Download C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 à 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O + Energy

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BIOS 1700
Dr. Tanda
Week 6, Session 2
1. Cellular respiration is the process of extracting _________ from ___________.
2. Oxidation is the __________ of electrons.
3. Reduction is the ___________ of electrons.
4. _________ ________ are molecules that can give away electrons.
Reducing Agent
Oxidizing Agent
5. _________ ________ are molecules that can receive electrons.
Reducing Agent
Oxidizing Agent
6. What molecules carry around electrons in the cell?
7. There are two key electron carriers in cellular respiration. Differentiate between both
their oxidized and reduced forms. Do their oxidized or reduced forms have more
electrons? (Hint: OIL RIG)
-Label what molecules are oxidized and reduced in the reaction below.
-Label the reactants and products.
-What molecule is the reducing agent and what molecule is the oxidizing agent?
-G1 ( ) G2
> or <
-spontaneous or nonspontaneous
-energy production or energy consumption
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy
9. Cellular respiration is a four-stage process. Name the four stages.
10. In what stage is the most ATP produced?
11. Glycolysis takes place in the ________________________.
12. Is glycolysis an anaerobic process or an aerobic process?
13. What are the three phases of glycolysis? What is the net energy gain from glycolysis?
14. Glycolysis produces ______ pyruvate.
15. Label this Cellular Respiration ETC. Also label which complexes pump protons and
which do not.
Two Entrances
One Exit
Complex _____
Complex _____
Complex III
O2 + ___
Complex ____
16. What is phosphorylation?
17. The synthesis of ATP in glycolysis results from the direct transfer of a phosphate
group from a substrate of ADP, a process called:
18. Pyruvate oxidation occurs in the __________________________ __________________________.
19. The citric acid cycle takes place in the ____________________ _________________________.
20. The citric acid cycle is a cycle because the acetyl group of acetyl-CoA combines
with _______________, and then a series of reactions regenerates __________________________.
21. A complete turn of the citric acid cycle results in the production of:
22. The buildup of protons in the intermembrane space results in a proton
______________________________ ___________________________, which stores potential energy.
23. Describe how a proton gradient is used to generate ATP.
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