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Dean, Institute for Regional
Analysis and Public Policy
Associate Provost, Center for
Regional Engagement
Morehead State University
Morehead, Kentucky 40351
Phone: 606-783-5420
Home Address:
55 Bragg Lane
Morehead, KY 40351
Spouse: Mary, Health
Administrator (retired)
Children: Michael, Attorney;
Maura, Research Physiologist
Syracuse University
Akron University
Gannon University
Ph.D. Sociology, May 1977
M.A. Sociology, June 1973
B.A. Sociology, June 1968
Morehead State University, Distinguished Researcher Award
Morehead State University, Faculty Service Award
Administrative Positions
2007-2009 Associate Provost for Regional Engagement and Dean, Institute for Regional
Analysis and Public Policy; Professor of Sociology
1999- 2007
Dean, Institute for Regional Analysis and Public Policy; Professor of
Summer 1987 Acting Dean, College of Professional Studies, Morehead State University
Chair, Department of Sociology, Social Work, and Criminology,
Morehead State University
Teaching Positions
Associate Professor/Professor of Sociology, Morehead State University
Undergraduate courses: Practicing Regional Analysis, Intro to Sociology,
Social Problems, Deviance, Corrections, Criminology, Delinquency,
Social Psychology, Seminar in Criminal Behavior. Graduate courses:
Deviance, Criminology, Social Psychology, Theory
Adjunct Professor, University of Kentucky, School of Social Work
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Alfred University
Undergraduate courses: Deviance, Crime and Delinquency, Seminar in
Criminal Behavior, Concepts of Penology, Death and Dying, The
Sociology of Mental Illness, Social Statistics. Graduate courses: Basic
Program Evaluation, Social Control, Corrections, and Rehabilitation
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Colorado Women's College
Courses: Deviance, Crime and Delinquency, Social Problems, Sociology
of Mental Illness, Sociology of Drugs, Social Theory, Research Methods,
Small Groups, Social Psychology, and Field Methods
Deviance, Alcohol Studies, Community Development, Social Movements, Evaluation
Research Methods
Drugs, Alcohol, and Social Problems (with J. Orcutt), Boulder, CO: Rowman and
Littlefield Publishers, INC, 2003.
Becoming Alcoholic: Alcoholics Anonymous and the Reality of Alcoholism,
Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press, 1986.
Articles and Book Chapters
“New Measurements for NewCities,” (with S. Lange) City; The Community Issues
Magazine for the Kentucky League of Cities: 10, N2 pp-20-25, 2008.
“Twelve Step Programs,” (with Hugh Everman) Encyclopedia of Social Problems,
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. 2008
“Societal response and the moral regulation of public-space drinking, Contemporary
Drug Problems 32: 127-130, Spring 2005.
“Citizens’ Attitudes of Youth Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Problems in the Buffalo
Trace Region,” (with Robert Bylund, Loretta Carroll, and Rebecca Katz) Mountain
Promise, 14: 12-13, 2004.
"Alcoholics Anonymous and Related Alcohol Strategies," The Encyclopedia of
Criminology and Deviant Behavior, London: Taylor and Francis, Inc., Philadelphia,
"Opening the Ivory Tower: Creating Partnerships for Community Development,"
Mountain Promise, 9, (2), pp. 3-4, Fall 1998.
"Evaluating Drug Treatment Programs" (with Byron Johnson and Keith Kilty)
Corrections Today, October 1996, pp. 120, 122-125, 135.
"Perspectives on Alcoholism: Lessons from Alcoholics and Alcohologists," pp. 23-29,
Drug Use in America: Social, Political, and Cultural Perspectives, edited by P.
Venturelli. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publications, 1994.
"The Adult Children of Alcoholics Movement. A Social Constructionist Perspective,"
Society, Culture, and Drinking Patterns Revisited, edited by David Pittman and
Helene White, pp. 716-732. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers Center on Alcohol
Studies, 1991.
