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AP Biology
Animal Evolution- The Vertebrates
1. Archaeopteryx is a transitional form between
a. Birds and mammals
b. Mammals and reptiles
c. Birds and reptiles
d. Fish and amphibians
e. Amphibians and reptiles
2. Archaeopteryx
a. Is an example of a “missing link”
b. Had no teeth
c. Had feathers
d. Had a long bony tail
e. Is an example of a “missing link”, had feathers, and had a long bony tail
3. The concept of natural selection is not considered “just a theory” because
a. In science a theory differs from speculation
b. There is little evidence for it
c. Its predictive power has been tested in nature many times and in many
d. All evolutionists cannot agree on which mechanisms explain life’s history
e. In science a theory differs from speculation and its predictive power has
been tested in nature many times and in many ways
4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
a. All chordates have a notochord
b. All chordates have pharyngeal pouches or gill slits
c. All chordates have a dorsal nerve cord
d. All chordates are vertebrates
e. Chordates are found in all major types of environments
5. The notochord is most closely associated with the
a. Nervous system
b. Spinal cord
c. Skeletal system
d. Skin system
e. Muscle system
6. The only chordate feature still present in the human adult is
a. Pharyngeal gill slits
b. A dorsal nerve cord
c. A notochord
d. A tail
e. All of these
7. Which of the following statements is false?
a. All vertebrates have a ventral tubular nervous system
b. All vertebrates have a tail at some stage in their life cycle
c. All vertebrates have a notochord at some stage in their life cycle
d. All vertebrates have pharyngeal gill slits at some stage in their life cycle
e. None of these
8. Which of the following is NOT a feature that is found exclusively among all
a. Notochord
b. Pharyngeal gill slits
c. Four legs
d. Post anal tail
e. Dorsal nerve cord
9. Two groups of invertebrate chordates are
a. Filter feeders
b. Scavengers
c. Herbivores
d. Predators
e. Parasites
10. A form of metamorphosis is found in
a. Tunicates
b. Insects
c. Amphibians
d. Tunicates and amphibians
e. Tunicates, amphibians, and insects
11. Lancelets are
a. Fish shaped
b. Filter feeders
c. Three to seven centimers long
d. Burrowers in shallow sediments
e. All of these
12. Which phylum is most closely related phylogenetically to the first vertebrates?
a. Echinodermata
b. Arthropoda
c. Mollusca
d. Annelia
e. None of these
13. Which of the following is (are) a subphylum of Chordata?
a. Urochordata
b. Hemichordata
c. Cephalochordate
d. Vertebrata
e. Urochordata, cephalochordate, and vertebrata
14. The feeding habits of lampreys are best described as
a. Suspension feeding
b. Predatory
c. Parasitic
d. Scavenging
e. All of these
15. Placoderms were among the first fishes to display
a. Jaws
b. Gill openings
c. Cartilaginous skeletons
d. Jaws and gill openings
e. Jaws, gill openings, and cartilaginous skeletons
16. *D The most primitive, but still existing, vertebrates are members of the taxon
a. Agnatha
b. Amphibia
c. Chondrichthyes
d. Aves
e. Osteichythes
17. *D The evolution of vertebrates
a. Is believed to have proceeded from cephalochordates
b. Is most closely tied to urochordates
c. Is probably in a lineage apart from present day invertebrate chordates
d. Possibly proceeded from cephalochordates to hemichordates
e. None of these
18. *D In vertebrate evolution, the appearance of the vertebral column led most
directly to development of
a. Limbs such as arms and legs
b. Jaws
c. Sense organs and the nervous system
d. More efficient respiratory systems
e. Greater speed of locomotion
19. The vertebrate jaw first appeared in
a. Fishes
b. Amphibians
c. Reptiles
d. Birds
e. Mammals
20. Pouches in the gut wall developed into _________ in fishes ancestral to land
a. Heart chambers
b. The notochord
c. Lobes of the liver
d. Lungs
e. Vocal cords
21. Which of the following groups are tetrapods?
a. Cartilaginous fishes
b. Amphibians
c. Birds
d. Mammals
e. Amphibians, birds, and mammals
22. Which of the following is(are) common fish adaptation(s) to the challenges of life
in water?
