 9 May 2014 PMID 24406532
180. El-Bassel, N. Shaw, S A., Dasgupta, A, Strathdee, S. (2014). People Who Inject Drugs in Intimate
Relationships: It Takes Two to Combat HIV PMID 24477931
181. DeHovitz J., Uuskula, A., El-Bassel, N. (2014). The HIV Epidemic in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. PMID 24652411
182. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Goddard-Eckrich, D., Chang, M., Wu, E., Hunt, T., Epperson, M., Shaw, S.A.,
Rowe, J., Almonte, M., Witte, S. (2014). Efficacy of a group-based multimedia HIV prevention intervention
for drug-involved women under community supervision: Project WORTH. Plos One. PMID: 25372149
183. El-Bassel, N, Gilbert, L, Beyrer, B, Terlikbayeva, B, Wu, E Ma1, Mingway Chang1, Shaw, A, Zhussupov,
A, Hunt, T, Primbetova, , Rozental. (2014). HCV among Male Injection Drug Users and their Female
Partners in Almaty, Kazakhstan: Implications for HCV Treatment and Prevention. Journal of Therapy and
Management in HIV Infection, 2014, 2, 1-9.
184. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Beyrer, C., Terlikbayeva, A., Wu, E., Ma, X., Chang, M., Shaw, S.A.,
Zhussupov, B., Hunt, T., & Rozental, Y. (2014). HCV among male injection drug users and their female
partners in Almaty, Kazakhstan: Implications for HCV treatment and prevention. Journal of Therapy and
Management in HIV Infection, 2(1), 1-9
185. El-Bassel, N, Gilbert, L, Terlikbayeva, A, Beyrer, C, Wu, E, Chang, M, Hunt, Tim, Ismayilova, L, Shaw, S,
Primbetova, S. , Rozental, Y., Zhussupov, B., Tukeyev, M. (2014) . Effects of a couple-based intervention to
reduce risks for HIV, HCV, and STIs among drug-involved heterosexual couples in Kazakhstan: A
randomized controlled trial. JAIDS
186. Jiwatram-Negon, T. & El-Bassel, N. Systematic Review of Couple-Based HIV Intervention & Prevention
Studies: Advantages, Gaps, & Future Directions (2014) AIDS and Behaviors
187. Hermosilla,S., El-Bassel, N., Aifah, A., Terlikkbayeva, A., Zhumadilov, Z., Berikhanova, K, Darsheva A,
Gilber,t L, Schlufger, N, Galea, S ( 2015) . Tuberculosis Report Among Injection Drug Users and Their
Partners in Kazahkstan. Public Health. PMID: 25795015
188. Smolak A, El-Bassel N, Malin A, Terlikbaeva A, Samatova S. (2015). Sex workers, condoms, and
mobility among men in Uzbekistan: implications for HIV transmission. International Journal of STD &
AIDS. PMID: 25838298
189. Muchomba FM, Chan C, El-Bassel N. (2015) Importance of Women's Relative Socioeconomic Status
within Sexual Relationships in Communication about Safer Sex and HIV/STI Prevention. Journal Urban
Health. PMID: 25665522
190. Michalopoulos, L.M., Aifah, A., El-Bassel, N. (2015) A Systematic Review of HIV Risk Behaviors and
Trauma Among Forced and Unforced Migrant Populations from Low and Middle-Income Countries: State of
the Literature and Future Directions. AIDS Behavior. Feb 8. PMID: 25662963
191. Witte, SS., Aira T, Tsai LC, Riedel M, Offringa R, Chang M, El-Bassel N, Ssewamala F.Am J Public
Health. (2015) Efficacy of a Savings-Led Microfinance Intervention to Reduce Sexual Risk for HIV Among
Women Engaged in Sex Work: A Randomized Clinical Trial. PMID: 25602889 [PubMed - in process]
192. Weaver TL, Gilbert L, El-Bassel N, Resnick HS, Noursi S. (2015) Identifying and intervening with
substance-using women exposed to intimate partner violence: phenomenology, comorbidities, and integrated
approaches within primary care and other agency settings. Journal Women’s Health (Larchmt).
193. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, Goddard-Eckrich., D. Chang,., M, Wu, W, Hunt, Epperson, M , Shaw, Rowe, J.
