Download Банк тестових завдань до модульного контролю №2 з англійської

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Міністерство охорони здоров’я України
ДВНЗ «Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет»
Кафедра мовознавства
База тестових завдань
з навчальної дисципліни
«Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням»
Модуль 2
Медичний факультет
Спеціальність «Лікувальна справа», «Педіатрія»
Виберіть український еквівалент англійського терміну:
adrenal medulla
A) надниркового походження
B) надниркова залоза
C) мозкова речовина надниркової залози
D) дисфункція кори надниркової залози
A) віддаленість
B) близькість
C) короткозорість
D) далекозорість
A) жовте тіло, що розвивається у яєчнику
B) яєчко
C) що відноситься до яєчка
D) яєчник
A) переїдання
B) перетворення
C) пересушування
D) перетравлювання
A) отвір
B) отвердіння
C) оточення
D) отит
A) сечівник
B) сечовід
C) уретероліз
D) сечовивідний
A) сім’яний пухирець
B) калитка
C) простата
D) сім’явиносна протока
rooting reflex
A) смоктальний рефлекс
B) основний рефлекс
C) умовний рефлекс
D) губний рефлекс
A) білірубін
B) жовтяниця
C) жовта лихоманка
D) гепатит
A) асфіксія
B) аспермія
C) аспірація
D) асиметрія
solid food
A) корисна їжа
B) тверда їжа
C) рідка їжа
D) смачна їжа
to crawl
A) ходити
B) бігати
C) повзати
D) скакати
pituitary gland
A) підшлункова залоза;
B) потова залоза;
C) гіпофіз;
D) надниркова залоза.
A) крохмаль;
B) глюкагон;
C) потова залоза;
D) старт.
A) яєчники;
B) тестостерон;
C) яєчка;
D) тестування.
A) обов’язок;
B) ожиріння;
C) похудіння;
D) залежність.
A) сеча;
B) уретра;
C) уробілін;
D) сечівник.
kidney failure
A) ниркова недостатність;
B) запалення нирок;
C) ниркове каміння;
D) ниркова інфекція.
A) клапан;
B) отвір;
C) промежина;
D) зародок.
to wean
A) годувати дитину з пляшечки;
B) відлучати від грудей;
C) вчити пити з горнятка;
D) годувати ложечкою.
A) математична формула;
B) формула кохання;
C) суміш для годування дитини;
D) суміш сухофруктів.
to invade
A) уникати;
B) позбавляти;
C) вражати;
D) нищити.
A) відірваний;
B) розірваний;
C) позбавлений;
D) прищеплений.
A) новонароджена дитина;
B) літня людина;
C) підліток;
D) немовля.
avian flue
A) іспанка;
B) свинячий грип;
C) пташиний грип;
D) козячий грип.
to provoke
A) знищити;
B) спонукати;
C) прищепити;
D) припинити.
A) косолапість;
B) страх;
C) косоокість;
D) спантеличеність.
A) почергово;
B) одночасно;
C) одноразово;
D) однозначно.
vernix caseosa
A) слиз;
B) грудне молоко;
C) первородна змазка;
D) слизова оболонка.
conduct disorder
A) страх розлуки;
B) соматоформний розлад;
C) суїцидальна поведінка;
D) розлад поведінки.
A) геніальність;
B) незворотність;
C) недоумство;
D) недолугість.
to multiply
A) скорочуватися;
B) прикріплюватися;
C) розмножуватися;
D) вторгатися.
A) посиніння;
B) відмороження;
C) набрякання;
D) розчеплення.
A) втома;
B) збудження;
C) нудота;
D) слабкість.
pickled food
A) копчена їжа;
B) маринована їжа;
C) солодка їжа;
D) жирна їжа.
A) кривий;
B) глухий;
C) німий;
D) сліпий.
to possess
A) позувати;
B) установлювати;
C) володіти;
D) відкладати.
A) щілини;
B) звивини;
C) залози;
D) гени.
A) квітка;
B) рідина;
C) допомога;
D) смак.
A) вухо;
B) рік;
C) вік;
D) око.
aqueous humor
A) внутрішньоочна рідина;
B) скловидне тіло;
C) рідкий гумор;
D) спинномозкова рідина.
A) кома;
B) код;
C) колбочка;
D) канал.
A) пульпа;
B) пах;
C) пульс;
D) пуповина.
to swell
A) набрякати;
B) перешкоджати;
C) рости;
D) поширюватися.
sucking reflex
A) рефлекс Моро;
B) смоктальний рефлекс;
C) ковтальний рефлекс;
D) хапальний рефлекс.
A) втома;
B) задишка;
C) озноб;
D) нудота.
A) слина;
B) залоза;
C) слиз;
D) мокротиння.
A) розмноження;
B) вторгнення;
C) розростання;
D) збільшення.
A) сечовина;
B) сеча;
C) сечовід;
D) сечовий.
A) вплив;
B) дослідження;
C) досвід;
D) вибух.
A) первинний;
B) раковий;
C) нераковий;
D) передраковий.
excessive growth
A) нормальний ріст;
B) надмірний ріст;
C) внутрішньоутробний ріст;
D) сповільнений ріст.
A) пухлина;
B) вплив;
C) грип;
D) запалення.
A) бородавка;
B) палата;
C) слова;
D) тепло.
hearing loss
A) випадання волосся;
B) втрата зору;
C) втрата слуху;
D) втрата ваги.
overt disease
A) запущене захворювання;
B) відкрите захворювання;
C) інфекційне захворювання;
D) променеве захворювання.
macroscopic structure
A) макроскопічна структура;
B) мікроскопічна структура;
C) гістологічна структура;
D) анатомічна структура.
A) антитіло;
B) антисептика;
C) антиген;
D) антисироватка.
A) дегенеративний;
B) злоякісний;
C) доброякісний;
D) уразливий.
nerve root
A) корінь нерва;
B) нервовий рік;
C) нерв зуба;
D) корінь волосся.
breech delivery
A) пологи при потиличному розташуванні;
B) пологи при сідничному розташуванні;
C) передчасні пологи;
D) пологи, які стимулюють.
A) фіброз;
B) фіброзний;
C) фіброматоз;
D) фіброма.
A) лімфа;
B) легеня;
C) припухлість;
D) губа.
A) плід;
B) гарячка;
C) страх;
D) жир.
A) фолат;
B) отвір;
C) складка;
D) фолікул.
A) бандаж;
B) розрив;
C) посиніння;
D) почервоніння.
A) відчуття ознобу;
B) кашель;
C) запаморочення;
D) безсоння.
A) смертність;
B) рухомість;
C) захворюваність;
D) модифікація.
A) матка;
B) яйце;
C) сечовина;
D) яєчник.
A) тонка кишка;
B) клубова кишка;
C) дванадцятипала кишка;
D) товста кишка.
A) німий;
B) глухий;
C) сліпий;
D) товстий.
A) далекозорість;
B) гігантизм;
C) косоокість;
D) огрядність.
A) некроз;
B) неонатолог;
C) неоатологія;
D) новоутворення.
dry cough
A) голосний кашель;
B) рефлекторний кашель;
C) сухий кашель;
D) мокрий кашель.
A) клон;
B) тінь;
C) оболонка;
D) згусток.
untreated infection
A) спонтанна інфекція;
B) неполікована інфекція;
C) гнійна інфекція;
D) хронічна інфекція.
A) одужання;
B) стиснення;
C) споживання;
D) скорочення.
A) протеїн;
B) пепсин;
C) підшлункова залоза;
D) паращитовидна залоза.
A) казеозний некроз;
B) утворення порожнини;
C) прихований початок;
D) концентрація розчину.
A) звивини;
B) грибки;
C) коки;
D) ворсинки.
to impede
A) знебарвлювати;
B) прискорювати;
C) перешкоджати;
D) понижувати.
viral particle
A) іонізована частинка;
B) вірусна частинка;
C) заряджена частинка;
D) прискорена частинка.
A) печінковий;
B) гемостатичний;
C) герпесний;
D) генетичний.
A) нерозпізнаний;
B) переважаючий;
C) перевтомлений;
D) переохолоджений.
A) зародок;
B) немовля;
C) підліток;
D) плід.
A) санація;
B) зразок;
C) слина;
D) мішечок.
A) шина;
B) затискач;
C) пах;
D) гіпс.
A) вивих;
B) розрив;
C) набряк;
D) синяк.
A) частка;
B) паста;
C) прохід;
D) параліч.
A) депресія;
B) відкладення;
C) зниження;
D) депіляція.
fluid drainage
A) трубчастий дренаж;
B) рідинний дренаж;
C) венозний дренаж;
D) підводний дренаж.
exacerbated disease
A) смертельне захворювання;
B) спадкове захворювання;
C) загострене захворювання;
D) гіпертонічне захворювання.
A) защемлення;
B) порушення;
C) заглиблення;
D) покращення.
A) баланс;
B) дисбаланс;
C) дисфункція;
D) дифузія.
low level
A) високий рівень;
B) низький рівень;
C) слуховий рівень;
D) допустимий рівень.
A) рентгентерапія;
B) фізіотерапія;
C) хіміотерапія;
D) дієтотерапія.
A) синяк;
B) набряк;
C) рана;
D) опік.
A) острівці;
B) гонади;
C) залози;
D) яєчники.
A) зоб;
B) йод;
C) пах;
D) фосфор.
A) яєчка;
B) яєчник;
C) жовте тіло;
D) матка.
A) спрага;
B) початок;
C) крохмаль;
D) піст.
A) огрядність;
B) спрага;
C) піст;
D) голод.
A) пучок;
B) клубочок;
C) вузол;
D) тільце.
A) пах;
B) камінь;
C) зоб;
D) отвір.
A) матка;
B) калитка;
C) шийка;
D) промежина.
A) запліднення;
B) потуги;
C) вагітність;
D) пологи.
A) судина;
B) хвиля;
C) клапан;
D) вена.
A) характер;
B) спадковість;
C) хірургія;
D) герпес.
A) дозвіл;
B) порада;
C) заборона;
D) рекомендація.
to deprive of smth
A) надавати допомогу;
B) позбавити чогось;
C) підтримувати когось;
D) заперечувати комусь.
sucking reflex
A) основний рефлекс;
B) орієнтувальний рефлекс;
C) рефлекс сечовипускання;
D) смоктальний рефлекс.
A) зараження грипом;
B) бактеріальне зараження;
C) зараження крові;
D) радіоактивне зараження.
A) тривалий розвиток;
B) неповний розвиток;
C) пренатальний розвиток;
D) розвиток пізнання.
induced labour
A) запізнілі пологи;
B) багатоплідні пологи;
C) передчасні пологи;
D) викликані пологи.
solid food
A) смачна їжа;
B) корисна їжа;
C) тверда їжа;
D) вітамінізована їжа.
to grasp
A) хапати;
B) перевертатися;
C) повзати;
D) хитатися.
A) перешкоджаючий;
B) перевантажуючий;
C) переважаючий;
D) перебуваючий.
дезорієнтація у часі і просторі
A) constipation;
B) confirmation;
C) confusion;
D) conjunction.
A) мазок;
B) зразок;
C) аналіз;
D) проба.
genetic makeup
A) клінічна генетика;
B) генетична схильність;
C) генетична будова;
D) зворотна генетика.
family history
A) історія хвороби;
B) лікарський анамнез;
C) професійний анамнез;
D) сімейний анамнез.
A) барабанна перетинка;
B) вушні краплі;
C) вушний пінцет;
D) вушний біль.
pituitary gland
A) шишкоподібна залоза;
B) підшлункова залоза;
C) гіпофіз;
D) гіпоталамус.
A) фосфор;
B) крохмаль;
C) йод;
D) струвіт.
A) шийка;
B) матка;
C) калитка;
D) фаллопієва труба.
A) плодючість;
B) вагітність;
C) пологи;
D) безпліддя.
A) існування;
B) впровадження;
C) підмога;
D) заборона.
A) споживання;
B) запор;
C) травлення;
D) перешкода.
A) затискач;
B) пупковий канатик;
C) синяк;
D) слина.
A) вагітність;
B) жовтяниця;
C) суміш;
D) молозиво.
A) матка;
B) шийка;
C) сосок;
D) груди.
to grasp
A) повзати;
B) лепетати;
C) гойдатись;
D) хапати.
A) краснуха;
B) свинка;
C) правець;
D) черевний тиф.
A) мазок;
B) пах;
C) спалах;
D) плівка.
A) обмін;
B) травлення;
C) дихання;
D) дифузія.
A) нирки;
B) кишки;
C) легені;
D) клітини.
A) тремор;
B) пухлина;
C) трубка;
D) горбистість.
A) язик;
B) стравохід;
C) горло;
D) ясна.
A) антибіоз;
B) антибіограма;
C) антитіло;
D) антибіотик.
A) вухо;
B) око;
C) рік;
D) ніс.
to swell
A) ковтати;
B) набрякати;
C) рости;
D) поширюватися.
A) втома;
B) озноб;
C) нудота;
D) гарячка.
A) яєчники;
B) тестостерон;
C) яєчка;
D) тестування.
A) рухомість;
B) важкість;
C) смертність;
D) запаморочення.
A) плід;
B) зародок;
C) підліток;
D) немовля.
to cough
A) відригувати;
B) набрякати;
C) кашляти;
D) чхати.
A) доброякісний;
B) раковий;
C) злоякісний;
D) метастатичний.
A) лікування;
B) профілактика;
C) недоношеність;
D) переношеність.
A) голод;
B) схильність;
C) спрага;
D) живлення.
A) запобігаючий;
B) тендітний;
C) поширений;
D) рідкісний.
expressed milk
A) грудне молоко;
B) зціджене молоко;
C) молозиво;
D) кип’ячене молоко.
mucous membrane
A) слинна залоза;
B) дифтерійна плівка;
C) первородна змазка;
D) слизова оболонка.
acute disease
A) хронічне захворювання;
B) гостре захворювання;
C) вроджене захворювання;
D) інфекційне захворювання.
A) волосся;
B) покрив;
C) нюх;
D) слух.
recurrent attack
A) гострий приступ;
B) повторний приступ;
C) приступ лихоманки;
D) апоплектичний приступ.
taste bugs
A) смакові сосочки;
B) втрата смаку;
C) нюхові сосочки;
D) відчуття смаку.
A) агонія;
B) ауксин;
C) акція;
D) аксон.
A) білок;
B) жир;
C) вуглевод;
D) еритроцит.
mucous membrane
A) слизова оболонка;
B) прозора оболонка;
C) напівпрозора оболонка;
D) сітчаста оболонка.
A) ріст;
B) залишок;
C) зап’ястя;
D) вага.
panniculus adiposus
A) зернистий шар;
B) сітчастий шар;
C) жировий шар;
D) роговий шар.
A) баланс;
B) буфер;
C) випуклість;
D) пучок.
A) слізний;
B) носослізний;
C) молочний;
D) лактогенний.
olfactory nerve
A) очний нерв;
B) нюховий нерв;
C) секреторний нерв;
D) чутливий нерв.
A) рогівка;
B) подвоєння;
C) протока;
D) порох.
organism invasion
A) продукування організму;
B) виявлення організму;
C) проникнення організму;
D) знищення організму.
A) барабанна перетинка;
B) вушна раковина;
C) слуховий прохід;
D) мочка вуха.
to diminish tension
A) підвищувати тиск;
B) вимірювати тиск;
C) понижувати тиск;
D) стимулювати тиск.
to receive stimuli
A) притуплювати стимули;
B) отримувати стимули;
C) контролювати стимули;
D) збільшувати стимули.
stasis dermatitis
A) атопічний дерматит;
B) застійний дерматит;
C) себорейний дерматит;
D) навколоротовий дерматит.
nerve fibers
A) нервові волокна;
B) нервові імпульси;
C) нервові тканини;
D) нервові клітини.
sebaceous gland
A) потова залоза;
B) сальна залоза;
C) щитовидна залоза;
D) нитковидна залоза.
HIV transmission
A) зростання поширення СНІДу;
B) лікування ВІЛ-інфікованих хворих;
C) передавання ВІЛ інфекції;
D) зниження кількості ВІЛ-інфікованих клітин.
A) мембрана;
B) хребет;
C) плевра;
D) грудина.
A) генотип;
B) генетик;
C) генетика;
D) генез.
A) сидячий;
B) заспокійливий;
C) спазмолітичний;
D) сильнодіючий.
A) усмішка;
B) смак;
C) запах;
D) дотик.
A) втирання;
B) перфоратор;
C) перфорація;
D) перфузія.
A) кришталик;
B) повіка;
C) зіниця;
D) склера.
to lubricate
A) перетворювати;
B) змащувати;
C) відображати;
D) захищати.
optic nerve
A) судиннозвужуючий нерв;
B) секреторний нерв;
C) міжреберний нерв;
D) зоровий нерв.
A) солодкий;
B) кислий;
C) солений;
D) гіркий.
A) флюороз;
B) рідина;
C) фтористий;
D) фторування.
A) екзематозний;
B) екзамен;
C) набряк;
D) екзема.
perioral dermatitis
A) алергічний дерматит;
B) атопічний дерматит;
C) сонячний дерматит;
D) навколоротовий дерматит.
A) відкритий;
B) помилковий;
C) змішаний;
D) неправильний.
to realease
A) приєднувати;
B) минати;
C) спадати;
D) вивільняти.
A) сусідній;
B) безперервний;
C) заразний;
D) свідомий.
to incorporate
A) приєднувати;
B) виявляти;
C) передавати;
D) роз’єднувати.
A) струс;
B) хрип;
C) синюха;
D) скрип.
to combat
A) стримувати;
B) загрожувати;
C) лікувати;
D) боротися.
A) глотка;
B) лоб;
C) доля;
D) навантаження.
A) видих;
B) вдих;
C) виштовхування;
D) випрямлення.
A) хрипіння;
B) грибок;
C) пліснява;
D) кропивниця.
A) судинорозширюючий;
B) судинозвужуючий;
C) вазоактивний;
D) судиноруховий.
spinosum startum
A) зернистий шар;
B) блискуча дерма;
C) остистий шар;
D) роговий епідерміс.
A) інший;
B) інвалід;
C) агресор;
D) вакуум.
cranial nerves
A) нерви черепа;
B) нерви обличчя;
C) нерви язика;
D) спинномозкові нерви.
A) мозок;
B) менінгіт;
C) мозкові оболонки;
D) мозочок.
to respond
A) реагувати;
B) зберігати;
C) поважати;
D) протистояти.
A) головний мозок;
B) мозочок;
C) кора головного мозку;
D) довгастий мозок.
A) проказа;
B) в’ялість;
C) ураження;
D) летальність.
A) забудькуватість;
B) лихоманка;
C) втома;
D) втрата свідомості.
to relieve
A) загострювати;
B) ускладнювати;
C) полегшувати;
D) видаляти.
to depress
A) натискати;
B) стимулювати;
C) пригнічувати;
D) вживляти.
olfactory response
A) сповільнена реакція;
B) нюхова реакція;
C) температурна реакція;
D) рухова реакція.
A) обличчя;
B) фасція;
C) функція;
D) щілина.
to nourish
A) зволожувати;
B) обстежувати;
C) живити;
D) подразнювати.
dense network
A) капілярна сітка;
B) хроматична сітка;
C) щільна сітка;
D) широка сітка.
A) сканер;
B) шина;
C) скальпель;
D) шкіра.
A) нейробластома;
B) некрофіброз;
C) невринома;
D) нейрофіброма.
A) геморой;
B) гемотерапія;
C) гемоглобін;
D) кровотеча.
A) черевний;
B) поперековий;
C) черепний;
D) порожнистий.
bony cage
A) реберна клітка;
B) грудна клітка;
C) контрольна клітка;
D) кісткова клітка.
A) кір;
B) віспа;
C) свинка;
D) краснуха.
cerebral fluid
A) клітинна рідина;
B) черепна рідина;
C) тканинна рідина;
D) спинно-мозкова рідина.
A) погіршення;
B) загострення;
C) проникнення;
D) сприйняття.
acquired immunity
A) пасивний імунітет;
B) набутий імунітет;
C) активний імунітет;
D) природній імунітет.
A) помилка;
B) форма;
C) сила;
D) складка.
oily skin
A) суха шкіра;
B) комбінована шкіра;
C) жирна шкіра;
D) чутлива шкіра.
A) некродерматоз;
B) нейродерматит;
C) нейродендрит;
D) неврит.
to avoid irritation
A) уникати вологи;
B) уникати подразнення;
C) уникати лікування;
D) уникати контакту.
A) кислий;
B) гіркий;
C) смачний;
D) солений.
A) відсутність відчуття смаку;
B) відчуття оніміння;
C) відсутність нюху;
D) відчуття рівноваги.
A) сліпота;
B) стареча близькозорість;
C) стареча далекозорість;
D) поганий зір.
A) молоточок;
B) коваделко;
C) стремінце;
D) завитка.
A) запаморочення;
B) знесилення;
C) омертвіння;
D) нудота.
A) остистий;
B) роговий;
C) блискучий;
D) базальний.
A) велика фагоцитарна клітина;
B) червона кров’яна клітина;
C) жирова клітина;
D) кровна пластинка.
sweat glands
A) сальні залози;
B) слинні залози;
C) потові залози;
D) молочні залози.
to scratch
A) змащувати;
B) злущувати;
C) дряпати;
D) пом’якшувати.
A) мазь;
B) примочка;
C) мило;
D) миючий засіб.
A) яєчко
B) фолікул;
C) жовте тіло;
D) яєчник.
A) переїдання;
B) хронічне нетримання сечі;
C) хронічна спрага;
D) генетична схильність.
A) пучок;
B) кільце;
C) каналець;
D) капсула.
A) каналець;
B) тільце;
C) петля;
D) лупа.
to urinate
A) пити;
B) їсти;
C) мочитися;
D) кровити.
A) передня шкірочка статевого члена;
B) крайня плоть;
C) придаток яєчка;
D) передміхурова залоза.
A) матка;
B) шийка;
C) клітор;
D) промежина.
A) камінь;
B) цистин;
C) оксалат;
D) коліка.
A) миска;
B) тільце;
C) клубочок;
D) фолікул.
A) ожиріння;
B) спрага;
C) скарга;
D) переїдання.
A) внутрішні органи;
B) статеві органи;
C) органи дихання;
D) органи травлення.
adrenal gland
A) загрудинна залоза;
B) надниркова залоза;
C) шишкоподібна залоза;
D) придаток мозку.
A) випуклість;
B) припухлість;
C) ввігнутість;
D) вигинання.
to shrink
A) збільшуватися;
B) рости;
C) зменшуватися;
D) зникати.
A) луска;
B) ріг;
C) пігмент;
D) шар.
A) дерма;
B) епідерміс;
C) підшкірний жировий шар;
D) базальний шар.
to desquamate
A) згортатися;
B) лущитися;
C) відриватися;
D) дезорієнтуватися.
A) визначення;
B) дефіцит;
C) деформація;
D) випинання.
A) зоровий нерв;
B) війчастий м’яз;
C) очне яблуко;
D) повіка.
A) тонус;
B) толерантність;
C) переносимість;
D) перевага.
A) передумова;
B) передбачення;
C) схильність;
D) стриманість.
replacement therapy
A) новітня терапія;
B) замісна терапія;
C) специфічна терапія;
D) сімейна терапія.
A) швидкої дії;
B) пролонгованої дії;
C) довготривалої дії;
D) середньотривалої дії.
A) голка;
B) ін’єкція;
C) шприц;
D) ампула.
A) очищена рідина;
B) забруднена рідина;
C) внутрішньоочна рідина;
D) фолікулярна рідина.
sebaceous glands
A) сальні залози;
B) потові залози;
C) язикові залози;
D) передміхурова залоза.
to moisturize
A) висушувати;
B) витирати;
C) змащувати;
D) зволожувати.
A) що закриває;
B) що відкриває;
C) що прилипає;
D) що відлипає.
to soothe
A) загострювати;
B) пом’якшувати;
C) подразнювати;
D) терти.
pituitary gland
A) аденогіпофіз;
B) гіпоталамус;
C) гіпофіз;
D) нейрогіпофіз.
A) розростання щитоподібної залози;
B) розростання загрудинної залози;
C) розростання шишкоподібної залози;
D) розростання адамового яблука.
corpus luteum
A) жирове тіло;
B) жовте тіло;
C) стороннє тіло;
D) тіло коваделка.
optic chiasm
A) зоровий нерв;
B) зорове перехрестя;
C) скловидне тіло;
D) внутрішньоочна рідина.
male hormone
A) статевий гормон;
B) жіночий гормон;
C) чоловічий гормон;
D) гормон яєчника.
A) харчування;
B) піст;
C) дієта;
D) прийом їжі.
A) щілина;
B) просвіт;
C) порожнина;
D) капсула.
A) сеча;
B) сечовід;
C) сечівник;
D) сечовий міхур.
A) слабкий;
B) помірний;
C) нестерпний;
D) довготривалий.
A) промежина;
B) пах;
C) клітор;
D) вульва.
vas deferens
A) сім’яний пухирець;
B) сім’явиносна протока;
C) передміхурова залоза;
D) чоловічий статевий орган.
to ejaculate
A) всмоктувати;
B) помпувати;
C) викидати;
D) втягувати.
A) вагітність;
B) аборт;
C) безпліддя;
D) пологи.
A) смак;
B) аромат;
C) нюх;
D) дотик.
A) відчуття нюху;
B) відчуття смаку;
C) відчуття рівноваги;
D) відчуття болю.
A) сліпота;
B) німота;
C) глухота;
D) оніміння.
A) кришталик;
B) зіниця;
C) рогівка;
D) склера.
lacrimal nerve
A) слуховий нерв;
B) очний нерв;
C) слізний нерв;
D) зоровий нерв.
A) вкритий плямами;
B) вкритий прищами;
C) вкритий лускою;
D) вкритий волоссям.
A) навколоротовий дерматит;
B) червоні вугрі;
C) себорея;
D) застійний дерматит.
A) ховання;
B) зір;
C) смак;
D) слух.
to equalize
A) ізолювати;
B) викорінювати;
C) економити;
D) зрівнювати.
A) сальна залоза;
B) залоза;
C) слина;
D) свиня.
A) адреналін;
B) ацетилхолін;
C) епізіоскопія;
D) епіфіз.
A) студент;
B) пальпація;
C) зіниця;
D) рогівка.
spinosum stratum
A) зернистий шар;
B) блискуча дерма;
C) остистий шар;
D) роговий епідерміс.
olfactory response
A) сповільнена реакція;
B) нюхова реакція;
C) температурна реакція;
D) рухова реакція.
to nourish
A) зволожувати;
B) обстежувати;
C) живити;
D) подразнювати.
A) сканер;
B) шина;
C) скальпель;
D) шкіра.
A) крохмаль;
B) глюкагон;
C) потова залоза;
D) старт.
A) яєчники;
B) тестостерон;
C) яєчка;
D) тестування.
A) обов’язок;
B) ожиріння;
C) схуднення;
D) залежність.
A) сеча;
B) уретра;
C) сечовід;
D) сечівник.
kidney failure
A) ниркова недостатність;
B) запалення нирок;
C) ниркове каміння;
D) ниркова інфекція.
A) сечовина;
B) сеча;
C) сечовід;
D) сечовий.
A) протеїн;
B) пепсин;
C) підшлункова залоза;
D) прищитоподібна залоза.
A) санація;
B) зразок;
C) слина;
D) мішечок.
low level
A) високий рівень;
B) низький рівень;
C) слуховий рівень;
D) допустимий рівень.
A) яєчка;
B) яєчник;
C) жовте тіло;
D) матка.
A) пучок;
B) клубочок;
C) вузол;
D) тільце.
A) огрядність;
B) спрага;
C) піст;
D) голод.
A) квітка;
B) рідина;
C) допомога;
D) смак.
hearing loss
A) випадання волосся;
B) втрата зору;
C) втрата слуху;
D) втрата ваги.
A) дотик;
B) здібність;
C) сліпота;
D) глухота.
A) переїдання;
B) пересушування;
C) перетравлювання;
D) перетворення.
A) рогівка;
B) кон’юнктива;
C) кришталик;
D) склера.
A) простата;
B) калитка;
C) сім’яний пухирець;
D) матка.
A) яєчник;
B) отвір;
C) шийка;
D) пах.
A) сечівник;
B) сечовід;
C) уролітіаз;
D) струвіт.
to dilute
A) розводити;
B) мочитися;
C) відчувати;
D) звужуватися.
A) прогестерон;
B) фолікул;
C) фосфор;
D) фосфат.
A) залози;
B) острівці;
C) середостіння;
D) кадик.
A) тріщина;
B) висип;
C) вугрі;
D) лусочка.
A) неясний;
B) очевидний;
C) виразний;
D) непристосований.
A) сперматозоїди;
B) сперматозоїд;
C) сперматорея;
D) сперматопатія.
to dilute
A) розріджувати;
B) згущувати;
C) розраджувати;
D) здирати.
A) вузол;
B) купка;
C) ґуля;
D) пучок.
colicky pain
A) постійний біль;
B) гострий біль;
C) слабкий біль;
D) післяопераційний біль.
A) зіниця;
B) пупок;
C) пах;
D) зір.
labia minora
A) малі соромітні губи;
B) нижня губа рота;
C) губа сечівника;
D) великі соромітні губи.
A) віртуальність;
B) нудота;
C) запаморочення;
D) гарячка.
to augment
A) підсилювати;
B) закупорювати;
C) проводити аускультацію;
D) анулювати.
to slough off
A) загоюватися;
B) розширюватися;
C) стискатися;
D) лущитися.
A) матка;
B) пологи;
C) калитка;
D) отвір.
sebaceous gland
A) потова залоза;
B) щитовидна залоза;
C) сальна залоза;
D) сльозова залоза.
to rub
A) ковтати;
B) зволожувати;
C) гризти;
D) терти.
A) розклад;
B) кабінет;
C) процедура;
D) огляд.
A) шийка;
B) плід;
C) яєчко;
D) матка.
A) стовбур;
B) пляма;
C) рогівка;
D) сітківка.
A) коваделко;
B) молоточок;
C) стремінце;
D) завиток.
A) базальний;
B) остистий;
C) блискучий;
D) роговий.
A) тертя;
B) запаморочення;
C) свербіж;
D) подразнення.
A) острівець;
B) турецьке сідло;
C) середостіння;
D) перешийок.
pineal gland
A) загрудинна залоза;
B) шишкоподібна залоза;
C) надниркова залоза;
D) статева залоза.
A) хронічна спрага;
B) хронічне недоїдання;
C) хронічне переїдання;
D) хронічна втома.
A) трикутний м’яз;
B) м’яз-замикач;
C) м’яз-обертач;
D) плечовий м’яз.
A) зад;
B) низ;
C) бік;
D) перед.
A) фаллопієва труба;
B) ендометрій;
C) вуздечка соромітних губ;
D) дівоча пліва.
blurred vision
A) поганий слух;
B) неясний смак;
C) розпливчастий зір;
D) ясний зір.
to moisten
A) масажувати;
B) мордувати;
C) сушити;
D) зволожити.
to interpret
A) тлумачити;
B) інфікувати;
C) інгібувати;
D) оперувати.
A) сіль;
B) війки;
C) волосинки;
D) ворсинки.
A) стремінце
B) дрібна кістка;
C) барабанна перетинка;
D) вушна мушля.
A) свербіж;
B) висип;
C) тріщина;
D) лусочка.
A) смак;
B) нюх;
C) слух;
D) зір.
Adam’s apple
A) запалення гортані;
B) колюче яблуко;
C) гірке яблуко;
D) кадик.
pituitary gland
A) гонади;
B) гіпоталамус;
C) гіпофіз;
D) турецьке сідло.
A) серединний;
B) медіальний;
C) менструація;
D) середостіння.
poor appetite
A) засіб, що посилює апетит;
B) поганий апетит;
C) булімія;
D) «вовчий»апетит.
A) голод;
B) холод;
C) спрага;
D) злість.
A) калитка;
B) шийка;
C) матка;
D) промежина.
A) безпліддя;
B) ожиріння;
C) схильність;
D) контрацепція.
A) коваделко;
B) стремінце;
C) молоточок;
D) завитка.
A) пляма;
B) кришталик;
C) слізний нерв;
D) рогівка.
adrenal glands
A) прищитоподібна залоза
B) надниркова залоза
C) загрудинна залоза
D) підшлункова залоза
A) неясний
B) очевидний
C) виразний
D) непристосований
A) сперматозоїди
B) сперматозоїд
C) сперматорея
D) сперматопатія
to dilute
A) розріджувати
B) згущувати
C) розраджувати
D) здирати
labia minora
A) малі соромітні губи
B) нижня губа рота
C) губа сечівника
D) великі соромітні губи
A) післяпологовий
B) внутрішньоутробний
C) допологовий
D) зародковий
A) слабкий
B) сильний
C) активний
D) знесилений
to induce labour
A) полегшувати пологи
B) запізнілі пологи
C) стимулювати пологи
D) затяжні пологи
breastfed baby
A) немовля, яке вигодовують штучно
B) немовля, яке мало їсть
C) немовля яке вигодовують груддю
D) немовля, яке зригує їжу
A) стійкий
B) нерівний
C) лежачий
D) стриманий
A) могутній
B) слабкий
C) крихітний
D) величезний
to cuddle
A) пригорнутися
B) присісти
C) приклеїтися
D) прилаштуватися
life expectancy
A) впродовж усього життя
B) життєвий досвід
C) тривалість життя
D) життєздатність
A) пухлина
B) родимка
C) прищ
D) бородавка
to provoke
A) стримувати
B) спонукати
C) упереджувати
D) утверджувати
A) шилоподібний
B) шипуватий
C) клиноподібний
D) вайлуватий
hacking cough
A) гавкаючий кашель
B) вологий кашель
C) переривчастий і сухий кашель
D) звичний кашель
contagious disease
A) заразне захворювання
B) смертельне захворювання
C) поширене захворювання
D) рідкісне захворювання
outbreak of diphtheria
A) щеплення проти дифтерії
B) захворюваність на дифтерію
C) спалах дифтерії
D) смертність від дифтерії
typhoid fever
A) епідемічний тиф
B) черевний тиф
C) корабельний тиф
D) тифозна гарячка
A) молоко
B) морозиво
C) молозиво
D) колостомія
A) схильний
B) захищений
C) неуражений
D) патологічний
A) вагітність
B) пологи
C) вигодовування
D) запліднення
pineal gland
A) загрудинна залоза
B) шишкоподібна залоза
C) надниркова залоза
D) статева залоза
A) спонукання
B) споживання
C) сприяння
D) спричинення
congenital malformation
A) набута вада
B) вроджена вада
C) травма при пологах
D) патологічні пологи
A) подряпина
B) перелом
C) синяк
D) глибока рана
expressed milk
A) кип’ячене молоко
B) зціджене молоко
C) молоко з ринку
D) коров’яче молоко
A) статеве дозрівання
B) досягнення інтелектуальної зрілості
C) недостатній розвиток
D) розумова відсталість
A) дозвіл
B) допомога
C) заборона
D) заохочення
triple diapers
A) триместр
B) трійчастий нерв
C) валик з трьох пелюшок
D) потрійна кількість секрету
intelligence quotient
A) коефіцієнт досягнення
B) ступінь інтелекту
C) коефіцієнт росту
D) фактор реакції
A) поширений
B) неабиякий
C) винятковий
D) унікальний
curable cancer
A) запущений рак
B) рак шлунку
C) виліковний рак
D) початкова стадія раку
poor appetite
A) засіб, що посилює апетит
B) «вовчий» апетит
C) булімія
D) поганий апетит
A) підтримка
B) ігнорування
C) виключення
D) зневага
to roll over
A) повзати
B) перевертатися
C) переходити
D) просуватися
A) голод
B) холод
C) спрага
D) злість
A) формування плода
B) неправильний режим
C) формування органу
D) неправильна будова
to wean
A) починати годувати груддю
B) відлучати від грудей
C) привчати пити з горнятка
D) давати тверду їжу
A) близькість
B) далекоглядність
C) віддаленість
D) короткозорість
пологи при сідничному передлежанні плода
A) vaginal delivery
B) breech delivery
C) forceps delivery
D) postmature
A) to colour
B) to collar
C) to fade
D) to face
явна причина
A) obvious cause
B) clear case
C) obscure case
D) ambiguous cause
A) стійкий
B) нерівномірний
C) швидкий
D) поміркований
ультрафіолетове випромінювання
A) near ultraviolet
B) ionizing radiation
C) X rays
D) ultraviolet radiation
hereditary retinoblastoma
A) набута ретинобластома
B) запущена ретинобластоима
C) спадкова ретинобластома
D) невиліковна ретинобластома
A) профілактика
B) лікування
C) переживання
D) забезпечення
A) підтримка
B) сприяння
C) заборона
D) заохочення
A) батьківський
B) дитячий
C) материнський
D) сестринський
A) матковий
B) зародковий
C) родовий
D) генетичний
A) заглибина
B) вдавлення
C) опуклість
D) ввігнутість
corpuls luteum
A) жирове тіло щоки
B) тіло молочної залози
C) жовте тіло яєчника
D) смугасте тіло
glucose tolerance
A) переносимість глюкози
B) рідка глюкоза
C) несприйнятливість глюкози
D) часткова толерантність
to avoid complications
A) спричиняти ускладнення
B) уникати ускладнень
C) викликати порушення
D) остерігатися застуди
A) клубочковий фільтрат
B) безпечна їжа
C) заражена кров
D) очищена рідина
A) звуження
B) стягнення
C) віддаленість
D) розширення
complete checkup
A) частковий огляд
B) неповне обстеження
C) тотальна перевірка
D) регулярне обслідування
breech delivery
A) пологи за допомогою щипців
B) запізнілі пологи
C) спонтанні пологи
D) пологи при сідничному передлежанні
gradual recovery
A) швидкий розвиток симптомів
B) поступове одужання
C) прихований початок
D) стрімкий перебіг захворювання
A) зараження крові
B) властивість бути заразним
C) попадання мікроорганізмів у рану
D) повітряно-крапельне інфікування
to resume activity
A) припиняти діяльність
B) зумовлювати функціонування
C) відновлювати активність
D) полишати роботу
adrenal medulla
A) надниркового походження
B) надниркова залоза
C) мозкова речовина надниркової залози
D) дисфункція кори надниркової залози
A) жовте тіло, що розвивається у яєчнику
B) яєчко
C) що відноситься до яєчка
D) яєчник
A) сім’яний пухирець
B) калитка
C) простата
D) сім’явиносна протока
rooting reflex
A) смоктальний рефлекс
B) основний рефлекс
C) умовний рефлекс
D) губний рефлекс
A) білірубін
B) жовтяниця
C) жовта лихоманка
D) гепатит
A) асфіксія
B) аспермія
C) аспірація
D) асиметрія
solid food
A) корисна їжа
B) тверда їжа
C) рідка їжа
D) смачна їжа
to crawl
A) ходити
B) бігати
C) повзати
D) скакати
adrenal glands
A) прищитоподібна залоза
B) надниркова залоза
C) загрудинна залоза
D) підшлункова залоза
labia minora
A) малі соромітні губи
B) нижня губа рота
C) губа сечівника
D) великі соромітні губи
A) післяпологовий
B) внутрішньоутробний
C) допологовий
D) зародковий
A) слабкий
B) сильний
C) активний
D) знесилений
to induce labour
A) полегшувати пологи
B) запізнілі пологи
C) стимулювати пологи
D) затяжні пологи
breastfed baby
A) немовля, яке вигодовують штучно
B) немовля, яке мало їсть
C) немовля яке вигодовують груддю
D) немовля, яке зригує їжу
A) стійкий
B) нерівний
C) лежачий
D) стриманий
A) могутній
B) слабкий
C) крихітний
D) величезний
to cuddle
A) пригорнутися
B) присісти
C) приклеїтися
D) прилаштуватися
life expectancy
A) впродовж усього життя
B) життєвий досвід
C) тривалість життя
D) життєздатність
A) пухлина
B) родимка
C) прищ
D) бородавка
to provoke
A) стримувати
B) спонукати
C) упереджувати
D) утверджувати
A) шилоподібний
B) шипуватий
C) клиноподібний
D) вайлуватий
hacking cough
A) гавкаючий кашель
B) вологий кашель
C) переривчастий і сухий кашель
D) звичний кашель
contagious disease
A) заразне захворювання
B) смертельне захворювання
C) поширене захворювання
D) рідкісне захворювання
outbreak of diphtheria
A) щеплення проти дифтерії
B) захворюваність на дифтерію
C) спалах дифтерії
D) смертність від дифтерії
typhoid fever
A) епідемічний тиф
B) черевний тиф
C) корабельний тиф
D) тифозна гарячка
A) молоко
B) морозиво
C) молозиво
D) колостомія
A) схильний
B) захищений
C) неуражений
D) патологічний
A) спонукання
B) споживання
C) сприяння
D) спричинення
expressed milk
A) кип’ячене молоко
B) зціджене молоко
C) молоко з ринку
D) коров’яче молоко
A) статеве дозрівання
B) досягнення інтелектуальної зрілості
C) недостатній розвиток
D) розумова відсталість
A) дозвіл
B) допомога
C) заборона
D) заохочення
triple diapers
A) триместр
B) трійчастий нерв
C) валик з трьох пелюшок
D) потрійна кількість секрету
intelligence quotient
A) коефіцієнт досягнення
B) ступінь інтелекту
C) коефіцієнт росту
D) фактор реакції
A) поширений
B) неабиякий
C) винятковий
D) унікальний
curable cancer
A) запущений рак
B) рак шлунку
C) виліковний рак
D) початкова стадія раку
A) підтримка
B) ігнорування
C) виключення
D) зневага
A) to colour
B) to collar
C) to fade
D) to face
явна причина
A) obvious cause
B) clear case
C) obscure case
D) ambiguous cause
A) профілактика
B) лікування
C) переживання
D) забезпечення
A) підтримка
B) сприяння
C) заборона
D) заохочення
A) батьківський
B) дитячий
C) материнський
D) сестринський
corpuls luteum
A) жирове тіло щоки
B) тіло молочної залози
C) жовте тіло яєчника
D) смугасте тіло
glucose tolerance
A) переносимість глюкози
B) рідка глюкоза
C) несприйнятливість глюкози
D) часткова толерантність
to avoid complications
A) спричиняти ускладнення
B) уникати ускладнень
C) викликати порушення
D) остерігатися застуди
A) клубочковий фільтрат
B) безпечна їжа
C) заражена кров
D) очищена рідина
A) звуження
B) стягнення
C) віддаленість
D) розширення
complete checkup
A) частковий огляд
B) неповне обстеження
C) тотальна перевірка
D) регулярне обслідування
breech delivery
A) пологи за допомогою щипців
B) запізнілі пологи
C) спонтанні пологи
D) пологи при сідничному передлежанні
gradual recovery
A) швидкий розвиток симптомів
B) поступове одужання
C) прихований початок
D) стрімкий перебіг захворювання
to resume activity
A) припиняти діяльність
B) зумовлювати функціонування
C) відновлювати активність
D) полишати роботу
Виберіть англійський еквівалент українського терміну:
A) inconclusively
B) inconveniently
C) indisputably
D) indiscriminately
харчове отруєння
A) food poisoning
B) blood poisoning
C) sausage poisoning
D) oxygen poisoning
A) to aid
B) to support
C) to obstruct
D) to assist
A) measles
B) mumps
C) German measles
D) roseola infantum
антигенна мінливість
A) antigenic drift
B) homologous antigen
C) genetic drift
D) antigenicity
продовжувати існувати
A) to stop
B) to bring to end
C) to persist
D) to perform
A) simultaneously
B) separately
C) independently
D) consecutively
рак молочної залози
A) brain cancer
B) black cancer
C) betel cancer
D) breast cancer
A) intelligence
B) retardation
C) cleverness
D) cretinizm
розлад поведінки
A) gender identity disorder
B) somatoform disorder
C) conduct disorder
D) separation anxiety
A) blind
B) deaf
C) mute
D) invalid
A) precaution
B) pregnancy
C) prevention
D) precocity
A) impaired;
B) congenital;
C) inherited;
D) acquired.
