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AP European History. Exam Review. May 8, 2015
Mr. Taracido
1. Describe the following movements: humanism, Italian Renaissance, Northern
2. Describe the nature and accomplishments of the New Monarchs. Describe political and
economic life in the early modern period in Spain, France, England, Italy, and the Holy
Roman Empire
3. Explain the importance of each of the following: Niccolo Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes,
John Locke, Emperor Charles V, Hapsburg, Peace of Augsburg, Dutch war of
independence, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I
4. Explain the political, economic, social, and religious causes of the Reformation
5. Explain the importance and thought of each of the following: Martin Luther, John Calvin,
Ignatius of Loyola, Erasmus
6. Define and explain the importance of each of the following: Thirty Years’ War, Peace of
Westphalia, Inquisition, Anabaptist, French wars of religion, Council of Trent, Huguenot,
Jesuit, baroque, Church of England
7. What was the importance of the creation of the Atlantic trading network? What was
brought to Europe as part of the Columbian Exchange?
8. Explain the Scientific Revolution and its impact on philosophy and religion.
9. Explain how each of the following contributed to the Scientific Revolution: Francis
Bacon, Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Descartes
10. Explain the political, social, economic, and religious characteristics of the Netherlands in
the 17th century. Describe the impact of the Thirty Years’ War on France and on the Holy
Roman Empire. Explain Spain’s decline as a great power in the 17th century.
11. What three Central European states declined in the 17th and 18th centuries? Why? What
three Central European states rose in power in the 17th and 18th centuries? Why?
12. What were the political and religious causes and outcome of the English Civil War? What
was the impact of the Glorious Revolution?
13. Define and explain the importance of each of the following: Stuart, Whig, Tory, English
Bill of Rights, Act of Settlement
14. Explain how each of the following helped establish the basis for a modern state in
France: Henry IV, Richelieu, Mazarin, Fronde, Louis XIV, Colbert
15. Describe all aspects of the global economy dominated by Europe in the 18th century.
Explain mercantilism, family economy (including gender roles), and the Agricultural
16. Explain the balance of power concept and the Diplomatic Revolution. Explain the nature
of warfare and diplomacy in the 18th century
17. Describe the Enlightenment and its objectives and explain its connection to the Scientific
Revolution. Define deism and neoclassicism
18. Describe the political, economic, social, and religious characteristics of the Old Regime
in France
19. Explain the political, economic, social, and intellectual causes of the French Revolution
20. What were the principal accomplishments of the French Revolution? Why did it become
more radical? Define Jacobin. What were the causes and consequences of the
Thermidorian Reaction?
21. How did Napoleon represent a continuation and consolidation of the French Revolution,
and how did he spread these changes across Europe? Define the Continental System
22. Explain the results of the Congress of Vienna, and its guiding principles. Define the
purposes and methods of the Concert of Europe
23. Define and explain liberalism, conservatism, socialism, nationalism, romanticism
24. Define and explain the importance of each of the following: Revolution of 1830, LouisPhilippe, Reform Bill of 1832, Revolution of 1848, Cavour, Napoleon III, Bismarck,
Mazzini, Crimean War, Alexander II, Ausgleich
25. Explain the social and economic impact of industrialization. Explain separate spheres.
Describe the ideas of Adam Smith and laissez-faire economic philosophy and policies.
26. Explain the origin and impact of the wars of Italian and German unification, the RussoTurkish War of 1877-78, and the First and Second Balkan Wars
27. What were the political, economic, technological, and intellectual causes of the new
28. Define and explain the importance of each of the following: social Darwinism, Marx,
Second Industrial Revolution, Darwin, Freud, Einstein
29. What were the causes of World War I? How did industrialization and nationalism shape
its character?
30. What were the political, social, and economic results of World War I for Great Britain,
France, Germany, Italy, and Russia?
31. What were the results of the Paris Peace Conference?
32. What was the nature of the tsarist regime? Define and explain the importance of each of
the following: Revolution of 1905, Stolypin reforms, March Revolution, Bolshevik
33. Explain the New Economic Policy and the characteristics of Stalin’s regime
34. Define fascism and explain the characteristics of Mussolini’s regime
35. Define Nazism and explain the characteristics of Hitler’s regime
36. Explain the causes of the Great Depression and its impact on Britain, France, and
37. Explain appeasement and how it led to World War II. Explain the importance of the
Spanish Civil War
38. Explain the origin of the cold war and the political, economic, military, and social
characteristics of Eastern and Western Europe during the cold war
39. Define and explain the importance of each of the following: Marshall Plan, containment,
Holocaust, existentialism, European Union (including previous institutions of European
integration), NATO, Warsaw Pact, euro, Berlin Wall, Brezhnev Doctrine, decolonization,
Second Vatican Council, welfare state, détente, Margaret Thatcher
40. Define glasnost, perestroika, and Velvet Revolution. Explain the importance of Mikhail
Gorbachev, and how and why the cold war ended.
41. What were the origin and impact of the Yugoslav wars (1991-99)?
42. Explain the characteristics of modernism in art and literature
43. Define feminism. Explain how and why women obtained the right to vote. Explain
changes in gender roles from World War II to the present
44. Describe the impact of environmentalism. Explain the causes, characteristics, and impact
of immigration on Europe after World War II.
