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Chapter 7 Religion Power Point Outline
View the Interactive Map and Timeline of the History of Religion and take notes
I. What Is Religion, and What Role Does It Play in Culture?
According to Stoddard and Prorak, religion is “A system of beliefs and practices that
attempts to order life in terms of culturally perceived ultimate priorities.”
Religions manifests itself in many ways:
o Prayer
o Rituals
 Take place through regular intervals
 Attainment of adulthood
II. Where Did the Major Religions of the World Originate, and How Do Religions Diffuse?
The Rise of Secularism
Varies greatly from country to country and within countries.
Antireligious ideologies can contribute to the decline of organized
o _____________________________ do not accurately reflect active
III. Where Are Religions Distributed?
 Distribution of Religions
o Geographers distinguish two types of religions:
1. Universalizing religions-
58 percent of world’s population practices a universalizing religion.
o Christianity:
o Islam:
o Buddhism: 376 million Buddhists
2. Ethnic religions- appeal primarily to one group of people living in one place.
 _____________ of world’s population practices an ethnic religion.
IV. Branches of Universalizing Religions
 Three principal universalizing religions divided into branches,
denominations, and sects.
o A branch is a large and _______________________________.
o Ex.
o A __________________ is a division of a branch that unites a
number of local congregations in a single legal and administrative
o Ex.
o A ________ is a relatively small group that has broken away from
an established denomination.
o Ex.
Branches of Christianity in Europe
Three major branches include…
(51 percent of the world’s Christians)
(24 percent of the world’s Christians)
(11 percent of the world’s Christians)
o Roman Catholicism dominant branch in southwestern and eastern
o Orthodoxy dominant branch in eastern and southeastern Europe.
Branches of Christianity in the Western Hemisphere
o 93 percent of Christians in Latin America are
 40 percent in North America
o Protestant churches have approximately 82 million members in
the United States.
Analyze the Map of Religions in the U.S. and Record Distribution of Religions
o Branches of Islam
o Two major branches include…
 Largest branch in most Muslim countries in Southwest Asia and North
 83 percent of all Muslims
 Greatly concentrated in the Middle Eastern countries of _________,
Azerbaijan, ________, Oman, and Bahrain
o Branches of Buddhism
o Three major branches include…
 56 percent of Buddhists
 Located primarily in
 38 percent of Buddhists
 Located primarily in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and
3. Vajrayana
 6 percent of Buddhists
 Located primarily in
Ethnic Religions
o Typically have relatively more clustered distributions than do universalizing
o Ethnic religion with largest number of followers is Hinduism.
 Nearly all concentrated in
A combination of Buddhism (a universalizing religion) with Confucianism, Taoism,
and other traditional Chinese practices is practiced in East Asia and Southeast Asia.
o Blending or combining of several traditions is known as
Animism –
o 100 million Africans adhere to animism.
o First recorded religion to espouse ________________, belief that there is
only one God.
 Contrasts polytheismo Distribution
 2/5 live in the
 2/5 live in
o Christianity and Islam find some of their roots in Judaism.
V. Why Do Religions Have Different Distributions?
 Origins of Religions
o Universalizing regions have precise places of origin.
 Often based on events in the life of an influential man.
o Ethnic religions not tied to single historical individual; often have unclear or
unknown origins.
o Buddhism
 Founded: ~2,500 years ago
 Founder:
 Origin:
o Christianity
 Founded: ~2,000 years ago
 Founding:
 Origin: Region located in present-day
o Islam
 Founded:
 Founder:
 Origin:
Diffusion of Religions
o Asia is home to each hearth for Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism.
o Followers transmitted the messages preached in the hearths to people
o Each of the three main universalizing religions has a distinct diffusion
 Hierarchical Diffusion
o _____________________ helped diffuse the religion throughout the
Roman Empire by embracing Christianity.
Relocation Diffusion
o _______________________ individuals who help transmit a religion
through relocation diffusion, initially diffused the religion along protected
sea routes and the excellent Roman roads.
o Migration and missionary activity by Europeans since 1500 have
extended Christianity all over the world.
