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Bio 216 Exam 3
Date: _____________________
1. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Our senses can perceive a wide range of energies.
B. Different modalities of sensations have different types of impulses.
C. Sensory receptors transduce different forms of physical energy to nerve impulses.
D. The brain cannot distinguish between impulses of cold and heat.
Match the type of receptor with the stimulus that would activate it.
2. nociceptors
A. smell of pizza
3. photoreceptors
B. a refreshing cold drink
4. chemoreceptors
C. a pat on the back
5. thermoreceptors
D. seeing an old friend
6. mechanoreceptors
E. burning your mouth
7. Which type of receptor responds to physical deformation of its cell membrane?
A. chemoreceptors
B. photoreceptors
C. thermoreceptors
D. mechanoreceptors
8. Cutaneous receptors respond to stimuli that are outside the body and are therefore also
A. proprioceptors.
B. interoceptors.
C. exteroceptors.
D. special senses.
9. Chemoreceptors that monitor blood glucose levels are also
A. interoceptors.
B. proprioceptors.
C. special senses.
D. exteroceptors.
10. _____________ receptors undergo slow adaptation.
A. Tonic
B. Phasic
11. Having the ability to ignore constant phasic stimuli is called
A. the law of specific nerve energies.
B. tonic adaptation.
C. sensory adaptation.
D. phasic adaptation.
12. The capsaicin receptor serves as both an ion channel and a receptor for the molecule in chili peppers that causes sensations of
A. heat and pain.
B. cold and pain.
C. pressure and pain.
D. heat and pressure.
13. Where do the tracts carrying impulses of proprioception and pressure cross?
A. in the spinal cord at the level the axons enter the cord
B. in the medulla oblongata
C. in the thalamus
D. the axons do not cross
14. _____________ is the perception of pain in a somatic location that is caused by damage to an internal organ and not by the
activity somatic nociceptors.
A. Sensory adaptation
B. Lateral inhibition
C. Referred pain
D. Phantom limb
15. Sensations are sharpened via
A. two-point discrimination.
C. lateral inhibition.
B. adaptation.
D. phantom limb.
16. Damage to cranial nerve _____________ would limit the ability to taste sweet substances.
B. V
C. X
17. Which of the following cranial nerves conveys gustatory information?
A. facial
B. glossopharyngeal
C. hypoglossal
D. Both the facial and glossopharyngeal are correct.
18. Which of the following are NOT types of tongue papillae?
A. foliate papillae
B. circumvallate papillae
C. glossoform papillae
D. fungiform papillae
19. Which of the following is true of olfaction?
A. There may be as many as a 1000 different olfactory receptor proteins.
B. Humans can distinguish up to 10,000 different odors.
C. Humans have the most acute sense of smell of all the mammals.
D. All of the choices are correct.
20. Which of the special senses is most closely linked with the limbic system?
A. hearing
B. olfaction
C. taste
D. vision
21. The structures that function in equilibrium are known as the
A. vestibular apparatus.
B. cochlea.
C. bony labyrinth.
D. organ of Corti.
22. The cupula is part of the
A. semicircular canals.
C. saccule.
B. utricle.
D. cochlea.
23. Stimulation of the hair cells of the vestibular apparatus sends impulses to the cerebellum and _________ by way of the
vestibulocochlear nerve.
A. cerebrum
B. midbrain
C. pons
D. medulla oblongata
24. Which of the following structures are important to the maintenance of balance and equilibrium?
A. eyes
B. proprioceptors from joints and muscles
C. vestibular apparatus
D. All of the choices are important.
25. The hertz is a measure of
A. distance.
C. duration.
B. frequency.
D. intensity.
26. Which of the following is NOT an auditory ossicle?
A. incus
B. malleus
C. otolith
D. stapes
27. Vibrations in the stapes directly induce vibrations in the
A. tympanic membrane.
B. incus.
C. round window.
D. oval window.
28. Which of the following is the correct neural pathway for hearing?
A. vestibulocochlear nerve, inferior colliculus, medulla oblongata, thalamus, temporal lobe
B. vestibulocochlear nerve, medulla oblongata, inferior colliculus, thalamus, temporal lobe
C. vestibulocochlear nerve, thalamus, inferior colliculus, medulla oblongata, temporal lobe
D. None of the choices is correct.
29. Sensorineural deafness can be caused by all of the following except
A. excessively loud noises.
B. build up of wax in the ears.
C. damage to the cochlear nerve.
D. loss of hair cells in the cochlea.
30. Destroying the ciliary body would prevent the _____________ from receiving nutrients.
A. cornea sclera
B. iris
C. pupil
D. lens and cornea
31. Sympathetic stimulation is responsible for pupil _____________ in _________ light.
A. dilation, bright
B. dilation, dim
C. constriction, bright
D. constriction, dim
32. Blockage leads to glaucoma
33. Found in the anterior cavity of the eye
34. Area of retina with no photoreceptors
35. Area of retina with only cones
36. Bending of light as it passes through cornea
A. fovea centralis
B. refraction
C. canal of Schlemm
D. aqueous humor
E. optic disc
37. Myopia
38. Hyperopia
39. Astigmatism
40. Emmetropia
41. Presbiopia
A. normal vision
B. eyeball too short (farsightedness)
C. loss of accommodation with age
D. asymmetrical cornea or lens
E. eyeball too long (nearsightedness)
42. _____________ in the retina connect photoreceptors and ganglion cells.
