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4.3 Ecological Succession
Key Term
Ecological succession – a series of predictable change in
a community over time.
4.3 Ecological Succession
Succession occurs following a disturbance in an
• Succession regenerates or creates a community after a
– a sequence of biotic changes
– damaged communities are regenerated
– new communities arise in previously uninhabited areas
4.3 Ecological Succession
• There are two types of succession.
– Primary Succession — When a community arises in a
lifeless area that has no soil. Started by pioneer species.
– Pioneer Species - first to colonize previously disrupted or
damaged ecosystems, starts ecological succession
– Example - New islands (created by volcanoes)
4.3 Ecological Succession
• There are two types of succession.
– Secondary Succession — started by remaining species;
When a disturbance damages an existing community but
leaves the soil intact
– Forested area cleared for farming and then abandoned