Almonte, M. Witte, S. (2015) Efficacy of a group-based multimedia HIV prevention intervention for druginvolved women under community supervision: Project WORTH. JAMA PMCID:PMC4221040
194. Weaver, L. Gilbert, L, El-Bassel, N. Resnick, H , Noursi, S ( 2015) . Identifying and Intervening with
Substance-Using Women Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: Phenomenology, Co-Morbidities and
Integrate Approaches within Primary Care another Agency Settings
195. Shaw, S.A., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Terlikbayeva, A., Hunt, T., Primbetova, S., Chang, M. (2015).
Depression among people who inject drugs and their intimate partners in Kazakhstan. Community Mental
Health Journal. 1-10.
196. El-Bassel, N and Strathdee, S (2015). Bringing female substance users to the Center of the Global
response. JAIDS
197. El-Bassel N and Strathdee, S (2015). Women who use or inject drugs: an Action agenda for women
specific, Multilevel and combination HIV Prevention and Research . JAIDS
198. Weschsberg,W, Deren, S, Meyers, B, El-Bassel N ( 2015) . Gender-specific HIV prevention
interventions for women who use alcohol and other drugs: The evolution of the science and future directions
199. Blankenship, K, Reinhard, E, Sherman, S, El-Bassel, N. Structural Interventions for HIV prevention
among women who use drugs: A global Perspective (2015) JAIDS.
200. Martin K. K. Choo , Nabila El-Bassel, Philippe C. G. Adam, Louisa Gilbert, Elwin Wu, Brooke S. West,
Alexander R. Bazazi, John B. F. De Wit, Rusli Ismail, Adeeba Kamarulzaman ( 2015) Prevalence and
Correlates of HIV and Hepatitis C Virus Infections and Risk Behaviors among Malaysian Fishermen. PLOS
O 0(8): e0118422
201. Wechsberg, W., El-Bassel, N., Carney, T., Browne, F.A., Myers, B., and Zule, W.A. (2015). Adapting an
evidence-based HIV behavioral intervention for South African couples. Substance Abuse Treatment,
Prevention, and Policy.
202. Wechsberg, W., Doherty, I., Myers, B., Zule, W., Minnis, A., Kline, T.L., Parry, C.D.., El-Bassel, N.
(2015) , Seek, Test and Disclose: knowledge of HIV testing and serostatus among high-risk couples in a
South African township. Sex Transm Infect doi:10.1136/sextrans-2014-051882
203. El-Bassel, N., Shaw, SA., Mergenova, G.,Ismayilova, L., McCrimmon, T., Terlikbayeva, A., and Gilbert, L.,
(2015) . Masculinities and Social Contexts of HIV Risk Practices Among Central Asian Male Migrant
Workers. J AIDS Clin Res 2015, 6:7
204. El-Bassel N, Jemmott, J., Bellamy .S., Pequenat , W, Wingood, G ., Wyatt, G, Landis, R, Remine, B (
2016). Mediation analysis of the efficacy of The Eban HIV/AIDS Risk Reduction Intervention, AIDS and
205. Shaw, S, El-Bassel, Gilbert, L, Terlikbayeva , A, Hunt, T, Primbetova, S, Rozental , Y, Chang, M . (2016).
Depression among people who inject drugs and their intimate partners in Kazakhstan. Community Mental
206. Rowell-Cunsolo, T. L& Hart, C. ., El-Bassel, N, (2016). Black Americans and incarceration: A neglected
public health opportunity for HIV risk reduction. Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved.
Journal of Helath Care for the poor and Undeserved 27 114-130. PLOS One 1-16.
207. El-Bassel N, Gilbert L, Shaw SA., Mergenova G, Terlikbayeva A, Primbetova S, Ma X, Chang M,
Ismayilova L, Hunt T, West B, Wu E, Beyrer C (2016) . The Silk Road Health Project: How mobility and
migration status influence HIV risks among male migrant workers in Central Asia. PloS One
208. El-Bassel, N., Marotta, P., Chang, M., Ma, X., Goddard –Eckrich, D., Hunt, T., Gilbert L. (2016) Women
in community corrections in New York City: HIV infection and risks, Journal of International STD AIDS, pp
209. Davis, A., Dasgupta, A., Goddard-Eckrich, D., El-Bassel, N. (2016). Trichomonas vaginalis and Human
Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection Among Women Under Community Supervision: A Call for Expanded
T. vaginalis screening. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 43(10), 617-622.
210. Davis, A., Terlikbayeva, A., Aifah, A., Hermosilla, S., Zhumadilov, Z., Berikova, E., Rahimova, S.,
Primbetova, S., Darisheva, M., Schluger, N., El-Bassel, N. (In Press). Risks for Tuberculosis in Kazakhstan:
Implications for Prevention. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.