A) postmature;
B) inborn;
C) immature;
D) irreversible.
A) wart;
B) tumour;
C) pimple;
D) bruise.
доброякісна пухлина
A) malignant tumour;
B) benign tumour;
C) cancerous tumour;
D) Wilm’s tumour.
A) yellow fever;
B) hepatitis;
C) stomach cancer;
D) jaundice.
A) malaise;
B) fatigue;
C) nausea;
D) vomiting.
A) tuft;
B) lung;
C) lump;
D) glomerulus.
A) vernix caseosa;
B) surfactant;
C) colostrum;
D) formula.
слинна залоза
A) thymus gland;
B) mucous gland;
C) salivary gland;
D) pineal gland.
A) sedative;
B) sensitive;
C) sedentary;
D) obese.
A) Hungary;
B) puberty;
C) anger;
D) hunger.
пташиний грип
A) avian flu;
B) cock’s influenza;
C) bird’s cough;
D) flying flu.
A) sample;
B) example;
C) control;
D) instance.
успадкована хвороба
A) acquired disorder;
B) infectious disease;
C) inherited disease;
D) insidious disturbance.
орган дотику
A) taste organ;
B) touch organ;
C) smell organ;
D) visual organ.
A) pupil;
B) eyelid;
C) iris;
D) lens.
A) gland;
B) hormone;
C) secretion;
D) thymus.
A) acid;
B) glucose;
C) oxytocin;
D) fluid.
цукровий діабет
A) insulin deficiency;
B) diabetes insipidus;
C) diabetes mellitus;
D) obesity.
запалення сечового міхура
A) cystoma;
B) cystoplasty;
C) cyst;
D) cystitis.
A) sedative;
B) sensitive;
C) sedentary;
D) obese.
A) impaired;
B) congenital;
C) inherited;
D) acquired.
A) malaise;
B) nausea;
C) fatigue;
D) vomiting.
A) to invade;
B) to adhere;
C) to attack;
D) to multiply.
A) insomnia;
B) convalescence;
C) prostration;
D) conjunctivitis.
туберкульоз кісток
A) tuberculosis of the joints;
B) tuberculosis of the bones;
C) tuberculosis of the bone marrow;
D) tuberculosis of the pelvis.
тривалість життя
A) life threatening;
B) difficult life;
C) life expectancy;
D) end of life.
A) obstetrics;
B) fetus;
C) maturity;
D) pregnancy.
A) chickenpox;
B) rubella;
C) measles;
D) mumps.
A) listening;
B) sight;
C) smell;
D) touch.
очне яблуко
A) eyelid;
B) iris;
C) eyeball;
D) pupil.
A) touch;
B) taste;
C) smell;
D) hearing.
вроджена опірність
A) inherited disease;
B) inborn resistance;
C) individual resistance;
D) inborn disease.
A) treatment;
B) prevention;
C) prophylaxis;
D) recovery.
розумовий коефіцієнт
A) PH;
B) IQ;
C) TS;
D) MR.
головний біль
A) branchialgia;
B) celialgia;
C) cephalalgia;
D) ostalgia.
A) extenction;
B) exposure;
C) explosion;
D) experience.
A) onset;
B) light;
C) outbreak;
D) flame.
A) prolonged;
B) severe;
C) long;
D) acute.
доброякісна пухлина
A) malignant tumour;
B) benign tumour;
C) cancerous tumour;
D) Wilm’s tumour.
A) lump;
B) tumour;
C) bruise;
D) papiloma.
A) tumour;
B) pimple;
C) wart;
D) ward.
A) swab;
B) wart;
C) sweat;
D) skin.
A) chickenpox;
B) rubella;
C) measles;
D) mumps.
копчена їжа
A) fresh food;
B) sweet food;
C) picked food;
D) smoked food.
A) pupil;
B) uvea;
C) iris;
D) retina.
полегшити біль
A) to release ache;
B) to relieve pain;
C) to relay pain;
D) to rejoin pain.
тканинне дихання
A) internal respiration;
B) external respiration;
C) external perspiration;
D) internal inspiration.
пупковий канатик
A) vernix caseosa;
B) umbilical cord;
C) dislocated hip;
D) breech delivery.
A) jaundice;
B) yellow fever;
C) bilirubin;
D) rubella.
A) malaise;
B) fatigue;
C) nausea;
D) vomiting.
злоякісна пухлина
A) malignant tumour;
B) benign tumour;
C) noncancerous tumour;
D) Wilm’s tumour.
A) to cling;
B) to wean;
C) to bond;
D) to trigger.
A) deafness;
B) blindness;
C) hunger;
D) death.
щитоподібна залоза
A) mucous gland;
B) salivary gland;
C) thyroid gland;
D) parathyroid gland.
A) to shrink;
B) to decrease;
C) to swollen;
D) to increase.
пташиний грип
A) bird’s flu;
B) chicken pox;
C) avian flu;
D) cock’s influenza.
тверда їжа
A) salted food;
B) picked food;
C) smoked food;
D) solid food.
A) unreversible;
B) irreversible;
C) unresponsible;
D) untreatable.
A) dysfunction;
B) anxiety;
C) treatment;
D) behaviour.
A) encephalomyelitis;
B) encephalomalacia;
C) encephalitis;
D) encephalalgia.
шкідливі речовини
A) harmless substances;
B) toxic substances;
C) reticular substances;
D) harmful substances.
чутлива шкіра
A) senseless skin;
B) glossy skin;
C) sensible skin;
D) true skin.
напівкруглий канал
A) semilunar channel;
B) semicircular canal;
C) seminal channel;
D) semidiaphanous canal.
A) valve;
B) acne;
C) vessel;
D) wound.
частковий імунітет
A) natural immunity;
B) acquired immunity;
C) partial immunity;
D) inborn immunity.
носослізний канал
A) nasofrontal canal;
B) nasolabial channel;
C) nasomalar channel;
D) nasolacrimal canal.
рак молочної залози
A) mammary cancer;
B) stomach cancer;
C) esophageal cancer;
D) lung cancer.
надниркова залоза
A) adrenal gland;
B) pancreas;
C) exocrine gland;
D) mammary gland.
A) to break down;
B) to back up;
C) to maintain;
D) to confirm.
A) maturation;
B) diuresis;
C) urobilin;
D) bilirubin.
A) morality;
B) mortality;
C) moisture;
D) motility.
A) congenital;
B) contagious;
C) weak;
D) fatal.
A) fetus;
B) infant;
C) fertility;
D) productivity.
інфікована особа
A) industrious person;
B) contagious person;
C) infected person;
D) well-nourished person.
A) to originate;
B) to decrease;
C) to provoke;
D) to persist.
A) ward;
B) wart;
C) word;
D) warm.
A) gigantism;
B) acromegaly;
C) strabismus;
D) blindness.
A) irregular;
B) inborn;
C) independent;
D) irreversible.
скронева кістка
A) hyoid bone;
B) parietal bone;
C) tail bone;
D) temporal bone.
гострий біль
A) acute pain;
B) slight pain;
C) mild pain;
D) chronic pain.
A) newborn;
B) neurofibroma;
C) cancer;
D) neoplasm.
шар жирової тканини
A) external layer;
B) true skin;
C) panniculus adiposus;
D) papillary layer.
лімфатичні судини
A) lymph nodes;
B) lymph layer;
C) lymph fibers;
D) lymph vessels.
міжклітинна речовина
A) intracellular substance;
B) intramuscular material;
C) intermuscular material;
D) intercellular substance.
A) blood stream;
B) blood supply;
C) blood letting;
D) blood flow.
фізичне пошкодження
A) psychic damage;
B) physiological damage;
C) physical damage;
D) psychiatric damage.
A) eyebrow;
B) eyelid;
C) ear canal;
D) inner ear.
A) mumps;
B) rash;
C) groin;
D) crash.
A) to provoke;
B) to persist;
C) to originate;
D) to pose.
A) independently;
B) weekly;
C) simultaneously;
D) daily.
доброякісна пухлина
A) malignat tumour;
B) benign tumour;
C) stomach tumour;
D) rare tumour.
A) strong;
B) fragile;
C) hard;
D) mute.
тривалість життя
A) life expectancy;
B) life threatening;
C) short life;
D)difficult life.
A) language;
B) tongue;
C) behaviour;
D) mortality.
A) physics;
B) physician;
C) psychiatrist;
D) psycologist.
A) smile;
B) milestone;
C) sign;
D) sight.
доросла людина
A) fetus;
B) infant;
C) adult;
D) teenager.
A) to cough;
B) to sneeze;
C) to spit;
D) to vomit.
A) fear;
B) fair;
C) floor;
D) fly.
A) epidermic;
B) epithelium;
C) epidermitis;
D) epidermis.
A) bile supply;
B) hemoptysis;
C) blood vessel;
D) blood supply.
злоякісна пухлина
A) benign tumour;
B) malignant tumour;
C) cystic tumour;
D) angry tumour.
спинний мозок
A) spinal cord;
B) spinal fluid;
C) brain of the back;
D) spine.
заразна хвороба
A) atopic disease;
B) systemic disease;
C) contagious disease;
D) disabling disease.
A) depression;
B) lethargy;
C) lesion;
D) fatigue.
А) optic organ;
B) sclera;
C) choroid;
D) lens.
A) starch;
B) swab;
C) splint;
D) spurt.
A) wart;
B) mumps;
C) tumour;
D) bruise.
A) ejaculation;
B) inability;
C) insemination;
C) infertility.
A) to cry;
B) to crawl;
C) to coo;
D) to babble.
харчове отруєння
A) smoked food;
B) food poisoning;
C) food preservation;
D) toxic poisoning.
A) blood cell;
B) distant cell;
C) target cell;
D) blood cell count.
A) to adhere;
B) to bind;
C) to invade;
D) to multiply.
туберкульоз легень
A) tuberculosis of joints;
B) skin tuberculosis;
C) pulmonary tuberculosis;
D) tuberculosis of bones.
A) mile;
B) milestone;
C) stone;
D) kidney stone.
сечовий міхур
A) gallbladder;
B) bladder;
C) sphincter;
D) renal pelvis.
А) coma;
B) cone;
C) code;
D) cord.
зменшувати напругу
А) to diminish tension;
B) to increase pressure;
C) to raise tension;
D) to take pressure.
заспокійливі ліки
А) essential drugs;
B) prescribed drugs;
C) sedative drugs;
D) subpotent drugs.
підтверджувати діагноз
А) to confuse the diagnosis;
B) to convert the diagnosis;
C) to confirm the diagnosis;
D) to carry the diagnosis.
кісткова клітка
А) thoracic cage;
B) rib cage;
C) bony cage;
D) chest cage.
А) to release;
B) to respond;
C) to refract;
D) to record.
А) mumps;
B) measles;
C) rubella;
D) hives.
А) treatment;
B) threshold;
C) threatening;
D) threadlike.
втрата працездатності
А) disability;
B) discharge;
C) discrimination;
D) disinfection.
A) blood shot;
B) hemorrhage;
C) blood group;
D) hemodyscrasia.
черепні нерви
A) cervical nerves;
B) centrifugal nerves;
C) centripetal nerves;
D) cranial nerves.
A) false;
B) fold;
C) form;
D) flux.
A) lumbarization;
B) lubrication;
C) luxation;
D) luteinization.
A) sputum;
B) saliva;
C) liquid;
D) fluid.
пилок амброзії
A) ragweed pollen;
B) pilocarpine;
C) ambroid;
D) ammonia.
A) loss;
B) reduction;
C) fatigue;
D) decrease.
A) to influence;
B) to affect;
C) to arrange;
D) to regulate.
A) participation;
B) permeability;
C) pathogenesis;
D) permission.
сальна залоза
A) sublingual gland;
B) sebaceous gland;
C) thyroid gland;
D) thymus gland.
спинномозкова рідина
A) cerebral liquid;
B) spinal water;
C) cerebrospinal river;
D) cerebrospinal fluid.
A) mumps;
B) measles;
C) rubella;
D) chickenpox.
природній імунітет
A) acquired immunity;
B) passive immunity;
C) natural immunity;
D) active immunity.
A) permission;
B) penetration;
C) pathogenesis;
D) participation.
A) to detect;
B) to improve;
C) to define;
D) to impair.
A) bronchi;
B) bronchus;
C) bronchiole;
D) bronchitis.
A) inspiration;
B) expiration ;
C) breath;
D) air.
прихований початок
A) inside beginning;
B) inscrutable onset;
C) insidious onset;
D) inquisitive beginning.
спинно-мозкова рідина
A) vital liquid;
B) spinal fluid;
C) cranial liquid;
D) cellular fluid.
A) tissue;
B) cell;
C) bone;
D) fiber.
A) reactor;
B) stimulus;
C) receptor;
D) structure.
A) folds;
B) fissures;
C) gyri;
D) glands.
A) rubella;
B) mumps;
C) tremor;
D) measles.
надниркова залоза
A) renal membrane;
B) kidney structure;
C) adrenal gland;
D) kidney cortex.
потова залоза
A) sebaceous gland;
B) sweat gland;
C) thymus gland;
D) thyroid gland.
A) inborn;
B) immunity;
C) invention;
D) invasion.
A) inspection;
B) inspiration;
C) insistence;
D) intention.
A) malnutrition;
B) malfunction;
C) maltreatment;
D) malformation.
A) suspicion;
B) success;
C) surveillance;
D) suggestion.
A) coordination;
B) complaint;
C) complication;
D) complexion.
серцева недостатність
A) heart beating;
B) heart failure;
C) heart burn;
D) heart throb.
нервові волокна
A) nerve tissues;
B) nerve cells;
C) nerve patients;
D) nerve fibers.
A) sclera;
B) retina;
C) iris;
D) cornea.
вушна раковина
A) utricle;
B) saccule;
C) auricle;
D) acoustic meatus.
себорейний дерматит
A) seborrheic dermatitis;
B) solar dermatitis;
C) stasis dermatitis;
D) schistosome dermatitis.
скловидне тіло
A) aqueous humor;
B) vitreous humor;
C) vitelline body;
D) carotid body.
барабанна перетинка
A) tutorial membrane;
B) reticular membrane;
C) papillary membrane;
D) tympanic membrane.
A) exploration;
B) expiration;
C) expression;
D) expansion.
A) rubella;
B) measles;
C) chickenpox;
D) mumps.
A) retina;
B) cornea;
C) iris;
D) lens.
грудна клітка
A) tympanic cavity;
B) tension cavity;
C) thyroid cavity;
D) thoracic cavity.
явна хвороба
A) closed disease;
B) open disease;
C) overt disease;
D) inherent disease.
A) to release;
B) to remain;
C) to recognize;
D) to reproduce.
A) nuclei;
B) nucleus;
C) nucleoli;
D) nucleolus.
A) postnatally;
B) antenatally;
C) extranatally;
D) maternally.
A) bandage;
B) diaper;
C) splint;
D) clamp.
A) brest milk;
B) formula;
C) ice cream;
D) colostrum.
A) tetanus;
B) measles;
C) rubella;
D) influenza.
A) to feed;
B) to fade;
C) to face;
D) to focus.
копчена їжа
A) healthy food;
B) prickled food;
C) smoked food;
D) food for the mind.
тривалість життя
A) life experience;
B) life span;
C) way of life;
D) full of life.
A) compulsive;
B) ritualistic;
C) prevalent;
D) excellent.
пупковий канатик
A) spinal cord;
B) spermatic cord;
C) vocal cord;
D) umbilical cord.
основний рефлекс
A) moro relex;
B) rooting reflex;
C) sucking reflex;
D) knee jerk reflex.
A) yellow fever;
B) jaundice;
C) hepatitis;
D) bilirubin.
стадія розвитку дитини
A) mileage;
B) milestone;
C) development of fetus;
D) underdevelopment.
судинна оболонка
A) vessel body;
B) retina;
C) choroid;
D) ciliary body.
орган смаку
A) sense organ;
B) taste organ;
C) smell organ;
D) sight organ.
нюхова реакція
A) perceptive reaction;
B) allergic response;
C) olfactory response;
D) tactile reaction.
A) airpipes;
B) cells;
C) lungs;
D) kidneys.
A) tremor;
B) tumour;
C) trouble;
D) tumid.
біль у м’язах
A) neuralgia;
B) ostealgia;
C) myalgia;
D) nephralgia.
A) tough;
B) tender;
C) easy;
D) weak.
харчове отруєння
A) copper poisoning;
B) fugu poisoning;
C) salt poisoning;
D) food poisoning.
черевний тиф
A) hay fever;
B) typhoid fever;
C) scarlet fever;
D) fowl typhoid.
A) indirectly;
B) indifferently;
C) indiscriminately;
D) indistinctly.
зціджене молоко
A) skim milk;
B) nonfat milk;
C) evaporated milk;
D) expressed milk.
A) asthenia;
B) asthma;
C) apnea;
D) apneumia.
переношена дитина
A) full-term infant;
B) postmature infant;
C) premature infant;
D) mature infant.
пологи через природні родові шляхи
A) brech delivery;
B) spontaneous delivery;
C) forceps delivery;
D) vaginal delivery.
A) labour;
B) coitus;
C) intercourse;
D) pregnancy.
що стосується плода
A) maternal;
B) embrional;
C) fetal;
D) prenatal.
загрудинна залоза
A) parathyroid gland;
B) thymus gland;
C) pituitary gland;
D) pineal gland.
A) bitter;
B) sour;
C) sweet;
D) hot.
A) to drill;
B) to rub;
C) to scratch;
D) to itch.
A) epidermis;
B) shin;
C) shivering;
D) skin.
A) contraception;
B) dysfunction;
C) infertility;
D) predisposition.
A) vulva;
B) prepuse;
C) corona;
D) cervix.
A) lucidum;
B) alkaline;
C) oxalate;
D) acidic.
A) ureter;
B) uterus;
C) urethra;
D) urea.
A) malleus;
B) anvil;
C) incus;
D) stapes.
власне шкіра
A) corium;
B) epidermis;
C) dermatitis;
D) stratum.
A) to augment;
B) to desquamate;
C) to dilute;
D) to urinate.
генетична схильність
A) population genetics;
B) genetic resistance;
C) genetic predisposition;
D) reverse genetics.
вуздечка соромітних губ
A) clitoris;
B) hymen;
C) introitus;
D) fourchette.
передміхурова залоза
A) salivary gland;
B) prostate gland;
C) pituitary gland;
D) pineal gland.
A) to increase;
B) to support;
C) to interfere;
D) to sustain.
A) rubber;
B) metal;
C) soup;
D) soap.
A) oxide;
B) alkaline;
C) oxalate;
D) struvite.
внутрішньоочна рідина
A) aqueous humour;
B) eye liquid;
C) inner-eye river;
D) intraocular pressure.
A) goitre;
B) hymen;
C) flank;
D) groin.
A) image;
B) macula;
C) choroid;
D) iris.
вуздечка соромітних губ
A) fourchette;
B) introitus;
C) prepuce;
D) hymen.
A) lumbirization;
B) lubrication;
C) luxation;
D) luteinization.
A) aperture;
B) loop of Henle;
C) sphincter;
D) renal muscle.
нюхова реакція
A) perceptive reaction;
B) allergic response;
C) olfactory response;
D) tactile reaction.
A) gigantism;
B) acromegaly;
C) strabismus;
D) blindness.
A) ejaculation;
B) inability;
C) insemination;
D) infertility.
A) hunger;
B) puberty;
C) anger;
D) Hungary.
сечовий міхур
A) gallbladder;
B) bladder;
C) sphincter;
D) renal pelvis.
A) gland;
B) hormone;
C) secretion;
D) thymus.
цукровий діабет
A) insulin deficiency;
B) diabetes insipidus;
C) diabetes mellitus;
D) obesity.
A) sedative;
B) sensitive;
C) sedentary;
D) obese.
щитоподібна залоза
A) mucous gland;
B) salivary gland;
C) thyroid gland;
D) parathyroid gland.
A) independently;
B) weekly;
C) simultaneously;
D) daily.
втрата зору
A) hearing loss;
B) smell loss;
C) hair loss;
D) sight loss.
шар жовтої тканини
A) external layer;
B) true skin;
C) panniculus adiposus;
D) papillary layer.
A) epidermic;
B) epithelium;
C) epidermitis;
D) epidermis.
A) folds;
B) fissures;
C) gyri;
D) glands.
органи чуття
A) sense organs;
B) external organs;
C) sight organs;
D) abdominal organs.
велика фагоцитарна клітина
A) histocyte;
B) mastocyte;
C) lipocyte;
D) keratinocyte.
A) toes;
B) fingers;
C) nails;
D) hairs.
турецьке сідло
A) bulge;
B) isthmus;
C) sella turcica;
D) adrenal medulla.
A) glands;
B) islets;
C) hormones;
D) isthmus.
статеві органи
A) corpus luteum;
B) female organs;
C) genitalia;
D) human organs.
A) polydipsia;
B) polyphagia;
C) polyuria;
D) polypharmacy.
діабет у вагітних
A) diabetes mellitus;
B) gestational diabetes;
C) gestational age;
D) diabetes intermittence.
A) ear;
B) vision;
C) sound waves;
D) hearing.
резистентність до інсуліну
A) insulin tolerance;
B) insulin resistance;
C) insulin lack;
D) insulin insufficiency.
A) cracks;
B) scales;
C) acne;
D) eczema.
зорове перехрестя
A) optic nerve;
B) ophthalmic crossword;
C) optic chiasm;
D) ophthalmic muscle.
чутливість до температурних подразників
A) thermometer;
B) cold perception;
C) thermoception;
D) nociception.
вуздечка соромітних губ
A) fourchette;
B) perineum;
C) hymen;
D) introitus.
звивистий каналець
A) corpuscle;
B tubule;
C) tuft;
D) glomerulus.
A) to desquamate;
B) to lose;
C) to regain;
D) to discharge.
A) aperture;
B) filtrate;
C) sphincter;
D) tuft.
A) oxide;
B) oxalate;
C) alkaline;
D) struvite.
A) cornea;
B) conjunctiva;
C) choroid;
D) retina.
стареча далекозорість
A) presbyopia;
B) blindness;
C) nearsightedness;
D) far vision.
навколоротовий дерматит
A) perioral dermatitis;
B) atopic dermatitis;
C) stasis dermatitis;
D) seborrheic dermatitis.
A) to flare;
B) to shrink;
C) to enter;
D) to project.
передня шкірочка статевого члена
A) corona;
B) epididymis;
C) prepuce;
D) scrotum.
внутрішньоочна рідина
A) aqueous humour;
B) eye liquid;
C) vitreous humour;
D) inner-eye river.
A) measles
B) tetanus
C) smallpox
D) rabies
A) sweep
B) swab
C) sweat
D) swat
A) to face
B) to fade
C) to fake
D) to fame
біль у м’язах
A) myectomy
B) myectopy
C) myalgia
D) myectopia
брати початок
A) to begin
B) to originate
C) to be over
D) to finish
маринована їжа
A) smoked food
B) dairy food
C) poisonous food
D) pickled food
відставання у розумовому розвитку
A) mental disease
B) mentality
C) mentation
D) mental retardation
однояйцеві близнюки
A) unlike twins
B) identical twins
C) false twins
D) dissimilar twins
A) to shirt
B) to shiver
C) to shrink
D) to shoot
A) protein
B) carbohydrate
C) nutrient
D) starch
A) hunger
B) anger
C) thirst
D) threat
первородна змазка
A) casein-calcium
B) vernix caseosa
C) cervical vertigo
D) case worm
вивих кульшового суглоба
A) dislocated hip
B) snapping hip
C) hipbone
D) closed dislocation
відкладати, баритися
A) to delay
B) to instigate
C) to set off
D) to lay down
тримісячний термін
A) semester
B) quarter
C) section
D) trimester
A) permission
B) prohibition
C) agreement
D) conformity
сім’явиносна протока
A) seminal vesicle
B) prostate gland
C) semination
D) vas deference
A) rare
B) constant
C) intermittent
D) steady
клубочковий фільтр
A) membrane filter
B) glomerular filter
C) Hemming filter
D) Wood’s filter
статеві органи
A) genitalia
B) genital
C) genitourinary
D) genius
A) to shrink
B) to get smaller
C) to diminish
D) to augment
A) to roll over
B) to crawl
C) to walk
D) to wobble
дезорієнтація у часі і просторі
A) unconsciousness
B) confusion
C) disorganization
D) perception
A) connected
B) detached
C) linked
D) joined
A) adult
B) infant
C) teenager
D) grown-up
пташиний грип
A) feline influenza
B) equine influenza
C) avian flue
D) Spanish flue
упереджена думка
A) preconception
B) presumption
C) presupposition
D) precaution
коефіцієнт розумового розвитку
розлад статевої ідентифікації
A) sexual arousal disorder
B) gender identity disorder
C) sexual desire disorder
D) organic mental disorder
A) ovaries
B) gonads
C) testes
D) ovum
втрачати вагу
A) to gain weight
B) to put on weight
C) to carry weight
D) to lose weight
A) urinate
B) urination
C) urinary
D) urine
A) salty
B) base
C) alkaline
D) acidic
відставання у психічному розвитку
A) psychomotor retardation
B) intrauterine growth retardation
C) mental retardation
D) retardation of aging
перебування під впливом чогось
A) exposure
B) explore
C) extirpation
D) examination
пупковий канатик
A) spinal cord
B) vocal cord
C) spermatic cord
D) umbilical cord
розлад поведінки
A) gender identity disorder
B) somatoform disorder
C) conduct disorder
D) separation anxiety
нехарактерне посиніння
A) bluish discoloration
B) cyanol blue
C) foot bruising
D) uncharacteristic bruising
передчасні пологи
A) postmature labour
B) premature labour
C) delayed labour
D) induced labour
верхній передній зуб
A) lower front tooth
B) upper front tooth
C) lower front teeth
D) upper front teeth
тривалий імунітет
A) genetic immunity
B) lasting immunity
C) adoptive immunity
D) inborn immunity
A) tactile cell
B) target cell
C) tart cell
D) tumour cell
статеві зносини
A) sexual maturation
B) contrary sexual
C) sexual intercourse
D) sexual feeling
смоктальний рефлекс
A) stretch reflex
B) startle reflex
C) suprapubic reflex
D) sucking reflex
A) to impede
B) to facilitate
C) to aid
D) to make possible
A) nevus
B) wart
C) papilloma
D) pedicle
A) inflammation
B) influence
C) influenza
D) influential
заражені предмети побуту
A) contaminated wastes
B) clean domestic objects
C) contaminated household articles
D) pure drinking water
A) to eradicate
B) to spread
C) to embarrass
D) to escape
місце вторгнення
A) fracture site
B) site of election
C) invasion site
D) site of suture
суміш для годування дитини
A) mixture
B) combination
C) formula
D) mishmash
A) postmaturity
B) postnatality
C) prematurity
D) prenatality
пупковий канатик
A) heel cord
B) spinal cord
C) testicular cord
D) umbilical cord
турецьке сідло
A) border seal
B) empty sella
C) sella turcica
D) selsun blue
загрудинна залоза
A) parathyroid gland
B) thymus gland
C) pituitary gland
D) pineal gland
що зумовлює склероз
A) sclerotic
B) sclerosis
C) sclerosing
D) sclerose
щорічні епідемії грипу
A) annual influenza epidemics
B) periodic pandemics of grippe
C) rare flu endemics
D) epidemics occurring every year
той, що сприяє
A) aggressor
B) oppressor
C) promoter
D) invader
A) progression
B) proliferation
C) proportion
D) pronation
тривалість життя
A) life-preserver
B) life expectancy
C) life-giving
D) lifeless
страх розлуки
A) castration anxiety
B) performance anxiety
C) separation anxiety
D) situational anxiety
генетична схильність
A) population genetics
B) genetic resistance
C) genetic predisposition
D) reverse genetics
лікар-ортопед, що спеціалізується на лікуванні захворювання стоп
A) podiatrist
B) paediatrist
C) orthopedist
D) orthodontist
відсікати крайню плоть
A) to cut
B) to slash
C) to circumcise
D) to scratch
A) yellow fever
B) jaundice
C) yellowness
D) jejunae
A) defiance
B) revision
C) difficulty
D) reinforcement
A) to aid
B) to support
C) to obstruct
D) to assist
A) measles
B) mumps
C) German measles
D) roseola infantum
продовжувати існувати
A) to stop
B) to bring to end
C) to persist
D) to perform
A) simultaneously
B) separately
C) independently
D) consecutively
рак молочної залози
A) brain cancer
B) black cancer
C) betel cancer
D) breast cancer
A) intelligence
B) retardation
C) cleverness
D) cretinizm
розлад поведінки
A) gender identity disorder
B) somatoform disorder
C) conduct disorder
D) separation anxiety
A) blind
B) deaf
C) mute
D) invalid
A) measles
B) tetanus
C) smallpox
D) rabies
A) sweep
B) swab
C) sweat
D) swat
A) to face
B) to fade
C) to fake
D) to fame
біль у м’язах
A) myectomy
B) myectopy
C) myalgia
D) myectopia
брати початок
A) to begin
B) to originate
C) to be over
D) to finish
однояйцеві близнюки
A) unlike twins
B) identical twins
C) false twins
D) dissimilar twins
A) to shirt
B) to shiver
C) to shrink
D) to shoot
A) protein
B) carbohydrate
C) nutrient
D) starch
первородна змазка
A) casein-calcium
B) vernix caseosa
C) cervical vertigo
D) case worm
вивих кульшового суглоба
A) dislocated hip
B) snapping hip
C) hipbone
D) closed dislocation
відкладати, баритися
A) to delay
B) to instigate
C) to set off
D) to lay down
тримісячний термін
A) semester
B) quarter
C) section
D) trimester
A) permission
B) prohibition
C) agreement
D) conformity
сім’явиносна протока
A) seminal vesicle
B) prostate gland
C) semination
D) vas deference
A) rare
B) constant
C) intermittent
D) steady
A) groove
B) groin
C) grid
D) gravel
клубочковий фільтр
A) membrane filter
B) glomerular filter
C) Hemming filter
D) Wood’s filter
статеві органи
A) genitalia
B) genital
C) genitourinary
D) genius
A) to shrink
B) to get smaller
C) to diminish
D) to augment
A) to roll over
B) to crawl
C) to walk
D) to wobble
дезорієнтація у часі і просторі
A) unconsciousness
B) confusion
C) disorganization
D) perception
A) connected
B) detached
C) linked
D) joined
A) adult
B) infant
C) teenager
D) grown-up
пташиний грип
A) feline influenza
B) equine influenza
C) avian flue
D) Spanish flue
упереджена думка
A) preconception
B) presumption
C) presupposition
D) precaution
коефіцієнт розумового розвитку
розлад статевої ідентифікації
A) sexual arousal disorder
B) gender identity disorder
C) sexual desire disorder
D) organic mental disorder
A) ovaries
B) gonads
C) testes
D) ovum
втрачати вагу
A) to gain weight
B) to put on weight
C) to carry weight
D) to lose weight
A) urinate
B) urination
C) urinary
D) urine
A) salty
B) base
C) alkaline
D) acidic
відставання у психічному розвитку
A) psychomotor retardation
B) intrauterine growth retardation
C) mental retardation
D) retardation of aging
перебування під впливом чогось
A) exposure
B) explore
C) extirpation
D) examination
пупковий канатик
A) spinal cord
B) vocal cord
C) spermatic cord
D) umbilical cord
розлад поведінки
A) gender identity disorder
B) somatoform disorder
C) conduct disorder
D) separation anxiety
нехарактерне посиніння
A) bluish discoloration
B) cyanol blue
C) foot bruising
D) uncharacteristic bruising
передчасні пологи
A) postmature labour
B) premature labour
C) delayed labour
D) induced labour
верхній передній зуб
A) lower front tooth
B) upper front tooth
C) lower front teeth
D) upper front teeth
тривалий імунітет
A) genetic immunity
B) lasting immunity
C) adoptive immunity
D) inborn immunity
A) tactile cell
B) target cell
C) tart cell
D) tumour cell
статеві зносини
A) sexual maturation
B) contrary sexual
C) sexual intercourse
D) sexual feeling
смоктальний рефлекс
A) stretch reflex
B) startle reflex
C) suprapubic reflex
D) sucking reflex
A) to impede
B) to facilitate
C) to aid
D) to make possible
A) nevus
B) wart
C) papilloma
D) pedicle
A) inflammation
B) influence
C) influenza
D) influential
A) blotch
B) rash
C) wound
D) blemish
заражені предмети побуту
A) contaminated wastes
B) clean domestic objects
C) contaminated household articles
D) pure drinking water
A) to eradicate
B) to spread
C) to embarrass
D) to escape
місце вторгнення
A) fracture site
B) site of election
C) invasion site
D) site of suture
A) deafness
B) numbness
C) blindness
D) sightlessness
суміш для годування дитини
A) mixture
B) combination
C) formula
D) mishmash
A) postmaturity
B) postnatality
C) prematurity
D) prenatality
пупковий канатик
A) heel cord
B) spinal cord
C) testicular cord
D) umbilical cord
турецьке сідло
A) border seal
B) empty sella
C) sella turcica
D) selsun blue
загрудинна залоза
A) parathyroid gland
B) thymus gland
C) pituitary gland
D) pineal gland
що зумовлює склероз
A) sclerotic
B) sclerosis
C) sclerosing
D) sclerose
щорічні епідемії грипу
A) annual influenza epidemics
B) periodic pandemics of grippe
C) rare flu endemics
D) epidemics occurring every year
той, що сприяє
A) aggressor
B) oppressor
C) promoter
D) invader
A) progression
B) proliferation
C) proportion
D) pronation
тривалість життя
A) life-preserver
B) life expectancy
C) life-giving
D) lifeless
страх розлуки
A) castration anxiety
B) performance anxiety
C) separation anxiety
D) situational anxiety
генетична схильність
A) population genetics
B) genetic resistance
C) genetic predisposition
D) reverse genetics
лікар-ортопед, що спеціалізується на лікуванні захворювання стоп
A) podiatrist
B) paediatrist
C) orthopedist
D) orthodontist
вуздечка соромітних губ
A) clitoris
B) hymen
C) introitus
D) fourchette
відсікати крайню плоть
A) to cut
B) to slash
C) to circumcise
D) to scratch
A) yellow fever
B) jaundice
C) yellowness
D) jejunae
A) defiance
B) revision
C) difficulty
D) reinforcement
Виберіть правильний варіант пояснення слова:
A) cyanosis of the lips due to a cardiovascular disease
B) cyanosis of the face
C) cyanosis of the hands and feet dye to poor blood circulation
D) cyanosis of the skin of the whole body
glucagon and insulin
A) hormones produced by the thyroid gland
B) hormones produced by the adrenal medulla
C) hormones produced by the pineal gland
D) hormones produced by the pancreas
A) the study of female infertility and ovaries dysfunction
B) the study of childhood diseases
C) the study of male infertility and erectile dysfunction
D) the study of bodily structure
A) overdevelopment
B) overweight
C) overactivity
D) overwork
renal pelvis
A) the kidney central collecting area
B) the hollow muscular sac for temporary collection of urine
C) a bowl-like structure containing a tuft of blood vessels
D) the distal convoluted tubule
polycystic kidney disease
A) inflammation of the kidney caused by an infection
B) a rare disorder that results in excretion of amino acid cystine into the
C) a hereditary disorder in which many cysts form in both kidneys
D) a rare form of kidney tissue death
prostate gland
A) the external structure of the male reproductive system
B) the external structure of the female reproductive system
C) the internal structure of the male reproductive system
D) the internal structure of the female reproductive system
A) the inability of a couple to achieve a pregnancy
B) the ability of a couple to achieve a pregnancy
C) the inability to control one’s exertion of urine
D) the inability to move or take actions
A) a technique for looking directly at the fetus within the uterus
B) an instrument for looking directly at the fetus within the uterus
C) estimation of the size of the fetus, especially its head, prior to
D) a morbid condition in the embryo or fetus
A) a hollow organ in female in which the fetus develop before birth
B) organ in the uterus that nourishes the fetus
C) flexible tube connecting the placenta to the navel of a fetus
D) small hollow in the centre of the abdomen
A) resembling a bacterium
B) resembling a virus
C) resembling a fungus
D) resembling protozoa
A) a malignant tumour originating in the air sacs of the lungs
B) a malignant tumour of bone derived from flesh or connective tissue
C) a benign tumour originating in the tissue that lines the outer surface of the
D) a malignant tumour of kidneys
thymus gland
A) a gland that is located in the middle of the brain;
B) a ductless gland located in the mediasternum behind the sternum and
extends into the neck;
C) a gland which is located behind the stomach and produces hormones in
the cells which are called islets of Langerhans;
D) one of the exocrine glands.
A) a hormone produced in pancreas, it lowers the sugar level; affects the
metabolism of glucose protein and fat throughout the body;
B) is produced in pituitary gland and causes muscles of the uterus and milk
ducts in the breast to contract;
C) is produced in kidneys and controls blood pressure;
D) regulates growth, maturation and the speed of metabolism.
diabetes mellitus
A) a disorder in which insufficient levels of antidiuretic hormone cause
polydipsia and polyuria;
B) a condition in which an abnormal amount of sugar is present in the urine;
C) a large gland that lies behind the stomach;
D) a condition in which blood sugar levels are abnormally low.
A) excess in amount of urine;
B) presence of sugar in proteins;
C) inflammation of the bladder;
D) discharge of bloody urine.
chronic kidney failure
A) a slowly progressing decline in kidney function that leads to
B) a bacterial infection of both kidneys;
C) a rapid decline in kidneys’ ability to clean the blood of toxic
D) an inflammation of both kidneys.
A) spongelike vascular organs which develop during pregnancy in the
uterine wall;
B) the female organs of the reproductive system which include the
fallopian tubes;
C) two milk-producing glands consisting of special lactiferous ducts
and sinuses, carrying milk to the nipples;
D) the glands that secrete a thick fluid which as part of semen aids
motility of the sperm.
A) a disorder involving abnormal behaviour and thought, beginning
between age 7 and the start of adolescence;
B) a disorder in which a young child can’t develop normal social
relationship, behaves in compulsive and ritualistic ways, and usually
fails to develop normal intelligence;
C) a subaverage intellectual ability present from birth or early infancy;
D) a medically qualified physician who specializes in the study and
treatment of mental disorders.
A) a disorder of pathologic changes of the nervous system;
B) a congenital defect that is present at birth;
C) one of birth defects which is inherited by receiving abnormal genes
from one or both parents;
D) a factor or substance that can induce or increase the risk of a birth
A) a pathological growth lacking the systemic integration in the body
which is characteristic of physiological growth;
B) an infectious disease which commonly develops in the arms or
C) a pathological condition characterized by rash, vomiting and high
D) an inherited disorder which may lead to irreversible changes in
respiratory system.
A) a malignant tumour of cartilage cells occurring in a bone, most
frequently in a femur;
B) a rare malignant tumour of the placenta originating in the outer
membrane surrounding the fetus;
C) a malignant tumour of the lips;
D) a rare malignant tumour of fat cells.
A) the use of freeze to alleviate pain and stiffness in joints and
B) an absence of the ability to sense heat and coldness;
C) the use of heat to alleviate pain and stiffness in joints and muscles;
D) a device for registering temperature.
A) a medicine said to be a cure for all diseases and disorders;
B) a general atrophy of the body;
C) an epidemic that affects a wide geographical area;
D) a medicine for treatment of pancreatitis.
A) the body’s ability to live forever;
B) the body’s ability to avoid or not be affected by infection or
C) the body’s disability to move;
D) the person’s sudden wish or need to do something, without
stopping to think about the results.
A) an illness that is caused by bacteria or a virus and that affects one
part of the body;
B) the chemical processes in living things that change food, etc. into
energy and materials for growth;
C) the ability to know something by using your feelings rather than by
considering the facts;
D) the study and treatment of diseases and injuries.
pituitary gland
A) a gland in the brain which produces hormones which control the
development and functions of the body;
B) a gland behind the stomach which produces hormones in the cells
called islets of Langerhans;
C) a gland near the kidneys which produces adrenalin;
D)a gland of the exocrine system.
A) a fear of people from other countries;
B) a fear of open spaces;
C) a fear of childbirth;
D) a fear of closed spaces.
A) the fluid secreted by the lacrymal glands;
B) saline fluid secreted by the sweat glands;
C) urine;
D) the hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex.
A) an agent that kills bacteria;
B) a killing of people;
C) a self-destruction as a deliberate act;
D) an agent that kills fungi.
A) very fat;
B) very thin;
C) very serious;
D) very hungry.
A) breathing;
B) sneezing;
C) sudden noisy expulsion of air from the lungs;
D) sudden blowing out of air through the nose and mouth.
A) less mentally developed than other people;
B) more mentally developed than other people;
C) less physically developed than other people;
D) more physically developed than other people.
A) a region of the body between the anus and the genital organs,
including some of the underlying structures;
B) a hollow muscular organ within the pelvic cavity of the females
housing the fetus;
C) a gland in the males that surrounds the neck of the bladder and
D) the external female genitals.
A) some vegetable;
B) a baby;
C) a young human before it has been born;
D) an adult.
A) a sexual attraction to children (of either sex) that may cause
deviant behaviour;
B) the general medicine of childhood;
C) an abnormal fear of children;
D) a sexual attraction to animals.
