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Physiology Midterm Study Guide
Chapter 1
1. Terms
a. anatomy
b. physiology
c. pathology
d. homeostasis
2. levels of organization
a. chemical
b. cell
c. tissue
d. organ
e. organ-system
3. Body cavities
a. dorsal
1) cranial
2) spinal
b. ventral
1) thoracic (pleural and mediastinum)
2) abdominopelvic (quadrants)
4. Body directions
a. superior
b. inferior
c. anterior
d. posterior
e. medial
f. lateral
g. proximal
h. distal
i. supine
j. prone
5. Body planes (sections)
a. sagittal – midsagittal
b. frontal (coronal)
c. transverse
6. Body regions
a. thoracic
b. facial
c. gluteal
d. cervical
e. femoral
f. axillary
g. antebrachial
h. inguinal
i. digital
j. palmar
k. plantar
l. patellar
Chapter 3
1. Movement through a membrane
a. diffusion
b. osmosis
2. Growth
a. hypertrophy
b. atrophy
3. Tissues
a. Epithelial
1) squamous (simple or stratified)
2) columnar
3) cuboidal
b. connective
1) adipose
2) bone
3) blood
c. muscular
1) skeletal
2) smooth
3) cardiac
d. nervous
1) sensory
2) motor
Chapter 4
1. Organ Systems --- major organs in each p88
2. Primary functions of each system
a. skeletal
b. muscular
c. nervous
d. endocrine
e. cardiovascular
f. respiratory
g. digestive
h. urinary
Chapter 6
1. Body membranes
a. cutaneous
b. serous
1) parietal
2) visceral
3) pleura
4) peritoneum
c. mucous
d. synovial
2. Skin structure and function
a. epidermis
1) stratum germinativum (melanin)
2) stratum corneum (keratin)
b. dermis
c. hypodermis – subcutaneous fatty tissue
3. Skin appendages
a. hair
1) alopecia
b. arrector pili muscle
c. nails
d. receptors
e. glands (apocrine, eccrine, sebaceous)
4. Three functions of skin
5. Disorders
a. acne
b. blisters
c. burns
1) degrees of severity
2) rule of nines
d. cancer
Chapter 7
1. Functions of skeletal system
2. Structure of long bones
a. epiphyses
b. diaphysis
c. articular cartilage
d. medullary canal
e. periosteum
f. endosteum
g. compact bone
h. spongy bone
i. red marrow
j. yellow marrow
3. Microscopic structure
a. osteon
b. central canal
c. lamellae
d. lacunae
e. canaliculi
4. Bone formation – Ossification p186
5. Bones of Skeleton
a. axial skeleton – p187
1) bones of skull – the major ones
2) vertebral regions
3) ribs & sternum
b. appendicular skeleton -- p197
1) pectoral girdle
2) upper extremity
3) pelvic girdle
4) lower extremity
6. Joints
a. synarthroses
b. amphiarthroses
c. diarthroses
1) joint capsule
2) ligaments
3) joint cavity
4) synovial membrane
5) bursae
d. arthritis
e. bursitis
7. Movements -- p210
a. flexion
b. extension
c. rotation
d. circumduction
e. abduction
f. adduction
Chapter 8
1. Functions of Muscle
2. Structure of muscle
a. general
i. origin
ii. insertion
iii. muscle body (belly)
iv. tendons
b. levels of organization
i. epimysium
ii. perimysium
iii. fasciculi (fascicles)
iv. endomysium
v. muscle fibers
vi. myofibrils
1. actin
2. myosin
3. Sliding Filament theory
a. sarcomere
i. z-lines
ii. myosin-actin interaction
b. role of calcium ions in contraction
c. role of ATP
4. Motor Unit
a. neuromuscular junction
b. threshold stimulus
c. all-or-none response
Types of Contraction
a. twitch
b. tetanic
c. isometric
d. isotonic
Effects of exercise
a. strength training
b. endurance training
a. oxygen debt
Muscles of Body (From here down will be covered in the 2nd semester)
a. muscles of face & neck
i. frontalis
ii. zygomaticus
iii. masseter
iv. temporalis
v. orbicularis oculi
vi. orbicularis oris
vii. sternocleidomastoid
viii. trapezius
b. muscles of upper torso
i. pectoralis major
ii. deltoid
iii. latissimus dorsi
c. muscles of upper arms
i. biceps brachii
ii. triceps brachii
d. muscles of abdomen
i. transversus abdominis
ii. rectus abdominis
iii. external oblique
iv. internal oblique
e. muscles of thighs
i. quadriceps group
1. rectus femoris
2. vastus medialis
3. vastus lateralis
ii. hamstring group
iii. adductor group
iv. sartorius
f. muscles of lower leg
i. gastrocnemius
ii. tibialis anterior
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