Download Clementi Sonatina Analysis - Peggy Taylor Piano Studio

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Form p. 2
C Major Triad, Meas. 1-2
C Major 5 Finger Pattern, m. 2-3
G & C Five Finger Patterns, m. 3-4
Modulation – G Scale
Alberti Bass
G Major Scale on B
Meas. 15-16
Development – Minor Key
L.H. Melody
Recap – Octave Lower
Melody Change, Meas. 28
Double 3rds, Meas. 30
Beethoven, Les Adieux
G & C Five Finger Patterns, Meas. 3-4
Czerny Etude
Czerny Etude with Comments
Kabalevsky Waltz, Op. 39
Kabalevsky Waltz, Op. 39 w/ Comments
Shostakovitch Waltz
Shostakovich Waltz w/Comments
Beethoven – compare harmonic structure of first four measures with measures 7-10, when opening melody repeats.
Even though the first three notes of the melody are the same, the harmony is quite different.
Teaching items in this section: Augmented 6th chord, suspensions, secondary dominants, diminished seventh chords
Kabalevsky Waltz – This piece moves through a harmonic progression that our ears do not expect to hear. The music
begins sounding aeolian, the first section ends sounding like it is in a minor, and the piece ends with an authentic
cadence in d minor.
Czerrny Etude – See comments on music. Karen liked this one. You may find other good theory elements.
Shostakovich Waltz – This is modal (listed in Clarice Lincoln’s article) – aeolian mode both on a and on g.
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