A) a medically qualified physician who specializes in the treatment of
mental disorders;
B) a person who studies and treats physiological disorders;
C) a person who is mentally retarded;
D) a person who is engaged in the scientific study of the mind.
inborn resistance
A) natural inherent power of the body not to be affected by infections,
harmful microorganisms, diseases, etc.;
B) the baby’s unwillingness to be born;
C) gynaecological pathology in which a pregnant woman resists
giving birth to her child;
D) absence of any forces of the body to fight against infections,
harmful microorganisms, diseases, etc.
A) erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
B) red blood cell;
C) lymph node;
D) white blood cell.
A) the scientific study about general regularities of development,
course and termination of diseases;
B) medical treatment of injuries or diseases;
C) a slight disorder of the brain that causes difficulty in reading and
spelling, for example, but does not affect intelligence;
D) pain caused by difficulty in digesting food.
A) a medical condition of the oral cavity that causes gingivitis;
B) a respiratory disorder characterized by difficulty in breathing;
C) inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth;
D) a doctor qualified to treat respiratory disorders.
A) underdevelopment of an organ;
B) overdevelopment of an organ;
C) organ excision;
D) organ incision.
A) prognosis;
B) influence;
C) change;
D) prevention.
A) an inflammation of the skin;
B a serious disease in which cells in someone’s body grow in an
abnormal way;
C) an infectious disorder;
D) a lower intellectual development.
A) intake;
B) counseling;
C) retardation;
D) assessment.
A) return of the food from stomach;
B) feeling of happiness;
C) feeling of sickness;
D) pancreatic secretions.
A) assisting in the birth;
B) after birth;
C) before birth;
D) process of delivery.
A) abnormal growth of tissues;
B) changes in genes;
C) spina bifida;
D) mental abnormality.
A) substance that kills bacteria by poisoning them directly either
inside or outside the body;
B) medicine that relieves pain;
C) substance that makes the bowels move;
D) medicine that suppresses coughing.
A) presence of protein in the urine;
B) discharge of bloody urine;
C) presence of sugar in the urine;
D) presence of pus in the urine.
A) a disease that causes bleeding;
B) any abnormality in joint development;
C) bone cancer;
D) inflammation that causes pain and swelling in the joints.
therapeutic effect
A) secondary and unexpected effect of the drug;
B) the ability to cure selectively organ or tissue and to restore normal
body function;
C) overdosage of some drugs;
D) the ability of the organs to restore themselves.
A) a branch of dietetics concerned with therapeutic uses of food and
B) a refusal to take food;
C) any food poison, especially one developing in grain;
D) an abnormal consumption of food.
A) the presence of milk sugar in the urine;
B) the period of milk secretion;
C) any disease of the mammary glands;
D) an absence of milk in the breasts.
A) diminished secretion;
B) increased secretion;
C) normal secretion;
D) extremely high secretion.
intracranial hemorrhage
A) the death of brain tissue;
B) an abnormality of the facial nerve that leads to paralysis of the
muscles on one side of the face;
C) abdominal bleeding;
D) bleeding inside the skull.
A) a scientific study which deals with the reception of sound vibration
by the ear;
B) a scientific study of visual sensory system;
C) a science which deals with the study of odours and the sense of
D) a scientific study of tactile perception.
A) hypertension, blood pressure higher than normal;
B) an increased intraocular tension, “hardening” of the eyeball;
C) a decreased intraocular tension, “lightening” of the eyeball;
D) cloudiness of the lens of the eye.
A) an instrument for measuring the eye;
B) an instrument for measuring the ear;
C) a doctor qualified to treat ophthalmologic diseases;
D) an instrument for measuring the blood pressure.
A) a sudden explosive movement of air that tends to clear material
from the airways;
B) a crowing sound when breathing;
C) the unpleasant sensation of difficulty in breathing;
D) a whistling, musical sound during breathing that result from
partially obstructed airways.
A) an inflammation of the bronchi caused by an infection;
B) an infection of the lungs that involves alveoli and the tissues
around them;
C) an inflammation of the throat, usually caused by a virus but also
commonly caused by bacteria;
D) an inflammation of the voice box caused either by a virus or by
A) study of the structure and functions of the brain;
B) any disease of the brain;
C) abnormal accumulation of fluid in the brain;
D) examination of the brain.
Parkinson’s disease
A) a slowly progressing degenerative disorder of the nervous system;
B) inflammation of the brain caused by a virus;
C) inflammation of both the brain and the spinal cord;
D) a stroke or a transient ischemic attack causing disabling neurologic
A) a specialist in the care of AIDS patients;
B) a specialist in the care of newborns;
C) a specialist in the care of pregnant women;
D) a specialist in the care of elderly people.
A) the science which deals with disorders of exocrine glands;
B) endocrine system;
C) exocrine system;
D) the science which deals with disorders of endocrine glands.
A) presence of pus in the urine;
B) presence of blood in the urine;
C) presence of sugar in the urine;
D) presence of bacteria in the urine.
A) any disease of the head;
B) any disorder of the glands;
C) any disorder of the heart;
D) any disease of the lungs.
A) infectious disease;
B) birth defect;
C) the condition of carrying an unborn child;
D) the condition of permanent sickness.
A) hormone secreted by kidneys; stimulates red blood cell production;
B) hormone secreted by pituitary gland; starts milk production;
C) hormone secreted by the pancreas; lowers the blood sugar level;
D) hormone secreted by ovaries; controls the development of
reproductive system.
A) inflammation of kidney;
B) surgical excision of kidney;
C) pus formation in the kidney;
D) science that studies diseases of kidneys.
A) drug used for herpetic infections;
B) drug used for only skin infections;
C) drug used for tetanus;
D) drug used for respiratory viral infections.
A) false pregnancy;
B) a period of the production of milk;
C) abnormal delivery;
D) a periodic discharge of the menses.
A) inflammation of the pelvic muscles;
B) inflammation of the pelvis of a kidney;
C) suppuration of the kidneys;
D) surgical operation on the kidneys.
A) a substance that carries the man’s genes; it is made in the testes and
stored in the seminal vesicles;
B) a substance which is rich in calories, protein, and antibodies; it
flows from the nipple before breast milk is produced;
C) a hormone which stimulates protein synthesis in organs and tissues
and causes growth;
D) a substance which effects skin pigmentation.
Wilm’s tumour
A) a cancer of the kidneys that can develop in a fetus but may not
cause symptoms for years after birth;
B) a cancer that grows in parts of the nervous system;
C) a cancer of the retina, the light-sensing area at the back of the eye;
D) a cancer of the placenta originating in the outer membrane
surrounding the fetus.
A) faulty nerve conduction characterized by weakness and quick
fatigue of muscles;
B) slight paralysis affecting either right or left side of the body;
C) paralysis affecting all four extremities;
D) very severe paralysis of lower extremities.
A) the act of discovering or identifying the exact cause of an illness or
a problem;
B) a change in your body or mind that shows that you are not healthy;
C) the state of being physically or mentally ill;
D) an illness affecting humans, animals or plants, often caused by
A) kidney inflammation;
B) stomach inflammation;
C) inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose;
D) inflammation of the body’s inner organs, namely bladder,
gallbladder, liver, spleen, etc.
A) lack of blood;
B) presence of excess of blood;
C) resembling blood;
D) abnormal tendency of bleeding.
A) under the tongue;
B) under the skin;
C) on the tongue;
D) on the skin.
malignant tumour
A) a noncancerous neoplasm;
B) a malfunction of the trigeminal nerve;
C) a malfunction of the peripheral nerves;
D) a cancerous neoplasm.
A) a part of the brain which monitors the sensory stimuli we receive
by suppressing some and magnifying others;
B) a part of the brain located beneath the posterior part of the
C) a part of the brain which contains neurons which control body
temperature, sleep, appetite, and emotions;
D) a part of the brain which literally means “bridge”.
A) discharge from the ear;
B) discharge from the eye;
C) a doctor qualified to treat ear diseases;
D) a venereal disease.
A) the death of brain tissue resulting from the lack of blood flow and
insufficient oxygen to the brain;
B) a tumour originating in the cells of the meninges, which lines the
brain and the spinal cord;
C) the total or partial inability to recall recent or remote experiences;
D) a chronic disease in which there is a scattered demyelination of the
central nervous system.
A) islet cell of Langerhans;
B) the pineal gland;
C) hormone, also called adrenaline;
D) the adrenal gland.
A) false pregnancy;
B) abnormal delivery;
C) giving birth;
D) the breast nipple.
A) drug used for skin infections;
B) drug used for typhoid fever only;
C) drug used for fungal skin infections;
D) drug used for wide range of infections.
A) treatment of the disease;
B) all the symptoms of any disorder;
C) prevention of the disease;
D) insidious onset of the disorder.
mental retardation
A) profound intellectual ability;
B) subaverage intellectual ability;
C) a disease also called Down syndrome;
D) difficulties in speaking.
A) pain in the bones;
B) muscular pain;
C) pain in the arm;
D) pain in the abdomen.
A) the study and treatment of eye diseases;
B) the study and practice of treating tumours;
C) the science of fungi;
D) the general medicine of childhood.
A) a cancer of the nerves;
B) a cancer of the kidneys, which usually occurs in children under 5;
C) a cancer of the kidneys, which always occurs in adults;
D) a cancer of the mammary gland.
A) surgical removal of a breast;
B) pain in the breast;
C) the period of milk secretion;
D) inflammation of the breast.
A) a hormone which affects skin pigmentation;
B) a hormone which augments milk production and the development
of corpus luteum;
C) a hormone which stimulates protein synthesis in organs and tissues;
D) a hormone which influences intracellular metabolism.
A) a congenital mental underdevelopment, mental weakness;
B) a subaverage intellectual ability present from birth or early infancy;
C) a condition of underdevelopment;
D) a condition in which a pregnancy lasts longer than 42 weeks.
Down syndrome
A) a general atrophy of the body;
B) a chromosomal disorder that results in mental retardation and
physical abnormalities;
C) an infection of the gastrointestinal tract, causing vomiting and
D) a contagious viral infection causing painful enlargement of the
salivary glands.
A) study of the vision organs;
B) study of the sense of smell and hearing;
C) study of the sense organs;
D) any factor causing senses.
A) yellow or even brown colouration of the skin;
B) bluish colouration of the skin and mucous membranes;
C) red or sometimes purple colour of the mucous membranes;
D) subjective visual perception of the blue colour.
finger clubbing
A) a difficulty in breathing;
B) any fracture of a finger or a toe because of low oxygen level in the
C) a familial but complicated reflex in which the lungs and airways
are protected;
D) an enlargement of the tips of fingers or toes caused by lung
A) a surgical procedure of making an incision into the throat to
remove a tumour or anything obstructing the passage;
B) a surgical procedure of removing part of the throat;
C) plastic surgery of the throat;
D) inflammation of both throat and voice box.
A) the virus that can cause cancer;
B) the virus that causes a sudden death;
C) the virus that can cause AIDS;
D) the virus that causes atherosclerosis.
atopic disease
A) gastro-intestinal tract disorder;
B) an inherited allergic disease;
C) a catching skin disease;
D) a grave heart disease.
A) the state of being pathologically too influenced, harmed or affected
by a disease, infection, etc.;
B) a pathological condition in which a person doesn’t feel any pain at
C) a scientific study of a person’s susceptibility to a disease, infection,
D) a medical condition in which susceptibility to infection, disease,
etc. is much lower than normal.
A) a person qualified to treat tumours in the body;
B) the scientific study of and treatment of tumours in the body;
C) a specialized hospital for people suffering from tumours;
D) the scientific study of and treatment of eye diseases.
A) a pathologic new growth that can be either malignant or benign;
B) an inflammation of the brain caused by a virus;
C) a slowly progressing degenerative disorder of the nervous system;
D) a malfunction of the peripheral nerves.
cerebrospinal fluid
A) a fluid used in treatment of cerebrospinal disorders;
B) a colourless acidic fluid located in the stomach, also often called as
gastric juice;
C) a watery fluid which flows throughout the brain and around the
spinal cord and protects them from shock as might a cushion;
D) the red liquid that flows through the bodies of humans and animals.
A) discharge from the ear;
B) discharge of pus;
C) discharge of saliva;
D) discharge from the eye.
A) a substance that helps to prevent infection in wounds by killing
B) a substance that the body produces in the blood to fight disease;
C) a substance that stops the blood from becoming thick and forming
D) a substance that enters the body and can cause a disease.
congenital immunodeficiency
A) immunodeficiency that occurs later in life;
B) immunodeficiency present from birth;
C) autoimmune reaction of an adult organism;
D) immune reaction in the genitals.
A) a treatment of a patient with more than one type of medicine;
B) a curative establishment where many different diseases and injuries
are treated;
C) a hospital where people with mental disorders are treated;
D) an establishment where people get higher medical education.
urinary calculi
A) hard stone-like masses that form anywhere in the brain;
B) soft masses that may obstruct breathing;
C) special stones which are used in treatment of urinary diseases;
D) hard stone-like masses that form anywhere in the urinary tract.
A) a specialist in the care of newborns;
B) the science that deals with treatment of old people;
C) the art and science of caring medically for the newborn;
D) the science of caring medically for children of school age.
A) abnormal craving for food;
B) refusal to take food;
C) any food poison;
D) branch of dietetics concerned with therapeutic uses of food.
A) incision of a breast;
B) any disease of the breasts;
C) pain in the breasts;
D) inflammation of the breast.
A) a disorder of speech;
B) morbid fear of speaking;
C) the study and treatment of speech disorders;
D) understanding and knowledge of speech.
A) a malignant tumour of the mucous membrane;
B) any tumour with draining sinuses produced by filamentous fungi;
C) a toxic substance produced in the tissues during the progress of a
D) any disease caused by a fungus.
A) a condition that resembles nephritis;
B) a condition that resembles neuritis;
C) joint pain and swelling, resembling gout;
D) a false membrane which contains nervous vessels.
A) destructive to a virus;
B) an agent that kills fungi;
C) an agent that kills parasitic intestinal worms;
D) destructive to some kinds of bacteria.
A) surgical removal of the entire colon;
B) surgical removal of some part of the colon;
C) general atrophy of the pancreas;
D) surgical removal of the pancreas.
gonadotropic hormones
A) hormones produced by the pancreas;
B) hormones produced by the anterior pituitary;
C) hormones produced by the thyroid gland;
D) hormones produced by the adrenal glands.
A) bleeding from nose;
B) feeling of sickness;
C) return of the food from the stomach;
D) discharge of sputum.
A) pain in the nose;
B) nose hemorrhade;
C) inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose;
D) inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and voice box.
cerebral angiography
A) a technique used to detect blood vessels abnormalities in the brain;
B) the procedure in which a needle is inserted into the spinal canal to
obtain a sample of cerebrospinal fluid;
C) a computer-enhanced scanning technique for analyzing X-ray
pictures to detect a wide range of brain abnormalities;
D) the procedure used to measure blood flow through the carotid
A) impairment of hearing due to old age;
B) loss of feelings;
C) impairment of vision due to old age;
D) method of vision loss measuring.
active immunity
A) the immunity developed by means of injected antigens which are
either vaccines or toxoids;
B) various types of inherent, inborn resistance to infections and
C) the body’s resistance to infections that comes about through natural
processes which may follow exposure to the infectious agent;
D) the immunity developed due to injection of antibodies against
infectious agents produced by some individuals or by animals and thus
given “ready-made” to the patient.
A) a disease which destroys mental abilities of a person;
B) an illness which causes inability of a person to think, to hear, to
speak and to talk;
C) an illness which attacks the body’s ability to resist infection and
which usually causes death;
D) a cardio-vascular disease which attacks elderly people and causes a
sudden death.
A) a substance that improves allergic condition;
B) a substance that causes allergic reaction;
C) a substance that affects central nervous system;
D) a substance that causes intracranial hemorrhage.
A) a state or act of working in a very satisfactory and successful way;
B) the science of the forces involved in the movement;
C) energy and enthusiasm to make new things happen or to make
things succeed;
D) a state or act of not working in a satisfactory and successful way.
A) blood pressure that is higher than normal;
B) blood pressure that is lower than normal;
C) normal blood pressure;
D) a doctor qualified to treat pathologic increase of blood pressure.
A) a condition characterized by an abnormal increase and
accumulation of fluid in the skull;
B) a disturbance in brain function resulting from a temporary
deficiency in the brain’s blood supply;
C) malfunction of the peripheral nerves in the brain;
D) a state of deep and prolonged unconsciousness caused by injury or
disease; a condition of stupor and lethargy.
A) the third skin layer which consists of interweaving loose bundles of
connective tissue fibres which form a large-mesh network;
B) a doctor qualified to treat skin, especially epidermis diseases;
C) an external skin layer which consists of epithelial cells which
possess great ability to multiply and replace the destroyed cells of this
D) the second layer of the skin which is located under the skin.
A) a progressive degenerative condition of the temporal bone which
can result in hearing loss;
B) an infection or inflammation of the middle ear;
C) an inflammation or infection of the inner ear;
D) discharge from the ear.
A) condition in which painful areas of subcutaneous fat develop;
B) relating to both fatty and cellular tissue, or to connective tissue
with many fat cells;
C) a cell that ingests fat;
D) headache or pain in the ear.
A) the organ of vision;
B) the organ of tasting;
C) the organ of hearing and balance;
D) the gas we breath in.
A) pertaining to eyes and face;
B) plastic surgery of eyes;
C) any disease of the eye;
D) plastic surgery of the ears.
A) instrument for measuring tactile sensitivity;
B) method of measuring smell sensitivity;
C) method of hearing loss measuring;
D) instrument for measuring of the extend of feelings loss.
A) paralysis affecting the lower extremities;
B) paralysis affecting right or left side of the body;
C) paralysis affecting all four extremities;
D) lack of strength or a very slight paralysis of four extremities.
A) eyesight impairment;
B) science, sum of knowledge about gastro-intestinal tract;
C) improvement of digestion;
D) impairment of digestion.
A) excess of acid in gastric juice;
B) below normal amount of acid in gastric juice;
C) extreme physical sensitivity to acid;
D) normal amount of acid in gastric juice.
Parkinson’s disease
A) a tumour originating in the cells of the meninges, which lines the
brain and the spinal cord;
B) an inflammation of the brain caused by a virus;
C) a slowly progressing degenerative disorder of the nervous system;
D) a pathologic new growth that can be either malignant or benign.
A) a scientific study of skin diseases;
B) an inflammation of skin that usually involves swollen, red and
itchy skin;
C) a doctor qualified to treat skin diseases;
D) a medical condition that causes you react badly when you eat,
smell or touch a particular substance.
A) a part of the brain which controls body temperature, sleep, appetite,
and emotions;
B) a part of the brain which monitors the sensory stimuli we receive
by suppressing some and magnifying others;
C) a part of the brain which contains nerve fiber tracts which connect
the cerebellum and cerebrum with the rest of the brain;
D) a part of the brain located beneath the posterior part of the
cerebrum and aids in the coordination of voluntary movements and
maintains balance and muscular tone.
A) a painless clouding of the lens of the eye that may reduce a
person’s vision;
B) an increased intraocular tension, “hardening” of the eyeball;
C) a decreased intraocular tension, “lightening” of the eyeball;
D) a very painful but not dangerous to the eye-sight clouding of the
lens and the pupil of the eye.
A) a drug used to treat allergies, especially hay fever;
B) a substance that helps to reduce fever;
C) a substance that can destroy or prevent the growth of bacteria and
cure infections;
D) a substance that the body produces in the blood to fight disease.
A) erosion of skull bones in patients suffering from brain tumours;
B) self-inflicted injury;
C) serum prepared from the patient’s own tissue or secretion;
D) toxin developed in the patient’s own blood.
A) pain in the nose;
B) pertaining to the nose and lip;
C) allergic rhinitis;
D) inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose.
A) narrowing of the bronchus lumen;
B) swelling of the mucosa of the bronchial tube;
C) originating from the bronchi;
D) presence of air or other gas in the bile system.
A) the branch of chemistry that studies chemical processes in the
nervous system;
B) the branch of anatomy that studies the anatomical organization of
the nervous system;
C) a group of nerve cells forming a nerve center;
D) a physician specializing in the field of neurology and trained to
diagnose, treat, and manage patients with neurological disorders.
natural immunity
A) the body’s resistance to infections that comes about through natural
processes which may follow exposure to the infectious agent;
B) various types of inherent, inborn resistance to infections and
C) the body’s ability of being immortal;
D) the immunity developed by means of injected antigens which are
either vaccines or toxoids.
A) a muscle that opens to let the urine through and contracts to close;
B) the canal that conveys urine from the bladder out of the body;
C) a knot of blood vessels in the kidney projecting into the capsular
end of a urine-secreting tubule;
D) a bean-shaped organ which maintains water.
A) a rare form of kidney tissue death that affects some or all of the
B) a bacterial infection of the kidneys;
C) an inflammation of the kidneys caused by an infection or an
immune reaction that goes awry and injures the kidneys;
D) a hereditary disorder in which many cysts form in both kidneys.
A) the opening to the vagina;
B) a pear-shaped organ at the top of the vagina divided into two parts:
the cervix and the corpus;
C) a fold of mucous membrane that covers the entrance to the vagina
and is usually ruptured when sexual intercourse takes place for the
first time;
D) a gland in the males that surrounds the neck of the bladder and
A) radiography of the fetus in the utero using contrast medium;
B) relating to the fetus and its placenta;
C) fear of childbirth;
D) relating to the woman’s placenta.
A) any disease of the breast;
B) inflammation of the breast;
C) pain in the breast;
D) incision of a breast.
A) the study and treatment of speech disorders;
B) an inflammation of speech;
C) a disorder of speech;
D) change in speech as a result of the pathology in nose structures.
A) the science of viruses;
B) the science of fungi;
C) any disease caused by a fungus;
D) substance that produces fever.
A) an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Corynebacteriun
B) an illness caused by a streptococcal infection;
C) a viral infection of the upper and lower airways that causes
difficulty in breathing in;
D) a viral infection causing painful enlargement of the salivary glands.
A) exceptional sensitivity to sense heat and coldness;
B) a technique for measuring of the heat produced by different parts
of the body;
C) a device for measuring of the blood pressure;
D) a device for registering temperature.
A) a field of medicine which deals with mental disorders;
B) a doctor who treats disorders based on physiological growth of the
C) a physician who specializes in the study and treatment of mental
D) mental illnesses that feature loss of contact with reality.
A) the condition of having less than the normal number of
spermatozoa in the semen;
B) the condition of having more than the normal number of
spermatozoa in the semen;
C) a peptide comprising a small number of amino acids;
D) excretion of an abnormally small volume of urine.
A) Higher Institution’s Victory;
B) Human Infectious Venereal disease;
C) Very Important Person;
D) Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
A) a medical condition that causes you react badly or feel ill when you
eat, smell or touch a particular substance;
B) an illness that is caused by bacteria or a virus and that affects one
part of the body;
C) the act of discovering or identifying the exact cause of an illness or
a problem;
D) the chemical processes in living things that change food, etc. into
energy and materials for growth.
A) lack of sugar in the blood;
B) extreme physical sensitivity to sugar;
C) excess of sugar in the blood;
D) normal amount of sugar in the blood.
A) a skin condition in which the skin becomes red, swollen and sore;
B) a doctor who studies and treats skin diseases;
C) the scientific study of skin diseases;
D) a cosmetic cream applied to the skin.
A) kidney inflammation;
B) an inflammation of both the brain and the spinal cord;
C) an inflammation of the brain caused by a virus;
D) an inflammation of the meninges caused by a virus.
A) the middle layer of the eye which is comprised of three parts: the
choroids, ciliary body, and iris;
B) the posterior cavity of the eye which is filled with a gel-like
C) the thick white outer layer that gives the eyeball its spherical shape;
D) the inner layer of the eye which is responsible for receiving images
projected through the cornea and lens.
passive immunity
A) the immunity developed due to injection of antibodies against
infectious agents produced by some individuals or by animals and thus
given “ready-made” to the patient;
B) the body’s resistance to infections that comes about through natural
processes which may follow exposure to the infectious agent;
C) the immunity developed by means of injected antigens which are
either vaccines or toxoids;
D) various types of inherent, inborn resistance to infections and
A) Acquired Infectious Diseased State;
B) Acute Inflammatory Disease Syndrome;
C) Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome;
D) Acute Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
A) a substance, for example penicillin, that can destroy or prevent the
growth of bacteria and cure infections;
B) a substance that the body produces in the blood to fight disease;
C) a substance that enters the body and can cause disease;
D) a drug used to treat allergies.
A) on the skin;
B) in the skin;
C) above the skin;
D) under the skin.
A) a scientific study of eye diseases;
B) a doctor who studies and treats heart diseases;
C) a scientific study of heart diseases;
D) a scientific study of gastro-intestinal tract disorders.
A) the total or partial inability to recall recent or remote experiences;
B) a state of deep and prolonged unconsciousness caused by injury or
C) a chronic disease in which there is a scattered demyelination of the
central nervous system;
D) bleeding inside the skull.
A) a natural covering and inseparable part of the human body;
B) the primary center for requesting and coordinating of body
C) a muscular partition which separates the thoracic from the
abdominal cavity;
D) a slippery membrane that helps the lungs move smoothly during
each breath.
A) an infection or inflammation of the middle ear;
B) any disease of the outer ear;
C) surgical operation performed on the ear;
D) discharge from the ear.
A) examination of the ear;
B) a method of Eustachian tube examination;
C) an instrument used while examining the ear;
D) plastic surgery of the eardrum.
A) pain under the skin;
B) any disease of the skin;
C) inflammation of the skin;
D) ossification of the dermis.
A) inflammation of the tongue caused by harmful microorganisms;
B) located below the lower jaw;
C) located below the liver;
D) under the tongue.
A) a pathologic new growth (neoplasm) that can be either malignant
or benign;
B) a slowly progressing degenerative disorder of the nervous system;
C) an inflammation of any organ or part of the body;
D) a chronic disease characterized by speed defects, loss of muscular
coordination, etc.
A) fragility and weakness of blood vessels;
B) paralysis affecting right or left side of the body;
C) paralysis affecting all four extremities;
D) slight paralysis affecting left side of the body.
A) the organ of both hearing and balance;
B) the organ of seeing;
C) the smell organ;
D) the organ of gastro-intestinal tract.
A) a cell that ingests fat;
B) pathologic dryness of the skin;
C) perspiration, especially profuse perspiration;
D) dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea due to vitamin A deficiency.
A) inflammation of the eardrum;
B) method of Eustachian tube examination;
C) inflammation of the Eustachian tube;
D) a specialist trained to treat ear diseases.
A) a toxin affecting eyes;
B) pertaining to eyes and face;
C) any disease of eyes;
D) plastic surgery of eyes.
A) the sense of pressure perception, generally in the skin;
B) the study of odours and the sense of smell;
C) one of the two main “chemical” senses;
D) the ability to detect electromagnetic waves within the visible range
by the eye and the brain to interpret the images as sight.
A) is an abnormality of the facial nerve that leads to sudden weakness
or paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face;
B) a disease of faulty nerve conduction characterisea by speech
defects, loss of muscular coordination, etc.;
C) a state of deep and prolonged unconsciousness caused by injury or
disease; a condition of stupor and lethargy;
D) is a genetically transmitted disease in which many soft, fleshy
growths of abnormal nerve tissues appear in the skin.
acquired immunity
A) various types of inherent, inborn resistance to infections and
B) the immunity developed by means of injected antigens which are
either vaccines or toxoids;
C) the body’s resistance to infections that comes about through natural
processes which may follow exposure to the infectious agent;
D) the immunity developed due to injection of antibodies against
infectious agents produced by some individuals or by animals and thus
given “ready-made” to the patient.
A) a small amount of a substance taken from a larger amount and
tested in order to obtain information about the substance;
B) knowledge about the structure and behaviour of the natural and
physical world, based on facts that you can prove;
C) not complicated; easy to understand or do;
D) something such as an object, a fact or a situation that shows,
explains or supports what you say.
A) a kind of treatment that uses hypnosis to help with physical or
emotional problems;
B) the practice of keeping yourself and your living and working areas
clean in order to prevent illness and disease;
C) blood pressure that is higher than normal;
D) an extreme physical sensitivity to particular substances, medicines,
light, etc.
A) a medical condition in which the muscles gradually become
B) a medical condition in which the muscles gradually become
C) pain caused by difficulty in digesting food;
D) a slight disorder of the brain that causes difficulty in reading and
A) an inflammation of the meninges caused by a virus;
B) an inflammation of the brain caused by a virus;
C) an inflammation of the lungs;
D) an inflammation of the brain and the spinal cord.
A) an external skin layer which consists of epithelial cells which
possess great ability to multiply;
B) the second layer of the skin which is located under the epidermis;
C) the third skin layer which consists of interweaving loose bundles of
connective tissue fibres which form a large-mesh network;
D) a medical institution where dermatological diseases are treated.
A) the inner layer of the eye which is responsible for receiving images
projected through the cornea and lens;
B) the thick white outer layer that gives the eyeball its spherical shape;
C) the transparent layer at the front of the eye which is responsible for
refracting or bending light;
D) the middle layer of the eye which is comprised of three parts: the
choroids, ciliary body, and iris.
A) knowledge concerning the nose;
B) a doctor qualified to treat nose diseases;
C) inflammation of the nose membrane;
D) a surgical operation performed on nose.
A) a condition characterized by an abnormal increase and
accumulation of fluid in the skull, especially in young children,
causing enlargement of the head and destruction of the brain;
B) a state of deep and prolonged unconsciousness caused by injury or
C) a chronic disease in which there is a scattered demyelination of the
central nervous system;
D) is an abnormality of the facial nerve that leads to sudden weakness
or paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face.
A) the sense of pressure perception;
B) olfaction;
C) gustation;
D) the sense of sound perception.
A) layer of material or substance covering an inner surface;
B) false membrane, consisting of a layer of exudate on the surface of
the skin or a mucous membrane;
C) slimy substance coating the inner surface of hollow organs of the
D) thin flexible skin-like tissue.
A) chromosomal disorder;
B) malnutrition;
C) psychiatric disorder;
D) suicidal behaviour.
A) resembling a polyp;
B) surgical removal of a growth;
C) hernia of the stomach;
D) condition in which numerous polyps form in an organ.
A) solid tumours derived from epithelial tissue;
B) benign tumours of the internal organs;
C) cancer derived from supportive and connective tissue;
D) malignant tumour of the liver.
A) highly contagious viral infection producing characteristic rash;
B) viral infection attacking mainly the upper respiratory tract;
C) highly contagious infection caused by bacterium Bordetella
D) severe infection of epiglottis.
A) caused by viruses;
B) caused by protozoa;
C) caused by bacteria;
D) caused by fungi.
A) pain in the breast;
B) surgical reconstruction of the breasts;
C) surgical removal of a breast;
D) any disease of the breasts.
A) fluid surrounding fetus in the uterus;
B) fluid flowing from the nipple before breast milk is produced;
C) fluid cell-free portion of blood;
D) bodily fluids.
A) morbid fear of singing;
B) morbid fear of speech;
C) morbid fear of studying;
D) morbid fear of spiders.
full-term infant
A) an infant born after a 37-week gestation;
B) an infant born after a 42-week gestation;
C) an infant born before a 37-week gestation;
D) an infant born before a 32-week gestation.
A) field of medicine dealing with women’s health;
B) field of medicine dealing with childbirth;
C) field of medicine dealing with tissue structure;
D) field of medicine dealing with the process of aging.
A) secreting sweat;
B) secreting wastes;
C) secreting milk;
D) secreting urine.
A) one of the three tiny bones (ossicles);
B) a tympanic membrane;
C) the Eustachian tube;
D) the external part of the ear.
A) under the skin;
B) under the liver;
C) inflammation of the skin;
D) ossification of the dermis.
autoimmune reaction
A) a diverse condition in which the immune system doesn’t function
B) a condition in which the immune system malfunctions,
misinterprets the body tissues as foreign, and attacks them;
C) reaction to the treatment by administration of the patient’s own
D) vaccine prepared from the patient’s own tissue or secretion.
mental retardation
A) average intellectual ability present from birth or early infancy;
B) perfect intellectual ability present from birth or early infancy;
C) subaverage intellectual ability present from birth or early infancy;
D) good intellectual ability present from birth or early infancy.
Down syndrome
A) cardiovascular disorder;
B) immune disorder;
C) nutritional disorder;
D) chromosomal disorder.
Wilm’s tumour
A) cancer of the retina;
B) childhood cancer grown in parts of the nervous system;
C) cancer of the kidneys;
D) common cancerous tumour of the liver.
A) atrophy of the optic nerve;
B) atrophy of some muscles;
C) general atrophy of the body;
D) atrophy of the brain.
A) contagious viral infection causing painful enlargement of the
salivary glands;
B) viral infection of the upper and lower airways;
C) infection of the lymph nodes at the back of the throat;
D) bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract.
A) multicelled, plant-like organisms;
B) one-celled organisms like bacteria;
C) single celled organisms getling nutrients from their environment;
D) organisms that need to be inside other living organisms to survire,
grow, and reproduce.
bottle-fed infant
A) an infant given breast milk;
B) an infant given solid food;
C) an infant given vitamin supplement;
D) an infant given milk formula.
premature infant
A) an infant having spent 37 weeks in the uterus;
B) an infant hving spent 42 weeks in the uterus;
C) an infant having spent 35 weeks in the uterus;
D) an infant having spent 45 weeks in the uterus.
A) therapeutic use of food and diet;
B) therapeutic use of drugs;
C) therapeutic use of antibiotics;
D) therapeutic use of vitamins.
A) a specilist in the care of newborns;
B) a specilist in the care of elderly people;
C) a specilist in the care of sportsmen;
D) a specilist in the care of patients with cancer.
the third trimester of pregnancy
A) a period of rapid embrionic development;
B) a period of rapid skeletal growth;
C) a period of slow heart growth;
D) a period when fetal growth is largely that of weight.
A) fear of darkness;
B) fear of open space;
C) fear of childbirth;
D) fear of children.
