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Improved visual clustering of large multi-dimensional data sets
Eduardo Tejada
Institut for Visualization and Interactive Systems
University of Stuttgart
[email protected]
Lowering computational cost of data analysis and visualization techniques is an essential step towards including the user in the visualization. In this paper we present
an improved algorithm for visual clustering of large multidimensional data sets. The original algorithm is an approach that deals efficiently with multi-dimensionality using
various projections of the data in order to perform multispace clustering, pruning outliers through direct user interaction. The algorithm presented here, named HC-Enhanced
(for Human-Computer enhanced), adds a scalability level
to the approach without reducing clustering quality. Additionally, an algorithm to improve clusters is added to the
approach. A number of test cases is presented with good
1 Introduction
Clustering large multi-dimensional data sets presents
two major problems besides generating a good clustering: scalability and capacity for dealing with multidimensionality. Scalability usually means linear complexity
(O(n)) or better (O(n log n), O(log n), etc.). For highly
interactive systems, such as visual clustering techniques
[1, 11, 16], scalability is critical. Algorithms with linear
complexity but high constant (O(kn), k constant) are not
suitable for such systems: interactiveness is a key issue that
must be included in visual mining techniques [20], thus the
response time must be as low as possible.
Treating multi-dimensionality is also a very difficult
task. The research done for tackling this problem are based
in three approaches: subspace clustering, co-clustering [4],
and feature selection [19]. These approaches are focused on
solving the problem known as the “dimensionality curse”,
which is the incapacity for generating significative structures (patterns or models) from high dimensional data. For
clustering algorithms in most cases this means more than 15
dimensions [4, 5].
Rosane Minghim
Institut of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Sao Paulo
[email protected]
Subspace clustering refers to approaches that apply dimensionality reduction before clustering the data. Different
approaches for dimensionality reduction have been largely
used, such as Principal Components Analysis (PCA) [12],
Fastmap [7], Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) [17],
and Fractal-based techniques [13, 15]. We have also developed a novel technique named Nearest-Neighbor Projection
(NNP) for multi-dimensional data exploration on bidimensional spaces [18]. For all these approaches, there is no
warranty of dimensionality reduction without loosing a considerable amount of information and they are likely to find
different clusters cin different projections of the same data
as shown in the literature [1, 2, 3]. Thus, clustering in projected subspaces could lead to a poor result of the clustering
process. Additionally, clustering quality evaluation is dependent on the application. These are the reasons why generating a good clustering, for an specific application, cannot
be achieved without direct user interference. Visual clustering techniques exploit this fact by replacing usually costly
heuristics with user decisions.
Besides these facts, it is also very desirable for clustering
approaches to provide mechanisms for handling outliers 1
and to define a metric for determining whether a cluster is
consistent with the user responses.
Table 1 summarizes the features of the most representative approaches of the various families of clustering algorithms 2 . Aggarwal’s IPCLUS algorithm [1], accomplishes
almost all the requirements mentioned above. However, IPCLUS cannot be applied to very large data sets due to the
costly processes used for projecting the data and estimating
the density.
In this work we have developed mechanisms for reducing the time spent in those processes. Those mechanisms
were introduced in different steps of the algorithm.
Results demonstrate a processing time reduction of 50%
to 92%, as well as clustering improvement in some cases
and same clustering quality in all the others. This improve1 Instances
that cannot be included in any cluster.
the work by Berkhin for details on most clustering algorithms
found in the literature [4].
2 See
Birch [21]
Chameleon [14]
Cure [10]
Bubble [9]
Orclus [3]
DBScan [6]
HD-Eye [11]
Arbitrary Shape
User Interaction
Table 1. Features of representative clustering algorithms.
ment was measured using the information available about
the cluster to which each instance belongs. Software, code,
and documentation are open and available.
In the next section we detail the IPCLUS algorithm. In
Section 3 we discuss HC-Enhanced, with highlight on the
improvements carried out. In Section 4 we present the results on processing time and quality of the clustering generated. Finally, Section 5 is devoted to present our conclusions and future work.