a. Strong muscles
b. Swim bladder
c. Streamlined body
d. Scales
e. All of these
23. Sharks, rays, and skates belong to the class
a. Aves
b. Amphibia
c. Chondrichthyes
d. Osteichthyes
e. Reptilia
24. In true fishes, the gills primarily serve which function?
a. Gas exchange
b. Feeding
c. Water elimination
d. Both feeding and gas exchange
e. All of these
25. The vertebrate lung first appeared in which organisms?
a. Fishes
b. Amphibians
c. Reptiles
d. Birds
e. Mammals
26. Evidence that lungfishes and tetrapods likely share a common ancestor comes
from comparing their
a. Circulatory systems
b. Skulls
c. Teeth
d. Fins and limbs
e. All of these
27. The first tetrapods evolved
a. On land
b. After the amphibians
c. In water
d. After the first amniotes
e. From the ray finned fishes
28. The only class that does NOT include animals with scales covering any part of the
body is
a. Aves
b. Amphibia
c. Reptilian
d. Osteichthyes
e. Chondrichthyes
29. *D An organism that possesses feathers must also possess
a. Malphigian tubules
b. A three chambered heart
c. A dorsal nerve cord
d. A pseudocoelom
e. Replaceable teeth
30. Most amphibians are completely dependent on an aquatic environment for
a. Respiration
b. Feeding
c. Reproduction
d. Respiration and reproduction
e. Respiration, reproduction, and feeding
31. A water environment provides more of all EXCEPT which of the following than
does air?
a. Support
b. Buoyancy
c. Constancy of temperature
d. Oxygen
e. Resistance to movement
32. *D When vertebrates invaded land, they encountered several conditions. Which of
the following most favored the invasion?
a. An increased gravitational force not encountered in water
b. More efficient lungs due to increased oxygen content air
c. More extreme temperature variations
d. Absence of predators and competitors
e. Absence of prey
33. The vertebrate sense that underwent the least developmental change with the
invasion of land was
a. Smell
b. Hearing
c. Vision
d. Touch
e. Balance
34. Which class of vertebrates has a heart with two atria and one ventricle?
a. Aves
b. Amphibian
c. Chondrichthyes
d. Osteichthyes
e. Mammalian
35. Exchange of respiratory gases through the skin is a characteristic of many
a. Fishes
b. Amphibians
c. Reptiles
d. Mammals
e. Birds
36. Frogs
a. Have a three chambered heart
b. Have an open circulatory system
c. Use their skin and pharynx as respiratory surface
d. Have a tongue that is anchored at the front of the mouth
e. All but “have an open circulatory system” are true
37. * D The first evidence of separate pulmonary and systemic circuits for blood flow
in the evolution of vertebrates is seen in
a. Bony fishes
b. Cartilaginous fishes
c. Reptiles
d. Birds
e. amphibians
38. Vertebrate colonization of terrestrial habitats increased dramatically with
evolution of
a. Lungs
b. Paired appendages
c. Shelled eggs
d. The four chambered heart
e. Scales
39. Amniotes differ from earlier vertebrates by
a. Their large size
b. Their three chambered heart
c. Their internal fertilization
d. The possession of a slimy skin
e. Having external scales
40. The first group to exhibit an amniotic egg was the
a. Aves
b. Amphibia
c. Reptilia
d. Osteichthyes
e. Mammalian
41. *D Reptiles resemble___________ in being able to _________________
a. Ray finned fishes; freely leave the water
b. Birds; breathe by use of lungs
c. Ostracoderms; utilize their jaws
d. Amphibians; exchange gases across their skin
e. Lobe finned fishes; exchange gases across their gills
42. D Both existing mammals and extinct mammal-like groups are
a. Synapsids
b. Archosaurs
c. Sauropsids
d. Anapsids
e. Pleiosaurs
43. *D The most primitive of the current reptiles based upon the time of divergence
from the stem reptiles are the
a. Crocodiles
b. Snakes
c. Tuataras
d. Lizards
e. Turtles
44. All crocodilians
a. Live in or near water
b. Are predators with sharp teeth
c. Have a four chambered heart
d. Show parental behavior
e. All of these
45. The reptile group most closely related to the birds is
a. Turtles
b. Snakes
c. Lizards
d. Tuataras
e. Crocodilians
46. Birds differ from earlier vertebrates by
a. Their lack of scales
b. Producing land eggs
c. The ability to maintain a constant body temperature through metabolic
d. The ability to fertilize eggs internally
e. Their possession of a dorsal nerve cord
47. *D Birds and mammals share which of the following characteristics?