A) cyanosis of the lips due to a cardiovascular disease
B) cyanosis of the face
C) cyanosis of the hands and feet dye to poor blood circulation
D) cyanosis of the skin of the whole body
glucagon and insulin
A) hormones produced by the thyroid gland
B) hormones produced by the adrenal medulla
C) hormones produced by the pineal gland
D) hormones produced by the pancreas
A) the study of female infertility and ovaries dysfunction
B) the study of childhood diseases
C) the study of male infertility and erectile dysfunction
D) the study of bodily structure
A) overdevelopment
B) overweight
C) overactivity
D) overwork
renal pelvis
A) the kidney central collecting area
B) the hollow muscular sac for temporary collection of urine
C) a bowl-like structure containing a tuft of blood vessels
D) the distal convoluted tubule
polycystic kidney disease
A) inflammation of the kidney caused by an infection
B) a rare disorder that results in excretion of amino acid cystine into the
C) a hereditary disorder in which many cysts form in both kidneys
D) a rare form of kidney tissue death
prostate gland
A) the external structure of the male reproductive system
B) the external structure of the female reproductive system
C) the internal structure of the male reproductive system
D) the internal structure of the female reproductive system
A) the inability of a couple to achieve a pregnancy
B) the ability of a couple to achieve a pregnancy
C) the inability to control one’s exertion of urine
D) the inability to move or take actions
A) a technique for looking directly at the fetus within the uterus
B) an instrument for looking directly at the fetus within the uterus
C) estimation of the size of the fetus, especially its head, prior to
D) a morbid condition in the embryo or fetus
A) a hollow organ in female in which the fetus develop before birth
B) organ in the uterus that nourishes the fetus
C) flexible tube connecting the placenta to the navel of a fetus
D) small hollow in the centre of the abdomen
35. mycetoid
A) resembling a bacterium
B) resembling a virus
C) resembling a fungus
D) resembling protozoa
A) a malignant tumour originating in the air sacs of the lungs
B) a malignant tumour of bone derived from flesh or connective tissue
C) a benign tumour originating in the tissue that lines the outer surface of
the brain
D) a malignant tumour of kidneys
pituitary gland
A) a small gland lying below the Adam’s apple
B) a pea-sized gland sitting at the base of the brain
C) a gland situating behind the stomach
D) a gland locating in the middle of the brain
A) a tumour occurring in the glandular tissue
B) a tumour occurring in the hepatic tissue
C) a malignant tumour of the skin
D) a benign tumour of the brain
gonadotropic hormones
A) hormones produced by the thyroid gland
B) hormones produced by the pancreas
C) hormones produced by the adenohypophisis
D) hormones produced by the anterior pituitary
A) presence of protein in the urine
B) presence of blood in the urine
C) presence of sugar in the urine
D) presence of urates in the urine
A) having the shape or profile of a liver
B) having the shape or profile of a brain
C) having the shape or profile of a kidney
D) having the shape or profile of a pancreas
urinary calculi
A) hard stone-like masses forming in the urinary tract
B) surgical reconstruction of a ureter
C) a proteolitic enzyme secreted by the kidney
D) stones forming in the gallbladder
A) the internal genital organs bordered by labia minora
B) the internal genital organs bordered by labia majora
C) the external genital organs bordered by labia minora
D) the external genital organs bordered by labia majora
A) field of medicine dealing with women’s health
B) field of medicine dealing with childbirth
C) field of medicine dealing with the tissue structure
D) field of medicine dealing with the process of aging
A) a condition of complete development
B) a condition of underdevelopment
C) a condition in which pregnancy lasts longer than 42 weeks
D) a condition in which pregnancy lasts from 37 to 42 weeks
A) secreting sweat
B) secreting wastes
C) secreting milk
D) secreting urine
A) morbid fear of speaking
B) morbid fear of being in an enclosed space
C) abnormal fear of childbirth
D) abnormal fear of getting wet
retropharyngeal abscess
A) a severe infection of epiglottis
B) an infection of the lymph nodes at the back f the throat
C) an infection of the gastrointestinal tract
D) a highly contagious infection caused by bacterium Bordetella pertussis
A) in the nasal cavity
B) near the nasal cavity
C) inside the nose
D) within the nasopharynx area
A) hormone that maintains the secondary sex characteristics
B) hormone that effects skin pigmentation
C) hormone that influences intracellular metabolism
D) hormone that stimulates uterine contractions
A) treatment of a patient performing a surgery
B) treatment of a patient with more than one type of medicine
C) treatment of a patient with one type of medicine
D) treatment of patient using physiotherapy
full-term infant
A) an infant that spends 37 to 42 weeks in the uterus
B) an infant that spends more than 42 weeks in the uterus
C) an infant that spends less than 37 weeks in the uterus
D) an infant that spend s 35 to 44 weeks in the uterus
to wean
A) to accustom taking breast milk
B) to accustom taking food other than milk
C) to accustom crawling
D) to accustom walking independently
A) caused by viruses
B) caused by bacteria
C) caused by fungi
D) caused by protozoa
A) a highly contagious viral infection
B) a viral infection of the upper and lower airways
C) an infection of the gastrointestinal tract
D) a contagious, sometimes fatal disease caused by bacterium
A) a medicine said to be a cure for all diseases and disorders
B) a medicine for severe headaches
C) a medicine used to cure childhood disorders
D) a medicine for external use
A) a parasite that lives on the surface of the skin
B) a parasite living on the plants
C) a parasite that lives inside the host
D) a parasite living in the cells nucleus
prostate gland
A) the region of the body between the anus and the genital organs,
including some of the underlying structures
B) a hollow muscular organ within the pelvic cavity of the female housing
the fetus and aiding by contraction in its expulsion at parturition
C) a gland in the males that surrounds the neck of the bladder and urethra
and secretes a liquid constituent of the semen
D) the pouch of skin containing the testes in the males
A) something irregular or inconsistent
B) state of being well and free fro illnesses
C) healthy condition of the body
D) active physical or mental strength
A) a medical doctor who treats adolescents
B) a medical doctor who treats elderly people
C) a medical doctor who treats children
D) a medical doctor who treats grown-ups
A) pertaining to mothers
B) pertaining to breasts
C) pertaining to mammals
D) pertaining to relatives
A) an agent that relieves or reduces pain
B) a drug used for diabetics treatment
C) an agent that relieves or reduces fever
D) a substance used by an addict
A) thin flexible skin-like tissue
B) sheet of material composed of dead blood cells, bacteria, and other
C) slimy substance coating the inner surface of hollow organs of the body
D) colourless liquid that forms in the mouth
A) of bacterial origin
B) pertaining to bacteria
C) being able of killing bacteria
D) impermeable to bacteria
A) viral infection causing pain when chewing
B) viral infection of the upper and lower airways
C) viral infection causing painful enlargement of the salivary glands
D) viral infection producing a characteristic rash
A) atrophy of muscles
B) skin atrophy
C) atrophy of bones
D) general atrophy of the body
A) the use of drugs to reduce pain
B) the use of heat to alleviate pain
C) acupuncture used for pain relieving
D) the use of cold to ease pain
benign tumour
A) cancerous neoplasm
B) malignant growth
C) noncancerous enlargement
D) carcinoma
mental retardation
A) high intellectual ability present from early infancy
B) very slow physical development of an infant
C) very quick physical development of an infant
D) subaverage intellectual ability present from birth or early infancy
A) treatment of disease using mineral waters
B) treatment of disease by inducing an artificial fever in patient
C) treatment of patient with the use of medicinal herbs
D) treatment of patient administering different drugs
A) agent to kill fungi
B) antibody to neutralize circulating toxin
C) poisonous substance formed in the body
D) substance used in medicine as stimulant
A) presence of harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract
B) severe infection of epiglottis
C) infection of the lymph nodes
D) presence of bacteria in the blood stream
highly contagious infection
A) infection that spreads very readily from person to person
B) infection that never spreads from person to person
C) infection that sometimes spread fro animals to persons
D) infection that rarely spreads from birds to persons
pre-school aged children
A) teenagers
B) children 10 to 12 years old
C) adolescents
D) children under 6 years old
sudden onset
A) gradual beginning
B) unexpected beginning
C) slow termination
D) unpredicted termination
A) high sensitivity to high temperature
B) incomparable sensitivity to high temperature
C) exceptional sensitivity to low temperature
D) ordinary sensitivity to low temperature
alveolar cell carcinoma
A) cancer originating in the pigment-producing cells of skin
B) malignant tumour originating in the air sacs of lungs
C) cancer of bone derived from flesh or connective tissue
D) benign tumour developing in the arms or legs
A) after birth
B) assisting in birth
C) before birth
D) pertaining to birth
A) unable to be altered
B) opposite in character or older
C) becoming different
D) unable to be classified
A) benign tumour of the spleen
B) atrophy of the spleen
C) pain in the spleen
D) abnormal enlargement of the spleen
A) thyroid-stimulating hormone
B) pregnancy-sustaining hormone
C) hormone that stimulates protein synthesis
D) hormone that stimulates the growth of the adrenal cortex
Wilm’s tumour
A) childhood cancer of kidneys
B) childhood cancer of the nervous system
C) childhood cancer of the retina
D) brain tumour
A) the study of male infertility and erectile dysfunction
B) the study of male infertility and ovaries dysfunction
C) the study of childhood diseases
D) the study of bodily structure
A) presence of protein in the blood
B) presence of protein in the saliva
C) presence of protein in the urine
D) presence of protein in bodily fluids
A) estimation of the size of the fetus, especially its head, prior
B) an instrument for looking at the fetus within the uterus
C) a morbid condition in the embryo or fetus
D) relating to the fetus and its placenta
A) branch of dietetics concerned with therapeutic use of food and diet
B) treatment of diseases by drugs
C) use of medicinal plants in patients treatment
D) treatment of diseases by bathing or mineral waters drinking
gonadotropic hormones
A) hormones produced by the thyroid gland
B) hormones produced by the anterior pituitary
C) hormones produced by the pancreas
D) hormones produced by the adenohypophisis
to wean
A) to accustom taking breast milk
B) to accustom taking food other than milk
C) to accustom crawling
D) to accustom walking independently
A) a hollow organ in female in which the fetus develop before birth
B) organ in the uterus that nourishes the fetus
C) flexible tube connecting the placenta to the navel of a fetus
D) small hollow in the centre of the abdomen
A) pain in the kidney
B) pain in the urethra
C) pain in the breast
D) pain in the back
A) normal speech
B) abnormal speech
C) normal movement
D) abnormal movement
A) pertaining to the first four weeks after birth
B) pertaining to or occurring in the period shortly before and after
C) relating to the transition between the embryonic and fetal periods
of development
D) an obstetrician who subspecializes in perinatology
A) beneficial substances contributing to recovery after labour
B) any substance, agent or process that induces the formation of
developmental abnormalities in a fetus
C) the process leading to developmental abnormalities in the fetus
D) the study of developmental abnormalities and their causes
breastfed baby
A) a newborn who is fed with mother’s milk
B) an infant fed with milk formula
C) a baby fed with cow’s milk
D) a young child given solid food
A) any disease of pregnant women
B) any disease of the breasts
C) any disease of the muscles
D) any disease of elderly men
A) morbid fear of speech
B) morbid fear of eating
C) morbid fear of singing
D) morbid fear of strangers
A) one-celled organisms like viruses
B) one-celled organisms like fungi
C) one-celled organisms like bacteria
D) one-celled organisms like ameba
A) an agent causing tumours
B) an agent causing hemorrhage
C) an agent causing vomiting
D) an agent causing fever
A) an abnormal sense of pain that is felt when part of the body is cut
B) an abnormal sense of pain that is felt when part of the body is
C) an abnormal sense of pain that is felt when part of the body is
D) an abnormal sense of pain that is felt when part of the body is
A) tumours deriving from supportive tissue
B) tumours deriving from epithelial tissue
C) tumours deriving from connective tissue
D) tumours deriving from flesh tissue
A) exertion of an abnormal small volume of urine
B) exertion of an abnormal large volume of urine
C) blood in the urine
D) too much protein in the urine
A) cyanosis of the lips due to a cardiovascular disease
B) cyanosis of the face
C) cyanosis of the hands and feet dye to poor blood circulation
D) cyanosis of the skin of the whole body
glucagon and insulin
A) hormones produced by the thyroid gland
B) hormones produced by the adrenal medulla
C) hormones produced by the pineal gland
D) hormones produced by the pancreas
A) the study of female infertility and ovaries dysfunction
B) the study of childhood diseases
C) the study of male infertility and erectile dysfunction
D) the study of bodily structure
A) overdevelopment
B) overweight
C) overactivity
D) overwork
renal pelvis
A) the kidney central collecting area
B) the hollow muscular sac for temporary collection of urine
C) a bowl-like structure containing a tuft of blood vessels
D) the distal convoluted tubule
polycystic kidney disease
A) inflammation of the kidney caused by an infection
B) a rare disorder that results in excretion of amino acid cystine into the
C) a hereditary disorder in which many cysts form in both kidneys
D) a rare form of kidney tissue death
A) the inability of a couple to achieve a pregnancy
B) the ability of a couple to achieve a pregnancy
C) the inability to control one’s exertion of urine
D) the inability to move or take actions
A) a technique for looking directly at the fetus within the uterus
B) an instrument for looking directly at the fetus within the uterus
C) estimation of the size of the fetus, especially its head, prior to
D) a morbid condition in the embryo or fetus
A) resembling a bacterium
B) resembling a virus
C) resembling a fungus
D) resembling protozoa
A) a malignant tumour originating in the air sacs of the lungs
B) a malignant tumour of bone derived from flesh or connective tissue
C) a benign tumour originating in the tissue that lines the outer surface of
the brain
D) a malignant tumour of kidneys
pituitary gland
A) a small gland lying below the Adam’s apple
B) a pea-sized gland sitting at the base of the brain
C) a gland situating behind the stomach
D) a gland locating in the middle of the brain
A) a tumour occurring in the glandular tissue
B) a tumour occurring in the hepatic tissue
C) a malignant tumour of the skin
D) a benign tumour of the brain
gonadotropic hormones
A) hormones produced by the thyroid gland
B) hormones produced by the pancreas
C) hormones produced by the adenohypophisis
D) hormones produced by the anterior pituitary
A) presence of protein in the urine
B) presence of blood in the urine
C) presence of sugar in the urine
D) presence of urates in the urine
A) having the shape or profile of a liver
B) having the shape or profile of a brain
C) having the shape or profile of a kidney
D) having the shape or profile of a pancreas
urinary calculi
A) hard stone-like masses forming in the urinary tract
B) surgical reconstruction of a ureter
C) a proteolitic enzyme secreted by the kidney
D) stones forming in the gallbladder
A) the internal genital organs bordered by labia minora
B) the internal genital organs bordered by labia majora
C) the external genital organs bordered by labia minora
D) the external genital organs bordered by labia majora
A) field of medicine dealing with women’s health
B) field of medicine dealing with childbirth
C) field of medicine dealing with the tissue structure
D) field of medicine dealing with the process of aging
A) a condition of complete development
B) a condition of underdevelopment
C) a condition in which pregnancy lasts longer than 42 weeks
D) a condition in which pregnancy lasts from 37 to 42 weeks
A) secreting sweat
B) secreting wastes
C) secreting milk
D) secreting urine
retropharyngeal abscess
A) a severe infection of epiglottis
B) an infection of the lymph nodes at the back f the throat
C) an infection of the gastrointestinal tract
D) a highly contagious infection caused by bacterium Bordetella pertussis
A) in the nasal cavity
B) near the nasal cavity
C) inside the nose
D) within the nasopharynx area
A) hormone that maintains the secondary sex characteristics
B) hormone that effects skin pigmentation
C) hormone that influences intracellular metabolism
D) hormone that stimulates uterine contractions
A) treatment of a patient performing a surgery
B) treatment of a patient with more than one type of medicine
C) treatment of a patient with one type of medicine
D) treatment of patient using physiotherapy
to wean
A) to accustom taking breast milk
B) to accustom taking food other than milk
C) to accustom crawling
D) to accustom walking independently
A) caused by viruses
B) caused by bacteria
C) caused by fungi
D) caused by protozoa
A) a highly contagious viral infection
B) a viral infection of the upper and lower airways
C) an infection of the gastrointestinal tract
D) a contagious, sometimes fatal disease caused by bacterium
A) something irregular or inconsistent
B) state of being well and free fro illnesses
C) healthy condition of the body
D) active physical or mental strength
A) a medical doctor who treats adolescents
B) a medical doctor who treats elderly people
C) a medical doctor who treats children
D) a medical doctor who treats grown-ups
A) pertaining to mothers
B) pertaining to breasts
C) pertaining to mammals
D) pertaining to relatives
A) an agent that relieves or reduces pain
B) a drug used for diabetics treatment
C) an agent that relieves or reduces fever
D) a substance used by an addict
A) thin flexible skin-like tissue
B) sheet of material composed of dead blood cells, bacteria, and other
C) slimy substance coating the inner surface of hollow organs of the body
D) colourless liquid that forms in the mouth
A) of bacterial origin
B) pertaining to bacteria
C) being able of killing bacteria
D) impermeable to bacteria
A) viral infection causing pain when chewing
B) viral infection of the upper and lower airways
C) viral infection causing painful enlargement of the salivary glands
D) viral infection producing a characteristic rash
A) atrophy of muscles
B) skin atrophy
C) atrophy of bones
D) general atrophy of the body
A) the use of drugs to reduce pain
B) the use of heat to alleviate pain
C) acupuncture used for pain relieving
D) the use of cold to ease pain
benign tumour
A) cancerous neoplasm
B) malignant growth
C) noncancerous enlargement
D) carcinoma
mental retardation
A) high intellectual ability present from early infancy
B) very slow physical development of an infant
C) very quick physical development of an infant
D) subaverage intellectual ability present from birth or early infancy
A) treatment of disease using mineral waters
B) treatment of disease by inducing an artificial fever in patient
C) treatment of patient with the use of medicinal herbs
D) treatment of patient administering different drugs
A) agent to kill fungi
B) antibody to neutralize circulating toxin
C) poisonous substance formed in the body
D) substance used in medicine as stimulant
A) presence of harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract
B) severe infection of epiglottis
C) infection of the lymph nodes
D) presence of bacteria in the blood stream
highly contagious infection
A) infection that spreads very readily from person to person
B) infection that never spreads from person to person
C) infection that sometimes spread fro animals to persons
D) infection that rarely spreads from birds to persons
pre-school aged children
A) teenagers
B) children 10 to 12 years old
C) adolescents
D) children under 6 years old
sudden onset
A) gradual beginning
B) unexpected beginning
C) slow termination
D) unpredicted termination
A) high sensitivity to high temperature
B) incomparable sensitivity to high temperature
C) exceptional sensitivity to low temperature
D) ordinary sensitivity to low temperature
alveolar cell carcinoma
A) cancer originating in the pigment-producing cells of skin
B) malignant tumour originating in the air sacs of lungs
C) cancer of bone derived from flesh or connective tissue
D) benign tumour developing in the arms or legs
A) unable to be altered
B) opposite in character or older
C) becoming different
D) unable to be classified
A) benign tumour of the spleen
B) atrophy of the spleen
C) pain in the spleen
D) abnormal enlargement of the spleen
A) thyroid-stimulating hormone
B) pregnancy-sustaining hormone
C) hormone that stimulates protein synthesis
D) hormone that stimulates the growth of the adrenal cortex
A) the study of male infertility and erectile dysfunction
B) the study of male infertility and ovaries dysfunction
C) the study of childhood diseases
D) the study of bodily structure
A) presence of protein in the blood
B) presence of protein in the saliva
C) presence of protein in the urine
D) presence of protein in bodily fluids
A) estimation of the size of the fetus, especially its head, prior
B) an instrument for looking at the fetus within the uterus
C) a morbid condition in the embryo or fetus
D) relating to the fetus and its placenta
A) branch of dietetics concerned with therapeutic use of food and diet
B) treatment of diseases by drugs
C) use of medicinal plants in patients treatment
D) treatment of diseases by bathing or mineral waters drinking
gonadotropic hormones
A) hormones produced by the thyroid gland
B) hormones produced by the anterior pituitary
C) hormones produced by the pancreas
D) hormones produced by the adenohypophisis
to wean
A) to accustom taking breast milk
B) to accustom taking food other than milk
C) to accustom crawling
D) to accustom walking independently
A) a hollow organ in female in which the fetus develop before birth
B) organ in the uterus that nourishes the fetus
C) flexible tube connecting the placenta to the navel of a fetus
D) small hollow in the centre of the abdomen
A) pain in the kidney
B) pain in the urethra
C) pain in the breast
D) pain in the back
A) normal speech
B) abnormal speech
C) normal movement
D) abnormal movement
A) pertaining to the first four weeks after birth
B) pertaining to or occurring in the period shortly before and after
C) relating to the transition between the embryonic and fetal periods
of development
D) an obstetrician who subspecializes in perinatology
A) beneficial substances contributing to recovery after labour
B) any substance, agent or process that induces the formation of
developmental abnormalities in a fetus
C) the process leading to developmental abnormalities in the fetus
D) the study of developmental abnormalities and their causes
breastfed baby
A) a newborn who is fed with mother’s milk
B) an infant fed with milk formula
C) a baby fed with cow’s milk
D) a young child given solid food
A) any disease of pregnant women
B) any disease of the breasts
C) any disease of the muscles
D) any disease of elderly men
A) one-celled organisms like viruses
B) one-celled organisms like fungi
C) one-celled organisms like bacteria
D) one-celled organisms like ameba
A) an agent causing tumours
B) an agent causing hemorrhage
C) an agent causing vomiting
D) an agent causing fever
A) an abnormal sense of pain that is felt when part of the body is cut
B) an abnormal sense of pain that is felt when part of the body is
C) an abnormal sense of pain that is felt when part of the body is
D) an abnormal sense of pain that is felt when part of the body is
A) tumours deriving from supportive tissue
B) tumours deriving from epithelial tissue
C) tumours deriving from connective tissue
D) tumours deriving from flesh tissue
A) exertion of an abnormal small volume of urine
B) exertion of an abnormal large volume of urine
C) blood in the urine
D) too much protein in the urine
A) a muscle that opens to let the urine through and contracts to close;
B) the canal that conveys urine from the bladder out of the body;
C) a knot of blood vessels in the kidney projecting into the capsular
end of a urine-secreting tubule;
D) a bean-shaped organ which maintains water.
A) a rare form of kidney tissue death that affects some or all of the
B) a bacterial infection of the kidneys;
C) an inflammation of the kidneys caused by an infection or an
immune reaction that goes awry and injures the kidneys;
D) a hereditary disorder in which many cysts form in both kidneys.
A) the opening to the vagina;
B) a pear-shaped organ at the top of the vagina divided into two parts:
the cervix and the corpus;
C) a fold of mucous membrane that covers the entrance to the vagina
and is usually ruptured when sexual intercourse takes place for the
first time;
D) a gland in the males that surrounds the neck of the bladder and
A) radiography of the fetus in the utero using contrast medium;
B) relating to the fetus and its placenta;
C) fear of childbirth;
D) relating to the woman’s placenta.
A) any disease of the breast;
B) inflammation of the breast;
C) pain in the breast;
D) incision of a breast.
A) the study and treatment of speech disorders;
B) an inflammation of speech;
C) a disorder of speech;
D) change in speech as a result of the pathology in nose structures.
A) the science of viruses;
B) the science of fungi;
C) any disease caused by a fungus;
D) substance that produces fever.
A) an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Corynebacteriun
B) an illness caused by a streptococcal infection;
C) a viral infection of the upper and lower airways that causes
difficulty in breathing in;
D) a viral infection causing painful enlargement of the salivary
A) exceptional sensitivity to sense heat and coldness;
B) a technique for measuring of the heat produced by different parts
of the body;
C) a device for measuring of the blood pressure;
D) a device for registering temperature.
A) an enlargement of fingers, toes, hands, feet, jaw and nose;
B) a pathological growth having the systemic integration in the body;
C) an abnormal growth of hair;
D) an enlargement of some organs in abdominal cavity.
A) a field of medicine which deals with mental disorders;
B) a doctor who treats disorders based on physiological growth of the
C) a physician who specializes in the study and treatment of mental
D) mental illnesses that feature loss of contact with reality.
A) the condition of having less than the normal number of
spermatozoa in the semen;
B) the condition of having more than the normal number of
spermatozoa in the semen;
C) a peptide comprising a small number of amino acids;
D) excretion of an abnormally small volume of urine.
Вставте слово чи словосполучення:
The term “childhood cancer” encompasses many … that occur in children
and young adults.
A) benign tumours
B) gastrointestinal diseases
C) malignant diseases
D) congenital malformations
…, such as Down syndrome, are common cause of mental retardation.
A) speech abnormalities
B) chromosomal abnormalities
C) reversible abnormalities
D) common abnormalities
The symptoms of autism generally persist ….
A) for a year
B) throughout childhood
C) throughout life
D) for some months
The sella turcica protects the … but allows very little room for expansion.
A) hypothalamus
B) thyroid gland
C) pancreas
D) pituitary gland
People with insulin-dependent diabetes produce … .
A) little or no insulin at all
B) higher than normal insulin levels
C) normal levels of insulin
D) very high insulin levels
Stones in the urinary tract that cause no symptoms may be discovered by
chance ….
A) performing biopsy
B) during a routine microscopic analysis of the urine
C) making a complete blood count
D) while making a spinal tap
The baby’s overall condition is recorded at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth
using the ….
A) Bishop score
B) Apgar score
C) standard score
D) lod score
Adequate development of … is critical for the newborn.
A) nails
B) hair
C) lungs
D) toes
... is an inflammation of both the brain and the spinal cord.
A) Encephalitis;
B) Encephalomyelitis;
C) Parkinson’s disease;
D) Stroke.
... is the exchange of gases in the cells and the tiny capillary blood vessels
which surround them.
A) Internal respiration;
B) External respiration;
C) Expiration;
D) Inspiration.
Only four basic tastes can be distinguished: sweet, sour, salty and ... .
A) delicious;
B) greasy;
C) bitter;
D) cold.
The ... is the organ of sight.
A) ear;
B) eye;
C) nose;
D) mouth.
The ... contains nerve fiber tracts that connect the cerebellum and cerebrum
with the rest of the brain.
A) pons;
B) neuron;
C) tissue;
D) vessels.
A relatively simple, highly accurate ... test can be used to screen people for
HIV infection.
A) eye;
B) mucous;
C) blood;
D) head.
... is a column of nervous tissue.
A) brain;
B) spinal cord;
C) neuron;
D) nerve fibres.
Pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, pancreas, adrenal glands,
gonads, pineal gland and thymus gland belong to … .
A) exocrine glands;
B) endocrine glands;
C) mucous glands;
D) salivary glands.
Insulin, … released from the pancreas, is the primary substance responsible
for maintaining appropriate blood sugar levels.
A) hormone;
B) product;
C) solution;
D) fluid.
The urea is carried in the blood-stream to the … .
A) spleen;
B) lungs;
C) kidneys;
D) gallbladder.
Immediately after a baby is born the … is cut between the clamps.
A) vernix caseosa;
B) infant’s hair;
C) internal organ;
D) umbilical cord.
After invasion, … must multiply to produce infection.
A) antibodies;
B) microorganisms;
C) molecules;
D) toxins.
Down syndrome is a … disorder.
A) chromosomal;
B) contagious;
C) viral;
D) bacterial.
If the egg is fertilized, it begins … .
A) to increase in size;
B) to divide;
C) to vanish;
D) to decrease in size.
Antibiotics are designed to kill … .
A) leucocytes;
B) erythrocytes;
C) viruses;
D) bacteria.
... is the mechanical process of breathing.
A) hearing;
B) respiration;
C) inoculation;
D) inflammation.
The ... is a natural covering and an inseparable part of human body.
A) tissue;
B) skin;
C) hair;
D) heart.
... can degenerate, causing Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease.
A) Cells;
B) Tissues;
C) Nerves;
D) Blood.
Reactions of the immune system in which normal body tissue is injured are
called ... .
A) allergens;
B) atopic reactions;
C) anaphylaxis;
D) allergic reactions.
The ... coordinates the body movements.
A) hypothalamus;
B) thalamus;
C) cerebrum;
D) cerebellum.
One of the primary functions of the respiratory system is to bring … into the
A) carbon dioxide;
B) oxygen;
C) nitrogen;
D) hydrogen.
The cerebrum is divided into the frontal, parietal, …, and temporal lobes.
A) occipital;
B) pituitary;
C) cerebral;
D) back.
... typically develops in areas where something, such as a tight garment, rubs
or scratches your skin.
A) Atopic dermatitis;
B) Stasis dermatitis;
C) Perioral dermatitis;
D) Neurodermatitis.
Influenza in which no … arise usually lasts from 2 to 3 days, and even to 5 days.
A) complications;
B) symptoms;
C) diseases;
D) conditions.
Some birth defects are inherited by receiving abnormal genes from one or
both … .
A) neighbours;
B) parents;
C) recipients;
D) infants.
Subaverage intelligence can be identified and measured by standardized … .
A) intelligence tests;
B) physiology tests;
C) blood tests;
D) biology tests.
Measles vaccine is given in combination with … and rubella vaccines.
A) diabetes mellitus;
B) mumps;
C) tuberculosis;
D) encephalitis.
Down syndrome is a common cause of … .
A) mental retardation;
B) nephritis;
C) acromegaly;
D) gigantism.
… stimulates the growth of the thyroid gland.
A) Epinephrine;
B) Glucagon;
C) Progesterone;
D) Thyrotropin.
Because excessive calories are lost in the urine, the person loses … .
A) hair;
B) weight;
C) hearing;
D) teeth.
Calcium stones contain … acid.
A) saccharic;
B) lactic;
C) uric;
D) citric.
… are natural-looking replacements for missing teeth.
a) Dental implants
b) Titanium posts
с) Bone grafts
d) Sockets
… will be placed in the crown opening to protect the tooth between dental visits.
a) An artificial hip
b) A luxator
с) A fixed bridge
d) A temporary filling
A dental bridge is a … that is used to fill the gap.
a) true tooth
b) false tooth
с) primary tooth
d) milk tooth
… are materials made of acid and glass powders that contain fluoride.
a) Gold alloys
b) Ionomers
с) Porcelain
d) Porcelain fused to metal
People who … are at risk of developing oral cancer.
a) maintain good oral hygiene;
b) floss teeth twice a day;
c) smoke;
d) suffer from taste disorder.
When a person believes he has bad breath, but the odour cannot be detected
by anyone else, it may be a case of psychological problem called … .
a) xerostomia
b) pseudohalitosis
c) candidiasis
d) halitosis
The best food for the health of the oral cavity includes … .
a) citrus fruits, tomatoes and lemons;
b) cakes, tarts, pastry, candies and Coca-Cola;
c) cheese, milk, meat and nuts;
d) chips, fried potato, sausage, hot-dog and pizza.
A … is a paste, liquid or powder used to help maintain good oral hygiene.
a) dental plaque
b) tooth brush
c) dental floss
d) dentifrice
... are individual nerve cells of microscopic structure.
A) Neurons;
B) Nerves;
C) Tissues;
D) Vessels.
The newborn is a product of … .
A) ten months’ pregnancy;
B) nine months’ gestation;
C) eight months’ vocations;
D) six months’ study.
Ideally, prenatal care should start before you get … .
A) diploma;
B) medical card;
C) pregnant;
D) higher education.
Keeping the newborn … is critical.
A) cool;
B) cold;
C) warm;
D) hot.
The body’s defenses against infection include natural barriers, such as … .
A) antibodies;
B) internal organs;
C) skin;
D) white blood cells.
The pseudomembrane may narrow … .
A) airways;
B) blood wessels;
C) gullet;
D) intestines.
… of measles makes a person immune for life.
A) Two attacks;
B) No attack;
C) One attack;
D) Few attacks.
Tuberculosis is … in areas of the world were poverty, malnutrition, poor
general health and social disruption are present.
A) rare;
B) infrequent;
C) common;
D) occassional.
Hepatitis B virus can cause … .
A) leukemia;
B) osteoma;
C) liver cancer;
D) cancer of the ovaries.
The exchange of gases in the cells within the organs of the body is called ... .
A) inspiration;
B) expiration;
C) external respiration;
D) internal respiration.
A ... is a pathologic new growth that can be either malignant or benign.
A) tissue;
B) tumour;
C) cell;
D) nerve.
The ... is next under the epidermis.
A) papillary layer;
B) reticular layer;
C) derma;
D) adipose layer.
We can see, think, hear, respond to pain, temperature, touch, etc. thanks to
the activities of the body controlled by the ... .
A) respiratory system;
B) nervous system;
C) sensory system;
D) immune system.
... occurs when the protective material, specific for a given infectious agent, is
produced in another individual and given thus “ready-made” to the patient.
A) Natural immunity;
B) Acquired immunity;
C) Passive immunity;
D) Active immunity.
Soft growths of abnormal nerve tissue are called … .
A) tumours;
B) neurofibromas;
C) neoplasm;
D) tissues.
The ... is located beneath the posterior part of the cerebrum.
A) cerebellum;
B) thalamus;
C) hypothalamus;
D) pons.
When a person is caused to develop his own antibodies, it is an example of ... .
A) natural immunity;
B) acquired immunity;
C) passive immunity;
D) active immunity.
The most important muscle used for breathing is the ... .
A) lung;
B) pleura;
C) trachea;
D) diaphragm.
The skin is intimately connected with the central ... .
A) digestive system;
B) immune system;
C) nervous system;
D) respiratory system.
On its way to the lungs, air passes from the larynx to the ... .
A) nasal cavity;
B) trachea;
C) alveolus;
D) diaphragm.
Senses are the physiological methods of … .
A) nociception;
B) perception;
C) tactition;
D) gustation.
The ..., the largest unit of the respiratory system, look like large pink sponges
that almost fill the chest.
A) heart;
B) lungs;
C) nose;
D) liver.
Dermatitis is also called ... .
A) inborn resistance;
B) epidermis;
C) eczema;
D) stimulus.
A ... is an abnormal mass anywhere in the body.
A) tissue;
B) tumour;
C) cell;
D) nerve.
Almost 90 % of the information is supplied to the brain through ... .
A) eyes;
B) ears;
C) mouth;
D) blood.
The ear comprises three sections: the outer ear, the middle ear and the ... .
A) eardrum;
B) inner ear;
C) ear canal;
D) pinna.
… is a ductless gland located in the mediastinum behind the sternum and
extends into the neck.
A) Thymus gland;
B) Lacrymal gland;
C) Adrenal glands;
D) Gonads.
The process of filtration and formation of urine takes place within the tiny
tubules of the … .
A) liver;
B) heart;
C) kidney;
D) gallbladder.
There may be serious … after the grippe.
A) complications;
B) warts;
C) symptoms;
D) convalescence.
A pregnant woman should refrain from … .
A) taking supplemental vitamins;
B) smoking or consuming alcohol;
C) getting sufficient rest;
D) eating a proper diet.
The papilloma virus that causes … is probably one cause of cervical cancer in
A) lung cancer;
B) genital warts;
C) tuberculosis;
D) skin rash.
Signs of autism usually appear before age of … .
A) two months;
B) thirty years;
C) three years;
D) eighteen years.
Depression is a serious … disorder requiring a proper treatment.
A) mental;
B) physical;
C) infectious;
D) inherited.
Some forms of cancer are transmitted from parents to … through defects in
DNA of germina cells.
A) grandparents;
B) pupils;
C) neighbours;
D) offsprings.
Acquired partial or complete protection against certain infectious diseases is
called ... .
A) natural immunity;
B) acquired immunity;
C) passive immunity;
D) active immunity.
... is an infection by one or two viruses that destroys white blood cells causing
diseases that result from the impaired immunity.
C) IgE;
D) ME.
The upper and lower ... protect the outer surface of the eye.
A) jaws;
B) eyelids;
C) limbs;
D) lips.
Respiration is the mechanical process of ... .
A) eating;
B) speaking;
C) breathing;
D) coughing.
The ... system includes: neurons, nerves, brain, and meninges.
A) respiratory;
B) nervous;
C) sensory;
D) immune.
The ... is the primary center for regulating and coordinating of body activities.
A) heart;
B) lungs;
C) brain;
D) neck.
There are 5 main human senses, they are: sight, hearing, smell, taste and ... .
A) perception;
B) touch;
C) breathing;
D) talking.
Derma is located under the ... .
A) epidermis;
B) true skin;
C) subcutaneous adipose layer;
D) epithelial cells.
The smallest of the bronchial branches are called ... .
A) alveoli;
B) bronchioles;
C) erythrocytes;
D) capillaries.
Dermatitis is an inflammation of ... .
A) lungs;
B) skin;
C) ear;
D) eye.
About 3 per cent of the total population are … .
A) premature;
B) postmature;
C) well-nourished;
D) mentally retarded.
Removing the tooth pulp is called ... .
a) prosthetic therapy
b) endodontic treatment
с) odontoplasty
d) odontopathy
… is a procedure that is based on breaking the large absorbing molecules in
the tooth structure into smaller molecules that do not absorb the light.
a) Teeth grinding
b) Bleaching
с) Tooth aging
d) Teeth brushing
Dentists place veneers mainly on … .
a) upper teeth
b) lower teeth
с) front teeth
d) back teeth
… is a mixture of mercury, silver, tin, copper and other materials.
a) Composite resin
b) Amalgam
с) Ionomers
d) Gold alloys
… are made when all natural teeth are missing.
a) Complete dentures
b) Bridges
с) Dental restorations
d) Tooth crowns
Tooth sensitivity is tooth discomfort after eating … foods.
a) juicy or dry
b) warm or cool
c) tasty or disgusting
d) cold or hot
Teeth whitening falls under the category of … dentistry.
a) prosthetic
b) endodontic
c) cosmetic
d) periodontic
A dental bridge is a false tooth called a … that’s used to fill the gap.
a) pontic;
b) implant;
c) denture;
d) veneer.
A diet high in smoked and pickled foods increases the chance of developing … .
A) pulmonary tuberculosis;
B) genital warts;
C) stomach cancer;
D) avian flu.
Among mental health disorders are autism, schizophrenia, depression, and … .
A) metaplasia;
B) Wilm’s tumour;
C) neuroblastoma;
D) suicidal behaviour.
Colostrum flows from the nipple before … is produced.
A) intestinal flora;
B) breast milk;
C) plasma;
D) urine.
Most doctors advise pregnant women to take … in appropriate amounts in
addition to eating a nutritious diet.
A) supplemental vitamins;
B) alcohol;
C) drugs;
D) teratogens.
The … secrets melatonin which affects skin pigmentation.
A) lacrymal gland;
B) pituitary gland;
C) pineal gland;
D) pancreas.
… is the ideal food for newborns.
A) Cow’s milk;
B) Mother’s milk;
C) Fresh vegetables;
D) Fruit juice.
The ... is the centre of regulations and coordination of body activities.
A) heart;
B) lungs;
C) brain;
D) neurons.
Nervous system contains 100 billion or more ... .
A) tumours;
B) nerve cells;
C) vessels;
D) tissues.
... deals with the study of odors and the sense of smell.
A) osphresiology;
B) ophthalmology;
C) otolaryngology;
D) cardiology.
The largest part of the brain is ... .
A) pons;
B) cerebellum;
C) cerebrum;
D) spinal cord.
Air enters through the ... and passes through nasal cavities.
A) ear;
B) hairs;
C) nose;
D) cells.
Human immunodeficiency virus infection is an infection by one or two viruses
that progressively destroys white blood cells called ... causing AIDS.
A) thrombocytes;
B) lymphocytes;
C) granulocytes;
D) erythrocytes.
The size of the pupil is controlled by the …, which opens and closed the iris.
A) aqueous humor;
B) retina;
C) sclera;
D) papillary sphincter muscle.
... is an inflammation of brain caused by a virus.
A) Encephalitis;
B) Encephalomyelitis;
C) Parkinson’s disease;
D) Tumour.
... is the process when air is expelled out of the lungs to equalize the pressure.
A) Inspiration;
B) Expiration;
C) Respiration;
D) Accumulation.
... protects the brain and spinal cord from shock as might a cushion.
A) Muscle tissue;
B) Cerebrospinal fluid;
C) Mucus;
D) Skull.
The ... is a column of nervous tissue.
A) brain;
B) eyes;
C) spinal cord;
D) nerve.
The diagnosis of … is made when a person has abnormally high blood sugar
A) jaundice;
B) diabetes mellitus;
C) measles;
D) pulmonary tuberculosis.
Tumours may be … or metastatic.
A) primary;
B) secondary;
C) malignant;
D) hereditary.
… accumulates in the bladder as it arrives regularly from each ureter.
A) Blood;
B) Gastric juice;
C) Urine;
D) Saliva.
Infertility is the inability of a couple to achieve … without contraception.
A) ejaculation;
B) sexual intercourse;
C) pregnancy;
D) abortion.
The papillomavirus can cause … .
A) genital warts;
B) pulmonary tuberculosis;
C) difficulty in breathing;
D) psychiatric disorders.
A doctor suspects diphtheria when a sick child has a sore throat with … .
A) runny nose;
B) vernix caseosa;
C) pseudomembrane;
D) genital warts.
... are thin shells that cover the front side of teeth.
a) Bridges;
b) Veneers;
c) Braces;
d) Crowns.
… are prosthetic teeth constructed to replace missing teeth, which are
supported by surrounding tissues of the oral cavity.
a) Dental crowns;
b) Amalgams;
c) Ionomers;
d) Dentures.
Complete dentures are used to replace missing teeth for people with no …
a) wisdom;
b) milk;
c) bad;
d) remaining.
The removal of enamel from teeth, but also applied to the remodeling of filling
material or cast crowns is … .
a) odontopathy;
b) odontoplasty;
c) endopathy;
d) endodontics.
The reduced blood supply keeps the pulp from … .
a) infection;
b) inflammation;
c) healing;
d) abscess.
Bleeding is normal after a tooth … and may last for about a day.
a) filling;
b) extraction;
c) brushing;
d) bonding;
Gum reshaping is … as it is done under local anesthesia.
a) beneficial;
b) difficult;
c) painless;
d) reversible.
The tooth will no longer be … to hot or cold after the root canal is treated.
a) crooked;
b) filled;
c) extracted;
d) sensitive.
Extended exposure to ultraviolet radiation, primarily from sunlight causes …
A) genital warts;
B) gastric ulcer;
C) mumps;
D) skin cancer.
Wilms’ tumour is a cancer of the … .
A) retina;
B) nervous system;
C) kidneys;
D) stomach.
The ... can be subdivided into the following strata: corneum, lucidum,
granulosum, spinosum and basale.
A) epidermis;
B) derma;
C) corium layer;
D) subcutaneous adipose layer.
... is inborn resistance to specific diseases which individuals may possess.
A) Natural immunity;
B) Acquired immunity;
C) Passive immunity;
D) Active immunity.
The pineal gland secretes melatonin which effects … .
A) hair growth;
B) skin pigmentation;
C) bone formation;
D) calcium level in the blood.
The main goal of … treatment is to keep blood sugar levels within the normal
A) schizophrenia;
B) pulmonary tuberculosis;
C) diabetes mellitus;
D) measles.
The ureters are … that push urine along in waves of contraction.
A) little glomeruli;
B) blood vessels;
C) muscular tubes;
D) large tufts.
The … of the pregnancy is the period of the greatest risk.
A) first trimester;
B) fourth month;
C) last trimester;
D) seventh month.
Immediately after a baby is born … are placed on it’s umbilical cord.
A) two splints;
B) triple diapers;
C) two clamps;
D) ten clamps.
Waste products produced by a fetus are … by the mother.
A) consumed;
B) inhaled;
C) coughed up ;
D) excreted.
… is the ideal food for newborns.
A) Cow’s milk;
B) Mother’s milk;
C) Fresh vegetables;
D) Fruit juice.
Measles vaccine is known to be given … .
A) subcutaneously;
B) orally;
C) intravenously;
D) intramuscularly.
The main symptoms of a retropharyngeal abscess are pain when …, fever,
and enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck.
A) speaking;
B) walking;
C) swallowing;
D) smiling.
…, commonly called “flu”, is an illness caused by a virus that attacks mainly
the upper respiratory tract – the nose, throat and bronchi and rarely also the
A) Influenza;
B) Measles;
C) Mumps;
D) Smallpox.
A dentist who specializes in the treatment a tooth pulp is called … .
A. a periodontist;
B. an endodontist;
C. an orthodontist;
D. a denturist.
Veneers are mainly placed over … .
A. front teeth;
B. milk teeth;
C. back teeth;
D. dentures.
Whitening is unlikely to cause serious problems, although some people`s teeth
may become more … for a short time.
A. sensitive;
B. stained;
C. flavoured;
D. misaligned.
The most common reason for teeth to get … are aging, tobacco, tea and coffee.
A. crooked;
B. healthy;
C. crowded;
D. stained.
A medical instrument used to remove a foreign body, tissue sample, or a
calculus is called … .
A. an endoscope;
B. a stethoscope;
C. an extractor;
D. an extranuclear.
Personal hygiene consists of proper brushing and … daily.
A. reshaping;
B. whitening;
C. scaling;
D. flossing.
A person can buy a number of over-the-counter mouthwashes that claim …
bad breath.
A. to increase;
B. to eliminate;
C. to determine;
D. to exhale.
The primary ingredient in a tooth powder is … to lift plaque and food from
the teeth.
A. a soft drink;
B. a strand;
C. an abrasive;
D. a herb.
Extended exposure to ultraviolet radiation, primarily from sunlight, causes … .
A) liver cancer;
B) skin cancer;
C) kidney cancer;
D) breath cancer.
The … vaccine has decreased German measles as a cause of mental
A) rubella;
B) measles;
C) tetanus;
D) rabies.
… is a disorder in which a young child can’t develop normal social
relationship, behaves in compulsive and ritualistic ways.
A) Suicidal behaviour;
B) Childhood schizophrenia;
C) Depression;
D) Autism.
The … is also that period when maternal negative feelings about the
pregnancy are common.
A) first trimester of pregnancy;
B) some months before pregnancy;
C) third trimester of pregnncy;
D) some months after pregnancy.
A normal head-first delivery leaves the … slightly misshapen for several days.
A) feet;
B) trunk;
C) neck;
D) head.
If placenta can’t provide enough … during labour, fetal distress may occur.
A) carbon dioxide;
B) fluid;
C) mucous;
D) oxygen.
…, such as Down syndrome, are common cause of mental retardation.
A) speech abnormalities
B) chromosomal abnormalities
C) reversible abnormalities
D) common abnormalities
The symptoms of autism generally persist ….
A) for a year
B) throughout childhood
C) throughout life
D) for some months
The sella turcica protects the … but allows very little room for expansion.
A) hypothalamus
B) thyroid gland
C) pancreas
D) pituitary gland
People with insulin-dependent diabetes produce … .
A) little or no insulin at all
B) higher than normal insulin levels
C) normal levels of insulin
D) very high insulin levels
Stones in the urinary tract that cause no symptoms may be discovered by
chance ….
A) performing biopsy
B) during a routine microscopic analysis of the urine
C) making a complete blood count
D) while making a spinal tap
The baby’s overall condition is recorded at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth
using the ….
A) Bishop score
B) Apgar score
C) standard score
D) lod score
Adequate development of … is critical for the newborn.
A) nails
B) hair
C) lungs
D) toes
… are multicelled, plant-like organisms that usually aren’t dangerous in a
healthy person.
A) Bacteria
B) Fungi
C) Protozoa
D) Viruses
The main symptoms of a retropharyngeal abscess are pain when …, fever,
and enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck.
A) speaking
B) walking
C) swallowing
D) smiling
… , commonly called “the flu”, is an illness caused by a virus that attacks
mainly the upper respiratory tract – the nose, throat and bronchi and rarely
also the lungs.
A) Influenza
B) Measles
C) Mumps
D) Smallpox
Extended exposure to ultraviolet radiation, primarily from sunlight, causes … .
A) liver cancer
B) skin cancer
C) kidney cancer
D) breast cancer
The pineal gland is located ….
A) in the mediastinum
B) behind the stomach
C) near the top of each kidney
D) in the middle of the brain
The diagnosis of diabetes is made when a person has abnormally ….
A) low blood platelets level
B) high blood sugar level
C) high leukocytes level
D) low blood sugar level
Urine accumulates in the … as it arrives regularly from each ureter.
A) kidney
B) bladder
C) gallbladder
D) urethra
… is the inability of a couple to achieve pregnancy after repeated intercourse
without contraception for 1 year.
A) infestation
B) infiltration
C) infertility
D) inflammation
People who drink large amounts of … are at much higher risk of esophageal
A) milk
B) pure water
C) alcohol
D) fruit juice
… is a common noncancerous tumour of the liver.
A) Hepatocellular adenoma
B) Osteosarcoma
C) Osteoid osteoma
D) Gastric adenocarcenoma
Intelligence is determined by both ….
A) nutrition and environment
B) environment and education
C) heredity and environment
D) nutrition and nursing
Indirect restorations are manufactured in a … .
a) patient’s mouth
b) dental surgery
c) dental laboratory
d) dental chair
A newly crowned tooth may be … immediately after the procedure.
a) sensitive
b) absent
c) missing
d) decayed
If there is a tooth missing, neighbouring teeth can … .
a) fall out
b) become discoloured
c) be pulled out
d) drift out of line
There are … main categories of dentures.
a) two
b) three
c) five
d) four
The … is usually relatively straightforward to manufacture so that it is stable
without slippage.
a) artificial hip
b) lower full denture
c) maxillary denture
d) bone graft
Endodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the diseases of the tooth … .
a) pulp
b) enamel
c) form and colour
d) extraction
People with … may not be good candidates for implants.
a) poor eyesight
b) poorly controlled diabetes
c) American smile
d) severe hairloss
The primary ingredient in a tooth powder is … to lift plaque and food from
the teeth.
a) an emulsion
b) an antibiotic
c) glycerol
d) an abrasive
… is a disorder in which a young child can’t develop normal social
relationship, behaves in compulsive and ritualistic ways, and usually fails to
develop normal intelligence.
A) Schizophrenia
B) Down syndrome
C) Suicidal behaviour
D) Autism
To produce thyroid hormone, the thyroid gland needs …, an element
contained in food and water.
A) iodine
B) zinc
C) mercury
D) iron
All … must understand how diet and exercise affect their blood sugar levels.
A) patients with tuberculosis
B) diabetics
C) cancer patients
D) people suffering from influenza
The canal of the cervix is lined with mucus-secreting ….
A) cells
B) organs
C) glands
D) tissue
Child health care starts ….
A) two months after birth
B) with the prenatal period
C) a year after birth
D) with the postnatal period
A suicide attempt is a clear sign of mental illness, usually ….
A) depression
B) autism
C) schizophrenia
D) claustrophobia
The body has two …, one near the top of each kidney.
A) thymus gland
B) pineal glands
C) parathyroid glands
D) adrenal glands
Adenohypophisis produces hormone called …, which stimulates protein
synthesis in organs and tissues and causes growth.
A) thyrotropin
B) somatotropin
C) glucagon
D) thyroxine
The main goal of … treatment is to keep blood sugar within the normal range
as much as possible.
A) cancer
B) tuberculosis
C) measles
D) diabetes
Uric acid … are sometimes dissolved by making the urine more alkaline.
A) tumours
B) neoplasm
C) stones
D) growth
The … reproductive system include the penis, scrotum, and testes.