211. Murphy Michalopoulos, L., Jiwatram-Negrón, T., Choo, M., Kamarulzaman, A., El-Bassel, N. (2016). The
association between psychosocial and structural-level stressors and HIV injection drug risk behavior among
Malaysian fishermen: A cross-sectional study.
212. Shaw, S.A., Terlikbayeva, A., Famouri, L., Hunt, T., Gilbert, L., Rozental, Y., Primbetova, S., Chang, M.,
Ma, X., El-Bassel, N. (2016). HIV testing and access to HIV medical care among people who inject drugs
and their intimate partners in Kazakhstan. Journal of Substance Use.
1. Schilling, R.F., Schinke, S.P., & El-Bassel, N. (1993). Substance abuse. In A.S. Bellack & M. Hersen (Eds.),
Psychopathology in Adulthood. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
2. Schilling, R.F. & El-Bassel, N. (1998). Substance abuse treatments. In J. B. Williams & K. Ell (Eds.),
Advances in mental health research: Implications for practice. New York: Guilford.
3. Krishnan, S., Baig-Amin, M., Gilbert, L., El-Bassel, N., & Waters, A. (1998). Lifting the veil of secrecy:
Domestic violence among South Asian women in the US. In A Patchwork Shawl: Voices of South Asian
Immigrant Women. New York: Sage Publications.
4. El-Bassel, N., Yoshioka, M.R., & Moultrie, C. (2001). Contemporary Social Problems. In R. A. Feldman &
S. B. Kamerman (Eds.), Columbia University School of Social Work: A Centennial Celebration (pp. 324344). New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
5. Schilling, R.F., Schinke, S.P., & El-Bassel, N. (2001). Substance abuse. In A. S. Bellack & M. Hersen
(Eds.), Psychopathology in adulthood (rev.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
6. Alegria, M., Vila, D., Train, S., Williams S., & El-Bassel, N. (2006) Epidemiology of HIV. In Francisco
Fernandez and Pedro Ruiz (Eds.), Psychiatric Aspects of HIV/AIDS. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams
and Wilkins.
7. Brisson, A., El-Bassel, N., & Aybar, J. (2008). Women who have Sex with Women (WSW): Strategies for
HIV prevention in international settings. In Robert Mizzi (Ed), Breaking free: Sexual diversity and change
in emerging nations. Toronto, Ontario: Queer Peace International.
8. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Witte, S., Wu, E., & Vinocur, D. (2010). Countering the Surge of HIV/STIs and
Co-occurring Problems of Intimate Partner Violence and Drug Abuse among African American Women:
Implications for HIV/STI Prevention. In Donna Hubbard McCree, Kenneth Terrill Jones, and Anne O’Leary
(Eds.), African Americans and HIV/AIDS: Understanding and Addressing the Epidemic. New York, NY:
9. El-Bassel, N., Remien, R. H. (2011). Families and HIV/AIDS: Culture and Contextual Issues in Prevention
and Treatment. New York, NY: Springer.
10. El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., & Shaw, S. (2014). HIV prevention for serodiscordant couples. Encyclopedia of
AIDS. Springer.
In press
Jiwatram-Negron, T. & El-Bassel, N. (In press). Correlates of Sex Trading among Drug-Involved
Women in Intimate Relationships: A Risk Profile. Women’s Health Issues.
Under review
1. Hermosilla, S., You, P., Aifah, A., Abildayev, T., Akilzhanova, A., Kozhamkulov, U., Muminov,
T., Darisheva, M., Zhussupov, B., Terlikbayeva, A., El-Bassel, N., Schluger, N. (Under review,
PLOS ONE). Identifying risk factors associated with smear positivity of pulmonary tuberculosis in
2. Jiwatram-Negrón, T., & El-Bassel (under review). Sex trading among women in community supervision:
Implications for HIV prevention
1991, June
“Social support networks and sexual risk taking in female IV drug users,” El-Bassel, N.,
Gilbert, L., & Schilling, R.F. VII International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy.
1992, June
“Alcoholism among methadone patients,” El-Bassel, N. Research Society on Alcoholism.
National Conference on Alcoholism, San Diego.
1992, July
“Correlates of sex trading among female drug users in Harlem,” El-Bassel, N., Schilling,
R.F., Gilbert, L., Serrano, Y., Faruque, S. Edlin, B., Irwin, K., & Ludwig, D. VIII
International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam.