AP World History Exam Review May 16, 2013
Mr. Taracido
Technological and Environmental Transformations (to 600BC)
1. Describe hunting-foraging bands of humans and their migration out of East Africa 2. Explain
the nature of the Neolithic Revolution and its more complex economic and social systems and
improvements in technology 3. Explain the nature of pastoralism 4. Identify the location and
understand the nature of core civilizations and state formation 5. Explain their culture, religion,
art, architecture, laws, record keeping, and trade
Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies (600BC-600)
6. Explain the development and codification of Hinduism, Judaism, Confucianism, Daoism,
Buddhism, Christianity, and Greco-Roman philosophy and science and explain their effects on
gender roles. 7. Define shamanism and animism, and explain ancestor veneration and where it
was practiced. 8. Explain an example of literature and drama and of a distinctive architectural
style. 9. Identify the key states and empires and explain their administrative institutions,
techniques of projecting military power, and promotion of trade. 10. Explain the states’ cities,
social structures, methods of food production, and patriarchy 11. Explain the empires’
environmental damage and external problems along frontiers. 12. Explain transregional trade
routes and new technologies and the spread of crops, disease, and religious and cultural traditions
Regional and Transregional Interactions (600-1450)
13. Understand the trade routes and the role of empires and one example of a city, luxury good,
caravan organization, new form of credit, state practices, and trading organization. 14. Explain
the environmental and linguistic effects of the movement of people 15. Explain the beliefs and
spread of Islam. 16. Explain an example of diasporic communities, interregional travelers, and
the diffusion of cultural traditions, technology, food, and disease. 17. Explain how reconstituted
empires combined traditional and innovative sources of power and synthesized traditions. 18.
Analyze an Islamic state, the Mongol khanates, an example of a city-state, and feudalism in
Europe and Japan 19. Understand Maya, Aztec, and Inca societies. 20. Explain interregional
technological and cultural transfers. 21 Explain a technological innovation in agriculture and
increased trade and manufacturing 22. Analyze factors contributing to urban decline and revival.
23. Explain forms of labor organization. 24. Explain class and caste hierarchies, gender roles
(including the impact of religion and philosophy), coerced labor, and revolts by free peasants
Global Interactions (1450-1750)
25. Explain the intensification of existing regional trade networks and an example of new tools
and of ship designs 26. Analyze all forms of transoceanic travel 27. Explain the characteristics of
the new global economy 28. Analyze every aspect of the Columbian Exchange 29. Explain the
spread of Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism and an example of a new syncretic religion 30.
Explain an innovation in the arts and a work of literature 31. Explain the intensification of
peasant labor, slavery in Africa, the plantation economy, and a form of coerced labor 32.
Describe a new elite, an existing elite, an example of gender and family restructuring, and of
ethnic classification 33. Analyze an example of how rulers used the arts and religion to reinforce
their rule. 34. Explain differential treatment of a social group and an example of a bureaucratic or
military elite 35. Analyze African states, land empires, and European maritime empires 36.
Explain an example of competition over trade routes, state rivalry, and local resistance
Industrialization and Global Integration (1750-1900)
37. Explain the causes of industrialization, the role of new technologies and fossil fuels, the
factory system, the spread of industrialization, and the “second industrial revolution.” 38.
Explain an economy based on the export of natural resources, the decline of agricultural
economies, new consumer markets, and the development of mining centers. 39. Explain
capitalism and classical liberalism, and an example of financial instruments and of transnational
business. 40. Explain major developments in transportation and communication 41. Explain an
alternative to capitalism, resistance in China and the Ottoman Empire, state-sponsored
industrialization, and reform 42. Explain changes in social classes, family, gender roles,
demographics, and urbanization. 43. Explain an existing colony, an empire, an empire in Africa,
a settler colony, and an example of economic imperialism 44. Explain the Meiji Restoration, the
expansion of the United States and Russia, and an example of the contraction of the Ottoman
Empire, of a new state, and of nationalism 45. Explain how new racial ideologies justified
imperialism 46. Explain how Enlightenment thought questioned tradition and analyze examples
of thinkers. 47. Analyze revolutionary documents and the expansion of rights 48. Explain
nationalism 49. Explain an example of challenges to imperial rule, all rebellions, and an example
of slave resistance, of anticolonial movement, of religious rebellion, and of imperial reforms. 50.
Explain the development of liberalism, socialism, communism, and feminism, and an example of
women’s demands. 51. Explain migration and its motives and urbanization, an example of
migration, and semicoerced and temporary migrants 52. Explain the gender aspects of migration,
an example of ethnic enclaves, and regulation of migration
Accelerating Global Change and Realignments (1900-present)
53. Explain scientific and technological advances, an example of a new paradigm and of a
medical innovation, the Green Revolution, and energy technology 54. Explain the human impact
on the environment. 55 Analyze an example of a disease associated with poverty and with
lifestyle and of epidemic disease, the impact of birth control, and examples of improved military
technology, new tactics, and wartime casualties 56. Explain the collapse of empires and one
example of factors leading to collapse, how a colony negotiated independence, and how one
colony achieved independence through armed struggle 57. Analyze an example of a nationalist
leader and movement, of a transnational movement, and of a movement calling for redistribution
58 Analyze an example of population resettlement, migration, ethnic violence, and displacement
59. Analyze one example of mobilization and the causes of World Wars I and II. 60 Explain the
origin of the cold war and analyze military alliances, proxy wars, and the end of the cold war. 61
Analyze an example of a challenge to war, nonviolence, and an alternative to existing order 62.
Explain a response which intensified conflict, a movement which used violence, and an example
of popular culture influenced by conflict 63. Explain examples of communist control of the
economy, government intervention in the economy, government promotion of development, and
free market policies 64. Explain an example of an international organization, new economic
institution, humanitarian organization, regional trade agreement, multinational corporation, and
protest movement. 65. Explain an example of human rights, new cultural identity, exclusionary
reaction, new forms of spirituality, and politicized religion 66 Analyze examples of sports and
the diffusion of music and film