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Advanced Placement Chemistry Outline
Summer Assignment
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Observations and conclusions; properties of matter; physical and chemical changes;
elements, compounds, and mixtures; the scientific method; atoms, molecules, and
ions; the use of chemical models; chemical symbols and nomenclature; chemical
equations; the chemistry of the alkali metals
Chapter 2 Measurement
SI units; uncertainty in measurement and significant figures; accuracy and precision;
systematic and random errors; density; isotopes; calculation of formula masses;
Avogadro's constant; the mole
Brown LeMay Summer Assignment - Read Sections 1.3,1.4,1.5 - Do end of
Chapter problems 19,21,23,31,35 Read Chapter 2 - Do end of Chapter problems
15,23,25,31,35 Memorize Polyatomic Ions and Solubility Rules – handout.
Aug 9-27
Chapter 3 - Stoichiometry
stoichiometry, including limiting reagents; theoretical, actual, and percent yield;
empirical formulas, percent composition; molecular and structural formulas
Chapter 5 - Chemical Thermodynamics: Thermochemistry
definition of system and surroundings; state functions [very briefly]; energy, work,
and heat [I omit PV work]; temperature, thermal energy, and heat; exothermic and
endothermic reactions; energy units; heat capacity and specific heat; calorimetry;
enthalpy; Hess's Law
Assignments- Brown LeMay – Chapter 3 problems
3,17,21,3.29,3.39,3.51,53,6571,75,77,100 Chapter 5 5,13,15,25,27,33,41, Western
Kentucky University Hess’s Law Problem Set Hendrickson
Laboratory Experiments (wet labs)
Determination of the Empirical Formulas
Experiment 5 Brown LeMay
Chemical Reactions of Copper and Percent Yield Experiment 6 Brown LeMay
Heat of Neutralization
Experiment 26 Brown LeMay
****Exam 1****
Aug 30 – Sept 10
Chapter 10 - Gases
pressure; Boyle's Law, Charles's Law, and the combined form; absolute zero, standard
temperature, and pressure; the ideal gas equation; Dalton's Law; kinetic molecular
theory; molecular speeds and Graham's Law; real gases and van der Waal's equation
Assignments- Brown LeMay Chapter 10 problems
Laboratory Experiments(wet)
Determining the Molar Volume Using a Gas Collection Tube (Adapted from
Flinn Scientific (page 318 2007 catalog)
The Gas Laws Experiment 15 Investigations in Chemistry
Graham’s Law Experiment 16 Investigations in Chemistry
**** Exam 2*****
Aug 13 – Oct 1
Chapter 6- Atomic Structure
discovery of the electron and its mass and charge; the nuclear atom; the proton and
neutron; the electromagnetic spectrum, including frequency and wavelength; the
photoelectric effect [qualitatively]; the Rydberg/Balmer equations; the quantum
mechanical model of the atom and the Planck equation; the Bohr model; the
Heisenberg uncertainty principle; Schrodinger equation [very brief mention only],
electron spin, and the Pauli exclusion principle; quantum numbers [physical meaning
only - not extended to knowing quantum "address" of each electron]; shapes of
Chapter 7 - Electronic Structure and the Periodic Table
electron configurations (aufbau principle) of atoms and ions; isoelectronic species and
properties; the periodic table and periodicity; atomic and ionic radii; ionization
energies; electron affinity
Laboratory Experiments/Activities
Molecular Geometries of Covalent Molecules: Lewis Structures and VSEPR
Theory (activity lab experiment 11) Brown LeMay
Collection of Gas Over Water(wet lab) – adapted from Flinn Scientific
******Exam 3*****
Oct 4-8 Review and Take Quarter Exam
Fall Break Oct 11-15th
Oct 18 – Nov 12
Chapter 8- Chemical Bonds
valence electrons; ionic bonds; Lewis structures; polar and nonpolar bonds; electro
negativity; bond length, energy, and order; formal charge; resonance structures;
exceptions to octet rule
Chapter 9- Molecular Shape and the Theory of Chemical Bonding
the VSEPR model; lone pair-lone pair repulsions; polar and nonpolar molecules;
dipole momems; valence bond theory, hybridization, and sigma and pi bonds;
molecular orbital theory, including shapes of molecular orbitals; configurations of
diatomic molecules; explanation of paramagnetism of O2 molecule; band theory of