 Permanent resettlement in the Americas, Australia, and New
o Muhammad’s successors organized followers into armies and
_________________________ to spread the religion over an extensive area of…
 Africa
 Asia
 Europe
o Relocation diffusion of missionaries to portions of sub-Saharan Africa and
Southeast Asia transmitted the religion well beyond its hearth.
from its origin in northeastern India.
o ____________________ accredited with much of its diffusion throughout the
Magadhan Empire (273 to 232 B.C.).
 Missionaries sent to territories neighboring the empire.
o Buddhism introduced to ___________ along _______________ in the first
century A.D.
Ethnic Religions
o Most have limited, if any, diffusion.
o Diffusion to new places is possible, if adherents migrate for economic gains and
are not forced to adopt a strongly entrenched universalizing religion.
o Judaism’s diffusion is unlike other ethnic religions because it is practiced well
beyond its place of origin.
Field Note:
Dying and Resurrection
“When I made my first trip to the Soviet Union in 1964, the world was divided into West
and East in the Cold War. I was cataloging the unique cultural landscape in my mind as my
group drove along a road from Leningrad to Moscow: I was looking for evidence of
communism on the landscape. The rural areas were filled with state and collective farms. To
me, the most interesting aspect of the landscape was the multitude of churches in ruins.”
VI. Why Do Religions Organize Space in Distinctive Patterns?
 Sacred Space
o Geographers study the impact on the landscape made by all religions.
o Places of worship are sacred structures that physically anchor religion to
 Christian Church
 More significant role in Christianity than in other religions
because of belief that ____________________________.
 Church traditionally ____________________ building in a
community. Additional significance given to it by locating it in a
prominent location—e.g.,
 Dispersed to different continents
 Open to adherents of all religions
Landscapes of Hinduism and Buddhism
o Holy animals,
: bell shaped structures that protect burial mounds
o Pagoda
_______________ in both Hinduism in Buddhism
Field Note:
Yangon, Myanmar
Landscapes of Christianity
 Medieval Europe
o Cathedral, church, or monastery
 B
Jerusalem, Israel. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is sacred to Christians who believe it is
the site where Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Inside the church, a Christian worshipper
lights a candle at Jesus Christ’s tomb.
Landscapes of Islam
Alhambra Palace in Granada
Great Mosque of Cordoba, Spain
Prohibition against depicting the human form
o Pilgrimage to Mecca
Muslim Mosques
o Not viewed as a sanctified place
o Attention to cardinal directions is emphasized—
o Distinctive feature is a
, a tower where a man known as a
muezzin summons people to worship.
Buddhist Pagodas
o Prominent and ornate element on landscape that often includes tall, many-sided
towers arranged in a series of
o Not designed for congregational worship.
Sacred Places in Universalizing Religions
o Cities and places associated with the founder’s life are endowed with
 Not needed to be related to any particular physical environment
o Buddhism and Islam place most emphasis on identifying shrines that mark
locations of important events in the life of
 _________________, journeys for religious purposes, are
incorporated in Islamic doctrine.
Holy Places in Islam
o Holiest locations are in cities associated with Prophet Muhammad.
o Holiest City is Makkah (Mecca), birthplace of Muhammad.
 Now contains the holiest object in the Islamic landscape—
______________—a cubelike structure encased in silk that stands in
Islam’s largest mosque,
o Second-most-holy place is
The Landscape in Ethnic Religions
 Ethnic religions are closely tied to the physical geography of a particular place.
o Hindu Landscape
 Hinduism closely tied to physical geography of India
 Holiest places are riverbanks and coastlines.
 Hindus believe that they achieve purification by bathing in
holy rivers—e.g.,
 Special significance in some ethnic religions
 _________________ is a prominent remnant of a pagan
structure aligned so that sun rises between two stones on
Disposing of the Dead
o Climate, topography, and religious doctrine combine to create differences in
practices to shelter the dead.
