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G063 - Custom-written v Off-the-Shelf Software questions
The products of a computer accessories company are sold in shops. The company uses a
computer database to store information about its products.
The company intends to use the Internet to sell its products A decision has to be made
between using of-the-shelf software or custom-written software developed by a software
house for this task.
Describe three advantages of purchasing of-the-shelf software.
Describe two advantages of using custom-written software.
2514 January 2001 Q1
A small mail order company has decided to upgrade its computer system. It currently stores
 records of customers in a flat database file;
 records of purchases and sales using a spreadsheet.
The company decides to store all the data using new software. It needs to decide whether to
have the software custom-written or to use an off-the-shelf package.
Describe three advantages to the company of purchasing an off-the-shelf package.
Describe two advantages to the company of having the software custom-written.
2514 May 2002 Q1
A company needs to upgrade its database software. They can buy off-the-shelf software or
have the software specially written for them.
Describe two advantages of buying off-the-shelf software.
Describe two advantages of having the software specially written.
2514 January 2004 Q5
Details of properties for sale at an estate agency are to be held in a database. The database
can be either custom-written or developed using an off-the shelf package.
Identify and explain three advantages to the agency of having the database customwritten.
Identify and explain two advantages of using an off-the shelf package.
2514 June 2005 Q2
Food 4 Pets has purchased an off-the-shelf relational database to hold data.
Give two advantages of purchasing off-the-shelf software rather than custom written.
2514 June 2006 Q1
A business currently keeps manual records of regular customers. The records are to be
transferred to a database.
The database can be developed using off-the-shelf software or it can be custom-written.
Describe two advantages of using off-the-shelf software.
Describe two advantages of having the software custom-written.
2514 June 2007 Q2
Details of customers who use a delivery service are to be stored in a database. The database
can be either custom-written or an off-the-shelf package.
Describe two advantages of having the database custom-written.
Describe two advantages of using an off-the-shelf package.
2514 June 2009 Q2
The management of an airline wants to introduce new working practices and has asked a
consultancy firm to create custom-written software-based training for employees.
Explain the advantages of selecting a custom-written solution.
G063 January 2010 Q10
A new stock control system will be implemented throughout a wedding outfitter’s business.
Compare the use of custom written and off-the-shelf solutions for the new stock control
G063 January 2011 Q11
Give two comparisons between custom written and off-the-shelf solutions for a replacement
stock control system within a small business.
G063 June 2012 Q5
A dental surgery has had a new custom-written patient database system written.
Explain three issues a dental surgery will have to consider when getting support for the
custom-written system.
G063 June 2012 Q10