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The atmosphere of this planet is mostly carbon dioxide.
It has two moons: Phobos (fear) and Deimos (panic), which are both covered in craters like Earth’s moon.
This planet is fourth from the sun.
Because the axis of the planet is tilted, it experiences seasons like Earth.
Also known as the Red planet because it looks reddish in the sky.
It is often known as the Earth’s twin.
The temperatures on this planet can climb to 900°F. The carbon dioxide traps heat inside the atmosphere
through the greenhouse effect.
It is the only planet to have retrograde rotation, which means that it spins from East to West (EW), the opposite
of the other planets.
Is also known as the “Evening Star”.
This planet is known as the “planet of extremes”.
This planet is closes to the sun. It has an extremely THIN atmosphere.
Atmosphere is mainly made up of nitrogen.
70% of this planet is covered with water.
It takes 365.25 days to orbit the sun.
This planet is tilted so it rotates from top to bottom, instead of side to side.
It is the second largest planet in our solar system.
This planet is sixth from the sun.
This is the only planet that is less dense than water, meaning that it would float in water.
It has the most visible rings made up of ice, rock, and dust.
It looks bluish because of the traces of methane in its atmosphere.
This planet is seventh from the sun.
This planet is eighth from the sun.
This planet’s moon is as almost as big as the planet itself.
This planet is the farthest from the sun.
This is the smallest planet in the solar system.
Its atmosphere contains visible clouds (the only other planet besides Earth).
It has an ongoing storm similar to a hurricane called the “Great Red Spot”.
It is the largest planet of the solar system.