1993, January
“Skills training to reduce drug use and HIV risks among methadone patients,” El-Bassel,
N., Schilling, R.F., Ivanoff, A., Gilbert, L., & Hadden, B.; “Skills building intervention
among methadone patients,” El-Bassel, N., & Schilling, R.F. VI International Conference
on Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, ta Fe, NM.
1994, July
“HIV/AIDS intervention among incarcerated women.” El-Bassel, N. & Ivanoff, A. HIV
Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies. Columbia University.
1994, October
“Skills-building and social support,” El-Bassel, N., Ivanoff, A., Borne, D. American Public
Health Association, Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
1995, January
“Motivational counseling with chemically dependent individuals,” El-Bassel, N., Schilling,
R.; “HIV prevention with women in an urban jail,” El-Bassel, N., First International
Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Jerusalem.
1995, March
“Motivational interviewing in social work, health and mental health settings,” El-Bassel,
N., Hanson, M., Schilling, R. Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work
Education, San Diego.
1995, May
“Psychometric properties of the URICA and stages of change profiles among female
inmates,” El-Bassel, N., Schilling, R. F., Hanson, M.; “Motivational interviewing with
patients in detoxification,” El-Bassel, N., Schilling, R. F. VII International Conference on
Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, Amsterdam.
1995, October
“Trauma, social support and drug use among incarcerated women: A comparison of crack
cocaine users and other drug users,” El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L, Schilling, R. F., Ivanoff, A.,
Borne, D. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Diego.
1995, November
“Motivational interviewing among detox patients,” El-Bassel, N, Schilling, R. F.,
Blansfield, J., Gilbert, L. Association for Medical Education in Substance Abuse.
Washington, DC.
1996, March
“The relationship between personal social networks and HIV status among women and on
methadone maintenance,” El-Bassel, N., Schilling, R. Council on Social Work Education,
Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
1996, July
“HIV status among women on methadone and their kin and non-kin network,” El-Bassel,
N., Schilling, R. F., Chen, D. R., Cooper, D. “Role of Families in Preventing and Adapting
to HIV/AIDS,” El-Bassel, N., Krishnan, S., Schilling, R., Witte, S., Gilbert, L., Bidassie,
B., “Acceptability of the female condom among STD clinic patients,” El-Bassel, N. XI
International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver.
1996, November
“Personal Social Network and HIV status of women on methadone,” El-Bassel, N., Chen,
D., Schilling, R. F., Gilbert, L. “Correlates of attitudes towards the female condom and
sexual risk behavior,” El-Bassel, N., Krishnan, S., Schilling, R., Gilbert, L., Chen, D.,
Catan, V., Witte, S. American Public Health Association: 124th Annual Meeting, New
1997, February
“Relationship between partner abuse and sexual risk behavior among women attending an
ER.” El-Bassel N; “Kin and non-kin social networks among women on methadone.” El21
Bassel, N., “Preventing HIV in Urban Populations: Social networks and cognitive
behavioral approaches.” El-Bassel, N. Social Intervention Group Conference, Columbia
1997, May
“Partner abuse and sexual risk behavior among women in Emergency Departments,” ElBassel. National Conference on Women and HIV, Pasadena, CA
1997, July
“Social support and networks among women at risk for HIV” El-Bassel, N. Role of
Families in Preventing and Adapting to HIV/AIDS, NIMH, Washington, DC.
1997, November
“Partner/Spouse abuse: Partner violence and drug abuse among women on methadone,” ElBassel, N., American Public Health Association: 125th Annual Meeting, Indianapolis.
1998, June
“Acceptability of the female condom among women who exchange sex for drugs or
money,” El-Bassel, N. “The relationship between HIV-risk behavior and partner violence
among women on methadone,” XII International Conference on AIDS, Geneva,
1998, July
“Conceptualizing and designing HIV prevention for African-American and Latino
heterosexual couples: Social work practice implications,” El-Bassel, N., “Drug use and
partner abuse among women on methadone,” El-Bassel, N. Joint World Congress of the
International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of Schools of
Social Work, Jerusalem.
1998, November
“HIV prevention with heterosexual couples,” El-Bassel, N.; “Drug use and partner abuse
among women on methadone,” El-Bassel, N. American Public Health Association: 126th
Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
1999, January
“Design of an HIV prevention intervention for heterosexual couples,” El-Bassel, N., Witte,
S., Gilbert, L., & Steinglass, P. Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Austin,
1999, July
“HIV prevention for African-American and Latino heterosexual adults.” El-Bassel, N.,
Witte, S.S., Gilbert, L., Steinglass, P., Gray, O., Key, J., & Elam, L. NIMH Conference on
the Role of Families in Preventing and Adapting to HIV/AIDS, Philadelphia, PA.