A) internal structures of male
B) internal structures of female
C) external structures of male
D) external structures of female
A few drops of silver nitrate solution or an antibiotic is placed into the … to
prevent infection from any harmful organisms that the baby may have had
contact with during delivery.
A) eyes
B) nose
C) ears
D) mouth
When to wean the infant depends on the needs and desires of ….
A) mother
B) both mother and father
C) both mother and baby
D) baby
The pineal gland secretes … which effects skin pigmentation.
A) adrenaline
B) melatonin
C) glucagon
D) androgen
In … the pancreas continues to manufacture insulin, sometimes even at higher
than normal levels.
A) insulin-dependent diabetes
B) lipoatrophic diabetes
C) malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus
D) insulin-independent diabetes mellitus
Through hormones that affect … , the body controls concentration of urine
according to its need for water.
A) liver function
B) nervous system function
C) kidney function
D) respiratory system function
… colic is characterized by an excruciating intermittent pain, usually in the
flank, that spreads across the abdomen.
A) renal
B) tubal
C) infantile
D) intestinal
Chewing … stimulates the flow of saliva, which decreases acids and flushes
out food particles.
a) tobacco
b) nails
c) rag
d) sugarless gum
In simple extractions the dentist uses … to firmly grasp the tooth.
a) forcepts
b) scissors
c) mirror
d) spacer
Toothpowder is mildly … powder which is used in combination with a
toothbrush to maintain oral hygiene.
a) contouring
b) abrasive
c) overlapping
d) chipping
The purpose of oral hygiene is to … the build-up of plague.
a) help
b) maintain
c) prevent
d) numb
Gum lift is a cosmetic dental procedure that raises and … the gum line.
a) nourishes
b) cracks
c) sculpts
d) gives
Pulp … the tooth when it first emerges through the gum.
a) destroys
b) nourishes
c) holds
d) extends
It is advised that patients keep their natural teeth … , especially their lower teeth.
a) for ten years
b) as long as possible
c) for a year
d) for twenty years
Cosmetic dentistry focuses in improving the appearance of a person’s … .
a) teeth, mouth and smile
b) hair, nails and skin
c) mouth, nose and eyes
d) smile, complexion and posture
The nurse tries … the whitish greasy material that covers most of the
newborn’s skin, because this material … .
A) to sponge down … contributes to infection development
B) to put on … helps in healing wounds
C) not to wash off … helps protect against infections
D) not to use … is very dangerous
Because premature infants … quickly and have difficulty maintaining …, they
are placed in an incubator.
A) lose their temper … normal respiration
B) lose weight … normal blood circulation
C) lose heat … normal body temperature
D) lose appetite … normal digestion
The … in the mother triggers milk production.
A) pectoral reflex
B) concealed reflex
C) milk ejection reflex
D) jaw jerk reflex
By 3 months, the infant ….
A) sits with support and rolls over
B) walk while holding someone’s hand
C) crawls with its stomach touching the floor
D) smiles at the sounds of its mother’s voice
37. … are fairly common problem in newborns; the condition can be treated
by putting triple diapers on the baby to hold hips in the correct position.
A) fractured arms
B) brain injury
C) weakness of muscles
D) dislocated hips
The … resembles the letter H or a bow tie.
A) thyroid gland
B) hypothalamus
C) thymus gland
D) gonads
To measure the blood sugar level, a blood sample is usually taken after the
person … for about 8 hours.
A) has walked
B) has worked
C) has fasten
D) has drunk
Blood enters the glomerulus at ….
A) low pressure
B) high pressure
C) diminished pressure
D) decrease pressure
The uterus is a … organ at the top of the … divided into … parts.
A) pea-shaped … vagina… three
B) pear-shaped … vagina … two parts
C) bean-shaped … introitus … three
D) pin-shaped … introitus … two
… is a contagious … infection causing painful enlargement of the salivary
A) measles … viral
B) diphtheria … bacterial
C) mumps … viral
D) retropharyngeal abscess … bacterial
… is more common in areas of the world were poverty, malnutrition, poor
general health and social disruption are present.
A) Cancer
B) Influenza
C) Tuberculosis
D) Infertility
Once mental retardation has occurred, it is usually ….
A) reparable
B) curable
C) irreversible
D) restorable to health
The cause of autism is ….
A) exactly known
B) measles
C) not known
D) clearly known
The … is a small gland, measuring about 2 inches across, that lies just under
the skin below the Adam’s apple in the neck
A) thyroid gland
B) pituitary gland
C) pineal gland
D) parathyroid gland
… controls bone formation, regulates calcium level in the blood and
cerebrospinal fluid and organizes excretion of phosphorus.
A) Luteotropic hormone
B) Thyroid-stimulating hormone
C) Somatotropin
D) Parathyroid hormone
When the blood sugar level increases, … passes into the urine and the kidneys
excrete additional water to dilute the large amounts of glucose lost.
A) glucose
B) protein
C) blood
D) aminoacids
The … serves a dual function in males: urine is transported and semen is
ejaculated through it.
A) prostate gland
B) vas deferens
C) urethra
D) scrotum
The third trimester of pregnancy is …
A) the time of rapid embryonic development
B) the period of rapid skeletal and head growth
C) the period when maternal negative feelings about the pregnancy
are common
D) the period when fetal growth is largely that of weight
Keeping the newborn warm is ….
A) unimportant
B) insignificant
C) critical
D) not worth mentioning
The risk of developing serious infections, especially infections of bloodstream
(sepsis), is considerably higher in ….
A) full-term infants
B) premature infants
C) healthy infants
D) strong infants
The term “childhood cancer” encompasses many … that occur in children
and young adults.
A) benign tumours
B) gastrointestinal diseases
C) malignant diseases
D) congenital malformations
…, such as Down syndrome, are common cause of mental retardation.
A) speech abnormalities
B) chromosomal abnormalities
C) reversible abnormalities
D) common abnormalities
The symptoms of autism generally persist ….
A) for a year
B) throughout childhood
C) throughout life
D) for some months
The sella turcica protects the … but allows very little room for expansion.
A) hypothalamus
B) thyroid gland
C) pancreas
D) pituitary gland
People with insulin-dependent diabetes produce … .
A) little or no insulin at all
B) higher than normal insulin levels
C) normal levels of insulin
D) very high insulin levels
Stones in the urinary tract that cause no symptoms may be discovered by
chance ….
A) performing biopsy
B) during a routine microscopic analysis of the urine
C) making a complete blood count
D) while making a spinal tap
A … is a painful infection which appears following a tooth fracture, gum
disease, or tooth decay, where the infection reaches the pulp.
a) dental abscess
b) dental hygiene
c) gingivitis
d) candidiasis
… is a process in which an enamel-like dental composite material is applied to
a tooth surface, sculpted into shape, hardened and then polished.
a) Bonding
b) Contouring
c) Gum lift
d) Enamel shaping
Dental braces are available to both children and adults, though evidence
suggests that they work better in … .
a) people with no remaining teeth
b) seniors who have reached the age of 85
c) newborn babies with no milk teeth present
d) younger people
The most effective teeth whitening techniques available today are … and … .
a) hard teeth whitening / soft teeth whitening
b) movable teeth whitening / removable teeth whitening
c) a student’s tooth whitening / a tooth extraction for whitening by a student
d) in-office teeth whitening / at-home teeth whitening
Most bleaching products are … and are actually capable of altering the
colours of the tooth itself.
a) wedge-shaped
b) peroxide-based
c) pear-like
d) nicotine-based
… is the practice of keeping the mouth clean and is a means of preventing
dental caries, gingivitis, bad breath, and other dental disorders.
a) Oral cavity
b) Dental caries
c) Oral hygiene
d) Dental office
Despite the many types of toothpaste that exist, there are some ingredients
common to most varieties: … , flavouring, humectants and thickeners.
a) abrasive agents
b) gold and silver
c) protein and carbohydrate
d) wine and beer
… are among the most common dental procedures and include fillings, inlays
and onlays, veneers, implants, crowns, bridges, and dentures.
a) Dental restorations
b) Dental specialties
c) Diseases of the oral cavity
d) Oral thrush
The baby’s overall condition is recorded at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth
using the ….
A) Bishop score
B) Apgar score
C) standard score
D) lod score
Adequate development of … is critical for the newborn.
A) nails
B) hair
C) lungs
D) toes
… are multicelled, plant-like organisms that usually aren’t dangerous in a
healthy person.
A) Bacteria
B) Fungi
C) Protozoa
D) Viruses
The main symptoms of a retropharyngeal abscess are pain when …, fever,
and enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck.
A) speaking
B) walking
C) swallowing
D) smiling
… , commonly called “the flu”, is an illness caused by a virus that attacks
mainly the upper respiratory tract – the nose, throat and bronchi and rarely
also the lungs.
A) Influenza
B) Measles
C) Mumps
D) Smallpox
Extended exposure to ultraviolet radiation, primarily from sunlight, causes … .
A) liver cancer
B) skin cancer
C) kidney cancer
D) breast cancer
The pineal gland is located ….
A) in the mediastinum
B) behind the stomach
C) near the top of each kidney
D) in the middle of the brain
The diagnosis of diabetes is made when a person has abnormally ….
A) low blood platelets level
B) high blood sugar level
C) high leukocytes level
D) low blood sugar level
Urine accumulates in the … as it arrives regularly from each ureter.
A) kidney
B) bladder
C) gallbladder
D) urethra
… is the inability of a couple to achieve pregnancy after repeated intercourse
without contraception for 1 year.
A) infestation
B) infiltration
C) infertility
D) inflammation
People who drink large amounts of … are at much higher risk of esophageal
A) milk
B) pure water
C) alcohol
D) fruit juice
… is a common noncancerous tumour of the liver.
A) Hepatocellular adenoma
B) Osteosarcoma
C) Osteoid osteoma
D) Gastric adenocarcenoma
Intelligence is determined by both ….
A) nutrition and environment
B) environment and education
C) heredity and environment
D) nutrition and nursing
… is a disorder in which a young child can’t develop normal social
relationship, behaves in compulsive and ritualistic ways, and usually fails to
develop normal intelligence.
A) Schizophrenia
B) Down syndrome
C) Suicidal behaviour
D) Autism
To produce thyroid hormone, the thyroid gland needs …, an element
contained in food and water.
A) iodine
B) zinc
C) mercury
D) iron
All … must understand how diet and exercise affect their blood sugar levels.
A) patients with tuberculosis
B) diabetics
C) cancer patients
D) people suffering from influenza
The canal of the cervix is lined with mucus-secreting ….
A) cells
B) organs
C) glands
D) tissue
Child health care starts ….
A) two months after birth
B) with the prenatal period
C) a year after birth
D) with the postnatal period
A suicide attempt is a clear sign of mental illness, usually ….
A) depression
B) autism
C) schizophrenia
D) claustrophobia
The body has two …, one near the top of each kidney.
A) thymus gland
B) pineal glands
C) parathyroid glands
D) adrenal glands
Adenohypophisis produces hormone called …, which stimulates protein
synthesis in organs and tissues and causes growth.
A) thyrotropin
B) somatotropin
C) glucagon
D) thyroxine
The main goal of … treatment is to keep blood sugar within the normal range
as much as possible.
A) cancer
B) tuberculosis
C) measles
D) diabetes
Uric acid … are sometimes dissolved by making the urine more alkaline.
A) tumours
B) neoplasm
C) stones
D) growth
The … reproductive system include the penis, scrotum, and testes.
A) internal structures of male
B) internal structures of female
C) external structures of male
D) external structures of female
A few drops of silver nitrate solution or an antibiotic is placed into the … to
prevent infection from any harmful organisms that the baby may have had
contact with during delivery.
A) eyes
B) nose
C) ears
D) mouth
When to wean the infant depends on the needs and desires of ….
A) mother
B) both mother and father
C) both mother and baby
D) baby
The pineal gland secretes … which effects skin pigmentation.
A) adrenaline
B) melatonin
C) glucagon
D) androgen
… are made when all natural teeth are missing.
a) Complete dentures
b) Dental bridges
c) Dental fillings
d) Tooth crowns
Smoking can cause cancer to develop anywhere in the … .
a) legs or arms
b) gallbladder or intestine
c) adenohypophysis or pituitary
d) mouth or pharynx
Before gum reshaping can be done a person must be in … .
a) good medical health
b) poor medical health
c) good clothes
d) good body shape
The help of modern technology in dentistry can … considerably.
a) minimize treatment time
b) increase pain during treatment
c) hamper the healing
d) harm the patient
Dental braces are a type of … treatment that corrects … position of the teeth.
a) invasive … normal
b) endodontic … typical
c) orthodontic … abnormal
d) periodontic … traditional
42. The procedure of teeth whitening is not advisable during … .
a) pregnancy
b) life
c) studying
d) reading
Personal dental hygiene consists of proper … daily.
a) tooth scaling and whitening
b) brushing and flossing
c) washing and shaving
d) eating and drinking
After gum lift treatment time must be given for … .
a) healing
b) swelling
c) infecting
d) inflammation
In … the pancreas continues to manufacture insulin, sometimes even at higher
than normal levels.
A) insulin-dependent diabetes
B) lipoatrophic diabetes
C) malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus
D) insulin-independent diabetes mellitus
Through hormones that affect … , the body controls concentration of urine
according to its need for water.
A) liver function
B) nervous system function
C) kidney function
D) respiratory system function
… colic is characterized by an excruciating intermittent pain, usually in the
flank, that spreads across the abdomen.
A) renal
B) tubal
C) infantile
D) intestinal
The nurse tries … the whitish greasy material that covers most of the
newborn’s skin, because this material … .
A) to sponge down … contributes to infection development
B) to put on … helps in healing wounds
C) not to wash off … helps protect against infections
D) not to use … is very dangerous
Because premature infants … quickly and have difficulty maintaining …, they
are placed in an incubator.
A) lose their temper … normal respiration
B) lose weight … normal blood circulation
C) lose heat … normal body temperature
D) lose appetite … normal digestion
The … in the mother triggers milk production.
A) pectoral reflex
B) concealed reflex
C) milk ejection reflex
D) jaw jerk reflex
By 3 months, the infant ….
A) sits with support and rolls over
B) walk while holding someone’s hand
C) crawls with its stomach touching the floor
D) smiles at the sounds of its mother’s voice
… are fairly common problem in newborns; the condition can be treated by
putting triple diapers on the baby to hold hips in the correct position.
A) fractured arms
B) brain injury
C) weakness of muscles
D) dislocated hips
The … resembles the letter H or a bow tie.
A) thyroid gland
B) hypothalamus
C) thymus gland
D) gonads
To measure the blood sugar level, a blood sample is usually taken after the
person … for about 8 hours.
A) has walked
B) has worked
C) has fasten
D) has drunk
Blood enters the glomerulus at ….
A) low pressure
B) high pressure
C) diminished pressure
D) decrease pressure
The uterus is a … organ at the top of the … divided into … parts.
A) pea-shaped … vagina… three
B) pear-shaped … vagina … two parts
C) bean-shaped … introitus … three
D) pin-shaped … introitus … two
… is a contagious … infection causing painful enlargement of the salivary
A) measles … viral
B) diphtheria … bacterial
C) mumps … viral
D) retropharyngeal abscess … bacterial
… is more common in areas of the world were poverty, malnutrition, poor
general health and social disruption are present.
A) Cancer
B) Influenza
C) Tuberculosis
D) Infertility
Once mental retardation has occurred, it is usually ….
A) reparable
B) curable
C) irreversible
D) restorable to health
The … is a small gland, measuring about 2 inches across, that lies just under
the skin below the Adam’s apple in the neck
A) thyroid gland
B) pituitary gland
C) pineal gland
D) parathyroid gland
… controls bone formation, regulates calcium level in the blood and
cerebrospinal fluid and organizes excretion of phosphorus.
A) Luteotropic hormone
B) Thyroid-stimulating hormone
C) Somatotropin
D) Parathyroid hormone
When the blood sugar level increases, … passes into the urine and the kidneys
excrete additional water to dilute the large amounts of glucose lost.
A) glucose
B) protein
C) blood
D) aminoacids
The … serves a dual function in males: urine is transported and semen is
ejaculated through it.
A) prostate gland
B) vas deferens
C) urethra
D) scrotum
The risk of developing serious infections, especially infections of bloodstream
(sepsis), is considerably higher in ….
A) full-term infants
B) premature infants
C) healthy infants
D) strong infants
… nourishes the tooth when it first emerges through the gum.
a) Abscess
b) Pulp
c) Gums
d) Germs
… fillings are meant for about a year.
a) Indirect
b) Gold dental
c) Temporary
d) Dental
… replaces entire jaw teeth.
a) A full denture
b) A partial denture
c) A specific denture
d) A regular denture
Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of a person’s … .
a) teeth, mouth, smile
b) hair, nails, skin
c) weight and figure
d) nose, mouth, ears
Dental braces are available for … .
a) newborns only
b) elderly only
c) both children and adults
d) both adult men and women
Products like coffee and tea, berries and soy sauce are notorious for … .
a) staining teeth
b) deaf people
c) poor eyesight
d) dry skin
The problem of tooth sensitivity often happens when gums … .
a) remain
b) recede
c) are healthy
d) are present
Oral cancer is perhaps the most significant threat to a … .
a) vegetarian
b) African-American
c) Caucasian
d) smoker
Вставте присудок у відповідному часі й стані:
She … spare time, so she rarely … for a walk with her son.
A) don’t have, go;
B) doesn’t have, goes;
C) doesn’t has, goes;
D) didn’t have, go.
… the lectures … the structure of the chest yesterday?
A) Have; explained;
B) Has; explained;
C) Did; explain;
D) Did; explained.
Ann is busy now. She … the functions of the reproductive organs.
A) was studying;
B) has been studying;
C) studied;
D) is studying.
How long … you … sick?
A) are; be;
B) have; been;
C) did; be;
D) has; been.
The doctor was sure that he … that patient before.
A) didn’t see;
B) doesn’t see;
C) hadn’t seen ;
D) hasn’t see.
The surgeon … on this patient tomorrow from 9 till 12.
A) operates;
B) will have operated;
C) will operate;
D) will be operating.
… the parents … to this doctor’s operating on their chills?
A) was … agreed
B) did … agree
C) was … being agreed
People with maniac-depressive illnesses usually … by a psychiatrist.
A) are treated
B) are being treated
C) have been treated
D) are treating
This child … from autism for some years before behavioral therapy was
A) suffered
B) was suffering
C) has been suffering
D) had been suffering
The students … in the laboratory studying the structure of the reproductive
system when somebody … off the light.
A) worked … was switching
B) were working … switched
C) had worked … had been switching
D) worked … switched
Scientists … already in revealing a limited number of genes implicated in
tumour initiation.
A) succeeded
B) succeeds
C) have succeeded
D) were succeeded
The newborn with some congenital malformation … by the neonatologist at
the moment.
A) is examining
B) is being examined
C) has been examined
D) is examined
Her uncle … as a dentist since 1999.
a) are
b) is
c) has been working
d) were working
The patient … by the maxillofacial surgeon regularly after surgery.
a) is visited
b) have been visited
c) is visiting
d) was visiting
He … already … his report on root canals treatment.
a) has … been preparing
b) is … preparing
c) has … prepared
d) have … prepared
The first dentures … from bone or ivory in the 15th century.
a) is carved
b) were carved
c) will be carved
d) has been carved
The dentist … tooth extraction successfully by 7 o’clock yesterday.
a) have carried out
b) had carried out
c) has carried out
d) will be carried out
The denturist … a new impression next week.
a) will have constructed
b) will construct
c) have constructed
d) will be constructed
Amalgam fillings … next week.
a) will be put
b) will put
c) will be putting
d) will have put
The advantages of implants … still … when I came into the ward.
a) were … discussed
b) are … discussed
c) were … being discussed
d) were … discussing
Diabetes typically … down healing in the patient’s oral cavity.
a) were slowing
b) has been slowing
c) has been slowed
d) slows
The dentist was sure that tooth losing in this patient … by gingivitis.
a) caused
b) is caused
c) had been caused
d) will be caused
At that moment students … to the professor attentively.
A) listened;
B) had listened;
C) were listening;
D) listen.
Friendly relations … between the doctor and the patient.
A) has established;
B) has been established;
C) have establishing;
D) have been established.
He said that many students learning English … members of their English
A) are;
B) was;
C) were;
D) will be.
The doctor wears the white gown which … to him by his colleagues some
years ago.
A) presented;
B) were presented;
C) was presented;
D) have been presented.
Her son … nephrotomy at the moment.
A) performed;
B) is being performed;
C) performs;
D) has been performed.
This child … from autism for some years.
A) had been suffering;
B) has been suffered;
C) is being suffered;
D) was suffering.
While the nurse ... the patient’s pulse, the students ... the case histories.
A) measured; is filling in;
B) was measuring; were filling in;
C) had measured; fill in;
D) measured; are felt in.
The patient … just … to the doctor’s consulting room.
A) have … gone;
B) is … going;
C) has … gone;
D) was … going.
If the blood sugar level ... too low, the brain’s function ... .
A) will fall; will be impaired;
B) fall; will be impaired;
C) falls; will be impaired;
D) fell; was impaired.
What functions ... hormones ... ?
A) are... control;
B) will... controlled;
C) can ...controlled;
D) can ... control.
When the child … no abnormalities … .
A) was born; were diagnosed;
B) is born; was diagnosed;
C) were born; were diagnosed;
D) was born; was diagnosed.
The doctor … that this patient’s disease … inherited.
A) said … is;
B) say … is;
C) said … was;
D) said … were.
The professor … just … the students about different nervous system tumours.
A) is … told;
B) has … told;
C) does … tell;
D) are … telling.
… an otolaryngologist easily … among other surgeons by the head mirror he
wears attached to his forehead?
A) Does … recognize;
B) Is … recognized;
C) Is …recognizing;
D) Did …recognize.
The doctor … this case for three weeks by the end of the year.
A) is investigating;
B) will be investigating;
C) will have been investigated;
D) will have been investigating.
A week before the admission to the hospital the patient … bronchitis after
which his condition did not improve.
A) has had;
B) had had;
C) was having;
D) had.
What … the patient … about when the students entered the doctor’s
consulting room?
A) were … being asked;
B) are … asked;
C) was … being asked;
D) were … asked.
The patient … numerous foci of inflammation in the left lung before he
underwent the streptomycin treatment.
A) had;
B) had had;
C) was having;
D) has.
The patient … blood transfusion before the surgeon entered the operating
A) was performed;
B) was being performed;
C) had been performed;
D) had been performing.
The patient … in the dentist’s chair from 5 till 6 o’clock tomorrow.
a) will be sitting
b) have been sitting
c) will have sat
d) will sit
Don’t disturb him. He … at his report on root canals treatment.
a) has been working
b) is working
c) was working
d) works
Veneers … by a California dentist Charles Pincus.
a) is invented
b) were invented
c) will invent
d) has been invented
The dentist … already … out a preliminary intra-oral examination.
a) have … carried
b) has … carried
c) had … carried
d) will … be carried
The denturist … a new denture by the next week.
a) will have constructed
b) will construct
c) have constructed
d) will be constructed
Temporary fillings … in different situations.
a) are used
b) used
c) is using
d) has used
They … the use of different types of fillings next time.
a) will have discussed
b) has been discussing
c) will discuss
d) will be discussing
Oral sedation typically…anxiety.
a) relieves
b) has relieved
c) is relieving
d) relieved
Absent teeth … already … by bridgework.
a) shall … have been substituted
b) have… been substituted
c) was … being substituted
d) is … being substituted
What … the laboratory assistant … at since morning?
a) are … working
b) has … been working
c) had … been working
d) does … work
Pancreas … hormones in the cells which … islets of Langerhans.
A) produced; is called;
B) produces; are called;
C) is producing; are calling;
D) has produced; is calling.
When the doctor … into the ward, the nurse … the infant.
A) came; is measuring;
B) come; will measure;
C) came; was measuring;
D) comes; measured.
His rash … 2 days ago, he … better now.
A) disappearing; felt;
B) has disappeared; is feeling;
C) had disappeared; will feel;
D) disappeared; feels.
The infectionist … just … him penicillin to … the diphtheria bacteria.
A) has … given; eradicate;
B) had … given; eradicate;
C) will … give; eradicating;
D) has … gave; have eradicated.
When … the baby’s overall condition … ?
A) are … recorded;
B) will … be recorded;
C) have … been recorded;
D) will be … recorded.
A nurse usually … the patient’s temperature.
A) takes;
B) will be taking;
C) has taking;
D) has taken.
The pulmonary abscess usually … via the bronchus.
A) was being drained;
B) had been drained;
C) is drained;
D) drain.
The patient … from constant pain in the ear for several weeks before he
visited a doctor.
A) suffered;
B) was suffering;
C) had been suffering;
D) had suffered.
In some days, when the body temperature is normal, the patient … to walk a
A) will allow;
B) will be allowed;
C) will be allowing;
D) will have allowed.
… purulent discharge already … into the external auditory canal?
A) Has … poured;
B) Was … poured;
C) Had … poured;
D) Does … pour.
By 3 o’clock the professor … the lecture for half an hour already.
A) will deliver;
B) will have delivered;
C) will be delivering;
D) will have been delivering.
The newborn … HIV infection from his mother suffering from AIDS.
A) had acquired;
B) acquired;
C) was acquired;
D) had been acquired.
Recently our medicine … great progress in different skin diseases treatment.
A) made;
B) has made;
C) is making;
D) had made.
The neurologist … electromyography and nerve conducting velocity tests
from 9 till 10 tomorrow.
A) will perform;
B) will be performing;
C) will have performed;
D) will be performed.
He said that the professor … the students about different ear, nose and throat
disorders for an hour and a half.
A) had been telling;
B) has told;
C) will have been telling;
D) has been telling.
Miotic drugs … in the eye by that time.
A) won’t be instilled;
B) won’t be instilling;
C) won’t have been instilled;
D) won’t instill.
Some years ago cerebral studies … by means of electrodes.
A) were carried out;
B) was carried out;
C) carried out;
D) had been carried out.
This patient has developed severe complications that’s why he … from the
hospital tomorrow.
A) won’t discharge;
B) won’t be discharged;
C) shan’t be discharged;
D) won’t be discharging.
I … for the findings of my blood analysis for an hour already.
A) have been waiting;
B) is waiting;
C) wait;
D) have waited.
At this time yesterday the nerve conducting velocity test …by the doctor to
recognize chronic polyneuropathy.
A) was performed;
B) had been performing ;
C) was being performed;
D) had been performed.
… you ever … any injury of the ear?
A) Did … have;
B) Have … had;
C) Had …had;
D) Do … have.
By the time you come back the apparatus for blood transfusion … by the
A) will be preparing;
B) will be prepared;
C) will have been prepared;
D) will have been preparing.
When iodine … deficient, the thyroid gland enlarges.
a) are
b) is
c) had been
d) shall be
Her son … as a dentist’s assistant last year.
a) were being worked
b) had been working
c) were working
d) worked
The patient … after surgery yet.
a) doesn’t recover
b) hasn’t recovered
c) isn’t recovering
d) wasn’t recovering
He … already … his report on root canals treatment for two hours.
a) has … been preparing
b) are … preparing
c) have … been prepared
d) had … prepared
The denturist … a set of new crowns by the next week.
a) will have constructed
b) will construct
c) have constructed
d) will be constructed
Composite resin fillings usually … to repair chipped or broken teeth.
a) are used
b) is used
c) is being used
d) has been used
The advantages of implants … still … discussed at the conference now.
a) is … discussed
b) are … discussing
c) are … being discussed
d) had … been discussed
Smoking typically … bad breath.
a) is causing
b) has been causing
c) has been caused
d) causes
Stained teeth … by dentifrice in a few weeks.
a) is bleached
b) is being bleached
c) will be bleached
d) have been bleached
The dentist was sure that the patient … his recommendation.
a) hadn’t followed
b) hasn’t followed
c) won’t follow
d) wasn’t followed
When she came, the data on cases of dental implants failure … by us.
a) were being read
b) is being read
с) has read
d) will have been read
This week we all … about the miracles of healing from the worst diseases
with these unique drugs.
a) has heard
b) heard
c) have heard
d) had heard
The patient … sick after he … those drugs.
a) shall feel … have taken
b) felt … had taken
c) feels … will have taken
d) felt … were taking
Look! This pharmacist … the mixture.
a) is preparing
b) were preparing
c) prepare
d) will prepare
He … all the information about the use of these medicines by 12 a.m.
a) have received
b) will be received
c) shall receive
d) will have received
The students … on different types of analgesics for three hours yesterday.
a) were instructed
b) was being instructed
c) were being instructed
d) will be instructed
A brand new chemist’s shop … here next year.
a) had been built
b) will be building
c) is built
d) will be built
Mary … for the laboratory analysis since morning.
a) have been waiting
b) waited
c) will wait
d) has been waiting
When she graduated from the medical university, her brother ... at the clinic
for 2 years already.
a) was working
b) has been working
c) have been working
d) had been working
Atarax … for treating seasonal allergic rhinitis in this patient two years ago.
a) has been used
b) is being used
c) was used
d) will be used
My aunt … at the hospital two years ago.
a) has been working
b) worked
c) was worked
d) is working
The existence of lesions … the absorption of drugs.
a) increases
b) were increasing
c) is increased
d) have increased
The professor … the lecture about the minerals and vitamins at the moment.
a) was delivering
b) has been delivering
c) is delivering
d) is being delivered
What … the patient … when the doctor entered the ward?
a) will … be done
b) was … doing
c) is … doing
d) has … done
Some new medication … to the chemist’s next week.
a) delivers
b) is delivered
c) will deliver
d) will be delivered
I … the syrup before my mom told me to buy just tablets.
a) had bought
b) bought
c) was buying
d) will buy
My friend … just … his exam in Anatomy.
a) is … passing
b) was … passing
c) has … passed
d) was … passed
Some drugs may have a local effect when they … through the conjunctiva.
a) will absorb
b) shall be absorbed
c) are absorbed
d) was absorbed
Mineral deficiency … by her following strict diet last month.
a) has caused
b) was caused
c) will cause
d) will be caused
The students … the cardiovascular medication when the bell rang.
a) has been discussing
b) has been discussed
c) were discussing
d) have been discussed
Two years ago a slowly progressing degenerative disorder of the nervous
system … in this patient.
A) was diagnosed;
B) diagnosed;
C) had been diagnosed;
D) has been diagnosed.
While the patient …, the nurse was filling in the case history.
A) was being examined;
B) was examined;
C) examined;
D) are being examined.
The patient with encephalomyelitis … severe complications because he was
timely diagnosed and adequately treated.
A) wasn’t developed;
B) didn’t develop;
C) didn’t developed;
D) haven’t developed.
A variety of symptoms and complications … before the doctor made a correct
A) analyzed;
B) had analyzed;
C) had been analyzed;
D) were analyzed.
At this time on Tuesday the patient … by the doctor to obtain the medical
A) was interviewing;
B) was being interviewed;
C) had been interviewed;
D) had interviewed.
The patient with pneumonia … 1 gr of norsulphasol every six hours for the
following 10 days already when he began to feel better.
A) was receiving;
B) received;
C) had been received;
D) had been receiving.
He ... that the doctor... the patient.
A) tells; is examined;
B) told; will examine;
C) told; had examined;
D) tell; would examine.
When the nurse ... the ward, the doctor... me.
A) entered; will examine;
B) entered; is examining;
C) entered; was examining;
D) to enter; to examine.
If people ... more vegetables or fruit and less salt or carbohydrates, they ...
gastric cancer.
A) will eat; will not have;
B) eat; shall not have;
C) eat; will not have;
D) ate; don’t have.
... insulin ... any metabolism?
A) Does … control;
B) Did ... controlled;
C) Can ...controlled;
D) Is ...control.
Before he … to eat he … some anticholinergic.
A) had started; was given;
B) started; had been given;
C) started; give;
D) started; has been given.
… your son … last year?
A) Is … vaccinated;
B) Was … vaccinated;
C) Did … vaccinated;
D) Does … vaccinated.
Tomorrow an ophthalmologist … the conjunctival sac with disinfectant
A) will be washing out;
B) will wash out;
C) will be washed out;
D) will have washed out.
His district physician … severe form of pneumonia before he … some antibiotics.
A) has diagnosed/administered
B) had diagnosed/ administered
C) diagnosed/ has administered
D) diagnosed/ had administered
The patient said, “I am a vegetarian. I … restrictive diet since I was a little
A) follows
B) was following
C) have followed
D) had followed
… you … ibuprofen or diclofenac to relive your headache yesterday?
A) Do…take
B) Did…take
C) Have…taken
D) Had…taken
The nurses … the likelihood of infants’ iron deficiency when the doctor on
duty … the staffroom.
A) discuss/ enter
B) discussed/ had entered
C) is discussing/has entered
D) were discussing/ entered
My mother … cough syrup that contains suppressant plus an expectorant for
the last three days.
A) drink
B) had drunk
C) has been drinking
D) had been drinking
... you … at your thesis “Oral Route of Drug Administration” now?
A) Is…working
B) Are…working
C) Have…worked
D) Was…working
Tom … for the results of HIV test for two days when the laboratory assistant
said it was negative.
A) waited
B) was waited
C) was waiting
D) had been waiting
My brother told me he … from the enlarged thyroid gland.
A) suffer
B) suffered
C) have suffered
D) shall suffer
You… for him when he … all his patients.
A) wait/examine
B) shall wait/shall examine
C) will be waiting/examine
D) will be waiting/examines
Our doctor … us the necessary information about analgesics by the end of this
A) gives
B) is giving
C) will give
D) will have given
All tomorrow morning the doctor … diagnostic tests and procedures to
confirm neurologic disorder suggested by the medical history.
A) will perform;
B) will be performed;
C) will be performing;
D) will have been performed.
… a blockage in the blood supply to the brain … a stroke yesterday or the day
before yesterday?
A) Had …caused;
B) Did … cause;
C) Was… causing;
D) Did … caused.
The current symptoms … by the patient now.
A) are described;
B) are being described;
C) are describing;
D) have been described.
Intradermal route … especially … for intradermal reactions.
a) have … been used
b) are … being used
c) are … used
d) is … used
The doctor … him the transdermal route of this drug administration two days
a) prescribed
b) has prescribed
c) have prescribed
d) was prescribing
The students … the preparations containing powder the whole lesson
a) have discussed
b) are discussing
c) were discussing
d) have been discussed
Tablets … always simple and convenient to use.
a) shall be
b) has been
c) is
d) are
The dentist … the patient’s teeth since the very morning.
a) has been treating
b) treats
с) have been treating
d) will treat
The denturist … a new denture by the next week.
a) will construct
b) will be constructing
с) will have constructed
d) will have been constructing
The apparatus for teeth whitening … now.
a) is being prepared
b) has being prepared
с) has been prepared
d) will be prepared
If our teacher … me, I shall tell everything I know about dental caries.
a) will ask
b) asked
с) asks
d) will be asking
The dentist … patients the whole morning on Monday.
a) examines
b) examined
с) will examine
d) will be examining
Morphine … by the time she came yesterday.
a) was injected
b) had injected
с) had been injected
d) were injected
The student … ready for the exam in Dentistry for 6 hours yesterday.
a) was getting
b) gets
с) has been getting
d) had been getting
The dentist explained that oral hygiene … by the patient adequately.
a) haven’t been observed
b) hasn’t been observed
с) hadn’t been observed
d) hadn’t observed
The students … already … the text about cosmetic dentistry.
a) had … been read
b) have … read
с) are … read
d) are … reading
… the patient with missing teeth … titanium post when the intern entered
dentist office?
a) Was … being placed
b) Will … have been placed
с) Has … been placing
d) Had … placed
The patient … his tablet before he went for a walk.
a) had been taken
b) was taken
c) has taken
d) had taken
They … an interesting movie about minerals and vitamins at nine a.m.
a) will be watched
b) shall watch
c) will be watching
d) are watched
In a week I … antivirals to prevent influenza.
a) shall take
b) shall be taken
c) is taken
d) was taken
Antibiotics … also … as antibacterials.
a) have … known
b) had … known
c) is … known
d) are … known
Some students of our university … at the international conference in France
last year.
a) take part
b) have taken part
c) will have taken part
d) took part
The patients with incurable diseases … morphine to relieve their pain.
a) give
b) was given
c) will give
d) are given
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs … already … during meals to reduce
the gastric irritation.
a) were … taken
b) will … be taken
c) have ... been taken
d) are … taken
We … about pills, tablets, capsules and caplets by the end of the lecture on
a) shall have spoken
b) shall speak
c) shall be speaking
d) shall be spoken
At the moment the lecture on the routs of drugs administration … in room
a) is delivered
b) was delivered
c) is being delivered
d) delivers
We … in detail the principle of medicated syrup manufacturing before our
practice at the pharmacy … .
a) learned / started
b) learned / had started
c) had learned / started
d) had learned / had started
While the mother … paracetamol suppositories for her infant, other
customers … in the line.
a) bought / waited
b) buys / wait
c) was buying / were waiting
d) is buying / are waiting
The patient who … before was allowed to go for a walk.
a) was operated
b) is operated
c) has been operated
d) had been operated
At 10 o’clock yesterday our teacher of endocrinology … to us how to use
a) explained
b) had explained
c) was explaining
d) has explained
She's just received the results of the blood test which … last week.
a) was made
b) has been made
c) made
d) is made
My friend … an article on the use of analgesics and antihistamines at the
a) is writing
b) writes
c) is written
d) will be writing
Different routes of drug administration … by the students during the whole
evening on Wednesday.
a) was being studied
b) were studying
c) were being studied
d) was studied
My sister’s state of health … since she was discharged from the hospital.
A) didn’t change;
B) isn’t changed;
C) hasn’t changed;
D) wasn’t changed.
The patient has lost a considerable amount of blood, that’s why he … a blood
transfusion now.
A) gives;
B) is giving;
C) is being given;
D) had been given.
When … you … your last asthma attack?
A) will … have;
B) did … have;
C) are … having;
D) had … had.
The cranial nerves, motor nerves, sensory nerves, and reflexes of this patient
… now.
A) are being examined;
B) examined;
C) will be examined;
D) have examined.
If the district doctor ... the slightest suspicion of TB, the patient ...
immediately to a TB dispensary.
A) has; is sent;
B) have; will sent;
C) had; were sent;
D) has; are sent.
The infectionist ... just ... him penicillin to ... the diphtheria bacteria.
A) has... given; eradicated;
B) had...given; will eradicate;
C) has … gave; eradicated;
D) has … given; eradicate.
His rash ... 2 days ago, he ... better now.
A) disappearing; felt;
B) has disappeared; is feeling;
C) had disappeared; will feel;
D) disappeared; feels.
What... we... the venulles?
A) are; called;
B) do; call;
C) do; calling;
D) is; call.
The surgeon … to the patient that the operation … successfully.
A) said; passed;
B) said; pass;
C) said; had passed;
D) said; will pass.
What … skin cancer usually … by?
A) are, caused;
B) is, caused;
C) is, cause;
D) do, cause.
To improve the patient’s sleep and the condition of his nervous system he …
bromide during the whole course of the disease until he was discharged from
the hospital.
A) had been taken;
B) had been taking;
C) was taken;
D) took.
This patient … fully because he suffers from AIDS.
A) won’t cure;
B) won’t be curing;
C) won’t be cured;
D) won’t have been cured.
While the patient … by the physician he said that a dry cough had developed
two days before.
A) was asking;
B) asked;
C) was being asked;
D) has been asked.
When all the received stimuli … the brain sends orders through the nerve
fibers in the spinal cord to different parts of the human body.
A) has been analyzed;
B) have been analyzed;
C) is analyzed;
D) is analyzing.
The professor … the lecture at 12 o’clock tomorrow.
A. have delivered;
B. will be delivering;
C. will deliver;
D. will be delivered.
John felt better after he … a good rest.
A. has had;
B. had had;
C. had;
D. was having.
All the findings in dental examination … in the patient`s card 5 minutes ago.
A. were writing;
B. have written;
C. have been written;
D. were written.
How long … you … the methods of lymph nodes inspecting?
A. have … been studying;
B. will … have studied;
C. had … studied;
D. does … study.
The doctor … just … the problem with his jaw.
A. had … identified;
B. has … identified;
C. was … identifying;
D. has … been identifying.
The operation … in half an hour.
A. was finished;
B. was finishing;
C. has finished;
D. will be finished.
Computed tomography … by the dentist yesterday.
A. has been used;
B. will use;
C. was used;
D. used.
X-ray examination … just … .
A. has … been made;
B. has … made;
C. had … made;
D. was … made.
The report … from 3 till 5.
A. was being read;
B. was read;
C. is read;
D. had being read.
The nurse … your analyses from the lab 2 days ago.
A. had taken;
B. took;
C. has taken;
D. was taking.
By 3 o’clock on Monday the professor … the lecture on the immunity for half
an hour already.
A) was delivering;
B) will deliver;
C) will be delivering;
D) will have been delivering.
Before the lesson was over all the students … the final test on the last
A) had written;
B) had been written;
C) has been written;
D) was writing.
All morning the doctor … diagnostic tests and procedures to confirm
nuerologic disorder suggested by the medical history.
A) will perform;
B) will be performed;
C) will be performing;
D) will performing.
Diseases of the inner ear … often … with deafness.
A) are … associated;
B) is … associated;
C) are … associating;
D) are … being associated.
Before admission to the hospital the patient aged 48 … lobular pneumonia
gradually for weeks.
A) developed;
B) were developing;
C) had been developing;
D) had developed.
When … HIV infection first … in this patient with pneumonia?
A) was … detected;
B) did … detect;
C) was … being detected;
D) had … detected.
The students … lectures on eye diseases since the professor went to Kyiv.
A) didn’t attend;
B) wasn’t attended;
C) haven’t attended;
D) hadn’t attended.
At that moment a needle … in the spinal canal to obtain a sample of cerebrospinal fluid.
A) was inserted;
B) inserted;
C) had been inserted;
D) was being inserted.
The patient … difficulty in breathing yesterday.
A) didn’t have;
B) wasn’t having;
C) hadn’t had;
D) doesn’t have.
When the nurse entered the doctor’s consulting room, the patient … by the
A) is being examined;
B) was being examined;
C) is examining;
D) was examining .
Her uncle … from vitamin deficiency since 1999.
a) suffers
b) suffered
c) has been suffering
d) have been suffering
The patient … opioid analgesic after surgery yesterday.
a) was administered
b) have been administered
c) is administering
d) was administering
We …already… our reports on presentation of drugs.
a) has… been preparing
b) is… preparing
c) has… prepared
d) have… prepared
Lack of specific vitamins … to distinctive deficiency states.
a) is led
b) leads
c) lead
d) have led
Antihistamines … in different forms, including tablets, capsules, liquids, nasal
sprays, and eyedrops.
a) have produced
b) produced
c) are produced
d) will produce
A suppository … inside the body in an hour.
a) will have dissolved
b) will dissolve
c) have dissolved
d) will be dissolving
The patient … fluothane right now.
a) is inhaling
b) inhaled
c) was inhaling
d) is inhaled
The students … a lecture on teeth whitening last week.
