Download Bexxar - Iowa Medicaid PDL

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Preferred Drug List
Proprietary Name: Bexxar
Common Name: Tositumomab and Iodine I 131 Tositumomab
PDL Category: Antineoplastic
Preferred Drug List/
Recommended Drug List Status
Comparable Products
Indications and Usage: Indicated as a single-course treatment in patients with relapsed, CD20 positive, follicular
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, with or without transformation, who are refractory to rituzimab. Should not be used as
initial therapy.
Dosage Forms: BEXXAR® Dosimetric Packaging
· A carton containing two single-use 225 mg vials and one single-use 35 mg vial of Tositumomab supplied by McKesson
Biosciences and
· A package containing a single-use vial of Iodine I 131 Tositumomab (0.61mCi/mL at calibration), supplied by MDS
BEXXAR® Therapeutic Packaging
· A carton containing two single-use 225 mg vials and one single-use 35 mg vial of Tositumomab, supplied by McKesson
Biosciences and
· A package containing one or two single-use vials of Iodine I 131 Tositumomab (5.6 mCi/mL at calibration),
supplied by MDS Nordion.
Recommended Dosage: The therapeutic regimen is intended as a single course of treatment.
Common Adverse Drug Reactions: Hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis and prolonged and severe
cytopenias and their sequelea (infection and hemorrhage) are the most common adverse reactions. Gastrointestinal
toxicity (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea), infusional toxicity (fever, rigors, chills, sweating,
hypotension, dyspnea, bronchospasm and nausea), hypothyroidism and human anti-murine antibodies have also been
Contraindications: The BEXXAR® therapeutic regimen is contraindicated in patients with known
hypersensitivity to murine proteins or any other component of the BEXXAR therapeutic regimen.
Manufacturer: Corixa Corporation
Analysis: Bexxar® is a radioimmunotherapy that pairs the targeting ability of a monoclonal antibody
(Tositumomab) and the therapeutic potential of radiation (Iodine-131). A study at the University of
Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center noted 76% of patients treated with Bexxar® achieved remission
with no sign of cancer. In addition, 84% of patients with evidence of lymphoma at the molecular level at the
start of the trial achieved molecular remission for as long as three years with Bexxar® treatment.
IME Recommendation:
Preferred Drug
Non-Preferred Drug
Preferred Drug with Conditions
Prepared By: Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
Recommended Drug
Non-Recommended Drug
Date: 5/5/2017