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Soran University - Faculty of Science
Chemistry Department
Module Specification Template:
1. Module Title:
Inorganic Chemistry : 1 , 2 and 3.
2. Module Leader:
Prof. Dr. Jalal Alysha Zora
3. Module Code:
4. Teaching Semester:
Fall Semester / 2014 - 2015
5. Module Level:
First Year / Semester : 1 and 2
6. Credit Rating for the module: 3 units
8. Course Module Summary:
Text Books:
1. Chemistry (5th Edition) by Gary L. Miessler, Paul J. Fischer and
Donald A. Tarr, 2013.
2. Inorganic Chemistry (4th Edition) by Catherine Housecroft and
Alan G. Sharpe, 2012.
3. Inorganic Chemistry (4th Edition) by Gary L. Miessler and
Donald A. Tarr , 2010
4. Inorganic Chemistry by Duward Shriver and Peter Atkins, 2009.
Semester Final Exams
(60%) ; Written ( 45) + Lab (15)
Two written monthly exams + Quizzes and: (40%) ; Written (25) + Lab (15)
The main module will be introduced in this course are:
 Models the Atom
Ernest Rutherford’s Model
The Bohr’s Model
The Bohr’s Model of Hydrogen
Limitation of Bohr Theory
The Electronic Structure of the Atom
Atomic Spectrum
Light Spectrum
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Atomic Line Spectra
The Rydberg Equation for Hydrogen
Max Planck
Electromagnetic Radiation
The Quantum Mechanical Model
The Schrödinger Wave Equation
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
Probability of finding the electron
Atomic Orbitals
Quantum number
 The Periodic Table of Elements
The Periodic Table
Notes on the periodic tables
Order of Increasing Energy for Atomic orbital
 Shielding and Penetration
Salter Rules for electron shielding
Effective Nuclear Charge, Z
 Hydrogen
Hydrogen Isotopes
Elemental Hydrogen , Deuterium , Tritium Chemistry
Properties of hydrogen isotopes
Physical Properties of hydrogen isotopes
Hydrogen produced in Industry
Electrolysis of water
The chemistry Reactions of Hydrogen
Applications of Hydrogen
Binary Metallic Hydrides; Ionic , Covalent , Interstitial
Electrolysis of water
Saline hydride reactions
Saline hydride Applications
Covalent Binary Hydrides
Interstitial Binary Hydrides
Lanthanides Hydrides
Actinide Hydride
d- block transition metal hydride
Hydrogen Bond
Hydrogen bonds in DNA
 The Alkali Metals
The elements of Group 1; the Alkali Metals
Physical Properties
Chemical Properties
Oxidation States
lionization Energies
Atomic Radius
Ionic Radius
Standard Electrode
Industrial Applications
Hydration Enthalpy
Bilogical Applications
 Lithium:
Reactions, Isotopes, produce, compounds, physical, chemical
and application.
 Sodium:
Abundant, produce, Isotopes, properties, sodium – mercury ,
amalgam and reactions.
 The Alkaline Earth Metals
The elements of Group 1; the Alkaline Earth Metals
Group Trends
Physical Properties
Chemical Properties
Ionic Radii
Beryllium: Discover, Physical properties, Sources, Applications ,
Biological Role.
Magnesium: Discover, Physical properties , Applications,
reactions, Biological Role, Isotopes.
Calcium: Discover , Abundant, Physical properties, reactions,
Isotopes, Applications , Biological Role,
Barium: Discover, Abundant, Biological Role, Alkaline Earth
Metal Carbonates , Reactions.
 Transition Metal Chemistry and Coordination Compounds
 Cobalt
Oxidation States
Biological Role
Vitamin B12
Organometallic chemistry of cobalt
Biological functions
Cobalt Production
Cobalt - 60
Spinel structure
Cobalt Sulphides & halides
Cobalt different complexes
Cobalt stereochemistry
Cobalt applications
Cobalt Radioactive Isotopes
 Nickel
Discovery , Appearance and Source
Physical properties
Mond - Process
Nickel Compounds
Nickel structures
Nickel halide
Ni complexes
Nickel applications
Nickel alloys
Edison battery
Module Specification Template:
1. Module Title:
Inorganic Chemistry - 3
2. Module Leader:
Prof. Dr. Jalal Alysha Zora
3. Module Code:
4. Teaching Semester:
Fall Semester / 2014 - 2015
5. Module Level:
Second Year / Semester - 1
6. Credit Rating for the module:
8. Course Module Summary:
Semester Final Exams
(60%) ; Written ( 45) + Lab (15)
Two written monthly exams + Quizzes:
(40%) ; Written (25) + Lab (15)
The main module will be introduced in this course are:
Transition Metals (Complexes) Theories
Introduction to Transition Metals
Oxidation States of the Transition Metals
The Electron Configuration of Transition-Metal Ions
Different Typical Ligands
Isomers: cis, trans and chiral Isomers
Polarized Light and Optically Active Compounds
Typical Coordination Numbers
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) - Rules for
Naming Coordination Complexes
Lewis Acid-Lewis base Approach to Bonding in Complexes
The Electron Configuration of Transition-Metal Ions
Werner's Theory of Coordination Complexes
The Valence-Bond Approach to Bonding in Complexes
Crystal Field Theory
Octahedral Crystal Fields
Tetrahedral Crystal Fields
Square-Planar Complexes
Different Examples
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