 Burial
 Christians, Muslims, and Jews typically bury the deceased in
designated areas called cemeteries.
o ________________ were typically only public open
space in congested urban places prior to the
nineteenth century.
o Cremation
 Hindus wash the bodies of the deceased with water from the Ganges
River first, then burn them with a slow fire on a
Field Note
“Each religion approaches the disposition of the deceased in different ways, and cultural
landscapes reflect religious traditions. In largely Christian, western regions, the deceased
are buried in large, sometimes elaborate cemeteries.
The Hindu faith requires cremation of the deceased. Wherever large Hindu communities
exist outside of India, you will see crematoriums, the equivalent of a Hindu funeral home.”
Religious Settlements and Place Names
 Most human settlements serve an economic purpose, but some are established
primarily for religious reasons.
o ____________________________ is an ideal community built around a religious
way of life.
 Salt Lake City culminated the utopian movement in the United States
when it was built by the
Roman Catholic immigrants have frequently given religious place names, or
_______________, to settlements primarily in the U.S. Southwest and Quebec.
The Calendar
o Universalizing and ethnic religions approach the calendar differently.
 Ethnic Religion
 Holidays are closely aligned with natural events associated with the
physical geography of the homeland.
 Prominent feature is
 Closely tied to local
o Universalizing Religion
o Major holidays relate to events in the life of the founder rather than the seasons
of one particular place.
 Ramadan (Islam):
 Easter (Christian):
Administration of Space
o Universalizing religions must be connected to ensure consistency of doctrine.
 _________________________
 Exemplifies a well-defined geographic structure and organizes
territory into local administrative units.
o Roman Catholic Church created administrative units on
much of Earth’s inhabited land with each being headed by
a leader who is accountable to the next higher-ordered
 Locally Autonomous Religions
 Islam
o No formal territorial organization
Guest Field Notes
VIII. What Role Does Religion Play in Political Conflicts?
Conflicts along Religious Borders
o Interfaith boundaries: boundaries between the world’s major faiths
 Ex.:
o Intrafaith boundaries:
 Ex.:
Israel and Palestine
o Muslim North/Christian South
The Former Yugoslavia
o Balkan Peninsula separates the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern
Orthodox Church
Northern Ireland
Religious Fundamentalism and Extremism
o Religious fundamentalism
o Religious extremism
 Fundamentalism carried to the point of
 Fundamentalists can be extremists but this does not mean that all
fundamentalists (of any faith) are extremists
 Example:
o Traditionalist
o Protestant fundamentalism
o Orthodox conservatives
o Extremist groups
o Jihad:
Define Jihad:
Religion versus Religion
o Conflicts most likely to occur at a boundary between two religious groups.
 Religious Wars in Ireland
 A small faction chose to join the ________________ when Ireland
became independent in 1____________.
 Roman Catholics have been victimized by discriminatory practices,
such as exclusion from
 Belfast, the capital city, is
 Protests by Roman Catholics began in 1968 with bloodshed of both
Protestants and Roman Catholics.
Religious Wars in the Middle East
 Conflict in the Middle East is among the world’s longest standing.
o Jews, Christians, and Muslims have fought nearly 2,000 years
to control the same small strip of Land in the Eastern
 Judaism: special claim to the territory it calls the
Promised Land where major events in the
development in the religion occurred.
 Islam: Muslim army conquered this land in
___________________________ Jerusalem is the
______ holiest city to Muslims, because it is believed
to be where Muhammad ascended into heaven.
 Christianity: considers it the Holy Land and Jerusalem
the Holy City, because
Conflicting Perspectives of the Holy Land
 After the 1973 war, the ____________________ emerged as Israel’s
principal opponent.
 Palestinians viewed themselves as the legitimate rulers of Israel.
o Biggest obstacle to peace in the Middle East is the status of
 Peace will likely not be possible, if one religion has
political control over Jerusalem.
View Conflict in Israel and Palestine: Crash Course World History and Summarize