2 The IPCLUS algorithm
IPCLUS is a visual density-based algorithm that employs multiple projections to cluster the data admiting user
interaction for handling outliers and determining when the
process must stop (i.e. when all significant clusters were
The algorithm can be summarized as follows:
1. Sample l randomic data points ai and obtain their
r-neighborhood Mi .
2. Normalize the groups Mi to obtain the groups Oi .
3. Determine a bidimensional subspace S where the groups
Mi form well defined clusters.
4. Project the data in subspace S.
5. Estimate density in subspace S.
6. Specify a noise level λ where the outliers are not
included in clusters creation.
7. Create and store the clusters for current projection.
8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 until all clusters were
9. Create final clusters.
User interaction is necessary during steps 6 and 8. In
step 6 the user must determine the value of λ through techniques like cutting planes. In step 8 the user decides from
the visualization of the results of previous iterations, when
all the groups were probably identified and the algorithm
must stop. This also will hold for the improved version of
the algorithm proposed in this paper.
Each of the l Mi groups, where l is the number of anchors ai defined by the user, is formed by the instances in
the r-neighborhood of ai (i.e., the result of a range query
with center ai and radius r, where r is user-defined). These
groups are normalized such that their centroids 3 zi become
0. This is achieved subtracting zi from all instances in Mi
generating a normalized group Oi .
The bidimensional subspace S where Mi form well defined groups is that where the moment of all Oi is miniPl
mal. That is, the subspace where i=1 µ(Oi ) is minimal,
where µ(Oi ) is the moment of Oi defined by the expresPk
sion µ(Oi ) =
j=1 d(zi , mj ). d(zi , mj ) is the distance
between the centroid zi of Oi and the instance (mj ). This
is equal to minimizing µ(∪li=1 Oi ).
It was proven by Joliffe [12] that the d-dimensional subspace where a group of data points G has the minimum
moment is given by the d eigenvectors associated to the
d smaller eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of G. That
is, the d smaller components resulting from applying PCA
(Principal Components Analysis) [12] to the set ∪li=1 Oi 4 .
IPCLUS uses this result to find the subspace S, incrementally decreasing by a half the dimensionality of the data
Once the subspace S has been determined, the data set
is projected onto it, and the density fˆD is estimated using a
Gaussian kernel estimator:
(x−x )2
1 X 1
− 2h2i
fˆD =
nhd i
where xi is the ith data point, h is the smoothing factor, n
the number of instances in the data set, and x represents a
point in the bidimensional Cartesian grid where the density
is stored.
The density estimation is mapped into a heightmap presented to the user. The user then specifies a value for the
noise level λ such that the outliers will not be included in
the clusters creation for the current iteration (projection).
As mentioned before, this is done using interaction techniques such as cutting planes . Each cluster is assigned with
3 The
4 In
centroid of a group could be thought as being its center of mass.
our case G = ∪li=1 Oi .
anidentifier that will be added to the IDString of each instance belonging to that cluster. The IDString of an instance stores the identifiers of the clusters to which the instance belongs in the different iterations (projections).
Once the user decides (based on the visualization) that all
the clusters could have been identified, the final clusters are
created searching for proper substrings. Details on the handling of IDStrings can be found in the work that described
IPCLUS ([1]).
The next section presents the changes performed to this
algorithm, in order to seek improvement of processing time
and of clustering quality.
3 The HC-Enhanced algorithm
The improvements performed on the IPCLUS algorithm
lead to the HC-Enhanced. The improvements were directed
to three main processes: the range queries performed for
forming the groups Mi (step 1), the searching for subspace S (step 3), and the density estimation (step 5) which
is the key point of the improvement in scalability obtained.
Within step 3 we also introduce a mechanism for improving
projections in cases where the groups cannot be identified
3.1 Step 1 - Range queries with Omni-sequential
The Omni-sequential is part of a family of data structures
proposed by Santos et al. [8] that exploits the fact that the
intrinsic dimensionality5 of real data sets is usually considerably low.