"On the Margins of the Sacred," (with Arthur Greil) In Gods We Trust, edited by T.
Robbins and D. Anthony, pp. 219-232. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction
Books, 1990.
"Is Alcoholics Anonymous a Religion? Beyond Functional And Substantive Definitions
of Religion," (with Arthur Greil) Sociological Analysis, 50: 41-51, 1989.
"Alcoholics Anonymous and Alcohology: Lessons from Different Worlds," Evaluating
Recovery Outcomes, Conference Proceedings, San Diego: University of California,
"Taking the Pledge: The Commitment Process in Alcoholics Anonymous," (with Arthur
Greil) Sociological Focus, 20: 45-59, 1987.
"The Functions of Drinking in Alcoholics Anonymous," W. Rucker and M. Rucker
(eds.), Drugs, Society, and Behavior, 86/87, Guilford, CT.: Duskin Publishing Group,
"What Have We Learned form Process Models of Conversion? An Examination of Ten
Case Studies," (with Arthur Greil) Sociological Focus, 17: 305-323, 1984.
"Social Cocoons: Encapsulation and Identity Transformation Organizations," (with
Arthur Greil) Sociological Inquiry, 54: 260-278, 1984.
"Conversion to the World View of Alcoholics Anonymous: A Refinement of Conversion
Theory." (with Arthur Greil) Qualitative Sociology, 6: 5-28, 1983.
"Loss Not Need: The Ethics of Relief Giving in Natural Disasters," (with Tom Leitko
and Steve Peterson) Sociology and Social Welfare, 5: 730-741, 1980.
"Slipping and Sobriety: The Functions of Drinking in Alcoholics Anonymous," Journal
of Studies on Alcohol, 41: 727-732, 1980.
Morehead State University YouthBuild Project, US Department of
Labor, $700,000
The Morehead-Rowan County Appalachian Youthbuild Project:
Building Community, Rebuilding Young People, US Department of
Housing and Urban Development, $400,000.
Community Outreach Partnership Center, US Department of Housing and
Urban Development, $399,000
East Kentucky Regional GEAR-UP Project, US Department of Education,
Regional Adult Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Attitudinal Survey,
Buffalo Trace Agency for Substance Abuse Policy, $40,000, (with Bylund
and Katz)
Kentucky Statewide Homeless Survey, Kentucky Housing Corporation,
Frankfort, KY, $69,566 (with Bylund and Parkansky).
National Institute of Corrections, Project Title: Post-Prison Adjustment of
Substance Abuse Offenders ($25,000), (with B. Johnson). Funding period:
October 1995 through March 1997.
Kentucky Corrections Commission, Project title: Community Corrections
Programs in Kentucky ($10,000), (with G. Goldey). Funding period:
October 1995 through June 1996.
Substance Abuse Programs in Kentucky Prisons ($45,000+), (with Byron
Johnson), Kentucky Department of Corrections.
The Adult Children of Alcoholics Movement ($39,000+), Alcohol
Beverage Medical Research Foundation.
Adult Children of Alcoholics ($1,600), MSU Faculty Research Grant.
Training Management and Assessment ($5,500), (with T. Marshall and B.
Bylund), Child Residential Services.
Becoming Alcoholic: Alcoholics Anonymous and the Reality of
Alcoholism ($450), MSU Faculty Research Grant.
Local Option Change and Alcohol Related Behaviors ($11,000+),
Distilled Spirits Council.
Isonville Community Development Project ($500), (with B. Bylund and
A. Wheeler), Appalachian Development Center.
Changing Normative Environments and Alcohol Related Behavior ($900),
MSU Faculty Research Grant.
Social Movements as Boundary Negotiations ($500), MSU Faculty
Research Grant.
Social Cocoons ($1,300), MSU Faculty Research Grant.