E. have had;
F. had;
G. has;
H. were having.
John felt sick after he … those medications.
E. has taken;
F. had taken;
G. took;
H. was taken.
She … the paragraph on the types of dentures for an hour.
E. were reading;
F. is reading;
G. has read;
H. has been reading.
Ann … still … her report on different types of fillings.
E. is … writing;
F. will … write;
G. has … written;
H. was … written.
I … most information about the endodontic treatment from this book.
E. had learnt;
F. have learnt;
G. was learning;
H. has been learning.
A resin bonded bridge … often … to replace front teeth.
E. will … use;
F. were … used;
G. has … used;
H. is … used.
What... you... now?
E. have … been studying;
F. will … study;
G. are … studying;
H. were … studied.
What mark ... you... in Anatomy at your examination last year?
E. did … get;
F. have … got;
G. had … got;
H. were … getting.
Protestor Smirnov … lectures in Chemistry every morning.
E. is delivering;
F. was delivering;
G. is delivered;
H. delivers.
An old woman … on right now.
E. is operated;
F. is being operated;
G. has been operated;
H. is operating.
Our teacher … anatomy since 1990.
A. have been teaching;
B. has been teaching;
C. is teaching;
D. was teaching.
The dentist … calls when I came to the polyclinic.
A. was making;
B. made;
C. has made;
D. makes.
The advantages of diuretics …still…when I came into the ward.
a) were… discussed
b) are… discussed
c) were…being discussed
d) were… discussing
The nurse …intramuscular injection when the doctor entered the ward.
a) was administering
b) had been administering
c) administered
d) were administering
Hacking cough … before the doctor came.
a) will have been relieved
b) has been relieved
c) were being relieved
d) had been relieved
Ann … her dentist tomorrow.
A. called;
B. will call;
C. has called;
D. was called.
I … ready for the test the whole day yesterday.
A. got;
B. have got;
C. was getting;
D. have been getting.
Last week the teacher … us about dental braces.
A. will tell;
B. was told;
C. has been told;
D. told.
Look! Alice … by the dentist.
A. is being examined;
B. is examined;
C. is examining;
D. has examined.
What … you … at the English lesson today?
A. did … learn;
B. have … learnt;
C. had … learnt;
D. do … learn.
The stomatologist … about her complaints when the phone rang.
A. will tell;
B. was telling;
C. was being told;
D. has told.
You … this exercise by the end of the lesson.
A. will write;
B. will have written;
C. are written;
D. writes.
My father … fruit every day.
A. eats;
B. is eating;
C. had eaten;
D. was eating.
Nina told she … her exam in Odontology the day before.
A. passed;
B. is passed;
C. had passed;
D. will pass.
The patient’s saliva sample … for the analyses yesterday.
A. is taken;
B. took;
C. has been taking;
D. was taken.
When … the vaccine … subcutaneously to produce a more active resistance of
the protective mechanisms of the body?
A) will … inject;
B) will … be injected;
C) will … be injecting;
D) will … have been injecting.
The doctor … the patient closely for serious complications for half an hour
A) examines;
B) have examined;
C) is examining;
D) has been examining.
In Parkinson’s disease nerve cells in basal ganglia usually …, resulting in
lower production of dopamine.
A) degenerates;
B) are degenerating;
C) degenerate;
D) have degenerated.
The students … a lecture on teeth whitening next week.
A. will have;
B. have;
C. has;
D. were having.
John … medications before the doctor came.
A. has taken;
B. had taken;
C. took;
D. was taken.
She … the paragraph on the types of dentures at the moment.
A. was reading;
B. is reading;
C. has read;
D. has been reading.
Ann … already … her report on different types of fillings.
E. is … writing;
F. will … write;
G. has … written;
H. was … written.
I … the information about the endodontic treatment for two hours.
E. learnt;
F. have learnt;
G. were learning;
H. have been learning.
Last week crowns … to an artificial tooth.
E. will be attached;
F. were attached;
G. has been attached;
H. have attached.
Look! The dentist ... the patient`s tooth with forceps.
E. has been pulling;
F. pulls;
G. is pulling;
H. pulled.
What mark ... you... in Anatomy today?
E. did … get;
F. have … got;
G. had … got;
H. were … getting.
Protestor Smirnov … lectures in Chemistry last year.
E. is delivering;
F. was delivering;
G. delivered;
H. delivers.
An old woman … on right now.
E. is operated;
F. is being operated;
G. has been operated;
H. is operating.
A. .
The dentist … my sister anesthesia when I came.
E. was giving;
F. gave;
G. has given;
H. gives.
My aunt … full dentures since the age of 48.
E. is wearing;
F. was wearing;
G. has been wearing;
I. has worn
The scientist … immunologic measurements in people with AIDS with those
of healthy people all morning on Monday.
A) will compare;
B) will be compared;
C) will be comparing;
D) will have been compared.
X-ray image of the spinal cord … by the doctor now to detect abnormalities
within the spinal column.
A) is taking;
B) has taken;
C) is being taken;
D) has been taken.
He ... that the diagnosis ... fully ... by X-ray examination.
A) have said; is ... confirmed;
B) said; will be confirmed;
C) had said; was ... confirmed;
D) said; had been ... confirmed.
When the doctor ... into the ward, the nurse ... the infant.
A) came; is measuring;
B) come; will measure;
C) came; was measuring;
D) comed; was measuring.
If you ... for a doctor here, he ... more about the operation.
A) waited; will told;
B) wait; will tell;
C) will wait; will tell;
D) wait; tell.
What methods of diagnostic ... to reveal gastric cancer?
A) are used;
B) will used;
C) is used;
D) was used.
The patient’s relatives … that the patient’s insulin level … shortly after eating
a cake.
A) was told; has increased;
B) has told; had increase;
C) were told; had increased;
D) were told; is increased.
… the age significantly … the incidence of cancer?
A) Does, affect;
B) Does, affects;
C) Do, affect;
D) Is, affect.
He said that he … the milk before use.
A) has boiled;
B) had boiled;
C) will boil;
D) have boiled.
When she … into the room, the baby … on the floor.
A) come; was crawling;
B) came; is crawling;
C) came; was crawling;
D) came; were crawling.
This patient … from autism since early childhood.
A) is suffering;
B) has been suffering;
C) has been suffered;
D) was suffering.
What … schizophrenia … by?
A) is; characterized;
B) does; characterize;
C) is; characterizing;
D) was; characterize.
This abnormal lymph node … during the next operation.
A) will remove;
B) was removed;
C) is removing;
D) will be removed.
This neuroblastoma usually … in children under 5 years of age.
A) is occurring;
B) occurs;
C) was occurring;
D) occur.
The tumour … along with a wide margin of normal tissue.
A) resected;
B) have been resected;
C) has been resected;
D) was resecting.
Look! The doctor … a sample of liver tissue by needle for examination under
the microscope.
A) will be removed;
B) will remove;
C) is removing;
D) is removed.
Antidepressant drug … usually … by a doctor.
A) is / prescribed;
B) has been / prescribed;
C) is being / prescribed;
D) has been / prescribing.
Mother said that she … her infant solid food.
A) will give;
B) had been given;
C) gave;
D) gives.
Composite veneers … in a single visit to the dentist.
a) shall perform
b) will perform
c) are performed
d) is performed
The patient … sick after he … those drugs.
a) shall feel … have taken
b) felt … had taken
c) feels … will have
d) felt … were taking
Look! The doctor … the ward.
a) were entering
b) will be entered
c) is entering
d) has been entered
Nowadays demand for cosmetic procedures … greater than ever.
a) is
b) had been
c) were
d) shall be
I … all the instructions about the test by 7 p.m. tomorrow.
a) shall be received
b) shall have received
c) will be receiving
d) will receive
We … on different types of dentures for two hours last Friday.
a) was instructed
b) were instructed
c) was being instructed
d) were being instructed
The ceramic braces … by the dentist last week.
a) is made
b) were made
c) has been made
d) had made
The dental polyclinic … in our street next year.
a) will be built
b) will build
c) is built
d) will be building
The patient … with a temporary bridge at the moment.
a) was fitted
b) is being fitted
c) is fitted
d) is fitting
John … for the laboratory analysis since morning.
a) have been waiting
b) waited
c) will wait
d) has been waiting
Before birth this premature infant … in the uterus 33 weeks.
A) spend;
B) spent;
C) have spent;
D) had spent.
The newborn full … just … physical examination.
A) has / performed;
B) has been / performed;
C) was / performed;
D) is being / performed.
… the parents … to this doctor’s operating on their chills?
A) was … agreed
B) did … agree
C) was … being agreed
D) had … agreed
Otic dosage forms … to the ear canal for the treatment of infection,
inflammation or pain.
a) are applied;
b) applied;
c) are applying;
d) will apply.
Insulin … an animal- derived or synthetic form of a hormone used to treat
a) were;
b) is;
c) are;
d) have been.
She … at this chemist’s for many year.
a) was working;
b) worked;
c) works;
d) has been working.
Today the doctor … an ophthalmic solution to the patient suffering from
severe conjunctivitis.
a) administers;
b) has administered;
c) had administered;
d) will administer.
Researchers … recently… positive results of their clinical trials.
a) had… been obtained;
b) are… obtaining;
c) will… obtain;
d) have… obtained.
He… for a job for six month.
a) looks ;
b) were looking;
c) has been looking;
d) will look.
The doctors … still… whether specific treatment of the side-effects is needed.
a) are… discussing;
b) was… being discussed;
c) will… discuss;
d) had…discussed.
Sublingual drugs …under the tongue or between the cheek and gums until
dissolved and absorbed.
a) is remained;
b) remains;
c) remain;
d) has remained.
Contact dermatitis … by chemicals and cosmetics conveyed to the eyes.
a) will cause;
b) is caused;
c) causes;
d) are causing.
The surgeon … this topical solution as a surgical scrub and non-irritating
antiseptic solution tomorrow.
a) shall be using;
b) use;
c) used;
d) will use.
People with maniac-depressive illnesses usually … by a psychiatrist.
A) are treated
B) are being treated
C) have been treated
D) are treating
This child … from autism for some years before behavioral therapy was
A) suffered
B) was suffering
C) has been suffering
D) had been suffering
The students … in the laboratory studying the structure of the reproductive
system when somebody … off the light.
A) worked … was switching
B) were working … switched
C) had worked … had been switching
D) worked … switched
Scientists … already in revealing a limited number of genes implicated in
tumour initiation.
A) succeeded
B) succeeds
C) have succeeded
D) were succeeded
The newborn with some congenital malformation … by the neonatologist at
the moment.
A) is examining
B) is being examined
C) has been examined
D) is examined
At that moment students … to the professor attentively.
A) listened
B) had listened
C) were listening
D) listen
Friendly relations … between the doctor and the patient.
A) has established
B) has been established
C) have established
D) have been established
He said that many students learning English … members of their English club.
A) are
B) was
C) were
D) will be
The doctor wears the white gown which … to him by his colleagues some
years ago.
A) presented
B) were presented
C) was presented
D) have been presented
Her son … nephrotomy at the moment.
A) performed
B) is being performed
C) performs
D) has been performed
This patient … from kidney stones and nephritis for many years.
A) has been suffering
B) has been suffered
C) is being suffered
D) was suffering
A brief hospitalization usually … in a crisis to prevent a suicidal attempt.
A) need
B) is needing
C) is needed
D) will have been needed
The woman … for some years before she got pregnant.
A) was smoking
B) smoked
C) had been smoking
D) had smoked
The newborn just … by a nurse.
A) has weight and measured
B) was weight and measured
C) was being weighed and measured
D) has been weight and measured
… your child … from influenza last year?
A) Did … suffer
B) Was … suffered
C) Has … suffered
D) Did … suffered
Where is your wife? – She … our newborn son.
A) breastfeeds
B) is breastfed
C) is breastfeeding
D) breastfed
How many patients... the dentist... tomorrow by 5 p.m.?
A. will … examine;
B. had … examined;
C. will … be examined;
D. will … have examined.
Olga … from the university a year ago.
A. has graduated;
B. had graduated;
C. graduated;
D. was graduating.
The surgeons … on an old woman right now.
A. are operated;
B. are being operated;
C. have operated;
D. are operating.
The dental surgery … by the nurse since morning.
a) is being aired
b) has been aired
с) has been airing
d) is airing
Mary … still … for her examination in orthodontics.
a) is … preparing
b) does … prepare
с) will … be preparing
d) has … prepared
Barbara…a nurse in this clinic for 20 years and she is still working here.
a) have been
b) were
c) has been
d) was
This volunteer nurse … to South Africa yet.
a) hadn’t been
b) wasn’t
c) hasn’t been
d) haven’t been
He … at his report on caries now.
a) is working
b) was working
c) works
d) have worked
At the moment the surgeon … on the maxilla.
a) has operated
b) is operating
c) is being operated
d) operates
Don’t enter the ward. A patient … there.
a) was examined
b) had been examined
c) is being examined
d) will examine
Because of severe tooth fracture I … by two dentists last week.
a) was examined
b) have been examined
c) were examining
d) had been examined
My decayed tooth … tomorrow.
a) was being filled
b) had filled
c) is filling
d) will be filled
Nowadays braces … by many people in many countries of the world.
a) is wearing
b) was wearing
c) are worn
d) had been worn
Yesterday at 12 a. m. the students of our group … a lecture in Anatomy.
A. delivered;
B. were being delivered;
C. have been delivered;
D. were delivered.
Next Sunday we … a scientific conference in Biology.
A. arrange;
B. will arrange;
C. will be arranging;
D. have arranged.
What... you... before you saw the dentist?
A. will … do;
B. have … done;
C. had … done;
D. do … do.
What... the nurse... when you came?
A. have … done;
B. was … doing;
C. did … do;
D. has … done.
His back teeth … already … .
A. have … been extracted;
B. have … extracted;
C. had … been extracted;
D. were … extracted.
The patient … for the dentist since 8 o`clock.
A. is waiting;
B. has been waiting;
C. have been waiting;
H. was waiting.
A new denture… by that time.
A. had been constructed;
B. is being constructed;
C. has been constructed;
D. was constructed.
Nick … by a dental orthopedist two days ago.
A. is examined;
B. has been examined;
C. have examined;
D. was examined.
My mum … the porcelain crowns for several years before they chipped.
A. was wearing;
B. has been wearing;
C. has worn.
D. had been wearing.
The doctor said that a day before the child … to a special care nursery.
A) was taken
B) was taking
C) had been taken
D) had taken
Last week the measles vaccine … in combination with mumps and rubella
A) gave
B) has been given
C) was given
D) was giving
… the doctor already … the woman how to prepare nipples before she began
A) Did … explain
B) Had … explained
C) Has … explained
D) Has … been explained
For the first baby, full milk production usually … in 72 to 96 hours.
A) establish
B) is established
C) has been established
D) was establishing
People with normal throat cultures who … recently against diphtheria …
need treatment and … a risk to others.
A) have been vaccinated … didn’t need … aren’t considered
B) had been vaccinated … don’t need … aren’t considered
C) have been vaccinated … don’t need … aren’t considered
D) had been vaccinated … don’t need … weren’t considered
The doctor said that in healthy well-nourished children measles … rarely
A) will be
B) should be
C) is
D) was
When I entered the ward the patient with diphtheria … an antitoxin.
A) was giving
B) was being given
C) was given
D) gave
… you … for the doctor yesterday? – I … for twenty minutes when he … at last.
A) Did … wait, had been waiting, came
B) Were … waiting, was waiting, had come
C) Had … been waiting, waited, came
D) Had … waited, had been waiting, was coming
Physicians usually … patients in their consulting rooms.
A) receives
B) receive
C) are receiving
D) have been receiving
My mother told me that she … these drugs for her kidney disease by this
A) has administered
B) administered
C) was being administered
D) had been administered
In two days the nurse … to the patient’s house to give him the administered
A) come
B) shall come
C) will have come
D) will come
He … by the oncologist yet.
A) wasn’t consulted
B) didn’t consult
C) hasn’t been consulted
D) hadn’t consulted
The doctor … a baby a thorough physical examination for half an hour to
detect any abnormalities.
A) has been given
B) has given
C) has been giving
D) is giving
Before the lesson was over all students … the final test on the last modulus.
A) has written
B) had written
C) have been writing
D) were writing
By 3 o’clock tomorrow the professor … the lecture on the immunity for half
an hour.
A) will deliver
B) will be delivered
C) will have delivered
D) will have been delivering
I usually … home but yesterday I … a taxi.
A) walk … took
B) am walking … was taking
C) walk … had taken
D) am walking …. has taken
When the patient … by the physician he said that a dry cough … two days
A) asked … developed
B) was asked … developed
C) was asked … had developed
D) asked … was developing
… scientists … vaccine against dental caries in the nearest future?
A) will … produce
B) will … be produced
C) will … have been produced
D) will … have been producing
The students … the lecture on routes of drug administration for twenty
minutes already.
a) study
b) studied
c) was studying
d) have been studying
At 2 o’clock yesterday a medical practitioner …my uncle how to properly
inject insulin.
a) was showing
b) showed
c) shows
d) had showed
After the physician … all the expected benefits and possible complications he
administered the proper medications.
a) has been weighed
b was weighed
c) had weighed
d) weighs
Insulin … usually … in the stomach, upper arm, upper leg, or buttocks.
a)is …injected
b) injects
c) was ..injected
d) had…injected
Final tests in English … by our students next week.
a) will be writing
b) will be written
c) will write
d) will have been written
The intern made a correct diagnosis after he… the cardiac patient for an hour
a) examined
b) was examining
c) had been examining
d) have examined
Last month my daughter …from pneumonia.
a) suffers
b) were suffering
c) had suffered
d) suffered
If the patient … unconscious, the drugs will be given to him by parenteral
a) was
b) were
c) is
d) will be
The professor …the lecture on the antipyretics from 9 to 11 tomorrow.
a) was delivering
b) is delivering
c) delivers
d) will be delivering
They asked the nurse what the doctor …about the patient’s condition after
the complicated operation.
a) says
b) had said
c) is saying
d) has been said
My sister’s health … since she was discharged from the hospital.
A) hadn’t been changed
B) didn’t change
C) hasn’t changed
D) wasn’t changed
Initially the baby … for several minutes at each breast.
A) feeds
B) is being fed
C) is fed
D) has been fed
Look! The infant … at the sound of its mother’s voice.
A) smiles
B) has smiled
C) has been smiling
D) is smiling
The pregnant … folic acid for a month.
A) has been taking
B) has taken
C) is taking
D) is taken
Her son is mentally retarded, so she … him to an ordinary school.
A) won’t give
B) won’t be given
C) won’t be giving
D) won’t have given
If children with autism … properly, the treatment … more effective.
A) will be diagnosed … will be
B) are diagnosed … will be
C) are diagnosed … shall be
D) will be diagnosed … is
Scientists … already in revealing limited number of genes implicated in
tumour initiation.
A) have succeeded
B) succeeded
C) will succeed
D) are succeeding
… the parents … to this doctor’s operating on their chills?
A) was … agreed
B) did … agree
C) was … being agreed
D) had … agreed
I … this medication since the beginning of irritation.
a) has used
b) have been using
c) is using
d) used
Dr. Smith … this patient’s stomatitis for almost a year already.
a) is treating
b) had treated
c) will treat
d) has been treating
Now the dentist … all his dental armamentarium for receiving his next
a) prepared
b) is preparing
c) had prepared
d) is being prepared
The dentist … already … filled the patient’s tooth when I entered the dental
a) had … filled
b) was … filling
c) is … being filled
d) will … be filling
I … my prescription that’s why I need to visit my dentist once more to have a
new one.
a) have lost
b) was lost
c) have been lost
d) was being lost
Last week my teeth sensitivity … by means of this new medication.
a) has treated
b) was treated
c) is treating
d) was treating
Cosmetic stomatologist … often…by her.
a) is … visiting
b) is … being visited
c) is … visited
d) does … visit
Dental therapy … by him when I came.
a) is being performed
b) was being performed
c) is performed
d) has performed
… the patient … by this experienced endodontist now?
a) Is … being examined
b) Is … examining
c) Was … examined
d) Had … been examined
I … studying an important article on dental surgery by Monday.
a) finished
b) will finish
c) shall have finished
d) will be finished
People with maniac-depressive illnesses usually … by a psychiatrist.
A) are treated
B) are being treated
C) have been treated
D) are treating
This child … from autism for some years before behavioral therapy was
A) suffered
B) was suffering
C) has been suffering
D) had been suffering
The students … in the laboratory studying the structure of the reproductive
system when somebody … off the light.
A) worked … was switching
B) were working … switched
C) had worked … had been switching
D) worked … switched
At 2 o’clock yesterday a medical practitioner … my uncle how to properly
inject insulin.
a) is showing
b) was showing
c) showed
d) will show
That patient … by the dentist by 9 o’clock.
a) had been examined
b) had examined
c) has been examined
d) have been examined
Ann ... still... her report on different types of fillings.
a) is … writing
b) will … write
c) has … write
d) was … written
I ... already … most information about the endodontic treatment from this
a) had … learnt
b) have … learnt
c) was … learning
d) has … been learning
What ... you ... now?
a) have … been studying
b) will … study
c) are … studying
d) were … studying
What mark ... you ... in Anatomy at your examination last year?
a) did … get
b) have … got
c) had … got
d) were … getting
Protestor Smirnov ... lectures in Chemistry every morning.
a) is delivering
b) was delivering
c) will be delivering
d) delivers
An old woman ... by a team of maxillofacial surgeons on right now.
a) is operated
b) is being operated
c) has been operated
d) is operating
Our teacher ... endodontics since 1990.
a) had been taught
b) has been teaching
c) was being taught
d) are teaching
The students ... a lecture on teeth whitening next week.
a) will have
b) have had
c) has
d) were having
John ... medications before the doctor came.
a) has taken
b) had taken
c) took
d) was taken
Though antivirals … most viruses, they can speed up the recovery process and
make the symptoms less severe.
a) do not cure
b) does not cure
c) is not cured
d) was not cured
At the moment the nurse … intradermal injections to identify an allergen.
a) makes
b) made
c) is making
d) will make
The student … the lecture on vitamin D deficiency for half an hour already.
a) has been studying
b) was studying
c) studies
d) had been studying
Two weeks ago Zanamivir … by the patient to fight the influenza A virus.
a) has used
b) was used
c) is being used
d) used
39. The professor … about antiviral drugs and their routs of
administration from two to three o’clock tomorrow.
a) will speak
b) is speaking
c) was speaking
d) will be speaking
With the help of this probiotic the patient’s microbial flora … in a week.
a) will improve
b) improves
c) will be improving
d) improved
The desired effect of a drug usually … on the moment of its administration
compared to meals.
a) depend
b) is depending
c) depends
d) had depended
If you … a full course of antibiotics, you … better in some days.
a) will take / will feel
b) take / feel
c) take / will feel
d) will take / feel
The cardiologist … the examination of the patient suffering from heart failure
before the nurse came in.
a) had finished
b) has finished
c) finished
d) have finished
Scientists … already in revealing a limited number of genes implicated in
tumour initiation.
A) succeeded
B) succeeds
C) have succeeded
D) were succeeded
The newborn with some congenital malformation … by the neonatologist at
the moment.
A) is examining
B) is being examined
C) has been examined
D) is examined
At that moment students … to the professor attentively.
A) listened
B) had listened
C) were listening
D) listen
Friendly relations … between the doctor and the patient.
A) has established
B) has been established
C) have established
D) have been established
Her uncle …as a dentist since 1999.
c)has been working
d)have been working
The patient …by the dentist regularly after surgery.
a)is visited
b)have been visited
c)is visiting
d) was visiting
He …already… his report on root canals treatment.
a)has been preparing
b)is preparing
c)has prepared
d) )have prepared
The first dentures ….from bone or ivory in the 15th century.
a)is carved
b)were carved
c)will be carved
d)has been carved
The dentist …tooth extraction successfully by 7o’clock yesterday.
a)have carried out
b)had carried out
c)has carried out
d)will be carried out
The denturist … a new impression next week.
a)will have constructed
b) will construct
c) have constructed
d)will be constructed
Amalgam fillings…next week.
a)will be put
b)will put
c) will be putting
d)will have put
The advantages of implants…still…when I came into the ward.
a)were… discussed
b)are… discussed
c)were…being discussed
d)were… discussing
Diabetis typically….down healing in the patient’s oral cavity.
a) is slowing
b)has been slowing
c) has been slowed
d) slows
Croocked teeth …already…reshaped by braces.
a) has… been
b) is… being
c)was… being
d) have… been
The dentist was sure that tooth losing in this patient…by gingivitis.
a) caused
b)is caused
c)had been caused
d)will be caused
What…the nurse … in the ward right now ?
b)has…been doing
c)have…been doing
The doctor wears the white gown which … to him by his colleagues some
years ago.
A) presented
B) were presented
C) was presented
D) have been presented
Her son … nephrotomy at the moment.
A) performed
B) is being performed
C) performs
D) has been performed
This patient … from kidney stones and nephritis for many years.
A) has been suffering
B) has been suffered
C) is being suffered
D) was suffering
A brief hospitalization usually … in a crisis to prevent a suicidal attempt.
A) need
B) is needing
C) is needed
D) will have been needed
The woman … for some years before she got pregnant.
A) was smoking
B) smoked
C) had been smoking
D) had smoked
The newborn just … by a nurse.
A) has weight and measured
B) was weight and measured
C) was being weighed and measured
D) has been weight and measured
… your child … from influenza last year?
A) Did … suffer
B) Was … suffered
C) Has … suffered
D) Did … suffered
Where is your wife? – She … our newborn son.
A) breastfeeds
B) is breastfed
C) is breastfeeding
D) breastfed
The doctor said that a day before the child … to a special care nursery.
A) was taken
B) was taking
C) had been taken
D) had taken
Last week the measles vaccine … in combination with mumps and rubella
A) gave
B) has been given
C) was given
D) was giving
… the doctor already … the woman how to prepare nipples before she began
A) Did … explain
B) Had … explained
C) Has … explained
D) Has … been explained
For the first baby, full milk production usually … in 72 to 96 hours.
A) establish
B) is established
C) has been established
D) was establishing
People with normal throat cultures who … recently against diphtheria …
need treatment and … a risk to others.
A) have been vaccinated … didn’t need … aren’t considered
B) had been vaccinated … don’t need … aren’t considered
C) have been vaccinated … don’t need … aren’t considered
D) had been vaccinated … don’t need … weren’t considered
The doctor said that in healthy well-nourished children measles … rarely
A) will be
B) should be
C) is
D) was
When I entered the ward the patient with diphtheria … an antitoxin.
A) was giving
B) was being given
C) was given
D) gave
… you … for the doctor yesterday? – I … for twenty minutes when he … at
A) Did … wait, had been waiting, came
B) Were … waiting, was waiting, had come
C) Had … been waiting, waited, came
D) Had … waited, had been waiting, was coming
Physicians usually … patients in their consulting rooms.
A) receives
B) receive
C) are receiving
D) have been receiving
My mother told me that she … these drugs for her kidney disease by this
A) has administered
B) administered
C) was being administered
D) had been administered
In two days the nurse … to the patient’s house to give him the administered
A) come
B) shall come
C) will have come
D) will come
He … by the oncologist yet.
A) wasn’t consulted
B) didn’t consult
C) hasn’t been consulted
D) hadn’t consulted
The doctor … a baby a thorough physical examination for half an hour to
detect any abnormalities.
A) has been given
B) has given
C) has been giving
D) is giving
45. Before the lesson was over all students … the final test on the last
A) has written
B) had written
C) have been writing
D) were writing
By 3 o’clock tomorrow the professor … the lecture on the immunity for half
an hour.
A) will deliver
B) will be delivered
C) will have delivered
D) will have been delivering
I usually … home but yesterday I … a taxi.
A) walk … took
B) am walking … was taking
C) walk … had taken
D) am walking …. has taken
When the patient … by the physician he said that a dry cough … two days
A) asked … developed
B) was asked … developed
C) was asked … had developed
D) asked … was developing
… scientists … vaccine against dental caries in the nearest future?
A) will … produce
B) will … be produced
C) will … have been produced
D) will … have been producing
My sister’s health … since she was discharged from the hospital.
A) hadn’t been changed
B) didn’t change
C) hasn’t changed
D) wasn’t changed
Initially the baby … for several minutes at each breast.
A) feeds
B) is being fed
C) is fed
D) has been fed
Look! The infant … at the sound of its mother’s voice.
A) smiles
B) has smiled
C) has been smiling
D) is smiling
The pregnant … folic acid for a month.
A) has been taking
B) has taken
C) is taking
D) is taken
48. Her son is mentally retarded, so she … him to an ordinary school.
A) won’t give
B) won’t be given
C) won’t be giving
D) won’t have given
If children with autism … properly, the treatment … more effective.
A) will be diagnosed … will be
B) are diagnosed … will be
C) are diagnosed … shall be
D) will be diagnosed … is
Scientists … already in revealing limited number of genes implicated in
tumour initiation.
A) have succeeded
B) succeeded
C) will succeed
D) are succeeding
Food … two types of iron.
a) is containing
b) contains
c) contained
d) will contain
The patient’s behaviour … good yesterday.
a) will be
b) was
c) were
d) would
Next week the students … a lecture on pharmacology.
a) shall have
b) will have
c) had
d) has
The cutaneous rate … for local treatments.
a) is used
b) are used
c) were used
d) have used
These pharmacists … tinctures now.
a) prepared
b) are preparing
c) will prepare
d) was preparing
She … the glassware a 8 o’clock yesterday.
a) is sterilizing
b) was sterilizing
c) were sterilizing
d) will sterilize
Analgesics … the cause of the pain but they will provide temporary relief
from pain symptoms.
a) will not treat
b) will treat
c) would treat
d) were treating
The patient … drugs for cough at 3 p.m. tomorrow.
a) will be taking
b) took
c) takes
d) have taken
My father … already … some antivirals medicines at the chemist’s.
a) has bought
b) bought
c) buy
d) have bought
The patient … the vitamins by that time.
a) took
b) had taken
c) will take
d) were taking
Her uncle …a dentist respected by everyone.
c)has been
d)have been
The patient …for the dentist from 5 till 7 o’clock tomorrow.
a)will be waiting
b)have been waiting
c)will have waited
d) will wait
Don’t disturb him. He …at his report on root canals treatment.
a)has been working
b)is working
c)was working
Veneers …by a California dentist named Charles Pincus.
a)is invented
b)were invented
c)will be invented
d)has been invented
The dentist …already …out a preliminary intra-oral examination.
a)have carried
b)has carried
c)had carried
d)will be carried
The dentist … a new denture by the next week.
a)will have constructed
b) will construct
c) have constructed
d)will be constructed
Temporary fillings…in different situations.
a)are used
c)have used
d)has used
They …the use of different types of fillings next time.
a) will have discussed
b) has been discussing
c) will discuss
d)will be discussing
Oral sedation typically…anxiety.
b)has relieved
c)is relieving
Absent teeth …already…substituted by bridgework.
a) has been
b)have been
c)was being
d)is being
A man …unconscious for a few minutes before an ambulance arrived.
b)has been
c)had been
Вставте потрібну форму дієприкметника:
The question … to the professor were important.
A) putting
B) put
C) having put
D) being putting
The professor spoke about athletes using corticosteroids … their photos.
A) showing
B) being shown
C) having shown
D) shown
The pain in the bladder was felt ….
A) having been worsened
B) having been worsening
C) worsening
D) worsened
… from the medical university, John started working as an endodontist.
a) Being graduated
b) Having been graduated
c) Graduated
d) Having graduated
The patient had his teeth … .
a) whitened
b) whitening
c) having whitened
d) having been whitened
The dentist was heard … the patient special toothpaste for people who smoke.
a) being recommended
b) recommended
c) recommending
d) having been recommended
The weather … fine, the doctor allowed the patient to go for a walk.
A) been
B) having been
C) having being
D) being
… the chemist’s, he saw his friend buying amoxicillin.
a) Having been entered
b) Entering
c) Entered
d) Being entered
… anivirals to prevent influenza, she didn’t get sick.
a) Taken
b) Being taken
c) Having taken
d) Having been taken
Penicillin is an antibiotic, … by everyone.
a) knowing
b) having known
c) having been known
d) known
Helen waited for the results of the pregnancy test with her heart … fast.
A) having been beat
B) beating
C) beaten
D) being beat
… the newborn the pediatrician began giving recommendations to its mother.
A) Being examined;
B) Examined;
C) Having examined;
D) Having been examined.
Her mother … English, he knows the language very well.
A) teaching;
B) taught;
C) having teaching;
D) being taught.
She has just received the results of the blood test … last.
A) having made;
B) making;
C) being make;
D) made.
Antibiotic … to this patient is called Genticin.
A) administering
B) being administered
C) having administered
D) administered
The house … in our street now - is a new building of hospital.
A) building
B) being built
C) having built
D) having been built
… all the new words, I started to learn them.
A) Having been written
B) Being written out
C) Having written out
D) Written out
The work …, the nurses went home.
A) being doing;
B) doing;
C) having done;
D) having been done.
The doctor was sorry to have kept the patient … .
A) having waiting;
B) waited;
C) being waited;
D) having been waited.
… buttocks first, the baby’s head didn’t become misshapen.
A) delivering;
B) having delivering;
C) having been delivered;
D) delivered.
… by his mother, the boy tries to make his first steps.
A) Being supported;
B) Supporting;
C) Having supported;
D) Having been supported.
… full physical examination of the patient, the doctor went downstairs to talk
with the patient’s relatives.
A) Performing;
B) Having performed;
C) Being performed;
D) Performed.
The mother is looking at her baby … in the crib.
A) being placed;
B) placed;
C) having been placed;
D) having placed.
The operation for nephritis … , the surgeon left the operating room.
A) finishing;
B) finished;
C) having finished;
D) having been finished.
The nurse ... to the doctor now is really an experienced medical worker.
a) spoken
b) speaking
c) having spoken
d) being spoken
… drugs for toothache, the patient felt better.
a) Taken
b) Having taken
c) Being taken
d) Having been taken
The students study at the university … 50 years ago.
a) founded
b) being founded
c) having founded
d) founding
The nurse….to the doctor now is really experienced.
a) talked
b) talking
c) having talked
d) being talked
… antiviral drugs, the patient felt better.
a) Taking
b) Having taken
c) Being taken
d) Having been taken
She’s just bought the vitamins … last week.
a) prescribed
b) being prescribed
c) having prescribed
d) prescribing
Though … the patient was conscious.
A) wounding;
B) wounded;
C) having wounded;
D) being wounding.
The oncologist was observed … the operation for mammary cancer.
A) performed;
B) performing;
C) being performed;
D) having been performed.
… the article I could answer their questions.
A) Having been read;
B) Reading;
C) Read;
D) Having read.
I looked at the stethoscope … by my younger sister.
A) breaking;
B) broken;
C) having broken;
D) having breaking.
Who is this doctor … the patient?
A) examined;
B) having been examined;
C) being examined;
D) examining.
… from the medical university, he went abroad to earn money for his future
a) Being graduated;
b) Having graduated;
c) Graduating;
d) Having been graduated.
Vitamins … to this patient are called Biovital.
a) administering;
b) having administered;
c) having been administering;
d) administered.
The pharmacist … at this chemist’s is my cousin.
a) worked;
b) having been worked;
c) working;
d) being worked.
The experiment … by my groupmates was really successful.
A) having been carried out;
B) carrying out;
C) having carried out;
D) been carried out.
… by her friends every day Jane doesn’t feel alone.
A) Visiting;
B) Having visited;
C) Being visited;
D) Having been visited.
The … age for immunization should not be construed as absolute.
A) recommending;
B) recommended;
C) having recommended;
D) being recommended.
… inadequate treatment the patient suffering from gastric cancer developed
severe side effects.
A) Having administered;
B) Administered;
C) Administering;
D) Having been administered.
… her ill friend, she went home.
A) Having visited;
B) Visiting;
C) Being visited;
D) Having been visited.
… the types of analgesics the teacher gave us some tests to do.
a) Having explained
b) Explained
c) Being explained
d) Having been explained
Look! That woman … ibuprofen for relieving her headache is my patient.
a) being bought
b) having bought
c) buying
d) having been bought
The pharmacist has already found his … key for the cabinet with poisonous
a) lost
b) being lost
c) losing
d) having been lost
… drugs for toothache, Ann left the chemist’s.
a) Bought
b) Having bought
c) Being bought
d) Having been bought
Bad breath … chronic, he had to consult his dentist.
a) being become
b) having become
c) become
d) having been become
You must have your tooth … .
a) filled
b) having filled
c) being filled
d) having been filled
She lied in bed with her eyes … .
A) being closed;
B) having been closed;
C) closed;
D) closing.
The doctor was sorry to have kept the patient … .
A) waiting;
B) waited;
C) being waited;
D) being waiting.
… too much orange juice she felt bad.
A) Drank;
B) Being drunk;
C) Having drunk;
D) Having been drunk.
We discuss the experiment … 5 min ago.
A) being finished;
B) having finished;
C) finishing;
D) finished.
The student … the text “Hormones’’ is my best friend.
A) reading;
B) read;
C) having been read;
D) being read.
She must take the … drugs for diarrhea twice a day.
A) prescribing;
B) prescribed;
C) having been prescribed;
D) having prescribed.
… the ward the doctor began to examine the patient’s back.
A) Being entered;
B) Entered;
C) Having entered;
D) Entering.
… most of the newborns skin, vernix caseosa helps protecting against
A) Covered;
B) Covering;
C) Having covered;
D) Being covered.
… about vitamins and minerals I found out a lot about their sources and main
a) Reading
b) Being read
c) Read
d) Having been read
Her father is a pharmacologist … by everybody.
a) being respected
b) having respected
c) respecting
d) respected
… the door, I heard the report about cardiovascular medications.
a) Being opened
b) Opened
c) Opening
d) Having been opened
The laboratory examination demonstrated respiratory acidosis … by
A) accompanied;
B) accompanying;
C) being accompanying;
D) having been accompanied.
His father is a doctor … by his patients.
A) respecting;
B) having respected;
C) respected;
D) having respecting.
Not … how to perform the procedure the nurse asked the doctor in charge to
help her.
A) knowing;
B) known;
C) being known;
D) having known.
… for two hours after the procedure, the patient felt rested.
A) Sleeping;
B) Slept;
C) Having slept;
D) Being slept.
The pharmacist … drugs is my best friend.
a) dispensed
b) being dispensed
c) having been dispensed
d) dispensing
… the examination of the patient the physician prescribed the treatment to
a) Finishing
b) Having finished
c) Finished
d) Being finished
We have just received the results of the urine test … last week.
a) having made
b) making
c) having been made
d) made
The man … the doctor’s office some minutes ago is his patient.
a) left
b) being left
c) having left
d) having been left
We work at the clinic … 5 years ago.
a) opened
b) being opened
c) having opened
d) opening
The toothache … unbearable, he had to visit the dentist.
a) growing
b) having been grown
c) grow
d) being grown
A little boy … by his mother 5 min. ago, began to cry.
A) leaving;
B) having left;
C) being left;
D) having been left.
The stethoscope … by me was rather new.
A) loosing;
B) having lost;
C) lost;
D) being loosing.
… the medicinal plant was crushed and packed.
A) Dried;
B) Drying;
C) Having dried;
D) Having been dried.
The report …, my sister could go to bed.
A) being prepared;
B) preparing;
C) prepared;
D) having prepared.
The student turned over the pages of the textbook in virology … at the pictures.
a) having been looked
b) looked
c) looking
d) having looked
She's just received the results of the blood test … last week.
a) made
b) making
c) being made
d) having made
… from the medical university, he came to work at this laboratory .
a) Graduated
b) Graduating
c) Having been graduated
d) Having graduated
The IQ test …, the psychologist let all children go.
A) having been finished;
B) finishing;
C) having finished;
D) have finished.
The oncologist … in our clinic came from Kyiv.
A) worked;
B) having been worked;
C) being worked;
D) working.
… to Morshyn I felt relief.
A) Being sent;
B) Sending;
C) Sent;
D) Having sent.
… by the doctor the patient was asked to come in.
A) Being seen;
B) Having seen;
C) Having been seen;
D) Seen.
Antiviral drugs may cause problems … to the stomach and intestine.
a) having related;
b) relating;
c) having been related;
d) being related.
She uses cream for sensitive skin, especially for the … areas.
a) having irritated;
b) having been irritated;
c) irritated;
d) being irritated.
… by doctors regularly, these method deal with a new approach of the
a) Being discussed;
b) Discussing;
c) Having discussed;
d) Having been discussed.
… by the techer regularly, the exercises are very useful for the students.
A) Correcting;
B) Having been corrected;
C) Having corrected;
D) Being corrected.
… my knee I couldn’t attend classes.
A) Hurt;
B) Having hurt;
C) Hurting;
D) Having been hurt.
The doctor looked at my little daughter … .
A) smiling;
B) smiled;
C) having smiled;
D) being smiled.
Influenza is a disease … by a virus.
A) causing;
B) having caused;
C) caused;
D) being caused.
The child suffering from Wilm’s tumour has his kidney … .
A) removing;
B) being removed;
C) having removed;
D) removed.
The girls … in this hostel are the students of the medical university.
a) to be living
b) living
с) to have been living
d) to have lived
She must have this tooth … .
a) extracted
b) being extracted
с) having been extracted
d) extracting
The work … , the nurses went home.
a) being done
b) having being done
с) having been done
d) having done
The question … to the professor were important.
A) putting
B) put
C) having put
D) being putting
The analgesics … by Ann so often didn’t produce any side effect.
a) taking
b) having taken
c) taken
d) having been taken
Who is the woman … with my physician?
a) talking
b) being talked
c) having talked
d) talked
… the antibiotics yesterday, I will go to the chemist’s to buy them tomorrow.
a) Having administered
b) Administering
c) Being administered
d) Having been administered
The professor spoke about athletes using corticosteroids … their photos.
A) showing
B) being shown
C) having shown
D) shown
The pain in the bladder was felt ….
A) having been worsened
B) having been worsening
C) worsening
D) worsened
The weather … fine, the doctor allowed the patient to go for a walk.
A) been
B) having been
C) having being
D) being
Helen waited for the results of the pregnancy test with her heart … fast.
A) having been beat
B) beating
C) beaten
D) being beat
… by the teacher regularly, the exercises are very useful for the students.
A) correcting
B) having been corrected
C) having corrected
D) being corrected
… my knee I couldn’t attend classes.