The Omni-concept is the base of such family, which basically is a coordinate transformation to the so called Omnifoci base. This base is a set F = {f1 , f2 , ..., fk } of instances belonging to the metric data set to be indexed called
foci or focal points. Using this base, the Omni-coordinates
are calculated for each instance. The Omni-coordinates of
an instance s are the distances between s and each fi .
The result of using the Omni-concept is twofold. First,
the indexing benefits from this “dimensionality reduction”
allowing the data structure to index high dimensional data
sets without suffering from the “dimensionality curse”. Second, when a range query is performed, a considerable
amount of distance calculations is pruned as shown in Figure 1.
It is possible to use this concept together with any data
structure. However, when few queries are performed (as in
our case), omni-sequential suffices.
5 The dimensionality of the space actually occupied by the data (a line
in Rn has intrinsic dimensionality equal to 1).
Figure 1. A range query with center sq and radius rq . The shadow illustrates the instances
returned from the pruning. (a) Using one focus f1 . (b) Using two foci f1 and f2 .
3.2 Step 3 - Finding and improving the polarization subspace
In the step 3 of the IPCLUS algorithm, a subspace S (the
polarization subspace) must be found through incrementally decreasing dimensionality by half and projecting the
data set. That was done here using PCA.
In some polarization subspaces the groups cannot be
identified clearly. Thus, we proposed an approach for improving such projections [18]. In Figure 2 we show that
this will generate a better projection when applied to the results of techniques such as Fastmap [7] or PCA [12]. The
technique is called the Force scheme and is based on approaching points that should have been projected closer and
repelling points that must be further apart from each other
(see Figure 2).
This approach can be used interactively by the user over
the projection generated in each iteration (within step 3 of
the algorithm), generating a new projection and, thus, a new
density map. The improvement in density map generation
is described in next subsection.
3.3 Step 5 - Density estimation
This step is the critical point of the algorithm. Every previous steps of the algorithm has complexity O(kn), where
k is a constant and n the number of instances. However,
contrary to all other steps, in the density estimation k is a
high constant (the number of grid points that will hold the
We propose an approach for reducing the constant k
based on the individual contribution of each instance to the
density accumulated in the grid points.
In Figure 3 we present the contribution fˆD
of an instance
xi in the calculation of the density estimation in a grid point
x as a function of the distance between x and xi for different
Figure 3. Contribution of an instance xi in the
calculus of the density accumulated in a grid
point x as function of the distance d between
x and xi for (a) h = 0, 1 and (b) h = 0, 3.
value of h (0.1), the contribution of an instance to the calculus of the density accumulated in a grid point decreases
rapidly as the distance increases.
Thus, we define a neighborhood v of the grid cells for
which an instance will be considered in the calculus of the
density accumulated in them.
The approach proposed for calculating the density estimation is as follows.
Figure 2. Improvement of a projection of
a synthetic dataset of 15 5-dimensional instances. (a) Iteration 1. (b) Iteration 13. (c)
Iteration 25.
values of the smoothing factor h. Such contribution is given
by the expression:
(x−xi )2
We can see that, after some distance, and depending
on the smoothing factor, the contribution of instance xi to
the calculation of the accumulated density in the grid point
could be neglected.
Due to the fact that the data set is normalized to the range
[0, 1] in all dimensions during the projection, the smoothing
factor h is between 0 and 1, being that for the data sets tested
the optimal h factor from the formula presented by Joliffe
[12] is about 0.1. We can see that, for the case of the optimal
For each instance xi with bidimensional coordinates xix
and xiy .
1. indexx = bxix .mc.
2. indexy = bxiy .mc.
3. Check for boundary conditions
(indexx + v + 1 > m,
indexx − v < 0, indexy + v + 1 > m,
or indexy − v < 0).