Center for Regional Engagement-Phase Two ($300,000 annually),
Kentucky Council on Post Secondary Education (pending)
Center for Regional Engagement ($400,000), Kentucky Council on Post
Secondary Education
Institute for Correctional Research and Training ($300,000), Kentucky
State Legislature, Continuation $100,000 annually. Moved into base MSU
funding in 1997
Training Resource Center ($90,000-110,000 annually), Kentucky Cabinet
for Human Resources and Eastern Kentucky University.
"Community Corrections Programs in Kentucky," (with G. Goldey and H. Everman),
Report for the Kentucky Corrections Commission under contract #12-37-547-CFGKE157. June 1996.
"Substance Abuse Programs in Kentucky Prisons," (with B. Johnson), Report for the
Kentucky Corrections Cabinet under contract #12-32-527-CFGK-E150, November 1995.
"Local Option Change and Alcohol Related Behavior," The Distilled Spirits Council of
the United States, Inc., under contract #11 223186 5101, 1987.
"Training Assessment and Management: American Correctional Association
Accreditation for Kentucky's Department of Children's Residential Services," (with T.
Marshall and B. Bylund), Report for Children's Residential Services under contract #11
223183 50330, 1987.
"The Chemung County Red Cross: The Public's View," (with T. Leitko and S. Peterson),
Report for the Board of Directors of The Chemung County Red Cross, July 1979.
"The Effects of Treatment Modality on Patient Stress," (with T. Leitko), Report for the
Veterans Administration Center, Bath, New York, Contract #514 D93002, January 1979.
Handbook of Social Problems: A Comparative International Perspective. George Ritzer
(ed) Sage Publications. Pp 6-7, Social Problems Forum, Winter 2005
Staying Sober in Mexico City, by Stanley Brandes, American Journal of Sociology,
108: No. 3, 681-682, 2003.
Addiction is a Choice, Jeffrey A. Schaler, Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company,
Society 38 (3), pp. 95-96, March-April 2001.
Alcohol and Homicide: A Deadly Combination of Two American Traditions, by Robert
Nash Parker with Linda-Anne Rebhun, Sociological Focus, 28: 419-420, 1995.
The Other Half: Wives of Alcoholics and Their Social Psychological Situation, by
Jacqueline P. Wiseman, Sociological Focus, 28: 419-420, 1995.
Beware the First Drink! The Washington Temperance Movement and Alcoholics
Anonymous, by Leonard U. Blumberg, Contemporary Sociology, 21: 195-196, 1992.
Transforming Identities: Context, Power and Ideology in a Therapeutic Community by
Barbara Frankel, Contemporary Sociology, 20: 290-291, 1991.
Participant Observation: A Methodology for Human Studies, by D. L. Jorgenson,
Teaching Sociology, 18: 249-251, 1990.
Ethnography: Step by Step by D. M. Fetterman, Teaching Sociology, 18: 250-251, 1990.
Interpretive Interactionism, by N. K. Denzin, Teaching Sociology, 18: 250-251, 1990.
Ethics and Values in Applied Social Research, by Allan J. Kimmel, Teaching Sociology,
17: 501-502, 1989.
A Fallen Angel, by Florence V. Ridlon, Contemporary Sociology, 18: 593-594, 1989.
The Alcoholic's Mind, by Arnold M. Ludwig, Contemporary Sociology, 18: 429-430.
Heavy Drinking: The Myth of Alcoholism as a Disease, by Herbert Fingarette,
Contemporary Sociology, 18: 429-430, 1989.
Cocaine: A Drug and Its Social Evolution, by Lester Grinspoon and James Bakalar,
Contemporary Sociology, 8: 600, 1979.
“The Trajectory of Alcohol Research: An Analysis of Publications from the Journal of
Studies on Alcohol, 1940-1999,” 33rd Annual Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium of the
Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol, Budapest,
Hungary, June 2007.