2001, August
“Project Connect: Relationship-based HIV/STD prevention intervention for heterosexual
couples,” El-Bassel, N., Witte, S.S., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., Chang, M., Hill, J., & Steinglass,
P. HIV Prevention Conference, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.
2001, November
“Interpersonal Factors Predicting HIV/STD Risk Among Heterosexual Couples,” ElBassel, N., Witte, S.S., Gilbert, L.G., Chang, M., & Wu, E. American Public Health
Association, 129th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
2002, January
“Intervention Research on HIV,” El-Bassel, Witte, S., N., Gilbert, L., & Wu, E. Society for
Social Work and Research, 6th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
2002, February
“The Relationship Between Intimate Partner Violence and HIV Risk Among Women on
Methadone: Implications for HIV Prevention and Intervention,” El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L.,
Wu, E., Go, H., & Hill, J. American Psychological Association, Enhancing Outcomes in
Women’s Health Meeting, Washington, DC.
2002, April
“The Need for Integrated Treatment Strategies to Address the Co-Occurrence of HIV and
Intimate Partner Violence for Women in Methadone Treatment Programs,” El-Bassel, N.,
Gilbert, L., & Wu, E. National Institute of Drug Abuse, Rockville, MD.
2002, May
“Strategies to improve the replicability, sustainability and durability of HIV prevention
intervention from drug users.” El-Bassel, N. National Institute on Drug Abuse,
Washington, D.C.
2002, July
“Intimate Partner Violence and sexual HIV risk in an emergency department: project
reach,” El-Bassel, N., National Institute of Mental Health, Annual Conference on the Role
of Families in Preventing and Adapting to HIV/AIDS, Miami, FL
2002, July
“Couple-based HIV intervention for women and their regular sexual partner,” El-Bassel,
N., Witte, S.S., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., Chang, M., & Hill, J. XIV the International AIDS
Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
2002, November
“The relationship between drug abuse, and sexual HIV risk among women on methadone.
El-Bassel, N. 130th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association,
Philadelphia, PA.
2003, February
“How victim’s drug use leads to violence,” El-Bassel, N. Hispanic Community Center,
Hartford, CT.
2003, March
“Drug abuse and sexual HIV risk among women on methadone,” El-Bassel, N. Drug
Society, Columbia University, New York.
2003, March
“The relationship between drug abuse and sexual HIV risk among women on methadone,”
El-Bassel, N. Beth Israel Medical Center, New York.
2003, April
“The contexts that link drug abuse and HIV risk among women and men,” El-Bassel, N.
Yale University Medical School, New Haven, CT.
2003, May
“The relationship between childhood sexual abuse and HIV among women: Implications
for HIV intervention,” El-Bassel, N. Second South African Gender-Based Violence and
Health Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa.
2003, November
“The relationship between trauma/violence and drug abuse among women in methadone
treatment,” El, Bassel, N. NAADAC: Association for Addiction Professionals Annual
Conference, Washington, DC.
2004, January
“HIV intervention with Couples,” El-Bassel, N. Society for Social Work and Research
Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
2004, July
“Intimate Partner violence and sexual behavior among women receiving care in and
emergency department: Implications for HIV Intervention and relationship safety,” ElBassel, N. XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
2004, July
“Co-occurring risks factors and health disparities,” El-Bassel, N. NIDA Health Disparities
Conference, Washington DC.
2005, July
“Perpetration of intimate violence and drug abuse among men on methadone,” El-Bassel,
N. Social Work and Research Annual Conference, Miami, FL.
2005, August
“Values, ethics and social work.” El-Bassel, N. Almaty, Kazakhstan.
2005, May
“Social work curriculum and methods.” El-Bassel, N. Almaty, Kazakhstan.
2005, May
“Historical and current status of medical social work.” El-Bassel, N. Almaty, Kazakhstan.
2005, June
“HIV and Partner violence: DSMP. The college on problems of drug dependencies.” ElBassel, N. Florida.
2005, June
“HIV prevention and women.” El-Bassel, N. Annual prevention conference, CDC, Atlanta
2005, July
“Relationship-Based HIV intervention.” El-Bassel, N. APA Annual Conference. Florida.
