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Genetic Change
Within Populations:
The HardyWeinberg Rule
Genetic Change Within Populations: The
Hardy-Weinberg Rule
 Population genetics is the study of the properties of genes in a
 Genetic variation in populations puzzled scientists
 Dominant alleles were believed to drive recessive alleles out of
 In 1908, G. Hardy and W. Weinberg pointed out that in large
populations with random mating, allele frequencies remain
 Dominant alleles do not, in fact, replace recessive ones
• A population that is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
is not evolving
– Hardy and Weinberg came to their conclusion by analyzing
allele frequencies in successive generations
– Frequency =
Number of individuals
falling within a category
Total number of individuals
being considered
• If a population of 100 cats has 84 black and 16 white
– Then the frequencies of black and white
phenotypes are 0.84 and 0.16, respectively
• B allele  Black color
• b allele  White color
• By convention
– The more common allele (B) is designated p
– The less common allele (b) is designated q
• The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium can be written as
an equation
Individuals homozygous
– (p + q)2 = p2 + 2pq + q2
for allele b
Individuals homozygous
for allele B
Individuals heterozygous
for alleles B and b
• The equation allows calculation of allele frequencies
– Frequency of white (bb) cats = 16/100 = 0.16
– => q2 = 0.16
– => q = √ 0.16 = 0.4
– p + q =1
=> p = 1 – q = 1 – 0.4 = 0.6
• What about genotype frequencies?
– Frequency of the homozygous dominant genotype is
36 out of 100 cats are black (BB)
• p2 = (0.6)2 = 0.36
– Frequency of the heterozygous genotype is
48 out of 100 cats are black (Bb)
• 2pq = 2(0.6)(0.4) = 0.48
Hardy-Weinberg Assumptions
 The Hardy-Weinberg equation is true only if the following five
assumptions are met
 1. Large population size
 2. Random mating
 3. No mutation
 4. No migration
 5. No natural selection
Why Allele Frequencies Change
• Five evolutionary forces can significantly alter the
allele frequencies of a population
– 1. Mutation
– 2. Migration
– 3. Genetic drift
– 4. Nonrandom
– 5. Selection
• Errors in DNA
• The ultimate source of
new variation
• Mutation rates are too
low to significantly
alter allele frequencies
on their own
• Movement of
individuals from one
population to another
– Immigration: movement
into a population
– Emigration: movement
out of a population
• A very potent agent of
Genetic Drift
• Random loss of alleles
– More likely to occur in
smaller population
• Founder effect
– Small group of individuals
establishes a population
in a new location
• Bottleneck effect
– A sudden decrease in
population size to natural
Nonrandom Mating
• Mating that occurs more
or less frequently than
expected by chance
• Inbreeding
– Mating with relatives
– Increases homozygosity
• Outbreeding
– Mating with non-relatives
– Increases heterozygosity
• Some individuals leave
behind more offspring
than others
• Artificial selection
– Breeder selects for
desired characteristics
• Natural selection
– Environment selects for
adapted characteristics
Conditions for Hardy-Weinberg
 Describes a hypothetical population in which these five conditions are
 Extremely large population size
 No gene flow
 No mutations
 Random mating
 No natural selection
Hardy-Weinberg Equation
 Hardy-Weinberg Equation
 Can be used to estimate the percentage of a population carrying an
allele for a specific trait
 If p = A
 Then:
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
 If p = W, wings
And q = w, no wings
 In a population of 100 buffalo
 70 % have wings (WW and Ww)
 30% have no wings (ww)
 Use the equation to figure out the
allele frequencies for W and w
 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
 p+q = 1
Sample problem 01
 Consider a population of 100 jaguars, with 84 spotted
jaguars and 16 black jaguars. The frequencies are 0.84
and 0.16.
 Based on these phenotypic frequencies, can we deduce
the underlying frequencies of genotypes ?
 If the black jaguars are homozygous recessive for b (i.e.
are bb) and spotted jaguars are either homozygous
dominant BB or heterozygous Bb, we can calculate allele
frequencies of the 2 alleles.
 Let p = frequency of B allele and q = frequency of b
 (p+q)2 = p2 + 2pq + q2
 where p2 = individuals homozygous for B
 pq = heterozygotes with Bb
 q2 = bb homozygotes
 If q2 = 0.16 (frequency of black jaguars), then q = 0.4
(because0.16 = 0.4)
Therefore, p, the frequency of allele B, would be 0.6
(because 1.0 – 0.4 = 0.6).
The genotype frequencies can be calculated:
There are p2 = (0.6)2 X 100 (number of jaguars in
population) = 36 homozygous dominant (BB)
The heterozygous individuals (Bb) = 2pq = (2 * 0.6 *
0.4) * 100 = 48 heterozygous Bb individuals
Sample problem 02
 In 1986, Henry Horn counted 133 Gray Squirrels
and 25 Black Squirrels (16% Black) at Princeton
 In 1994, he counted 43 Gray Squirrels and 9 Black
Squirrels (17% Black).
 This indicates that the ratio of Gray:Black squirrels
may be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
 Assuming that the gene for the black morph is
autosomal dominant (not sex-linked) what are the
gene frequencies in the population ?
 Black squirrels, which could be Black homozygotes
(BB) or black heterozygotes (Bb) = 0.17 of the
population in 1994
 Thus, the proportion of
gray recessives (bb) in the
population is q2 = 1 – 0.17 = 0.83
(or 83%)
 q = 0.83 = 0.91 (or 91%)
of the genes in this gene pool
 Therefore, the frequency of the dominant allele (for
Black) = 1 – 0.91 = 0.09
 Thus, black individuals that are homozygous
dominants (BB) = p2 = 0.09 * 0.09 = 0.0081 (=0.08%
of the population).
 The black individuals that are heterozygotes (Bb)
are 2pq = 2 * 0.09 * 0.91 = 0.162 (= 16.2% of the
The population therefore consists of:
 83% homozygous (recessive) gray
 16.2% heterozygous black
 0.08% homozygous (dominant) black
This example shows that dominants can
be less common than recessives and
that there is no evidence that the
dominant character will eliminate the
Sample problem 03
 The allele for cystic fibrosis is present in Caucasians at a
frequency q of 22 per 1000 individuals (= 0.022)
 What proportion of Caucasians is expected to express
this trait ?
 The frequency of double recessives (q2) is 0.022 * 0.022 =
0.000484, or approx. 1 in every 2000 individuals.
 What proportion is expected to be heterozygous carriers
 If the frequency of the recessive allele q is 0.022, then the
frequency of the dominant allele p is 1 – 0.022 = 0.978
 The frequency of heterozygous individuals (2pq) is 2 *
0.978 * 0.022 = 0.043, or 43 people in every 1000