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Professor, Dept of CSE
GITAM Institute of Technology
GITAM University
Visakhapatanam-530 045
Andhra Pradesh
Ph 91-891-2783233.
Cell- 98480 27456
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Overall 16 years of Teaching, Research and Industrial Experience.
Over 15 year’s extensive experience in Teaching, Research, Curriculum Design
and consultancy.
One year as Site Engineer in Faria Builders Bangalore.
Presently working as Director-IQAC, GITAM University & Professor, Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, GITAM Institute of Technology, GITAM University,
Worked as Professor & Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vignan’s
Institute of Information Technology (VIIT), Duvvada, Visakhapatnam from August 2007 to 09th
February 2011.
Worked as an Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer
science and engineering, Gandhi institute of technology (GITAM) Visakhapatnam during
1999-2007. (Presently GITAM University)
Worked as a Lecturer in TSR & TBK College, Visakhapatnam during 1995 to1997.
One year as Site Engineer in Faria Builders Bangalore.
Ph.D. in Computer Science from JNTU Hyderabad, titled “A Rough Set based Document
Ranking System” under the esteemed guidance of Prof. M. Shashi and Prof. L. Pratap Reddy,
M.Tech (Computer Science and Systems Engineering) from Andhra University,
B.E (Civil) from R.V College of engineering, Bangalore University, Bangalore.
Technical Skills:
Internet Tools
HTML, V.B Script, Asp
: C, C++, RPG-400. SQL, PL/SQL.
: Oracle v.11i. MYSQL, Microsoft Access.
: PHP, Visual Basic v.6.0, Crystal Reports.
: UNIX, Windows XP, Windows NT, and DOS, OS-400.
: Pentium Pro server, IBM compatible PCs.
Subjects taught for Under Graduates and Post Graduate Students:
Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Database Management Systems
Operating Systems
Micro Processors
Information Retrieval
Object Oriented Analysis and Design (UML)
Administrative Posts Held:
1. Member, Board of Studies, Dept. of CSE, GITAM Institute of Technology, GITAM
University, Visakhapatnam. Actively involved in the design of Course curriculum
for the Computer Science and Engineering Department.
2. Head of the Department, Dept. of CSE, VIIT, from 04-07-08 to 09-02-11.
3. Assistant Coordinator for Examination Cell, College of engineering, GITAM,
Visakhapatnam from 2002-2005. Played a key role in the design of Autonomous
examination work and software.
4. Member, Board of Studies, GITAM College of engineering. Actively involved in the
design of Course curriculum for the Computer Science and Engineering
Department and Information Technology Department.
5. In charge for the M.Tech (CST) program.
Other Academic Activities:
1. External Examiner for Andhra University, JNTU-Kakinada, and many universities
2. Paper setter for many universities like A.U, N.U , etc.,
Played a key role in the design of Autonomy, course curriculum and software for
examination section.
4. Expert in NBA, NAAC and ISO quality programs.
Member Review Committee:
1. Member of IASTED Technical Committee, Alberta, Canada. For 30 years, the International
Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) has been devoted to
promoting international development through the sharing of advances in science and technology.
In addition to numerous publications, IASTED has organized over 500 conferences for
academics and professionals to present and discuss the latest research and results in key
engineering and computer science areas. In order to promote genuine international scholarship,
these conferences are held in both industrialized and developing nations.
Memberships Held:
Member IEEE.
Life Member ISTE.
Life member Computer Society of India (CSI).
Life Member IETE.
Life member Indian Science Congress.
Life Member Institute of engineers Calcutta (IE).
Life Member International Indian Statistical Association , USA
1. Consultant for GAIAN Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. (subsidiary of an US
based company). Provided Solution for IPTV problems for a duration of two
years. Revenue acquired through this is nearly 3.6 Lakhs.