2005, July
“Violence against drug involved women.” El-Bassel, N. APA Annual Conference. Florida.
2005, September
“HIV and women: prevention model.” El-Bassel, N. Women’s Annual Conference.
2005, October
“Interdisciplinary collaboration.” El-Bassel, N. School of Nursing, Columbia University.
New York.
2005, September
“Intervention research.” El-Bassel, N. University of Texas at Austin, School of Social
Work. Austin.
2005, November
“Interdisciplinary research.” El-Bassel, N. School of Nursing, Columbia University.
2006, January
“IPV and HIV in an emergency department.” El-Bassel, N. Society for Social Work and
Research, Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
2006, April
“Women and HIV.” El-Bassel, N. 4th Annual Southwest Interdisciplinary Research
Conference, Tempe, Arizona.
2006, May
“HIV couple-based interventions.” El-Bassel, N. Peking University. Beijing, China.
2006, May
“Science of Intervention research.” El-Bassel, N. International University of Kazakhstan.
Almaty, Kazakhstan.
2006, June
“Gender-Based intervention for drug-involved women.” El-Bassel, N. Congressional
Briefing. Washington, DC.
2006, August
“Gender-based HIV risks among drug-involved women: Implications for prevention.” ElBassel, N. XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto, Canada
2006, August
“Risk factors among drug-involved women.” El-Bassel, N. APA, New Orleans.
2007, January
“Science of Intervention Research.” El-Bassel, N. University of Rochester, School of
Medicine. Rochester, New York.
2007, February
“Women and HIV.” El-Bassel, N. HIV Center, Columbia University. New York.
2007, February
“Women and Health disparities in HIV” El-Bassel, N. Teachers College, Columbia
University. New York
2007, April
“Designing culturally congruent prevention intervention.” El-Bassel, N. University of
Rochester, School of Medicine. Rochester, New York.
2007, May
“HIV risks among drug-involved women and prevention strategies.” El-Bassel, N. NIMH,
2007, November
“The Use of Clinical Trials in Social Behavioral Research.” El-Bassel, N. Al Farabi
University, Kazakhstan.
2008, January
“Couples-Based HIV Prevention: State of the Science.” El-Bassel, N. CDC, Atlanta.
2008, February
“Science of HIV Intervention Research.” El-Bassel, N. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
2008, March
“Gender-Based HIV Prevention Approaches.” El-Bassel, N. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2008, March
“HIV Prevention Science.” El-Bassel, N. University of Connecticut.
2008, March
“International Research on HIV: Challenges and Strategies.” El-Bassel, N. UCLA, Los
2009, January
“HIV among Drug Users in Kazakhstan: Driving Forces and Implications for HIV
Prevention & Treatment.” El-Bassel, N. CROI Conference. Montreal, Canada.
2009, March
“HIV among Drug Users in Kazakhstan: Driving Forces and Implications for HIV
Prevention & Treatment.“ El-Bassel, N. Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.
Baltimore, MD.
2009, July
“HIV among Drug Users in Kazakhstan: Driving Forces and Implications for HIV
Prevention & Treatment.” “The Silk Road Study: Migration and HIV among Market
Vendors in Kazakhstan.” El-Bassel, N. University of Malay, Malaysia.
2009, December
“HIV among Drug Users in Kazakhstan: Driving Forces and Implications for HIV
Prevention & Treatment.” El-Bassel, N., Center for Health, Intervention, and Prevention
(CHIP), University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT.
2010, January
“Designing and testing couples-based HIV intervention for IDUs in Kazakhstan.” ElBassel, N., ULCA/HATT Winter Institute, Los Angeles, CA.
2010, February
“Intersecting problems of HIV, partner abuse, and trauma among drug-involved women:
implications for prevention and treatment” El-Bassel, N., National Summit Conference on
Interpersonal Violence and Abuse. Dallas, TX.
2010, February
“HIV among drug-users in Kazakhstan: Driving Forces and Implications for HIV
Prevention and Treatment.” El-Bassel, N. 17th Conference on Retroviruses and
Opportunistic Infections, San Francisco, CA.
2010, April
“HIV prevention for African American and Latino drug-involved couples: A gender
specific approach.” El-Bassel, N., ASU SIRC Conference: Health Disparities: A Global
Challenge, a Local Response. Phoenix, AZ
2010, May
“Global HIV Epidemic: Couples-based approach to reduce sexual and drug risk
behaviors.” El-Bassel, N. Hebrew University Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel.