4. Accumulate the contribution of xi for all grid
points with index in the range
[indexx − v, indexx + v + 1;
indexy − v, indexy + v + 1]
Here m indicates the number of samples of the grid (i.e., for
a grid 30 × 30, m = 30) and v is the neighborhood.
The original approach, presented here for comparison, is
as follows.
For eachgrid point x
For each instance xi
Accumulate the contribution of xi for x.
The optimal neighborhood depends on the number of
samples m of the grid, as well as in the precision p re-
quired and the smoothing factor h. The precision indicates
the minimum contribution that an instance must provide to
the accumulated density in a grid point for it to be considered relevant for such grid point.
Such relation is given by the expression:
v = m −2h2 ln(p 2πh)
directly derived from equation 2.
Figure 4 shows the results of density estimation for different neighborhoods v for the Iris data set over a grid
30 × 30. We can see that with a neighborhood of v = 5 (the
optimal neighborhood is v = 5 for a precision of 0.008) the
density estimation approximates the density estimated using
all grid points as the neighborhood (original approach).
In the next section we present the results od applying
both the IPCLUS and the HC-Enhanced algorithms to different data sets.
4 Results
In Figure 5 we present a comparison between the results
obtained with the original IPCLUS algorithm and those obtained with the modified version HC-Enhanced in terms of
processing time for different sizes of the data set. The tests
were performed on a PC computer with a AMD Athlon 1.0
GHz processor and 1.0 GB of memory.
We can see a considerable gain in processing time. These
results where obtained without loss in the quality of the
clustering. Thus HC-Enhanced is a more interactive and
scalable version of the IPCLUS algorithm, which was the
main goal of this work.
The algorithms were also applied to the Iris and IDH
data sets, as well as two synthetic data sets of 1000 10dimensional and 10000 50-dimensional instances respectively, and to a quadrapeds data set which are described below 6 .
The Iris data set is formed by 150 4-dimensional instances of three classes of plants classified according to the
sepal length and width, and the petal length and width. This
data set is usually separated by the clustering algorithms
in two clusters. One of them formed by the instances of
the first class of plants and the other by the two remaining
classes. Using the IPCLUS and HC-Enhanced algorithms
the first cluster is formed by the 92% of the instances of
the first class, whilst the second cluster is formed by the
85% of the instances of the second and third classes. It is
important to notice that there were no false positives in the
clusters. This result is usually obtained with most clustering
algorithms. Besides these two clusters, the HC algorithms
6 All
data sets, with the exception of Synt10d and Synt50d, were taken
from the Machine Learning Repository of the University of California,
Irvine (˜mlearn/MLRepository).
Figure 4. Density estimation for the Iris data
set over a grid 30 × 30 with neighborhood (a)
v = 2, (b) v = 3, (c) v = 5, and (d) v = 30.
return a cluster formed by 86% of the instances of the second class of plants. Thus, it is possible to infer that there
exist three classes of plants in the Iris data set and that two
Figure 5. Performance comparison between
IPCLUS and HC-Enhanced with data sets of
different sizes and 15 dimensions.
of them are very similar. This result cannot be obtained with
another clustering algorithm. The HC algorithms are capable of presenting such result due to the nature of the creation
of the final clusters process based on multiple projections.
The IDH data set stores data of 173 countries relative to
their quality of life. This data set has 9 dimensions plus
the ranking of each country, which was not included during
the tests. The IPCLUS and HC-Enhanced algorithms separated this data set in two clusters. The first one was formed
of the first 25 instances in the ranking. The second cluster
was formed by the instances 48 to 173. In Figure 6 we can
notice that this result is in accordance with the distribution
of the data. There was one false positive in the first cluster
and 4 and 9 false negatives in the first and second clusters
The first synthetic data set, Synt10d, was created with
1000 10-dimensional instances forming 4 groups, two of
them considerably close to each other, and 20% of noise.