A) hurt
B) having hurt
C) hurting
D) having been hurt
The doctor looked at my little daughter … .
A) smiling
B) smiled
C) having smiled
D) being smiled
Diabetes is a medical condition … by lack of insulin.
A) causing
B) having caused
C) caused
D) being caused
This patient had his kidney … .
A) removing
B) being removed
C) having removed
D) removed
… the test-papers on oral hygiene, the teacher returned them to the students.
a) Having corrected
b) Having been corrected
с) Being corrected
d) Corrected
… the ward, the dentist addressed the patient.
a) Having been entered
b) Entering
с) Being entered
d) Entered
You must have your tooth … before getting braces to create room for the
teeth that are being moved into place.
a) extracted
b) being extracted
с) extracting
d) having extracted
… most of the newborns skin, vernix caseosa helps protecting against
A) covered
B) covering
C) having covered
D) being covered
The laboratory examination demonstrated respiratory acidosis … by
A) accompanied
B) accompanying
C) being accompanying
D) having been accompanied
… for two hours after the procedure, the patient felt rested.
A) sleeping
B) slept
C) having slept
D) being slept
The examination of the newborn … , the neonatologist left the nursery.
A) finishing
B) finished
C) having finished
D) having been finished
The oncologist was observed … the operation for mammary cancer.
A) performed
B) performing
C) being performed
D) having been performed
His father is a doctor … by his patients.
A) respecting
B) having respected
C) respected
D) having respecting
Not … how to perform the procedure the nurse asked the doctor in charge to
help her.
A) knowing
B) known
C) being known
D) having known
… inadequate treatment the patient suffering from gastric cancer developed
severe side effects.
A) having administered
B) administered
C) administering
D) having been administered
The nephrology department of the town hospital …, I had to go to the
urologic department of the regional hospital.
A) repairing
B) repaired
C) being repaired
D) having repaired
Atopine … by evening, muscle spasm was relieved and pain wasn’t felt at
A) taking
B) being taken
C) having taking
D) having been taken
Though … the patient was conscious.
A) wounding
B) wounded
C) having wounded
D) being wounding
The doctor was sorry to have kept the patient … .
A) waiting
B) waited
C) being waited
D) being waiting
… the newborn the doctor made a diagnosis of Down syndrome.
A) having examined
B) examined
C) having been examined
D) being examined
While … about that accident, the woman couldn’t say anything.
A) asking
B) having been asked
C) having asked
D) being asked
The ward …, the visitors of the patient were not let in.
A) cleaning
B) having been cleaned
C) being cleaned
D) having cleaning
The child’s IQ was considered … by the standardized intelligence test.
A) measuring
B) being measuring
C) measured
D) having been measuring
The mother … excessive amounts of alcohol during pregnancy, the child is
mentally retarded.
A) consumed
B) being consumed
C) having consumed
D) having been consumed
…drugs for toothache by the dentist, Ann went to the chemist’s to buy them.
A. Recommending;
B. Recommended;
C. Having been recommended;
D. Having recommended.
The nurse heard the dentist … on the patient`s visiting a periodontist.
A. being insisted;
B. having insisting;
C. being insisted;
D. insisting.
The patient with oral cancer was watched …by the oncologist.
A. examined;
B. examining;
C. having examined;
D. being examined.
The pediatrician was heard … the woman how to take care of the newborn.
A) being explained
B) explaining
C) having been explained
D) having explained
Blood tests … very quickly nowadays, we’ll soon know the results.
A) being performed
B) performing
C) having performed
D) having been performed
The work … , the nurses went home.
A) being done
B) having done
C) doing
D) having been done
The article on kidney diseases and their treatment … , we hoped to get it soon.
A) printing
B) being printing
C) having printed
D) having been printed
The ambulance could be seen … outside.
A) waited
B) being waiting
C) waiting
D) having waited
Ann … menstruation period, they couldn’t go to the swimming pool.
A) having had
B) had
C) having
D) having have
Our teacher of urology … some London’s hospitals, we asked him to tell us
about their methods of polycystic kidney disease treatment.
A) visiting
B) being visited
C) having visited
D) having been visited
The patient was standing at the doctor’s consulting room, with his arms ….
A) crossing
B) crossed
C) having crossed
D) being crossing
The question … to the professor were important.
A) putting
B) put
C) having put
D) being putting
The professor spoke about athletes using corticosteroids … their photos.
A) showing
B) being shown
C) having shown
D) shown
The pain in the bladder was felt ….
A) having been worsened
B) having been worsening
C) worsening
D) worsened
The weather … fine, the doctor allowed the patient to go for a walk.
A) been
B) having been
C) having being
D) being
… the report on oral hygiene I went for a walk.
A. Having written;
B. Being written;
C. Having been written;
D. Writing;
The dentist was heard … the patient about influence of smoking on his oral
A. told;
B. being told;
C. having been told;
D. telling.
My friend wanted her dental braces immediately … .
A. removing;
B. removed;
C. being removed;
D. having removed.
Helen waited for the results of the pregnancy test with her heart … fast.
A) having been beat
B) beating
C) beaten
D) being beat
… by the teacher regularly, the exercises are very useful for the students.
A) correcting
B) having been corrected
C) having corrected
D) being corrected
… my knee I couldn’t attend classes.
A) hurt
B) having hurt
C) hurting
D) having been hurt
The doctor looked at my little daughter … .
A) smiling
B) smiled
C) having smiled
D) being smiled
… from the medical university he moved to Kyiv.
A. Having been graduated;
B. Having graduated;
C. Graduating;
D. Graduated.
Laughing gas … in addition to local anesthetic, eases anxiety in patients.
E. used;
F. using;
G. having used;
H. have using.
The filling … at last, the patient went home.
E. put;
F. having been put;
G. having put;
H. have using.
… the patient the doctor sees the problem with his gums.
A. Examining;
B. Examined;
C. Being examined;
D. Having been examined.
… a toothpaste for sensitive teeth, I went to the chemist`s.
A. Having recommended;
B. Having been recommended;
C. Recommended;
D. Recommending.
Diabetes is a medical condition … by lack of insulin.
A) causing
B) having caused
C) caused
D) being caused
This patient had his kidney … .
A) removing
B) being removed
C) having removed
D) removed
… most of the newborns skin, vernix caseosa helps protecting against
A) covered
B) covering
C) having covered
D) being covered
The laboratory examination demonstrated respiratory acidosis … by
A) accompanied
B) accompanying
C) being accompanying
D) having been accompanied
… for two hours after the procedure, the patient felt rested.
A) sleeping
B) slept
C) having slept
D) being slept
… the patient, the dentist asked another person to come in.
a) Having been examined
b) Being examined
c) Examined
d) Having examined
The doctor looked at me … .
a) smiling
b) smiled
c) having smiled
d) being smiled
Her father is an oral surgeon … by everybody.
a) respecting
b) having respected
c) respected
d) being respected
The examination of the newborn … , the neonatologist left the nursery.
A) finishing
B) finished
C) having finished
D) having been finished
The oncologist was observed … the operation for mammary cancer.
A) performed
B) performing
C) being performed
D) having been performed
His father is a doctor … by his patients.
A) respecting
B) having respected
C) respected
D) having respecting
Not … how to perform the procedure the nurse asked the doctor in charge to
help her.
A) knowing
B) known
C) being known
D) having known
… inadequate treatment the patient suffering from gastric cancer developed
severe side effects.
A) having administered
B) administered
C) administering
D) having been administered
The nephrology department of the town hospital …, I had to go to the
urologic department of the regional hospital.
A) repairing
B) repaired
C) being repaired
D) having repaired
Atopine … by evening, muscle spasm was relieved and pain wasn’t felt at night.
A) taking
B) being taken
C) having taking
D) having been taken
Though … the patient was conscious.
A) wounding
B) wounded
C) having wounded
D) being wounding
The doctor was sorry to have kept the patient … .
A) waiting
B) waited
C) being waited
D) being waiting
… the newborn the doctor made a diagnosis of Down syndrome.
A) having examined
B) examined
C) having been examined
D) being examined
While … about that accident, the woman couldn’t say anything.
A) asking
B) having been asked
C) having asked
D) being asked
The ward …, the visitors of the patient were not let in.
A) cleaning
B) having been cleaned
C) being cleaned
D) having cleaning
The child’s IQ was considered … by the standardized intelligence test.
A) measuring
B) being measuring
C) measured
D) having been measuring
The mother … excessive amounts of alcohol during pregnancy, the child is
mentally retarded.
A) consumed
B) being consumed
C) having consumed
D) having been consumed
The pediatrician was heard … the woman how to take care of the newborn.
A) being explained
B) explaining
C) having been explained
D) having explained
The woman … for the dentist is my aunt.
E. having waited;
F. being waited;
G. having been waited;
H. waiting;
X-rays are harmful to living things so care must be taken when … with them.
E. working;
F. worked;
G. being worked;
H. having worked.
… living cells viruses grow and multiply.
E. Invaded;
F. Having invaded;
G. Having been invaded;
H. Being invaded.
Silver … in water kills many harmful bacteria.
E. dissolving;
F. dissolved;
G. being dissolved;
H. having dissolved.
Bacteria causing bad breath … , the man could definitely enjoy his
interaction with people.
A. having been eradicated;
B. having eradicated;
C. eradicating;
D. being eradicated.
Blood tests … very quickly nowadays, we’ll soon know the results.
A) being performed
B) performing
C) having performed
D) having been performed
The work … , the nurses went home.
A) being done
B) having done
C) doing
D) having been done
The article on kidney diseases and their treatment … , we hoped to get it soon.
A) printing
B) being printing
C) having printed
D) having been printed
The ambulance could be seen … outside.
A) waited
B) being waiting
C) waiting
D) having waited
Ann … menstruation period, they couldn’t go to the swimming pool.
A) having had
B) had
C) having
D) having have
Our teacher of urology … some London’s hospitals, we asked him to tell us
about their methods of polycystic kidney disease treatment.
A) visiting
B) being visited
C) having visited
D) having been visited
The patient was standing at the doctor’s consulting room, with his arms ….
A) crossing
B) crossed
C) having crossed
D) being crossing
While … a patient a doctor faces a lot of different problems.
A. treated;
B. treating;
C. being treated ;
D. having treated.
The professor … this lecture came from Lviv.
A. delivering;
B. delivered;
C. being delivered;
D. having been delivered.
… the patient the dentist gave him some recommendations.
A. Examined;
B. Having examined;
C. Having been examined;
D. Being examined.
Many of the drugs … today are the product of years of intensive research.
A. being developing;
B. being developed;
C. developing;
D. having developed.
Вставте потрібну форму герундія:
It is important to get vaccination against rubella before ….
A) becoming
B) having become
C) being become
D) having been become
The neonatologist agreed to the newborn’s … by a neurologist.
A) seeing
B) being seen
C) having seen
D) having been seen
I am sure of the newborn’s condition … by an inadequate mother’s intake of
prenatal vitamins.
A) causing
B) having causing
C) having caused
D) having been caused
Before … antihistamines, go over all of your medications with your doctor or
a) taking
b) being taken
c) having been taken
d) having taken
Women like … special good care of themselves.
a) taking
b) being taken
с) having taken
d) having been taken.
She denies … this medication yesterday.
a) being administered
b) having been administered
с) having administered
d) administering
I remember … the doctor about my concerns.
a) told
b) having been told
с) having told
d) being told
The dentist agreed to the patient’s … by a periodontist.
a) seen
b) being seen
с) having been seen
d) seeing
He thinks of … the dentist.
a) visiting
b) visited
с) being visited
d) having visited
She denies … this medicine without prescription.
a) being bought
b) having bought
c) bought
d) having been bought
John avoids … with antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription.
a) having treated
b) treating
c) being treated
d) having been treated
Parents were looking forward to their child’s completely….
A) curing
B) having cured
C) being cured
D) having been cured
Your … smoking during pregnancy is critical.
A) being avoided
B) having avoided
C) having been avoided
D) avoiding
Women like … special care of themselves during pregnancy.
A) having taken;
B) having been taking;
C) being taken;
D) taking.
She remembers … concerns about pre-existing medical conditions.
A) having discussed;
B) having been discussed;
C) being discussed;
D) discussing.
The health care provider insisted on the patient’s … by a genetic counselor.
A) consulting;
B) having consulted;
C) being consulted;
D) having been consulting.
She quitted … as she suffer from atherosclerosis.
A) smoking
B) having smoked
C) being smoked
D) having been smoked
Excuse me my … your pen last week.
A) loosing
B) having lost
C) being lost
D) having been lost
He couldn’t help … about his son’s disease.
A) thinking
B) having thought
C) being thought
D) having been thought
The pediatrician was pleased with his … the cause of the infant’s pain.
A) determining;
B) having determined;
C) having been determined;
D) being determined.
The professor was satisfied with their students’ … hard regularly.
A) having learnt;
B) learning;
C) having been learnt;
D) being learnt.
Doctors should avoid … radiotherapy to children younger than 2 years of age.
A) having administered;
B) being administered;
C) having been administered;
D) administering.
During the operation, the other kidney needs … as a precaution to determine
whether it also has a tumour.
A) being examined;
B) having examined;
C) examining;
D) having been examined.
You can’t live without…
a)being eaten
c)having eaten
d) having been eaten
The doctor insists on patient’s … antibiotic.
a)having prescribed
b)being prescribed
c) prescribing
d)having been prescribed
Mother complained of her child’s …a painful dental procedure.
a)being made
c)having been made
d) having made
This instrument is used for…an injection of anesthetic.
b) being made
c) having made
d) having been made
The patient denied…this drug during the last procedure.
b)being administered
c)having been administered
d)having administered
The woman agrees to her son’s … by the psychologist.
A) examining;
B) being examined;
C) having examined;
D) having been examined.
… to the heart and lungs is very important.
A) Having listened;
B) Having been listened;
C) Listening;
D) Being listened.
Your … smoking during pregnancy is critical.
A) Having avoided;
B) avoiding;
C) being avoided;
D) having being avoided.
She didn’t object to her … a full physical examination.
A) performing;
B) being performed;
C) having performed;
D) having been performed.
The doctor was proud of … this baby.
A) having saving;
B) being saved;
C) having saved;
D) having been saved.
This mineral complex is worth … .
a) buying
b) being bought
c) having been bought
d) having bought
The patient’s family insisted on his … antipyretics immediately.
a) being given
b) giving
c) having given
d)having been given
She denied… Advil too early.
a) having discontinued
b) discontinuing
c) being discontinued
d) having been discontinued
The doctor remembers … the students this table.
A) having showing;
B) being shown;
C) having been shown;
D) having shown.
The doctors didn’t see any use in… surgical operation in that case.
A) being performed;
B) performing;
C) having been performed;
D) having performed.
We insisted on … about the examination of this patient.
A) having informed;
B) informing;
C) being informed;
D) having been informed.
Our scientists succeeded in … a limited number of genes implicated in tumour
A) having been revealed;
B) being revealed;
C) having revealed;
D) revealing.
I don’t remember … this nurse here before.
A) seeing;
B) having seen;
C) having been seen;
D) being seen.
After … the patient, the doctor left the consulting-room.
A) having been questioned;
B) being questioned;
C) questioning;
D) having questioning.
The patient insisted on … for the cardiologist.
A) calling;
B) being called;
C) having been called;
D) having called.
These veneers are worth…
b)being tried
c)having been tried
d) having tried
The patient’s family insisted on his … on immediately.
a)being operated
c)having operated
d)having been operated
Dentist was proud of his intern’s …a great progress in dental surgery every
a)being made
c)having been made
d) having made
These fillings are used for…patients’ appearance.
a)having been improved
b) being improved
c) having improved
d) improving
The patient denied…this drug after the last operation.
b)being administered
c)having been administered
d) having administered
My doctor insists on my … these pills twice a day.
A) being taken;
B) having been taken;
C) taking;
D) been taking.
… iron salt is essential in iron-deficiency anemia.
a) Having taken;
b) Taking;
c) Being taken;
d) Having been taken.
Students remember … different side effects of antihistamines.
a) having discussed;
b) being discussed;
c) having been discussed;
d) having been discussing.
I suspected of my sister … from pneumonia that’s why I called in a doctor.
a) having been suffered;
b) being suffered;
c) suffering;
d) having been suffering.
They remember … about their symptoms.
A) being asked;
B) asking;
C) having asked;
D) having been asked.
She was afraid of … by that dog.
A) having been bitten;
B) biting;
C) having bitten;
D) having biting.
The parents are proud of their daughter’s … an excellent oncologist.
A) being become;
B) becoming;
C) having been become;
D) having becoming.
The patient thinks of … by German surgeons.
A) operating on;
B) being operated on;
C) having operated on;
D) having been operated on
He mentioned … that case-history.
A) having read;
B) being read;
C) reading;
D) having been read.
On … the tests from the hospital we handed them to our doctor.
A) having received;
B) being received;
C) receiving;
D) having been received.
I think of … from the hospital as soon as possible.
A) having discharged;
B) being discharged;
C) having been discharged;
D) being discharge.
Before … any drugs you must consult your physician.
a) having been taken
b) being taken
c) taking
d) having taken
The patient denies … antibiotics when she had bronchitis last month.
a) having administered
b) being administered
c) having been administered
d) administering
A young pharmacist was proud of … a sick man a few hours ago.
a) helping
b) having been helped
c) having helped
d) being helped
This baby’s … was so loud.
A) being cried;
B) having been cried;
C) having cried;
D) crying
Before … from the hospital the doctor made thorough medical examination.
A) discharged;
B) having discharged;
C) having discharging;
D) being discharged.
She doesn’t allow … in her house.
A) having smoked;
B) smoking;
C) being smoked;
D) smoked.
The pregnant woman didn’t object to her … a full physical, including pelvic
and rectal examination.
A) being performed;
B) performing;
C) having performed;
D) having been performed.
Mother instisted on nurse’s … her child mild pain reliever.
A) being given;
B) having been given;
C) giving;
D) having given.
The nurse made an injection without my … pain.
A) feeling;
B) being felt;
C) having felt;
D) having been felt.
This patient denies … this suppository by the ward doctor last week.
a) administering
b) having administered
c) having been administered
d) being administered
Thank you for … me the article about biologically active supplements several
days ago.
a) showing
b) being shown
c) having been shown
d) having shown
Before … the text about the principal sources of vitamin C you must learn all
unfamiliar words.
a) translating
b) having translated
c) being translated
d) having been translated
The health care provider wanted his patient … by a genetic counselor.
A) having consulted;
B) being consulted;
C) having been consulted;
D) consulting.
You must give up…
b)being smoked
c)having been smoked
d) having smoked
The patient’s family didn’t object to his … on immediately.
a)being operated
c)having operated
d)having been operated
The dentist didn’t mind … his patient sedatives after dental surgery.
a)being prescribed
c)having been prescribed
d) having prescribed
These dentures are used for…patient’s upper jaw.
a)having been improved
b) being improved
c) having improved
d) improving
The patient denied his…this drug.
b)being overused
c)having been overused
d) has overusing
I remember … what vitamins to use.
A) being told;
B) telling;
C) having been told;
D) having told.
I remember … the results of X-ray examination.
A) having been shown;
B) showing;
C) having shown;
D) being shown.
She couldn’t help … her baby in the night.
A) being fed;
B) having fed;
C) feeding;
D) having been fed.
I need … by this qualified physician.
A) examining;
B) having examined;
C) having been examined;
D) being examined.
The professor entered the operating-room without … .
A) noticing;
B) being noticed;
C) having noticed;
D) having been noticed.
It’s no use … these drugs, you are quite healthy.
A) being taken;
B) taking;
C) having been taken;
D) having taken.
I want my sister … by an experienced physician.
A) being examined;
B) examining;
C) having examined;
D) having been examined.
The pulmonologist insisted on the patient’s … X-ray examination as he
suspected TB.
A) having performed;
B) having been performed;
C) performing;
D) being performed.
The surgeon denies … on this patient last year.
A) having been operated;
B) being operated;
C) having operated;
D) operating.
This instrument is used for … the temperature.
A) having been taken;
B) being taken;
C) having taken;
D) taking.
I want you … by this experienced surgeon.
A) being operated on;
B) operating on;
C) having operated on;
D) having been operated on.
It is important to get vaccination against rubella before ….
A) becoming
B) having become
C) being become
D) having been become
The neonatologist agreed to the newborn’s … by a neurologist.
A) seeing
B) being seen
C) having seen
D) having been seen
We can’t be healthy without … food high in vitamins and minerals.
a) ate
b) eating
c) having eaten
d) being eaten
He is proud of … such an important discovery in the field of medicine.
a) having made
b) having been made
c) being made
d) made
The patient denies … meperidine to relieve his postoperative pain.
a) administered
b) having been administered
c) having administered
d) administering
I am sure of the newborn’s condition … by an inadequate mother’s intake of
prenatal vitamins.
A) causing
B) having causing
C) having caused
D) having been caused
Parents were looking forward to their child’s completely….
A) curing
B) having cured
C) being cured
D) having been cured
Your … smoking during pregnancy is critical.
A) being avoided
B) having avoided
C) having been avoided
D) avoiding
Women like … special good care of themselves during pregnancy.
A) having taken
B) having been taking
C) being taken
D) taking
She remembers … concerns about preexisting medical conditions.
A) having discussed
B) having been discussed
C) being discussed
D) discussing
The health care provider insisted on the patient’s … by a genetic counselor.
A) consulting
B) having consulted
C) being consulted
D) having been consulting
The pediatrician was pleased with his … the cause of the infant’s pain.
A) determining
B) having determined
C) having been determined
D) being determined
The professor was pleased with their students’ … hard regularly.
A) having learnt
B) learning
C) having been learnt
D) being learnt
… in front of the computer screen isn’t thought to cause harm to a fetus.
A) having worked
B) being worked
C) having been worked
D) working
The pregnant remembers … to reduce the consumption of coffee.
A) having recommended
B) recommending
C) having been recommended
D) being recommended
She didn’t object to her … a full physical, including pelvic and rectal,
A) performing
B) having been performed
C) having performed
D) being performed
He always likes … to international conferences.
a) having invited
b) being invited
c) having inviting
d have invited
The doctor insists on the patient’s …at the hospital.
a) being stayed
b)having stayed
c) staying
d) having been stayed
Students remember …symptoms of antipyretics overdose at the previous
b) having discussed
c) being discussed
d) having been discussed
She couldn’t help … care of this infant.
A) having taken
B) taking
C) having been taken
D) being taken
The doctor will be able to make a diagnosis after … thorough physical
examination of the child.
A) being performed
B) having been performed
C) having performed
D) performing
The doctor agreed to the pregnant woman’s … in for sports.
A) going
B) having gone
C) being gone
D) having been gone
The students objected to … this task.
A) giving
B) being given
C) having given
D) having been giving
These doctors were proud of … this newborn.
A) having saved
B) having saving
C) being saved
D) having been saved
This young doctor was surprised at ….
A) having praised
B) praising
C) having been praised
D) being praising
… weight gain is more difficult later in pregnancy.
A) Having controlled
B) Controlling
C) Having been controlled
D) Being controlled
She couldn’t remember … this young child before.
A) seeing
B) being seen
C) having been seen
D) having seen
Every doctor must be good at … to what patients say.
A) listening
B) being listened
C) having listened
D) having been listened
Students prefer … to the interesting lectures at the university.
a) having listened;
d) listening;
c) having been listened;
d) being listened.
We were surprised at the physician’s… her diet yesterday.
a) having changed;
b) changing;
c) being changed;
d) having been changed.
The doctor is sure of her miscarriage … by lack of iodine and iron.
a) having caused;
b) having been caused;
c) causing;
d) caused.
… care of infants is a demanding work.
A) being taken
B) taking
C) having taken
D) having been taken
Visitors entered the ward without ….
A) noticing
B) having noticed
C) being noticed
D) having being noticed
The neonatologist insisted on the nurse’s … an injection of vitamin K to a
newborn to prevent bleeding.
A) having made
B) having been made
C) making
D) being made
A pregnant woman must ask her doctor about … a prenatal vitamin that
contain folic acid, calcium, and iron.
A) having started
B) having been started
C) being started
D) starting
The doctor was accused of his … a wrong diagnosis.
A) being made
B) making
C) having made
D) having been made
The pediatrician insisted on the patient’s … by a psychiatrist.
A) being consulted
B) consulting
C) having consulted
D) having been consulting
The doctor regretted … antihistamines to that woman last Tuesday.
a) having prescribed
b) prescribing
c) being prescribed
d) having been prescribed
He suggested … an ambulance, when he saw how pale she was.
a) having been called
b) calling
c) having called
d) being called
Vitamins are necessary for … the energy in the body.
a) being maintained
b) having maintained
c) having been maintained
d) maintaining
He wasn’t satisfied with their .. this procedure before examination.
A) performing
B) being performed
C) having performed
D) having been performed
The pregnant remembers … to reduce the consumption of coffee.
A) having recommended
B) recommending
C) having been recommended
D) being recommending
A pregnant woman needs … a doctor immediately if she experiences heavy
bleeding or a sudden loss of fluid.
A) calling
B) being called
C) having been called
D) having called
The young doctor is proud of …. by this experienced surgeon.
A) having praised
B) having been praised
C) praising
D) being praising
The patient entered the doctor’s consulting room without ….
A) noticing
B) having noticed
C) having been noticed
D) being noticed
The doctor was accused of his … a wrong diagnosis of this case.
A) having made
B) having been made
C) making
D) being made
The mother was afraid of her newborn’s … a painful procedure.
A) performing
B) being performed
C) having performed
D) having been performed
It is important to get vaccination against rubella before ….
A) becoming
B) having become
C) being become
D) having been become
The neonatologist agreed to the newborn’s … by a neurologist.
A) seeing
B) being seen
C) having seen
D) having been seen
I am sure of the newborn’s condition … by an inadequate mother’s intake of
prenatal vitamins.
A) causing
B) having causing
C) having caused
D) having been caused
Parents were looking forward to their child’s completely….
A) curing
B) having cured
C) being cured
D) having been cured
Your … smoking during pregnancy is critical.
A) being avoided
B) having avoided
C) having been avoided
D) avoiding
Women like … special good care of themselves during pregnancy.
A) having taken
B) having been taking
C) being taken
D) taking
She remembers … concerns about preexisting medical conditions.
A) having discussed
B) having been discussed
C) being discussed
D) discussing
The health care provider insisted on the patient’s … by a genetic counselor.
A) consulting
B) having consulted
C) being consulted
D) having been consulting
The pediatrician was pleased with his … the cause of the infant’s pain.
A) determining
B) having determined
C) having been determined
D) being determined
The professor was pleased with their students’ … hard regularly.
A) having learnt
B) learning
C) having been learnt
D) being learnt
… in front of the computer screen isn’t thought to cause harm to a fetus.
A) having worked
B) being worked
C) having been worked
D) working
The pregnant remembers … to reduce the consumption of coffee.
A) having recommended
B) recommending
C) having been recommended
D) being recommended
She didn’t object to her … a full physical, including pelvic and rectal,
A) performing
B) having been performed
C) having performed
D) being performed
She couldn’t help … care of this infant.
A) having taken
B) taking
C) having been taken
D) being taken
The doctor will be able to make a diagnosis after … thorough physical
examination of the child.
A) being performed
B) having been performed
C) having performed
D) performing
The doctor agreed to the pregnant woman’s … in for sports.
A) going
B) having gone
C) being gone
D) having been gone
… drugs with food may reduce bioactivity.
A. Taking;
B. Being taken;
C. Having taken;
D. Having been taken.
The patient doesn`t remember … on.
A. having operated;
B. having been operated;
C. operating;
D. being operating.
What are the advantages of … new surgical techniques?
A. developing;
B. being developed;
C. having developed;
D. having been developed
Most water soluble vitamins passes through the body without … .
A. having stored;
B. being stored;
C. having stored;
D. storing.
I don’t mind … what to do now.
A. being told;
B. telling;
C. having told;
D. having been told.
The students objected to … this task.
A) giving
B) being given
C) having given
D) having been giving
These doctors were proud of … this newborn.
A) having saved
B) having saving
C) being saved
D) having been saved
This young doctor was surprised at ….
A) having praised
B) praising
C) having been praised
D) being praising
… weight gain is more difficult later in pregnancy.
A) Having controlled
B) Controlling
C) Having been controlled
D) Being controlled
She couldn’t remember … this young child before.
A) seeing
B) being seen
C) having been seen
D) having seen
Every doctor must be good at … to what patients say.
A) listening
B) being listened
C) having listened
D) having been listened
… care of infants is a demanding work.
A) being taken
B) taking
C) having taken
D) having been taken
I enjoy … with patients while I'm in the ward.
A. talking;
B. being talked;
C. having talked;
D. having been talked.
He regrets … two minutes before his patient had seizures.
A. going;
B. having gone;
C. having been gone;
D. being gone.
The patient fell asleep after … an injection of a pain-killer
A. being given;
B. giving
C. having given;
D. having been given
… too much of this medicine may increase the chance of side effects.
A. Being taken;
B. Taking;
C. Having taken;
D. Having been taken.
I was looking forward to … my new brilliant white smile.
A. seeing;
B. being seen;
C. having seen;
D. having been seen.
Visitors entered the ward without ….
A) noticing
B) having noticed
C) being noticed
D) having being noticed
The neonatologist insisted on the nurse’s … an injection of vitamin K to a
newborn to prevent bleeding.
A) having made
B) having been made
C) making
D) being made
A pregnant woman must ask her doctor about … a prenatal vitamin that
contain folic acid, calcium, and iron.
A) having started
B) having been started
C) being started
D) starting
The doctor was accused of his … a wrong diagnosis.
A) being made
B) making
C) having made
D) having been made
The pediatrician insisted on the patient’s … by a psychiatrist.
A) being consulted
B) consulting
C) having consulted
D) having been consulting
He wasn’t satisfied with their .. this procedure before examination.
A) performing
B) being performed
C) having performed
D) having been performed
The pregnant remembers … to reduce the consumption of coffee.
A) having recommended
B) recommending
C) having been recommended
D) being recommending
A pregnant woman needs … a doctor immediately if she experiences heavy
bleeding or a sudden loss of fluid.
A) calling
B) being called
C) having been called
D) having called
The young doctor is proud of …. by this experienced surgeon.
A) having praised
B) having been praised
C) praising
D) being praising
The patient entered the doctor’s consulting room without ….
A) noticing
B) having noticed
C) having been noticed
D) being noticed
The doctor was accused of his … a wrong diagnosis of this case.
A) having made
B) having been made
C) making
D) being made
The mother was afraid of her newborn’s … a painful procedure.
A) performing
B) being performed
C) having performed
D) having been performed
After … , most drugs enter the bloodstream and circulate through the body.
A. being injecting;
B. having injecting;
C. having injected;
D. having been injected.
I remember … this article last week.
A. having translated;
B. translating;
C. being translated;
D. having been translated.
The patient could not fall asleep without … an injection of a pain-killer.
A. being given;
B. having giving
C. having given;
E. having been giving
Вставте правильну форму Subjunctive II, Conditional or
Suppositional Mood:
He … to be vaccinated as he has a weakened immune system.
A) should like
B) would like
C) liked
D) should have liked
But for poor immune system her infant … this viral infection.
A) wouldn’t contracted
B) shouldn’t contract
C) wouldn’t have contracted
D) didn’t contract
If he … against tetanus, he wouldn’t have developed this infection.
A) had been inoculated
B) were inoculated
C) would be inoculated
D) would have been inoculated
But for his stomachache he … the term-control work on antihistamines last
a) wouldn’t have missed
b) would miss
c) wouldn’t miss
d) had missed
I wish I … at home now.
a) would have been
b) would be
c) had been
d) were
If you … antibiotics without prescription, you … antibiotic resistance.
a) hadn’t taken; wouldn’t have developed
b) would take; developed
c) wouldn’t take ; hadn’t developed
d) took; wouldn’t have developed
If I … you I … my medicines in time.
a) had been; would take
b) would be; wouldn’t have taken
c) would be; hadn’t taken
d) were; would take
I wish she … soon.
A) recovered
B) had recovered
C) should recover
D) would recover
But for the problem with root canal the doctor…him a permanent filling.
b)would put
c)will put
d)would be put
I wish I…to the dentist tomorrow.
a)had gone
c)would go
d)would have gone
In your place ,I …the child to medical checkup today.
a)would take
b)would have taken
d)had taken
The gums look as if they…inflamed now.
b) would be
c)had been
d) would have been
If you …your dentist the day before ,you … have from toothache last night.
a)had visited, wouldn’t have suffered
b)visited, wouldn’t suffer
c) would visit, didn’t suffer
d) would have visited, hadn’t suffered
My sister looked as if she … very ill.
A) was
B) would be
C) should be
D) were
If the child … adequately nourished, complicating infection ….
A) had been … wouldn’t have developed
B) were … wouldn’t have developed
C) was … wouldn’t develop
D) had been … shouldn’t have developed
It is necessary that a pregnant woman … to the doctor’s recommendations.
A) would keep
B) should have kept
C) should keep
D) kept
She worried lest her mother suffering from chronic heart disease … the
A) would contract
B) contracted
C) should contract
D) have contracted
It is necessary that this patient … the doctor regularly.
A) would consult;
B) would have consulted;
C) should consult;
D) should have consulted.
If you … your doctor about the viral infection, he … the antibiotic that
combats those kinds of bacteria last month.
A) informed/would choose
B) would inform/chose
C) had informed/would have chosen
D) would have inform/had chosen
If she … free time she … you how to prevent hypovitaminosis in spring.
A) have/would tell;
B) had/would tell;
C) would have/told;
D) had/would have told.
I wish I … the teacher when I first felt that English was too difficult for me.
A) had not consulted
B) had consulted
C) would consult
D) did not consult
If I … in the city I … this lecture.
A) had been, would attend
B) weren’t, would have attended;
C) were, would attend
D) would be, attend
If only he … healthy!
A) was;
B) were;
C) is;
D) will be.
Yesterday the doctor … the same.
A) should do;
B) would do;
C) would have done;
D) should have done.
If Mary … to the bed regimen, she would recover faster.
A) keeps;
B) kept;
C) would kept;
D) should kept.
The child … vaccination against measles last week but he caught cold.
A) should be performed;
B) would have been performed;
C) would perfprmed;
D) would have performed.
In your place I … to the polyclinic tomorrow.
A) would go;
B) went;
C) would have gone;
D) go.
This liniment looks as if it …expired now.
a) was
b) were
c) would be
d) would have been
I wish I …that laxative yesterday.
a) hadn’t taken
b) didn’t take
c) wouldn’t take
d) wouldn’t have taken
I… very grateful if you …me pharmacology textbook now.
a) would be / gave
b) would have been / had given
c) were / would give
d) had been / would have given
But for her problem with the liver now the doctor …her some stronger
a) would administer
b) administered
c) would have been administered
d) had administered
The attacks of fever wouldn’t recur daily if proper treatment … .
A) would be administered;
B) was administered;
C) had administered;
D) had been administered.
Root canal looks as if it …inflamed now.
c)would be
d) would have been
I wish I…to the dentist last week.
a)had gone
c)would go
d)would have gone
If I were you ,I …the child to orthodontist today.
a)would take
b)would have taken
d)had taken
But for her problem with liver the doctor …her some stronger antibiotics.
a) would administer
b) administered
c) would have administered
d)had administered
If you …your dentist regularly ,you … have from toothache all the time.
a)had visited, wouldn’t have suffered
b)visited, wouldn’t suffer
c) would visit, didn’t suffer
d) would have visited, hadn’t suffered
I wish she … so careless of her health.
A) would be;
B) would not have been;
C) was;
D) were not.
But for the exam in Biology tomorrow I … to the party with pleasure.
A) would have gone;
B) would go;
C) went;
D) had gone.
I wish I … English better.
A) knew;
B) knows;
C) would know;
D) would have known.
If I … you, I … these rectal suppositories for laxative purpose.
a) was / shan’t use;
b) shall be / didn’t use;
c) were / won’t use;
d) were / wouldn’t use
But for his allergy he … one kilo of strawberries yesterday.
a) would have eaten;
b) ate;
c) had eaten;
d) would eat
This woman, suffering from severe anemia, looked as if she ... never … .
a) should … recover;
b) would … be recovered;
c) will … recover;
d) would … recover
I wish he … the prescribed antipyretics two days ago.
a) had bought;
b) will buy;
c) has bought;
d) had been bought
If my brother … the Medical University last year, he … a student now.
A) entered, would be;
B) had entered, would have been;
C) entered, will be;
D) had entered, would be.
This patient … from gastritis last spring, if he … the doctor’s instructions in
autumn and winter.
A) wouldn’t have suffered, follows;
B) wouldn’t suffer, followed;
C) wouldn’t have suffered, had followed;
D) wouldn’t suffer, had followed.
If I … you, I … to the polyclinic.
A) was, would go;
B) were, would go;
C) had been, would go;
D) was, would have gone.
I wish she … from the hospital next Monday.
A) would be discharged;
B) had been discharged;
C) was discharged;
D) would have been discharged.
She … from mumps last year if she … with infected children.
A) wouldn’t suffer, didn’t contact;
B) wouldn’t suffered, didn’t contact;
C) wouldn’t have suffered, hadn’t contacted;
D) wouldn’t have suffered, haven’t contacted.
If you … your oral cavity regularly, you … problems with your teeth.
A) examined, wouldn’t have;
B) had examined, wouldn’t have;
C) have examined, wouldn’t have;
D) examined, will not have.
If I … you, I … the analgesics.
A) was, would take;
B) am, will take;
C) were, would take;
D) was, would have taken.
We wish the surgeon … the operation successfully.
A) performs;
B) performed;
C) will have performed;
D) will perform.
If the patient … his doctor's advice last time he … from stomach upset.
a) would follow / suffered
b) followed / wouldn't have suffered
c) had followe / wouldn't have suffered
d) would have followed / hadn't suffered
As a rule, people … problems with their health if they … a doctor regularly.
a) hadn't had / would have visited
b) wouldn't have / visited
c) wouldn't have had / had visited
d) hadn't / would visit
I wish you ... what vitamins to take while following restrictive diet at present.
a) knew
b) would know
c) had known
d) would have known
But for my headache I … everything about cough medicines yesterday.
a) had learned
b) learned
c) would learn
d) would have learnt
But for the rain tomorrow she … medicinal plants.
A) would collect;
B) collected;
C) would have collected;
D) will collect.
If he … the text about mental retardation yesterday, he … a bad mark.
A) translated, wouldn’t got;
B) had translated, wouldn’t have got;
C) has translated, will not get;
D) translates, wouldn’t have got.
But for his fever the doctor … from the hospital tomorrow.
A) would discharge;
B) discharged;
C) would have discharged;
D) would be discharged.
If I … you I … the doctor.
A) was … would consult;
B) was … would have consulted;
C) would be … consulted;
D) were … would consult.
I wish she … so careless of her health.
A) was not;
B) were not;
C) is not;
D) should not be.
If Mary … to the bed regimen, she would recover soon.
A) keeps;
B) kept;
C) would keep;
D) would have kept.
If only the doctor … earlier!
A) would come;
B) have come;
C) came;
D) would have come.
If you … a vegetarian you … deficient of vitamin B12.
a) had been/wouldn’t be
b) were/would have been
c) had been/wouldn’t be
d) were/would be
I wish I … more vitamins and minerals every day.
a) wouldn’t consume
b) would consume
c) had consumed
d) consumed
But for the late hour I … more about antipyretics and analgesics.
a) would read
b) read
c) wouldn’t read
d) had read
If we … antivirals then we … from swine flu last winter.
a) took/would suffer
b) took/wouldn’t suffer
c) had taken/wouldn’t have suffered
d) had taken/would suffer
She closed the window lest the children … cold.
A) catch;
B) had caught;
C) would catch;
D) should catch.
If you … a month ago, you … from influenza now.
A) had vaccinated … didn’t suffer;
B) had been vaccinated … wouldn’t suffer;
C) were vaccinated … shouldn’t suffer;
D) vaccinated … wouldn’t suffer.
It is necessary that you … fluids freely.
A) would drink;
B) should drink;
C) should have drunk;
D) would have drunk.
Ann … her ill friend tomorrow if she … free time.
A) will have visited, will have;
B) will visit, will have;
C) would have visited, had;
D) would visit, had.
You … better today if you … these drugs yesterday.
A) would feel, had taken;
B) would feel, have taken;
C) felt, had taken;
D) feel, took.
I wish the doctor … the proper antihistamines last spring.
a) had administered
b) would have administered
c) administered
d) would administer
If I … you I … the cardiologist before taking these beta-blockers.
a) was / would have consulted
b) was / would consult
c) were / would consult
d) were / would be consulted
If the doctor … the proper expectorant last week the patient …
a) administered / wouldn’t have developed
b) had administered / wouldn’t have developed
c) administered / won’t develop
d) didn’t administer / didn’t develop
But for his fever the doctor … him from the hospital in two days.
a) would discharge
b) would have discharged
c) would have been discharged
d) would be discharged
He looks as if he …sick now.
c)would be
d) would have been
I wish I…to the dentist today.
a)had gone
c)would go
d)would have gone
In your place I …take some pain reliever.
a)would take
b)would have taken
d)had taken
If the doctor…usually more attentive to his patients, he …more effective
a)were, would administer
b) would be, administered
c)had been, would have administered
d) would have been, had administered
If you …your dentist yesterday ,you … have from terrible toothache all night.
a)had visited ,wouldn’t have suffered
b)visited, wouldn’t suffer
c) would visit, didn’t suffer
d) would have visited ,hadn’t suffered
In your place I … this patient tomorrow.
A) wouldn’t have discharged;
B) will not have discharged;
C) wouldn’t discharge;
D) wouldn’t discharged.
I wish I … the university 2 years ago.
A) haven’t entered;
B) hadn’t enter;
C) hasn’t entered;
D) hadn’t entered.
But for the bad nutrition this patient … soon.
A) would recover;
B) will recover;
C) would recovered;
D) will be recovered.
If I … you I … him another treatment.
A) were, will prescribe;
B) will be, would prescribe;
C) was, will prescribe;
D) were, would prescribe.
If she … me yesterday, I … her about our home task in English.
A) called, would have told;
B) had called, would have told;
C) has called, would have told;
D) will call, will tell.
I wish I … where the endocrinologist is.
A) knew;
B) know;
C) knows;
D) known.
You have symptoms of some infection. In your place I…a doctor.
a) consulted
b) would consult
c) would have been consulted
d) had consulted
If the mother had reminded her son of taking medicines, he … to take another
a) would forget
b) would not have forgotten
c) forgot
d) would not forget
If her husband …variety of foods, it… necessary to take vitamin supplements.
a) ate / wouldn’t be
b) would have been eaten /would not be
c) would eat / were not
d) had been eaten / would have been
I wish she … not so careless of her health.
a) would be
b) would have been
c) were
d) are
If I … thirsty I … some water.