2010, May
“Couples-based HIV Intervention for Drug-Involved Women and their Partners: A GenderSpecific Evidence-Based Approach.” El-Bassel, N. Hebrew University School of Social
Work, Jerusalem, Israel.
2010, May
“Global HIV Epidemic: Couples-based approach to reduce sexual and drug risk
behaviors.” El-Bassel, N. University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
2010, July
“NIMH Multisite Eban HIV/STD Prevention Intervention for African American HIV
Serodiscordant Couples: A Cluster Randomized Trial.” El-Bassel, N. International AIDS
Conference, Vienna, Austria.
2010, November
“HIV and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Implications for HIV Prevention
Interventions.” El-Bassel, N. NIDA Conference: Health Disparities in Men and Boys,
Washington, DC.
2010, December
“HIV and Women who use Drugs: Double Neglect, Double Risk; Couples-based
approach.” El-Bassel, N. Lancet Series Symposium: University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur,
2011, January
“Designing, Testing, and Disseminating Effective Behavioral Interventions
Methodological Models to Bridge Theory, Core Components, and Mechanisms of
Change.” El-Bassel, N., Hunt, T. Society of Social Work and Research Annual
Conference: Tampa, Florida.
2011, August
“Trauma in Men of Color: Implications for Prevention and Treatment”. APA (American
Psychological Association Symposium), Washington, D.C.
2011, September
Infectious Diseases Impacting Women’s Health, ICAAC, Chicago.
2011, November
“HIV/STD Risk reduction for African American Couples: Project Eban” IRAAS,
Columbia University.
2012, January
Couple-Based HIV Prevention with Injection Drug Users. Nursing school New York
2012, January
HIV risk Reduction among IDUs Couples. Global Health Research Center,
San Diego State University
2012, March
Women who Use Drugs: One HIV approach is not Sufficient. CEFAR, Duke University
2012, April
Overdose Prevention among IDUs in Kazakhstan, FDA, CDC, NIDA, DC.
2012, May
Definition and Identification of couples, CDC, Atlanta
2013 November
Global Perspective on HIV Dual Risks and Vulnerabilities among Women who Use Drugs:
No Single Prevention Strategy is the Answer. 37th National Conference. Bethesda, MD
2013, June
Women Who Use Drugs in Central Asia: Couples-based Overdose HIV Prevention, San
2013, December
Global Perspective on HIV Dual Risks and Vulnerabilities among Women who Use Drugs:
No Single Prevention Strategy is the Answer. The Chicago Developmental Center for
2014, June
Couple-based HIV prevention: CPDD, Puerto Rico
2014, July
People who inject drugs in intimate relationship: it takes two to combat HIV, 20th
International AIDS Conference, and Australia
2014, December
Implementation HIV science: University of Malaysia, Malaysia
2015, March
HIV, gender-based violence and drug use. 8th academic and health policy conference on
correction health, Boston
2015, April
Project Renaissance: couple-based HIV and overdose prevention for people who inject
drugs in Kazakhstan. International Conference on Global Health. Prevention and treatment
of substance abuse, Hangzhou China
2015, April
Women who use drugs: Gender specific risk environment and HIV strategies: NIH Fogarty
Sponsored meeting. Almaty Kazakhstan
2015, May
HIV and gender-based violence among women affected by the criminal justice system.