Applying IPCLUS and HC-Enhanced to this data set led to
the following results: four clusters were obtained, the first
of them with 88% of the original instances of the first synthetic group, the second with 100% of the instances of the
second synthetic group, the third with 88% of the instances
of the third synthetic group, and the fourth with 100% of the
instances of the last synthetic group, none presenting false
positives. The second and third groups presented false negative because they were too close and the instances in the
boundaries were assumed to be noise. Normally, only one
cluster would be generated from these two groups.
This result was improved using the Force scheme presented in subsection 3.2. The resulting clustering presented
98% (96%, 100%, 96%, 100%, for groups 1 to 4 respectively) of accuracy on average after improving the projection using such scheme. We can see in Figure 7a the four
groups with two of them too close to each other. In Figure
7b we show the improved projection, where those groups
were separated.
Figure 6. Delaunay triangulation of the
Fastmap projection of the IDH data set. The
height and color map the ranking of the country, being that the best ranked is mapped as
blue-low and the worst ranked as red-high.
Figure 7. Delaunay triangulation and density
estimation calculated over the (a) original and
(b) improved projections of a synthetic data
set of 1000 10-dimensional instances used for
testing the algorithms.
A second synthetic data set, Synt50d, of 10000 instances
and 50 dimensions, was created with three groups and
tested with both algorithms. Ir resulted in a precision of
99.9985%, 99.9973% and 100% for the three clusters respectively.
Finally, a data set formed by 96487 instances grouped in
four classes of quadrapeds (dogs, cats, giraffes, and horses)
was also used to test both algorithms. Both algorithms
generated four clusters. The first of them was formed by
90.80% of the instances of the first class (dogs). From the
25521 instances included in this cluster, 3480 were false
positives corresponding to the second class (cats). The second cluster was formed by 70.24% of the instances from
to the second class (cats). The third cluster was formed
by 67.92% of the instances corresponding to the third class
(horses). Finally, the fourth cluster was formed by 33.86%
of the instances from to the third class (giraffes). Neither of
the latter three clusters presented false positives. 30.875%
of the instances of the original data set were considered
noise. This data set is typically difficult to cluster.
Tables 2 and 3 summarize these results, presenting a
comparison between the algorithms in relation both to the
processing time and the quality of the clustering.
Data set
87, 667
91, 907
94, 0
99, 9986
65, 518
0, 97s
1, 10s
6, 42s
72, 59s
391, 21s
Table 2. Results of the IPCLUS algorithm on
different data sets in terms of precision and
processing time.
Data set
87, 667
91, 907
98, 0
99, 9986
65, 518
0, 14s
0, 14s
0, 93s
20, 26s
201, 5s
of the data sets presented well defined clusters in the original projections or, in the case of the Quadrapeds data set,
the metric used was not suitable for separating the two last
clusters due to the fact that they were “overlapped” in the
Euclidean space. It also affected the performance of the algorithms in terms of processing time, considering that it was
the only case where the improvement in the performance
was below 70%.
5 Conclusion
The improvements to the IPCLUS algorithm reported in
this paper led to HC-Enhanced, an algorithm with a better
degree of scalability. The gain in processing time obtained
from these improvements is considerably high. This reduction exceeded 87% in most of cases. There were only two
data sets that presented improvements of 50% and 70%.
The quality of the clustering generated by the original algorithm was maintained and the interactiveness of the approach was improved.
The inclusion of faster mechanisms for projecting the
data is necessary for obtaining a larger reduction in the processing time.
It is also important to mention that one of the main difficulties found in the density-based clustering is the treatment of categorical data and non-continuous data. The extension of the HC-Enhanced algorithm for clustering categorical data is a work that should be approached in the
6 Acknowledgements
The authors want to acknowledge the finance of CNPq
and FAPESP Brazilian financial agencies.
Table 3. Results of the HC-Enhanced algorithm on different data sets in terms of precision and processing time.
We can notice that the only data set to which it was
necessary to apply the projection improvement process was
Synt10d. The decision of using such improvement was because of the visual results presented to the user during the
process, in which it was possible to see that there were clusters too near to each other that should be separated. The rest
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