2. Consultant for Aloft Solution Pvt. Ltd. Provided Solution for Product
problems for duration of one year. Revenue acquired through this is nearly
1.8 Lakhs
List of research papers published:
1. The paper tittled “A Systematic Mapping Study on Value of Reuse” was published in
the International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 34 - Number 4 2011
2. The paper titled “Stratifying and ranking multiple web search engine results using
semantic annotation” was published in the International Journal of Science and
Advanced Technology (ISSN 2221-8386) Volume 1 No 5 July 2011
3. The paper titled “A Rough set based approach to detect plagiarism” is published in
the TENCON 2009 - 2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference Jan 2009, ISBN: 978-1-42444546-2
4. The paper titled “Hybrid Clustering Approach for Term Partitioning in Document
Data Sets” is published in the International Journal of Digital Information Management,
Vol.6 No.3, June 2008.
5. The paper titled “Hybrid Clustering Approach for concept generation” is published in
the International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol.7 No.4, April
6. The paper titled “Trie-like Structure for implementation of Porter Stemming
Algorithm” is published in the International Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical
Sciences, Vol.19 No.2 August 2007.
Papers Presented and Seminars Attended:
1. Presented a paper titled “Semantic based Attribute Oriented Induction for
Knowledge Discovery” in an IEEE International Conference on Technology Enhanced
Education (ICTEE 2012) Amritapuri Campus, Amrita University, Kerala, India January
2. Presented a paper titled “Sentiment Analysis-An opinion mining tool” in 2nd
International Conference on Control,Communication and Computer Technology (CCCT2011), Bangalore, India, November 2011.
3. Presented a paper titled “A Rough Set Based Approach to Detect Plagiarism” in an
international Conference on Frontiers of Probability and Statistical Science, held at
University of Connecticut, USA, 22-25 May 2008.
4. Presented a paper on “Rough Set based Document Ranking System” in an
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition held at
Orlando, Florida USA, during 9-12 July 2007.
5. Attended and presented a paper on “Hybrid Clustering Approach for Term
Partitioning in Document Data Sets” in an International Conference on Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics held at Hyderabad during 3-7 January 2007.
6. Attended and Presented a paper on “Efficient implementation of stemming Algorithm
using Trie-Like Structure” in an International Conference on Statistical Science, OR
and IT held at Tirupathi during 7-9 January 2007.
7. Attended a one day workshop on “NLP and Localization Using Free-Software”
Organized by the Department of ECE, JNTU, Hyderabad. Sponsored by TEQIP on 4th
January 2007.
8. Presented a paper on “Automatic Text Summarization” in the 93rd Indian Science
Congress held at Hyderabad during 3-7 January 2006.
9. Attended a Five day Work shop on “Search and Mining Engines” from 5-10 June 2006
organized by the Dept of CSE, IT and CS college of engineering GITAM.
10. Attended a one day “Workshop on Data Mining” on 22ND January 2005 organized by
the Dept of CSE, IT and CS college of engineering GITAM..
11. Attended a three day workshop on “Data Mining Using Clementine Workbench”
Organized by the Department of CSE, NIT, Warangal. During 1-3 June 2005.
12. Attended and Presented a paper on “Practical Implementation of an E-commerce
Application” Seminar on state of Art Technologies (SAT-03) held at IETE,
Visakhapatnam Centre during 20-21 September 2003..
13. Presented a paper on “Agent Technology with Base Application “in a National
conference on Advanced Computer Applications held at NGM College, Pollachi,
Coimbatore during 11-12 October 2002.
14. Attended a 4 week UGC orientation Course in the” Information Technology” organized
by the UGC-Academic Staff college Andhra University during 5-30 November 2003.
15. Attended a 3 day workshop conducted by APSHE at Hyderabad.
16. Attended a 1 day workshop on industry institution interaction conducted by NASSCOM.
Guest Lectures Delivered:
1. Delivered a Guest lecture on the topic “Fundamentals of Cloud Computing” and
provided hands on experience with HADOOP in a Faculty Development Program
sponsored by UGC for the faculty of CSE, IT and MCA held at JNTU, Hyderabad on 6th
and 7th June 2011.
2. Delivered a Guest lecture on the topic “Information Retrieval” and “Text mining” in a
Faculty Development Program sponsored by UGC for the faculty of CSE, IT and MCA
held at JNTU, Hyderabad on 2th and 3th June 2010.