“Collaboration Networks in the Early US Alcoholism Movement,” 32nd Annual Alcohol
Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological
Research on Alcohol, Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 2006
“Integrating Research with Civic Engagement and Service Learning,” paper presented at
the Annual Meeting of the American Democracy Project, Portland, OR, June, 2005
“Entrepreneurs and Organizations in the Early US Alcoholism Movement (1930 through
1950),” presented at the 30th Annual Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil
Brunn Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol, May 31 – June 4,
“Homelessness In Appalachian Kentucky,” Annual Meeting of the Appalachian Studies
Association. Unicoi, GA, 2002, (with Parkansky).
“The electronic region: New ways to read place and space,” (The Atlas of Appalachia),
Annual meeting of the Great Lakes American Studies Association. Athens, OH, 2002
(with Parkansky and Mitchelson).
“Demographic issues in central Appalachia,” Annual meeting of the Appalachian
Housing Summit. Mountain Lake, VA. 2002.
“Demographic and descriptive aspects of homelessness in Appalachian Kentucky,”
Annual meeting of the Appalachian Housing Summit. Mountain Lake, VA, 2002 (with
Parkansky and Bylund).
“The influence of David Pittman on the current generation of alcohol researchers,”
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Chicago, IL, 2002.
“Exploring the politics of intergovernmental grants,” Fall meeting of the Grants Resource
Center, Washington, DC. 2002 (with Hail).
"Domestic Violence and Homelessness: Preliminary Findings From the 2001 Kentucky
Homeless Survey," Colloquium on Academic Research Addressing Violence Against
Women (The Missing Piece 3rd Annual Ending Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
Conference), Lexington, KY, December 2001, (with Bylund and Parkansky).
"2001 Kentucky Homeless Survey," Governor's Housing Conference, Louisville, KY,
November 2001, (with Bylund and Parkansky).
"The Kentucky 2001 Homeless Survey: An Eight-Year Follow-up," Society for the
Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, August 2001, (with Bylund,
Romero, Hall and Parkansky).
"Applying Community-Integrated Geographic Information Systems in Appalachia: A
Case Study," Appalachian Studies Association Annual Meeting, Snowshoe, WV, March
"The Center for Virtual Appalachia, " Appalachian Studies Association Annual Meeting,
Snowshoe, WV, March 2001 (with Wymer).
"21st Century Panel: What Are We Doing? How Are We Doing It? Where Do We Go
From Here? Evaluating and Strategizing the Impact of Appalachian Centers and
Institutes," Appalachian Studies Association Annual Meeting, Snowshoe, WV, March
"The Center for Virtual Appalachia: CVA, Tourism, And Economic Development, Out
Towns, Our Treasures," Rural Tourism Conference, Carter Caves State Park, Olive Hill,
KY, October 2000, (with Wymer).
"Infrastructural Investments in Appalachian Kentucky: Water and Development," 23rd
Annual Applied Geography Conference, Tampa, FL, October 2000, (with Mitchelson and
"Local Government Participation in Selected Community and Economic Development
Assistance Programs in Appalachian Kentucky," Kentucky Appalachian Commission
Meeting, May 2000, (with Cooper, Castle, Ford, Calhoun, and Creahan).
"Selected Characteristics of Appalachian Kentucky Counties Impacting Educational
Enrollment and Outcomes," Thirteenth Annual East Kentucky Leadership Conference,
Southeast Community College, April 2000, (with Calhoun).
" The Atlas of Appalachia," The Appalachian Studies Association Annual Meeting,
Knoxville, TN, March 2000, (with Mitchelson, Parkansky, and Wymer).
"Assessment of Water System Issues in Appalachian Kentucky," Kentucky Appalachian
Commission, September 1999 (with Calhoun, Mann, and Mitchelson).
"Frames, Entrepreneurs and Interests in Alcohol-related Social Movements: 1935-50"
(with Ed Reeves), paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the North Central
Sociological Association, April 1996.