a. Ectothermy (body temperature regulated by environment)
b. Body hair
c. Four chambered heart
d. Lung design
e. Amniotic egg
48. Adaptations for flight in birds include all EXCEPT which of the following?
a. Sound production
b. Lightweight bones
c. Feathers
d. Efficient respiration
e. Four chambered heart
49. Which is NOT one of the four extraembryonic membranes of the amniote egg?
a. Albumin
b. Amnion
c. Chorion
d. Allantois
e. Yolk sac
50. The largest living bird is
a. The ostrich
b. The dodo
c. Flightless
d. The emu
e. The ostrich and flightless
51. Which of these adaptations is unique to mammals?
a. Hair
b. Four types of upper and lower teeth that match up
c. Extended period of parental care and education of the offspring
d. Secretion of milk by females
e. All of these
52. Which is NOT one of the three groups of moden mammals?
a. Eutherians
b. Therapsids
c. Marsupials
d. Monotremes
e. Pouched
53. Egg laying mammals
a. Cannot feed their young with milk
b. Are monotremes
c. Are hairless
d. Are confined to South America
e. Bear their young into permanent pouches
54. Which group of mammals exhibits the widest distribution and greatest diversity?
a. Marsupials
b. Monotremes
c. Placentals
d. Marsupials and monotremes
e. Placental and monotremes
55. * D Which of the following statements concerning the placenta is incorrect?
a. It nourishes the young in the uterus
b. Nutrients pass to the fetus
c. It is entirely a maternal structure
d. It promotes faster growth than does the pouch of marsupials
e. It cleans the fetal blood of impurities
56. Which group includes all the others?
a. Tarsoids
b. Hominoids
c. Prosimians
d. Anthropoids
e. Primates
57. Humans belong to all BUT which of the following?
a. Hominids
b. Hominoids
c. Prosimians
d. Anthropoids
e. Primates
58. The ability to grasp objects by wrapping the hand around them is termed
a. Opposable
b. Grabbing
c. Prehensible
d. Grappling
e. Hooking
59. The ability to hold a paintbrush as an artist does is due to the thumb and fingers
a. Prehensile
b. In line with each other
c. Bendable
d. Muscular
e. Opposable
60. The most recent level of evolution in primates is considered to be in
a. Brain expansion
b. Behavior and culture
c. Dentition
d. Hand grip
e. Daytime vision
61. The location of the eyes on the front of the head in later primates is especially
important in
a. Seeing color
b. Detecting light intensity
c. Predatory behavior
d. Seeing in three dimensions
e. Mating
62. The diet of the direct ancestors of primates did NOT include
a. Grass
b. Insects
c. Fruits
d. Seeds
e. Eggs
63. The early hominid fossils are found in
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. Australia
d. The South Pacific
e. Europe
64. Some sharks are viviparous, which means that _____.
the young develop within the
female's body
they lay eggs
they have a tendency toward
multiple births
they have a tendency toward
single births
they maintain a constant body
65. Which of the following characteristics is not shared by extant
birds and extant reptiles?
amniotic eggs
backbones of vertebrae
scales containing
pharyngeal clefts in the
66. The opossum is an example of a(n)
_____ mammal.
67. Humans, apes, and monkeys are classified together as _____. (Concept 34.7) [Hint]
68. Which of the following traits distinguishes hominids from apes? (Concept 34.8) [Hint]
the use of tools
the use of fire
an enlarged brain (relative to body size)
bipedalism (upright walking)
the absence of a tail