John Hopkins University, Baltimore
2015, August
People in intimate relationship who use drugs: a coupe –based approach. APA , Toronto ,
2015, October
Global Perspective on HIV ad drug use among women : call to Action. Columbia
University NY City
1994 - 1996
World of Work Advisory Board
1994 - 1996
International Welfare Advisory Board
1997 - 2004
Center for the Study of Social Work Practice
1997 - 2004
Co- Chair of the Contemporary Social Problems Field of Practice
1997 - 2004
Co-chair of Advanced Generalist Practice and Programming concentration
2001 - 2002
Member of the Search Committee
2002 - 2006
Member of the Doctoral Curriculum Committee
2003 - 2006
Member of the Research Curriculum Committee
2003 - 2006
Member of the Curriculum Committee
2003 - 2006
Member of the International Social Work Committee
2007 - 2009
Evidence-Based practice Committee
2007 - 2009
Revenue Enhancement Committee
2007 - 2008
Diversity advisory Committee
2007 - present
Doctoral Curriculum Committee
2007 - present
Advanced Generalist Practice and Programming Committee
2007 - present
International Social Work Committee
2008 - present
Committee on Academic Appointments
2005 - 2007
Chair of the Columbia University Faculty Affiliates Working Group on Central Asia
2007 - 2009
Columbia University Senate
2008 - 2009
Search Committee for the Provost
Columbia University Epidemiology Department Chair Search Committee
2007 - 2009
Presidential Advisory Committee on Diversity Initiatives
2008 - 2010
Faculty Development Task Force: Leadership Development & Training Programs
2012 - present
Provost Advisory Council on Enhancement of Faculty Diversity
1997 - 1999
Council of the American Public Health Association-Family Planning and Reproductive Health
1997 - present
HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies, Columbia University School of Public Health
(Faculty Affiliate)
1998 - 2011
Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, Columbia University School of Social Work
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Research Group on HIV and Women
2001 - 2007
National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. (Faculty Affiliate)
2002 - 2004
Gender Inequality Working Group, A National Group on Structural Intervention
2002 - present
The Institute for Social Economic Theory and Research (Faculty Affiliate)
2003 - 2010
Doctors of the World (Board of Directors Member)
2003 - present
Member of the New York Consortium of Directors of HIV Centers
2003 - 2009
Member of the National Institute on Drug Abuse Division of Epidemiology, Services and
Prevention Data Safety Monitoring Board
2003 - 2008
Open Society Network Scholarships Program (Faculty Liaison)
2008 - 2011
Al Farabi-Kazakhstan National University. Almaty, Kazakhstan. External Review. CDC.
2009 - 2011
Trauma and HIV. NIMH training program for racial ethnic minority researchers. UCLA.
2009 - present
Center of Excellence for Research on AIDS. University of Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2009 - 2011
Project on HIV prevention with couples. UCSD, Division of Global Public Health.
2009 - present
International Advisory Board of the Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center (IRC),
Arizona State University
2009 - present
Diversity-Promoting Institutions Drug Abuse Research Program (DIDARP) (External
Advisory Board)
2010 - 2011
Social Service Review, University of Chicago Press (Member of the External Review Board)
2011 - present
National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse, NIDA
2011 - present
HIV Prevention Trials Network Substance Use Working Group (Member)
2011 - present
American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare (Fellow)
2009 - present:
Data Safety Board- Behavioral Therapy for female drug abusing patients: Harvard Medical
School, Department of Psychiatry at VA Boston System.
2009 - 2010
Data Safety Board- Project Masihambisane: a randomized controlled Trial with peer mentors to
improve outcomes for pregnant mothers living with HIV: Global Center and Frontiers.
University of UCLA, California
2011 - present:
Data Safety Board- HIV/STI Risk reduction for incarcerated women. Center for Alcohol and
Addiction Studies, Brown University
2011 - present
Data Safety Advisory Board, CFAR, and University of LA
2012 - present
Data Safety Advisory Board. Methodology Center State University of Pennsylvania
2012 - present
HIV Prevention Trial Network Substance Use Scientific Committee
2012 - present
Center for HIV Identification, Prevention, and Treatment Services’ (CHIPTS) external
Scientific Advisory Board
2013 - 2013
Advisory Committee on Social and Behavioral HIV research for NIH Office of AIDS
2012 - 2015
National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse (NACDA)
2012 - present
2014 - present
2014 - 2015
Middle East Columbia Center-Faculty Steering Committee
Columbia University Global Committee
Liaison –National Advisory Council for NIH Office of AIDS (OAR)
2014 - present Co-chair of Substance Abuse committee, HIV Clinical Trial Network (HPTN)
2014 - present
Scientific Advisory Board: Migration and Health –Harvard University School of Medicine
2014 - present Advisor on Gender and Women Center-RTI International, Research Triangle
2014 - present Leading member of the Columbia Justice Center
Addictive Behaviors
AIDS and Behavior
American Journal of Epidemiology
American Journal of Public Health
Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Journal of the American Medical Association
Journal of Community Psychology
Journal of Family Violence
Research on Social Work Practice
Social Service Review
Social Work Research
Violence and Victims
2001 - 2003
Center on Addiction & Substance Abuse, Columbia University
2001 - 2003
National Development and Research Institutes, Inc.
2002 - 2006
National Institute on Drug Abuse (Health Services Research Branch)
2002 - present
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2002 - present
National Institute of Drug Abuse
American Psychological Association
American Public Health Association
Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse
Committee on Alcoholism and Other Chemical Dependencies
Council on Social Work Education
National Association of Social Workers
Society for Social Work and Research
International AIDS Society
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