Presider and Discussant of "HIV Risk Among Drug Users," a session of the Drinking and
Drugs Division at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems.
August 1996.
Organizer and Presider of "Alcohol and Drug Arenas: Conceptual and Theoretical
Issues," a session of the Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association,
April 1995.
"Alcohol-related (?) Social Movements," (with Ed Reeves). paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 1995.
"Successes and Failures in Prison Drug Programs: Quantitative and Qualitative
Assessments," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of
Social Problems, August 1994.
"Evaluating Substance Abuse Programs in Correctional Settings: Issues and Dilemmas
(with K. Kilty and B. Johnson)" paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the North
Central Sociological Association, April 1994.
Moderator and Presider of "Drug Use Lifestyles: Images and Realities, " a session of the
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study and Prevention of Social Problems, August
"Evaluating Drug Treatment Programs in Prisons: Implications and Suggestions for
Future Researchers (with K. Kilty and B. Johnson)," paper presented at the Academy of
Criminal Justice Sciences, March 1993.
"This Program's for You: Marketing Strategies and Claims making in ACOA and Codependency Brochures," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the
Study of Social Problems, August 1992.
"The Rise and Development of the Adult Children of Alcoholics Movement: Merging
Three Theoretical Perspectives (with Ed Reeves)," paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 1991.
Discussant of "Culture and Patterns of Drug Use," a session at the Annual Meeting of the
Society for the Study of Social Problems, August, 1990.
Panel participant, "Understanding Drug Use: Contributions from Qualitative Sociology,"
Midwest Sociological Society, April 1990.
"The Adult Children of Alcoholics Movement: A Social Constructionist Perspective,"
paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association,
March 1990.
"The Adult Children of Alcoholics Movement: A Critical Review," paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 1988.
Panel Participant, "Society, Culture and Drinking Patterns Revisited, "Society for the
Study of Social Problems, August 1988.
"Symbol Work: Hero and Villain as Negotiated Constructs," (with Ed Reeves), paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association, April
"Alcoholics Anonymous and Alcohology: Lessons from Different Worlds,: invited paper,
presented at Evaluating Treatment Outcomes, National Conference sponsored by the
University of California, San Diego, February 1988.
"Saints, Sinners, Heroes & Villains: Social Differentiation and Boundary Work: (with Ed
Reeves) paper presented a the Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological
Association, April 1987.
Discussant of "Convicts, Captors and Keepers" a session of the Annual Meeting of the
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, November 1986.
Discussant of "Drugs and Crime; A Curious Convergence?" a session of the Annual
Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 1986.
"Is Alcoholics Anonymous a Religion? Beyond Functional and Substantive Definitions
of Religion" (with Arthur Greil) paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for
the Scientific Study of Religion, October 1985.
Discussant of "Non-users, Users, and Abusers: A Cultural Approach," a session of the
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 1985.
Discussant of "Users of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs," a session of the Annual
Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 1984.
"HUD Comes to Appalachia" (with Robert Bylund and Alban L. Wheeler) paper
presented at the Conference on Appalachian Children and Families, June 1984.
Discussant of "Alcohol and Drugs: Problems, Prevention and Evaluation Research," a
session of the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems,
September 1983.
"Social Change in Appalachia: Prohibition Repeal in a Small Town," paper presented at
the Conference on Appalachian Children and Families, June 1983.
"Commitment and Identity Transformation" (with Arthur Greil) paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, September 1982.
"What Do We Know About the Conversion Process?" (with Arthur Greil) paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion,
October 1981.
"Therapeutic Drug Communities as Social Cocoons: Commitment and Identity Change,"
(with Arthur Greil) paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of
Social Problems, August 1981.
"Sociological Cocoons: Organizations for the Transformation of Identity," (with Arthur
Greil) paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of
Religion, November 1980.