3. Delivered a Guest lecture on the topic “Data Mining” in Faculty Development Program
for the faculty of CSE, IT and MCA held at Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology &
Sciences (ANITS), Visakhapatnam, 19 June 2009.
4. Delivered a lecture on the topic “Fundamentals of Business Intelligence” in National
Level workshop on Recent Trends in Business Intelligence held at Sir. C. R. Reddy
College of Engineering, Eluru , 01-02-08.
5. Delivered a lecture on the topic “Introduction to Business Intelligence” in National
workshop on Data Mining and Business Intelligence held at VIIT , Duvvada ,
Visakhapatnam, 01-02-08.
6. Delivered a lecture on 09-02-08 “Applications on Soft computing” in a National
workshop on Soft Computing Applications held at GMR IT, Rajam.
7. Delivered a lecture on the topic “E-Commerce and its Applications” in a workshop on
E-Commerce held at VIIT, Duvvada , Visakhapatnam.
8. Delivered a lecture on the topic “How Good a Teacher You Are” in a workshop on
Teaching methodologies held at VIIT, Duvvada , Visakhapatnam.
9. Delivered a lecture on 14-03-06 at Sir CRR college of Engineering Eluru, on Data
Warehousing and Data Mining Concepts & its Applications.
10. Delivered a lecture on 22-01-05 on the eve of silver jubilee year GITAM on Data
Mining Concepts & its Applications.
11. Visiting Faculty to teach E-Commerce for MPIB programme offered by GIFT.
12. Visiting Faculty to teach Advanced subjects for B.Tech students at MIT Rayagada,
Orissa state.
13. Guest faculty for UGC academic staff college, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
Confrences/Workshops organized:
1. Organized a 2 day National Conference on “Data Privacy and Security, from 19th -20th
January 2010 at Vignan’s Institute of Information and Technology, Duvvada,
2. Organized a 2 day National work shop on “ Innovative Teaching Methods” 29th -30th
August 2008 at Vignan’s Institute of Information and Technology, Duvvada,
3. Organized a 2 day National work shop on Data Mining and Business Intelligence
(NWDMBI-08) 01-02 February 2008 as a convener at Vignan’s Institute of Information
and Technology, Duvvada, Visakhapatnam.
4. Organized a 5day work shop on Search and Mining Engines (NAWOSMEA) 9-13 June
2006 as a convener, at College of Engineering, GITAM, Visakhapatnam.
5. Organized a 3day work shop on Data mining (NASMOTICS) in 2005 as a convener, at
College of Engineering, GITAM, Visakhapatnam.
6. Organized a 1day work shop on “Data mining” 0n 22-01-05 as a convener, at College of
Engineering, GITAM, Visakhapatnam.
Research Guidance: a.) Scholars Registered at: JNTU-K
3 Nos.
b.) Scholars Registered at: GITAM University 5 Nos.
Projects Developed and implemented at GITAM & VIIT:
1. Examination Automation system
2. Management information System
3. Student Attendance system with SMS facility
Countries Visited:
1. Visited USA from 9th May to 26th June 2008 to present a paper in an International
Conference held at University of Connecticut, USA 22-25 May, 2008.
2. Visited Bangkok from 12th May to 17th May 2009 for pleasure trip.
Date of Birth: 17-10-1969 , Indian National
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Telugu, and Kannada.
Passport no. : G6427105 valid till 07-02-2018.
Strengths: 1.
Being good to all.
Student Friendly Nature.
Ready to take any challenge.
Positive attitude.
1. Dr. M. Shashi
Professor & HEAD, Dept. of CSSE
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
Andhra Pradesh. India.
Phone: 91-99490 72880
2. Dr. D. Damodaram
Director, Academic Staff College
JNTU college of Engineering
Kukkatapalli, Hyderabad.
Andhra Pradesh. India.
Phone: 91-94408 43366
3. Dr. D.V.L.N. Somayajulu
Professor & Head, Dept. of C.S.E.
N.I.T., Warangal
Andhra Pradesh. India.
Phone: 91- 9490165347