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6.2 Why Do Religions have
Different Distributions?
C. Holy Places in Ethnic Religions
• Tied close to the physical geography: Ganges River,
Himalayan mountains
• Shrines established by tradition, not doctrine
6.2 Why Do Religions have Different
Cosmogony - set of religious beliefs about the
origin and fate of the universe
• Confucianism & Daoism – see two equal &
opposing forces that maintain balance in
universe (yin-yang), fatalistic, can’t change events
that are already set in motion
• Christianity & Islam – see God having power over
nature and not equal to nature, God CAN
change things, not fatalistic (creation stories
are very important to universalizing religions)
6.2 Why Do Religions have Different
D. The Calendar
• Universalizing – based on events in
founder’s life
• Ethnic – based on physical geography
and seasons (based on agriculture),
most often a lunar calendar (28 days)
6.2 Why Do Religions have
Different Distributions?
D. The Calendar in Ethnic Religions
Judaism - Based on agriculture with a lunar
calendar (Yom Kippur & Rosh Hashanah in
autumn, Passover & Feast of Weeks during
Solstice – the change of seasons are important:
Druids (pagans) in England (Stonehenge),
Greek mythology, animistic beliefs
6.2 Why Do Religions have Different
D. The Calendar in Universalizing Religions
Islamic & Baha’i (doesn’t fit pattern for univ. r.)
-Islam has strict lunar calendar
-Baha'i has 19 months of 19 days +4
Christian, Buddhist & Sikh holidays
Christian- birth, death, resurrection of Jesus
Buddhist-birth, enlightenment, death of Buddha
Sikh – birth & death of the 10 gurus