bonding in solids; molecular spectra
****Exam 4****
Nov 15 –Dec 10
Chapter 4 - Reactions in Solution
strong, weak, and nonelectrolytes; Arrhenius acids and bases; solubility rules;
reactions between ions in solution, including precipitation and neutralization; ionic
and net ionic equations; single replacement reactions and an introduction to the
activity series; concentration (percents, molarity); dilution and titration calculations
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
oxidation numbers, including periodicity and nomenclature; balancing of redox
reactions; disproportionation reactions; oxidation by oxygen; metallurgy
****Exam 5****
Dec 13-17 Review for Midterm and Midterm Exam
Christmas Break Dec-20 – Jan 2
Jan 3 – Jan 21
Chapter 15 - Chemical Equilibrium
chemical equilibrium, equilibrium constants, equilibrium constant expressions, and
equilibrium calculations; Le Chatelier's Principle; industrially important equilibrium
Chapter 16- Acids and Bases
Bf0nsted-Lowry definitions; Kw; pH and other "p" scales; concentration of H+ and
OH- in aqueous solution; hydrolysis; the common ion effect; buffered solutions;
indicators; titration calculations; polyprotic acids
*****Exam 6****
Jan 24-Feb -11
Chapter 17 - More about Equilibria
periodicity; Lewis acids and bases; equilibria of complexes [briefly]; solubility
product constants; factors influencing solubility of salts; practical applications
Chapter 19 - Chemical Thermodynamics: More Enthalpy, Entropy, and Free
The laws of thermodynamics; entropy; free energy; temperature and direction of
spontaneous change; calculation of delta G from delta H, delta S, or from delta Gf
estimation of delta G at different temperatures; estimation of temperature at which the
direction of spontaneous changes reverses; delta.G for nonstandard conditions;
standard free energy and equilibrium constants
****Exam 7***
****Quarter Exam***
Feb-14 – March 4
Chapter 20 - Electrochemistry
voltaic cells; standard cell potentials; effect of concentration on cell potential; free
energy and cell potential; batteries; corrosion; electrolytic cells; stoichiometry and
Faraday's Laws; practical applications
***Exam 8****
March 7-18
Chapter 11 - Liquids, Solids, and Changes of State
kinetic molecular view of liquids' and solids; intermolecular attractions, including
hydrogen bonding and London forces; properties of liquids, such as viscosity,
capillary action, etc.; vapor pressure and boiling points; melting points and freezing
points; heating and cooling curves; phase diagrams; types of crystals (ionic molecular,
covalent network, and metallic) and properties; arrangements of units in crystals [I
omit]; crystal structure from x_ray diffraction patterns and the Bragg equation [1
omit]; crystal defects and semiconductors [1 cover briefly]
Chapter 13- Solutions Revisited
kinetic molecular view of solution process; solubility of solids; effect of temperature
on solubility; effect of pressure on solubility {Henry's Law}; molality and mole
fraction; Raoult's Law, ideality, distillation, and azeotropes; colligative properties,
including osmosis and van't Hof factor; colloids
****Exam 9****
March 21 – April 1
Unit 18 - Chemical Kinetics
rates of reactions; rate and concentration; finding rate laws; first order reactions;
second order reactions; rate and identity of reactants; rate and solvent; heterogeneous
reactions; catalysts; rate and temperature; theory of reaction rates; reaction
mechanisms; the steady state approximation
Chapter 21 - Nuclear Chemistry
the radioactive decay process; induced nuclear reactions; rates of nuclear reactions;
nuclear stability; radioactive decay series; energy changes; fission and fusion;
biological effects; uses of radioisotopes; synthesis of the elements
*****Exam 10****
April 11-15
Unit 22 - Organic Chemistry
occurrence; hydrides; stereo isomers [I treat optical isomers lightly]; alkanes;
nomenclature, functional groups, mechanisms, synthesis [lightly], polymerization
April 28-29 Review for AP Exam
**** Final Exam**** April 29th
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