A. Horizontal cells
B. Retinal epithelium
C. Amacrine cells
D. Bipolar cells
43. Within the eye, electrical impulses pass from
A. photoreceptors to ganglion cells to bipolar cells.
B. ganglion cells to bipolar cells to photoreceptors.
C. photoreceptors to bipolar cells to ganglion cells.
D. bipolar cells to photoreceptors to ganglion cells.
44. Retinaldehyde (retinal) is derived from
A. vitamin A.
C. opsin.
B. vitamin C.
D. vitamin D
45. Which type of cone responds to short wavelengths of 420nm?
A. blue cones
B. green cones
C. red cones
46. Those hormones that are nonpolar can pass through the plasma membrane and are called
A. hydrophilic.
B. hydrophobic.
C. lipophilic.
D. Both hydrophobic and lipophilic are correct.
47. Molecules secreted by endocrine glands that are inactive until changed by their target cells are
A. prohormones.
B. lipophilic hormones.
C. prehormones.
D. tissue hormones.
48. Hormones which enhance the responsiveness of a target organ to a second hormone have
A. complementary effects.
B. synergistic effects.
C. antagonistic effects.
D. permissive effects.
49. Testosterone receptors would be ____________ in response to anabolic steroid abuse
A. inhibited
B. primed
C. upregulated
D. downregulated
50. Thyroid hormone receptor proteins are found
A. on the plasma membrane.
C. in the nucleus.
B. in the cytoplasm.
D. All of the choices are correct.
51. Cortisol secretion would cease if the _________ no longer secreted ACTH.
A. posterior pituitary gland
B. hypothalamus
C. anterior pituitary gland
D. adrenal cortex
52. The vascular link between the hypothalamus and the __________ is called the hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system.
A. posterior pituitary
B. anterior pituitary
C. pineal gland
D. thalamus
53. Most target organ control on the anterior pituitary gland is due to
A. positive feedback effect.
B. negative feedback.
C. negative feedback inhibition.
D. positive feedback inhibition.
54. What is the function of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)?
A. stimulates loss of water by the kidneys
B. causes large urine volume
C. causes a darkening of the skin
D. stimulates retention of water by the kidneys
55. Where is oxytocin produced?
A. hypothalamus
C. anterior pituitary gland
B. pineal gland
D. posterior pituitary gland
56. What is the function of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract?
A. transports releasing hormones from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary
B. transports nerve impulse from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary
C. transports hormones and nerve impulses from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary
D. All of the choices are correct.
57. __________ is a potent mineralocorticoid that helps increase blood volume and pressure.
A. Antidiuretic hormone
B. Aldosterone
C. Hydrocortisone
D. Norepinephrine
58. Which of the following is NOT one of the three stages in the response to stress?
A. stage of exhaustion
B. alarm reaction
C. stage of denial
D. stage of resistance
59. What controls release of corticoids from the adrenal cortex?
A. higher brain centers
B. CRH from the hypothalamus
C. ACTH from the anterior pituitary
D. All of the choices are correct.
60. Which of the following is an effect of hyperthyroidism?
A. accelerated growth
B. rapid pulse
C. increased plasma T4 levels
D. All of the choices are correct.
61. Which of the following is NOT true of calcitonin?
A. It is made by follicle cells of the thyroid.
B. Inhibits loss of calcium by bones.
C. It lowers blood calcium levels.
D. All of the choices are true of calcitonin.
62. Which of the following is true of parathyroid hormone function?
A. It causes the kidneys to reabsorb calcium.
B. It causes the dissolution of calcium phosphate from bones.
C. It increases blood calcium levels.
D. All of the choices are true.
63. The pancreas secretes hormones involved in regulation of
A. blood glucose.
B. the stress response.
C. metabolic rate.
D. growth and reproduction.
64. Pineal gland production of melatonin is stimulated by the _______________ of the hypothalamus.
A. supraoptic nuclei
B. paraventricular nuclei
C. suprachiasmatic nucleus
D. None of the choices are correct.
65. ______________ are derived from the precursor arachidonic acid.
A. Thyroid hormones
B. Adrenal medulla hormones
C. Glucocorticoids
D. Prostaglandins and leukotrienes
66. Cycles of physiological activity that follow a 24-hour pattern are called
A. circadian rhythms.
B. biomemetic rhythms.
C. psychological rhythms.
D. cerebral rhythms.
Match the muscle action term to the correct description.
