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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Prevention and Management of Blood and Body Fluid Exposures Policy Date: Authorized by: Revision Date: Revision Date: Purpose: _____ (name of organization) ____________ is committed to the health and safety of all patients, visitors and staff. There may be a risk to employees of acquiring Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C infection as a result of an occupational exposure to infectious blood or body fluids. This policy has been developed to prevent such exposures and to ensure effective post exposure follow-up when an occupational exposure occurs. Definitions: Blood and Body Fluid Exposure (BBFE): An incident in which blood or body fluid comes into contact with a worker’s skin, mucous membrane, or through percutaneous injury. Bloodborne Pathogen: A pathogen that may be transmitted through exposure to blood or body fluids. Exposed Person: The worker who was exposed to blood or body fluid. Informed Consent: The process of informing the source person about the exposure and the request to allow for testing related to bloodborne pathogens. This is usually obtained by the health professional who is responsible for the area. Risk Assessment of the Source: A process conducted by expert health professionals to assess the level of risk that the blood or body fluid of the Source Person may transmit a bloodborne pathogen. Significance of Exposure: An assessment of factors related to the exposure that assist in determining if an exposure actually occurred and if it is significant (from the perspective of information about the task involved, the equipment in use, and the amount and type of exposure. Source Person: The person whose blood or body fluid was in contact with the worker. Guiding Principles: 1. The organization will ensure that hazard identification, risk assessment and control measures are developed to prevent BBFEs. 2. Employees must use all available control measures to reduce the risk of exposure. 3. In the event of any exposure, the employee must report the incident immediately to the person in charge of the area or site. 4. First aid will be provided as necessary. 5. The organization will post the BBFE post-exposure follow-up procedure in conspicuous locations for employees, and provide training on BBFEs and the follow-up process provided by the organization. 6. Post exposure follow-up is initiated by the charge person, who will ensure that the process is initiated and expert follow-up is available. Time is of the essence, as in some cases, postexposure prophylaxis is available but must be given within certain timeframes. 7. Incident investigation is conducted for any BBFE, with a view to identifying and correcting causes of the incident and any contributing factors. 8. The organization will provide the employee with its WCB account information (if applicable), or with a billing address (if it does not have a WCB account). 9. The organization will support any long-term follow-up of the exposed worker required.