A) will be, will drink;
B) was, would drink;
C) am, will be drinking;
D) were, would drink.
You … fever if you … drugs yesterday.
A) wouldn’t have had, had taken;
B) wouldn’t have, have taken;
C) wouldn’t have had, took;
D) wouldn’t have, take.
If only I … how to make injections!
A) will know;
B) knew;
C) know;
D) known.
If I … enough money I … vitamins.
A) have, would have bought;
B) have, would buy;
C) had, will buy;
D) had, would buy.
If this woman … from rubella during her pregnancy, her child … healthy
A) hasn’t suffered, will be;
B) hadn’t suffered, would be;
C) didn’t suffer, would be;
D) hadn’t suffered, will be.
If I … you, I … the patient about his previous symptoms.
A) have been, will ask;
B) will be, would ask;
C) was, will ask;
D) were, would ask.
I wish I … you yesterday.
a) met;
b) had met;
c) would meet;
d) would have met.
If I… you I … a gastroenterologist before taking these medicines for
a) had been / would have been consulted;
b) was / would be consulted;
c) would be / consulted;
d) were / would consult.
The woman with atopic dermatitis … severe itching and skin rash yesterday
evening if she … hydrocortisone cream.
a) wouldn’t have had/ had applied;
b) won’t have/had applied;
c) had/would apply;
d) hadn’t have/ applied.
If I … you I … read directions for the administrations of this over-thecounter sedative drug.
a) am / would;
b) was / would;
c) will be / would;
d) were / would.
But for the prophylactic vaccination two years ago, he … measles for sure.
A) would have had;
B) will have;
C) will be having;
D) would has.
I wish I … the university without entrance exams.
A) will enter;
B) enter;
C) entered;
D) would enter.
You … excellent mark in English yesterday, if you … the text about urinary
tract by heart.
A) wouldn’t have got, hadn’t learned;
B) wouldn’t got, hadn’t learned;
C) wouldn’t get, don’t learn;
D) wouldn’t have got, didn’t learn.
She … to stay at home today to get ready with her report on oral sedation.
a) prefer
b) prefers
с) would prefer
d) has prefered
If she … you, she would consult a dentist.
a) was
b) were
с) is
d) are
I wish she … from hypovitaminosis.
a) hadn’t suffered
b) hasn’t suffered
с) didn’t suffer
d) wouldn’t suffer
If the dentist … me yesterday, I … a toothache today.
a) has helped, wouldn’t have had
b) had helped, wouldn’t have
с) have helped, wouldn’t have
d) would help, didn’t have
But for his fear, the dentist … procedure without dental sedation.
a) performed
b) would perform
с) had performed
d) has performed
If only I … about the symptoms of mumps!
A) knew;
B) have known;
C) will know;
D) know.
But for my poor English, I … to Australia.
A) will go;
B) would go;
C) went;
D) have gone.
If I … you were in the hospital, I … to visit you.
A) had known, would go;
B) had known, would have gone;
C) have known, will go;
D) know, would have gone.
I wish I … the exam in Anatomy successfully.
A) will pass;
B) pass;
C) passed;
D) have passed.
If I … bad yesterday, I … to the nearest polyclinic.
A) had, would go;
B) had felt, would have gone;
C) have had, would gone;
D) have, would have gone.
You … problems with your teeth if you … them regularly.
A) wouldn’t have, cleaned;
B) will not have, will clean;
C) wouldn’t have had, clean;
D) wouldn’t have, will clean.
If I … you, I … this cough mixture.
A) was, will not take;
B) will be, wouldn’t take;
C) were, will not take;
D) were, wouldn’t take.
But for diabetes mellitus he … a lot of sweets.
A) will eat;
B) would eat;
C) had eaten;
D) eats.
But for the fever she … to the students’ medical conference last Monday.
a) had gone
b) would go
c) would have gone
d) went
I wish I … what products include Vitamin D.
a) knew
b) had been known
c) would know
d) would have known
If the girl … great doses of vitamins, side effect … .
a) takes; would appear
b) took; would appear
c) would take; had appeared
d) would have taken; had appeared
In your place I … that patient from the hospital tomorrow. He needs
additional examination.
a) didn’t discharge
b) hadn’t discharged
c) wouldn’t have discharged
d) wouldn’t discharge
I insist that you … your blood for analysis.
A) will give;
B) should give;
C) give;
D) gave.
If only I … avoid this infection!
A) can;
B) could;
C) will can;
D) have could.
You … from measles last year if you … in your childhood.
A) wouldn’t suffer, were vaccinated;
B) will not suffer, had been vaccinated;
C) wouldn’t have suffered, will be vaccinated;
D) wouldn’t have suffered, had been vaccinated.
But for his headache he … his home task yesterday.
A) would have prepared;
B) would prepare;
C) will prepare;
D) will have prepared.
If I … you I … so much smoked food.
A) was, wouldn’t eat;
B) were, wouldn’t eat;
C) will be, will not eat;
D) had been you, wouldn’t eat.
I wish I … the doctor yesterday.
A) call for;
B) have called for;
C) had called for;
D) will call for.
It is important that you … to the lecture attentively.
A) would listen;
B) should listened;
C) will listen;
D) should have listened to.
If only I … how to measure the blood pressure!
A) know;
B) knew;
C) will know;
D) would know.
If the ward … , the patients … better.
A) had been aired, would have felt;
B) has been aired, will feel;
C) had been aired, will felt;
D) was aired, would have felt.
She behavied as if she … no fear.
A) has ;
B) had;
C) have had;
D) would have.
We … the diagnosis but the necessary apparatus was broken.
A) will have made;
B) would made;
C) would have made;
D) would make.
I worry lest my child … the infection.
A) contracted;
B) would contract;
C) should contract;
D) would have contracted.
But for his sore throat we … to the river.
A) will go;
B) would go;
C) went;
D) would gone.
I wish she … so careless of her health.
A) were not;
B) was not;
C) is not;
D) would be not.
If you … two months ago, you … from measles now.
A) had been vaccinated … would not have suffered;
B) vaccinated … would not have suffered;
C) was vaccinated … would not suffer;
D) had been vaccinated … would not suffer.
If only the pediatrician … earlier!
A) comes;
B) came;
C) will come;
D) would come.
In your place I … so much pickled food.
A) had not eaten;
B) did not eat;
C) will not eat;
D) would not eat.
Doctors insist that pregnant women … .
A) will not smoke;
B) would not smoke;
C) should not smoke;
D) didn’t smoke.
If you … so absentminded, you … so many mistakes.
A) were not…wouldn’t have made;
B) was not… wouldn’t have made;
C) would not be … wouldn’t have made;
D) would be not … wouldn’t make .
He … to be vaccinated as he has a weakened immune system.
A) should like
B) would like
C) liked
D) should have liked
But for poor immune system her infant … this viral infection.
A) wouldn’t contracted
B) shouldn’t contract
C) wouldn’t have contracted
D) didn’t contract
If he … against tetanus, he wouldn’t have developed this infection.
A) had been inoculated
B) were inoculated
C) would be inoculated
D) would have been inoculated
I wish she … soon.
A) recovered
B) had recovered
C) should recover
D) would recover
My sister looked as if she … very ill.
A) was
B) would be
C) should be
D) were
If the child … adequately nourished, complicating infection ….
A) had been … wouldn’t have developed
B) were … wouldn’t have developed
C) was … wouldn’t develop
D) had been … shouldn’t have developed
It is necessary that a pregnant woman … to the doctor’s recommendations.
A) would keep
B) should have kept
C) should keep
D) kept
She worried lest her mother suffering from chronic heart disease … the
A) would contract
B) contracted
C) should contract
D) have contracted
But for his fever the doctor … from the hospital tomorrow.
A) would discharge
B) discharged
C) would have discharged
D) would be discharged
If I … you I … the doctor.
A) was … would consult
B) was … would have consulted
C) would be … consulted
D) were … would consult
I wish she … so careless of her health.
A) was not
B) were not
C) is not
D) should not be
If Mary … to the bed regimen, she would recover soon.
A) keeps
B) kept
C) would keep
D) would have kept
If only the doctor … earlier.
A) would come
B) have come
C) came
D) would have come
She closed the window lest the children … cold.
A) catch
B) had caught
C) would catch
D) should catch
It is necessary that you … fluids freely.
A) would drink
B) should drink
C) should have drunk
D) would have drunk
If you … a month ago, you … from influenza now.
A) had vaccinated … didn’t suffer
B) had been vaccinated … wouldn’t suffer
C) were vaccinated … shouldn’t suffer
D) vaccinated … wouldn’t suffer
I … some antipyretic drugs but I didn’t have money.
A) would bought
B) would buy
C) would have bought
D) should buy
If the patient …, his children wouldn’t have contracted the infection.
A) was isolated
B) were isolated
C) had isolated
D) had been isolated
If you … so absentminded, you … so many mistakes.
A) was not … wouldn’t make
B) were not … wouldn’t have made
C) would be … didn’t make
D) was not … shouldn’t have made
Yesterday the doctor … the same.
A) did
B) had done
C) would do
D) would have done
I wish I … the doctor yesterday.
A) consulted
B) have consulted
C) had consulted
D) would consulted
It is desirable that this pregnant … to the doctors recommendation.
A) would keep
B) kept
C) should keep
D) would have kept
But for the vaccination the grippe … to severe complications.
A) should have led
B) should lead
C) lead
D) would have led
The doctor insists that the patient .. a lot of tea with lemon.
A) would drink
B) would have drunk
C) should drink
D) should have drunk
It is surprising that you … the doctor.
A) shouldn’t have consulted
B) wouldn’t consult
C) didn’t consult
D) wouldn’t have been consulted
A young woman behaves as if she … in her daughter’s severe condition.
A) weren’t interest
B) weren’t be interested
C) wasn’t interest
D) wasn’t be interested
If chewing … very painful in mumps soft food ….
A) was … would be recommended
B) would be … would be recommended
C) were … should be recommended
D) were … would be recommended
If I … you I would consult the doctor.
A) was
B) is
C) would be
D) were
The doctor … him from the hospital yesterday but he had fever.
A) discharged
B) would discharge
C) would have discharged
D) had discharged
I wish you … me about your child’s infection earlier.
A) told
B) should tell
C) had told
D) would have told
The attacks of fever wouldn’t recur daily if proper treatment ….
A) was administered
B) had been administered
C) administered
D) had administered
He looked as if he … very tired.
A. would be;
B. was;
C. were;
D. would have been.
If I were you I … her your diagnosis.
A. would tell;
B. told;
C. had told;
D. would have been told.
I wish I … the dentist yesterday.
A. had visited;
B. visited;
C. would have visited;
D. would visit.
If you … the proper amount of calcium, you… better teeth.
A. will get, will have;
B. got, would have;
C. have got, had;
D. would get, had.
If you … a month ago, you … from this disease now.
A. had been vaccinated, wouldn't suffer;
B. was vaccinated, wouldn't have suffered;
C. would have been recommended, hadn't have suffered;
D. would have vaccinated, hadn't have suffered.
If only I … about severe complications of influenza.
A) know
B) would know
C) should know
D) knew
But for her cat the pregnant … toxoplasmosis, a very dangerous infection that
can cause severe problems for a fetus.
A) wouldn’t get
B) wouldn’t have got
C) shouldn’t get
D) shouldn’t have got
I wish I … the doctor yesterday.
A) consulted
B) had consulted
C) would have consulted
D) would consulted
I worried lest my younger daughter … influenza.
A) would contract
B) would have contracted
C) contracted
D) should contract
If Gohn kept to the bed regime, she … faster.
A) would recover
B) should recover
C) wouldn’t recover
D) wouldn’t have recovered
If I were you I … this patient streptomycin injections.
A. had administered;
B. would have been administered;
C. would be administered.;
D. would administer.
But for his headache he … for the tests perfectly well.
A. would have prepared;
B. would have been prepared;
C. were prepared;
D. had prepared.
I wish the findings of the laboratory analyses … better.
A. will be;
B. should be;
C. were;
D. have been.
If the patient … better he … from the hospital.
A. were, would be discharged;
B. would be, be discharged;
C. were, would discharge;
D. would have been, would be discharged.
If children … the proper amount of vitamins, every day they … vitamin
A. had given, wouldn't have developed;
B. were given, wouldn't develop;
C. would have been given, hadn't have developed;
D. gave, hadn't have developed
If children with severe measles … in time they … brain infections.
A) had hospitalized … wouldn’t develop
B) were hospitalized … wouldn’t develop
C) didn’t hospitalize … wouldn’t have developed
D) hadn’t hospitalized … wouldn’t have developed
She looks after her sick child as if she … a nurse.
A) was
B) were
C) should be
D) would be
I wish my daughter … soon.
A) recovers
B) had recovered
C) should recover
D) would recover
In your place I … the patient carefully to find out whether he is a carrier of
an infection.
A) examined
B) had examined
C) would examine
D) should have examine
If only my brother … from autism.
A) hasn’t suffer
B) wouldn’t suffer
C) didn’t suffer
D) shouldn’t suffer
He … to be vaccinated against influenza as he has a weakened immune
A) liked
B) would like
C) should like
D) had liked
But for his fever the doctor … him from the hospital yesterday.
A) discharged
B) had discharged
C) would discharge
D) would have dischrged
I wish parents … that the time passed.
A) would realize
B) realized
C) had been realized
D) should realize
If I … you, I … Willy to consult a psychiatrist long ago.
A) was … would take
B) were … would take
C) was … would have taken
D) were … would have taken
You had a direct contact with a sick infected person. It is impossible that you
… as your immune system is impaired.
A) shouldn’t have been infected
B) wouldn’t have been infected
C) hadn’t been infected
D) weren’t infected.
If you hadn’t caught the flue you … ill now.
A) wouldn’t feel
B) wouldn’t have felt
C) didn’t feel
D) hadn’t felt
Her daughter got infected. She wishes she … after her better.
A) would look
B) should look
C) should have looked
D) had looked
I … antipyretic drugs but the chemist’s was closed.
A) bought
B) had bought
C) would buy
D) would have bought
I insist that you … a doctor.
A) should consult
B) would consult
C) consulted
D) had consulted
If the woman … measles in childhood, she … immunity to her infant.
A) had … would have passed
B) had … would pass
C) had had … would have passed
D) had had … should have passed
I wish you … me about your child’s infection earlier.
A) told
B) should tell
C) had told
D) would have told
She behaves as though nothing … with her premature infant.
A) would happen
B) would have happened
C) have happened
D) had happened
It is impossible that this student … the report concerning mental health
A) wouldn’t prepare
B) shouldn’t have prepared
C) hadn’t prepared
D) didn’t prepare
She worried lest her mother suffering from chronic heart disease … the
A) would contract
B) contracted
C) should contract
D) have contracted
But for poor immune system her infant … this viral infection.
A) wouldn’t contract
B) wouldn’t have contracted
C) shouldn’t contract
D) shouldn’t have contracted
He … to be vaccinated as he has a weakened immune system.
A) should like
B) would like
C) liked
D) should have liked
But for poor immune system her infant … this viral infection.
A) wouldn’t contracted
B) shouldn’t contract
C) wouldn’t have contracted
D) didn’t contract
If he … against tetanus, he wouldn’t have developed this infection.
A) had been inoculated
B) were inoculated
C) would be inoculated
D) would have been inoculated
I wish she … soon.
A) recovered
B) had recovered
C) should recover
D) would recover
My sister looked as if she … very ill.
A) was
B) would be
C) should be
D) were
If the child … adequately nourished, complicating infection ….
A) had been … wouldn’t have developed
B) were … wouldn’t have developed
C) was … wouldn’t develop
D) had been … shouldn’t have developed
It is necessary that a pregnant woman … to the doctor’s recommendations.
A) would keep
B) should have kept
C) should keep
D) kept
She worried lest her mother suffering from chronic heart disease … the infection.
A) would contract
B) contracted
C) should contract
D) have contracted
But for his fever the doctor … from the hospital tomorrow.
A) would discharge
B) discharged
C) would have discharged
D) would be discharged
If I … you I … the doctor.
A) was … would consult
B) was … would have consulted
C) would be … consulted
D) were … would consult
I wish she … so careless of her health.
A) was not
B) were not
C) is not
D) should not be
If Mary … to the bed regimen, she would recover soon.
A) keeps
B) kept
C) would keep
D) would have kept
If only the doctor … earlier.
A) would come
B) have come
C) came
D) would have come
She closed the window lest the children … cold.
A) catch
B) had caught
C) would catch
D) should catch
It is necessary that you … fluids freely.
A) would drink
B) should drink
C) should have drunk
D) would have drunk
If you … a month ago, you … from influenza now.
A) had vaccinated … didn’t suffer
B) had been vaccinated … wouldn’t suffer
C) were vaccinated … shouldn’t suffer
D) vaccinated … wouldn’t suffer
I … some antipyretic drugs but I didn’t have money.
A) would bought
B) would buy
C) would have bought
D) should buy
If the patient …, his children wouldn’t have contracted the infection.
A) was isolated
B) were isolated
C) had isolated
D) had been isolated
If you … so absentminded, you … so many mistakes.
A) was not … wouldn’t make
B) were not … wouldn’t have made
C) would be … didn’t make
D) was not … shouldn’t have made
Yesterday the doctor … the same.
A) did
B) had done
C) would do
D) would have done
I wish I … the doctor yesterday.
A) consulted
B) have consulted
C) had consulted
D) would consulted
It is desirable that this pregnant … to the doctors recommendation.
A) would keep
B) kept
C) should keep
D) would have kept
But for the vaccination the grippe … to severe complications.
A) should have led
B) should lead
C) lead
D) would have led
The doctor insists that the patient .. a lot of tea with lemon.
A) would drink
B) would have drunk
C) should drink
D) should have drunk
It is surprising that you … the doctor.
A) shouldn’t have consulted
B) wouldn’t consult
C) didn’t consult
D) wouldn’t have been consulted
A young woman behaves as if she … in her daughter’s severe condition.
A) weren’t interest
B) weren’t be interested
C) wasn’t interest
D) wasn’t be interested
If chewing … very painful in mumps soft food ….
A) was … would be recommended
B) would be … would be recommended
C) were … should be recommended
D) were … would be recommended
If I … you I would consult the doctor.
A) was
B) is
C) would be
D) were
The doctor … him from the hospital yesterday but he had fever.
A) discharged
B) would discharge
C) would have discharged
D) had discharged
I wish you … me about your child’s infection earlier.
A) told
B) should tell
C) had told
D) would have told
The attacks of fever wouldn’t recur daily if proper treatment ….
A) was administered
B) had been administered
C) administered
D) had administered
If only I … about severe complications of influenza.
A) know
B) would know
C) should know
D) knew
But for her cat the pregnant … toxoplasmosis, a very dangerous infection that
can cause severe problems for a fetus.
A) wouldn’t get
B) wouldn’t have got
C) shouldn’t get
D) shouldn’t have got
I wish I … the doctor yesterday.
A) consulted
B) had consulted
C) would have consulted
D) would consulted
I worried lest my younger daughter … influenza.
A) would contract
B) would have contracted
C) contracted
D) should contract
If children with severe measles … in time they … brain infections.
A) had hospitalized … wouldn’t develop
B) were hospitalized … wouldn’t develop
C) didn’t hospitalize … wouldn’t have developed
D) hadn’t hospitalized … wouldn’t have developed
She looks after her sick child as if she … a nurse.
A) was
B) were
C) should be
D) would be
I wish my daughter … soon.
A) recovers
B) had recovered
C) should recover
D) would recover
In your place I … the patient carefully to find out whether he is a carrier of
an infection.
A) examined
B) had examined
C) would examine
D) should have examine
If only my brother … from autism.
A) hasn’t suffer
B) wouldn’t suffer
C) didn’t suffer
D) shouldn’t suffer
He … to be vaccinated against influenza as he has a weakened immune system.
A) liked
B) would like
C) should like
D) had liked
But for his fever the doctor … him from the hospital yesterday.
A) discharged
B) had discharged
C) would discharge
D) would have dischrged
I wish parents … that the time passed.
A) would realize
B) realized
C) had been realized
D) should realize
If I … you, I … Willy to consult a psychiatrist long ago.
A) was … would take
B) were … would take
C) was … would have taken
D) were … would have taken
You had a direct contact with a sick infected person. It is impossible that you
… as your immune system is impaired.
A) shouldn’t have been infected
B) wouldn’t have been infected
C) hadn’t been infected
D) weren’t infected.
If you hadn’t caught the flue you … ill now.
A) wouldn’t feel
B) wouldn’t have felt
C) didn’t feel
D) hadn’t felt
68. Her daughter got infected. She wishes she … after her better.
A) would look
B) should look
C) should have looked
D) had looked
I … antipyretic drugs but the chemist’s was closed.
A) bought
B) had bought
C) would buy
D) would have bought
I insist that you … a doctor.
A) should consult
B) would consult
C) consulted
D) had consulted
If the woman … measles in childhood, she … immunity to her infant.
A) had … would have passed
B) had … would pass
C) had had … would have passed
D) had had … should have passed
I wish you … me about your child’s infection earlier.
A) told
B) should tell
C) had told
D) would have told
She behaves as though nothing … with her premature infant.
A) would happen
B) would have happened
C) have happened
D) had happened
It is impossible that this student … the report concerning mental health disorders.
A) wouldn’t prepare
B) shouldn’t have prepared
C) hadn’t prepared
D) didn’t prepare
She worried lest her mother suffering from chronic heart disease … the infection.
A) would contract
B) contracted
C) should contract
D) have contracted
But for poor immune system her infant … this viral infection.
A) wouldn’t contract
B) wouldn’t have contracted
C) shouldn’t contract
D) shouldn’t have contracted
She looked as if she … soon.
A. would recover;
B. will recover
C. recovered;
D. would have recovered.
But for the poor immune system he … the infection last autumn.
A. wouldn`t contract;
B. wouldn`t have contracted;
C. had not contracted;
D. weren`t contracted.
I wish I … how to prevent that infection a year ago.
A. had known;
B. knew;
C. would know;
D. should know.
Перекладіть наступні речення англійською мовою:
 Залишена сама в палаті, маленька дівчинка розплакалась.
 Студенти спостерігали, як лікар оглядав пацієнта, котрий страждав від
болю у сечівнику.
 Лікар наполягав, щоб жінка змінила місце роботи, оскільки шкідливі
умови праці могли завдати шкоди здоров’ю її майбутньої дитини.
 Якби не молоко з ринку, то він не заразився б якоюсь кишковою
 Йому порекомендували використовувати мазь двічі на день, для
швидшого загоювання рани.
 Як довго ти вже вживаєш біологічно активні добавки?
 Вініри було винайдено каліфорнійським стоматологом Чарльзом
Пінкусом (Charles Pincus).
 До того, як вийти на пенсію, професор Мельничук пропрацював у цій
стоматологічній клініці 30 років.
 Мій стоматолог сказав, що він буде радий бачити мене у своєму офісі
завтра о 1330.
 Ми бачили, що фармацевт поклав флакони із ліками у холодильник.
 Якби мати послухала поради лікаря, вона би не жалкувала зараз.
 Лікар запропонував, щоб усім членам сім’ї зробили щеплення проти
 Лікар
 Пацієнт зробив рентгенівський знімок зуба до того, як лікар поставив
йому постійну пломбу.
 Протези для верхньої щелепи будуть виготовлені через кілька днів у
зубопротезній лабораторії.
 Якби ти не прийняв вчора ліки, то гарячка сьогодні б не зникла.
 Написавши доповідь про гормони, я пішов відвідати свого брата.
 ЇЇ погано проінформували на рахунок побічних властивостей
 Якби не мій лікар, то я би ніколи не вилікувався від такого сильного
довготривалого кашлю.
 Лікар повідомив, що його колеги нарешті дійшли згоди яким саме
шляхом вводити даний медикамент.
 На твоєму місці я б не відмовилась від щеплення проти кору.
 Важливо, щоб вагітна жінка утримувалася від куріння.
 Психіатр сказав, що у цієї дитини немає симптомів аутизму.
 Вона поводиться так, наче у неї ніколи не було проблем із психікою.
 Відомо, що природний тип імунітету успадковується людиною.
 Вчора в цей час студенти обговорювали текст про різні типи
алергічних реакцій.
 Ми щойно прочитали цікаву статтю про захворювання верхніх
дихальних шляхів.
 Хворий
попросив медсестру зробити йому ін’єкцію якогось
знеболювального, бо у нього сильно болів зуб.
 Пацієнт відвідував стоматолога два тижні до того, як лікар поставив
йому повнознімний протез.
 Вініри будуть виготовлені через кілька днів у зубопротезній
 Окуліст сказав, що він заповнив історію хвороби цього пацієнта
минулого разу.
 Він вже п’ять років вивчав властивості мінералів, коли його першу
статтю було опубліковано.
 Лікар
 Лікарські речовини у вигляді свічок вводять ректальним шляхом?
 Зараз лікарі обговорюють успішну операцію, проведену молодим
 Вживання алкоголю та паління є дуже небезпечним для здоров’я
вагітної жінки та майбутньої дитини.
 На твоєму місці я б ще вчора відвідав твого хворого одногрупника.
 Студeнт сказав, що знайшов інформацію про ракові захворювання у
науковому журналі.
 На Вашому місці я б не приймала ці антигістаміни, оскільки вони
можуть викликати сонливість.
 Лікар наказав моєму братові пройти ретельне обстеження, щоб
з’ясувати причину тривалого кашлю.
 Купивши в аптеці необхідні ліки від стенокардії, я пішла до лікарні,
щоб відвідати хвору бабусю.
 Батьки наполягали на тому, щоб дитину оглянув досвідчений психіатр.
 Я куплю дитячу молочну суміш, якщо буду мати вільний час.
 Пацієнта з третьої палати було уже прооперовано, коли зайшов
 Терапевт сказав, що кров’яний тиск цього пацієнта вже виміряно.
 Всі імпульси передаються від одного нейрона до іншого через нервові
 Черговий лікар сказав, що симптоми моєї хвороби погіршилися.
 Якби хірург видалив поліпи в його шлунку рік тому, у нього не було б
 Пацієнт повинен знати, які ліки приймати у випадку алергічної реакції.
 Студенти вивчають різні терапевтичні ефекти лікарських засобів
протягом всіх років навчання в університеті.
 Пацієнт часто блював і його стан був занадто важким, щоб призначати
ліки ентеральним шляхом.
Я розкажу тобі про мій діагноз, якщо ти відвідаєш мене у лікарні.
Ми наполягали на тому, щоб йому ввели заспокійливе.
Ми хочемо, щоб у неї не зростав рівень цукру в крові.
Вона припинила годування грудьми тиждень тому.
Незабаром лікар введе йому вакцину, щоб викликати активний
Цей фармацевт досліджує методи виготовлення супозиторіїв 3 роки.
Студенти вивчали склад різних ліків у вигляді пілюль, суспензій та
сиропів увесь вечір вчора.
На твоєму місці я б не приймала ці знеболюючі препарати.
Коли ми зайшли в палату, нашого товариша якраз оглядав окуліст.
Ми знали, що вона працювала у лабораторії вчора весь день.
Його головний біль був викликаний високим кров’яним тиском.
Ти добре розмовляєш англійською? – Так. Я вивчаю англійську мову
протягом 7 років.
Переливання крові буде зроблено досвідченим лікарем до 2 годин.
Медсестра сказала, що температуру цього пацієнта вже виміряно.
Обстеживши пацієнта, лікар поставив діагноз – гострий бронхіт.
Нестача вітаміну B1 може призвести до авітамінозу, тому лікарі радять
вживати більше м’яса, бобових та зернових.
На вашому місці я би проконсультувалася з гастроентерологом перед
тим як приймати цей препарат.
Викладач з анатомії каже, що активність тіла контролюється нервовою
Якби не його висока температура, його б виписали з лікарні завтра.
Вам слід утримуватися від куріння та вживання алкоголю.
Я була рада, що мене відправили на студентську конференцію.
Вона сказала, що в даний момент читає статтю про розумові
Лікар помітив, що виразка шлунку в цього пацієнта починає
На твоєму місці. я би проконсультувалася в лікаря щодо побічної дії
цього препарату.
Студентську конференцію з питань застосування знеболювальних
препаратів у педіатрії було проведено минулого тижня.
Гастроентеролог дозволив інтернові розказати хворому коли потрібно
приймати капсули із пробіотиком.
Якби ви прийняли цю мікстуру від кашлю вчора, ви б почували себе
Він знає, що лекція з анатомії буде дуже цікавою. Цю лекцію буде
прочитано професором з Лондона.
Операцію було відмінено хірургом, оскільки пацієнт почувався дуже
 Коли черговий лікар зайшов у палату, медсестра вимірювала мені
 На вашому місці я б прийняв знеболювальне.
 Студент сказав, що зараз він перекладає статтю про ниркові
 Противірусні препарати поділяють на інтерферони, синтетичні сполуки
та речовини рослинного походження.
 Приймаючи антибіотики, хворий повинен відмовитись від спиртних
напоїв, правильно харчуватися та дотримуватися відповідного режиму.
 Цього хворого госпіталізували для того, щоб провести ефективну
 Якби не мій головний біль вчора, ми б поїхали в гори.
 Прослуховування серця і легень є важливим для того, щоб поставити
правильний діагноз.
 Я помітила, що стан її здоров’я починає погіршуватися.
 Вважали, що стаття про ракові захворювання була написана
досвідченим лікарем.
 Кажуть, що загальний ефект ліків залежить від шляху їхнього
 Антибіотики, які вона прийняла без призначення лікаря, спричинили
побічні ефекти.
 Джейн сказала, що їй нещодавно розповіли про переваги нових
антигістамінних препаратів.
 Тебе коли-небудь оглядав окуліст? – Ні. У мене ніколи не було
проблем із зором.
 Ця стаття про органи відчуття зараз обговорюється студентами на
практичному занятті.
 Хірург сказав, що використав цей інструмент наприкінці операції, яку
було виконано в середу.
 Пацієнта, що хворіє пневмонією, оглянуть через 2 години.
 Цей професор піде на конференцію? – Так, його запросили.
 Зараз важко говорити про стан цього пацієнта. Його ще не
 На кафедрі біології проводиться більше сотні експериментів щороку.
 Вагітна жінка сказала, що не курила під час вагітності.
 Виписавшись із лікарні, пацієнт все ще почувався погано.
 Якби я була лікарем, я б виміряла йому кров’яний тиск.
 Вона захоплювалася читанням книжок і танцями у дитинстві.
 Якби не погана погода, ми б провели експеримент на відкритому
 Вважають, що така алергія викликана цими ліками.
 Він сказав, що викликав дільничного лікаря 15 хвилин тому.
 Коли ми зайшли у палату, Олег якраз приймав ліки від головного болю.
 Завтра протягом цілої пари професор розповідатиме нам, які
захворювання може викликати куріння.
 Коли я зайшов до кабінету лікаря, історія хвороби вже була заповнена
 У даний момент голку вводять у спинний канал, щоб отримати зразок
мозкової рідини.
 Статтю про профілактику захворювань головного мозку буде написано
цим студентом завтра.
 Коли медсестра зайшла у палату, живіт пацієнта пальпувався хірургом.
 Професор розповідатиме про причини захворювання СНІДом завтра на
другій парі.
 Лікар щойно описав усі симптоми пацієнта, який хворіє на менінгіт.
 Ми знаємо, що головний мозок людини може бути ушкоджений
злоякісною пухлиною.
 Студент сказав, що він перекладав статтю про методи лікування
діабету вчора цілий вечір.
 Якби ця пацієнтка пройшла повне медичне обстеження 2 роки тому, то
вона не померла б від раку шийки матки.
 Я допоможу тобі написати доповідь про репродуктивну та
сечовидільну систему, якщо матиму вільний час.
 Студент сказав, що вчора в Інтернеті він прочитав цікаву статтю про
новітні методи реконструкції зубів.
 Хто це з ваших колег робить операцію вже 2 годину поспіль?
 Лікар зробить пацієнтові ін’єкцію знеболювального, якщо він не
матиме алергічної реакції.
 Кажуть, що ці ліки викликають алергічну реакцію.
 Батьки наполягали на тому, щоб дитину оглянув хірург.
 Лікар помітив, що печінка немовляти починає збільшуватися.
 Стоматолог сказав, що хворий зуб цієї жінки уже вилікувано.
 Відомо, що близько 90% інформації сприймається людиною через очі.
 Операцію закінчать до того часу, як прийдуть студенти.
 Я знаю цього чоловіка. Він ніколи не хворів на дерматит.
 Коли медсестра зайшла у палату, терапевт якраз оглядав пацієнта.
 Шкода, що вона не знала, як запобігти цій інфекції.
 Повне одужання дитини з пухлиною Вільямса залежить від того, чи
буде хірургічна операція проведена успішно.
 Моя сестра почала поступово відлучати дитину від грудей.
 Тобі подобається їсти молочні продукти 3 - 4 рази на день?
 Оскільки симптоми погіршилися, дитину з шизофренією тимчасово
 Важливо, щоб хворий на грип пив багато гарячого чаю, лужних
мінеральних вод, молока з медом.
 Якби ж я знала, як правильно доглядати дитину, хвору на кір!
 У вашої дитини такі симптоми, наче у неї якась вірусна інфекція.
 Залишивши дитину в палаті, мати пішла спитати лікаря про результати
 Депресію буде діагностовано за її симптомами.
 Вона жалкувала, що так рано відлучила дитину від грудей.
 Пацієнтка згадала, що їй колись уже призначали ці ліки.
 Залишена сама в палаті, маленька дівчинка розплакалась.
 Студенти спостерігали, як лікар оглядав пацієнта, котрий страждав від
болю у сечівнику.
 Лікар наполягав, щоб жінка змінила місце роботи, оскільки шкідливі
умови праці могли завдати шкоди здоров’ю її майбутньої дитини.
 Оскільки немовля спочатку здавалося здоровим, лікарі не запідозрили
у нього пухлину Вільямса.
 Я завжди із задоволенням читаю статті написані цим науковцем.
 Оточений дівочою плівою, отвір піхви може бути повністю закритий.
 Не звинувачуйте її в тому, що вона так поводиться. Вона ж вагітна!
 Якби я був на твоєму місці, я б не відмовився від щеплення проти
 Важливо, щоб хворий на грип пив багато гарячого чаю, лужних
мінеральних вод, молока з медом.
 Залишивши дитину в палаті, мати пішла до лікаря спитати про
результати біопсії.
 Оскільки немовля спочатку здавалося здоровим, лікарі не запідозрили
у нього пухлину Вільмса.
 73. Хірург наполягав на тому, щоб видалити ціле очне яблуко разом із
частиною оптичного нерва.
 Якби не призначення променевої терапії, то пухлина не зменшилася б.
 Перебуваючи у лікарні, пацієнт проходив курс терапії, і рівень цукру в
його крові стабілізувався.
 Лікарі спостерігали, як строга дієта поступово полегшує перебіг
захворювання нирок у цієї жінки.
 Моя подруга перестала прикидатися здоровою і пішла на консультацію
до лікаря, як тільки зрозуміла, що вона вагітна.
 Новонароджена дитина лежала, не дихаючи.
 Лікар госпіталізував би хвору дитину ще вчора, та мати не давала
 Шкода, що вона не знала, як запобігти цій інфекції.
 Ми з нетерпінням чекали, коли вона з дитиною прийде додому з
пологового будинку.
 Розмовами справі не зарадиш.
 Оскільки дитина відставала у фізичному розвитку, необхідно було
провести повне її обстеження.
 Вам зробили би щеплення проти правцю ще вчора, та не було якісної
 73. Пацієнт зі скарлатиною одужав би швидше, якщо б дотримувався
усіх рекомендацій інфекціоніста.
 Хворий просив медсестру зробити йому ін’єкцію якогось
знеболювального препарату, тому що в нього сильно болів зуб.
 Штучний зуб кріпиться до коронок, які одягають на природні зуби
 Лікар сказав, що відбиток нижньої щелепи вже зроблено.
 Хвилююся, щоб захворювання не ускладнилося пневмонією.
 Якби не призначення променевої терапії, то пухлина не зменшилася б.
 Лікар наполягав на тому, щоб жінка розповіла йому, які ліки вона
 Якщо час дозволить, вона ще встигне проконсультуватися у гінеколога.
 Відчувши біль у паху, чоловік звернувся до лікаря.
 Повне одужання дитини з пухлиною Вільямса залежить від того, чи
буде хірургічна операція проведена успішно.
 Необхідно, щоб хворий дотримувався постільного режиму протягом
усього періоду лихоманки.
 На конференції онкологи обговорювали методи, які використовуються
при лікуванні різних типів пухлин у дітей.
 Жінка розповіла лікареві про невдалі спроби завагітніти, а очі її
наповнилися слізьми.
 Будь-ласка, припини думати тільки про свої проблеми.
 Те, що вона народить здорову дитину, залежить від того, чи
дотримуватиметься вона здорового способу життя.
 На вашому місці я би ретельно оглянув пацієнта, щоб з’ясувати, чи він
не є носієм збудника інфекції.
 Не може бути, щоб вона захворіла на грип. Вона ж дотримувалася усіх
рекомендацій лікаря.
 Залишена сама в палаті, маленька дівчинка розплакалась.
 Студенти спостерігали, як лікар оглядав пацієнта, котрий страждав від
болю у сечівнику.
 Лікар наполягав, щоб жінка змінила місце роботи, оскільки шкідливі
умови праці могли завдати шкоди здоров’ю її майбутньої дитини.
 Якби не молоко з ринку, то він не заразився б якоюсь кишковою
 Якби мати послухала поради лікаря, вона би не жалкувала зараз.
 Лікар запропонував, щоб усім членам сім’ї зробили щеплення проти
 Дуже важливо, щоб хворий на грип знаходився в окремій кімнаті,
користувався окремим посудом та рушником.
 У вашої дитини такі симптоми, наче у неї якась вірусна інфекція.
 Оскільки немовля спочатку здавалося здоровим, лікарі не запідозрили
у нього пухлину Вільямса.
 Я завжди із задоволенням читаю статті написані цим науковцем.
 Не звинувачуйте її в тому, що вона так поводиться. Вона ж вагітна!
 Важливо, щоб хворий на грип пив багато гарячого чаю, лужних
мінеральних вод, молока з медом.
 Перебуваючи у лікарні, пацієнт проходив курс терапії, і рівень цукру в
його крові стабілізувався.
 Лікарі спостерігали, як строга дієта поступово полегшує перебіг
захворювання нирок у цієї жінки.
 Моя подруга перестала прикидатися здоровою і пішла на консультацію
до лікаря, як тільки зрозуміла, що вона вагітна.
 Новонароджена дитина лежала, не дихаючи.
 Лікар госпіталізував би хвору дитину ще вчора, та мати не давала
 Шкода, що вона не знала, як запобігти цій інфекції.
 Коли я закінчила університет, мій брат уже рік працював зубним
 Керамічні вініри було застосовано, щоб змінити колір зубів.
 Чому він не прийшов на консультацію до косметичного стоматолога
 Навчаючись у медичному університеті, Тарас надрукував кілька статей
щодо важливості ротової гігієни.
 Якби лікар сумнівався у правильності діагнозу, він призначив би
лабораторні аналізи.
 Ми з нетерпінням чекали, коли вона з дитиною прийде додому з
пологового будинку.
 Вам зробили би щеплення проти правцю ще вчора, та не було якісної
 Пацієнт зі скарлатиною одужав би швидше, якщо б дотримувався усіх
рекомендацій інфекціоніста.
 Хвилююся, щоб захворювання не ускладнилося пневмонією.
 Якби не призначення променевої терапії, то пухлина не зменшилася б.
 Лікар наполягав на тому, щоб жінка розповіла йому, які ліки вона
 Якщо час дозволить, вона ще встигне проконсультуватися у гінеколога.
 Відчувши біль у паху, чоловік звернувся до лікаря.
 Повне одужання дитини з пухлиною Вільямса залежить від того, чи
буде хірургічна операція проведена успішно.
 Учора на занятті ми прочитали цікаву статтю, а потім обговорювали її
впродовж усього заняття.
 Стоматолог порадив мені поставити коронку для відновлення форми
зуба та його укріплення.
 Нові зубні протези будуть виготовлені до наступного тижня?
 Професор розповідав нам про людей, які нехтують своїми зубами,
показуючи їхні фотографії.
 Якби лікар виписав мені рецепт, я б купила цей заспокійливий
препарат ще вчора.
 На конференції онкологи обговорювали методи, які використовуються
при лікуванні різних типів пухлин у дітей.
 Жінка розповіла лікареві про невдалі спроби завагітніти, а очі її
наповнилися слізьми.
 Будь-ласка, припини думати тільки про свої проблеми.
 Те, що вона народить здорову дитину, залежить від того, чи
дотримуватиметься вона здорового способу життя.
 На вашому місці я би ретельно оглянув пацієнта, щоб з’ясувати, чи він
не є носієм збудника інфекції.
 Не може бути, щоб вона захворіла на грип. Вона ж дотримувалася усіх
рекомендацій лікаря.
 Минулого тижня у моєї сестри сильно болів зуб і вона ходила до
 Мені радили звернутися до цього спеціаліста.
 Стоматолог полікував каріозні зуби пацієнта перед тим, як почав їх
 Стоматолог уже кілька хвилин розмірковує над тим, яку пломбу краще
поставити на цей каріозний зуб.
 Що ти думаєш про цю лікувальну зубну пасту, яка часто
рекомендується цим стоматологом різним пацієнтам?
 Стоматолог сказав, що він записав мого батька на прийом на завтра.
 Чекаючи на консультацію, я познайомився з дуже приємною дівчиною.
 Якби я мала вільний час, я б розповіла тобі, як нестача вітамінів
впливає на стан здоров’я людини.
 Стоматолог почав відбілювання після того, як полікував каріозні зуби.
 Зубна паста для зміцнення ясен була порекомендована стоматологом.
 Олег сказав, що прийде на консультацію через два дні.
 Моя сестра проконсультувалася з лікарем перед тим, як приймати ліки.
 Діагноз раку ротової порожнини не було підтверджено.
 Стоматолог запитав, чи пацієнт дотримується його рекомендацій.
 Як довго цей пацієнт вже сидить в стоматологічному кріслі?
 Стоматолог запитав пацієтна, від коли в нього є проблеми з жуванням.
 Мені було порекомендовано не їсти кислої їжі і чистити зуби щіткою з
м’якою щетиною, щоб уникнути чутливості зубів.
 Вініри, вироблені цим стоматолог, ідеально йому підходять.
 Стоматолог наказав мені не рухатися, коли він проводив лікування
мого переднього зуба.