67. adductor
A. increases the angle at a joint
68. depressor
B. moves limb toward the midline of the body
69. levator
C. moves insertion upward
70. extensor
D. turns a bone along its axis
71. rotator
E. moves insertion downward
72. The more movable bony attachment is the
A. flexor.
C. extensor.
B. origin.
D. insertion.
73. Each fascicle of a muscle is surrounded by the
A. perimysium.
C. endomysium.
B. epimysium.
D. sarcolemma.
74. The light band of a skeletal muscle is known as the
A. A band.
B. Z disc.
C. I band.
D. H zone.
75. The specialized region of the sarcolemma at the neuromuscular junction is called the
A. syncytium.
B. varicosity.
C. fascicle.
D. motor end plate.
76. Motor unit recruitment allows for _________ contraction strength.
A. increased
B. decreased
77. Each somatic motor neuron with all the muscle fibers it innervates is a
A. fascicle.
B. varicosity.
C. motor unit.
D. sarcolemma.
78. What muscle structural and functional unit runs from Z disc to Z disc?
A. A band
B. I band
C. sarcomere
D. myofibril
79. What protein primarily makes up the thick filament?
A. actin
B. myosin
C. titin
D. troponin
80. Myosin contains binding sites for ______________ and _____________.
A. sodium, calcium.
B. troponin, ATP.
C. ATP, actin.
D. actin, calcium.
C. no change in
81. Which molecule blocks the myosin head from binding to actin in a relaxed muscle?
A. tropomyosin
B. troponin
C. calcium
D. titin
82. The _________ complex contains three proteins designated as the I, T, and C types.
A. actin
B. myosin
C. tropomyosin
D. troponin
83. The Ca2+ required for skeletal muscle contraction
A. is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
B. enters the cell due to the opening of voltage regulated Ca2+ channels from the T tubules.
C. is actively transported into the cell.
D. is released from mitochondria.
84. What structures carry the action potentials into the interior of the muscle to cause muscle contraction?
A. T tubules
B. terminal cisternae
C. sarcoplasmic reticula
D. ryanodine recptors
85. What is the role of ATP in muscle contraction and relaxation?
A. It is hydrolyzed fro myosin head to attach to actin.
B. It causes myosin head to detach from actin.
C. It powers the Ca2+ pumps to return Ca2+ to the SR.
D. All of the choices are correct.
86. The inability of muscle cells to relax due to high frequency stimulation is termed
A. treppe.
B. recruitment.
C. twitch.
D. tetanus.
87. The staircase effect or _____ represents a warm up effect due to increasing intracellular calcium concentrations.
A. treppe
B. tetanus
C. incomplete tetanus
D. tonus
88. When a muscle cell generates tension but does not shorten, a(n) ______ contraction occurs.
A. isometric
B. isotonic
C. spastic
D. flaccid
89. A muscle contraction against a resistance that is greater than the force and causes muscle lengthening is a(n)
A. concentric contraction.
B. isometric contraction.
C. eccentric contraction.
D. isokinetic contraction.
90. A shortening of the muscle that occurs when the tension is greater than the load is a(n)
A. concentric contraction.
B. isometric contraction.
C. eccentric contraction.
D. isokinetic contraction.
91. Skeletal muscles at rest obtain most of their energy from the aerobic respiration of
A. glucose.
B. protein.
C. fatty acids.
D. glycogen.
92. A reserve of high energy phosphate is stored in muscle as
A. phosphocreatine.
B. adenosine triphosphate.
C. glucose 6-phosphate.
D. creatine kinase.
93. Slow twitch fibers have a ______ oxidative capacity and ________ glycogen content.
A. high, high
B. high, low
C. low, low
D. low, high
94. Endurance training results in increased
A. muscle mitochondria number.
C. number of type IIX fibers.
B. glycogen depletion during exercise.
D. lactate production per unit time.
95. Cardiac action potentials usually originate in ______________ cells.
A. Purkinje
B. chordae tendinae
C. pacemaker
D. septal
96. The decline in physical strength of older persons is due to
A. decreased size of fast-twitch fibers.
B. reduced density of blood capillaries.
C. reduced muscle mass.
D. All of the choices are correct.
97. Alpha motoneurons innervate
A. nuclear chain fibers.
C. extrafusal fibers.
B. nuclear bag fibers.
D. intrafusal fibers.
98. The inhibition of an antagonistic muscle so that the agonist can do the intended movement is due to
A. crossed-extensor reflex.
B. monosynaptic reflex.
C. reciprocal innervation.
D. flaccid paralysis.
99. _________ filaments are attached to dense bodies in smooth muscle cells.
A. Actin
B. Myosin
C. Troponin
D. Tropomyosin
100. Parkinson's disease involves degeneration of nerve fibers from the
A. red nucleus.
B. substantia nigra.
C. cerebellum.
D. corpus callosum.
Bonus: Match the symptom of Upper Motor Neuron Damage with the correct name: Please write the number with the
corresponding letter in the green area on the back of your Scantron.
Random uncontrolled contractions of different muscle groups
Extension of great toe when sole of foot stroked
Shaking of limbs at rest; disappears during voluntary movements
Paralysis of lower limbs on both sides
High muscle tone and hyperactive stretch reflexes
A. resting tremor
B. spastic paralysis
C. chorea
D. paraplegia
E. Babinski’s reflex