"Taking the Pledge: Mechanisms of Commitment in A. A." (with Arthur Greil), paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August
"Becoming Sober: The Process of Affiliation with A. A." (with Arthur Greil), paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, March 1980.
"Conversion to the Perspective of Alcoholics Anonymous," (with Arthur Greil), paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion,
October 1979.
"The Political Reality of Alcoholism: Social Problems Definitions and Sociological
Definitions," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of
Social Problems, August 1979.
"Loss, Not Need: The Ethics of Relief Giving in Natural Disasters," (with Tom Leitko
and Steve Peterson), paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study
of Social Problems, August 1979.
"A Typology of Alcoholic Careers," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for
the Study of Social Problems, August 1979.
Discussant of "The Social Definitions and Management of Deviance," a session of the
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, September 1977.
"Slipping and Sobriety: The Functions of Drinking in Alcoholics Anonymous," presented
at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 1976.
"Becoming Alcoholic: Personal and Ideological Explanations of Alcoholics Anonymous
Members," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social
Problems, August 1975.
"Informal Aspects of Organizational Life: An Ethnography of Alcoholics Anonymous,"
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Social Science Association, May 1976.
"The Construction of Alcoholism: Conceptual Inadequacies of Jellinek's Phase Model of
Alcoholism," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social
Problems, August 1974.
"Walking the Tightrope: An Ethnography of Slipping in Alcoholics Anonymous,"
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Association, April 1974.
"Status Inconsistency and Individual Unrest: A Formalization, Replication, and Extension
of Geschwender's Theory of Status Inconsistency," presented at the New York State
Sociological Association Meeting, October 1973.
Chair, Learning Leadership Community Advisory Committee
Chair, Morehead State Economic Impact Analysis
2004 -
Chair, Task Force on Economic Development
2003 -
Kentucky Homeland Security University Consortium
Kentucky Appalachian Commission
Appalachian Studies Program Directors
Steering Committee, NCAA Certification
Chair, Academic Standards Subcommittee, NCAA Certification
Kentucky Corrections Commission
Kentucky Corrections Cabinet Research Consortium
Chair, Council of Chairs
Chair, Faculty Performance Based Pay Committee
Faculty Adviser, Newman College Students
Chair, Academic Integrity Subcommittee of NCAA Self-study
Steering Committee, NCAA Self Study
Chair, Chair's Performance Based Pay Committee
Co-chair, Task Force on Academic Programs
Task Force on Performance Based Pay
Committee on Misconduct in Science
Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Evaluation Plan
Search Committee Dean of Professional Studies,
Minority Affairs Committee
Teacher Education Committee
Library Committee
Honors Committee
Academic Computer Users Advisory Committee
University Planning Advisory Committee
American Sociological Association
Society for the Study of Social Problems
Drug Policy Foundation
Appalachian Studies Association
Treasurer, Society for the Study of Social Problems (2006Board of Directors, Society for the Study of Social Problems (1998-2001 and 2006- )
Chair(2006) , Budget and Audit Committee, Society for the Study of Social Problems
(Member 2003- )
Minority Scholarship Committee, Society for the Study of Social Problems (2000-2001)
Reader/Reviewer for the following:
American Sociological Review
Contemporary Sociology
Deviant Behavior
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography
Journal of Studies on Alcohol
Social Problems
Sociological Analysis
Sociological Quarterly
Ephraim H. Mizruchi
Professor of Sociology (emeritus)
Syracuse University
109 Harrington Rd.
Syracuse, NY 13224
Michael Seelig
Dean, Caudill College of Humanities
Rader Hall 212
Morehead State University
Morehead, KY 40351
William Hall
Dean, College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Alfred University
Alfred, NY 14802
Richard Switzer
Associate Provost
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio 43022
Lonnie Lawson
President & CEO,
Center for Rural Development
Somerset, KY
Edward Reeves
Professor of Sociology
Center for Educational Research
and Leadership
Morehead State University
Morehead, KY 40351
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